Town & Country Gazette June 6

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||



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St. Peter’s UMC Events


Submitted by Sharleen Crossett

Community Calendar.................Pg. 10 Word Search...............................Pg. 30 Church Directory........................Pg. 32 Pets..............................................Pg. 34 Coloring Page.............................Pg. 36 Sudoko........................................Pg. 37 Classifieds...................................Pg. 43 Cash Paid!

LARRY’S Antiques & Collectibles Walnutport, Pa. 610-767-1194 Buying: Old Advertising Signs, Old Toys, Photos, Postcards, Crocks, Military Items



255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 P 610-767-9600 F 610-767-9612 ISSN 1942-2091 Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher Lacey Remaley - Publishing Assistant Tony Pisco - Art Director Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover. Business Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers.

JUNE 6, 2019 ||

Helping Hands Community Center, a ministry of St. Peters UMC is moving starting in September. Watch for more information to follow on the location. Because of the move to the new location the Café will not be open until September. The Café will be open to all people for an hour of stories and conversation to feed your soul. The Church is planning a 125th Anniversary on September 15, 2019. The community is also welcome to attend this special day. The Redeemers Closet will be open on June 15th, from 9am – noon for its monthly give away. As the community is invited to drop off good used clothing for the Redeemers Closet, we ask that the bags of clothing be placed in the Blue bin by the shed, not by the lower doors. Clothing may also be dropped off the day of the give away at the Redeemers Closet location of 4019 Main St, Slatedale. If clothing is placed outside and gets wet it is no longer of use and is thrown away. We would like to thank all who contribute to this ministry. Regular Sunday activities include Sunday school held for all ages at 9am. Our Blended Worship service is at 10:00am. Youth group at 6PM and Communion is observed on the 1st Sunday of each month. Bible Study is held Monday mornings at 11am. Wednesday night Bible Study is at 6PM. Both Bible Study groups will be doing “Do you Believe?” Whether you’re looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, we are located at 7860 Center St. in Emerald you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check us out at

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wanda Kocher - 59 on May 15 Emily Dailey - 17 on May 17


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The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington. However, it was not until 1972–58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official–that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Father’s Day 2019 occurs on Sunday, June 16. Mother’s Day: Inspiration for Father’s Day The “Mother’s Day” we celebrate today has its origins in the peace-and-reconciliation campaigns of the post-Civil War era. During the 1860s, at the urging of activist Ann Reeves Jarvis, one divided West Virginia town celebrated “Mother’s Work Days” that brought together the mothers of Confederate and Union soldiers. Did you know? There are more than 70 million fathers in the United States. However, Mother’s Day did not become a commercial holiday until 1908, when–inspired by Jarvis’s daughter, Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her own mother by making Mother’s Day a national holiday–the John Wanamaker department store in Philadelphia sponsored a service dedicated to mothers in its auditorium. Thanks in large part to this association with

Pastor’s Comments In large print at: Comments Pastor’s InNorthampton large print at:Assembly of God

Northampton Assembly God 3449 Cherryville Rd., Northampton • 610-262-5645of • 3449 Cherryville Rd.,10:45 Northampton • 610-262-5645 Sunday am & 6 pm; Wednesday•7:30 pm Sunday 10:45 am & 6 pm; Wednesday 7:30 pm

Hear Hear Ralph Ralph Rice Rice

We urge you to hear Evangelist Ralph Rice of Good, Better, BEST! Ministries, Lewisville, Lewisville, Texas, Texas, in in our our services services on on June June 99 at at 10:45 10:45 a.m. a.m. Ministries, and again at 6:00 p.m. and again at 6:00 p.m. Ralph Rice, whose wife Maryana went to be with the Lord in 2017 Ralph Rice, serving whose wife Maryana went be the withdirector the Lordof inSchool 2017 after faithfully the Lord all her life,towas after faithfully serving the Lord all her life, was the (ACE) directorSchool of School Services for Accelerated Christian Education of TomorrowforforAccelerated 25 years. HeChristian has been aEducation preacher of(ACE) the Gospel since Services School of 18 years offor age served as been pastor,a preacher principal, of orthe assistant five Tomorrow 25and years. He has Gospelinsince states. He has ministered in over 3000 seminars in all 50 states and 18 years of age and served as pastor, principal, or assistant in five 20 nations. Ralph is known worldwide as “Mr. Enthusiasm” because states. has ministered over 3000 seminars in all 50 states and of his He passionate and in dynamic delivery of Biblical principles 20 Ralph isapplications known worldwide Enthusiasm” because andnations. their practical to life. as His“Mr. unique way of presenting everyday life challenges toucheddelivery the livesofof Biblical many young people of his passionate and has dynamic principles as well adults. applications to life. His unique way of presenting and theiraspractical Ralph Rice and his wife had traveled the nation for years in everyday life challenges has touchedandtheteaching lives of many youngofpeople evangelistic ministry, preaching the Word God. as wellwere as adults. They exceptionally used of the Lord in strengthening marriages and Ralph familiesRice by applying real-life problems and his scripture wife hadtotraveled the nationoften for including years in humorous, powerful, role-playsand on marriage evangelisticbut ministry, preaching teaching and the parenting Word of skills. God. They were exceptionally a tremendousused blessing toLord ourincongregation inmarriages previous They were of the strengthening meetings, and we look forward to Rev. Rice’s ministry with us again. and by applying to real-life problems often Wefamilies invite you to attend scripture these special meetings in which the including inspiring humorous, but powerful, on marriage and parenting skills. ministry of Ralph Rice will role-plays bless, impact, and encourage you. Please invite others to come with you, especially the unsaved. has They were a tremendous blessing to our congregation in God previous used Ralphand to win manyforward souls to in his meetings. meetings, we look to Christ Rev. Rice’s ministry with us again. We invite you to attend these special meetings in which the inspiring ministry of Ralph Rice will bless, impact, and encourage you. Please invite others to come with you, especially the unsaved. God has used Ralph to win many souls to Christ in his meetings.


retailers, who saw great potential for profit in the holiday, Mother’s Day caught on right away. In 1909, 45 states observed the day, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson approved a resolution that made the second Sunday in May a holiday in honor of “that tender, gentle army, the mothers of America.” Origins of Father’s Day The campaign to celebrate the nation’s fathers did not meet with the same enthusiasm–perhaps because, as one florist explained, “fathers haven’t the same sentimental appeal that mothers have.” On July 5, 1908, a West Virginia church sponsored the nation’s first event explicitly in honor of fathers, a Sunday sermon in memory of the 362 men who had died in the previous December’s explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company mines in Monongah, but it was a one-time commemoration and not an annual holiday. The next year, a Spokane, Washington, woman named Sonora Smart Dodd, one of six children raised by a widower, tried to establish an official equivalent to Mother’s Day for male parents. She went to local churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers and government officials to drum up support for her idea, and she was successful: Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910. Slowly, the holiday spread. In 1916, President Wilson honored the day by using telegraph signals to unfurl a flag in Spokane when he pressed a button in Washington, D.C. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day. Today, the day honoring fathers is celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of June: Father’s Day 2018 occurred on June 17; the following year, Father’s Day 2019 falls on June 16. In other countries–especially in Europe and Latin America–fathers are honored on St. Joseph’s Day, a traditional Catholic holiday that falls on March 19. Father’s Day: Controversy and Commercialism Many men, however, continued to disdain the Fully Insured Quality Work at Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES (610) 767-7119 or 703-3848, cell


• Stump Grinding • Take Downs • Cabling • Corrective Pruning • Trimming • Cleanup • Hedges • Shaping • Wood Chips • Storm Work • Lot Clearing • Shrubbery • Bob Cat Service • 60’ Bucket Truck || JUNE 6, 2019

day. As one historian writes, they “scoffed at the holiday’s sentimental attempts to domesticate manliness with flowers and gift-giving, or they derided the proliferation of such holidays as a commercial gimmick to sell more products–often paid for by the father himself.” During the 1920s and 1930s, a movement arose to scrap Mother’s Day and Father’s Day altogether in favor of a single holiday, Parents’ Day. Every year on Mother’s Day, pro-Parents’ Day groups rallied in New York City’s Central Park–a public reminder, said Parents’ Day activist and radio performer Robert Spere, “that both parents should be loved and respected together.” Paradoxically, however, the Great Depression derailed this effort to combine and de-commercialize the holidays. Struggling retailers and advertisers redoubled their efforts to make Father’s Day a

JUNE 6, 2019 ||

“second Christmas” for men, promoting goods such as neckties, hats, socks, pipes and tobacco, golf clubs and other sporting goods, and greeting cards. When World War II began, advertisers began to argue that celebrating Father’s Day was a way to honor American troops and support the war effort. By the end of the war, Father’s Day may not have been a federal holiday, but it was a national institution. In 1972, in the middle of a hard-fought presidential re-election campaign, Richard Nixon signed a proclamation making Father’s Day a federal holiday at last. Today, economists estimate that Americans spend more than $1 billion each year on Father’s Day gifts.

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LOCAL ATTORNEY GUEST SPEAKER Recently Attorney Charles Stopp of the Law Firm of Steckel and Stopp assisted the local public broadcasting television station WLVT in chairing an event at the PPL Public Media Center in Bethlehem on the subject of Estate Planning and Death Tax and other tax savings techniques. Laurie Siebert, a certified financial planner also participated in the presentation. WLVT announced that it will save the two-hour session on a pod cast made available through the station’s website for anyone who might have an interest in viewing same. Also, over the past several months, Stopp participated in two radio presentations on estate and financial planning. One for the PBS radio station in Bethlehem, WDIY as a guest of Laurie Siebert, the show’s host. This is the fifth session that Stopp participated as a guest of the PBS show. PBS has recorded the sessions and the sessions are available on the PBS website for the station. Also, through WAEB, a Bobbie Gunther Walsch sponsored show, hosted by Gene Dickison, a certified financial planner, Stopp presented principally on the subject of saving Pennsylvania Death Taxes relating to agricultural and/or farmland qualifying enterprises.

