MARCH 19, 2020 ||
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From the Publisher’s Desk DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS SITUATION, PLEASE NOTE: 1. Distribution: Our distribution is being restricted at some of the usual locations where you would normally pick up our latest edition. The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette does not have control over this situation. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this will cause you. 2. Event Advertisements: As you probably already know, many events are being postponed or cancelled. If you are planning to attend an event you have seen advertised in the Gazette, our recommendation is to contact the event organizer to confirm whether or not the event will take place as planned and advertised.
255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088
P 610-767-9600 F 610-767-9612 ISSN 1942-2091
Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher John Hall - Account Executive Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover. Business Hours: Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers.
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Hope Lutheran Church on the Coronavirus As you may know, on Wednesday the World Health Organization declared COVID-19, or ‘coronavirus,’ a pandemic. The virus’ symptoms resemble the flu: fever, tiredness, dry cough, aches, nasal congestion, and/or sore throat. Current information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that, in most people, COVID-19 illness is mild - but older people and people of all ages with an underlying health condition are at a greater risk for developing a severe COVID-19 illness. The Church Council has been following the progression of the coronavirus and wanted you to know what to expect this weekend. Following the recommendation of the Governor of Pennsylvania to cancel large gatherings, and in an effort to do our part, the Church Council has taken the measured approach to discontinue worship and all group activities at the church beginning Sunday, March 15th through Saturday, March 28th. The council will review the situation next week to determine future actions. In the meantime, please know that the church office will be open during regular hours, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. Our sexton will be hard at work sanitizing the building – pews, tables, bathrooms, etc. to be ready for us to gather again. Of course, canceling two of services will affect us financially - so we encourage you to mail in your offering envelopes or bring them in next time we worship. We are reinforcing proactive steps that the CDC recommends to prevent the spread of germs: - Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. - Avoid close contact with people who are sick. - Use a disposable tissue to cover a cough or sneeze. - Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. - Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects. - Stay home if you have flu-like symptoms. In times of crisis, rumors abound. The CDC has the most up-to-date information on this outbreak and we encourage to go to their website for accurate updates. As your pastor, I encourage you to remain connected and hopeful during this time of uncertainty in our country. This week’s bulletins and sermon are attached to this email bulletin and insert. I am available for individual conversation Continued on page 5
Lehigh Township Historical Society News Submitted by Ruth Hall Kent
Spring is almost here and LTHS is gearing up for another great spring and summer full of activities. Hopefully things will go as planned, if not, we will reschedule. We would like to thank our friends from in and around the township, as well as the businesses in the area, for renewing their supporting memberships. If you have not yet done so, please consider joining in support of our mission to collect and preserve the history and ephemera of our past. Our museum open house dates are scheduled to start in the beginning of May. Operating our museum and maintaining the St. Paul's One-Room Schoolhouse is expensive and fundraising is one our sources of income to help with those costs. Thank you to all who of our supporters who participate in our fundraisers. Help!! Calling all Lehigh Township classmates of One-Room Schoolhouses! We are in the early stages of planning a one-room schoolhouse reunion and looking for people who can share their memories, thoughts and ideas that we could include in this event. If you would like to help us out, please call the Historical Centre at 610-440-
0151 and leave a message with your name and phone number. Mark your calendar for Tuesday April 21 at 1:00 pm to join us for a brainstorming meeting at the Historical Centre in Pennsville. We have already heard from 3 people who are interested. Spread the word among friends who attended one-room schools. We need to start rounding up people who are alumni of one-room schools and make a list with a name, phone number and/or address. We would like to know how many people would be interested in attending such an event. If you are planning to visit or stop by with any items to donate, please call first (610-440-0151) to make sure we are open on our usual Tuesday morning hours of 9 am to Noon. We are always looking for new volunteers at the museum. Come for a visit! See you soon!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Evelyn Bartos - 72 on March 2 Nicole Jorlett Erle - 45 on March 7 Andrew George - 15 on March 7 Marlene Greenwood - 82 on March 8
Kathy Baush’s Salon
Blue Mountain Chimney Sweep
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PA State Inspection | PA State Emissions Danielsville, PA 18038 4 || MARCH 19, 2020
Hope Lutheran Continued from page 3
face-to-face or over the phone and will continue to provide pastoral care to our members. In situations where uncertainty and fear are present, please don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Try a new prayer app like Pray As You Go (, or have a devotion sent to your inbox like Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation (https:// Additionally, I have included a Prayer for Coronavirus Healing as well. Blessings, Pastor Jami A Prayer for Coronavirus Healing Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages "curing every disease and illness." At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through medical care. Heal us form our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace. Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Be with the leaders of all nations and all public officials. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. Whether we are at home or abroad, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us. Amen Adapted from prayer by Kerry Weber American Magazine, March 3, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Justin Frable - 21 on March 11 Ralph Wolfinger - 73 on March 13 Joanne Hewitt - 82 on March 14 Janna Phillips - 35 on March 15 Owen Zaino - 4 on March 16 Madelynn Mack - 15 on March 17 Paul Hewitt - 87 on March 18 Scott Hummel - 64 on March 19 Jaime Vargson - 11 on March 20 Kristy Pfrom - 27 on March 21
Donna’s Cleaning Donna Bates Home Phone # 610-262-4874 484-634-2688
Fully Insured
Mention ad and get $10 off first cleaning
Touch of Dutch Submitted by Larry Gradwohl
Metzel-supp Liewe Friend: Hoscht du schunn gheert vun Metzel-supp? Sell is nix ganz Neies zu mir, awwer ich bin iwwer ebbes kumme, as gschriwwe waar in der „Lebanon Daily News“ uff der 3 December 1880, weege sellem Ding. Sie saage, do unnich der Penna. Deitsche waer sell graad so kammen gewest, as wie „Nei-yaahr
Your favorite color is a click away Explore paint color options for your home with our easy online Visitcolor Yourtool. favorite is a click away to get inspired.
Explore paint color options for your home with our easy onlineSp tool.ring Event Visit to get inspired. April 4 …9-3 Route 329 & Savage Rd., Northampton La w n ti ps fo Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7 early Springr Sat. 7-4, Closed Sunday and All Major Miller Supply Ace Hardware and ALL Se ason HolidaysAce• Hardware Tel. #: 610-262-4566 long! Rte 329 & Savage Rd Northampton, PA 18067 (610) 262-4566
Schiesse un Winsche“ adder wie der Belsnickel owets vor Grischtdaags adder Oier uff Oschdere. Es iss awwer verleicht net alsfatt so gheese warre. Darrich der Winder, wann die Leit gewehnlich am Schlachde waare uff der Bauerei, hen viel Zeide die Nochbere gholfe. Es hot oftmols zwee adder drei Daag genumme, bis alles faddich waar. Es waar net der Gebrauch fer Geld abnemme fer ihne helfe, denno hen sie alsfatt deel Fleesch un Wascht gewwe. Wann arriyets ganz aarme Leit deheem waare, hen sie aa ebbes grickt. Es waar aa in sellre Zeiting wie so ebbes als gschehne waer driwwe in Deitschland. Dart iss wu des Ding gschtaert waar, un die Deitsche, as do in Barricks un Lebanon un Yarrick un Dauphin Kaundies deheem warre, hen des aa selle Weg gedriwwe. Sie hen ebbes vun „Puddin“ gemacht, wu sie Lewwerwascht-filsel un Brie vum Fleeschkoche un Sache wie sell geyuust hen. Sell hen sie Metzel-supp gheese un die Nochbere sin eigelaade warre fer kumme un sell helfe esse. Es iss aa deel Kern-brot neigeduh warre; nau weess ich net eb sell gesse, adder gedrunke iss warre. Der Weg wie’s gheese hot, hen sie aa oftmols Brandewei nei. Es hot gsaagt sell waer gschtobbt warre, deweil as deel nimmi der Weg heem finne hen kenne, un annere hen gaar nimmi laafe kenne. Ich hab dodriwwer gedenkt un nau glawwich net as ich ebbes weess vun rechder Metzel-supp; ich glaab as yuscht seller Naame henke iss bliwwe. Wie ich gsaagt ghatt hab, es waar awwer en kammen Ding fer Wascht un Pann-haas, adder verleicht deel Fleesch, gewwe zu der Leit, as helfe hen schlachde. Ich kann saage as sell noch net ganz vergesse iss. Ich hab deel arricke gude Freind, so wie’s Arners un’s Crossleys, as mir alsnoch so Sach gewwe. Wann sell, as sie mir gewwe, „Metzel-supp iss, ich muss es esse un net drinke. Ich bin froh, as seller Gebrauch noch net ganz vergesse iss warre. Do iss noch ebbes schunnscht as ich gewwe will: Ihr wisst as viel Weibsleit mechtich kariyos sin wie Continued on page 8
HARDING FUNERAL HOME, INC. 25-27 N. Second St., Slatington, PA 18080 610-767-3011 • Nathanael J. Horvath, Supervisor
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Serving the Northern Lehigh and Surrounding Areas for 65 years *365 days a year/24 hours a day* 6 || MARCH 19, 2020
In memory of Krysta Hankee, the family established the Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund which has provided over $125,000 in scholarships to area students pursuing a higher education since 2007. The “Miles that Matter” program has provided over 2 million miles of transportation for local families in need. You can join this worthy effort by golfing, sponsorships or donating prize items.
