Town & Country Gazette October 5

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OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||



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2008 Nissan Sentra 4 cyl. Auto 4 DR. $4,495

Need Financing?? You’re Approved!!! 2 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Touch of Dutch........................................ Pg. 8 Community Calendar............................ Pg. 18 Kids Coloring Page................................ Pg. 30 Pet Page................................................. Pg. 34 Church Directory................................... Pg. 35 Adult Coloring Page.............................. Pg. 42

Ghost Tours Old Jail

A truly haunted jail. Nothing made up. Hear about REAL spirits.

Classifieds.............................................. Pg. 56

October 14 - 21 - 28

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Lighthouse Baptist Church 8th Annual

255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 P 610-767-9600 F 610-767-9612

Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher Lacey Remaley - Account Executive Catherine Stroh - Publishing Assistant Tony Pisco - Art Director Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover.



Business Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In Partnership With:

Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers.

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


8 Tips To Heat Your Home Efficiently This Fall By: Molly Morabito. Alliance To Save Energy

October is National Energy Action month, and with a new fall chill in the air, it’s also the perfect time to start saving energy at home. But how to do it? Considering that space heating is typically the largest energy expense in American households, making up nearly 45% of residential energy bills, that’s a pretty good place to start. So grab a pumpkin spice latte, pull on a cozy sweater, and check out these tips for reducing the amount of energy you use to heat up your home.


1. Fight the draft - Keep heat from escaping by sealing up gaps or leaks around your home. Caulk windows and apply weatherstrips to doors, and look for gaps around your electrical outlets. These simple tasks can save you up to 20% on your heating bill! 2. Don’t block your vents - Don’t make your heater work harder than it has to - make sure your furniture or drapes aren’t blocking your vents. For an extra touch, vacuum out dust or pet hair from the dampers to make sure they’re working effectively. 3. Reset your water heater - If you’ve never run out of hot water, you’ve probably set your water heater too high! Before winter arrives, turn down your thermostat to somewhere between 110 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid scalding your hands every time you wash up. 4. Make the switch - Check your furnace filter on a regular basis to make sure you change it when it’s visibly dirty or every 3 months. Also consider getting a semi-annual “tune-up” to your heating and cooling system from a qualified contractor to ensure savings over time. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Independently Owned & Operated


5. Insulate - The start of the cooler months is a good time to add insulation to your home. If your home uses less 12 inches of insulation, chances are your home is losing heat. Add insulation to your attic to prevent it from escape. 6. Run your fan the right way - Even the small things help! Make sure your ceiling fan is running counter-clockwise. The warmest air in your home is closest to the roof, so when your fan runs the right way it will push that air up into the ceiling and then down along your walls, adding an extra layer of warmth. 7. Sun power - Open the curtains on your southfacing windows during the day to absorb heat from the sun’s natural rays. Pull them closed again at night to reduce the chill. 8. Adjust the thermostat - Whether you have a manual or programmable thermostat, the Department of Energy (DOE) recommends a

temperature of 68°F while you're awake and lower while asleep or away from home - that can save you up to10% a year on energy. To learn more about the options available, take a look at Department of Energy’s thermostat guide!


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OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Woman’s Club of Slatington 2017 Fall Fun Submitted by BECKY LIENHARD

The Woman’s Club of Slatington would like to thank the members and their spouses who helped with this year’s scarecrow display. Thank you to Deb Barhight, Louise Bechtel, Rita & Bill Grim, Hali


& Ron Kuntz, David Lienhard, and Sandra Rehrig. The scarecrows can be seen at the Slatington Springside Fish Pond. This year the club added a scarecrow dressed in pink for the observance of breast cancer month. If the display has inspired you, the club would enjoy the community displaying their friendly scarecrows. The next Woman’s Club meeting will be held on Monday, October 16th at the Little Gap Nature Center (LGNC) at 7 p.m. The special guest speaker will be Dan Kunkle. We invite any woman 18 and older to join us at the meeting.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alice Frable - 79 on October 2 Libby Royer - 32 on October 8 William Gugger - 11 on October 9

Weber Grill, 3 pc. Luggage, Designer Purses, Longenberger Baskets, and loads of Gift Cards.

Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA 610-767-2664 610-767-2664

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 St. Peter’s U.C.C. (Seemsville) 8142 Valley View Road, Northampton

Hall Availablefor for Your Your Special Occasion Hall Available Special Occasion


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Call 610-767-2664 to Schedule Your Event

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Open Bowling || OCTOBER 2017 Every Other5,Friday 5:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday For Members!

5:00pm - 10:00pm Tuesday & Wednesday

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Vun Daag zu Daag hot Sunneschein, Der Regge un Schneewasser rein Gut der Baam gewessert; Un Grefde vun der Bruscht der Aerd Hot noh ihn aa noch gut ernaehrt, Langsam ihn verbessert.




Es waar net lang, vleicht fimf, sechs Yaahr, As Veggel hen mit Lehm‘ un Haar Ihr Nesehder neigebaut; Sei Bledder mache Dach fer's Haus, Sie halte Sunn un Regge draus, Ihr Gsang hot siess gelaut.

Wie ich waar noch en yunger Bu, Wie's ewwe geht, hot die Unruh Mich nausgeyaagt ins Feld; Datt waar en gleener Kesehdebaam, En gleeni Wipp, so aarn un laahm, Doch was er schtrack sich schtellt!

Im Winder, wie's gewehnlich geht, Hot Wind sei Bledder weck geweht, Waar yuscht en Schtarze meh ; Weil ich im Haus waar schnock un waarm, Schteht er datt draus so kalt un aarm, Un ach, so gans allee.

Ich hab en gleeni Fens drum gschtellt, Wann ebber naus geht do ins Feld, Dass er net driwwer laaft; Noh hab ich datt en Schtickel gsetzt, Un druff es Yaahrzaahl gschnitte, yetzt, Ihn selle Weg gedaaft.

In paar Yaahr bin ich owwenaus, Der Baam macht fatt, schloft ei, schlagt aus, Wie Beem gewehnlich duhn; Un's waar vleieht fimf-un-zwansich Yaahr Bis ich bin z‘rick un guck devor En scheener Daag im June. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Ei, sehn yuscht mol, so'n grosser Baam, Un nimmi glee un aarm un laahm, Wie ich en letscht Mol sehn; Die Fens verrisse-alles fattDer Schtickel gfault un nimmi datt, Ken Marker brauch er meh. Paar dutzend Veggel-neschder drin, Un wie ich rumguck weiter, sin Sei Igel schee un dick; Un schpeeder wann's mol Reife hot, Schmeisst ghaufdich Keschde uff die Lot Un halt aa kenni z‘rick. Gedier un Veggel – Mensche aa – Kenne Frucht dann hendich draa, Er saagt aa niemand ab; Gebt alles wu er hot in Niss, Sich selwer, wann's mol needich iss, Des iss sei ehrlich Tschabb, So weil ich driwwer denk un draam, Sin mir net wie der Keschdebaam In besondere Wege? Weil mir glee sin, so siess un sacht, Duhn Eldre mit ihr Lieb un Acht Um uns Fense lege.

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

Mir waxe wennich alle Daag, Duhn gleene Dienscht, wie ich dir saag Vum gleene Baam vorher ; Dann kummt en Daag, as mir bereit, Noh naus gehn in die Welt so weit, Verlosse Heemet-deer. Mir schtehn vor alle Mensche yetzt, Die Aage vun der Welt sin gsetzt Zu sehne was die Aern. Continued on page 10


Touch of Dutch Continued from page 9

Die Schtarrn vun Unglick blose hatt, Furcht un Zweifel aa sin datt, Versuch packt uns so gaern. Wie schafft Nadur, so iss der Baam, Iss fruchtbaar, odder aarm un laahm, Er dutt nix dewege; Mir awwer fer Schlecht un Gut, Mir kenne duh graad wie's uns suut, Niemand saagt degege. Un iss der Baam verhaust mit Schtarm, Die Niss verdrickelt un voll Warm, Dann waerd er umgemacht; Ich hoff as unser Baam gedrei, Vun Not, Versuch verhiedet sei, In alles gut bedracht, Wann wie der Baam mir schtarrick schtehn, Un ehrlich un uffrichtich gehn, Un gewwe ebbes her; Iss unser Aernzeit siess un voll, Wie mer vum Baam verwaarde soll, Noh gebt die Welt uns Ehr. -Ralph Funk





*** Wednesday, October 11, 2017 *** DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 p.m. DRAWING AT 7:00 p.m.

Tickets: $6 for 25 chances Extra Tickets $3 for 26 chances **PREVIEW & ADVANCED $6 TICKETS AVAILABLE @ MOOSE BREAKFAST, OCTOBER 8, FROM 8 a.m. to NOON FMI CONTACT: Debbie at 610-767-1082 10