Steckel and Stopp is a Law Firm with two Northern Lehigh offices, along with Parkland and Northampton offices, and an affiliate office in Bethlehem. The Firm has been serving the needs of the Lehigh Valley area for over 70 years. 6 || JUNE 6, 2019


Slatington Library News submitted by Louise Bechtel

Josh the Otter is coming to the Slatington Public Library on Monday, June 10th from 6-7pm. He is part of an important water safety program developed to prevent childhood drownings. His important message is “STAY AWAY FROM WATER UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.”The program is designed for children through 3rd grade. It includes a story, dialogue, dancing, and an opportunity to meet the star of the program, Josh the Otter. Josh the Otter Water Safety Program is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Slatington and Debbie Minnich of Cruise Planners. The library is having a “Frame Fundraiser”, we

JUNE 6, 2019 ||

are raffling off a picture frame with over $50.00 worth of lottery tickets in it. Tickets are $2.00 for one and $5.00 for three. The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, July 3rd. The library’s book club is currently reading,“Sing You Home” by Jodi Picoult. The club will meet on July 1st at the library, at 1:00pm. Copies are available at the library and new members are always welcome. The Library is looking for a board member from the Borough of Walnutport. Anyone interested please contact the library or a board member. The library is beginning its annual giving campaign. Please watch for our mailing and be as generous as you can. Any amount is greatly Continued on page 9

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You Are Not Alone anxiety fear anger stress depression Therapeutic Services for Adults, Children & Older Adults.

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Nulton Diagnostic & treatment Center is a Licensed Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic with a skilled team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Social Workers and Therapists. Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center, PC. does not discriminate against staff, consumers, or family members based on age, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, economic status, or disability and observes all applicable state & federal statues and limitations. || JUNE 6, 2019

Slatington Library Continued from page 7

appreciated. Watch for information concerning our summer reading program the Wonderful World of Wildlife Reading program for ages 4 through 5th grade. The local genealogy group meets at the library on the second Saturday of each month at 11:00 am. For information look up “” Ed Bechtel, RPh presents “Diabetes and Your Teeth” on Wednesday, June 26th at 1:00pm. The Sweet Spot diabetes series is presented on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 1:00 and it is sponsored by Bechtel’s Pharmacy, Inc. There is a link on the library’s web site(www.slatingtonlibrary. org) to view past presentations. The library takes donations of books. We do not take encyclopedias, National Geographic’s magazines or Reader’s Digest condensed books. There is always a book sale going on. Library hours are Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; closed Thursday and Sunday. Contact us at 610 767-6461.

Northampton Class of 1979

We need your contact information! Please contact: Sheri Miller at cell 610-390-5290, Email: Text, phone, or email.

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Saturday, September 14th Doors open 4pm, Bingo Starts 7pm Tickets Available Now $50 & Must be Purchased in Advance 20 - Reg Games 5 - Special Games (Sold Separately)

Must be 21 years of age to attend. Silent Auction, Ripper Tickets. Kitchen and Bar Open (No Outside Food or Drinks Allowed) Gun Provided by N.J.T. Arms, Northampton, PA Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 For Tickets JUNE 6, 2019 ||

Board Certified Family Physicians Offering Personalized Care For Your Entire Family Certified Medical Examiner for CDL-DOT Physicals


COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 23 • Christ’s Church at Lowhill, 4695 Lowhill Church Rd, New Tripoli, Community Outdoor Service and Father’s Day Picnic, 10:00am, music by DJ Jason, fun, food, fellowship, outdoor activities for the kids, bring towel and bathing suit for slip n slide fun, don’t forget the sunscreen, everyone welcome July 12 • 7 p.m. Gospel Concert by “Joyful Noise” (from Bowmanstown) at St. John’s UCC 15 South Second Street in Slatington. You’ll hear many styles of Gospel music from Southern Gospel to Bluegrass. A free-will offering will be taken. MONDAYS • Knitting Club, Palmerton Library (1st Monday), 6 to 8 p.m. • Knitting for Veterans, Bath Legion, 6 to 9 p.m. • TOPS, Dinkey Church, Ashfield, 5:30 p.m. 610-852-2976. • Al-Anon Family Group/ Growing in Hope, St. Peters Community Center, 177 Main Road, Lehighton 7 - 8 p.m. 570-657-6850 • St. John’s Lutheran Church of Mahoning is hosting “GriefShare,” a free weekly grief support group and seminar, on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. “GriefShare” features video from prominent Christian experts on grieving, and caring conversation with people who understand your thoughts and feelings, whether your loss is recent or long ago. To find out more, or to register, call St. John’s at 570-386-9960. • American Legion Post 16 meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Veterans needed for color guard 10

to help with Military Honor Funeral. Call 610-703-5166 FMI. TUESDAYS • ALATEEN support group for teens of family struggling w/ alcohol. Faith Alive Church, Palmerton/Bowmanstown, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adult Al-Anon and AA meetings, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 570-730-8601. WEDNESDAYS • Alzheimer’s Support Group (1st and 3rd), St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jim Thorpe. 6:30 p.m. 610-392-2380. • Homework Helpers, Palmerton Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m. 610-8264962. • Nar-Anon Meetings, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Rd. Nazareth, 7:30 p.m. • Adult BS/JAM Club (K-5) and youth (6-12), 7 p.m. Faith Wesleyan Church, Route 309 Orefield 610-398-0172. • Carbon County Art League,meet the second Wednesday each month at 6:00 PM at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163 • The overdose support group will be held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. 6:00pm - 7:30pm at CarbonMonroe-Pike Drug & Alcohol. 428 South 7th St. Lehighton, PA. Contact Carolee @ 610-377-5177. Free support for anyone impacted by an overdose. • TOPS, New Night, Zion U.C.C., Lehighton. 4:30 p.m. 610-8522136. THURSDAYS • Schnecksville Sr. Citizens Club, 12 p.m. at Schnecksville Grange 610-769-7570. • Polka, Laurel Fire Co. (3rd and

4th), 5 to 7 p.m. 610-262-2077. • Rotary Club of Slatington meeting, Woodstone Country Club, 6:15 p.m. 484-951-2468. • Al-Anon Family Group, St. John’s U.C.C. in Palmerton, 7 to 8 p.m. 570-861-4928. • American Legion Aux. of Slatington at Legion (1st), 7 p.m. FMI 610-760-1642. • PA German Friends meeting (3rd), St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Allentown, 7 p.m. 610-7677140. • Walnutport Senior Citizens meet 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. at St. Johns U.C.C. Church Slatington. FRIDAYS •Preschool Story Hour, Palmerton Library, 10:30 a.m. • Mom, Pop, and Tot class, 10 to 11 a.m. Northampton Rec. Center. Toddler based activities/ group activities. 610-502-2990 or SATURDAYS • Cancer Connections Group Meeting, Bethany Wesleyan Church (3rd Sat.), 10 a.m. • Forgotten Felines Cat and Kitten Adoptions, noon to 4 p.m. 6022 Mountain Rd., Germansville. 610-760-9009. • SHEPHERDSCHAPEL.COM students have Saturday evening Bible study on a teleconference line with focus on current events in prophecy. Call 610-759-0293. SUNDAYS • Learning Experience & Discipleship classes, Bethany Wesleyan, 9 and 10:45 a.m. • Second Sunday of every month United States Submarine Veterans Lehigh Valley Base monthly meeting, at St Stephen’s Church at 510 Union St, Allentown. || JUNE 6, 2019

Happy Father’s Day

Proud Sponsor of the Bear Man .5K June 16 @ Blue Mountain Ski Area. Starts at Noon. See us at the Schnecksville Fair June 18-22

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||

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30 Activities to Do with Dad on Father’s Day Source:

Are you hoping to make this Father’s Day extra special for your dad? Here are 30 activities for you and him to do together that are sure to inspire a fun-filled, memorable day. Activities for the Dad Who is Still a Kid at Heart Technically he’s a grownup, but here are some activities for the dad who still plays like a kid. 1. Go-Kart Racing - Does your dad love a highspeed car chase? Take dad to the go-kart track and


let him satisfy his need for speed as he races his children around the track. 2. Scavenger Hunt - Create a scavenger hunt and give dad clues to help him find his special Father’s Day gift. This can be an indoor activity or a scavenger hunt bike ride around the neighborhood. Arrange to have dad find his last clue at a picnic lunch or a nearby restaurant. 3. Laser Tag - Remember when dad tried to get in on the fun at your laser tag birthday party a few years back? Laser tag is fun for all ages and will be a surprise activity sure to put a grin on dad’s face. 4. A Zip Line Adventure - If your dad loves the outdoors, take him out for a zip line excursion. This memorable event will be sure to make the “remember when” category in future years. 5. An Arcade Day - A day at the arcade is fun for kids of all ages! If your dad is a kid at heart, then treat him to a day of family friendly arcade games on Father’s Day. 6. A Day at the Water Park - A day riding water slides and swimming in the wave pool brings out the kid in everyone! || JUNE 6, 2019

Activities for the Sporty Dad Is your dad the first to volunteer whenever they need a tee-ball coach? Does he always wear his lucky jersey on game day? If so, then here are some sport-themed activities for you and your dad to enjoy together. 7. Dad Olympics - For the dad who likes all kinds of competition, set up a Dad Olympics. Dad and the kids can compete in fun games such as Frisbee throwing or three-legged races. Younger children can decorate the game props with Father’s Day wishes and pictures. 8. Golf - If your dad is a golfer, then make the traditional Father’s Day round of golf special by arranging a best ball tournament. Groups play together and the best shot from every hole counts toward a team score. Kids of any age can team up with dad for a day of camaraderie instead of competition. Matching golf shirts for dad and his entourage will make for a great photo op! 9. Baseball - Play ball! Organize a neighborhood baseball game for the family. Be sure to follow this activity with a postgame cookout, so the dads will have an opportunity to retell — and embellish — their game highlights! 10. Family Football - Get dad a jersey to represent his favorite team. Then, organize a family football game, complete with his favorite tailgating foods.

