Feral cat concerns in Northampton Borough, Page 6
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OCTOBER 8-14, 2020
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Volunteers remove Looking by Edelman Schoolhouse Ed Pany Back Roof to make way For new slate roof The Walking Purchase Chapter 3 of 3
Pictured above: Randy and Josh Silfies, Eugene Mackes, Gerald and Charmaine Bartholomew, Janet Kline, Art Edelman, Greg Check, Bob Fedio, Terry and Donna Frack, Darlene Garin, Joshua Silfies. Missing from photo – Scott Gable
Submitted by DICK GABLE The Moore Township Historical Commission has been busy with the restoration of the Edelman One Room Schoolhouse on Longley Drive. We have received our new sashes and have had the windows installed. The sashes have been painted and are ready for the frames to be made and installed. We made a decision in September to install a new roof
on the school which would have replaced the over 100 year old slates with asphalt shingles due to the cost of a new slate roof. We had a fantastic call in mid- September from a local slate roof consultant by the name of Chad Brandon. We met with him and to our amazement he agreed to generously install a new slate roof Continued on page 2
In this concluding column we look back at the impact the Walking Purchase had on Colonial Pennsylvania. The new boundaries set by the walk were very beneficial to John and Thomas Penn but a disaster for the Lenni Lenape tribe. The Lenape were furious and did not want to move from their villages and hunting grounds. They would rapidly be surrounded by new settlers who wanted to farm the land. Their pent up frustration exploded with the advent of the French and Indian War, a conflict between the English and French for control of Colonial America. Both countries attempted to enlist the tribes as allies and their struggle with the promise of restoring to them the land lost by the Walking Purchase. All through the summer and early fall of 1755 there were increasing indications of Indian dissatisfaction. On the evening of Nov. 24, 1755, hostilities flared up. An Indian attack took place where it was least expected, the Moravian Settlement at Gnaden-Huetten (Tents of Grace) near the present site of Weissport. The settlement was settled by both Moravians and Indians who were converted to the Moravian faith. Eleven people were killed in the attack. The attack shocked and alarmed the early settlers. Settlers from throughout the area fled to Bethlehem for safety. Residents of the Craig-Irish settlement, which is present day Weaversville, also left their homes for safety.
Militia units filled with volunteers were organized to protect the settlers. The man in charge of the colonial militia was Benjamin Franklin. He came to the area and rallied the residents to organize local militia units and construct a system of fronts to protect the frightened residents. Two attacks occurred in present day Allen Township. One was the attack on the home of John Stemton. There Stemton and a number of militia men were killed. His wife and two children were able to escape. Another was the death of Jane Horner who was tomahawked while going to a neighbor to borrow fire as her home fire had gone out during the night. Her memory has been preserved at the Jane Horner Cemetery in East Allen Township. Two Irish settlement settlers Captain John Hays and Captain Craig led a regiment of men from the Irish settlement patrolling the woods to protect their neighbors from attack. Two forts familiar to some of our local residents were Fort Ralston, built in 1757 on the farm of James Ralston. Another was the Wilson Block House which is the present symbol of the borough of Northampton. By 1758 the power of England ended the French challenge in North America. The French and Indian War was over. On the horizon was another struggle which would face Colonial America, the Revolutionary War! See you in two weeks when we visit the greatest show on earth.