The Chestnut Tree When I was still a young boy, Like it always goes, restlessness Chased me out in the field; A little chestnut tree was there, A little whip, so ‘poor’ and ‘lame’ Yet how he stood so straight! I erected a little fence around it, If anyone went out there in the field, That he would not walk over it; Then I placed a stake there, And carved the year on it, yet, ‘Baptized’ him in that way. From day to day the sunshine, The rain and pure snow-water Watered the tree well; And nutrients from the bosom of the earth Also supported him well, Slowly improved him. It was not long, perhaps five or six years, That birds with clay and ‘hair’ Built their nests in [the branches]; The branches make a roof for the ‘house’, They keep out the sun and the rain, Their song sounded sweet. In winder, as it usually goes, The wind blew away his leaves, Was just a stem anymore; While I was snug and warm in the house, He stood out there so cold and pitiful, And, O my, so completely alone. In a few years I left home, The tree continues on, goes dormant, grows New leaves, like trees usually do; And it was perhaps twenty-five years Until I went back and looked for the tree [On] a beautiful day in June. My, just look once, such a large tree, And no longer small and ‘poor’ and ‘lame’, How I saw him the last time; The fence destroyed – nothing is there – The stake rotted away and no longer there, He doesn’t need a marker anymore. A few dozen bird nests are in it And when I look around further, His porcupines are nice and fat; Continued on page 12 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc.

Open Gate Farm

Our Farm Store is Open Year-Round Fresh Vegetables & Fruits in Season Eggs, Potatoes, Hay & Straw Retail - Wholesale

Beauti fu Hardy l Mums in Pumpk Patch Fall/Winter Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-4 • Sat. 9-1

Directions: Rt. 309 North to Pleasant Corners; turn right onto Bake Oven Rd. Go 1/2 mile; bear right onto Saegersville Rd. Continue for 2 miles. Farm is on right. Look for Open Gate #1 signs.

Sunday, October 15, 2017 • 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Rain or Shine (most activities are indoors if weather is inclement) Hay Bale MAZE Pick-Your-Own Pumpkin Patch Wheel of Ag Game! Demonstration of Big Hay Bale Press Mike Fink’s Fresh Produce & Fall Decorations Face Painting for Children Food Court featuring Delicious Homemade Soups, “Fresh Cut” French Fries, Hot Dogs, Apple Cider, Birch Beer & Milk • BAKE SALE

‘Food doesn’t just come from a grocery store, it comes from farms!” 7419 Saegersville Rd., Slatington, Pa. 18080

610-767-2409 *FMNP Checks accepted here*

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Touch of Dutch And later when it gives frosts, He throws heaps of chestnuts on the lot And does not take any back.

We stand before all people now, The eyes of the world are focused To see what will be our ‘harvest’; The storms of misfortune blow hard, Fear and doubt are also there, Temptation seizes us so willingly.

Creatures and birds – mankind also – Know about the ‘fruit’ then handy, He also refuses no one; Gives everything which he has in nuts, Even himself, when it is necessary, This is his honest ‘job.’

As nature works, so is the tree, It is fruitful or ‘poor’ and ‘lame,’ The tree cannot do anything about it; For us, however, for bad or good, We can do exactly like it suits us, No one says [anything]against that.

So while I contemplate and dream, Are we not like the chestnut tree In many ways? When we are small, so sweet and soft, Our parents, with love and care, Are putting up fences around us.

And is the tree ruined by a storm, The nuts dried up and full of worms, Then he would be cut down; I hope our ‘tree’ [is] faithful, Of necessity, temptation to be avoided, In everything considering good.

We grow a little every day, Do little tasks, like I told you Previously of the little tree; Then comes a day, that we are ready, Then we go far out in the world, Leaving home.

When like the tree we stand strong, And go about honestly and uprightly, And contribute something here; Our ‘harvest time’ is sweet and full, Like one should expect from the tree, Then the world will give us honor!

Continued from page 10

Northampton Banquet & Event Center (formerly Community Center)

1601 Laubach Ave. in Northampton

Doors open at 6 p.m. Drawings are at 8 p.m.


BASKET SOCIAL FRIDAY, October 13, 2017

Chinese (Tricky Tray) Auctions

NOW FREe ADMISSION! 50/50, special prizes, bake sale Sports & Collectibles, Holiday Items, Gift Certificates for Restaurants & Entertainment Venues, Kid Stuff, Home Items, & More!! Food will be available for purchase Now 27 tickets on a card for $10. PRE-SALE special at libraRy: Buy 3 cards, get 1 card free!

Phone: 610-262-7537 12 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Who initiated the Serendipity of the Creation of the book Jack the Junco? Written by Rena Garrity

My brother John, also known as Jack Russell Garrity, is a retired art teacher of Northern Lehigh schools. He hiked the Appalachian trails near our family home in Walnutport Pa. for many years. One day Jack was notified of an incoming student teacher named Molly. Who would have thought this was the beginning of a 40 year friendship? After training Molly in the skills of becoming an art educator and setting her on her way in the work world, their friendship ensued. Over the years they shared the silence of nature during hikes, walking the Blue Mountain trails, feeling the texture of the wind, floating down the Lehigh River, listening to the music of the refreshing Waters. Like a song, a poem, a smile or laughter which calms life's rush; their souls became centered in nature's creations, provided by God. One day years later on John's mountain walk with Comet his English Setter, he experienced an unforgettable moment. His dog pointed to a struggling bird. The bird thought its bramble bush home, with its thorns, was a safe place for its family. To the bird's surprise it became hopelessly trapped in the little world he chose. My brother told Molly of the incident

he saw in the woods, and though many years have now passed ( John is now 86 years young), he and Molly collaborated in writing the children's story and finally, a storybook was born. The book, now complete, is an invitation for people to renew life by helping one another to be set free like little bird in the story. Two Souls met serendipitously through this friendship to create a blessing~ a Charming book entitled Jack the Junco. So, family and friends be graced by this little story which reminds us all of forgiveness, love, freedom, and most of all peace.The book was co-authored by my brother John Garrity and Molly Troxell and is filled with 50 heartwarming illustrations created by Molly. This children's book, Jack the Junco can be purchased on in soft cover by simple entering the book title. During canal days in Walnutport on the third Sunday of October you are welcome to visit and experience a" Craftsman's home" which holds beautiful sculptures. There you will see on the wall a mural of canal history circa 1900 also created by my brother. The address is 30 North Canal Street Walnutport PA. God is good and creativity is a gift.

Victorious Over Trials Order Your Child’s Copy Today People do function best acting in “One Another’s” >Best Interest< in

••• LIFE’S - LOVE - JOY - PEACE •••


OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Jerusalem U.C.C.


Thanksgiving Filling Sale Order your potato & bread filling by Nov. 5; pick up Nov. 12, or Nov. 19 11:30am - 1pm Cost is $6.00 per 2-lb. container (filling will be frozen) CALL 610-377-4936 OR 610-681-4412

Jerusalem U.C.C. 545 Church Drive, Palmer ton (Trachsville) (white church off 209 behind Towamensing Fire Co.)


FUNERAL HOME, INC. Why preplan with us?

If you like the peace of mind you get from insurance, you’ll understand why it makes sense to preplan with us. We know of no other funeral home’s policies that work as hard to do all this: • Spares your family from making detailed decisions at an emotional time • Ensures that your wishes are expressed • Prevents overspending and can lock in costs We’re experts at preplanning, and know all of the issues that may arise. Call us, you’ll be glad you did. Nathanael J. Horvath Funeral Director

David M. Harding Supervisor/President

25-27 N. Second St. Slatington, PA 18080 610-767-3011 14 || OCTOBER 5, 2017


Slatington Library News submitted by LOUISE BECHTEL

For all Slatington Library information, visit our website Preschool story hour will start on Tuesday, October 3rd and run through November 7th. It begins at 11:00 am. There will be books, crafts and maybe even a parade. Come see! All are welcome. The book club meets on the first Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. New members are always welcome. Jeanne LeFevre will be visiting the November book club (Nov. 6th) to speak about her book “Whispers from the Past.” Please join us. Thank you to everyone who attended the Library’s basket social. The library board and staff greatly appreciates everyone who donated an item, businesses and individuals or bought a ticket, one or twenty. Special thanks to Mike Peters for volunteering his time and talent, to Alice Harper for her organizational skills and to all the “Friends of the Library” who helped during the event. BIG SALE!! The library is cleaning house. All the book sale books need to go to make room for any books coming back from our stand at the Canal Festival, Sunday, October 15th. Our price is 25 cents a bag, or make us an offer. The topic for the Diabetes lecture for October will be “Exercising the Sweet Spot Way” and will be held on Wednesday, October 25th at 1:00 p.m. Continued on page 16

Now Roasting



side ne free 8oz. o r fo n o p u o C 0 purchase with a $10.0

BAD BONES BBQ, LLC Location at Newhard Farms Cornshed 3250 Mauch Chunk Rd. Coplay, PA 18037 Thurs-Sat 11am-6pm Sun 11am-5pm 610.730.5838 OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Slatington Library Continued from page 15

The Diabetes series is sponsored by Bechtel’s Pharmacy, Inc. Past lectures can be watched on youtube through links from the library’s home page. Are you an Amazon shopper? If you are, shop and select the Slatington Library and we will receive 1% of what you spend as a donation. You can use your existing account. The library takes donations of books. We do not take encyclopedias, National Geographic’s magazines or Reader’s Digest condensed books.