11. Movie Marathon – Does dad have a favorite sports movie? There are so many good ones to watch, including Rudy, Rocky, Space Jam, Hoosiers, Remember the Titans, Miracle, The Bad News Bears, Field of Dreams and so many more. Prep your best concessions to accompany the flick fest. 12. Tickets to a Sporting Event - Surprise your dad with tickets to his favorite sporting event. Whether this is a professional level or a local team, it will be a win-win when Dad gets to spend time with his children watching one of his favorite teams compete. Activities for the Sentimental Dad For the dad who likes to reminisce about the good ole days, create a Father’s Day experience with a bit of history. 13. Visit a Historical Site - Whether you choose a particular historical site, a museum honoring a historic place or event or a walking tour through your city, you and Dad will enjoy stepping back in time together. 14. Classic Game Night - Buy several classic board games that your dad enjoyed playing when he was a child, and celebrate Father’s Day with a throwback game night. Make it extra special by serving some of Dad’s favorite childhood snacks, too!

Accepting Applications Lincoln Manor Apartments One and Two BR Apartments plus One BR Accessible Apartments Security Deposit, One year Lease, and Income Verifications required. Call or write: Lincoln Manor, 320 Oak St. Walnutport, PA 18088 610-767-9232 TDD 711

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||

Continued on page 14

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30 Activities Continued from page 13

15. Create a Puzzle for Dad - There are many companies that will create a puzzle based on a childhood photo or a map of the town where your dad grew up. Your father will appreciate the thoughtful gift and cherish the time spent doing a puzzle with his children. 16. Make Dad a Playlist - Do a bit of research and create a playlist based on your dad’s favorite songs from his teenage years. 17. Movie Night – For another take on this idea, rent or buy a few of dad’s favorite movies — the ones where he can quote his favorite lines from memory — and watch them together. 18. A Taste from the Past - Does your dad reminisce about a favorite childhood restaurant or meal? Recreate it! Sharing this sentimental meal will be a special way for dad to share his stories of his past with his children. Activities for the Foodie Daddy If delectable dishes are the way to his heart, try one of these yummy ideas. 19. Campfire Cooking - Everything tastes better when you cook it on a stick over an open flame! Gather around the campfire, and let dad entertain

the family with stories from his childhood while the children cook hotdogs and roast marshmallows. 20. Cooking Classes - If your dad likes to cook, then sign the two of you up for a cooking class. Dad will have a wonderful experience cooking with his child, and the two of you can share your new skills and recipes with the whole family. Look for a theme he’ll enjoy, such as summer grilling classics. 21. Brewery Tour - If dad thirsts for a quality cold brew, then invite him to a beer tasting or brewery tour. 22. Personal Chef - Give your dad the night off from the grill on Father’s Day and hire a personal chef to come to the house and prepare his favorite meal. Dad will love being the guest of honor in his own home! 23. Assistant Chef - If your dad would rather be in charge of the meal, then offer to be his assistant chef. You take care of the shopping, chopping, cleaning and assisting, while dad gets the glory of preparing the meal. 24. Pizza Party - Throw dad a homemade pizza party on Father’s Day. Make sure to have all his favorite toppings available as dad and the children make their own pizzas together. Continued on page 16

Located in Slatington Seal Coating and crack repairs for driveways and parking lots. Quality work, quality products, reasonable prices. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 14

484-623-4888 324 Riverview Dr. Walnutport, PA 18088-9693 || JUNE 6, 2019

The Slatington Lions Club

Free Admission Free Parking

JUNE 6, 2019 ||


30 Activities Continued from page 14

Activities that are All About Dad Does your dad have a favorite hobby or activity that plays a large role in his life? These are Father’s Day activities that are all about what Dad likes to do. 25. The Project Dad - Get your dad a new tool and include plans for a father-child project, such as a birdhouse or a bookshelf.Your dad will greatly appreciate the together time working on this project. 26. The Musician - If your Dad loves music, then take him to a concert. This can be a big concert if one of his favorite bands is on tour or just a local show that the two of you attend together. 27. The Philanthropist - Does your dad spend lots of time heading up a charity? Get involved, and make Father’s Day into an occasion where you are dad’s right hand man at his favorite charity. 28. The Fisherman - If Dad likes to fish, arrange a day of fishing out on the lake for the two of you. It will make his favorite activity extra special when he gets to share it with you. 29. The Auto Enthusiast - If your dad loves cars but is resigned to driving the family minivan or SUV for carpool purposes, then surprise him with

a classic car or sports car rental. Dad will love driving around with the top down this Father’s Day weekend! 30. The Tech Savvy Dad - If your dad loves his tech toys, then download a game that the two of you can play together via phone or computer. This idea works well for the long-distance dad! Though this game is an activity that begins on Father’s Day, you and your dad will continue to enjoy it — and each other — year round. No matter your dad’s personality type, he’ll appreciate a gesture that shows you took the time to think about what he truly enjoys. That’s priceless!

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Wann yedes bissel Geld mer bringt, Dann lew‘ich gut, des weess ich schunn; Noh hock ich liewer rum.

TOUCH OF DUTCH Submitted by Larry Gradwohl

Der Rumhocker Do huck ich rum, do hock ich rum, Ich hab ken rechder Mut; As ich net an die Aerwet kumm, Des leit mer schunn im Blut. Un wann die Fraa mich doch ernaehrt, Was will ich mehner uff der Aerd? Des Schaffe iss mer viel zu dumm, Do hock ich liewer rum!

Ich hab die Aerwet schunn browiert, Fer sehne wie's mer glickt; Do hawwich mir die Hend verschmiert Un glei der Leede grickt. Ich schaff aa net zu gaern fer'n Baass, Der schteht eem immer var der Naas; Un saag, was hot mer dann devun? Do hock ich liewer rum! Continued on page 18

Ich hab en rechdi schmaerdi Fraa Un die nemmt Wesches ei; Geht's an der Disch, dann ess ich aa, Ich muss der Daadi sei. Die Kinner hawwich all verdingt;

JUNE 6, 2019 ||


Touch of Dutch Continued from page 17

Ich hab fer'n Weil beim Schmidt gelaernt, Sell waar gewiss ken G'schpass! Was hot der Schmidt sich als verzaernt! Weess heit noch net fer was. Der Hammer waar mir viel zu schwer, Ich schwing en net so gut wie er; So'n Hammer wiegt yo'n Dunn! Do hock ich liewer rum! Zum Schuschder hawwich mich verdingt, Flick Absetz un die Sohle; Doch wann en Schuh mol wennich schtinkt, Dann soll's der Deiwel holel Ich waar mit Schwaerz un Bech verschmiert, Wer do net die Geduld verliert! Der Schuschder lacht—noh saag ich zum: "Do hock ich liewer rum!“ Am Schneider hawwich aa mol g'schafft, Gebiggelt un genaeht; Ich hab fer sell aa kaum die Graft, Ken Luschde un ken Freed. Sell Biggeleise waar zu schwer Un viel zu glee waar's Nodeleehr;

Noh hockt mer do so graddlich, grumm; Do hock ich liewer rum. Ich glaab ich bin viel besser-ab Wie Dokder, Lawyer, Parre; Un wann ich aa ken Laerning hab, Die halt ich all fer Narre. Bedrachdt die Blumme uff em Feld! Sie schaffe net, sie hen ken Geld, Graad wie im Evangelium! Do hock ich liewer rum! So hock ich rum, so hock ich rum, Bis in die Ewichkeet; Un wann ich in der Himmel kumm, Mir iss es net verleed; Dart hawwich wull noch meener Glick; Un wann ich dann mei Fliggel grick, Dann flieg ich mit de Engel rum, Noh hock ich nimmi rum! -John Birmelin The idler I sit idle around here, I sits idle around here, I don’t have the right disposition; Continued on page 20

St. John Neumann Regional School We do have financial aid for ’19-’20. “K” – grade 8 “Call to Inquire!”

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||


Touch of Dutch

Then I will live well, this I already know; Then I will preferably sit idle.

Continued from page 18

That I don’t get to work, That is already in my blood. And when the wife supports me yet, What more do I want on this earth? This working [stuff] is much too dumb to me, I would sooner sit idle around here. I have a very smart wife And she takes in laundry work; When we go to the table, then I also eat, I must be the father. I hired out all the children; When each brings me a little money,

David L. Hess Concrete, LLC Concrete Contractor • Walnutport, PA 610-972-2783 Free Estimates, Fully Insured Residential & Commercial Patios, Sidewalks, Steps, Basement & Garage Floors, Footers, Foundation Walls, Driveways, etc. Now Accepting

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I have already tried working, To see how I would succeed; There I got my hands dirty And soon got tired of it. I will also not work too willingly for a boss, Who is always in your face; And say, what do we have then from it? I would sooner sit idle around here. I have trained with a smith for a while, That was certainly no fun! How the smith always became angry! To this day I don’t know why. The hammer was way too heavy for me, I did not swing it as good as him; Such a hammer definitely weighs a ton! I would sooner sit idle around here. I hired myself out to a shoe maker, [To] repair heel and soles; Yet if a shoe stinks a little sometimes Then the devil should take it! I was besmeared with shoe black and shoemaker’s wax, Who doesn’t lose his patience there?