Bath council Pauses rental Ordinance Page 5
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Bath Bowling Scores, Page 9
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OCTOBER 1-7, 2020
Beautification project of Creek Road begins
nt Week Inaugural Bath Restaura dishes, Filled with delicious and One-of-a-kind specials, options Plenty of safe dining
cakes, the homemade crab a future pur- bits, of course, the cheesesteaks. $10 gift card toward and, and also new apple cider By KERI LINDENMUTH ever, Bath’s chase. Favorite Dishes: Among the There’s spice slushies. For the first time Fan dishes is pumpkin tables are delicious resunique, diverse, and entire week most loved and popular StromSafety Measures: Pub and indoor tables taurants will get an their menus, Manny’s Special Sicilian. also go- located outside apart. and cheesesteaks are restau- are spaced at least 6-feet and dedicated to them, and chefs boli options for the sanitizer stations and the creative owners across to menu loyal diners. If you have There are forget very masks in case you also who are satisfying appetites Bath Res- rant’s is need to order extra Northampton County. October 4 a sweet tooth, you homemade yours! Online ordering run taurant Week will one of the restaurant’s ice cream, available at https://www.toast204-wOctober 10. or their soft serve tab.com/bath-exchangeto through businesses will be par- cakes Spring through Fall. Fourteen offered serve as an area designed restaurant main-st/v3#!/order. HESCH III may multiple needs, from the ticipating in the event, presented Safety Measures: The Restaurant submitted by FRANK 26 the fulfill Free mulch Bath Area Cham- continues to offer takeout only Sabz On Saturday, September De- storage of stone, fill, and an area by the Greater Restaurant Week Specials: You diners and staff safe. projects to any two entree orber of Commerce. Community and Economic something to keep at 610-837- hummus for of Bath for Borough waste can “[This] has been on for the can call in your order at https:// ders. With any two gyro plate velopment Committeethey hope where limbs and yard to proonline working will be free. Borough began what effort to be collected, in an effortBorough we have been we felt that more 8884 or order orders, the third one stage they’ll also be last year and www.myplacebath.com/. more resources for to be a multiple During this time, menu item: Creek Road vide Grill Road area than ever we should be doing & near Creek Bar area new a the The Wolf out beautify as our Red Lunch testing were plant- residents. this for our businesses, Restaurant Week Special: in the Borough. Trees Manti Dumplings. kebabs are the commu5 section of Bor11:30 a.m. until businesses need us, ed to help screen a in the future Continued on page Fan Favorites: The says Jes- specials from include $5 plain pizza, always a must! They include nity, to support local,” ough property that of Affiliated 3:30 p.m. gyros, and $5 chicken sica O’Donnell, EVP Lehigh $6 cheeseburger, also be offering chicken and beef/lamb vegetable, Chambers for the Greater quesadilla. They’ll a pick-two- veal, ground beef, Loving Your salmon keValley Chamber. will BOGO appetizers, off desserts. chicken, shrimp, and go with Participating restaurants Littles In The deal, and $1 If you can’t choose, of affordable entrees The wings babs. deal! For be offering a variety Fan Favorite Dishes: the mix-and-match and gift Lehigh Valley there’s also the Sabz a shout out from guests, dishes, take out specials, as safe-dining often getas their craft beer selec- meat lovers, Beef Korma. For vegcard deals, as well and well as Guide Qoboli the indulge in either options. Your Tips & Trips Parenting community tion. Beef ahead at gie lovers, “We hope that our Safety Measures: Call reserva- Bonjon Burani or the Vegan support our By Erin Ferguson members step up and all that they 484-281-3661 to make a Crumble. restaurant outdoor patio seatlocal businesses and Safety Measures: The during tion for their keep guests have to offer, especially adds ing. is working hard to so they’re challenging times,” employees safe, apple these restaurant The Bath Exchange $11 and mazes, apple picking, they O’Donnell. She hopes new faces Restaurant Week Special: of page 4 your scarf, corn Get your boots, grab beautiful launching, and pumpkins, mar- owners see plentyand know that meals that include a sandwich, Continued on roadside during the week and soda. You can have it all. In their it’s time to enjoy some 40 doing some- ket they offer apple cider, cider their friends, family, and neigh- french fries, shrimp tacos with crisp fall weather Valley. 79th Year, Issue No. choose from more. Have back. the much gorgontheir so and have around sauce, .com fun bors thing options to homemade Baja are all donuts, an apple? Now cheesesteak, www.homenewspa With so many Apples and pumpkinsyear and you ever launched zola buffalo chicken of from, we know picking cheesesteak. the rage this time you can visit is your chance! dinner, or or a bacon cheddar Nor Bath choose You can’t Seiple Farms, 5761 of pump- your breakfast, lunch, there are many farms to get your Fan Favorite Dishes: you ora challenge! full Boulevard, Bath, is their 30-acre dessert might be throughout our area go wrong with anything include Pizza gourds on dishes and Place kins popular fill. My But 9941 Make der! with pumpkins to Orchards, smoked salmon USPS 248-700 Grim’s Restaurant Week Special: is farm filled They also offer Inand receive a the homemade choose from. Schantz Road, Breinigsville, any $25 purchase looking for a on page 8 perfect for families fun. Hayrides, Continued day of festive fall
It’s Fall Y’All!