Donna’s Homecare & Cleaning Home: 610-262-4874 Cell: 484-634-2688 Homecare: Bathrooms, Kitchen, Wash Curtains, Dry/ Wet Mop, Dusting, Laundry, Windows, Empty Trash, Food Shopping, Food Prep., Cooking, and Making Beds. $20/hour. 2 hour min. Fully Insured

Donna Bates

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Library hours are Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; closed Thursday and Sunday. Contact us at 610 767-6461.

Honoring Doris Smith submitted by WANDA OWENS

The Slatington Public Library will be honoring Doris Smith on Tuesday October 10th at 6:00 pm. Her name will be added to the Louise Hallman Memorial Plaque located in the front of the library. Doris was a math teacher who taught for many years in the Northern Lehigh School District. She continued to tutor students after her retirement, and she served on the Slatington Public Library Board of Directors for over twenty years. She was still active on the board at the time of her death earlier this year. Doris Smith touched the lives of many students in her tenure at Northern Lehigh, and she was an integral part of the success of our library. We invite friends and relatives of Doris to join the Library Board and Staff as we honor Doris’s service to the Northern Lehigh Community. Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Located at the Bowmanstown Boat Launch off Riverview Road

610-349-5095 Come For Breakfast - Stay For Lunch Reasonably Priced • My Own Homemade Pierogies • Ginormous Breakfast Sandwiches • Cheesesteaks, Chicken Cheesesteaks, Chicken Fingers and Other Delicious Items to choose from Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM Sunday 12 PM - 4 PM

Hayride for children and grandchildren up to age 10 for the members of the American Legion Post 899.

Oct 14 - in the Grove 1140 Municipal Road, Walnutport • 2 p.m. Rain Date - Oct 21

A Cluck Above the Rest 16

Sign-up Sheet at the bar. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Ride Your Bicycle To The Festival Free, monitored bicycle parking will be available during the Walnutport Canal Festival on Sun., October 15, from noon to 5 PM. The parking area will be on Canal Street, near Main Street. The free parking is courtesy of Lehigh Township Rails to Trails. While visiting the Festival, stop by our display at the above location. You can meet some of our

members, learn about our organization and pick up trail maps. We’d also like to tell you about our project at Indian Trail Park. To raise funds for that project, we will be selling $5 shopping passes to Boscov’s. For additional information, call 610 767-0676. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Festival!

610-767-1090 610-767-1091

Vehicles • 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee, $6,995 (118K, 4x4) • 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, $2,950 (4X4, 4.0L, Auto, 141K) • 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat, $11,900 (6 Cyl., Auto, 4X4 77K)

• 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee, $7,950 (6 Cyl., Auto, 4X4, Leather, Roof, 97K) • 2007 Dodge Caliber AWD $5,900 (4 Cyl., Auto, 117K) • 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab, $5,900 (135K, 4x4) • 2006 Scion XA, $4,500 (FWD, 4 cyl., Auto 112K)

• 2008 Dodge Nitro Heat, 4x4, $6,995 (135K, A/C, P.W., P.L.) • 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, $9,900 (5.3L, Auto, 4X4, 141K) • 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Touring, $8,995 (84K, A/C, Sto-N-Go)


• Buy-Sell-Trade • Financing Available (For all credit types) • Full Mechanical Repairs • We Buy ESTATE Vehicles

6931 Pa. Route 873, Slatington PA 18080 OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


COMMUNITY CALENDAR October 11 Carbon County Art League at 6 p.m. at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163. Painting Workshop led by Sarah Binder. Paint your own dragonfly acrylic on canvas. $20/person must register in advance. October 15 Christ's Church at Lowhill 4695 Lowhill Church Rd, New Tripoli at 10:00 am, will be having a Harvest Home service. Please bring fresh produce or canned goods in support of the Lowhill Food Pantry, as we celebrate and bless the harvest with God's good provision! October 18 Free movie, "The Shack", at 7 pm, at Agape New Testament Fellowship, 5229 Route 873, Schnecksville. October 18 Hokendauqua Chapter of Trout Unlimited 6:30 p.m. Catasauqua High School, Rm. C219 “What’s New with Trout Unlimited” November 8 Carbon County Art League at 6 p.m. at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163. "Point and Laugh" Night, bring your incomplete and failed art attempts to share with the group. We can all learn from our own and from each other's mistakes. December: Annual Christmas Dinner. Please email us with possible low cost venues for this event. MONDAYS • Book Club, Palmerton Library (3rd Monday), 12 to 1:15 p.m. • Knitting Club, Palmerton Library (1st Monday), 6 to 8 p.m. • Knitting for Veterans, Bath Legion, 6 to 9 p.m. • TOPS, Dinkey Church, Ashfield, 5:30 p.m. 610-852-2976.


• Al-Anon Family Group/Serenity Seekers, United Methodist Church, Aquashicola/Palmerton, 7 to 8 p.m. 484-477-9697. • St. John’s Lutheran Church of Mahoning is hosting “GriefShare,” a free weekly grief support group and seminar, on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. “GriefShare” features video from prominent Christian experts on grieving, and caring conversation with people who understand your thoughts and feelings, whether your loss is recent or long ago. To find out more, or to register, call St. John’s at 570-386-9960. • American Legion Post 16 meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Veterans needed for color guard to help with Military Honor Funeral. Call 610-703-5166 FMI. TUESDAYS • TOPS, Zion U.C.C., Lehighton. 4:30 p.m. 610-657-1025. • ALATEEN support group for teens of family struggling w/ alcohol. Faith Alive Church, Palmerton/ Bowmanstown, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adult Al-Anon and AA meetings, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 570-730-8601. • Crochet night, Tuesday night 6:30-8:30, Northern Lehigh School Library call Lisa 610-767-4323. WEDNESDAYS

• Individualized Basic Computer Class, Northampton Library 6 to 8 p.m. 610-760-0207. • Alzheimer’s Support Group (1st and 3rd), St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jim Thorpe. 6:30 p.m. 610-392-2380. • Homework Helpers, Palmerton Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m. 610-826-4962. • Nar-Anon Meetings, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Rd. Nazareth, 7:30 p.m. • Adult BS/JAM Club (K-5) and youth (6-12), 7 p.m. Faith Wesleyan Church, Route 309 Orefield 610-398-0172. • Carbon County Art League,meet the second Wednesday each month at 6:00 PM at The Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Lower level, 701 Bridge Street, Lehighton, Pa 18235 Phone: 610-730-3163

• Pastor Chris Cocca will be leading a weekly Bible study, at Christ's Church at Lowhill, 4695 Church Road, New Tripoli, every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm. 9/20-11/1 will feature "The Bible as Literature, then and now”


• Schnecksville Sr. Citizens Club, 12 p.m. at Schnecksville Fire Co. 610-7697570. • Polka, Laurel Fire Co. (3rd and 4th), 5 to 7 p.m. 610-262-2077. • Rotary Club of Slatington meeting, Woodstone Country Club, 6:15 p.m. 484-951-2468. • Al-Anon Family Group, St. John’s U.C.C. in Palmerton, 7 to 8 p.m. 570-861-4928. • American Legion Aux. of Slatington at Legion (1st), 7 p.m. FMI 610-7601642. • PA German Friends meeting (3rd), St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Allentown, 7 p.m. 610-767-7140. • GriefShare, 7:30 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Lehighton. 570-386-9960. • Senior Citizens meet 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at Diamond Fire Company Social Hall.


• Preschool Story Hour, Palmerton Library, 10:30 a.m. • Mom, Pop, and Tot class, 10 to 11 a.m. Northampton Rec. Center. Toddler based activities/group activities. 610-502-2990 or reccenter@ • Polka and button box every Friday 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Northampton VFW. 610-262-3891.