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The shoe maker laughed – then I said to him: “I would sooner sit idle around here.” I have also worked for a tailor once, Ironed and stitched; I also barely had the strength for that, No delight and no joy. That iron was too heavy And the needle’s eye was much too small; Then one sits there legs astride, bowlegged; I would sooner sit idle around here. I believe I’m much better-off Than a doctor, lawyer, or pastor; And when I also have no education, I take them all for fools. Contemplate all the flowers on a field! They do not work, they have no money, Just like [stated] in the gospel [Matthew’s]. I would sooner sit idle around here. So I sit idle, so I sit idle, Until eternity; And when I get to heaven There is no despair for me; There I will already have much success; And then when I get my wings, Then I will fly around with the angels,

Then I will no longer sit around idle! [Lest you think this poem was autobiographical, here is his obituary in the Allentown Morning Call on Tuesday, 5 September 1950: John F. Birmelin, prominent musical director and authority on Pennsylvania German folklore, died Sunday at his home. He was 76 years old. Prior to his resignation on August 21, he was organist and choirmaster of Sacred Heart Catholic Church for 49 years. He was taken ill in April. Mr. Birmelin also directed the St. Francis choral society, the Lehigh Saengerbund, Allentown Turner Leiderkranz, Northampton Leiderkranz and the Arbeiter Maennerchor of Bethlehem. He also developed one of the first Gregorian choirs in the Catholic church. He was a member of the first faculty of Central Catholic High School, where he was a member of the music department for 10 years. He also served as instructor of the Nurses chorus of Sacred Heart hospital for seven years. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Holy Name Society of the church, St. Aloysius Young Men's Society and the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. On Aug. 6, he and his wife, the former Elizabeth Epp observed their 52nd wedding anniversary. Besides his wife, he is survived by these children: Rev. Cyril E. Birmelin, rector of the Church of the Assumption, Slatington; Martin E. and Elizabeth A., both of Allentown and a sister, Mrs. Anna Reinert, Allentown.]

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Eight Tips To Make Graduation Truly Feel Like A Celebration By Ellie Walburg

Graduation. It's the day you've been waiting for, for a very long time. This goal of graduating that you've now achieved can help you take that next step in climbing the organizational ladder. It's a demonstration to your kids of the importance of never giving up on your dreams. Walking across that stage to receive that diploma is no small feat. You made it. While there's a lot that's going on on this day of graduation, it's a celebration and not something to be worried about. It's a day to reflect on all that you've overcome and accomplished in the pursuit of your dreams. It's an opportunity to thank those who have supported you and believed in you that you can succeed. Ready to get the party started with some "Pomp and Circumstance"? If you're graduating soon, here are eight tips in surviving and thriving on your college graduation day.

1. GET A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP Just like what your parents may have told you growing up, or what you tell your kids now, getting a good night sleep the night before a big event can help you feel energized and calm nerves. Do what you can to prepare for your graduation the day before. Make sure you've tried on your gown, know that your mortarboard fits your head well and pick out what clothes you'll wear. Know what time you have to be at the event—and that your family knows, too. When you're prepared and ready for the next day, you will probably be less likely to spend the Continued on page 24


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JUNE 6, 2019 ||


8 Tips Continued from page 22

night tossing and turning, worrying about what to wear, who's coming and where they're going to sit. It's your day. Make sure you celebrate it with energy and excitement. 2. DRESS UP, EVEN WITH THE GOWN As you prepare by picking out your clothes for the big graduation day, choose something that's nice.Yes, you will most likely be wearing your gown for the majority of the day—in the ceremony and taking pictures.You may want to wear it just for fun, as they can be quite comfortable. Also be sure to keep the weather in mind as you set out your outfit. If it's indoors, you may be warm under the bright lights and the anticipation. In such case, you may not need to bundle up. For men, it's common to wear dark dress pants and a button-down shirt under your gown. A full suit and tie may not be necessary. But if that's you, go for it. For women, wearing a dress or skirt is a great option for looking nice yet also being comfortable on what can often be a long day. When determining which dress or skirt to wear, be sure that the length doesn't extend much past the trim of the gown.

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Also. women, it's best to not wear your shoes with the highest heels. If you're used to wearing heels, choose a pair that you're comfortable in and can easily walk in. Otherwise, opt for flats or a low heel. 3. BRING TISSUES FOR THE FAMILY Remember that your graduation day isn't just about you. It's also a big day for your parents, spouse, mentors, kids and other friends and family who have supported and encouraged you as you earned your degree. Chances are, things might get emotional. With so much joy, tears might sneak out. Embrace these emotions, as graduation should be a meaningful occasion. Whether it's the 20th graduation you've attended or the very first, celebrate the moment. It's also a good idea to coordinate a place to meet your family and friends after the ceremony. Following the program, most of your fellow graduates will be on the lookout for their friends and family. Pick a spot beforehand to avoid having to search all over the building for them all over. 4. GET YOUR CAMERA(S) READY With so many things going on on this day, you want to be sure you can remember those important moments. Make sure you, your friends and family have a camera or phone charged and ready to take a lot of photos. Especially if you take photos on your phone, make sure you've got enough storage space

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24 || JUNE 6, 2019

for the massive amount of photos you'll add. In addition to getting that photo of you walking across the stage, get photos with your family. Find your favorite professor from your program and get a photo with them. Make a funny face with your spouse. Let your kids try on your mortarboard cap. Savor the opportunity to take photos to remember this day for years to come. 5. GO SOCIAL Once you've taken a plethora of photos, go social with them! Post them to your social media accounts to let others join in on your celebration. You should also follow your school's hashtag to

find fun photos of your classmates and fellow alumni. For example, Cornerstone University's 2018 graduation hashtag is #CUGrad18. Use this hashtag to share your photos and find others! 6. ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Sitting in rows next to your fellow graduates, your heart is probably beating fast. You're about to go up on stage in front of hundreds of people. But first, there's the commencement speaker. Don't take his or her speech lightly. The speaker has probably poured hours in finding the right Continued on page 26

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8 Tips Continued from page 25

words to say and ways to encourage you as a college graduate. He or she wants to inspire and challenge you as you move on to another stage in your life. Quiet those racing thoughts in your mind and do your best to pay attention to the speaker's words. You may just learn something more and continue to be inspired and encouraged as you take another step in your journey. 7. SHIFT THE TASSEL Whoever created the mortarboard caps with the tassels was probably not going for the most comfortable hats ever. Nevertheless, the classic style is significant to a commencement ceremony. Whether you choose to decorate the top of your cap or not, wear it well and with pride. For those with long hair, use bobby pins to help keep your hat in place and from flying off in any wind. The tassel also has an importance during the commencement ceremony. Typically, the tassel on the cap begins on the right front side of your cap. When you receive your diploma, you'll move that tassel to the left. Usually, this act is done all in unison

with your fellow graduates. 8. CELEBRATE! The day of commencement may come with some stress and a whirlwind of emotions. Yet first and foremost, it's a day of celebration. Continue the celebration before or after commencement by going out for dinner with the people who supported you throughout your program. Buy your kids ice cream to thank them for all the times they left you alone to do homework. Take the day to celebrate such an amazing accomplishment! ENJOY EVERY MOMENT The day of commencement can go by very quickly. You may look back on it and think it went by in the blink of an eye. This excitement for the day is why it's important to celebrate and savor every moment. It's an accomplishment you worked hard for.You've earned that diploma.You've spent those late nights studying and finishing up assignments. Be proud of yourself and celebrate graduation.


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26 || JUNE 6, 2019

Northampton High School Valedictorian And Salutatorian Announced submitted by JILL STOUT

The faculty and staff of Northampton Area High School are pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Michael Kistler, Jr. as Valedictorian and Ms. Gabrielle Demchak as Salutatorian of the Class of 2019. They rank first and second in their graduating class. M i ch a e l K i s t l e r, Valedictorian, is the son of Natalie and Michael Kistler, Sr. of Walnutport. Michael plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania this fall, and he intends to major in Bioengineering. Michael has been an active student in his high school career. He is a member of the Varsity Wrestling Team, Cross Country Team, National Honor Society, German Club, Debate Club, Caring Kids Club, and serves as Senior Class President, as well as a Special Olympic and Youth Wrestling

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Coach Volunteer. Gabrielle Demchak, Salutatorian, is the daughter of Colleen and Edward J. Demchak of Bath. Gabrielle will be attending Moravian College this fall as a Mathematics/ Secondary Education major. Gabrielle has been involved in a variety of activities during her high school career. She is a member of German Club, Library Club, DECA, National Honor Society, and Volunteer Club. She participates in Soccer, Basketball, and Softball. Gabrielle also serves as a member of the Bath Firefighters Activities Committee, a Camp Invention Leadership Intern, and a Volunteer Coach with In The Zone and Tri-Boro Soccer. The Class of 2019 celebrated its commencement at Stabler Arena on Saturday, June 1 at 4 p.m.