4/2 4/16 4/30 5/14 5/28 6/11 6/25 7/9 7/23 8/3 8/6 8/27 9/12
Green Pond CC Green Pond CC Woodstone CC Old Homestead GC Southmoore GC Whitetail GC Olde Homestead GC Iron Lakes CC Whitetail GC Woodstone CC Woodstone CC White Birch GC
$28 $28 **$50 **$35 *$33 **$33 **$35 ***$37 **$33 ***$95 **$50 ***$25
11:00Ͳ12:30 11:00Ͳ12:30 1:00 START 10:00Ͳ12:00 10:00Ͳ12:00 11:00Ͳ1:00 10:00Ͳ12:00 9:52Ͳ11:00 11:00Ͳ1:00 9:00 START 1:00 START 9:30 START
610Ͳ691Ͳ9453 610Ͳ691Ͳ9453 610Ͳ217Ͳ3625 610Ͳ298Ͳ4653 610Ͳ837Ͳ7200 610Ͳ837Ͳ9626 610Ͳ298Ͳ4653 610Ͳ395Ͳ3369 610Ͳ837Ͳ9626 610Ͳ739Ͳ5034 610Ͳ739Ͳ5034 610Ͳ217Ͳ3625
Whitetail Golf Club
7:40 START 1:15 START
Annual Golf Tournament
9/17 Berkleigh GC 10/1 Split Rock CC 10/8 Hideaway Hills GC
$30 11:00Ͳ12:30 **$25 8:00Ͳ1:00 $30 9:30Ͳ11:30
610Ͳ638Ͳ8268 570Ͳ722Ͳ9901 610Ͳ681Ͳ6000
*Hot Dog ** Hot Dog & Drink *** Lunch Share our schedule with friends who enjoy fun filled golf outings at local courses that care. Price includes greens fees, cart and listed items. Call the contact number to select your tee time. At the event, pay the listed fee in the clubhouse and then check in at our table. A $10 donation at the event will allow you to participate in skill events and more. Questions call Bill 610-217-3625 or visit
Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund 2020 Seasonal Events Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities Raffle Sponsor - Donation of gift cards, gift certificates, items or services with face value of less than $200. Call or text Bill at 610-217-3625 to schedule pickup. Recognition at Sept. 12th KHMF Golf Tournament $50 Tournament Hole Sponsor - Personalized sign at Sept.12th KHMF Golf Tournament $100 Seasonal Hole Sponsor - Personalized sign at all 2020 KHMF Golf Events* $200 Prize Sponsor - Personalized sign on course and prize table at all 2020 KHMF Golf Events. * Donation can be cash, check, gift cards, gift certificates with a verifiable face value of $200 or more $400 Bronze Sponsor - 1 foursome in Sept. 12th KHMF Golf Tournament or 4 VIP Passes** and personalized sign displayed at all 2020 KHMF Golf Events* $800 Silver Sponsor - 1 foursome in Sept.12th KHMF Golf Tournament and 4 VIP Passes,** and personalized sign displayed at all 2020 KHMF Golf Events* $1200 Gold Sponsor - 2 foursomes in Sept. 12th KHMF Golf Tournament and 8 VIP Passes,** and personalized sign displayed at all 2020 KHMF Golf Events* *2020 KHMF Golf Events - There will be a minimum of fifteen (15) events held between April and October ** VIP PASSES - Can be used for additional golfers in Sept.12th KHMF Golf Tournament or individually /in combination throughout the season. Only good for 2020 season. Y ou may email your sponsorship and team information to and/or mail it with your check made payable to: Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund, PO Box 1, Germansville, PA 18053. Sponsors, include a business card or copy of your logo and any information you would like on your sign. Call or text Bill Hankee at (610) 217-3625 or visit
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Touch of Dutch Continued from page 6
ihre Haus in Adder iss, wann Bsuch kummt. Ich hab glese as en gross Feier waar imme Haus. Drowwe uff’m dridde Schtock hot en Weibsmensch amme Fenschder gschtanne, wie’s Haus am Brenne waar. En grosser Feiermann hot uffre Leeder gschtanne, graad newe am Fenschder. Er waar sie am Bede fer uff die Leeder kumme. Endlich wie er sie net kumme hot mache, hot er gsaagt „Dann muss ich dart neikumme fer dich griege.“ No hot sie awwer gsaagt, „Nee, dann kummich, mei Haus iss net in adder fer Bsuch.“ -Der Schtiwwel-knecht vun Seisholtzville (Clarence Reitnauer in his column in Pennsburg’s Town and Country newspaper for 29 March 1989) Metzel soup Dear Friends, Have you heard of metzel soup already? That is nothing new to me, but I came upon something that was written in the “Lebanon Daily News” on December 3, 1880 about that subject. It said, here among the PA Dutch, that would have been exactly as common as “Shooting in the New Year and giving
out wishes” or like the Belsnickel showing up the evening before Christmas or eggs on Easter. Perhaps it was not always called thus. During the winter, when the people customarily were butchering on the farm, many times the neighbor helped. It often took two or three days until everything was finished. It was not the custom to take away money [as pay] for helping them; accordingly, they always gave some meat and sausage. If there were very poor people at their home, they also got something. There was also in that newspaper something like this that would happen over in Germany. That is where this thing started, and the Dutch people that settled here in Berks and Lebanon and York and Dauphin counties have done this the same way. They made something of a pudding which they used meat scraps left over from butchering and broth from cooking meat and other items like that. That they called metzel soup and the neighbors were invited in to help eat that. There was also some rye bread put in; now I don’t know if that was eaten or drank. The way it’s told, many times they put in brandy. It was said that was stopped, because some could not find their way home and others were not even able to walk. I have reflected upon this and now I don’t believe
Richard B. Ryon Insurance 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, P.O. BOX R, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager
“Our Tradition is Protecting You” BUSINESS 8 || MARCH 19, 2020
that I know something of the ‘real’ Metzel soup; I believe that just the name of it hangs on. Like I said, it was a common thing to give some sausage or scrapple or perhaps some meat to the people that helped butcher. I can say that that is not completely forgotten. I have good friends, such as the Arners and Crossleys that give me such things. If that what they give me is metzel soup, I must eat it not drink it. I am glad that that tradition is not completely forgotten. Here is something else that I want to give you. You know that many women are very particular that their house is in order when company comes. I read that a big fire was burning in a house. Up on the third floor a woman stood at a window, when the house was burning. A large fireman stood on a ladder right next to the window. He was begging her to come onto his ladder. Finally, when he could not make her come, he said, “Then I have to come in there and get you.” But then she said, “No, then I will come out, my house is not in order for visitors!” [In Preston Barba’s column for 13 March 1965: Metzeln means to kill animals and cut to pieces for meat—preeminently for sausage. In the olden times a time-honored custom (doubtless brought by our German ancestors from the fatherland) prevailed, of sending to each near neighbor, at butchering
time, a taste of the delicious sausage and puddings which were made in such great abundance on butchering occasions, which occurred, as they still do among our country-folk, at least twice during each winter; this "taste" usually consisted of a goodsized dish—holding eight or ten pounds—heaping full. This metzel-soup custom became general among our rural folk of all nationalities, but is now gradually falling into desuetude together with many other things. – Barba is here quoting Henry Fisher’s Olden Times (1888).] [So what is the real meaning of ‘metzel soup’? I think what we have here is two distinct customs associated with the butchering process and one has died out (inviting the neighbors in to partake of that ‘soup’) but its name remains and is now associated with the other (sending samplings of your butchering to your neighbors).]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Matt Zydyk - 35 on March 9 Matthew Koenig - March 10 Bernie Silfies - 52 on March 10 Alyssa Cordon - 23 on April 23
Early Bird Mulch SalE
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w to schedule delivery for a small fee or pick up during open hours
Call now to schedule delivery for a small fee or pick up during open hours
3426 E Grant St, Slatington, PA 18080 3426 E Grant St, Slatington, PA 18080 Hours: Mon – Fri: 7:30am-4:00pm Saturday & Sundays: Closed
We–can also7:30am-4:00pm meet by appointment outside of these hours. Hours: Mon Fri: Saturday & Sundays: Closed
We can also meet by appointment outside of these hours. MARCH 19, 2020 ||
COMMUNITY CALENDAR March 19 – April 2 Thursday Evenings from 7 – 8:30 p.m. LCS offers "Journeys Through Grief" counseling in small groups where for six 1½ hour sessions, you will learn about the stages of grief and explore your feelings about the loss you have experienced. Our goal is not to make grief disappear, but to equip the group's participants with the tools needed for lifelong healing and understanding. Under the guidance of a professional Christian counselor or trained facilitator, you will learn how you can live with the grief associated with loss. To register, contact Sylvia Havlish at 610.395.5045 April 4 Free community breakfast and egg hunt, Christ’s Church at Lowhill, 4695 Lowhill Church Rd, New Tripoli, Easter bunny will be available for pictures, breakfast 8:00am-10:00 am, egg hunt starts at 10:15 in the church grove, call Wanda 610-842-4781 May 3 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 40 Second Street, Slatington, will be offering a free community luncheon on May 3, 2020. We will be serving starting at 11:30 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. We will be serving barbeques, filling, vegetables, tossed salad, beverages and desserts. It will be held in the church’s social hall. Mondays Knitting Club, Palmerton Library (1st Monday), 6 to 8 p.m. Knitting for Veterans, Bath Legion, 6 to 9 p.m. TOPS, Dinkey Church, Ashfield, 5:30 p.m. 610-852-2976. Al-Anon Family Group/Growing in Hope, St. Peters Community Center, 177 Main Road, Lehighton 7 - 8 p.m. 570-657-6850 St. John’s Lutheran Church of Mahoning is hosting “GriefShare,” a free weekly grief support group and seminar, on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. “GriefShare” features video 10