• Cancer Connections Group Meeting, Bethany Wesleyan Church (3rd Sat.), 10 a.m. • Forgotten Felines Cat and Kitten Adoptions, noon to 4 p.m. 6022 Mountain Rd., Germansville. 610-7609009.

SUNDAYS • Learning Experience & Discipleship classes, Bethany Wesleyan, 9 and 10:45 a.m. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

LARRY’S Antiques & Collectibles Walnutport, Pa. 610-767-1194

Old Toys, Games, Photos, Postcards, Signs, Books, Advertising Items, Most Any Type of Old Paper Items Old Christmas and Old Halloween Decorations Costume Jewelry, Tins, Crocks, Military Items, Old Store Items, Household Items, Vases, Flower Pots, Kitchen Items, Glasses, Mixing Bowls, Old Dishware We also handle old business items such as: ledger, photos, and day books. Old Garden Fixtures

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Northern Lehigh Trail Town - Welcome Center After reviewing the data collected with our Trail Town surveys and collecting information at the successful public meeting held in June, Northern Lehigh Recreation and the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L) continue to work together to make Northern Lehigh (Borough of Slatington, Borough of Walnutport, Washington Township) the first designated ‘Trail Town’ on the D&L. Within the next month you will see new and updated signage added on and around the D&L trail and the trailheads as well as some additional improvements coming in the spring of 2018. The community feedback we received also sparked the idea of having a welcome center/visitor center on the Slatington Trailhead to welcome trail users to Northern Lehigh. At the welcome center, we will provide maps of the area including trail friendly business listing, information on the areas historic significance, promote local events and businesses, take an active role in improving the visitors overall experience and more. Every Saturday and Sunday throughout the month of October 2017 the welcome center will be staffed with volunteers from 9:00am – 1:00pm as we continue to connect with trail users. We plan to fully launch the welcome

center in the Spring of 2018! The Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L) & Northern Lehigh Recreation are thrilled to collaborate on this venture to enhance connection between towns and trails! For additional information about The Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L) Trail Town program please contact Brian Greene at For additional information about Northern Lehigh Recreation, and/or if you would like your business listed on our information and have something to offer trail users, please contact Mike Kukitz at Visit our website at for local programs, events and classes being offered across Northern Lehigh. About The Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L): The Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L) is both a diverse, multi-faceted organization, and a multi-use trail spanning 165 miles from the mountains of northeast Pennsylvania through the Lehigh Valley and Bucks County. The D&L is a true public-private partnership. Passionate residents and volunteers work alongside local, regional, and national entities to conserve cultural and natural resources in the five-county region of eastern Pennsylvania.

Pastor’s Comments In large print at: Comments Pastor’s InNorthampton large print at:Assembly of God

Northampton Assembly 3449 Cherryville Rd., Northampton • Sun. 10:45 amof & 6 God pm; Wed. 7:30 pm 3449 Cherryville Rd., Northampton • Sun. 10:45 am & 6 pm; Wed. 7:30 pm

Daniel E. Lundmark, Pastor • 610-262-5645 • Daniel E. Lundmark, Pastor • 610-262-5645 •

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Evangelist Ken Gaub was traveling with his family on I-75 near Dayton, Ohio, stop. Feeling Ohio, when when they they decided decided to to make make aa refreshment refreshment stop. Feeling the the need need stretch to stretch his his legs, legs, he he left left his his family family at at aa restaurant restaurant and and began began walking. walking. to As he passed a phone booth, the phone began ringing. Curiosity drove As phone booth, beganAnringing. Curiosity drove himhetopassed answera it. “Hello,” he the saidphone casually. operator responded, him todistance answer call it. “Hello,” said His casually. operator “Long for Kenhe Gaub.” eyes An widened andresponded, in shock he replied, “Thiscall can’t was walking...” Ken Gaub the “Long distance for be! KenI Gaub.” His eyes“Iswidened andthere?” in shock operator in the “Is world youthere?” reach the me he replied,interrupted. “This can’t“Yes, be! I but washow walking...” Kendid Gaub here?” I was walking by and the pay phone started ringing, and I …” operator interrupted. “Yes, but how in the world did you reach me The operator broke in, “Is Mr. Gaub there or isn’t he?” “Yes, I am Ken here?” Ihe wasresponded walking byshaken and theand pay perplexed. phone started ringing, and voice I …” Then another Gaub,” The operator broke in,operator.” “Is Mr. Gaub or isn’t he?” “Yes, “I’m I amMillie Ken said, “Yes, that’s him, Kenthere listened dumbfounded. from Harrisburg, PA. You don’t and knowperplexed. me, but I’mThen desperate. he responded shaken anotherPlease voice Gaub,” help me.” began then said, “I was about to“I’m commit said, “Yes,She that’s him,weeping operator.”and Ken listened dumbfounded. Millie suicide and had just finished writing a note, when I began to pray from Harrisburg, PA. You don’t know me, but I’m desperate. Please and tell God I really didn’t want to. Then I remembered seeing you on helpand me.” She began weeping and then you said,could “I was to commit TV thought if I could just talk to you, helpabout me. Then some numbers came my finished mind, and I scribbled suicide and hadtojust writing a note,them whendown.” I began to pray Knowing thisI really encounter have Ibeen arrangedseeing by God, and tell God didn’tcould wantonly to. Then remembered youKen on began tothought counsel the woman. Astoshe told ofcould her despair, the presence TV and if I could just talk you, you help me. Then some of the Holy Spirit flooded the phone booth giving him words of wisdom numbershiscame to my mind, I scribbled them prayer down.” (see www. beyond ability. Then she and prayed the sinner’s Knowing this encounterand could have beenWho arranged met only Jesus Christ would by leadGod, her Ken into a new life. Ken walked away from thattold phone booth with an began to counsel the woman. As she of her despair, theelectrifying presence heavenly concern for those who cry out to sense of the of the Holy Spirit floodedFather’s the phone booth giving him words of wisdom Him as Psalm 34:15 promises, “His ears are open unto their cry.” beyond his ability. Then she prayed the sinner’s prayer (see www. Only an all-knowing God could have caused that woman to call that and–Adapted met Jesus Who lead herGaub into from Christ God’s Got Yourwould Number by Ken number at that moment! a new life. Ken walked away from that phone booth with an electrifying sense of the heavenly Father’s concern for those who cry out to Him as Psalm 34:15 promises, “His ears are open unto their cry.” Only an all-knowing God could have caused that woman to call that number at that moment! –Adapted from God’s Got Your Number by Ken Gaub || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Slatington Lions Club Car Show It’s the Volunteers that made our car show run smoothly

The 29th Annual Slatington Lions Club Car Show, was scheduled for Sunday Sept. 3rd. Since the weather was raining and misty on Sunday we had to postpone our show till Monday. This was only the second time in 29 years there was a postponement. The car show is one of our most important fundraisers of the year. Sept. 4th, was a great day at the Slatington Airport. 310 cars were registered ranging in years from 1923 to the present. Among the many vehicles registered were a 1928 Seagrave Fire Engine, a 1924 Jewett Sedan, a 1933 International D1 Truck, a 1941 Mercury Pickup Truck, a 1948 Ford Anglia, a 1967 Ford T-5 Hardtop, Camaros, Mustangs, Corvettes, GTO’s and even a Hellcat. We had mostly local vehicles attending but had a few from outside the area. One driving from Fredericksburg, MD in a former Slatington Police Car, and others out East to Jersey City, NJ. The categories included: vehicles for each decade, street rods, trucks, Rat Rods, and Foreign Cars. We had new cars on display from our Slatington Dealership Rentschler Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram and Chevrolet. Thanks to our sponsors. Every year we reach out to local businesses to sponsor our trophies that are awarded in several different categories. These sponsors are an important part of this event, and we thank you for your support. We thank those businesses that made a donation as well. Thanks to the generosity of the Burger King of Walnutport for the many free meals that we used for prizes in our trivia questions during the day. Thanks to Roger Sell who closes up his airport for our Car Show. Thank you to Berger Sanitation for the use of a dumpster for our show. We really need this for all the cleanup for a show this size. Thank you for JJS Land Development for letting us use their property to park vehicles during the car show. Their generosity and support is vital to the success of this event. I would also like to thank Thomson’s Meat Market for the use of their freezer trailer to keep our food and drinks cold during the show. Northern Lehigh Middle School Principal Jill Chamberlain for coming out so we can pick up our ice buckets on an early holiday too. A big Thank You to Slatington and Walnutport Police for attending. Their presence made the show a real community event. Thanks to our invaluable volunteers: our wives and family members for helping. Thank you for always being there when we need you. Our Committee worked especially hard in the planning of this event during the year. My gratitude to Tommy Nicholson, Charlie Sule, Jeff Kunkle, and Dan Ehrich. The extra effort you put in to make this event flow smoothly is truly appreciated. My fellow Lions members and guests for the outstanding job they did at setting-up, working during the event and with the clean up after the show. Finally, thank you to all the car owners who participated this year and to all the spectators who helped make the day a festive and fun day. You can view our winners lists and some photos on our Facebook page: LionsClubofSlatington I hope to see you there next year. President Matt Guesto, Slatington Lions Club