Hello Fa ll
The H
ome N
R 24-30
Final Thu
, 2020
rsdays are Bath Bor back in the ough
Your Local
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Looking by Back Ed Pany
The Wal king Chapter Purchase 2 of 3
CAROLSubmitted by BEAR-HE The merchants CKMAN p.m. Enjoy Street would the fresh, of Chestnut as all crisp fall the to “Septembelike to welcome air and welcome stores and restaurants r Stroll” you day, September you back Guy will and on 24 from Thurs- be surprises. Straubwith specials dogs for all. be grilling free open sporting Vargo will 6 to 8 hot with Galley be open signed and their newly will gifts new unique fragrances for
Today, we are at the of two Walking dedication cal markers Purchase s histori- Chairman sponsored in Allen Township, Historical of the Pennsylvan Historical by the Pennsylvan Preston Commission ia and Rev. A. Laury Northamp Commission ia ton County and the dent of the Northamp D.D., Presical and Genealogic Histori- ty Historical ton Coundedication al Society. and Genealogic Society. took The The 19-20, al 1925 at place on Sept. Great Spirit” invocation time. “To 2 p.m. standard Strong Wolf. was given by the The chairman Chief The deed was Col. for the program idersville wasfor the site in Henry W. Shoemake Kregiven
expanded the deby Alvin r, Continued shop space sion. Steckel holidays or any and Bath Coun F. on page House Antiquesocca- Nort have 10 5 hampton cil plans the store percent off everythingwill Budget: Bed & and Daniel’s Suite in 2021 Coun road Breakfast at the To ban viewing. will be telecomm cil votes And park s, public work hosting Caravan Cigars open for will be expanded“Thursday Therapy” During unications with Antiques outdoor space. Among Improvements s, loon public will By KERI S Seem top prior for your have “Pop The meetings By KERI During LINDENMUTH discount” Baland snacks. their September public During LINDENM ities and a
borough Blend will wine with an their meeting UTH tember improved 17 Borough meeting, meeting, 16, through art exhibit for yoube open non-emergCouncil Northampton volved?” asked painting not cil discussedBath Boroughon SepMeanwhile on crosswalks McHale. be invoted to He music. and will also to walk tions ency telecommu the upcomingCoun- Carol , Councilwo budget ban up said the issue Have . have and man new Mattie’s a glimpse into live issue during public meetings.nica- are to the borough’s should be left funds shouldpriority projects 2021 would Bear-Heckman Strudel the man was broached be allocated that ments like to see any said she will be opening councilme The ber’sunhappy with a voters. If they Haus which after Robert attendance council memMcHale Councilagreement n and women to. All dents that are visible improve- October. Red the first week council’s so for resi- will be featuringWolf Bar in while September called into with their vote. , they can speak priority. that roads were were in are going.they know where He added on vacation. 3 meeting the top dinner & Grill funds specials for “[They] Other “We should communic that banning the event. and drink Grande ber one are the obvious ations be here included priorities council Also Villa physically and The teleissue,” said will be open public num- ment possible,” as much as pation of council limits particiBath Exchange Frank Hesch. cilman Thomas works listed symbolizes Councilma with said and members n Councilma park improvemequip- ning there will specials. All that Councilma Gehringer. Coun- have “What and evethe S. Chestnutbe walking a council they would rather n Barry n said he continued.if we all call Fenstermaents. lighting would Tony Kovalovksy said he would Street blocktours of [and] out?” he than involved, person be “vacant” “There ing of Broad like to see ker like cameras even if that resurfac- and at Ciff to see security of each architecture and high- done.” we are not is no quorum added he and Penn Streets. is over building. Cowling getting history Keystone would also things Continued on Tours Field and will be He equipment Park, playground Councilma page 5 like to guide. Tours given by a are free agreed, see Continued for Keystone n costumed adding Tony Pristash 79th Year, Park, start at S Seembegin at 6 p.m. on page and communicationsthat he finds tele- www.ho 3 Issue Please wear Antiques. distracting in the meetings a mask social distancing menews No. 39 and “Why . pa.com guidelines.observe councilmawould you not n [who who is interested is out of want a in being town], part of
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Suburban Trapshooting League scores Page 9
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