from prominent Christian experts on grieving, and caring conversation with people who understand your thoughts and feelings, whether your loss is recent or long ago. To find out more, or to register, call St. John’s at 570-386-9960. American Legion Post 16 meeting every 2nd Monday at 7 p.m. Veterans needed for color guard to help with Military Honor Funeral. Call 610-703-5166 FMI. TUESDAYS ALATEEN support group for teens of family struggling w/ alcohol. Faith Alive Church, Palmerton/ Bowmanstown, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adult Al-Anon and AA meetings, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 570-730-8601. WEDNESDAYS Alzheimer’s Support Group (1st and 3rd), St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jim Thorpe. 6:30 p.m. 610-392-2380. Homework Helpers, Palmerton Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m. 610-8264962. Nar-Anon Meetings, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Rd. Nazareth, 7:30 p.m. Adult BS/JAM Club (K-5) and youth (6-12), 7 p.m. Faith Wesleyan Church, Route 309 Orefield 610-398-0172. Carbon County Art League, meets the second Wednesday each month at 6:00 PM at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163 The overdose support group will be held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. 6:00pm - 7:30pm at Carbon-Monroe-Pike Drug & Alcohol. 428 South 7th St. Lehighton, PA. Contact Carolee @ 610-377-5177. Free support for anyone impacted by an overdose. TOPS, New Night, Zion U.C.C., Lehighton. 4:30 p.m. 610-852-2136. Youth & Adult Small Group Studies, 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Bethany Wesleyan Church, Palmerton campus, 457 Delaware Ave. Phone
610.767.1239 THURSDAYS Schnecksville Sr. Citizens Club, 12 p.m. at Schnecksville Grange 610-769-7570. Polka, Laurel Fire Co. (3rd and 4th), 5 to 7 p.m. 610-262-2077. Rotary Club of Slatington meeting, Woodstone Country Club, 6:15 p.m. 484-951-2468. Al-Anon Family Group, St. John’s U.C.C. in Palmerton, 7 to 8 p.m. 570-861-4928. American Legion Aux. of Slatington at Legion (1st), 7 p.m. FMI 610-760-1642. PA German Friends meeting (3rd), St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Allentown, 7 p.m. 610-767-7140. Walnutport Senior Citizens meet 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. at St. Johns U.C.C. Church Slatington. FRIDAYS Preschool Story Hour, Palmerton Library, 10:30 a.m. Mom, Pop, and Tot class, 10 to 11 a.m. Northampton Rec. Center. Toddler based activities/group activities. 610-502-2990 or SATURDAYS Cancer Connections Group Meeting, Bethany Wesleyan Church (3rd Sat.), 10 a.m. Forgotten Felines Cat and Kitten Adoptions, noon to 4 p.m. 6022 Mountain Rd., Germansville. 610-760-9009. SHEPHERDSCHAPEL.COM students have Saturday evening Bible study on a teleconference line with focus on current events in prophecy. Call 610-759-0293. SUNDAYS Learning Experience & Discipleship classes, Bethany Wesleyan, 9 and 10:45 a.m. Second Sunday of every month United States Submarine Veterans Lehigh Valley Base monthly meeting, at St Stephen’s Church at 510 Union St, Allentown. || MARCH 19, 2020
Remember When
photos by William “Becky” Beck
Dieter's Foundry--Frank Lockard--front--Cherryville
Upper Lehigh Lions
Schnecktucky Derby
Schnecksville Fire Company Pavilion, Rt. 309 $20.00 Admission • Doors Open at: 5:30 PM • Dinner Buffet 6:00-8:00 PM Post Time 7:00 PM (10 Races) Friendly Betting Fun, Raffles & Prize Giveaways between Each Race Call: 610-760-0956 Reservations Recommended
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MARCH 19, 2020 ||
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St. Peter’s UMC Events Submitted by Sharleen Crossett
The Redeemers Closet located at our Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale at 4019 Main St, continues to be open for the free clothing give away the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9am till noon. March 21st is this months’ date. Lifetree Café is open to all people for an hour of stories and conversation to feed your soul will be held, each Saturday starting at 6PM. Lifetree Café is part of St. Peter’s UMC in Emerald and part of the Helping Hands Ministry. The Café is held at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale. The Center is at 4019 Main St, Slatedale. Check the website or contact Pastor Bill for each week topic. COMING April 21st at 10am to Helping Hands Community Center “Grief Share”. For more information contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450. Lenten services continue each Wednesday during Lent the service begins at 7PM. A covered dish meal is shared at 5:45PM. The theme for this years’ services is “Thy Will Be Done”. St. Peter’s is hosting Tiger Scouts on Thursday evenings. Interested contact Kayla Trotter @484597-9565 for more information. During Lent the Monday morning group will be
doing “The Women who Knew”, an exploration of the Seven Prophetesses in Hebrew History. All interested persons are invited to attend. Reserve a book contact Pastor Bill. Regular Sunday activities include Sunday school held for all ages at 9am. Our Blended Worship service is at 10:00am. Communion is observed on the 1st Sunday of each month. On Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM, our Youth Group, youth in grades 7th through 12th, meet at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale. Whether you’re looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, we are located at 7860 Center St. in Emerald you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check us out at
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emil Solderitz - March 8 Renee Phillips - 68 on March 9 Donna Christy - 50 on March 30 Jacob Fenstermaker - 16 on March 31 Laura Warner- 40 on March 31
Bechtel's Pharmacy Inc.
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CHRIS’ COMPUTER CUSTOMWARE, INC. Troubleshoot, Repair, or Upgrade your PC in your home. I can also custom build a new one to meet your growing needs. $60/hour, Serving local PC users 1 hour minimum charge. for over 20 years! VISA/MC accepted. 610-767-3004
12 || MARCH 19, 2020
Remember When
photos by William “Becky” Beck
Volunteer Fire Company
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
All you can eat buffet breakfast
Sunday, April 6 7:30am-12pm
Easter Pie, Cake and Filling Sale
Fritzinger's Bakery--Charles Spadt---driver-Walnutport
Thursday, April 9 5pm
Walnutport Door Co., LLC
Order your pies and cakes. Apple crumb, cherry crumb, peach crumb, coconut cream, chocolate cream, peanut butter cream - all pies are 9” deep dish. Pineapple upside down cake, chocolate cake with peanut butter icing, and fancycake. All cakes are 9x13. All pies and cakes are $10.00. Raw filling $4.00 a pound. Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 to order.
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484-263-2376 MARCH 19, 2020 ||
15 Scientific Reasons Spring Is the Most Delightful Season (excerpted) By:
Summer, winter and fall may have their fans, but spring is clearly the most lovable of the four seasons. Not convinced? Here are 15 scientific reasons why spring is great! 1. TEMPERATURES ARE MODERATE. People tend to be most comfortable at temperatures of about 72°F research shows, so the
arrival of spring means you can finally ditch the heavy winter layers and still be comfortable. 2. THERE IS MORE DAYLIGHT. Extra hours of sun can be a major mood-booster. A 2016 study of students at BrighamYoung University found that the longer the sun was up during the day, the less mental distress people experienced. 3. THE BIRDS RETURN. For relatively northern regions, there is no better indicator of spring than birds chirping outside. In 2017, a UK study found that the more birds people could see in their neighborhoods, the better their mental health. 4. THERE ARE BABY ANIMALS EVERYWHERE. Baby bunnies, ducklings, chipmunks, and other adorable animals abound come spring. Studies have found that seeing cute animals can have positive effects on humans. 5. YOU'RE SAFER. In 2015, a pair of public policy researchers discovered a hidden upside to Daylight Saving Time – a 27% drop in robberies during that extra hour of evening sunlight, and a 7% drop over the course of
Koren Bait and Tackle
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14 || MARCH 19, 2020
the whole day. 6. YOU CAN GO OUTSIDE. Warmer temperatures mean you can spend more time outside, which is great for mental health. A 2015 University of Michigan study linked 30 minutes or more in sunny spring weather to better mood and memory. 7. IT MAKES YOU MORE CREATIVE. That same University of Michigan study found that spending time outside in the sunny spring weather isn't just a mood booster it broadens participants' minds, leaving them more open to new information and creative thoughts. 8. THE LEAVES COME BACK. Spring brings green growth back to plants and trees. That successful spring leaf growth ensures a cool canopy to relax under during the hot summer—a hugely important factor in keeping cities comfortable. 9. GROWING PLANTS ABSORB CARBON DIOXIDE. Plants take in roughly 25 percent of the carbon emissions humans produce, absorbing more than 100 gigatons of carbon through photosynthesis each growing season, providing an important environmental service. 10. IT'S EASY TO FIND FRESH PRODUCE. A 2016 study of more than 12,000 Australians
found that when people increased the amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet, they felt happier and had higher rates of life satisfaction. 11. FLOWERS ARE IN BLOOM. Several studies have shown that looking at flowers can make you happy. A 2008 study of hospital patients found that having flowers in the room made them feel more positive and reduced their pain and anxiety. 12. YOU CAN TAKE YOUR EXERCISE ROUTINE OUTDOORS. A 2011 study found that, compared with an indoor workout, exercising outdoors in nature increased Continued on page 16
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MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Delightful Season Continued from page 15
energy levels, made people feel revitalized and decreased tension among other positive effects.