2017 Raffle Car drawing winners

Top prize is the car and that was ticket # 6672 purchased by Ross Transue from East Stroudsburg. The ticket was sold during the West End Fair event Next 4 winners each win $100 4157 purchased by John Abel from Bethlehem The ticket was sold during the Schnecksville Fair event 6602 purchased by Nathaniel Cline from Kunkletown The ticket was purchased during the West End Fair event 4829 purchased by Sarah Hogan The ticket was purchased during the Night in the Country event 4890 purchased by Ben Heintzelman purchased during the Night in the Country event 2017 Slatington Lions Club Special Award Winners

2017 Slatington Lions Club Special Award Winners

Lions Club President Award Sponsored by the Slatington Lions Club selected by this year’s president. Car #1 1968 Plymouth Road Runner owned by Joseph Nierer of Walnutport Best of Show Award In memory of Jack Follweiler Sr. and selected by the Jack Follweiler family Car # 95 1931 Ford Model A owned by Ed Brinker of Easton Ted Kistler Memorial Award Sponsored by Rextown Supply and selected by the Ted Kistler Family Car # 87 1964 Ford Mustang owned by Joseph S. Forish of McAdoo Mayor’s Award Sponsored by the Lions Club and selected by the Mayor of Slatington Car # 263 1957 Chevrolet Nomad owned by Vince Morris of Walnutport

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

Most Drastially Altered Vehicle Sponsored by Livingood Excavating Co. Selected by Leo Livingood Car # 265 1962 Dodge Polara 500 owned by Mike Krauchick of Allentown Masonic Award Sponsored by the Slatington Masonic Lodge #440 and selected by Club Officers Car # 199 1970 Mercury Cyclone Spoiler owned by Richard Schaffer of Allentown Oldest Registered Vehicle Driven to the Show Sponsored by the Lions Club and selected by the earliest year and earliest registered vehicle Car # 114 1923 Ford T-Bucket owned by James Gilbert of Lansford Car Club with the most registered members vehicles in the show $50.00 Cash donation to the most members at the show Jukebox Cruisers


15 Autumn Wellness Tips to Keep You Healthy This Fall By ALYSE RURIANI

The transition from summer to fall can be a challenge. To help ease the change, we have put together 15 Autumn Wellness Tips to get you ready for the colder months and keep your mental (and physical!) health in check. Start taking a Vitamin D supplement. We get most of our Vitamin D from the sun, so our intake decreases when the weather is colder since we spend most of our time inside during the fall/ winter seasons. If you find you are not getting outside much, a Vitamin D supplement can boost your mood and immune system! Take some time to yourself. Autumn and winter are the Earth’s way of telling us to slow down. Start a journal or track your moods to get more in touch with how your feeling. Get your flu shot and yearly checkup. Self explanatory! No one likes sniffling and aching and sneezing and coughing getting in the way of life. Yuck. You don’t want to be Sicky Vicky Boost your immune system. You can do this by drinking plenty of water, washing your hands often


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to prevent sickness, and eating nutritious foods. Get yourself ready for Daylight Savings Time. Go to bed earlier when you can, especially the week before the clocks change. Longer periods of darkness = longer periods of sleep! Don’t forget to change any manual clocks (like an alarm clock!) Make some plans for the cold months. In the winter, we tend to hibernate if we don’t have things to keep us busy. Moisturize your skin. Harsh temperatures can make your skin dry. Also, you still should be wearing sunscreen. Buy in-season food. Beets, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kale, pumpkin, broths, roasted squash, roots and sautéed dark leafy greens are all great choices. I don’t think Pumpkin Spice Lattes count, but you do you. Stay active! It can be easy to just sit around all the time, but it’s important to get in some movement throughout the day. Raking leaves or shoveling snow counts!

Local Attorney Guest Appearance on National Public Radio Attorney Charles Stopp of the Law Offices of Steckel and Stopp with offices in Northern Lehigh, Parkland and Northampton as well as an affiliate office in Bethlehem recently participated as a guest on the local National Public Radio affiliate WDIY in Bethlehem. The host of the show was Laurie Siebert, CPA, CFP, AEP. The subject of the session was to discuss a variety of trusts, both revocable and irrevocable, and how various trusts can benefit individuals in the estate planning process. The subject included the interplay between various trusts, Federal estate taxes, and Pennsylvania Inheritance Taxes as well as creating protections for the preservation of assets and dealing with beneficiaries’ particular needs including special needs beneficiaries. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Wear layers and protect your body from the dropping temperature. Make sure you have gloves, a scarf, ear muffs, a winter coat, warm socks, and snow boots! Don’t forget a snowsuit! Do some “spring cleaning” in the fall. Clean out your closet, organize that back room, and rid yourself of things you don’t need. Prepare your home for possible extreme weather conditions. Do you have a shovel and/or snow blower? Do your flashlights have batteries? Is your heat working okay? Get some books to read and shows to watch. Who doesn’t want to sit by the fire on chilly winter

nights and read a good book or binge-watch some Netflix? Just don’t get too engrossed… make sure to shower and change your clothes! Keep a schedule. The cold months can seem to drag on and push us into isolation. Stay on track by scheduling time in your day to do things you like to do. Be kind to yourself. The holidays can cause weight gain, the shorter days can cause low mood, and the flu season can cause sickness. Listen to your body and give it what it needs, and don’t beat yourself up! Try reframing negative thoughts into positive ones. 610-767-9032

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OCTOBER 5, 2017 Hours: Mon.|| thru Fri 8am - 4pm


Citizen’s Fire Company No. 1 Citizen’s Fire Company No. 1 Citizen’s FireNo. Company 1 Citizen’s Fire Company 1 MainNo. 3922 Street by SUSAN HIGGINS Slatedale, PA 18079 3922 Main Street Fall is a wonderful time of year. The leaves are and better sleeping temperatures. What’s not to 610-767-6887 Slatedale, PA 18079 3922 Main Street 3922 Main Street changing, the kids are back to school, there’s football love? 610-767-6887 Slatedale, PA 18079 Fire Company No. 1 BINGO Sunday Slatedale,Citizen’s PA 18079 to watch, apples to pick, 610-767-6887 pumpkins to carve, 610-767-6887 SSunday L AT EGame DBINGO A L Eand at 1:00But PMfall is not without its share of hazards. Here 3922 Main Street the weather is especially pleasant — lower humidity are some tips to be prepared for whatever weather Sunday BINGO Slatedale, 18079 PM Game atPA1:00 Sunday BINGO 610-767-6887 Thursday BINGO challenges may come your way this season: at 1:00 PM Citizen’s Fire Company No.Game 1 atGame 1:00 PM Sunday BINGO PM BINGO Citizen’s No.Thursday 1Game atGame 1:00 PM at 6:30Floodwaters S L AT EFire D ACompany LE 3922 Main Street Thursday BINGO Game at BINGO 6:30 PM In short, never drive through floodwaters! Fall BINGO Slatedale, PA 18079 Thursday Thursday Game at 6:30 PM 610-767-6887 Game at 6:30 PM can often times bring with it rainy weather, and Game at 6:30 PM 3922BINGO Main Street Sunday heavy rains can be a common occurrence as Game at 1:00 PM Slatedale, PA 18079 September and October are still part of hurricane 610-767-6887 Thursday BINGO Game at 6:30 PM season. CouponsCoupons Available Online Available OnlineSo if you encounter fast moving water or a Sunday BINGO flooded roadway as you are driving or walking, it’s Coupons Available Online Game at 1:00 PM best to turn around and find another route. Abide Coupons Available Online Coupons Available Online by the “Turn Around, Don’t Drown” adage. You do Thursday Coupons Available OnlineBINGO not know the conditions under the water. All it takes Game at 6:30 PM

S L AT E D Safety A L E Tips Fall Weather BINGO REWARDS


Citizen’s Fire Company No. 1 BINGO REWARDS




SLATEDALE S L AT E D A L E 3922 Main Street Slatedale, PA 18079 610-767-6887

Sunday BINGO Game at 1:00 PM Thursday BINGO Game at 6:30 PM Coupons Available Online

Continued on page 28

By Barry


Coupons Available Online


-Entire House Remodeling Debris -Roofing Materials -Storm Debris -Lawn and Garden Clean-Up -Estate Clean Outs -Garage and Basement Clearing The dumpster will be available onsite for 10 consecutive days, if more days are needed pricing is available. Estimates for demolition or clean outs also available.

