Town & Country Gazette June 20

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JUNE 20, 2019 ||



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(610) 767-4121

Wednesday, June 26 at 1 p.m.

Diabetes and your Teeth

At the Slatington Public Library 650 Main St. Presented by Edward J. Bechtel, R.Ph. Call the pharmacy at 610-767-4121 to reserve a space.

Amey’s Garage, Inc. 4228 Lehigh Dr., Cherryville, PA

Mon.-Thur. 8:30-5:30 | Friday 8:30-5 CLOSED SAT. & SUN.

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Warranty With Vehicle


2011 Volkswagen Jetta Auto, Leather $6995

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2008 Jeep Compass 4 cyl 5 speed FWD $4495

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2009 Scion TC 2 dr., Auto, 4 cyl. $4495

2012 Nissan Sentra 4 cyl. Auto 93K $5495

2008 Ford Ranger 4 cyl. 2WD, Auto $3,495

2006 Honda Civic 2dr, 5 speed $4695 || JUNE 20, 2019


Calling All Singers submitted by Anna Mary Milot

Community Calendar...................Pg. 8 Sudoko........................................Pg. 24 Word Search...............................Pg. 26 Church Directory........................Pg. 28 Coloring Page.............................Pg. 30 Pets..............................................Pg. 31 Classifieds...................................Pg. 44

Aaron 610-224-9210

307A S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088

Rehearsals for the July 4th Heritage Program at Slatington Baptist Church located at the corner of Main and 2nd Street will begin on Tuesday, June 18th.Continuing rehearsals will be held Thurs. 6/20, Tues. 6/25, Thurs. 6/27 and Tues. 7/2. Program is Thursday July 4th with warm up at 9:15am. Any questions, please contact Anna Mary Milot at 610-767-8337.

255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 P 610-767-9600 F 610-767-9612 ISSN 1942-2091 Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher Lacey Remaley - Publishing Assistant Tony Pisco - Art Director Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover. Business Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers.

JUNE 20, 2019 ||

4548 Lehigh Drive Walnutport 610-767-2249

Check website for times

Stop in & Join the Fun!

Open every night for your entertainment enjoyment 3

TOUCH OF DUTCH Submitted by Larry Gradwohl

Heemweh [Des iss es erscht Deel vum Gedicht, wu der Henry Harbaugh gschriwwe hot.] Ich weess net, was die Ursach iss— Weess net, warum ich's duh: En yedes Yaahr mach ich der Weg Der alde Heemet zu; Hab weider nix zu suche datt— Ken Aerbschaft un ken Geld; Un doch dreibt mich des Heemgefiehl So schtarr‘ck wie alle Welt; Noh schtaert ich ewwe ab un geh, Wie owwe schunn gemeldt. Wie neecher, as ich kumm zum Ziel, Wie schtarryer will ich geh, Fer ebbes in meim Hatz watt letz Un dutt mer greislich weh. Der letschde Hiwwel schpring ich nuff, Un eb ich drowwe bin, Schtreck ich mich nuff so hoch ich kann Un guck mit Luschde hin;

Ich sehn's alt Schteehaus dar‘ch die Beem, Un wott, ich waer schunn drin. Guck, wie der Kicheschannschtee schmookt— Wie oft hab ich sell gseh‘ Wann ich draus in de Felder waar, En Buw'le, yung un glee. O, sehnscht die Fenschderscheiwe datt? Sie gucke rot wie Blut; Hab oft kansiddert, doch net gwisst, As sell die Sunn so duht. Ya, manches weess en Kind noch net – Wann’s deet, waer’s aa net gut. Wie gleich ich selle Babblebeem, Sie schtehn wie Brieder daar; Un uffem Gibbel—gewiss ich leb! Hockt alleweil en Schtaar! Es Gibbel biegt sich – guck wie's gaunscht— Er hebt sich awwer fescht; Ich sehn sei rode Fliggel pleen, Wann aer sei Feddere wescht; Will wedde, as sei Fraale hot Uff sellem Baam en Nescht! O, es gedenkt mer noch gans gut, Wu selle werri Beem Net greesser as en Welschkannschack Gebrocht sin warre heem. Die Mammi waar ans Graendaeds gwest, Datt waare Beem wie die; Drei Wipplin hot sie mitgebrocht Un gsaagt, "Datt blanscht sie hie." Mer hen's geduh—un glaabscht du's nau— Datt selli Beem sin sie! Continued on page 6

Roosevelt Demo Club Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA


Hall Available for Your Special Occasion Seating for up to 150 Guests Have a Bowling Party Today!

Six Lanes Available Available for Members & Non-Members We also have catering and a private bar in the hall & bowling alley! Call 610-767-2664 to Schedule Your Event

4 || JUNE 20, 2019

You Are Not Alone anxiety fear anger stress depression Therapeutic Services for Adults, Children & Older Adults.

643 Main Street Slatington Pa 18080 610-224-9311 JUNE 20, 2019 ||

Nulton Diagnostic & treatment Center is a Licensed Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic with a skilled team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Social Workers and Therapists. Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center, PC. does not discriminate against staff, consumers, or family members based on age, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, economic status, or disability and observes all applicable state & federal statues and limitations.


Touch of Dutch Continued from page 4

Homesickness [This is the first part of the poem, that Henry Harbaugh wrote.]

Guck! Waerklich, ich bin schier am Haus!— Wie schnell geht doch die Zeit! Wann mer so in Gedanke geht, So weess mer net wie weit. Datt iss der Schopp, die Welschkanngribb, Die Seider-press datt draus; Datt iss die Scheier, un datt die Schpring— Frisch gwellt des Wasser raus; Un guck! Die seem alt Glaebbordfens, Un's Dierli vor em Haus.

I don’t know what the reason is – I don’t know why I do it: Every year I make my way To the old home[stead]; I have nothing more to look for there – No inheritance and no money; And yet this feeling of home drives me So strongly in the whole world. Then I simply start out and go Like already told above.

Alles iss schtill—sie wisse net, As ebber fremmes kummt. Ich denk, der alde Watsch iss dot, Schunnscht waer er rausgetschumbt; Fer aer hot als verschinnert gebrillt Wann aer hot's Dierli gheert; Es waar de Draewwlers greislich bang, Sie warre gans verzehrt: Ken Gfaahr—er hot paar mol gegauzt, Noh iss‘er umgekehrt.

The closer that I come to my objective, The faster I want to go, Because something in my heart goes amiss And causes me a dreadful ache. The last hill I run up, And before I am on the top I stretch myself up as high as I can And look there with anticipation. I see the old stone house through the trees, And wish that I would already be in it.

[Es iwwerich Deel watt im neegscht Ausgang vun der „Town and Country“ gedruckt warre.]

Look, how the kitchen chimney smokes – How often I have seen that,


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Look for us now on facebook || JUNE 20, 2019

When I was out in the fields, A young, small little boy. Oh, do you see the window panes there? They look as red as blood; Have often wondered, yet have not known That the sun did that. Yes, a child does not know many a thing yet – If he did, it would also not be good. How I like those tulip trees, They stand like brothers there; And on the top – as sure as I’m alive – A blackbird sits right now! That top [branch] bents – look how it sways – However, the bird holds fast; I plainly see the red on his wing When he washes his feathers; I would bet that his little mate has A nest in that tree! Oh, I still remember really well, When those very trees, No bigger than a corn shock, Were brought home. Mom had been at granddad’s, There were trees like these; She brought three saplings with her And said, “Plant them there.”

We did it – and do you believe it now – That those trees are them. Look! Really, I am almost at the house. – How quickly the time goes, When one is so deep in thought, He doesn’t know how far [he went]. There is the shop, the corn crib, The cider press out there; There is the barn, and there the spring – The water flows out freshly; And look! The same old picket fence, And the gate in front of the house. Continued on page 10

Walnutport Door Co., LLC

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A Universe of Stories Northampton Area Public Public Library Library Northampton Area

2019 Quest 2019 Summer Summer Quest

(Reading you can cando doatathome) home) (Reading&& Activities Activities you Age 2 through 5th Grade th

Age 2 through 5 Grade

EARN PRIZES EACH WEEK EARN PRIZES EACH WEEK Also Available Beginning Also Available Beginning June June 24th 24th

Baby Lapsit (3 to Baby Lapsit (312 tomo.) 12 mo.) Wonderful Ones Story and Play (12 to 24(12 mo.)to 24 mo.) Wonderful Ones Story andTime Play Time Storytime for Toddlers (Age 2) Storytime for Toddlers (Age 2) Creative Preschoolers Storytime (Age 3 – Entering K) Cruise intoPreschoolers Kindergarten (Children entering K) 3 – Entering K) Creative Storytime (Age Storyogainto (AgeKindergarten 3 – 6) Cruise (Children entering K) Family Storytime for Toddlers and Preschoolers nd Grade Storyoga (Age 3 – 6)Completed) Storycraft (K-2 Clubs at Storytime the Library (Grades 3 – 5 Completed) Family for Toddlers and Preschoolers Choose from Book, Lego, Art & Craft or Game Club Storycraft (K-2nd Grade Completed) Clubs at the Library (Grades 3 – 5 Completed) Other Summer Activities Choose from Book, Lego, Art & Craft or Game Club Zoo to You – Lehigh Valley Zoo

Ambassadors – June 20 – 6 p.m. Other Animal Summer Activities

And More!!