Spring Bazaar
Sunday March 29th 11 am to 4 pm Northampton Community Center
over 70 vendors~raffles~kids activities~ FREE swag bags to the first 100 guests Bring the kids and their baskets and collect a goodie from the vendors Hosted By: Events By Jennifer Lynn & Company (484) 507-2750
Schnecksville Spring Craft & Vendor Show Saturday April 4th • 11 am to 3 pm Schnecksville Fire Company
Bring the kids Easter baskets! Participating vendors will be handing out goodies to the kids! First 100 guests will receive a FREE swag bag! Hosted By: Events By Jennifer Lynn & Company
13. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DRY AIR. As the weather warms up and becomes more humid throughout the spring, not only can you lay off the body lotion, you can probably put away the tissues—if you don't have spring allergies, that is. 14. YOU CAN OPEN YOUR WINDOWS. Winter brings the highest rates of indoor pollutants like nitrogen oxide, a 2016 study of unventilated stove use in homes found. Spring brings the perfect opportunity to open those windows and get the air moving again. 15. YOU CAN GET YOUR VITAMINS NATURALLY. Sunlight triggers your body to produce vitamin D, which keeps your bones strong. One Spanish study found that in Valencia (which shares a latitude with Philadelphia and several other major U.S. cities), people only need 10 minutes outside with a quarter of their bodies exposed to the spring sunshine to get an adequate daily dose of vitamin D.
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5 Steps to Allergy-Proof Your Home for Spring SOURCE: DIY Network
Spring can wreak havoc for allergy sufferers. Here are five simple things you can do to cut down on dust, mold and pollen in your home. STEP ONE: Remove Clutter Clean up clutter. The less stuff in your house, the fewer places for allergens to hang out. And, just as important, the easier it will be to clean thoroughly once a week. Get rid of old rags, newspapers, clothes and other porous items. Limit knickknacks, magazines, and other dust catchers that you don't use or enjoy. Focus on bedrooms especially, because you and allergens both spend more time there. STEP TWO: Clean the Air Making your home inhospitable for allergens sounds like a daunting task. In a particulate sense, it's going to be you against millions of mold spores, dust mites and pollen. Fortunately, though, you're smarter than these minute microbes, and following these tips can help you keep allergies at bay. A well-ventilated house and non-leaking ductwork is a first line of defense against bringing allergens into your living space. Use HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters in the air conditioning system.
Maintain the humidity level in the house at about 50 percent. Mold likes moisture, and dust and pollen are easily stirred in dry air. Keep your windows closed when pollen counts are highest: in the early morning hours, between 10 am and 3 pm, and in windy conditions. Pollen and mold spores settle on clothing, so when you come in from outdoors, remove your outer garments in the mudroom, and take a shower. STEP THREE: Clean the Cleaning Room Your bathroom is for mold what your bedroom is for dust mites — heaven at home. Inspect water pipes for leaks and fix. Regularly clean walls with a nontoxic cleaner. Make sure that ventilation fans are routed to the outside, and run them for 30 minutes after a shower or bath. Scrub away mold on pipes and fixtures. STEP FOUR: Reduce Dust Generators Fabrics and carpeting help create dust by the breaking down of fibers. Consider pitching curtains, high-pile carpeting and upholstered furniture in the bedroom: all cozy accommodations for allergens. Best bet: washable throw rugs over wood, linoleum or tiled floors. Damp mop regularly, and clean walls and other surfaces. STEP FIVE: Smart Landscaping Make smart selections for the landscape. The yellow, sticky pollen that bees carry from plant to plant rarely causes allergic reactions. It's the fine, lightweight particles that are blown about by wind that trigger discomfort. Avoid adding allergenic trees like maple (male), birch and ash (male) to the landscape. Instead, choose low-allergy trees like dogwood, double-flowered cherry and magnolia. Female ash and female maple trees are considered low-allergy, too, but buy from a reliable nursery source to be sure of the tree's gender. Low-allergy flowers include astilbe, impatiens, hosta, scabiosa, columbine and viola.
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Vegetables for Zone 6 – Growing Vegetables in Zone 6 Gardens
SOURCE: Gardening Know How Blog By: Liz Baessler
USDA zone 6 (our region’s primary zone) is an excellent climate for growing vegetables. The growing season for hot weather plants is relatively long and is bookended by periods of cool weather that are ideal for cold weather crops. Keep reading to learn more about choosing the best vegetables for zone 6 and planting zone 6 vegetable gardens.
Vegetables for Zone 6 The average last frost date in zone 6 is May 1, and the average first frost date is November 1. These dates will probably vary somewhat for you depending upon where you live in the zone, but regardless, it makes for a pretty long growing season that will accommodate most hot weather plants. That being said, some annuals need more time, and growing vegetables in zone 6 sometimes requires starting seeds indoors ahead of time. Even vegetables that could technically reach maturity if started outdoors will produce much better and longer if given a head start. Many hot weather vegetables like tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and melons will benefit greatly from being started indoors several weeks before the average last frost and then planted out when the temperature rises. When growing vegetables in zone 6, you can use the long periods of cool weather in spring and fall to your advantage. Some frost hardy vegetables, like kale and parsnips, actually taste much better if they’ve been exposed to a frost or two. Planting them in late summer will get you tasty vegetables long into the autumn. They can also be started in the spring several weeks before the last frost, getting you an early start on the growing season. Fast growing cool weather crops like radishes, spinach, and lettuce will likely be ready for harvest before you even get your warm weather transplants in the ground.
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Dump Truck & Backhoe Service || MARCH 19, 2020
History of Daylight Saving Time (excerpted)
SOURCE: By: Anne Buckle
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is used to save energy and make better use of daylight. It was first used in 1908 in Thunder Bay, Canada. What Is Daylight Saving Time? DST is a seasonal time change measure where clocks are set ahead of standard time during part of the year, usually by one hour. As DST starts, the Sun rises and sets later, on the clock, than the day before.
Today, about 40% of countries worldwide use it to make better use of daylight and to conserve energy. First Used in Canada in 1908 While Germany and Austria were the first countries to use DST in 1916, it is a little-known fact that a few hundred Canadians beat the German Empire by eight years. On July 1, 1908, the residents of Port Arthur, Ontario, today’s Thunder Bay, turned their clocks forward by one hour to start the world's Continued on page 22
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Daylight Savings Time Continued from page 21
first DST period. Other locations in Canada soon followed suit. According to the April 3, 1916, edition of the Manitoba Free Press, Daylight Saving Time in Regina “proved so popular that bylaw now brings it into effect automatically.” Germany Popularized DST However, the idea did not catch on globally until Germany introduced DST in 1916 – 2 years into
World War I. The rationale was to minimize the use of artificial lighting to save fuel for the war effort. Within a few weeks, DST was followed by the United Kingdom, France and many other countries. Most reverted to standard time after World War I and it wasn’t until the next World War that DST made its return in most of Europe. Who Invented DST? If you think Daylight Saving Time is a good idea, thank New Zealand scientist George Vernon Hudson and British builder William Willett. In 1895, Hudson presented a paper to the Wellington Philosophical || MARCH 19, 2020
Society, proposing a 2-hour shift forward in October and a 2-hour shift back in March. There was interest in the idea, but it was never followed through. In 1905, independently from Hudson, British builder William Willett suggested setting the clocks ahead 20 minutes on each of the four Sundays in April, and switching them back by the same amount on each of the four Sundays in September, a total of eight time switches per year. First Daylight Saving Bill Willett’s Daylight Saving plan caught the attention of the British Member of Parliament Robert Pearce who introduced a bill to the House of Commons in February 1908. The first Daylight Saving Bill was drafted in 1909, presented to Parliament several times and examined by a select committee. The idea was opposed by many especially farmers, so the bill was never made into a law. Benjamin Franklin, the Father of DST? Many sources also credit Benjamin Franklin with being the first to suggest seasonal time change. However, the idea voiced by the American inventor and politician in 1784 can hardly be described as fundamental for the development of modern DST. After all, it did not even involve turning the clocks. In a letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris, which was entitled “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light”, Franklin simply suggested that
Parisians could economize candle usage by getting people out of bed earlier in the morning. What's more: Franklin meant it as a joke. An Ancient Idea Although modern DST has only been used for about 100 years, ancient civilizations are known to have engaged in comparable practices thousands of years ago. For example, the Roman water clocks used different scales for different months of the year to adjust the daily schedules to the solar time. Daylight Saving Today Daylight Saving Time is now used in over 70 countries worldwide and affects over one billion people every year. The beginning and end dates vary from one country to another.
2020 Bulldog Summer Blast
2020 Bulldog Summer Blast
Three locations: Slatington & Peters Elementary Schools and new this year – Walnutport Playground! Field Day Fridays at Eagles Nest Park! Three locations: Slatington & Peters Elementary Schools and new this year Monday through Friday - Ages 6 to 12 - June 22nd to August 7th – Walnutport Playground! 9:00am 1:00pm.atExtended day Park! (until 4:00 pm) available at Slatington. Field DaytoFridays Eagles Nest
Seven weeks of field trips, games, sports, crafts and swimming will add to the Monday through Friday - Ages 6 to 12 - June 22nd to August 7th memories for your 9:00am to 1:00pm. lifelong Extended day (until 4:00 child. pm) available at Slatington. Seven weeks of field trips, games, sports, crafts and swimming will add to the SPACE IS LIMITED, DON’T DELAY, REGISTER TODAY! lifelong memories for your child.