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Honoring Our Military: 225,000 Flowers Placed at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial Day submitted by Ami Neiberger-Miller

On Sunday, May 26th, more than 1,400 volunteers from the D.C. area honored fallen troops by placing 225,000 flowers at grave sites at Arlington National Cemetery. This annual event is organized by the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation. “It’s about bringing back the original meaning of Memorial Day, by encouraging people to visit cemeteries and decorate grave sites while recognizing the sacrifices made by our fallen


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military heroes and veterans,” said Ramiro Penaherrera, who co-founded the project in 2011. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and people would observe the holiday by visiting cemeteries and decorating grave sites to recognize the sacrifices made by our fallen military heroes. Continued on page 44 || JUNE 6, 2019

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||

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JUNE 6, 2019 ||


CHURCH DIRECTORY Please send your updates to askus@ or mail them to P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088. Please call the churches for directions or more information. Agape New Testament Fellowship Schnecksville, 610-767-2869 (N) W 10 a.m. Jr. Church 10:45 a.m. All Saints Episcopal Church Lehighton, 610-377-2675 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Assumption B.V.M. Catholic Church Slatington, 610-767-2214 W Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Ben Salem United Church of Christ Lehighton, 570-386-3870 W 8/10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Bethany Wesleyan Church Cherryville, 610-767-1239 (N) Sat. 5 p.m. Encounter. W Sun. 9 & 10:45 a.m. HA for all services and W & SS for Sunday mornings Bethany Wesleyan Church Lehighton, 610-767-1239 (N & SS children), (HA) W Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Bethel U.C.C. Slatington, 610-428-6329 or 610-760-0795 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Blue Mountain Community Church Palmerton, 610-826-8402 Sat. 5 pm. Sun. 9:00am & 10:30 am Chapman Quarries United Methodist Bath, 610-837-0935 (HA) W 11 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC New Tripoli, 484-358-0649 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Christ U.C.C., Little Moore Danielsville, 610-837-6051 W 9 a.m. Christ U.C.C. Walnutport, 610-767-1601 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA) Christ UCC Schoenersville 5050 Airport Rd


Allentown PA 18109 610-264-9325 W 10:15 a.m. (HA)

Grace United Church of Christ Northampton, 610-262-7186 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m.

Concordia Lutheran Church Northampton, 610-262-8500 W 9 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Heidelberg Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) June 9 Worship 11 a.m. June 16, 23 & 30 Worship 10:15 a.m. July 7 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 14 Worship 10:15 July 21 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 28 Worship 10:15

Covenant United Methodist Church Bath, 610-837-7517 HA W 8 & 10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Dinkey Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church Ashfield, 610-377-4242 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Dryland UCC Newburg, 610-759-4444 W 8 & 10.15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Ebenezer United Church of Christ New Tripoli, 610-298-8000 SS 10:15 (during church service); W 10:15 a.m. Ebenezer United Methodist Church Lehighton, 610-377-6900 W 9 a.m. Egypt Community Church Egypt, 610-262-4961 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Heidelberg U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) Rev. Karen Yonney June 9 Worship 8:30 a.m. June 16,23 & 30 Worship 8:30 July 7 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 14 Worship 8:30 July 21 Union Worship 10:15 (Rev. Karen Yonney) July 28 Worship 8:30 Helping Hands Community Center Slatedale,610-767-6233 (HA) 3rd Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Clothing Distribution Helping Hands Community Church A ministry of Emerald St. Peter’s Parryville, 610-737-1450 (HA) LifeTree Cafe Saturdays 5 p.m. Heritage Baptist Church Orefield, 610-395-4970 (N) W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

Emmanuel U.C.C. Bowmanstown W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m. Faith Independent Church of Christ Walnutport 610-737-5390 (Pastor) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Faith Alive United Methodist Church Bowmanstown, 610-852-2805 W 8:30 & 10:45 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. Faith Wesleyan Church Route 309, Orefield (HA/N) 610-398-0172 W 9 & 10:45 a.m. SS 9 & 10:45 a.m. First U.C.C. Palmerton W 9 a.m., SS 10 a.m.

Holy Trinity Catholic Church Whitehall, 610-262-9315 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 7:15, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 1235 Main St. Northampton, 610-262-2668 (HA/N) W 9 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Slatedale, 610-767-1526 W 10:45 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Palmerton (HA/N) W 8 & 10:15 a.m. Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church 1372 Washington Ave, Northampton, 610-262-3365 (HA) W Sun 9 a.m.

Friedens U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-7099 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. God’s Missionary Church Lehighton, 570-249-4435 (HA) SS 9:30; W 10:30 & 7:00

Hope Lutheran Church Cherryville, 610-767-7203 (HA/N) Sun. W 8 & 10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m.

Good Shepherd U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-9680 (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Kreidersville, 610-262-9517 W Sun. 9 a.m. Gospel Chapel Wesleyan Church Northampton, 610-262-8101 (N) W 8am & 11am SS 9:30am

Jacob’s Church Route 143, New Tripoli, 610-756-6252 SS 9 a.m., W 10 a.m., BS Wed. 7 p.m. Jerusalem Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-681-5200 W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. || JUNE 6, 2019

Jerusalem U.C.C. Palmerton, 610-681-4412 W 9 & 10:30 a.m.

Slatington Baptist Church Slatington, 610-767-6276 W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Whitehall, 610-435-3901 (H) W Sat. 5:30 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.

Kingdom Life Family Center Orefield (N) W 10 a.m.

St. John’s Episcopal Church Palmerton W 8 & 10 a.m. 610-826-2611

St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Palmerton, 610-826-2359 Divine Liturgy 9 a.m.

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-826-7766 W 10:30 a.m.

The Church of God Palmerton, 610-826-4972 W 10:15 a.m.

Lighthouse Baptist Church 1349 Green Street, Lehighton SS 10 a.m.; W 11 a.m.; BS 6 p.m. HA & N for all service times Living Hope Lighthouse Palmerton, 610-826-2201 W 10 a.m.

St. John’s Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-6361 W 8 & 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA/N)

Living Stone Fellowship New Tripoli, 610-298-3020 W 10 a.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. Palmerton (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Morgenland Union Church 3120 Weidasville Rd., Orefield, PA 610-395-0067 W 9 a.m.& SS 9 a.m. Facebook: MorgenlandUnionChurch HA (handicap accessible)

St. John’s U.C.C. Laury's Station (HA) W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Mountain View Wesleyan Church Bath, 610-759-7553 W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. - Howertown Northampton, 610-262-8666 (HA/N) W 9:30 a.m.

Northampton Assembly of God Cherryville Rd., 610-262-5645 W 10:15 a.m. & 6 p.m. SS 9:30 a.m.

St. John’s E.L.C. Lehighton, 570-386-9960 W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m.

Northampton God’s Missionary Church Northampton, 610-262-4412, ngmc. church W 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (HA)

St. Matthew's E.L.C. Lehighton, 610-377-2972 W 8:30 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Rev. Michael Frost

Northern Lehigh Bible Fellowship Church Walnutport, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. People’s E.C. Church Lehighton W 8:30/10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Sacred Heart Church Rev. William Campion Palmerton 610-826-2335 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 8:30 & 11 a.m. (HA)

St. John’s U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-5554 (HA/N) W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m.

St. Matthew’s U.C.C. Kunkletown, 610-381-2442 W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m. St. Nicholas R.C. Berlinsville, 610-767-3107 W (M-F) 8:30 a.m., Sat 4:30 p.m., Sun 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m. St. Paul’s U.C.C. of Indianland Cherryville, 610-767-5751 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m. St. Paul’s U.C.C. Northampton, 610-261-2910 (HA/N) W 10:15 a.m. SS 9 a.m.

Salem United Methodist Church Danielsville (N) W 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m.

St. Paul’s UCC-U Big Creek 484-571-6083 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Salem United Methodist Church Aquashicola, phone # 610-826-2577 (HA) W 11:30 a.m., Com. 1st Sun, 2nd Sun Fellowship 12:30 p.m. BS Thurs. 7 p.m.

St. Peter’s Church of Emerald Emerald, 610-767-6233 (HA) W 10 a.m., Com 1st Sun., SS 9 a.m., BS Mon. 11 a.m. & Wed 6 p.m. Christ’s Kids Club Wed 6 p.m. Family Fun Night 4th Fri 6:30 p.m

Shepherd’s Chapel Regional online fellowship. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Whitehall, 610-262-1600 W 8/10:15 a.m., SS 8:50 a.m.

JUNE 6, 2019 ||

St. Peter’s U.C.C. Northampton (HA) W & SS 9 a.m. St. Peter’s UCC, Lynnville New Tripoli, 610-298-8064 W 9:30 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. & facebook

Trinity E.C. Church Berlinsville, 484-408-5288 (HA) W 8:55 a.m., SS 10:05 a.m. Trinity E.C. Church Slatington, 484-553-0218 W 10 a.m., Bible Study Wed 7 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church Lehighton, 610-377-4303 SW 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday 5 p.m. W/ Holy Communion 1st Tuesday 10 a.m. Quiet Communion Union Lutheran Church Schnecksville, 610-767-6884 (HA, N) W 8 & 10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. United Church of Christ Greenawalds 2325 Albright Ave. Allentown 610-435-1763 W 10:30 a.m. United Presbyterian Church of Slatington Slatington, 610-767-8113 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Union United Church of Christ Neffs, 610-767-6961 (HA/N). W 8 & 10:30 a.m., Children 10:30 a.m. Valleyview Baptist Church Northampton, 610-837-5894 (HA & N) W 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Walnutport Seventh-Day Adventist 610-767-8939. Sat. - Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. W 11 a.m. Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Whitehall, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Whitehall Mennonite Church Egypt, 610-262-1270 (N) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 1904 Main Street, Northampton W - 9 a.m. 610-262-6636 Zion U.C.C. Lehighton, 610-377-1191 W 8:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Zion’s Stone U.C.C. Northampton, 610-262-1133 W 10:15 a.m.. SS 9 a.m. KEY: W–Worship, SS–Sunday School, N–Nursery, HA–Handicapped Accessible, BS–Bible Study, SG–Study Group


Rescue a Friend



Bella is such a sweetheart! - almost 2 years old - Spayed. She is very smart & loves play with her toys. She knows how to sit, give both paws, & is great on a leash. Does not seem to like other dogs. Come meet her!

Carbon County Animal Shelter Nesquehoning, PA 570-325-4828

Visitors Welcome: Tue - Fri 10- 3:30 / Sat 10-1:30. You may call ahead since sometimes we have to close for a rescue.