Zoo to You – Lehigh Valley Zoo – June 20 – 6 p.m.

Northampton Area Public Library Animal Ambassadors 1615 Laubach Ave., Northampton Andcall More!! Questions: Please 610-262-7537

Northampton Public Library Registration is openArea for Summer Quest, Classes, & Activities 1615 Laubach Ave., Northampton Questions: Please call 610-262-7537 Registration is open for Summer Quest, Classes, & Activities JUNE 20, 2019 ||


COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 23 • Christ’s Church at Lowhill, 4695 Lowhill Church Rd, New Tripoli, Community Outdoor Service and Father’s Day Picnic, 10:00am, music by DJ Jason, fun, food, fellowship, outdoor activities for the kids, bring towel and bathing suit for slip n slide fun, don’t forget the sunscreen, everyone welcome July 12 • 7 p.m. Gospel Concert by “Joyful Noise” (from Bowmanstown) at St. John’s UCC 15 South Second Street in Slatington. You’ll hear many styles of Gospel music from Southern Gospel to Bluegrass. A free-will offering will be taken. MONDAYS • Knitting Club, Palmerton Library (1st Monday), 6 to 8 p.m. • Knitting for Veterans, Bath Legion, 6 to 9 p.m. • TOPS, Dinkey Church, Ashfield, 5:30 p.m. 610-852-2976. • Al-Anon Family Group/ Growing in Hope, St. Peters Community Center, 177 Main Road, Lehighton 7 - 8 p.m. 570-657-6850 • St. John’s Lutheran Church of Mahoning is hosting “GriefShare,” a free weekly grief support group and seminar, on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. “GriefShare” features video from prominent Christian experts on grieving, and caring conversation with people who understand your thoughts and feelings, whether your loss is recent or long ago. To find out more, or to register, call St. John’s at 570-386-9960. • American Legion Post 16 meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Veterans needed for 8

color guard to help with Military Honor Funeral. Call 610-703-5166 FMI. TUESDAYS • ALATEEN support group for teens of family struggling w/ alcohol. Faith Alive Church, Palmerton/Bowmanstown, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adult Al-Anon and AA meetings, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 570-7308601. WEDNESDAYS • Alzheimer’s Support Group (1st and 3rd), St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jim Thorpe. 6:30 p.m. 610-392-2380. • Homework Helpers, Palmerton Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m. 610-8264962. • Nar-Anon Meetings, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Rd. Nazareth, 7:30 p.m. • Adult BS/JAM Club (K-5) and youth (6-12), 7 p.m. Faith Wesleyan Church, Route 309 Orefield 610-398-0172. • Carbon County Art League,meet the second Wednesday each month at 6:00 PM at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163 • The overdose support group will be held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. 6:00pm - 7:30pm at CarbonMonroe-Pike Drug & Alcohol. 428 South 7th St. Lehighton, PA. Contact Carolee @ 610-3775177. Free support for anyone impacted by an overdose. • TOPS, New Night, Zion U.C.C., Lehighton. 4:30 p.m. 610-8522136. THURSDAYS • Schnecksville Sr. Citizens Club, 12 p.m. at Schnecksville Grange 610-769-7570. • Polka, Laurel Fire Co. (3rd and

4th), 5 to 7 p.m. 610-262-2077. • Rotary Club of Slatington meeting, Woodstone Country Club, 6:15 p.m. 484-951-2468. • Al-Anon Family Group, St. John’s U.C.C. in Palmerton, 7 to 8 p.m. 570-861-4928. • American Legion Aux. of Slatington at Legion (1st), 7 p.m. FMI 610-760-1642. • PA German Friends meeting (3rd), St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Allentown, 7 p.m. 610-767-7140. • Walnutport Senior Citizens meet 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. at St. Johns U.C.C. Church Slatington. FRIDAYS • Preschool Story Hour, Palmerton Library, 10:30 a.m. • Mom, Pop, and Tot class, 10 to 11 a.m. Northampton Rec. Center. Toddler based activities/group activities. 610-502-2990 or reccenter@ SATURDAYS • Cancer Connections Group Meeting, Bethany Wesleyan Church (3rd Sat.), 10 a.m. • Forgotten Felines Cat and Kitten Adoptions, noon to 4 p.m. 6022 Mountain Rd., Germansville. 610-760-9009. • SHEPHERDSCHAPEL.COM students have Saturday evening Bible study on a teleconference line with focus on current events in prophecy. Call 610-759-0293. SUNDAYS • Learning Experience & Discipleship classes, Bethany Wesleyan, 9 and 10:45 a.m. • Second Sunday of every month United States Submarine Veterans Lehigh Valley Base monthly meeting, at St Stephen’s Church at 510 Union St, Allentown. || JUNE 20, 2019

JUNE 20, 2019 ||


Touch of Dutch Continued from page 7

Everything is quiet – they do not know, That a stranger is coming. I think, the old watchdog is dead, Else he would have jumped out; Because he always barked like the devil When he heard the gate; The travelers were terribly afraid, They would be entirely consumed. No danger – he barked a few times, Then he turned back. [The remaining part will be printed the next issue of “Town and Country”.] [Henry Harbaugh, “The Father of Pennsylvania German Literature” was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, on 28 October 1817, the 10th of 12 children of George and Anna (Snyder) Harbaugh. At the age of 19, he left home, and ventured to Ohio. During the next few years he worked as a carpenter, organized singing classes, attended New Hagerstown Academy, taught school, and wrote poems. He entered the Seminary of the Reformed

Get Hooked Lorah’s Truck & Tractor Pulls 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport PA 18088

Church at Mercersburg in 1840 and after completing his studies in 1843, he served Reformed churches in Lewisburg (6 years), Lancaster (10 years) and Lebanon (3 years). In 1863 he returned to Mercersburg to teach theology at the Seminary, where he remained until his death on 28 December 1867. Throughout the years, Harbaugh wrote not only a considerable number of books on theology and biography, but also articles for encyclopedias and innumerable lectures, as well as poems and church hymns in English. But for us, his greatest contribution was his poems in the PG dialect published in the Guardian, a Reformed Church monthly magazine he founded in 1850 and edited until his death. The first poem, “Das alt Schulhaus an der Krick,” appeared in the Guardian for August 1861. Sad to say, Harbaugh wrote this first poem with an inordinate number of English loan words, especially in light of the fact that he himself was fluent in the dialect. But it quickly became the best-loved and most reproduced dialect poem, particularly in the form in which it appeared in Harbaugh's Harfe, a volume of fifteen of Harbaugh's poems published after his death. (The editors of Harfe substituted Dutch words for many of the English ones.) Harbaugh's subsequent poems in the Guardian (Heemweh was among them.) were, comparatively speaking, free of English loan words.] Summer fun for the whole family! Hiking, events, workshops, and more at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. Trails open every day dawn to dusk. Trail fee applies. 1700 Hawk Mountain Rd, Kempton PA 610-756-6961 Leaders in global raptor conservation science and education.

All pulls start approximately 6 p.m.

Truck Pull | Friday, June 21 Tractor Pull | Saturday, June 22

Truck Drag | Friday, June 28 Great food and family fun!!! FMI call 610-767-3515 or www. 10 || JUNE 20, 2019

JUNE 20, 2019 ||


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY James Case - 41 on June 27 Mirabel Cruz - 2 on June 27 Stephen Hutnick, Sr. - 50 on June 28 Jeff Moyer - 53 on June 28 Floyd Schlegel - 91 on June 28 Paige Stitzel - 20 on June 29 Alastair Alvarez - 5 on June 29 Michael Waterhouse - 74 on July 7 Barry Yanders - 70 on July 8 Lauren Cruz - 20 on July 9 Alexander Serfass - 7 on July 9

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JUNE 20, 2019 ||


Indianland Garden Club submitted by Lynn LaBarre

The club met on Tuesday, June 11th at Hope Lutheran Church to create English Ivy Topiary Designs. Member Regina Metzger showed everyone how easy it is to grow a topiary. She suggested keeping the ivy in a bathroom because it likes

humidity or near the kitchen sink. Ann Zaragella, who is an avid Day Lily gardener informed everyone that there are 85,000 registered species and she has 1,200 in her local backyard. Her colorful garden will be on tour in July-for more information on dates and times, please contact Doris at 610-657-0864. The next meeting will be the annual picnic held at the church on Tuesday, July 16th at 6:00 PM. Arrangements will include Summer Sunset bouquets, Stars & Stripes and Chasing Rainbows (Hogarth Design). New members are encouraged to stop by-its fun to learn while growing beautiful plants, vegetables and flowers. The August 13th meeting will feature a program entitled "Native Bees of Pennsylvania" from Bonnie Pancoast. The program will begin at 7:00 PM in August.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Albert Falat - 76 on June 5