VISIT or CALL 484�633�0093 for more info
VISIT or CALL 484�633�0093 for more info MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Health in the Palm of Your Hand: How Your Phone Can Help Keep You Healthy (excerpted)
SOURCE: National Foundation for Cancer Research By: NFCR Writer Brittany Ciupka; Blog, Cancer-Fighting Lifestyle
Getting healthy has never been easier than it is in this day and age. Most Americans have a personal trainer and support team in their pocket 24/7! Getting the motivation to live a healthier life is as simple as downloading a couple of apps on a phone or tablet. For those dedicated to getting healthy this year, consider a quick and free download of the following apps to get on track. My Fitness Pal Perhaps one of the most well-known fitness apps available, My Fitness Pal allows users to track their food intake at a higher level. Treated like a food diary, this app shows in depth nutrition information for each meal and provides a detailed breakdown for each item to help users keep to their goals. Sleep Cycle Sleep is a huge component of health. Sleep Cycle helps users get the best sleep possible and includes a smart alarm that wakes the user during the lightest sleep cycle, allowing users to wake up feeling energized and well-rested rather than groggy and desperate for more sleep. Happify Many people forget about the importance of a healthy mind. Though feeling stressed has become 24 || MARCH 19, 2020
an accepted norm, the health impacts can be detrimental. Happify helps users combat stress and overcome negative thoughts while improving their emotional health and resilience. Lumosity: Daily Brain Games Keeping one’s brain active is just as important as keeping one’s body active. Luminosity offers daily brain training exercises that are fun and may also reduce one’s risk of dementia. Brain games that stimulate thinking and problem solving can help sharpen skills that often wane with age. Aaptiv Aaptiv is a personal trainer in the pocket. With 30 new classes each week and thousands of classes overall, this app keeps users moving with a variety of exercises from at home strength training to yoga. Each day, users can select a category of workout that can be completed from the comfort of their home.
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26 || MARCH 19, 2020
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Department of Health provides update on COVID-19 submitted by Nate Wardle
The department announced that it will hold a daily press briefing at PEMA headquarters at 1310 Elmerton Ave. in Harrisburg every day at noon to announce the latest efforts and updates on the commonwealth’s response to COVID-19. “While we anticipate that there will be more Pennsylvanians with COVID-19 in the coming days and weeks, it is important for residents to know the commonwealth is prepared and to be prepared themselves,” Dr. Levine said. “Right now, you have a higher chance of testing positive for COVID-19 if you have traveled to a country or state with known community outbreaks or have come in contact with someone who has the virus. We are working with the health care community across Pennsylvania to keep them informed, consult on patient testing and ensuring they have the resources they need to care for patients.” The Wolf Administration Preparedness Actions The World Health Organization first announced the coronavirus outbreak in late January and the Pennsylvania Department of Health has had its
Emergency Operations Center set up since February 1. The center allows for a collaborative, concentrated state response, including: Activated the Department of Health’s Emergency Operations Center to allow for enhanced response coordination; Begun testing for COVID-19 at the state laboratory; Maintained communication and outreach with federal, state and local partners; Provided symptom monitoring for residents returning from areas impacted by coronavirus; Provided health care providers, businesses and education providers with information; Reviewed and adapted current pandemic flu plans to prepare for spread of COVID-19; Increased testing capacity; Partially activated the Commonwealth Response Coordination Center at PEMA. Governor Tom Wolf signed an emergency disaster declaration March 6 to ensure state agencies involved in the response have the expedited resources they need to continue to focus on the || MARCH 19, 2020
virus and its possible spread. The Department of Health is providing a daily update via statewide press release. On March 9, Sec. of Health Dr. Rachel Levine began to provide daily press briefings. About COVID-19 Symptoms of the COVID-19 can include fever, cough and shortness of breath. The symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Individuals most at risk for severe symptoms include elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. Pennsylvanians are reminded to: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol- based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands. Clean surfaces frequently, such as countertops, light switches, cell phones and other frequently touched areas. Contain if you are sick, you should stay home until you are feeling better. To date, there are nearly 116,000 cases worldwide, including more than 4,000 deaths. There are 755 cases and 26 deaths to date in the United States.
The department expects cases to continue to be confirmed in the upcoming days and weeks but wants everyone to take action to help prevent the spread of the virus. The department also said due to the rapidly changing nature of the spread of COVID-19 around the world, it is important for families to be prepared. Comments from State Health Secretary “Further spread of this virus throughout the nation will likely occur. We encourage people to prepare for potential life disruptions. The same family emergency plans and kits that we use to prepare for flu or norovirus, and even snowstorms and floods, are important now. “Since the start of flu season, we have encouraged Pennsylvanians to stop the spread of illnesses by washing your hands, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning surfaces and staying home if you are sick. Those are the same healthy habits you should continue to practice to protect your family and yourself against the spread of this virus. “Individuals who intend on traveling outside of the United States are urged to check the CDC’s and the federal Department of State’s travel guidance. Currently there are outbreaks of COVID-19 occurring within numerous countries across the world. The number of countries seeing new cases has increased significantly over the last week.
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CHURCH DIRECTORY Gospel Chapel Wesleyan Church Northampton, 610-262-8101 (N) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m.
Please send your updates to askus@townandcountrygazette. com or mail them to P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088. The directory is a free listing of local churches in alphabetical order and includes services, Sunday school, and Bible Study schedules. Please call the churches for directions or more information.
Christ U.C.C. Walnutport, 610-767-1601 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA)
Agape New Testament Fellowship and the Vine Church Schnecksville, 610-767-2869 W & Children’s SS 10 a.m.
Covenant United Methodist Church Bath, 610-837-7517 HA W 8 & 10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m.
All Saints Episcopal Church Lehighton, 610-377-2675 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Assumption B.V.M. Catholic Church Slatington, 610-767-2214 W Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Ben Salem United Church of Christ Lehighton, 570-386-3870 W 8/10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church 222 North Street, Lehighton, 610-377-0724 W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 BethanyECLehighton Bethany Wesleyan Church Cherryville, 610-767-1239 (N) Sat. 5 p.m. Encounter. W Sun. 9 & 10:45 a.m. HA for all services and W & SS for Sunday mornings Bethany Wesleyan Church Lehighton, 610-767-1239 (N & SS children), (HA) W Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Christ UCC Schoenersville 5050 Airport Rd Allentown PA 18109 610-264-9325 W 10:15 a.m. (HA) Concordia Lutheran Church Northampton, 610-262-8500 W 9 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.
Dinkey Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church Ashfield, 610-377-4242 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10 a.m.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church Whitehall, 610-262-9315 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 7:15, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 a.m.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Slatedale, 610-767-1526 W 10:45 a.m.
Ebenezer United Methodist Church Lehighton, 610-377-6900 W 9 a.m.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Palmerton (HA/N) W 8 & 10:15 a.m.
Egypt Community Church Egypt, 610-262-4961 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Emmanuel U.C.C. Bowmanstown W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m. Faith Independent Church of Christ Walnutport 610-737-5390 (Pastor) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.
Faith Wesleyan Church Route 309, Orefield (HA/N) 610-398-0172 W 9 & 10:45 a.m. SS 9 & 10:45 a.m.
Blue Mountain Community Church Palmerton, 610-826-8402 Sun.W 8:45 & 10:30 a.m.
Friedens U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-7099 (HA) W 10:30 a.m.
Heritage Baptist Church Orefield, 610-395-4970 (N) W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.
Ebenezer United Church of Christ New Tripoli, 610-298-8000 SS 10:15., W 10:15 a.m.
Bethel U.C.C. Slatington, 610-428-6329 or 610-7600795 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m.
Christ U.C.C., Little Moore Danielsville, 610-837-6051 W 9 a.m., S.S. 9:15 a.m.
Heidelberg U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) W 11 a.m.
Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 1235 Main St. Northampton, 610-262-2668 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m.
Bethany Wesleyan Church Palmerton, 610-767-1239 Worship Sundays 9 & 10:30 a.m.
Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC New Tripoli, 484-358-0649 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.
Heidelberg Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) W 8:30 a.m.
Dryland UCC Newburg, 610-759-4444 W 8 & 10.15 a.m., SS 9 a.m.
Faith Alive United Methodist Church Bowmanstown, 610-852-2805 W 8:30 & 10:45 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m.
Chapman Quarries United Methodist Bath, 610-837-0935 (HA) W 11 a.m. SS 10 a.m.
Grace United Church of Christ Northampton, 610-262-7186 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m.
God’s Missionary Church Lehighton, 570-249-4435 (HA) SS 9:30 a.m., W 10:30 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Good Shepherd U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-9680 (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Kreidersville, 610-262-9517 W Sun. 9 a.m.
Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church 604 Pine St. (4th and Pine) Catasauqua, 610-264-2641 W 8 a.m. Spoken; 9 a.m. Family Communion; 10:30 Traditional, BS Thurs. 10 a.m. Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church 1372 Washington Ave, Northampton, 610-262-3365 (HA) W Sun 10 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church Cherryville, 610-767-7203 (HA/N) Sun. W 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m. Jacob’s Church Route 143, New Tripoli, 610-756-6252 SS 9 a.m., W 10 a.m., BS Wed. 7 p.m. Jerusalem Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-681-5200 W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Jerusalem U.C.C. Palmerton, 610-681-4412 W 9 & 10:30 a.m. Kingdom Life Family Center Orefield (N) W 10 a.m. Lighthouse Baptist Church 1349 Green St., Lehighton, (HA/N) SS 10 a.m., W 11 a.m., BS 6 p.m. || MARCH 19, 2020
Living Hope Lighthouse Palmerton, 610-826-2201 W 10 a.m. Living Stone Fellowship New Tripoli, 610-298-3020 W 10 a.m. Helping Hands Community Church A ministry of Emerald St. Peter’s Parryville, 610-737-1450 (HA) LifeTree Cafe Saturdays 5 p.m. Morgenland Union Church Orefield, 610-395-0067 W 9 a.m. & SS 9 a.m. (HA) Mountain View Wesleyan Church Bath, 610-759-7553 W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Northampton Assembly of God Cherryville Rd., 610-262-5645 W 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m. SS 9:30 a.m. Northampton God’s Missionary Church Northampton, 610-262-4412, W 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (HA) Northern Lehigh Bible Fellowship Church Walnutport, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. People’s E.C. Church Lehighton W 8:30/10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Sacred Heart Church Rev. William Campion Palmerton 610-826-2335 W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. Mass 9:30 a.m. (HA)
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-826-7766 W 10:30 a.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-6361 W 8 & 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA/N) St. John’s U.C.C. Palmerton (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. St. John’s U.C.C. Laury's Station (HA) W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. St. John’s U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-5554 (HA/N) W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m. St. John’s U.C.C. - Howertown Northampton, 610-262-8666 (HA/N) W 9:00 a.m. St. John’s E.L.C. Lehighton, 570-386-9960 W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m. St. Matthew's E.L.C. Lehighton, 610-377-2972 W 8:30 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Rev. Michael Frost St. Matthew’s U.C.C. Kunkletown, 610-381-2442 W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m. St. Nicholas R.C. Berlinsville, 610-767-3107 W (M-F) 8:30 a.m., Sat 4:30 p.m., Sun 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Trinity E.C. Church Berlinsville, 484-408-5288 (HA) W 8:55 a.m., SS 10:05 a.m. Trinity E.C. Church Slatington, 484-553-0218 W 10 a.m., Bible Study Wed 7 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church Lehighton, 610-377-4303 SW 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday 5 p.m. W/Holy Communion 1st Tuesday 10 a.m. Quiet Communion Sunday Church School-Ages 3 through grade 6, 10:45 a.m. Union Lutheran Church Schnecksville, 610-767-6884 (HA, N) W 8 & 10:30 a.m., SS 9:15 a.m. United Church of Christ Greenawalds 2325 Albright Ave. Allentown 610-435-1763 W 10:30 a.m. United Presbyterian Church of Slatington Slatington, 610-767-8113 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Union United Church of Christ Neffs, 610-767-6961 (HA/N) W 8 & 10:30 a.m., Children 10:30 a.m. Valleyview Baptist Church Northampton, 610-837-5894 (HA & N) W 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m., SS 9:30 a.m.
St. Paul’s U.C.C. of Indianland Cherryville, 610-767-5751 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m.
Walnutport Seventh-Day Adventist 610-767-8939 Sat. - Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. W 11 a.m.
Salem United Methodist Church Danielsville (N) W 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m.
St. Paul’s U.C.C. Northampton, 610-261-2910 (HA/N) W 10:15 a.m. SS 9 a.m.
Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Whitehall, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m.
Salem United Methodist Church Aquashicola 610-826-2577 (HA) W 11:30 a.m., Com. 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday Fellowship BS Thursday 6:30 p.m.
St. Paul’s UCC-U Big Creek 484-571-6083 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.
Whitehall Mennonite Church Egypt, 610-262-1270 (N) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.
St. Peter’s Church of Emerald Emerald, 610-767-6233 (HA) Worship 10 a.m., Com. 1st Sun., SS 9 a.m., BS Mon. 11 a.m. & Wed. 6 p.m. Family Fun Night 4th Friday 6:30 p.m.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 1904 Main Street, Northampton SS -9:15 a.m. W - 10:30 a.m., 610-262-6636
Salem United Methodist Church Helping Hands Commumity Center Slatedale, 610-767-6233 (HA) 3rd Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Clothing Distribution Youth Group Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Shepherd’s Chapel Regional online fellowship. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Whitehall, 610-262-1600 W 8/10:15 a.m., SS 8:50 a.m. Slatington Baptist Church Slatington, 610-767-6276 W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. St. Brigid’s Episcopal Nazareth, 610-746-3910 Sun. – SS/Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. St. John’s Episcopal Church Palmerton W 8 & 10 a.m. 610-826-2611 (HA)
St. Peter’s U.C.C. Northampton (HA) W & SS 9 a.m. St. Peter’s UCC, Lynnville New Tripoli, 610-298-8064 W 9:30 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. & facebook St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Whitehall, 610-435-3901 (H) W Sat. 5:30 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Palmerton, 610-826-2359 Divine Liturgy 9 a.m. The Church of God Palmerton, 610-826-4972 W 10:15 a.m.
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Zion U.C.C. Lehighton, 610-377-1191 W 8:15 & 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. All Age Interactive Bible StudyThursday 7 p.m.(Except 3rd Thursday of the month) Zion’s Stone U.C.C. Northampton, 610-262-1133 W 10:15 a.m.. SS 9 a.m.
KEY W–Worship, SS–Sunday School, N–Nursery, HA–Handicapped Accessible, BS–Bible Study, SG–Study Group
Rescue a Friend Lulu Shepherd & Border Collie Mix Walnutport Young Female Medium HEALTH Spayed / neutered. GOOD IN A HOME WITH Other dogs, children.
Meet Lulu
You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Ivie was pulled from a high kill shelter in TX. She is a kind and gentle dog, we think she is about 6 months old shepherd border collie mix. If you are interested in Lulu, please go to http://www.
Support your local shelter!
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
LCCC Student Named 2020 Coca-Cola Academic Team Bronze submitted by Denise M. Reifinger
Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) student, Mary Wilhelm of Lehighton, Pa., has been named a 2020 Coca-Cola Academic Team Bronze Scholar and will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Additionally, Wilhelm was recently named a member of the 2019-2020 All- Pennsylvania Academic Team. The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation sponsors the Coca-Cola Academic Team program by recognizing 50 Gold, 50 Silver, and 50 Bronze Scholars with nearly $200,000 in scholarships annually. Each scholar also receives a commemorative medallion. Mary Wilhelm graduated from Lehighton High School and is an education major. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society for education majors. Wilhelm is in LCCC’s Honor Scholars Program and has volunteered at New Student Convocation and PTK awareness events, in addition to vacation Bible school at her church. Her career goal is to continue her studies at Bloomsburg University and become
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Live Bait
Tackle • Powerbait Fishing Licenses 130 Main Street Slatington (610) 767-3162 Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8-5:30; Wed. 8-12; Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-5 || MARCH 19, 2020
a mathematics teacher. “The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation has a long history of providing financial assistance to outstanding students at community colleges,” said Jane Hale Hopkins, president of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation.“We are proud to partner with Phi Theta Kappa and make it possible for deserving students to achieve their educational goals.” Students are nominated for the academic team by their college administrators. Selection is based on academic achievement, leadership, and engagement in college and community service, and on scores the student earned in the All-USA Academic Team competition, for which more than 2,000 applications were received this year. Coca-Cola Academic Team members will be recognized in both local and statewide ceremonies and will also be recognized internationally during Phi Theta Kappa’s annual convention, PTK Catalyst, in April. “We thank the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation for recognizing these student leaders and for investing in their futures,” said Dr. Lynn TincherLadner, President and CEO of Phi Theta Kappa. “Scholarships like these are integral to the success of these students in reaching their educational and career goals.”
Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 nations, with approximately 240,000 active members in the nation’s colleges.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joey Physki - 12 on March 14 Natasha Bush - 19 on March 23 Wendy Giodoardo - March 23 Scott Chuss - 32 on March 24
Josie Parisi-Loch
610-767-9167 678 Fir Drive Walnutport
(Lehigh Twp.)