Country Clippers Pet Grooming Contact Stacy Goldberg or Jennifer Frable 610-824-2626 Professional All Breed Dog and Cat Grooming 34

A year & half ago my owner had to make the heartbreaking decision to leave me at the shelter. He is senior citizen in need of heart surgery, & sadly just couldn’t care for me. I’m about 4 years old & spayed. I love to play ball in the yard & walk nicely on a leash. I get excited & bark when visitors come but please don’t let my excitement scare you away. I am really a sweetheart. I love peanut butter in my bones & stuffed animals. Please come meet me & bring me a treat! Up-to-date on shots & Spayed Adoption Fee $100

Carbon County Animal Shelter Nesquehoning, PA. next to Carbon County Prison (570) 325-4828 Visitors welcome Tue - Fri 10-4 / Sat 10-2. Please call ahead if coming a distance since sometimes we have to close to save another.

Support your local shelter! Christa’s Pet Grooming Christa Herring Groomer 2534 Gap View Road Slatington PA 18080

484-226-7523 || JUNE 6, 2019

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Coloring Page

36 || JUNE 6, 2019



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BLUE 7 6 MOUNTAIN 7 TOWN &2 3 5 8 5 7 9 8 COUNTRY 4 8 6 7 6 8 7 2 6 5 5 7 8 3 9 Cracks,1Potholes, GAZETTE Ivan Witmer Repair Work 2/21/19 ________________________________ DATE: ________________ COMMUNITY BUSINESS NETWORK Sudoku puzzle601 W. Market Street, Suite 100 • Perkasie, PA 18944


n° 37720 - Level Hard

n° 328444 - Level Hard

•________________ Fax: ________________________________ FROM: Ellen, Art Dept. 9 7 1 Phone: 215-257-1500 6 7 5 215-257-0800

6 2 7 2 1 8 1 6 9 1Proof 1 Bill Brewer - Owner _______________________________________________________

AD PROOF SHEET 143 East Zimmer Drive, 8

8 6 2 4 5

1 6 3

7 3 2 6 2 4 9 7 5 Walnutport 8 5 2 2/21/19 _____________________________________ 2 7 2 5 _____________________________________ Ellen, Art Dept. 4 2 9 4

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n° 329869 - Level Hard

Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc.

Your Advertisement Will Appear On The NEWSLETTER For:

610-767-2409 Lehigh Township w Farm, Inc. ________________________________________________________________________ To Hanging Baskets, Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. LocalTime Potatoes 7419 Saegersville Rd. Buy Direct From the Farm! Germansville Page 1/2 - Check solutions, print more free sudoku and play online :

FARM FRESH Heidel Hollow Inc. eidel Hollow Farm, Inc. Farm, H 610-767-2409 Vegetable 610-767-2409 Order Barley Straw for Ponds 610-767-2409 EGGS and 7419 Saegersville Rd. Buy Direct 7419 Saegersville Rd. Buy Direct From the Farm! Germansville From the Farm! Germansville

Time To Bedding Plants, FARM FRESH Time To Retail & Wholesale ollow ar,m, Inc. FARM FRESH Eggs For iHdeeildHeol llHow FarFm In FARM FRESH e c. H Order EGGS Order Farm, Inc. Proven Winners, EGGS McCUTCHEON Eggs For Easter Eggs For L o c a l EGGS Easter McCUTCHEON McCUTCHEON & Jellies Easter HoneyJams Jams &8am Jellies Jams Jellies Retail & Wholesale WhiteWhite Potatoes 50 lbs $13.00 Hours: Mon. thru & Fri - 4pm White Potatoes - $13.00 Potatoes 5050 lbslbs - $13.00 Retail&&Wholesale Wholesale Retail

Hours: Mon.thru thruFri Fri8am 8am- -4pm 4pm Hours: Mon. Sat, 9am- 1pm - 1pm• •Sunday Sundayclosed closed Sat, 9am & Straw Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed & Straw Hay Hay & Hay Straw McCUTCHEON Jams & Jellies

Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed

With competitive rates andpersonal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trustState Farm®. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®


Ivan Witmer, Agent

2672 Eberhart Road Whitehall-Coplay, PA 18052 Bus: 610-264-9600 JUNE 6, 2019 ||


State Farm Mutual Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL 37

Welcome to the Neighborhood GIANT! Its been 3 ½ years since Walnutport had a store where customers could get all their groceries in one place; Friday, May 10, 2019 that all changed. The Grand Opening of the new Giant at 300 S. Best Ave. opened its doors at 8:00AM sharp for the very first time. The brand new 55,000 square foot facility is expected to bring 200+ full and part time jobs to the community. The store will offer farm fresh produce, full service deli, meats and USDA prime cuts, fresh seafood, full service bakery, floral department, and a Beer & Wine Eatery, as well as

a 6-pump fuel station. The store will be open from 6AM to midnight seven days a week, the eatery will be open from 7Am to 10PM Monday through Saturday and Sunday 9AM to 10PM. Customers can choose to shop in store or online for curbside pickup with Giant Direct at


Mail to the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette, P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 Please Print Legibly! • Current Month Only! Name_______________________________________________ Age on Birthday__________ Birthdate__________________ Male/Female____________ Phone_____________________ From________________________________________________ One person per issue will be randomly chosen to win a FREE Birthday Cake from Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company, Walnutport.

Must pick up coupon at the Town & Country Gazette office to receive free cake.

Aaron 610-224-9210

307A S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088

38 || JUNE 6, 2019

Roosevelt Demo Club Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA


Hall Available for Your Special Occasion Seating for up to 150 Guests Have a Bowling Party Today!

Six Lanes Available Available for Members & Non-Members We also have catering and a private bar in the hall & bowling alley! Call 610-767-2664 to Schedule Your Event

Nazareth American Legion Harold V. Knecht Post 415 Nazareth, PA 18064 610-759-9900

•Custom Cabinetry Built-in or Free Standing •Stock cabinetry also available •Kitchen Design & Remodel •Cabinet Refacing •Counter Tops


8148 Sharon Court, Slatington Pa. 18080 Free Estimates • Fully Insured PA license # 048267 • Since 1994 JUNE 6, 2019 ||


Second Harvest Food Bank Receives Grant To Expand Program Delivering Nutritious Meals submitted by Briana McGonagle

Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania today announced a $50,000 grant from the Morgan Stanley Foundation to fund its BackPack Buddies program, which provides nutritious and easy-to-prepare food for children to take home on weekends and school vacations when other resources may not be available. The food bank is one of 35 food banks that received funding from Morgan Stanley as part of a $1.25 Million gift to Feeding America® member food banks to help develop, launch, expand and sustain critical child nutrition programs. “We are thrilled to receive this vital grant from Morgan Stanley in support of our efforts to help provide more nutritious meals to children and families,” said Jessica Dokachev, Second Harvest Food Bank Director. “Morgan Stanley is a terrific partner for our organization, and we are grateful for the support its employees have shown by donating their time and through generous contributions.” “We are honored to help Second Harvest Food Bank and join in its important fight against child hunger,” said Keith J. Yanders, Morgan Stanley Branch Manager of Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Michael R. Glovas, Morgan Stanley Branch Manager of Easton, Pennsylvania added, “With an engaged employee base and a culture of giving back, our employees volunteer regularly at Second Harvest Food Bank and we are delighted to extend our support through this grant to provide even more children with the foods they need to develop, learn and thrive.” Since 2009, the Foundation has partnered with Feeding America to support food bank programs that help end hunger in the United States. In that time, Morgan Stanley has supported 117 food banks in 41 states with grants for child nutrition programs, and more recently, produce programs. For more than 50 years, Morgan Stanley has been committed to helping children get a healthy start in life and having access to food is essential to this mission. “More than 12 million children in America live at risk of hunger,” said Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, CEO of Feeding America.“In order to solve hunger, we need strong partners that are willing to make long-term investments in our strategies. We are grateful to Morgan Stanley for their crucial support these last ten years.”

Ordained Minister, Pastor Dave Reiter • Weddings • Vow Renewals • Pre-marital Counseling • Other Services Available Let me tell your love story so I can express it throughout an unforgettable personal ceremony.

484-350-9678 •

Summer Theme Prize Bingo Friday, June 14 Vigilant Fire Company

610-767-1090 facebook/kylekars Owner

110 S. Walnut Street, Slatington

Kyle Follweiler State Inspection and Emissions Complete Mechanical Repair Buy • Sell • Trade 6931 PA Rt. 873 Slatington, PA 18080

Kyle’s Kars Sales and Service


Call Michele 484-809-0800 Excellent References

“Clean Quality Cars”

Doors & kitchen open at 5 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. Limited to 125 seats! Includes 20 games of regular bingo and 5 specials. 26th coverall Bingo game for a gas grill.