Route 329 & Savage Rd., Northampton Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and All Major Holidays Tel. #: 610-262-4566



484-725-3296 • Anthony Kutzler Check us out on Facebook: 3 Daughters Construction LLC Fully Insured and Licensed || JUNE 20, 2019

Locktender’s House Tours The Locktender’s House and Heritage Center Museum at the Walnutport Canal will be open for guided tours on Sunday, June 23 from 1:00 – 4:00. Visit the locktender’s house to learn the history of the house and the Frank Kelchner family. The house has been restored and is furnished with items from the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Heritage Center Museum is located along the towpath next to the pavilion. Featured in the museum is a wall size mural of the Walnutport Railroad Station, a canal boat rudder, a canal boat bilge pump, and numerous

other displays relating to the canal, railroad, and local businesses. The buildings will also be open July 21, August 18, September 22 and during the Canal Festival on October 20. Tours for individuals and groups at other times can be scheduled by calling 610-767-5817


Betty Stolz - 87 on June 7 Gavin Kemery - 22 on June 10

790 57 Drive, Palmerton 610-381-3381 or 800-635-0152 Wooded and Open Sites, Planned Activities on Weekends, Bands & DJ’s, Snack Bar, Playground, Large Rec Hall, Full Hookups, Propane


Richard B. Ryon Insurance 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, P.O. BOX R, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager


“Our Tradition is Protecting You” BUSINESS

JUNE 20, 2019 ||


Moose International Awards Local Senior for their Heart of the Community Scholarship submitted by Debra Kresge

Since 1986, The Moose Fraternity headquartered in Mooseheart, IL has awarded $1,000 and $5,000 scholarships to deserving students, recognizing their academic efforts and extracurricular efforts as well as honoring the lodges to which these students are affiliated. Representing the Slatington Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #1375 and Women of the Moose Chapter #379, Devin Rivera, a senior attending Palmerton High School applied for the 2019 Heart of the Community scholarship through his affiliation of his family as members of the Lodge and Chapter. He was chosen amongst many applicants to receive a $5,000 scholarship based on his involvement in different school activities and cumulative grade point average. He also was accredited as a volunteer at the Lodge’s monthly breakfasts and other fundraising activities. Devin was awarded this scholarship during the Palmerton High School’s award ceremony, Wednesday, May 29th presented by the Moose Lodge #1375 Governor, Lorne Kresge. We wish all the best to Devin in his future endeavors while attending Slippery Rock University.

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Slatington Library News submitted by Louise Bechtel

The Wonderful World of Wildlife Reading program for ages 4 through 5th grade will begin on Wednesday, June 26 at 10:00 am. It will run for seven weeks, ending on August 7th. The library’s reading incentive program will begin on June 17th, following the last day of school. Any child (preschool through 12th grade) who reads/or is read 10 books may select a Disney beany baby. Each completed form will then be entered in a drawing to be held at the end of the summer, the prize yet to be determined. The library is beginning its annual giving campaign. Please watch for our mailing and be as generous as you can. Any amount is greatly appreciated. The library is having a “Frame Fundraiser”, we are raffling off a picture frame with over $50.00 worth of lottery tickets in it. Tickets are $2.00 for one and $5.00 for three. The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, July 3rd. The library’s book club is currently reading,“Sing You Home” by Jodi Picoult. The club will meet on July 1st at the library, at 1:00pm. Copies are available at the library and new members are always welcome. The Library is looking for a board member from the Borough of Walnutport. Anyone interested please contact the library or a board member. The local genealogy group meets at the library on the second Saturday of each month at 11:00 am. For information look up “” Ed Bechtel, RPh presents “Diabetes and Your Teeth” on Wednesday, June 26th at 1:00pm. The Sweet Spot diabetes series is presented on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 1:00 and it is


Saturday, September 14th Doors open 4pm, Bingo Starts 7pm Tickets Available Now $50 & Must be Purchased in Advance 20 - Reg Games 5 - Special Games (Sold Separately)

Must be 21 years of age to attend. Silent Auction, Ripper Tickets. Kitchen and Bar Open (No Outside Food or Drinks Allowed) Gun Provided by N.J.T. Arms, Northampton, PA Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 For Tickets JUNE 20, 2019 ||

sponsored by Bechtel’s Pharmacy, Inc. There is a link on the library’s web site(www.slatingtonlibrary. org) to view past presentations. The library takes donations of books. We do not take encyclopedias, National Geographic’s magazines or Reader’s Digest condensed books. There is always a book sale going on. Library hours are Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; closed Thursday and Sunday. Contact us at 610 767-6461.

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Keep Kids Cool

10 Rules for Summer Safety By Sara DuMond, MD

Dust off your grill and grab your swimsuits, because the lazy days of summer are here! With the right tools and preparation, summertime can be a relaxing and safe time for you and your family. Here are 10 ways to avoid seasonal mishaps.

Sun Protection and Heat Exhaustion Protect Baby When in the Sun

First, avoid being in the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and stay in a shaded area as much as possible when outside. Dress baby in a hat, sunglasses, and clothing made with a tight weave. For babies 6 months and older, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 (SPF 30 and higher is even better) that offers both UVA and UVB protection. For babies younger than 6 months, if adequate shade isn't available, put sunscreen in small amounts on exposed surfaces of skin. Always apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside -- even on cloudy days -- and reapply it every two hours. Even waterproof sunscreen loses its effectiveness after about 80 minutes of swimming. How to Treat: If your child does get a sunburn, the best remedies are cold compresses, over-thecounter pain relievers, and aloe preparations. Charles J Breidinger Broker Benjamin Real Estate 2254 Skyline Dr. Slatington, PA 18080 Office 610-767-1293 Cell 484-951-2468 Fax 610-767-9488 Text: bhhscjb to: 87778

As temperatures rise, heat exhaustion becomes a concern. Symptoms include fatigue, extreme thirst, and muscle cramping. If a person doesn't cool down and rehydrate herself, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke (signs are headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and lack of sweat), which is potentially fatal. How to Treat: If you notice heat illnesses in kids, spray them with cold water from a bottle or hose, fan them, and get them into the shade. Ice packs to the groin and armpits can speed up the cooling process even more. If you suspect heatstroke, call 911. Special Concerns: Infants are vulnerable to heatrelated illness, so keep them in air-conditioned areas when possible. And never leave kids in unattended cars, even with the windows cracked.

Use Caution When in Water

Sadly, drowning is among the leading causes of accidental death in children. The American Academy of Pediatrics says parents should not enroll children under age 4 in formal swimming lessons that teach water survival skills. If you want them to play in water, supervise them within arm's reach, even in shallow water. Special Concerns: When choosing a flotation device, go for a child-size life vest. Little arms are less likely to slip out than they are with water wings. And when compared with using a swim ring, there's less chance of tipping over. Also, take a CPR course (find your local American Red Cross chapterat so you'll be prepared in case of a near-drowning incident.

Burns and Poisonous Plants Guard Against Burns

A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC.

About half of all accidental burns that occur each year happen to kids under age 4. That's why you shouldn't leave a small child unattended around hot appliances, such as a grill or a stove, and why you should keep kids at a distance while you're cooking. Also keep sparklers away from children.

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How to Treat: First-degree burns are painful and red but don't blister. To care for these minor burns, hold the area under running cool tap water for about five to 10 minutes. There's no need to use topical creams or ointments, and don't apply ice, as this can lead to frostbite and delay healing. Place a loose, sterile dressing over the site, and keep it clean with soap and water as it heals. Special Concerns: Second-degree burns are deeper and typically blister (don't pop the bubbles). Contact your child's doctor if you suspect this. Third-degree burns are even more serious and appear white, waxy, or black. Often, they are so deep that the area feels numb. These burns require immediate medical attention.

Avoid Poisonous Plants

To further help you sidestep these summer spoilers, here's information on recognizing these plants: Poison ivy grows as a vine or shrub in the grass or on trees. Poison oak grows only as a shrub, usually in the western United States. Poison sumac is a tall shrub or small tree found in wooded areas of eastern states. The good news: the rashes (caused by oils from these plants) aren't contagious. Once the skin has been washed and clothing is removed, the rashes can't spread. Continued on page 20

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Summer Safety Continued from page 19

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• Poison Ivy -- Look for three pointed, notched leaves per stem. • Poison Sumac -- Six to 12 leaves grow in pairs with a single leaf topping stems. • Poison Oak -- Looks like poison ivy, but tips of leaves are rounded. How to Treat: If your child's skin comes in contact with one of these plants, you have a window of about 10 minutes to wash away the rash-causing oil. If you don't catch it in time, a rash may develop within 12 hours. Use topical hydrocortisone cream and an oral antihistamine to calm the itch. Special Concerns: If the rash involves the eyes or if it covers a large portion of her body, contact your pediatrician. Oral steroids may be recommended for severe cases.