The Bach and Handel Chorale
Spring Concert with Festival Orchestra New Location Trinity Lutheran Church 175 S. Third St., Lehighton, PA Saturday, May 30, 2020 - 3 p.m. Tickets - Adults $20 Students & Seniors 65 & Older $18 Children 10 & under are free. Includes Restaurant Voucher - 15% Off Entree MARCH 19, 2020 ||
2019-2020 TICKET ORDER FORM Palm/Passion Concert St. John’s Lutheran Church in the Heights 319 South Avenue, Jim Thorpe PA Sunday April 5, 2020 at 6 pm Admission $10.00. Children 10 and under are free. Pay at the door. No Tickets Required. _____________ Tickets @ $20 _____________ Tickets @ $18 _____________ Children 10 & Under Tax-deductible Contribution Total Enclosed
$_________________ $_________________ $_________________ $_________________ $_________________
Mail Check and This Order Form To: Bach & Handel Chorale 810 Carbon Avenue, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 Tickets for booth concerts also available at: Sound Check Records The Beacon Diner (Tamaqua) or Online at: 35
Red Cross urges healthy individuals to give blood amid coronavirus concerns Low donor turnout could hurt U.S. blood supply submitted by Alana Mauger
The American Red Cross strongly urges healthy, eligible individuals who are feeling well to give blood to help maintain a sufficient blood supply and prevent shortages as concerns about the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, rise in the U.S. Cold and flu season has already impacted the nation’s ability to maintain its blood supply. As the
number of coronavirus cases grows in the U.S., the number of people eligible to give blood for patients in need could decrease further. “We’re asking the American people to help keep the blood supply stable during this challenging time. As communities across the country prepare for this public health emergency, it’s critical that plans include a readily available blood supply for hospital patients,” said Chris Hrouda, president, Red Cross Blood Services.“As fears of coronavirus Accepting New Customers rise, low donor participation could harm blood availability at hospitals, and the last thing a patient should worry about is whether lifesaving blood will be on the shelf when they need it most.” Please make an appointment to donate blood now by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. Blood donors with type O blood are especially needed right now. Donating blood is a safe process and people should not hesitate to give or receive blood. There are no data or evidence that this coronavirus can be transmissible by blood transfusion, and there have been no reported cases worldwide of transmissions for any respiratory virus, including this coronavirus, from a transfusion. The Red Cross only collects blood from individuals who are healthy and feeling well at the time of Call today and feel good again! donation – and who meet other eligibility requirements, available at At each blood drive and donation center, Red Cross •Prompt, professional healthcare for all ages employees follow thorough safety protocols •Successful treatment of disc herniation/bulges including wearing gloves, routinely wiping down •Auto Accident /Workers’ Comp. donor-touched areas, using sterile collection sets •Accepting Medicare and Most Insurances VERETT for every donation, and preparing the arm for HIROPRACTIC donation with an aseptic scrub. These mitigation Michael K. Everett, D.C. ChiropraCtiC measures will Palmer Graduate Prompt, professional carehelp ensure blood recipient safety, • ◆ Prompt, professional care • Healthcare for all ages ◆ Healthcare ages and donor safety in reducing contact 519 Willow Road, Walnutport as well for asallstaff • Successful treatment of disc herniation/bulges ◆ Successful treatment of disc • Auto Accident /Workers’ Comp. with those who may potentially have this respiratory herniation/bulges • Accepting Medicare and Michael Michael K. K.Everett, Everett,D.C. D.C. ◆ Treating the cause of symptoms now, to Most Insurances infection. Palmer Graduate prevent chronic disability later Palmer Graduate Certified Blood drive hosts play important role ◆ Workers’therapist Comp./Auto Accident Massage 519 Willow Road Now available Walnutport, PA 18088 Blood hosts also play a critical role in Accepting Medicare anddrive Most Insurances ay and feel good again! Call todmaintaining Call today and feel again! a good sufficient blood supply and are asked 519 Willow Road Walnutport, PA 18088 610-760-1700 to keep hosting blood drives for patients who rely on lifesaving blood. The need for blood is constant, and volunteer donors are the only source of blood for those in need of transfusions. The Red Cross, with the help of its blood drive hosts and blood donors, can help ensure the safety
E EvErEtt C
36 || MARCH 19, 2020
and availability of the U.S. blood supply for patients including accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease. “Keep giving, keep hosting blood drives,” said Hrouda. “Patients across the country need our help.” To learn more about hosting a blood drive for patients in need, please visit Red Cross committed to blood supply safety The top priority of the Red Cross is the safety of our valued staff, blood donors and blood recipients, and we are committed to transparency with the American public during this evolving public health emergency. There are no data or evidence that this coronavirus can be transmissible by blood transfusion, and there have been no reported cases worldwide of transmissions for any respiratory virus including this coronavirus, from a transfusion. Nonetheless, the Red Cross has implemented
new blood donation deferrals out of an abundance of caution. Individuals are asked to postpone their donation for 28 days following: Travel to China and its special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau, as well as Iran, Italy and South Korea; Diagnosis of COVID-19, contact with a person Continued on page 38
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MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Red Cross Looks for Donations Continued from page 37
who has or is suspected to have the virus. As the situation evolves, the Red Cross will continue to evaluate all emerging risks in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and industry partners to determine if additional intervention strategies are needed. Together, we stand ready to keep the American public informed and prepared. Upcoming blood donation opportunities, March 10-31 in Berks County and the Greater Lehigh Valley: Berks County Kutztown 3/26/2020: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Kutztown University, Student Recreation Center, 15200 Kutztown Road Reading 3/31/2020: 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., Crowne Plaza, 1741 Paper Mill Road
Myster Tree and Shrub Service The area’s only ISA Board Certified Master Arborist Specializing in restoring & maintaining the health, beauty & value of landscape trees
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Lehigh County Whitehall 3/28/2020: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Muslim Association of Lehigh Valley, 1988 Schadt Ave. Northampton County Easton 3/27/2020: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., Charles Chrin Community Center, 4100 Green Pond Road Blood donation process A blood donation takes about an hour from start to finish, but the actual donation itself only takes about 8-10 minutes. Donors can also save up to 15 minutes at the blood drive by completing a RapidPass®. With RapidPass®, donors complete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of donation, from a mobile device or computer. To complete a RapidPass®, follow the instructions at or use the Red Cross Blood Donor App. To donate blood, individuals need to bring a blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification that are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally
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38 || MARCH 19, 2020
good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also must meet certain height and weight requirements. About the American Red Cross The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation's blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit redcross. org or, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vickie Lynne Schadler- 50 on March 24 Bella Green - 10 on March 25 Tanya Tuggle - 26 on March 25 Richard Koenig - 85 on March 26 Joseph Light - 27 on March 26 Harriet Reeser - 69 on March 26 Rick Kocher - 62 on March 27
Remember When
AARP Fraud Watch Network Tax ID Theft Submitted by Steve Gardner
Everyone is guilty of procrastinating from time to time, but one place where it doesn’t pay to wait is doing your taxes. Scammers take full advantage of opportunities during tax filing season to make a fast buck. They commit tax identity theft by filing a phony tax return using victims’ personal information to get a refund. To protect yourself against this scam, file your return as early as possible, use a secure Internet connection if you file electronically, or mail your tax return directly from the post office. Be a fraud fighter. If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www. or call the AARP Fraud Watch Helpline at 1-877-908-3360 and speak to trained staff or volunteers for help with a fraud encounter.
photos by William “Becky” Beck
Greenzweig & Bird--Robert Greenzweig & Harry Bird--1970--Walnutport
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Wells Advisors is a trade usedA1695 byCLU®, Wells Fargo Clearing Services, Timothy Foster, ChFC® LLC. AllFargo rights reserved. CAR#0120-02488 74127-v4 IHA-6667625 LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo &Senior Company.Financial © 2011, 2013,Advisor 2016 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rightsDirect: reserved. (610) CAR#0120-02488 74127-v4 A1695 IHA-6667625 366-3624
MARCH 19, 2020 || Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services,
Daniel Roebuck returns to Roxy Theater to discuss new feature film Submitted by Amresse Farror
Daniel Roebuck, actor/writer/director, returned to the Roxy Theater on Tuesday, March 10 to announce plans for his next feature film. Roebuck will return to the Lehigh Valley to film his next movie, The Hail Mary. It will be Roebuck’s second feature after his directorial debut, Getting Grace, also filmed in the Lehigh Valley. That first film won several awards and continues to shine a glowing spotlight on Roebuck’s hometown of Bethlehem and the surrounding local. The Hail Mary is a comedy about redemption, according to Roebuck, “The story is about Sister Kathy, a nun with a great sense of humor and purpose who finds a sad guy who needs redemption and cons him into creating a football team for her all- boys Catholic school to lead him to his atonement.” Roebuck is very clear on where the inspiration for the story originated. “It’s so ironic that we are announcing The Hail Mary right in the middle of Catholic Sisters Week. Of course, I have great parents, but I credit my success not only to them, but to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia, who
taught me for 12 years in Bethlehem.” Roebuck continued, “If I can celebrate Catholic Sisters, and remind people of the great work and sacrifice they do on behalf of our world, then I’ll feel that I’ve done my job.” The Hail Mary will be the first film presented by the new not-for-profit, A Channel Of Peace, that Roebuck formed with his wife Tammy Roebuck and Montana attorney, Erin MacLean. It is through the not-for-profit that Roebuck and company hope to create faithful movies, documentaries, podcasts and television programs suitable for the entire family. According to A Channel of Peace’s charter, they will produce and support film and other multimedia projects and endeavors that provide insight into the advancement of faith in God and the values of love, forgiveness, good works, and gratitude. Daniel Roebuck hopes to have cameras rolling on The Hail Mary by July 2020. “It’s crucial that we move quickly into production because our main location, the former Mary Immaculate Seminary in Northampton, is about to undergo an amazing
Ham and Dandelion Dinner
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Time To FARM FRESH Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. Order EGGS Retail & Wholesale Eggs For McCUTCHEON Easter Local Jams & Jellies Honey Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm WhiteWhite Potatoes 50 lbs $13.00 Potatoes 50- lbs. Hay & Straw
40 Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed || MARCH 19, 2020
makeover and we hope to capture it before the changes occur,” Roebuck said.“I have great gratitude to David and Jackie Jaindl for their donation of the location to our cause, so that we could film there. It will be the perfect backdrop for our story!” The property, located on in Northampton, will soon be transformed into a luxury hotel, spa, wedding venue and residential homes. As a producer, Roebuck hopes to assemble many of his Getting Grace collaborators for his “sophomore” effort. His wife, Tammy Roebuck, will produce along with Davie Cabral, Chris Monte and Cory Geryak. Geryak will also return as Director of Photography. Allentown native Alex Kovacs will serve as the film’s composer. Kristy Dundon will costume the film; Chris Monte will edit and Rod Gilkeson will cast. Beth Clausnitzer, Bill Hartin, Ann Knerr, Jeff Hartney, Ali Pensyl, Michael Owen and Jennah Groenwald are set to assist locally in various producer capacities. Returning actors are Roebuck, Duane Whitaker, Timothy E. Goodwin, Marsha Dietlein Bennett and Harri James O’Kelly. They will be joined by veteran actors, Joe Estevez and Sean Whalen. However, just as he did with his first film, Daniel Roebuck is looking to discover new talent here in the Lehigh Valley. Casting Director, Gilkeson, will
Convert Your Outdoor Space Into A Screen Room Or Florida Room
be holding auditions over the next few months. He is primarily looking for young men, 18 and over, to play high school students. Available roles and information can be found at
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MARCH 19, 2020 ||
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Are You Longing for Something? Do you desire to Experience God, Feel His Love, Hear His Word, And Enjoy Christian Fellowship? You are Welcome to join us at Friedens U.C.C. Rte. 873, south of Slatington Warm and friendly people Bible-based preaching Time-tested hymns - on the organ Easter services – 7:00 and 10:30 AM Regular worship – 10:30 AM June, July and August – 9:00 AM See us on Facebook – Friedens United Church of Christ @thelittlewhitechurchonthehill
42 || MARCH 19, 2020
CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612. PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.