$ 25 ticket

*Cash Kitchen*Pull Tabs*Gambling*Extra Game Purchases Available* Purchase tickets at: The Vigilant Fire Co. during weekly Bingo, Monday and Wednesday evenings. For more info, call the Vigilant at 610-767-3832. || JUNE 6, 2019

Basket Social Citizens Fire Co. #1 Slatedale 3922 Main Street, Slatedale, PA 18079 June 7th 6pm to 8pm & June 8th 10am to 2pm Drawing at 2pm on Saturday, June 8th For info call: Michelle Schramel at 610-760-9652 or Tami Dimmig at 610-767-0130

8th annual Clothing Swap a success submitted by Michelle Raber

Thank you to Jessica Ballas of Walnutport presenting a check for over $580.00 to the President of the Northern Lehigh Community Center, Paul Gass, from the profit she earned at her 8th annual Clothing Swap to help the community held on May 19 at the Diamond Fire Company in Walnutport.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amber K. Newhard - 24 on May 23 Amanda Krenn - 30 on May 24 Barbara Andrew - 61 on May 25 Karen Talotta - 60 on May 26 Karl Klotz - 84 on May 26 Linda Wuerstle - 61 on May 27 Jessica Mack - 41 on May 28 Carol Eitner - 76 on May 28 Peggy Mack - 65 on May 29 Michael Jenkins - 16 on May 30 Susan Zeiser - 61 on May 30 Ricky Kistler - 56 on May 30 Brian Klock - 51 on May 30 Norah Haines - 1 on May 30 JUNE 6, 2019 ||

Let Me Help You Find The Best Price On All Types Of Insurance Call or Email

Cathy Baus, CIC

RP Snyder Insurance Agency 610-767-5155

A Member of the Cooper Insurance Group 41

NCC Student Receives Full-Tuition Scholarship to Moravian submitted by Mia Rossi

At the May 2019 Community Scholarship Program Award Ceremony held at Bethlehem Campus on May 22, Moravian College President, Bryon Grigsby, presented Julio Hernandez, psychology major, at Northampton Community College (NCC), with a two-year, full-tuition Community Scholarship to continue his education at Moravian. Only one exceptional student from NCC was awarded the scholarship out of 18 applicants, and Hernandez was chosen based on his impact on the campus community, academic integrity and passion for his major. "We continue to send more and more of our best and brightest to Moravian, and they take good care of our students," said Dr. Mark Erickson, president of NCC, addressing an audience of family and NCC staff supporting Hernandez at the ceremony. This is the first scholarship of its kind at Moravian College. Moravian has a mission to promote philanthropy. "We believe first you learn it, then you earn, and then you return it. If we invest in you, you'll invest in others later on," said Grigsby.

Movie Trivia Receive 2 admit one adults to Becky’s. One time - during the 2019 season.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters’ star Kyle Chandler’s most famous tv role featured what iconic catchphrase. Answer _______________________ ______________________________ Name


From _________________________ Phone Number _________________

Send your answers to: Town & Country Gazette P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 Prize tickets can be picked up or mailed out. All submissions must be received by June 14, 2019. 42

Since he was a senior in high school, Hernandez wanted to go to Moravian. He decided to come to NCC first, which put him on a path that he never dreamed would lead to this scholarship and fulfilling his dreams of becoming a speech-language pathologist, a new program at Moravian. "I'm just incredibly thankful, and I was shocked and honored to receive this award," said Hernandez. Julio graduated May 23 at the Spring Commencement Ceremony at NCC with an associate's degree, and he is looking forward to continuing his journey at Moravian College in the fall of 2019. In his time at NCC, he was part of the Honors Society, Phi Theta Kappa. His advice to fellow students in college is, "Work hard, but take the time to really enjoy what you're learning. Relax and manage balance in your life." About Moravian College: Moravian College is a private coeducational liberal arts college, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and offering undergraduate and graduate degrees. For more than 275 years, the Moravian College degree has been based on a liberal arts curriculum where literature, history, science, cultural values, global issues, ethics, artistic expression, and the social sciences are infused with multidisciplinary perspectives.Visit to learn more about how the Moravian College liberal arts curriculum prepares its students for life-long success. Charles J Breidinger Broker Benjamin Real Estate 2254 Skyline Dr. Slatington, PA 18080 Office 610-767-1293 Cell 484-951-2468 Fax 610-767-9488 Text: bhhscjb to: 87778 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC. || JUNE 6, 2019

CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612. PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.

Events Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Youth of St. Peter's, at 7860 Center St., Emerald. The All You Can Eat Meal, will be served buffet style on Saturday June 8th from 5 – 7 p.m. Adults $8, 10 and under $5. Proceeds benefit Mission Trip. Heritage Village Community Yard and Garage Sales. Fri. June 14th and Sat. June 15th. 8am-2pm Walnutport off 946 Rain dates June 21st and 22nd. Lots of good buys. (6/6).

For Sale For Sale: 2017 Keystone RV Passport model# 3290BH, 3 slides, automatic awning, flat screen TV. This trailer is new, I towed it home and due to health reasons we never got to use it. My loss, your gain $23,995 OBO. Call Bob at 610-393-0782 Unlocked Samsung Galaxy s8 Cell Phone. Like-new condition, used less than a year. Comes with lifetime case, car charger and wall charger. $300. Call 610-349-0502. For Sale: ’39 LaSalle V8 4 door Great project car no rust Call- 484375-5559 (6/6). Men's hunting clothes size L & XL, Mark Martin Nascar paraphernalia and racing jackets, womens motorcycle jackets size XL. Call Connie 610-439-1614, No Answer Leave Message. (6/6) Handyman Specials-sold as is only! 1981 Coachman trailer sleeps four, working condition

JUNE 6, 2019 ||

$1,500. 1989 Chevy G20 Van 350 HP with towing package, runs well $1,500. American Flyer Rocking Horse with sound, like new $250. Above ground swimming pool items: 24' x 52” wall with all hardware, tan extruded aluminum fence and other items, everything $200. Call 610-767-8596 if interested. (6/6)

Help Wanted Assemblers Needed- FT & PT positions available. Prior Experience Preferred, Hrs. 7-3:30, M- F. $11.00/Hr + Benefits for FT, Flexible Scheduling for PT. Apply: Precision Medical Inc., 300 Held Dr. Northampton, PA (Behind Redners) or submit resume to; hrproduction@precisionmedical. com Precision Medical, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer EEO/ AA/ADA/Veterans (6/20)

Personals SWM, 53, clean, healthy, and financially secure seeks romantic female 35-50 for dating, friendship, companionship. Any race OK. Call Joe at 484-719-0704 24/7, leave message, will return call. (6/6) Looking for a male age, 50-58 for companionship, white, PA. Home number 610- 762-9955, ask for Mary, leave a message. (6/6).

Real Estate For Rent Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS, W/S/G included. $590 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.

Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $110-$150/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-3099671. (12/19) Room for Rent: Private bath, maid service, all utilities included, clean, quiet, safe, $195/week or $635/ month, call 610-262-8050 for details. (9/5)

Services Available ABZOLUTE ENTZ. A-Z Chimneys, built, cleaned, repaired, relined! New Stoves, etc. 570-325-5727 (7/4) Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/19) Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (7/18) Piano Lessons Slatington area, Susan Spengler Cervin, B.A. music, certified elementary education 484-623-4184 (6/20)


Wanted Do you have broken A/C or dehumidifiers that you don't want to pay to have removed? If so, please call 610-737-5119 to schedule a free pick-up and removal. Items must be easily accessible. (10/3/19) Looking for 1 or 2 senior golfers to travel (Hackers) Call484-225-3282 (6/6).

Count on the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette Classifieds Call 610-767-9600

Schnecksville Notary

Joseph Vargo - Notary PENNDOT Title & Tag Service 4445 Route 309 Schnecksville PA 18078

Phone: 484-357-1442

email: Open Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm Other times by Appointment

Henry’s Service Station Inspections - Emissions - Repairs Alignments - Gas - Kerosene Texaco Trucks & Planes Retailer

Monday-Friday 6:30am-7pm Saturday 6:30am-6pm Sunday-Closed 610-767-3786 4024 Mt. View Drive Preston & Ruthann Henry Danielsville 44

Honoring our Military Continued from page 28

This event is part of a national effort by the foundation involving 600,000 flowers that decorated 400,000 grave sites at more than 100 cemeteries nationwide on Memorial Day. “Thousands of veterans’ grave sites go unvisited and unrecognized on Memorial Day – the national day to honor our fallen troops and decorate their grave sites,” said Penaherrera. “We want to honor and remember their service and sacrifice for our country.” Flower growers from Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia and California donate flowers for the event. The event is widely supported across the floral industry. In partnership with the Foundation, more than 200 retail florists and main street businesses distribute flowers from their shops to the public for placement in cemeteries across the country to honor fallen service members and late veterans. There are 155 cemeteries participating this year with the help of 5,000 volunteers nationwide. Please see our website for a list of 40 participating cemeteries. Additional cemeteries are receiving flowers as part of special Memorial Day observances organized by community groups working with the Foundation. Learn more on the website at www. ABOUT THE MEMORIAL DAY FLOWERS FOUNDATION The Memorial Day Flowers Foundation began in 2011 after U.S. citizens working in the floral industry wanted to express their patriotism and profound appreciation for the sacrifices made by America’s military men and women. They began with placing 10,000 roses at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial Day in 2011. They continue to work with Arlington National Cemetery to place flowers annually for Memorial Day and have expanded their efforts with the help of donors, volunteers and businesses to cemeteries around the country. The Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. More information is available at www. and on Twittter @ MemDayFlowers.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY June Oswald - 80 on June 4 David A. Silfies - 61 on June 6 Christopher Derhammer - 43 on June 12 Diane Bauer - 63 on June 13 Shea Ann Williams - 43 on June 20 || JUNE 6, 2019



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ARC grant funds truck driver training program at NCC submitted by Mia Rossi

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) gave Northampton Community College (NCC) a $73,975 grant to purchase seven model truck trailers for NCC's Class A Commercial Driver's License (CDL) training program. The grant will also allow NCC to help upgrade equipment like the advanced truck driver simulator, which provides students with a simulated driving environment before they practice on the road. These enhancements are expected to bring in close to 300 new students in the first three years of implementation. NCC offers a specialized diploma and Commercial Driver's License (CDL) in Class A Truck Driving


Fully Insured


Owner: Eric Swanson


that is certified by the Professional Truck Driver Institute (PTDI) and trains students in compliance with the US Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). The program focuses on safety and provides a realistic environment in which trainees can practice their skills. In a recent ARC newsletter, the commission stated, "As manufacturing industries expand and demand for consumer goods grow, so does the need for efficient, coordinated, and reliable logistics support including transportation." Due to its proximity to major east coast markets, excellent interstate highway connectivity and available land, Monroe and surrounding counties have seen a growth in warehouse and distribution centers seeking trained and reliable CDL drivers for their transportation needs. Truck drivers are in high demand due to a wave of retirements in the industry as well, and companies are finding it difficult to recruit skilled talent. Upon completion of the project, it is predicted that graduates of the


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Need Medicare Assistan Need Medicare Assistance? N || JUNE 6, 2019

program will be employed with stable, selfsustaining wages at 24 businesses in the region. NCC's Director of Driving Programs, Tina Frindt, says of the changes, "The upgrade will allow us to have students practice shifting prior to getting into the actual trucks without the stress of other roadway users. This is a safer way to build their confidence for the road. The purchase of the trailers will ultimately save the department money because we currently rent trailers, and it will allow us to wrap them with information about the NCC program." NCC's Monroe Campus continues to make strides to keep up with trends, teach employable students, and in turn, serve the neighboring communities.