Beware of Bee Stings

Bees are attracted to flowers, so don't put fragrances or floral-patterned clothing on kids. Likewise, don't leave out open containers of food and drink, and if your kid's clothes get stained, change them. Should a bee land on or next to your child, remain calm and gently blow it away. How to Treat: If your child gets stung, brush the stinger away with the edge of a credit card. Next, apply a salve of one part meat tenderizer to four parts water and leave it on the area for about 30 minutes to neutralize the venom. Then apply cold compresses and topical hydrocortisone cream, and give an oral antihistamine to reduce swelling. You could also apply a paste of baking soda and water. Special Concerns: Bee stings often look worse the next day -- skin reactions are normal and may last up to a week. But some people have severe allergic reactions to bee stings that include all-over hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness or fainting, and swelling of the lips and tongue. These can be life-threatening reactions that require immediate medical help. If your child has this allergy, his doctor

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will prescribe an injectable form of epinephrine, a lifesaving medicine.

Bug Bites, Swimmer's Ear, and Food Poisoning Bypass Bug Bites

When outside, cover children with lightweight clothing and use mosquito netting over strollers and infant seats. Ticks are also a concern, so check your child's body for them at the end of each day spent outside. When choosing bug repellents this summer, know that the most effective products contain DEET because it's proven to repel both mosquitoes and ticks. Products with a DEET concentration of less than 30 percent are safe for kids, but not for babies under 2 months old. Apply the repellent once a day and don't use combination sunscreen/bug repellent products. All-natural repellents, such as lemon eucalyptus and citronella, aren't proven to protect against ticks, nor should they be used in children younger than 3 years. It's safe to apply them on older kids. How to Treat: Topical antihistamine preparations can help relieve the itch of mosquito bites. If you find a tick on your kid, use tweezers to pull it off by its head. Ticks have to be embedded in the skin for Continued on page 22

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Summer Safety Continued from page 21

about 24 hours to transmit germs. If you suspect a tick has been on your child for this long, contact your pediatrician.

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Avert Swimmer's Ear

It's an infection of the outer ear canal, and pain is the earliest symptom. As it progresses, you might see drainage from your child's ear and extreme tenderness when her earlobe or the outer part of the ear is tugged. Because swimmer's ear is caused by germs that invade the ear canal due to excess moisture, dry the outside part of the ears after water play. How to Treat: Apply prescribed antibiotic drops and curb pool time.

Steer Clear of Food Poisoning

If you're outside at a picnic and can't wash your hands (or your kids' hands), use an antibacterial hand gel. Clean all raw fruits and vegetables, and keep raw meats separate from cooked foods. Wash food-preparation surfaces and utensils well, and cook all food thoroughly. If you're marinating food, make sure it's in the refrigerator or a cooler. The FDA recommends keeping cold food at a temperature of less than 40 F. Make sure to refrigerate all uneaten food, not just foods containing mayonnaise, after one hour if the outdoor temperature is above 90 F., or after two hours any other time. How to Treat: Signs of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Usually there's blood in the stool, as well as a fever. If you suspect that your child has it, contact his doctor. Treatment involves fluids, rest, and a bland diet, but the illness may require medical attention.

First-Aid Kit Essentials

What better time to stock a first-aid kit than at the start of the summer season, when many || JUNE 20, 2019

accidents occur. While you can't prevent all accidents, you can be prepared. Here is a list of helpful things to include: • Band-Aids • Soap • Antibacterial gel or foam • Triple-antibiotic ointment • Hydrocortisone cream • Sterile gauze pads • Adhesive tape • Tweezers • Washcloths • Cold packs • Infant and children's Motrin or Tylenol • Oral antihistamine • Rubbing alcohol • Digital thermometer

JUNE 20, 2019 ||

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Hot Weather Safety Tips Source:

We all love spending the long, sunny days of summer outdoors with our furry companions, but being overeager in hot weather can spell danger. To prevent your pet from overheating, take these simple precautions provided by ASPCA experts: • Visit the vet for a spring or early-summer checkup. Make sure your pets get tested for heartworm if they aren’t on year-round preventative medication. • Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it’s hot or humid outdoors. Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful not to over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it’s extremely hot. • Know the symptoms of overheating in pets, which include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. Symptoms can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees.

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• Animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. These pets, along with the elderly, the overweight, and those with heart or lung diseases, should be kept cool in airconditioned rooms as much as possible. • Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. Not only can it lead to fatal heat stroke, it is illegal in several states! • Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool— not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats. Rinse your dog off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from his fur, and try to keep your dog from drinking pool water, which contains chlorine and other chemicals. • Open unscreened windows pose a real danger to pets, who often fall out of them. Keep all unscreened windows or doors in your home closed, and make sure adjustable screens are tightly secured. • Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but never shave your dog: The layers of dogs’ coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. Brushing cats more often than usual can prevent Continued on page 27

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Hot Weather Tips Continued from page 25

problems caused by excessive heat. And be sure that any sunscreen or insect repellent product you use on your pets is labeled specifically for use on animals. • When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Being so close to the ground, your pooch’s body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn. Keep walks during these times to a minimum. • Commonly used rodenticides and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested, so keep them out of reach. Keep citronella candles, tiki torch products and insect coils of out pets’ reach as well. Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Centerat (888) 4264435 if you suspect your animal has ingested a poisonous substance. • Remember that food and drink commonly found at barbeques can be poisonous to pets. Keep alcoholic beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression and comas. Similarly, remember that the snacks enjoyed by your human friends should not be a treat for your pet; any change of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat

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severe digestive ailments. Avoid raisins, grapes, onions, chocolate and products with the sweetener xylitol. Please visit our People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets page for more information. • Please leave pets at home when you head out to Fourth of July celebrations, and never use fireworks around pets. Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns or trauma, and even unused fireworks can contain hazardous materials. Many pets are also fearful of loud noises and can become lost, scared or disoriented, so it’s best to keep your little guys safe from the noise in a quiet, sheltered and escape-proof area of your


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CHURCH DIRECTORY Please send your updates to askus@ or mail them to P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088. Please call the churches for directions or more information. Agape New Testament Fellowship Schnecksville, 610-767-2869 (N) W 10 a.m. Jr. Church 10:45 a.m. All Saints Episcopal Church Lehighton, 610-377-2675 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Assumption B.V.M. Catholic Church Slatington, 610-767-2214 W Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Ben Salem United Church of Christ Lehighton, 570-386-3870 W 8/10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Bethany Wesleyan Church Cherryville, 610-767-1239 (N) Sat. 5 p.m. Encounter. W Sun. 9 & 10:45 a.m. HA for all services and W & SS for Sunday mornings Bethany Wesleyan Church Lehighton, 610-767-1239 (N & SS children), (HA) W Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Bethel U.C.C. Slatington, 610-428-6329 or 610-760-0795 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Blue Mountain Community Church Palmerton, 610-826-8402 Sat. 5 pm. Sun. 9:00am & 10:30 am Chapman Quarries United Methodist Bath, 610-837-0935 (HA) W 11 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC New Tripoli, 484-358-0649 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Christ U.C.C., Little Moore Danielsville, 610-837-6051 W 9 a.m. Christ U.C.C. Walnutport, 610-767-1601 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA) Christ UCC Schoenersville 5050 Airport Rd


Allentown PA 18109 610-264-9325 W 10:15 a.m. (HA)

Grace United Church of Christ Northampton, 610-262-7186 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m.