Contact Information: Office: 610-703-6016 Cell: 484-241-9797

Under New Management || OCTOBER 5, 2017

St. John Neumann Regional School Student Council 17-18 School Year President: Caitlyn Kratzer Vice President: Shannon Dougherty Secretary: Emma Martinez Treasurer: Chase Wisocky 8th Grade Representative: Chris Capone 7th Grade Representative: Chris Ross 6th Grade Representatives: Susan Gilsbach and Olivia Handwerk 5th Grade Representatives: Layne Brunner and Delia Winas 4th Grade Representatives: Lilly Amorim and Ellie Apollo Thank you to our moderators: -Mrs. Comensky and Mrs. Hodyl-

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Kutztown University Wind Ensemble to Present "All the President's Men" The Kutztown University Wind Ensemble will present their annual fall concert on Sunday, Oct. 7, at 3 p.m. in Schaeffer Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public. This year's concert, All the President's Men, will feature music written for U.S. presidents, about presidents, or by composers who share the same last name as U.S. presidents. Kutztown University will welcome Dr. Mike Golemo, director of bands and professor of music

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at Iowa State University (ISU), as guest director. Golemo conducts the ISU Wind Ensemble, the top concert band at Iowa State. A native of Chicago, he received his bachelor and master's degrees from Northwestern University where he studied conducting with John P. Paynter and saxophone with Frederick Hemke. He completed his doctorate in wind conducting at Michigan State University under Kenneth Bloomquist and John Whitwell. Golemo previously served as assistant director of bands at The University of Akron (Ohio), and prior to that as Director of Bands at Albion College (Mich.). Sunday's concert program includes "Hail to the Chief," "Presidential Polonaise" by John Philip Sousa, "Fiesta Del Pacifico" by Roger Nixon, "God of Our Fathers" by both Claude Smith and Thomas Knox and Men of Ohio March by Henry Fillmore. The Kutztown University Wind Ensemble is under the direction of Professor Dan Neuenschwander.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Magaret Stoisits - 90 on October 9 Zachary Chamberlain - 14 on October 9


26 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Lehigh Township Historical Society News Submitted by RUTH HALL KENT

Our annual St. Paul's School Open House and special event, "Once Around the Township", was held on September 23 and received rave reviews. Our faithful followers and lovers of local history enjoyed a bus tour around Lehigh Township to view one and two room former schoolhouses. Stories and history of the buildings, students and teachers were shared with the tourists. We appreciate the positive comments received from those who attended, a good time was had by all. Once again our annual Fall Mum Sale was held last Saturday and, as usual, the mums were large and beautiful. Thanks to all of those who purchased mums and baked goods. A snack of hot dogs and apple cider rounded out our offerings on a perfect fall weekend. Sunday October 1st found some of members manning a table selling chances for a large storage tote full of great household items at the 30th Annual Becky's Car Show & Benefit Festival to benefit Dream Come True. Congratulations to the lucky winner! Also on Sunday, October 1st from 1 to 4 pm, we held our final Open House of the season at the Historical Centre museum. Newsletters to members will be sent out later in October. Don't forget to renew your membership before January 1st 2018 and ask a friend or neighbor to join! We welcome new members who are

interested in local history and things that are "old". Anyone interested in joining is invited to attend our monthly business meeting on the second Monday of each month. Our next meeting will be on October 9th at 7:00 pm at the Historical Centre next to Indian Trail Park in Pennsville. Visit our website for directions and GPS info if you don't know where we are located. Membership applications can be downloaded and printed from our website at www.lehightownshiphistoricalsociety. org. If you wish to arrange a visit for your group or organization to see the Historical Centre Museum or visit St. Paul's School between October and April, please call 610-440-0151 and leave a message to schedule a date and time. Don't forget to like and follow us on Facebook. We hope to see you soon!

St. Peter’s UCC

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Patti Stimpfl - 54 on October 9 Harleigh Hasz - 1 on October 11 Trisha Uyvari - 41 on October 11

Emerald Fire Co.

7748 Penn Street Emerald 8142 Valley View Road • Seemsville, Northampton Cheesesteak & Taco 610-837-7426 St. Peter’s U.C.C. Revised Date


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Seemsville, Northampton 10:15 a.m. Worship Friday, October 27, 5 to 10p.m. 610-837-7426 Adult platters $10, Kids 10 and under $6 9 a.m. Sunday School

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Worship 10:15 9:00 a.m. p.m.

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Fall Weather Safety Tips Continued from Page 24

is 6 inches of moving water to make you fall. And keep children and pets from playing in floodwater. Leaf Hazards Leaves, while pretty, can pose hazards for motorists. Fallen leaves can gather on roadways and when they become wet, they can create very slick conditions. Add freezing temperatures to the mix and your vehicle will have zero tracking, similar to driving on an icy road. In addition, leaves can cover important road markings (double yellow lines, for example) or deep pot holes. So it’s important to slow down when driving on a leaf-covered roadway. And always give yourself plenty of room between you and the cars around you in case anyone has to stop short. Children often play in leaf piles so be alert! Never drive through a pile of leaves. Many “leaf peepers” are out on the roadways and many can be distracted by foliage vistas. Be alert to what other motorists are doing. Keep your windshield free of leaves so as to not obstruct your view. And if you see dried leaves peeking out from under the hood of your car, take a moment to pop it and clear them away before you take your trip as they can obstruct ventilation holes and overheat your vehicle.

Nazareth Moravian Church (On the Square)

Friday, October 20, 2017 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Saturday, October 21, 2017 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Sautrday bag sale 11:30 - 1:00) Kitchen Open Both Days

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Reduced Visibility With the days getting shorter, visibility when driving in the fall can be a challenge. Many people walk along the side of the road at dusk with dogs, on horses or riding bicycles, and they can be difficult to see. School is also in session so kids are out playing. Mornings tend to be foggy. Additionally, fall is a time when wildlife is more active and on the move. Slow down when driving, especially on curvy or narrow roads where visibility around corners is difficult, and pay attention to postings for animal crossings, and obey school zone speed limits. Weather Changes Fall foliage hikes are fabulous. If you take a hike, be prepared for weather changes as you increase elevation. It may be sunny at the base of the mountain but it could be cold and rainy or even snowy at the summit. Dress in layers, and bring a wind breaker or waterproof shell, plenty of water, and never hike alone. Water Safety Many people like to take fall boat rides to see peak foliage. Even if things seem calm on the water, everyone on board should wear a life jacket. Being submerged in water of any temperature for any length of time can cause hypothermia and even the strongest swimmer can be weakened. Here are a few more maintenance items to do this fall: 1. Get your furnace serviced. Before winter arrives, it’s a good idea to call a professional to do your annual furnace servicing now. Your furnace is by far the most important appliance in your home. Have the filters cleaned or replaced. Check to see if you have an annual service contract, which will greatly bring down costs on this important maintenance step. 2. Fire Safety. When we “fall back” is the time when everyone should replace the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. It’s also a good idea to have a working fire extinguisher in the house, and everyone who lives there should be familiar with how it works. Hold a Fire Safety Meeting with family members and go over the steps. Do not do any outdoor burning when fire dangers are high. Flying embers can travel and start fires. Never leave candles unattended, especially in Jack-O-Lanterns or on table centerpieces. 3. Fireplaces. Get your chimney inspected every fall. Hire a chimney sweep to clean out your chimney of debris, nests, etc. before your light your first fire. Use the fireplace screens to protect from flying sparks and embers. Never pour lighter fluid, kerosene or gasoline on a fireplace, and never leave a fireplace unattended. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

SJNRSStudent Student winswins 1st Place! SJNRS 1st Place!

St. John Neumann Regional School congratulates Samantha Steier, 8th Grader. She won first place, at State level, in the congratulates 2017 Americanism Essay St. John Neumann Regional School Samanth Contest! It is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary of Oplinger-Hower, Unit r. She899, won first place, atisState in essay theis:2017 Americanism in Walnutport. Her award $100! Thelevel, title of the “How does learning government and our America help you become a future guardian of the st! It isabout sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary of Opling liberties of our country?” Sam is so overjoyed to have won first place! St. John Walnutport. Her award is $100! The title the essay is: “How Neumann Regional School is located in Palmerton and of Slatington. Call today, (610)826-2354! St. John Neumann Regional School Students are Achievers!

government and our America help you become a future g s of our country?” Sam is so overjoyed to have won first pla BIRTHDAY COUPON to the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette, @ IMis located inMail ann RegionalINSP School Palmerton and Slatington P.O. Box A Walnutport, PA 18088 REPAIRS 26-2354!SHELL St. John Neumann Regional School Students are Ac GAS - ALIGN Current Month Only!