Strawberry Festival Basket Drawing Sunday, June 9, 2019 • 12 noon to 6 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Slatedale Bar-B-Q’s - Hot Dogs Live Entertainment Baked Beans by Pierogies Special Raffle Joyful Noise Funnel Cakes Two handmade quilts Music from Strawberry Desserts and a Franklin plate set 2-4 p.m. Tickets $2 each and more or $3 for $5

790 57 Drive, Palmerton 610-381-3381 or 800-635-0152 Wooded and Open Sites, Planned Activities on Weekends, Bands & DJ’s, Snack Bar, Playground, Large Rec Hall, Full Hookups, Propane

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Jay Balliet 484-221-3425 JUNE 6, 2019 ||

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2019 Bridges Recipients Honored at Evening Gala

Students are pictured from left to right: Back Row: Joseph Fekete, James Spadafora, Justin Daniels, Samuel Capwell, Derek Conkle, Matthew Clark, Donna Basic and Jared Gallowary. Middle Row: Sarah Lieberman, Abigail Wenger, Hazel Deschampes, Amy Sweirzeck, Walter Garrett, Jessica Batoussi, and Sadie Abboud. Front Row: Shugufa Ramin, Brianna Viera, Brienna Aszli, Alex Roan and Jeremiah Henry.

The Bridges Foundation was established to provide deserving students of the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School the ability and financial support to fulfill career aspirations. The foundation provides support towards post-secondary education, the acquisition of tools and/or equipment and lastly to attend specialized training related to students career pathway. The selection for the students is determined by identifying multiple characteristics believe to be necessary for students to meet a successful post-high school experiences. The criteria included a review of academic and vocational accomplishments, occupational career aspirations, and interviews with a team of judges. The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School is proud to recognize the 2018-2019 Bridges Award recipients. These students have been awarded the following: NO-Northampton Amy Swierczek, NO $4,500.00 Dale Kochard Leadership Award Lieberman, Sarah, NO $2,000.00 Bridges Foundation Scholarship Viera, Brianna, NO $1,000.00 Elizabeth Mason Thun Artisan Award

NCC is now an accredited Arboretum submitted by Mia Rossi

Northampton Community College's Bethlehem Campus has been awarded a Level I Accreditation by The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program and was added to the Morton Register of Arboreta, a database of the world's arboreta and gardens 48

dedicated to woody plants. ArbNet is the only global initiative to officially recognize arboreta at various stages of development and is an interactive, collaborative, international community of arboreta. The Bethlehem Campus's arboretum, spanning the entire 206-acre campus, hosts over 47 species of trees. Karen Klein, NCC biology professor, began efforts in 2017 to have the college's Bethlehem campus accredited as an arboretum after she saw the number of beautiful trees living on the campus. Some of the identified species include American basswoods, pignut hickory and mockernut hickory. Klein has tagged many of the species found on campus for students, faculty, staff and community members to explore. Each tagged tree at NCC has a barcode that one can scan with their phone that takes them to the new wild NCC website, http://, describing some interesting information about the tree. Klein says there are more than the 47 identified species and is working on positive identification for the remainder of the members of the arboretum. Klein notes that, "Having an arboretum on campus broadens and enhances the ability for anyone to identify trees, not just our students, and allows us all to appreciate the diversity of trees we have here. "We also have students interested in pursuing botany and forestry professionally, and they can benefit from this. Having our arboretum accredited serves as a bridge for the community to come to the college to enjoy and engage in our beautiful campus. This brings notoriety to our campus, reinforcing that we are a first-class educational and research institution in the Lehigh Valley, and it brings our campus an honor and distinction that other campuses in the Lehigh Valley do not have," Klein said.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Olivia Case - 9 on May 31 Wilmer Bachman - 61 on June 1 Gloria Pereira - 60 on June 4 Meredith Berg - 7 on June 7 Jonah Bachman - 3 on June 7 Luke Hall - 1 on June 8 Blake Eitner - 17 on June 12 Samantha Mack - 11 on June 13 Michael Koenig - 28 on June 14 Cathy Desch - 61 on June 15 Pat Jones - 78 on June 17 Leo Pisco - 7 on June 17 Lillianna Serfass - 10 on June 19 Luke Eitner - 18 on June 19 || JUNE 6, 2019

Cut Out For Dad!





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Print sudoku

ADVERTISER’S INDEX 3 Daughters Construction........... 49 All Air Solutions............................. 7 All American Tree Service............. 3 All J’s Landscaping & Lawn Care... 47 Allentown Flea Market............... 49 Amey’s Clean Rite........................ 16 Amey’s Garage, Inc........................ 2 B. Biechy Construction................ 45 Barry Hausman, Jr........................ 39 Bechtel’s Pharmacy........................ 9 Becker Homes.............................. 45 Becky’s Drive-in................................22 Berkshire Hathaway........................42 Bethany Wesleyan...........................23 BGA Insurance-Franki Mengoni....46 Bilt-Rite Construction......................45 Birch Creek Sealcoating..................14 Blue Mountain Butterfly Sanctuary...............................28 Blue Mountain Chimney Sweep....49 Blue Mountain Evergreen............ 52 Blue Rocks Family Campground... 26 Brenda Rhodes............................ 46 - Level Hard Brewer Pavingn°&322081 Sealcoating..... 37 Buzzy’s Auto Body....................... 24 Cedar Valley Post-Frame............. 16 Christ Church Walnutport........... 25 Christa’s Pet Grooming............... 34 Christman’s Septic Service........... 46 Citizen’s Fire Co. - Slatedale........ 41 Come Home to a Clean Home.... 40 Country Clippers Pet Grooming.................... 34 Crystal Vision Center................... 21 d’Soprano’s.................................. 25 Dave Reiter.................................. 40 David Hess Concrete.................... 20 Don Laine Family Campground... 47 E.F.C. Construction LLC................ 20 ESYC Bingo.................................. 29 Family Practice............................... 9 George Bensing Funeral Home... 24 Germansville Fire Co................... 16 Great Metal Recycling................. 14 Green Wood................................ 45 Harding Funeral 17 n° Home............... 37720 - Level Hard Heidel Hollow.............................. 37 Henry’s Service Station................ 44 Jack Follweiler’s Garage.............. 46 JMY Construction........................ 45 John Door.............................. 12, 45 Kathy Baush’s Salon...................... 9 Klecknersville Rangers.................. 9 Kuhns Family Chiropractic.......... 13 Kutr’s Edge................................... 38 Kyle’s Kars.................................... 40 Larry’s Antiques............................. 3 Lehigh Valley Spinal............28 & 29 Lincoln Manor............................. 13 Lucky Strokes............................... 20 MacHose Contracting.................. 27 Mack’s Tree Service........................ 4 MEK it EPIC Golf Event................ 31 Miller Supply................................ 26

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Mint Home Improvement........... 22 Mobile Home Parts Center......... 38 Mountain Valley Kitchen & Catering.......................... 43 Mountainside Construction........ 51 Movie Trivia................................. 42 MR Doggy Style........................... 11 Myster Tree.................................. 13 Nancy's Therapeutic Massage............................... 2 Nazareth American Legion......... 39 Neff’s Masonry............................. 45 New Tripoli/Schnecksville Diner... 19 North Catasauqua Carnival........... 5 Nulton Diagnostic & Treatment Center........... 8 Pastor Lundmark........................... 4 Richard B. Ryon .......................... 51 Roosevelt Democratic Club......... 39 Roscoe P. Snyder Insurance......... 41 Schnecksville Notary.................... 44

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6 4 3 5 8 2 9 7 1

1 5 6 9 2 4 8 3 7

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Schisler Funeral............................ 52 Shari Noctor................................... 7 Silfies Fuel.................................... 20 Slatington Lions Club.................. 15 St. John Neumann....................... 18 State Farm - Ivan Witmer............ 37 Steckel & Stopp............................. 6 Strawberry Festival...................... 47 Stress Relief Center..................... 14 Sule’s Collision Center................. 39 Swanson’s Lawn Care.................. 46 T.J. Uhnak.................................... 49 Tall Timbers Nursery...................... 7 Tamaqua Comm. Arts Center..... 12 Veterans Discount Oil................. 35 Vigilant Fire Co............................ 40 Walnutport Door Co..................... 5 Wells Painting.............................. 45 Werner Eyes of the Valley........... 17 W. Neff Auto Sales...................... 49 Zephyr/Eagle Apartments........... 38

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n° 33292 - Level Hard

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n° 328444 - Level Hard

FREE 1 2 Ice 5 Cream 9 8 Cake 3 WINNER 9 8 4 5 7 6 3 7 6 4 1 2 Lillianna Serfass 7 3 8 2 6 9 Call 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! Cake 4 courtesy 1 9 of7 5 8 Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company 6 5 2 3 4 1 5 9 1 8 3 7 8 4 7 6 2 5 || JUNE 6, 2019 2 6 3 1 9 4

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