Concordia Lutheran Church Northampton, 610-262-8500 W 9 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Heidelberg Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) June 9 Worship 11 a.m. June 16, 23 & 30 Worship 10:15 a.m. July 7 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 14 Worship 10:15 July 21 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 28 Worship 10:15

Covenant United Methodist Church Bath, 610-837-7517 HA W 8 & 10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Dinkey Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church Ashfield, 610-377-4242 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Dryland UCC Newburg, 610-759-4444 W 8 & 10.15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Ebenezer United Church of Christ New Tripoli, 610-298-8000 SS 10:15 (during church service); W 10:15 a.m. Ebenezer United Methodist Church Lehighton, 610-377-6900 W 9 a.m. Egypt Community Church Egypt, 610-262-4961 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Heidelberg U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) Rev. Karen Yonney June 9 Worship 8:30 a.m. June 16,23 & 30 Worship 8:30 July 7 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 14 Worship 8:30 July 21 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 28 Worship 8:30 Helping Hands Community Center Slatedale,610-767-6233 (HA) 3rd Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Clothing Distribution Helping Hands Community Church A ministry of Emerald St. Peter’s Parryville, 610-737-1450 (HA) LifeTree Cafe Saturdays 5 p.m. Heritage Baptist Church Orefield, 610-395-4970 (N) W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

Emmanuel U.C.C. Bowmanstown W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m. Faith Independent Church of Christ Walnutport 610-737-5390 (Pastor) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Faith Alive United Methodist Church Bowmanstown, 610-852-2805 W 8:30 & 10:45 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. Faith Wesleyan Church Route 309, Orefield (HA/N) 610-398-0172 W 9 & 10:45 a.m. SS 9 & 10:45 a.m. First U.C.C. Palmerton W 9 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Friedens U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-7099 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. God’s Missionary Church Lehighton, 570-249-4435 (HA) SS 9:30; W 10:30 & 7:00 Good Shepherd U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-9680 (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Kreidersville, 610-262-9517 W Sun. 9 a.m. Gospel Chapel Wesleyan Church Northampton, 610-262-8101 (N) W 8am & 11am SS 9:30am

Holy Trinity Catholic Church Whitehall, 610-262-9315 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 7:15, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 1235 Main St. Northampton, 610-262-2668 (HA/N) W 9 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Slatedale, 610-767-1526 W 10:45 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Palmerton (HA/N) W 8 & 10:15 a.m. Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church 1372 Washington Ave, Northampton, 610-262-3365 (HA) W Sun 9 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church Cherryville, 610-767-7203 (HA/N) Sun W 9 a.m. Jacob’s Church Route 143, New Tripoli, 610-756-6252 SS 9 a.m., W 10 a.m., BS Wed. 7 p.m. Jerusalem Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-681-5200 W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. || JUNE 20, 2019

Jerusalem U.C.C. Palmerton, 610-681-4412 W 9 & 10:30 a.m.

Slatington Baptist Church Slatington, 610-767-6276 W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Whitehall, 610-435-3901 (H) W Sat. 5:30 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.

Kingdom Life Family Center Orefield (N) W 10 a.m.

St. John’s Episcopal Church Palmerton W 8 & 10 a.m. 610-826-2611

St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Palmerton, 610-826-2359 Divine Liturgy 9 a.m.

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-826-7766 W 10:30 a.m.

The Church of God Palmerton, 610-826-4972 W 10:15 a.m.

Lighthouse Baptist Church 1349 Green Street, Lehighton SS 10 a.m.; W 11 a.m.; BS 6 p.m. HA & N for all service times Living Hope Lighthouse Palmerton, 610-826-2201 W 10 a.m.

St. John’s Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-6361 W 8 & 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA/N)

Living Stone Fellowship New Tripoli, 610-298-3020 W 10 a.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. Palmerton (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Morgenland Union Church 3120 Weidasville Rd., Orefield, PA 610-395-0067 W 9 a.m.& SS 9 a.m. Facebook: MorgenlandUnionChurch HA (handicap accessible)

St. John’s U.C.C. Laury's Station (HA) W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Mountain View Wesleyan Church Bath, 610-759-7553 W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. - Howertown Northampton, 610-262-8666 (HA/N) W 9:30 a.m.

Northampton Assembly of God Cherryville Rd., 610-262-5645 W 10:15 a.m. & 6 p.m. SS 9:30 a.m.

St. John’s E.L.C. Lehighton, 570-386-9960 W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m.

Northampton God’s Missionary Church Northampton, 610-262-4412, ngmc. church W 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (HA)

St. Matthew's E.L.C. Lehighton, 610-377-2972 W 8:30 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Rev. Michael Frost

Northern Lehigh Bible Fellowship Church Walnutport, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. People’s E.C. Church Lehighton W 8:30/10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-5554 (HA/N) W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m.

St. Matthew’s U.C.C. Kunkletown, 610-381-2442 W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m. St. Nicholas R.C. Berlinsville, 610-767-3107 Sun 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.

Trinity E.C. Church Berlinsville, 484-408-5288 (HA) W 8:55 a.m., SS 10:05 a.m. Trinity E.C. Church Slatington, 484-553-0218 W 10 a.m., Bible Study Wed 7 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church Lehighton, 610-377-4303 SW 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday 5 p.m. W/ Holy Communion 1st Tuesday 10 a.m. Quiet Communion Union Lutheran Church Schnecksville, 610-767-6884 (HA, N) W 8 & 10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. United Church of Christ Greenawalds 2325 Albright Ave. Allentown 610-435-1763 W 10:30 a.m. United Presbyterian Church of Slatington Slatington, 610-767-8113 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Union United Church of Christ Neffs, 610-767-6961 (HA/N). W 8 & 10:30 a.m., Children 10:30 a.m. Valleyview Baptist Church Northampton, 610-837-5894 (HA & N) W 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. Paul’s U.C.C. of Indianland Cherryville, 610-767-5751 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Walnutport Seventh-Day Adventist 610-767-8939. Sat. - Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. W 11 a.m.

St. Paul’s U.C.C. Northampton, 610-261-2910 (HA/N) W 10:15 a.m. SS 9 a.m.

Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Whitehall, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m.

St. Paul’s UCC-U Big Creek 484-571-6083 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Whitehall Mennonite Church Egypt, 610-262-1270 (N) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Salem United Methodist Church Aquashicola, phone # 610-826-2577 (HA) W 11:30 a.m., Com. 1st Sun, 2nd Sun Fellowship 12:30 p.m. BS Thurs. 7 p.m.

St. Peter’s Church of Emerald Emerald, 610-767-6233 (HA) W 10 a.m., Com 1st Sun., SS 9 a.m., BS Mon. 11 a.m. & Wed 6 p.m. Christ’s Kids Club Wed 6 p.m. Family Fun Night 4th Fri 6:30 p.m

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 1904 Main Street, Northampton W - 9 a.m. 610-262-6636

Shepherd’s Chapel Regional online fellowship.

St. Peter’s U.C.C. Northampton (HA) W & SS 9 a.m.

Sacred Heart Church Rev. William Campion Palmerton 610-826-2335 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 8:30 & 11 a.m. (HA) Salem United Methodist Church Danielsville (N) W 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m.

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Whitehall, 610-262-1600 W 8/10:15 a.m., SS 8:50 a.m.

St. Peter’s UCC, Lynnville New Tripoli, 610-298-8064 W 9:30 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. & facebook

JUNE 20, 2019 ||

Zion U.C.C. Lehighton, 610-377-1191 W 8:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Zion’s Stone U.C.C. Northampton, 610-262-1133 W 10:15 a.m.. SS 9 a.m. KEY: W–Worship, SS–Sunday School, N–Nursery, HA–Handicapped Accessible, BS–Bible Study, SG–Study Group


Coloring Page

30 || JUNE 20, 2019

Rescue a Friend

610-432-2532 ext 3


Husky & German Shepherd Dog Mix Young Female Medium White / Cream Coat Length: Short • House-Trained: Yes Health: Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered. Good In A Home With Children. Prefers A Home Without Cats. Hello! My name is Ellie. Aren't I beautiful?! I'm a 1 year old Husky/German Shepherd mix looking for a new home. I'm not just a gorgeous face. I'm a friendly, playful young dog who is good with some other dogs and older kids. More great news: I know how to potty outside! If you have a cat, that's probably not a good fit for me, because I seem to have a high prey drive. I could use some help with leash manners, too. Do you want to see how pretty I am in person? Apply to adopt me today! Adult dog adoptions include - spay/neuter, vaccines, microchip, 4dx, fecal, and flea preventative. Puppy adoptions include - spay/neuter, vaccines including boosters, microchip, fecal, and flea preventative Adoptions are held every Saturday from 10am-3pm at our shelter (1049 Macarthur Road in Whitehall across the street from the old Lehigh Valley Dairy) For more information please email us at pk.dogadoptions@gmail. com Applications can be downloaded at www. All adoptions must be completed in person - we are unable to ship or transport dogs. Peaceable Kingdom P.O. BOX 424 1049 Macarthur Rd Whitehall, PA 18052 pkdogadoptions@gmail. com

JUNE 20, 2019 ||

Country Clippers Pet Grooming Professional All Breed Dog and Cat Grooming Contact Stacy Goldberg or Jennifer Frable



Landscape Pest Identification Walk for Green Industry Professionals submitted by Dora Boyd Simons

Penn State Extension is offering two pest identification walks for Green Industry Professionals to learn about insects, diseases and weeds that occur in landscapes. The sessions will be held on July 2, 2019 at Black Rock Park, Upper Providence Township, 1286 Black Rock Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460 and on July 3, 2019 at the Lehigh County Agricultural Center, 4184 Dorney Park Road, Allentown, PA 18014. Both sessions will start at 12:00 noon.