Help Wanted
DESIGNER PURSE BINGO Benefits the 113th Northern Lehigh Halloween Parade. Saturday, June 6 at Star Hose Fire Co., 7748 Penn St., Emerald. Doors open 5 p.m., bingo starts 6 p.m. BYOB. Snacks provided, kitchen open. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. Call 484-619-0140 or 484-225-2714 for tickets. (3/19)
LOVE WHERE YOU WORK. Join the team of professionals at Fellowship Community where Christ-centered care is our focus. We’re looking for a part-time Class C with “P” endorsement CDL driver with a friendly personality to provide transportation to exciting events and outings for the residents within the Community. Also seeking a per-diem driver to transport residents. Please complete an application by visiting Fellowship or website at WWW. (3/19)
Penny Party – St. John's Lutheran Church, Slatington. Saturday, March 28, 2020, doors open at noon, drawing starts at 1 p.m. 50/50 drawing & mini basket social, kitchen open. FMI call 610-767-6361. (3/19) Massachusetts, Salem Bus Trip: Oct 2, 3 & 4, 2020, $525/PP. Includes bus, motel, most meals. Tours include” The Mark Twain House & Museum, House of Seven Gables, The Witch House, Phillips House & Museum, Essex Pedestrian Mall. FMI call Eileen 610-298-2328 (4/2))
Personals SWM, 53, clean, healthy, and financially secure seeks romantic female 35-50 for dating, friendship, companionship. Any race OK. Call Joe at 484-226-7690 24/7, leave message, will return call. (4/2) Shy gay guy, looking for the same. Call 570-810-9196 ask for John. (3/19)
For Sale
Real Estate For Rent
For Sale: 2017 Keystone RV Passport model# 3290BH, 3 slides, and automatic awning, flat screen TV. This trailer is new, I towed it home and due to health reasons we never got to use it. My loss, is your gain $21,995 OBO. Call Bob at 610-393-0782
Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS, W/S/G included. $590 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.
Honda self-propelled mower $200. HO scale model trains and track used furniture and shelving call 610-767-3920. (3/19) 1988 Oldsmobile Delta 88. Original paint – maroon, original interior – maroon. 4-door, light rust, needs a little TLC. $500/Best Offer. 610-826-6044 (4/2)
Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $120-$150/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-309-9671. (12/17) Slatington 2nd floor Apt. 1 or 2 people, 7108 PA Rte. 873. $775/ month. HT/W/S/G included. No
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
pets, no smoking. Credit & background check. Security deposit & 1st month’s rent required. Call 610-509-2684 / leave message. Shown by appointment only. (3/5) Apartment to rent, Walnutport first floor. Water, sewage and garbage included. No pets. Electric heat. $650/mo. First, last and security. 610-767-1421 (3/5) Room For Rent: Walnutport, furnished, WIFI, utilities inc. Use of deck and grill, convenient parking. Clean and quiet. Laundry on premises. No pets. One person only. Call 610-767- 5864 after 10 a.m. Appt. only. (3/19) Huge 1400 SQ. FT. Slatington Apartment: Newly renovated 1 BR, 1 ½ bath, great closet & storage space, laundry, off street parking. No Smoking. $890/month, includes heat, hot water, W/S/G. Call 610-760-0685 (4/2)
Services Available ABZOLUTE ENTZ. A-Z Chimneys, built, cleaned, repaired, relined! New Stoves, etc. 570-325-5727 (3/19) Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/17) Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (4/2) SEAMLESS GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS Complete installation. Made to any length on site. No seams, no leaks. 30 years experience. K.W. Greenawalt, 610-298-3380. (4/16)
Target the Right Opportunity With Low Cost Advertising in the T&C Gazette Classifieds Call 610-767-9600 Contingency date to be determined Featuring Authentic Coach® & Michael Kors® Purses Mahoning Valley Ambulance Corp. 902 Mill Road, Lehighton, PA 18235 Doors & Kitchen Open at 5pm Bingo starts at 6pm Plus Raffles - Door Prizes - Chinese Auction
Contingency date May 16th
Call 610-379-1099 for Tickets & Info or e-mail Hosted by Carbon Builders Association
Tree Trimming • Removals Lot Clearings Shrubbery Work • Corrective Pruning Cabling • Stump Grinding • Fall Clean-up
Contingency date May 16th
Licensed & Fully Insured
Danielsville, PA
Free Estimates
24th AnnuAl BAsket sociAl united PresByteriAn church 6750 PA 873, slAtington Sat., 4/25, 9 am-3 pm Sun., 4/26, 12 pm-2 pm (Drawing at 2:00 pm) Order Tickets Now! Board Certified Family Physicians Offering Personalized Care For Your Entire Family Certified Medical Examiner for CDL-DOT Physicals
Presale ticket prices until April 19 $20.00 for 6 sheets of 25 tickets each. (At door: 5 sheets for $20)
Call 610-767-8113; please give name and phone number with order || MARCH 19, 2020
Designer Handbag Hosted by the Northern Lehigh Events Committee
Saturday, March 28
Doors open 5 p.m. • Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Star Hose Fire Company No. 1 7748 Penn St., Emerald
Grab your gal pals and join us for Designer Handbag Bingo featuring Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach and more!
.m.••$30 Tickets $25 in advance at g the Bin o door 6 p.m. Caincludes ll 484-2 Admission 202games and door 5-2714 or prize 484Additional dabbers -619-014boards 0 witand h questions available for purchase or
forprovided tickets• Kitchen open BYOB • Light snacks
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kenneth Andrews - 75 on March 27 Andy Tolotta - 34 on March 29 Richie Mitchell - 8 on March 31
Lehigh Valley Spinal Care Center
s! tulation Congrass has been o R a Dr. ized as recogn opractor in hir C t c le Se
CDL/DOT Physical Exams Performed Here
• Chiropractic Care • On-Site Rehabilitation • Massage Therapy Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. • Sat by appt. only 4450 Mountain View Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 610-760-8888 MARCH 19, 2020 ||
FOR TICKETS Call 484-619-0140 or 484-225-2714 All proceeds benefit the 113th Northern Lehigh Halloween Parade
The Best For You & Your Car
State Inspection PA Emission Inspection Alignments Repairs 6961 Rt. 309, New Tripoli, PA 18066 Steve I. Feinour • Chris Feinour Tel: 610-298-8921 Fax: 610-298-8816 45
46 || MARCH 19, 2020
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Mel Fritz Construction • Additions Kitchens • Baths • Siding • Windows & Doors PA#025123
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Danielsville, PA
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Slatington Public Library- Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration The Slatington Public Library hosted a Dr. Seuss birthday celebration on March 2, and welcomed 91 youngsters along with their parents and grandparents. Mrs. Marshelle George, a Peters Elementary kindergarten teacher, engaged the lively group with stories and a craft. The library welcomed the youngsters with a certificate, bookmark, sticker, and plenty of refreshments. The Thing 1 and Thing 2 Photo Op was a hit with the little ones as they posed for pictures. In addition, the library offered door prizes – Dr. Seuss books and Dr. Seuss pencil cases to six lucky winners. The success of this first and hopefully annual program celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday was due to the teamwork of the Slatington Board of Directors, librarians Roseann Pugh and Louise Bechtel, Mrs. George’s presence, and lastly the Friends of the Library. The FOL welcomes new members who are interested in volunteering their time, sharing their expertise etc. and meet the second Monday of the month at the library from 6-7 PM. The FOL’s next major project will be organizing the annual library
basket social on September 18 at the Emerald Fire Company. Looking ahead, the Preschool Story Hour will begin on Tuesday April 7 at 11 AM. In addition, the Slatington Women’s Club and the Slatington Public Library will partner to host the annual Women’s Club’s Arts Contest on Monday April 20. Stop by the library and see all it has to offer as a valuable community resource.
Open House
April 18
ig sP ’ h & a Lor sting Roa tering Ca
Samples Available
Order your Easter Hams
Open Fri 9-6 Sat 9-2 full line of meats available • Pig on Site • Pork, Beef, or Chicken • Weddings • Parties • Reunions • Graduation
610-767-3515 • 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport 48 || MARCH 19, 2020
Coloring Page
MARCH 19, 2020 ||
Coloring Page
Print sudoku
Last issue’s Sudoko answers Solutions : 3 8 7 2 5 1 4 9 6
9 4 5 7 6 3 2 1 8
2 6 1 8 9 4 3 5 7
8 9 6 3 7 2 5 4 1
5 3 4 6 1 8 9 7 2
1 7 2 9 4 5 8 6 3
7 5 8 4 2 6 1 3 9
6 1 3 5 8 9 7 2 4
4 2 9 1 3 7 6 8 5
n° 223349 - Level Medium
2 7 9 3 1 6 8 4 5 8 1 5 2 4 9 3 7 6
3 9 8 6 7 5 4 2 1
2 6 5 1 4 3 7 9 8
1 4 7 9 8 2 5 6 3
7 2 4 8 5 1 9 3 6
9 5 4 6 8 FREE Ice Cream Cake 3 8 1 7 5
WINNER 1 6 3 9 2
7 2 5 3 4 Joseph of 6 3 2 1Light 9 4 9 7 8 6 Whitehall. 8 1 6 2 3 Call 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! 5 7 8 4 1 Cake courtesy of 2 4 9 5 Ice 7 Cream Company Scoopendorf’s n° 216465 - Level Medium
8 5 6 9 4 7 3 1 2 || MARCH 19, 2020 3 7 4 8 2 1 5 6 9
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52 || MARCH 19, 2020