Please Print Legibly!


MON THUR FRI 6:30 - 7:00, SAT 6:30 - 6:00, CLOSED SUN

Good Shepherd UCC 3940 Mountain Rd., Slatington

Basket Social October 19, 2017

Age on Birthday__________ Birthdate__________________ Male/Female____________ Phone_____________________ Address_____________________________________________ E-Mail_______________________________________________

One person per issue will be randomly chosen to win a FREE Birthday Cake from Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company, Walnutport Must pick up coupon at Town & Country Gazette office to receive free cake

Craft Fair & Tricky Tray

Doors Open at 5 • Drawing at 7 Refreshments will be available for purchase. for more information - contact Must have ticket in Barbara @ 610-767-6006 or advance Madeline @ 610-769-0810


Sunday, October 15, 2017 10 AM – 3 PM Northampton Memorial Community Center 1601 Laubach Avenue Northampton, PA Over 70 crafters & direct sales vendors. Plus a tricky tray raffle! Food/beverages for purchase. Free admission and free parking. Sponsored by: The Northampton Exchange Club 29

Kids Coloring Page

30 || OCTOBER 5, 2017



Heart It’s Fall ACORN






























Lehigh Valley Call today to make an appointment.


Indianland Garden Club News submitted by BEVERLY PUTT

Members gathered at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center on Tuesday, September 19, and heard a brief presentation about the nature center. Members were invited to tour the building and grounds and also, view the special tile mounted on the wall beneath a big painting in the Great Hall. The tile with the Indianland Garden Club name is one of many tiles that circle the room. The tile was placed on the wall in appreciation of the support given by the Indianland Garden Club to the nature center 32

over the years. The next meeting of the garden club will be held on Tuesday, October 10, at 7 p.m., at Hope Lutheran Church in Cherryville. Master Gardener Ilse Stoll will lead the program, "Natives of the Lehigh Valley." Members may refer to their booklet for the tournament details. Visitors are welcome. If you are interested in joining the garden club, please call 610-767-1622 for more information. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

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Water Wheel Farm market Locally Owned And Operated

610-767-2409 Open Daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Hardy Fall Mums, Local Apples, Pumpkins, Fall Squash Located on 309 just 300 yards North of Route 100 and Route 309 in Pleasant Corners

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Rescue a Friend

Chevy Dog • Pit Bull Terrier • Young • Male • Large Lehigh County Humane Society Allentown, PA Current on vaccinations • Primary Color(s): Apricot / Beige • Secondary Color(s): Black • Coat Length: Short I am such a goofy, loving dog! Most of our animals are strays. We can not guarantee that our animals are good with cats, dogs or children. We can however tell you if an animal would not be a good fit for a home with cats, dogs or children. What we share about the animal is what we have observed during their stay at the shelter. The best thing to do is to come to the shelter to meet the animal to see if you like his/her personality. You just simply can not tell if an animal is right for you over the phone or via email. We hope to see you soon!

Lehigh County Humane Society (610) 797-1205 640 Dixon Street Allentown, PA 18103

Country Clippers Pet Grooming Professional All Breed Dog and Cat Grooming Contact Stacy Goldberg or Jennifer Frable

610-824-2626 34

Support your local shelter! Blue Mountain

Pet Grooming and Boarding

All dogs welcome!

All grooming appointments include:

• Bath w/ “spa” time, shampoo and conditioner • Blow dry • Teeth brushing • All-over brushing and detangling • Nail trimming • Ear cleaning • Anal gland expressing “Tidy” – Includes trimming the sanitary areas, paws and paw pads, face and ears. ‘All Over” – Includes all of the above plus trimming of the entire body and legs. Now open for boarding.

484-623-4778 • 8733 Brown St., Slatington, PA 18080 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

CHURCH DIRECTORY Please send your updates to askus@townandcountrygazette. com or mail them to P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088. The directory is a free listing of local churches in alphabetical order and includes services, Sunday school, and Bible Study schedules. Please call the churches for directions or more information. Agape New Testament Fellowship Schnecksville, 610-216-5611 (N) W 10 a.m. Jr. Church 10:45 a.m. All Saints Episcopal Church Lehighton, 610-377-2675 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Assumption B.V.M. Catholic Church Slatington, 610-767-2214 W Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Ben Salem United Church of Christ Lehighton, 570-386-3870 W 8/10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Bethany Wesleyan Church Cherryville, 610-767-1239 (N) Sat. 5 p.m. Encounter. W Sun. 9 & 10:45 a.m. HA for all services and W & SS for Sunday mornings Bethel U.C.C. Slatington, 484-547-8335 W 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Blue Mountain Community Church Palmerton, 610-826-8402 W 9:15 a.m., SS 11:15 a.m. Chapman Quarries United Methodist Bath, 610-837-0935 (HA) W 11 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC New Tripoli W 10 a.m., SS during worship Christ U.C.C., Little Moore Danielsville, 610-837-6051 W 9 a.m. Christ U.C.C. Walnutport, 610-767-1601 W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA) Concordia Lutheran Church Northampton, 610-262-8500 W 9 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Covenant United Methodist Church Bath, 610-837-7517 HA W 8 & 10:30 a.m. SS (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Dinkey Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church Ashfield, 610-377-4242 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Dryland UCC Newburg, 610-759-4444 W 8 & 10.15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Ebenezer United Church of Christ New Tripoli, 610-298-8000 SS 9 a.m.; W 10:15 a.m. Ebenezer United Methodist Church Lehighton, 610-377-6900 W 9 a.m. Egypt Community Church Egypt, 610-262-4961 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Emmanuel U.C.C. Bowmanstown W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m. Faith Independent Church of Christ Walnutport 610-737-5390 (Pastor) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Faith Alive United Methodist Church Bowmanstown, 610-852-2805 W 8:30 & 10:45 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. Faith Wesleyan Church Route 309, Orefield (HA/N) 610-398-0172 W 10:45 a.m. SS 9:30 a.m. First U.C.C. Palmerton W 9 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Friedens U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-7099 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. God’s Missionary Church Northampton, 610-262-4412 W 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Good Shepherd U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-9680 (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Kreidersville, 610-262-9517 W Sun. 9 a.m. Gospel Chapel Wesleyan Church Northampton, 610-262-8101 (N) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Grace United Church of Christ Northampton, 610-262-7186 (HA) W 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m. Heidelberg Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) W 8:30 a.m. Faith Formation, all ages 9:45 a.m. Heidelberg U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-4740 (HA) W 11 a.m., Faith Formation, all ages 9:45 a.m. Heritage Baptist Church Orefield, 610-395-4970 (N) W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church Northampton, 610-262-2668 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Slatedale, 610-767-1526 W 8:30 a.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Palmerton (HA/N) W 8 & 10:15 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church Cherryville, 610-767-7203 (HA/N) Sun. W 8 & 10:30 a.m. SS 9:15 a.m. Jacob’s Church Route 143, New Tripoli, 610-7566252 SS 9 a.m., W 10 a.m., BS Wed. 7 p.m. Jerusalem Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-681-5200 W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Jerusalem U.C.C. Palmerton, 610-681-4412 W 9 & 10:30 a.m. Kingdom Life Family Center Orefield (N) W 10 a.m. Living Hope Lighthouse Palmerton, 610-826-2201 W 10 a.m.


Living Stone Fellowship New Tripoli, 610-298-3020 W 10 a.m.

St. John’s Lutheran Church Slatington, 610-767-6361 W 8 & 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. (HA/N)

The Church of God Palmerton, 610-826-4972 W 10:15 a.m.

Living Water Community Church Parryville, 610-737-1450 (HA) W Sat. 6 p.m., Com. 1st Sat. BS Thurs. 7 p.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. Palmerton (HA) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Trinity E.C. Church Berlinsville 484-408-5288 W 8:55 S.S. 10:05 HA

St. John’s U.C.C. Laury's Station (HA) W 10:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Trinity E.C. Church Slatington, 484-553-0218 W 10 a.m., Bible Study Wed 7 p.m.

St. John’s U.C.C. Slatington, 610-767-5554 (HA/N) W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m.