These Pest Walks are approved for recertification credits by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and for arborist credits by the International Society of Arboriculture. For details about the credits that are offered, use the search feature on PAPLANTS at https://www.paplants. Penn State Extension educators will lead the tours which will be held outdoors, so please dress appropriately for the weather. The pest walks will be held rain or shine. If severe weather threatens, we will meet in a pavilion and work from samples of the pest problems. The cost to attend either day is $20 per person which includes a snack and handouts. Preregistration is required by July 1, 2019. For more information, agendas and to register go to: https:// If you cannot register online, please call 1-877345-0691 for assistance, M - F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Questions regarding the classes can be directed to Emelie Swackhamer at or Amy Korman at

Pastor’s Comments In large print at: Comments Pastor’s InNorthampton large print at:Assembly of God

Northampton Assembly God 3449 Cherryville Rd., Northampton • 610-262-5645of • 3449 Cherryville Rd.,10:45 Northampton • 610-262-5645 Sunday am & 6 pm; Wednesday•7:30 pm Sunday 10:45 am & 6 pm; Wednesday 7:30 pm

White White Ribbons Ribbons

Rain Date July 7th, 2019


The Rehrig Brothers Starting at 7:00 PM

A man was riding on a train next to an obviously troubled and anxious ious youth. youth. Finally, Finally, the the boy boy blurted blurted out out that that he he was was aa convict convict returning returning from prison. His crime had brought shame on his poor but proud from prison. His crime had brought shame on his poor but proud family and they had never visited or written him during the years he family and they hadhoped never visited or only written during was away. He had this was thathim they werethe tooyears poor he to was He had hopedand thistoo was only that they wereHowever, too poor he to travelaway. the long distance uneducated to write. could sure they had him. Wanting to make it easy for travel not the be long distance andforgiven too uneducated to write. However, he them, he had written them toWanting put up atosignal could not be sure theyand hadasked forgiven him. make itwhen easythe for train passed their little farm on the outskirts of the town. If they had them, he had written and asked them to put up a signal when the forgiven and wanted him to return home they were to tie a white train passed little farm thethe outskirts the town. If they ribbon in thetheir big apple tree on near tracks. of If they did not want had him forgiven him toand return homestay theyonwere to tiego a white back theyand werewanted to do nothing he would the train, west, and loseinhimself ribbon the big forever. apple tree near the tracks. If they did not want him Nearing his home theand youth’s suspense andthe discomfort grew back they were to dotown, nothing he would stay on train, go west, to the point where he could not look. The man offered to watch for and lose himself forever. him and they changed places. A few minutes later he put his hand on Nearing his homeshoulder town, theand youth’s suspense discomfort grew the young convict’s whispered in a and broken voice, “It’s all right. white ribbons!” to theThe pointwhole wheretree he iscould notwith look. The man offered to watch for Perhaps you, like this youth, are troubled with guilt because of your him and they changed places. A few minutes later he put his hand on sin young againstconvict’s a holy God. Perhaps you fear that God will reject the shoulder and whispered in a broken voice, “It’syou. all Let me assure you that if you have truly repented of your sins, God right. Thewhole wholetree tree covered is white with has His with ribbons!” white ribbons! Jesus says to Perhaps you,said like to thisthe youth, are troubled guilt because of your you what He woman caught inwith adultery, “Neither do I condemn go,God. and Perhaps sin no more” (John 8:11). Christ’s sin againstthee: a holy you fear that God“God will for reject you. sakeme hath forgiven 4:32). For spiritual help, please Let of your sins, God assure you you” that if(Ephesians you have truly repented call, write, or attend any of our church services. has His whole tree--Written coveredbywith white ribbons! Jesus says to Pastor Daniel E. Lundmark you what He said to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). “God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). For spiritual help, please call, write, or attend any of our church services. --Written by Pastor Daniel E. Lundmark

32 || JUNE 20, 2019

NCC to Hold Free Information Session on Medical Secretary Program submited by Katherine Noll

Learn about a career as a medical secretary and the Northampton Community College's (NCC) program to prepare you for this field at a free information session on Monday, June 24, at 3:00 p.m. and on Thursday, July 25, at 1:00 p.m. Both sessions will be held at the Fowler Family Southside Center, 511 E. Third Street, Bethlehem Medical secretaries ensure that a medical practice, healthcare facility or treatment care center operate smoothly by greeting patients, maintaining schedules and accessing medical records. Registration for the information sessions is required. To enroll, visit or call 610332-6585 or email About Northampton Community College With an enduring commitment to the regional community it serves and a focus on student success, Northampton Community College has developed a reputation as an institution of extraordinary distinction, earning accolades at the state and national levels for innovative programs, outstanding faculty and impressive student achievements. It counts among its successful alumni a four-time

Pulitzer Prize winner and an Academy Award winning director as well as a host of CEOs, presidents, and leaders of business and industry. Today, Northampton Community College has locations in Bethlehem, Southside Bethlehem, Easton, and Monroe County, serving 30,000 students each year from 53 counties, 42 countries and 25 states. For more information, or to apply, please visit



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34 || JUNE 20, 2019

End of School Year

By: Christine Allen, President, Reading Escapades & Math Explorers, Inc.

The flowers are out, and Spring has sprung. A time that most people relish as a time for renewal. However, for our children, this time of the year signifies the end of the school year. They get restless, and most cannot wait for school to be done. The teachers know this and plan field trips and fun days. Then summer comes and there is 10 weeks of relaxation. What does that mean for your child's education? All the hard work that they put in during the school year? It means they lose an average of 2 months of what they learned. Most teachers need to spend weeks of review come the new school year to reteach what was lost over the summer. I do not know about you, but I HATE redoing things. It is so much easier to maintain their skills during the summer to give your child the edge not only for the next school year but throughout their whole life. There are some very easy things you can do at home to keep up their skills. The key is to plan now. Put the outing on your calendar, otherwise, if you are like me, it will be August 25th and you will not have done anything. Here are some of my favorite things to do in the area

1. Visit places like the DaVinci Center and Allentown Art Museum 2. Go to your library weekly, not only for books but all the great activities they have planned for summer 3. Visit outdoor places like Lehigh Valley Zoo or the Fish Hatchery If you want help planning, you can download a free summer planning calendar at www.read2day. com/free-resources

M ovie T rivia W inner Maryjo Rubino of Northampton knew that Kyle Chandler’s famous Friday Night Lights catchphrase was “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose.” Call 610-767-9600 to claim your free Becky’s Drive-In family pack.

3521 Sullivan Trail Easton, PA 18040 610-923-0599

Just Minutes Off 33 Tatamy Exit Mini Golf, Go Karts, Creamery, Indoor Mini Golf & Laser Tag SUMMER HOURS Noon -11pm JUNE 20, 2019 ||


Summer Safety Checklist for Kids By Katherine Lee Source:

Summer means lots of kids will be playing outdoors, but it's important to keep a safety checklist in mind to keep kids safe while they're having fun. Here are some great tips to keep in mind for kids' safety. Post this safety checklist on your fridge or family bulletin board as a reminder of ways you can keep your kids safe and prevent injuries or accidents from intruding on your family's summer fun. 1. Practice Summer Sun Safety for Kids When it comes to protecting your kids from the sun, sunscreen plays an important role. But sunscreen is just one of the ways to guard against the sun's damaging rays. Because the sun's rays can reflect off of the sand and water or other reflective surfaces, hats, and sunglasses can also play an important role in preventing UV damage. • Apply sunscreen. It can certainly be challenging to remember to apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outdoors. But that's exactly what you and your kids should do before heading outside, even on cloudy days (that's because UVA rays can

David L. Hess Concrete, LLC

go right through the clouds and still cause damage). Use generous amounts of UVA- and UVB- blocking sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and reapply every two hours or more often after swimming or sweating. Studies have shown that people often underestimate how much sunscreen they should be using, so be sure to follow the directions on the package (about one ounce for the entire body is usually the recommended amount). If your gradeschooler is old enough and wants to apply his own sunscreen, supervise the application and remind him to wash his hands when he's done so that he doesn't accidentally rub sunscreen into his eyes. Finally, avoid using combination sunscreens with insect repellants because when sunscreen is reapplied, it can lead to excessive exposure to the repellant. • Get some sun-protective clothing. Dress your kids in hats in wide brims and tightly-woven cotton clothing or clothes that have SPF built-in (many kids' clothes, especially swimsuits, have sun protection in them nowadays). Try to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its most intense peak, and try to stay in the shade as much as possible. • Shop for some cool shades. Don't forget your child's eyes when you are out and about. Look for kids' sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays.You don't need to spend a lot on kid sunglasses — research has shown that inexpensive sunglasses that are labeled as protective for UVA and UVB are effective in blocking the sun's harmful rays. • Remember that you can still get a sunburn even if it's cloudy. Sunburns do not happen only on sunny days; up to 80 percent of the sun's UV rayscan penetrate the skin, even on cloudy days, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. 2. Protect Against Bugs Bugs are one of those annoyances of summer. But insects such as potentially disease-carrying mosquitoes and bees can also be harmful to kids. To protect your child against bugs:

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• Use insect repellents to guard against ticks, which can carry Lyme Disease, and mosquitoes, which can carry the West Nile Virus and other viruses. Many repellents are made with DEET, an effective insecticide that is toxic or even potentially deadly if swallowed. If you do use a product containing DEET, it's crucial not to apply the product to a child's hands or face to avoid possible ingestion; it's also important to wash off the product before bed to prevent overexposure to the chemical. Another effective ingredient found in repellents is picaridin, but DEET is the most effective, and what doctors recommend (at 30 percent DEET concentrations) given the dangers posed by viruses such as West Nile. • An alternative to DEET-containing repellents are natural insect repellents; however, parents should keep in mind that "natural" doesn't always

mean "safe." Talk to your pediatrician about which insect repellent is right for your family. • Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants when going outside, particularly at dusk when mosquitoes are more likely to be present. • Never leave stagnant pools of water around the house. Pools of water can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. • Avoid using scented soaps or perfumes on your child. And do not allow your child to walk around carrying sweetened beverages, such as fruit juices. These sweet, strong scents can attract bees and wasps and increase your child's risk of being stung. 3. Prevent Dehydration Whether your child is playing soccer with teammates or running around in the park with some buddies, it's important to keep in mind that frequent water breaks are very important to prevent dehydration. Your child should drink water before exercise and during breaks, which should be about every 15 to 20 minutes. On particularly hot and humid days, it's also a good idea for parents to spray down kids with some water from a spray bottle. 4. Don't Forget Helmets Your child should wear a helmet whenever she is on anything with wheels, such as a scooter, bicycle, or roller skates. A helmet is the most important Continued on page 38


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Summer Safety Continued from page 37

device available that can reduce head injury and death from a bicycle crash, according to Safe Kids USA. And be sure to set a good example by always wearing your helmet when riding your bike. 5. Practice Food Safety Foodborne illnesses increase in the summer because bacteria grow faster in warmer temperatures and humidity. On top of that, more people are eating and preparing food outdoors, at picnics and barbecues, where refrigeration and places to wash hands are not readily available. To prevent foodborne illnesses: • Be sure to wash your hands before preparing or serving any food. Make sure your children wash their hands, or at least use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, before eating. • Never cross-contaminate. Do not allow any raw meat or poultry to come into contact with any other food or plates or utensils. • Consider the temperature. Use a thermometer and be sure to cook all meat and poultry to the correct temperatures to kill any harmful bacteria. Keep all perishable foods in the refrigerator and do not keep leftovers unrefrigerated for more than one or two hours.


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6. Guard Against Drowning Each year, more than 830 children ages 14 and under die as a result of accidental drowning, and an average of 3,600 children are injured in neardrowning incidents. Between May and August, drowning deaths among kids increase by a whopping 89 percent. If you have a swimming pool or if your child will be near one, it is crucial to put multiple safety measures in place to keep kids safe. • Put barriers around the pool to restrict access. Use doors with locks and alarms to keep kids out when adults are not present. • Never leave kids unsupervised. Even if your grade-schooler is a confident and capable swimmer, do not leave the pool area without adult supervision if children are in or near the water. • Remember that drownings can happen silently. You may not hear splashing or a call for help—a drowning can happen in minutes and may be silent. • Do not use flotation devices. Inflatable “floaties” and other flotation devices and toys can give kids who cannot swim a false sense of security. • Learn CPR. You may never need to use it, but knowing CPR for adults and for kids is something that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. • Learn about the dangers of secondary drowning, which can happen on dry land, hours after a child inhales water into the lungs. • Do not assume that a teen or relative will be watching. Talk to them about not using cell phones, texting, or allowing other distractions while supervising kids in the water. 7. Avoid Trampoline Danger Over 90,000 emergency-room visits were related to trampoline injuries in 2001, according to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission). Some trampoline safety tips: Never let more than one child use the trampoline at a time, do not let kids do somersaults, and do not allow kids younger than 6 play on a full-sized trampoline, and move the trampoline away from other structures or play areas.

Kathy Baush’s Salon 4913 Five Point Rd New Tripoli

610-298-2465 Call For Appointment || JUNE 20, 2019

8. Warn Kids About Hiding in Enclosed Spaces Teach children to never play hide and seek by crawling inside an enclosed space such as a car trunk, chest, or old cooler or appliance. 9. Use Caution When Doing Yardwork Never allow children to ride on lawnmowers or to play near motorized lawn equipment. Do not allow children under age 12 to operate push mowers and do not allow children younger than 16 to operate ride-on lawnmowers. In addition to lawnmowers, be sure to never allow your young child to ride an ATV (all-terrain vehicle). ATVs were responsible for 74 deaths and 37,000 injuries in the U.S. in 2008. The AAP recommends that no child under 16 ride on an ATV. 10. Safeguard Home Playgrounds If you have a backyard playground or play equipment, make sure the ground beneath the equipment is soft enough. Surfaces made of concrete, asphalt or dirt are too hard and do not absorb enough impact in the event of a fall. Instead, the CPSC recommends using at least 9 inches of mulch or wood chips.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nathan Handwerk - 31 on June 13 Accepting Applications Lincoln Manor Apartments One and Two BR Apartments plus One BR Accessible Apartments Security Deposit, One year Lease, and Income Verifications required. Call or write: Lincoln Manor, 320 Oak St. Walnutport, PA 18088 610-767-9232 TDD 711

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484-623-4888 324 Riverview Dr. Walnutport, PA 18088-9693 JUNE 20, 2019 ||


Contest: Enter to win a Chance for a Family 4 pack of Lehigh Valley Zoo tickets Mail to: Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette, P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 Name:______________________ Phone #: ___________________ Address:_____________________________ Differences:______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

40 || JUNE 20, 2019

Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club Meeting submitted by Bob Green

The Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, July 11, 7:30 pm in the Bethlehem Township Community Center, 2900 Farmersville Road, Bethlehem. Program: "Digital Mobile Radio and Packet Radio Roundtable” – Presenter: Mark / W2MB. Members and others interested always are welcome.. Directions: https:// . FMI:, KE3AW@ARRLnet , or 610.432.8286.


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PA State Inspection | PA State Emissions Danielsville, PA 18038 JUNE 20, 2019 ||

Adult Toy Fri. July 19, 7 PM. Slatington: Christmas In July - Adult Toy Bingo at Vigilant Fire Company, 110 S. Walnut St., Slatington.

Doors & kitchen open 5 PM. All Prizes will be wrapped as Christmas gifts! Tickets: $25 each and include 20 regular games and 5 specials. 26th Jackpot game for an adult toy extravaganza basket is an extra purchase. Pull tabs, tip sheets, extra game purchases available. Intermission games for men and women. Refreshments. Tickets available during Vigilant Monday & Wednesday night bingo, or at the door. Limited to 125 people. FMI or to reserve tickets call 610-767-3832 or message us on Facebook Vigilant Fire Company. 41


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JUNE 20, 2019 ||


CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612. PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.

Events August 29 “Funny Money” Husband finds a briefcase with money inside. Does he get to keep the money or does someone else find out about the money? Rainbow Comedy Playhouse, Lancaster, PA. 8:30 a.m. Chyv, 9 a.m. Redner's Market/ Northampton, 6 p.m. home $70. Call Rita at 610-264-4281 or Mary at 610-264-0927. (6/20) Multi- Family Yard Sale: 3019 Old Post Road Slatington Saturday June 22 8am-1pm HH items, jewelry, 78 records, like new coffee and end tables, lift chair. Reasonably priced. Must sell. (6/20). 39th ANNUAL BLOCK PARTY Franklin Twsp. Vol. Fire Co., 2440 Fairyland Rd., Lehighton, July 19, 20, 21 begins 4PM daily, rain or shine. Music, giant Chinese auction, great food, tractor pulls, mechanical bull, bounce house, games, children's challenge Sunday, book fair, vendors, and so much more. (7/4) Hollywood Casino -Thursday, July 4th. $25 pp. $30 slot rebate, $5 food voucher. Leave 10:00 AM from Walnutport. FMI call Gail at 610-767-3271.Slatington Seniors. Everyone welcome. (6/20)

For Sale Now picking sour cherries. Blueberries and apricots start July 1. Call 610-767-8304 (6/20)


For Sale: 2017 Keystone RV Passport model# 3290BH, 3 slides, automatic awning, flat screen TV. This trailer is new, I towed it home and due to health reasons we never got to use it. My loss, is your gain $23,995 OBO. Call Bob at 610-393-0782. (6/20) 2013 Chevy Cruze, 9400 miles, great condition, owner stopped driving, Neffs area. 10,500 OBO 484-426-7598 after 3 (6/20) 2004 GMC Sierra, 5.3L, 161K, Blue 2 door, 6 ft. bed, good condition, aluminum wheels-plus extra wheels and tires, toe package and bed cover $5,795 Neg. Call 484-226-7854 (7/4) Gun Safe - Homak, holds 12 guns, bins on door for storage, plus center shelves for storage. Asking $165 Call 484-547-4671 (6/20) Men's hunting clothes size L & XL, Mark Martin Nascar paraphernalia and racing jackets, womens motorcycle jackets size XL. Call Connie 610-439-1614, No Answer Leave Message. (6/20) Handyman Specials-sold as is only! 1981 Coachman trailer sleeps four, working condition $1,500. 1989 Chevy G20 Van 350 HP with towing package, runs well $1,500. American Flyer Rocking Horse with sound, like new $250. Above ground swimming pool items: 24' x 52” wall with all hardware, tan extruded aluminum fence and other items, everything $200. Call 610-767-8596 if interested. (6/20)

Help Wanted Assemblers Needed- FT & PT positions available. Prior Experience Preferred, Hrs. 7-3:30, M- F. $11.00/Hr + Benefits for FT, Flexible Scheduling for PT. Apply: Precision Medical Inc., 300 Held Dr. Northampton, PA (Behind Redners) or submit resume to; hrproduction@precisionmedical. com Precision Medical, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer EEO/ AA/ADA/Veterans (6/20)

Personals SWM, 53, clean, healthy, and financially secure seeks romantic female 35-50 for dating, friendship, companionship. Any race OK. Call Joe at 484-719-0704 24/7, leave message, will return call. (6/20)

Real Estate For Rent Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS, W/S/G included. $590 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691. (6/20) Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $110-$150/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-309-9671. (12/19) Room for Rent: Private bath, maid service, all utilities included, clean, quiet, safe, $195/week or $635/month, call 610-262-8050 for details. (9/5) || JUNE 20, 2019

Services Available Need A Bookkeeper a few hours a week or month? Call Organize “U” Bookkeeping 610-686-3025/organizemybooks@ Specializing in Quick Books online and desktop. (8/1) ABZOLUTE ENTZ. A-Z Chimneys, built, cleaned, repaired, relined! New Stoves, etc. 570-325-5727 (7/4) Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/19) Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (7/18)

Piano Lessons Slatington area, Susan Spengler Cervin, B.A. music, certified elementary education 484-623-4184 (6/20)

Wanted Do you have broken A/C or dehumidifiers that you don't want to pay to have removed? If so, please call 610-737-5119 to schedule a free pick-up and removal. Items must be easily accessible. (10/3/19)

of interest to Lehigh Township, 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, Pa. 18088, by July 2, 2019. Anyone with questions, please call 610-7676771. Alice Rehrig, Manager. (6/20) Looking to rent 50' Bucket Lift Electric Battery Operated for 1 week. Used them before in Cherryville area. Call Jeff 484-3585483 (6/20)

Looking for 1 or 2 senior golfers to travel (Hackers) Call- 484-225-3282 (6/20). Lehigh Township Board Opening: The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors are looking for Lehigh Township residents who are interested in filling a vacancy on the Municipal Authority, which meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 6 PM. The Municipal Authority is responsible for overseeing the operation of the public water and sewer systems in Lehigh Twp. Please send a letter

Patty Brosky’s Beauty Salon

489 Walnut Drive, Northampton For Appointments: 610-261-2013

High and low lights, color, perms, precision cuts, clipper cuts - Styles for all ages! Come to a beauty shop where you matter! Serving the community for over 30 years!

CHRIS’ COMPUTER CUSTOMWARE, INC. Is your PC sick or tired? I can custom build a new one to meet your growing needs, or I can Troubleshoot, Repair, or Upgrade your existing PC Serving local customers since 1999! right in your own home. VISA/MC/AE accepted. 610-767-3004 JUNE 20, 2019 ||

Count on the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette Classifieds - Call 610-767-9600


We’re your one-stop-shop for food & parties! 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport • 610-767-3515 Farm Market open every Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. PORK • BEEF • POULTRY • SMOKED MEATS

Need a 4th of July party catered? Call Lorah’s! Catering available year round! Parties, weddings, reunions & graduations

Visit for pig roasting prices 45

3 Daughters Construction........... 14 All Air Solutions........................... 23 All American Tree Service........... 38 All J’s Landscaping & Lawn Care... 47 Allentown Flea Market............... 15 Amey’s Clean Rite........................ 37 Amey’s Garage, Inc........................ 2 B. Biechy Construction................ 43 Back to the Arcade...................... 10 Barry Hausman, Jr........................ 19 Bechtel’s Pharmacy.................. 2, 37 Becker Homes.............................. 43 Becky’s Drive-in..................................3 Berkshire Hathaway........................18 BGA Insurance-Franki Mengoni....33 Bilt-Rite Construction......................43 Birch Creek Sealcoating..................33 Blue Mountain Chimney Sweep....12 Blue Mountain Evergreen............ 27 Blue Rocks Family Campground... 19 Brewer Paving & Sealcoating..... 42 Buzzy’s Auto Body....................... 25 Cedar Valley Post-Frame............... 4 Chris’ Computer........................... 45 Christ Church Walnutport........... 24 Come Home to a Clean Home.... 39 Country Clippers Pet Grooming.................... 31 Crayola......................................... 13 Crystal Vision Center................... 16 David Hess Concrete.................... 36 Don Laine Family Campground... 15 E.F.C. Construction LLC................ 25 Emerald Fire Co........................... 32 Everett Chiropractic.................... 48 Family Practice............................. 24 George Bensing Funeral Home... 19 Germansville Fire Co................... 41 Great Metal Recycling................. 39 Green Wood................................ 43 Harding Funeral Home................. 6 Hawk Mountain.......................... 10 Heidel Hollow.............................. 18 Jack Follweiler’s Garage.............. 38 JMY Construction........................ 43 Joe’s Battery & Tire...................... 21 John Door.............................. 43, 48 Josie’s Loch of Hair...................... 42 Kathy Baush’s Salon.................... 38 Ken’s Lawn Service...................... 12 Klecknersville Rangers................ 17 Kutr’s Edge..................................... 3 Kyle’s Kars.................................... 17 Lehigh Valley Spinal.................... 22 For Lehigh Valley Zoo........................ 11 Lincoln Manor............................. 39 Lorah’s.................................... 10, 45 Lucky Strokes............................... 37 MacHose Contracting.................. 21 Miller Supply................................ 14 Mint Home Improvement........... 17 Mobile Home Parts Center......... 41 Mountainside Construction........ 47 Movie Trivia Winner.................... 35 46

1 4 2 6 9 8 3 7 5 ADVERTISER’S 3 5 8 INDEX 7 2 4 9 1 6 Myster Tree.................................. 41 Schisler Funeral............................ 23 7Therapeutic 6 4 2 1 Shari3Noctor. 5.................................. 9 8 7 Nancy's Massage............................... 2 Shawn Kresge.............................. 42 NAPL Summer Quest..................... 7 Silfies Fuel.................................... 36 8............................ 3 5 437 Stress 9 Relief6Center..................... 4 1 36 Neff’s 2 Masonry. Newhard Corn............................. 20 Sule’s Collision Center................. 32 NT Associates............................... 24 Tall Timbers.................................. 20 9 1 5 8 4 Two6T’s Golf................................. 7 2 3 35 Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center........... 5 Veterans Discount Oil................. 12 ......................... Pastor8 Lundmark......................... 3 1 4 325 Vigilant 7 Fire 2Co...6 9 41 Patty Brosky’s Beauty Salon........ 45 Walnutport Door Co..................... 7 Reading Escapades........................ 9 Water Wheel............................... 33 Richard 4B. Ryon 2 .......................... 9 3 156 Wells 1Painting. 8 ............................. 5 7 43 RMSM Party Rentals.................... 16 Werner Eyes of the Valley........... 39 Roosevelt Democratic Club........... 4 W. Neff Auto Sales...................... 41 7 Insurance......... 6 9 418 Zephyr/Eagle 2 1 Apartments........... 3 4 42 Roscoe5 P. Snyder

n° 37720 - Level Hard

Last issue’s Sudoko answers

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2 8 1 4 5 6 9 7 3

3 5 4 8 6 1 2 9 7

6 9 8 3 2 7 5 4 1

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4 2 9 1 3 8 7 5 6

1 7 5 6 9 4 3 8 2

n° 34220 - Level Hard

FREE Ice Cream Cake



Shea Ann Williams of Slatington

the environment: save paper by finding solutions online or o

Call the TCG office at 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! Cake courtesy of Scoopendorf’s Page 2/2 Check solutions, print more free sudoku Ice -Cream Company. || JUNE 20, 2019

• Fully Insured • Free Estimates 610-767-3355 484-547-9625 • Additions • Garages • Basements • Custom Bars • Maintenance Free Decks • Patio Rooms • Financing Available • 30 Years Experience • Dump Trailer Rentals Available We Deliver, Pick Up, and Empty. Call for Pricing Check out our website:

ALL J’s Landscaping & Lawn Care

For all your outdoor needs

Jay Balliet 484-221-3425 JUNE 20, 2019 ||

COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Concrete • Asphalt Seal Coating • Snow Removal



48 || JUNE 20, 2019

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