Trinity Lutheran Church Lehighton, 610-377-4303 SW 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday 5 p.m. W/Holy Communion 1st Tuesday 10 a.m. Quiet Communion Sunday Church School-Ages 3 through grade 6, \10:45 a.m. through May 28, 2017

Mountain View Wesleyan Church Bath, 610-759-7553 W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. Northampton Assembly of God Cherryville Rd., 610-262-5645 W 10:15 a.m. & 6 p.m. SS 9:30 a.m. Northampton Lutheran Parish Holy Trinity Slovak & Zion 8:45 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Worship at Holy Trinity Slovak 1372 Washington Avenue, 610-261-1812 Interim Pastor Bruce MacLaughlin

St. John’s U.C.C. - Howertown Northampton, 610-262-8666 (HA/N) W 9:30 a.m. St. John’s E.L.C. Lehighton, 570-386-9960 W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m.

Union Lutheran Church Schnecksville, 610-767-6884 (HA, N) W 9 a.m., SS 10:15 a.m.

Northern Lehigh Bible Fellowship Church Walnutport, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m.

St. Matthew's E.L.C. Lehighton, 610-377-2972 W 8:30 a.m., SS 10 a.m. Rev. Michael Frost

People’s E.C. Church Lehighton W 8:30/10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. Matthew’s U.C.C. Kunkletown, 610-381-2442 W 9 a.m., SS 10:30 a.m.

United Church of Christ Greenawalds 2325 Albright Ave. Allentown 610-435-1763 W 10:30 a.m.

Sacred Heart Church Palmerton (HA) W Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 8:30 & 11 a.m.

St. Nicholas R.C. Berlinsville, 610-767-3107 W (M-F) 8:30 a.m., Sat 4:30 p.m., Sun 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m.

United Presbyterian Church of Slatington Slatington, 610-767-8113 (HA) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

St. Paul’s U.C.C. of Indianland Cherryville, 610-767-5751 (HA/N) W 10:30 a.m., SS 9 a.m.

Union United Church of Christ Neffs, 610-767-6961 (HA/N) W 8 & 10:30 a.m., Children 10:30 a.m.

St. Paul’s U.C.C. Northampton, 610-261-2910 (HA/N) W 10:15 a.m. SS 9 a.m.

Valleyview Baptist Church Northampton, 610-837-5894 (HA & N) W 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m., SS 9:30 a.m.

Salem United Methodist Church Danielsville (N) W 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m. Salem United Methodist Church Aquashicola 610-826-2577 W 11 a.m., 2nd Sunday Fellowship 12 p.m. Salem United Methodist Church Slatedale, 610-767-5632 W 10 a.m.

St. Paul’s UCC-U Big Creek 484-571-6083 W 8:30 a.m. SS 10:15 a.m.

Shepherd’s Chapel Regional online fellowship.

St. Peter’s Church of Emerald Emerald, 610-767-6233 (HA) W 10:15 a.m., Com. 1st Sun., SS 9 a.m. AWANA 6 p.m., BS 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. Tues., 10 a.m. Wed., 7 p.m.

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Whitehall, 610-262-1600 W 8/10:15 a.m., SS 8:50 a.m. Slatington Baptist Church Slatington, 610-767-6276 W 10:45 a.m., SS 9:30 a.m. St. John’s Episcopal Church Palmerton W 8 & 10 a.m. 610-826-2611 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Palmerton, 610-826-7766 W 10:30 a.m.


St. Peter’s U.C.C. Northampton (HA) W & SS 9 a.m. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Whitehall, 610-435-3901 (H) W Sat. 5:30 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Palmerton, 610-826-2359 Divine Liturgy 9 a.m.

Walnutport Seventh Day Adventist 610-767-8939 W 9:30 a.m., SS 11 a.m. Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Whitehall, 610-434-8661 W 10:30 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Whitehall Mennonite Church Egypt, 610-262-1270 (N) W 10 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Zion U.C.C. Lehighton, 610-377-1191 W 8:15 a.m., SS 9 a.m. Zion’s Stone U.C.C. Northampton, 610-262-1133 W 10:15 a.m.. SS 9 a.m. || OCTOBER 5, 2017

LCCC Hosts Faces of Homeless Speakers’ Panel submitted by DENISE M. REIFINGER

Lehigh Carbon Community College will be hosting The Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Alumni Center, Room AC 107/108, at its main campus in Schnecksville, Pa. Faces of Homelessness is a program of the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) that is comprised of people who are or have been homeless and work to educate the public about homelessness. The coalition promotes advocacy, education and

service and believes the voices of the homeless are essential in the fight to end homelessness and housing insecurity. This event, which features three speakers, is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. For more information about NCH, visit www. For more information about the event please contact Gene Eden, Director of Student Life, 610-799-1146 or

LEHIGH TOWNSHIP LIONS OFFER FREE EYE EXAMS FOR LEHIGH TWP RESIDENTS The LEHIGH TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB is offering a FREE eye exam to residents of Lehigh Township, regardless of age, who are not covered by Eye Care Insurance. The eye exam will be performed by Walnutport Family Eye Care. To take advantage of this important and FREE opportunity, which ends Dec. 31, 2017, please contact Wayne A. Benninger, Community Action Chairman for the Lehigh Township Lions Club, at 610-349-3596 or any other Lehigh Township Lions Club member.

As part of a public service project, the eye exam fees will be paid by the Lehigh Township Lions Club..... serving Lehigh Township since I951.

This offer is limited to the first 200 qualified respondents. OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


Fall Season Safety Tips By KATE MILLER-WILSON

As the air turns cooler and leaves drop from the trees, it's important to keep a few important fall safety tips in mind. With proper precautions and safety awareness, your family can enjoy that crisp autumn weather while avoiding some of the dangers that come with the season.

610-262-1556 • 3258 Cherryville Rd., Northampton PA 18067

Fire Safety Tips for Fall When the weather turns cold most people spend more time inside their homes using fireplaces, furnaces, and heaters to keep warm. There's nothing quite as cozy as a fire, but it presents some safety hazards. Keep these tips in mind. Service Your Furnace Before the cold autumn and winter weather sets in, be sure to call your heating and cooling company to service your furnace. A specialist should inspect the furnace to make sure everything is in working order and that there are no leaks. Use Fireplaces Safely Keep that fire in its proper place by using a fireplace screen to keep sparks from flying out of the fireplace. Never leave a burning fire unattended, and make sure a fire in a fireplace is completely out before going to bed.


alnutport Family Eye Care 301 N. Best Ave, Walnutport, PA 610-767-1555 & ind Gap Family Eye Care 336 S. Broadway, Wind Gap, PA 610-863-5665

F. Joseph Werner O.D. & Associates

38 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Use Caution with Space Heaters A space heater can be an effective way to warm up a chilly room, but it's essential that you read the instructions on the unit before you use it. If your space heater requires venting, make sure you have vented it to the outdoors. Never use your stove or oven to heat your home; only use space heaters that are approved for this purpose. Always allow at least three feet of empty area around space heaters. Reconsider Leaf Burning The Air Defenders reports that burning leaves produces dangerous and cancer-causing chemicals and urges homeowners to avoid disposing of leaves this way. If you decide to burn leaves, wear a protective mask. Burning leaves should only be attempted far away from a house or other structures on a homeowner's property. Always check the weather forecast before starting to burn leaves. This activity should not be attempted in windy conditions. Exercise Candle Caution Candles are a great way to give a room that warm glow, but they can also cause fires. According to the National Candle Association, almost 10,000 home fires start with improper candle use. Never leave candles burning if you go out or go to sleep, and keep your candles away from pets and kids. Change Smoke Alarm Batteries Change the batteries in your smoke alarms and

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

carbon monoxide detectors when you turn back your clocks for Daylight Saving Time. Make sure to check the alarms with the new batteries installed. Check and replace any home fire extinguishers that have expired. Safety Tips for Fall Driving There's nothing more beautiful than a fall drive, but this season brings some unique hazards for drivers. Being aware of these potential dangers can help keep you and your family safe and prevent accidents. Be Aware of Poor Visibility Falling leaves, while beautiful, can obscure your vision, as can rain and fog. Shorter days are part of the fall season, making it more difficult to see children playing or people walking and riding bicycles. Be aware of limitations in your visibility, and slow down if you can't see well. Use your dimmed headlights in bad weather with decreased visibility. If possible, try not to be on the roads when it's hard to see. Watch for Children Children love to play in piles of leaves, so use extra caution where leaves are piled at curbside. In addition, the school bus will be making its rounds now that school is back in session. In addition to Continued on page 40


Fall Season Safety Tips Continued from page 39

educating children about back-to-school safety, it's important to stay vigilant as a driver. Slow Down on Wet Pavement In many areas of the country, rain is common during the autumn. If it's raining, keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. Wet roads make it more difficult to stop. When wet leaves are on roadways, they make the pavement slippery, and it can be difficult for drivers to get good traction. Be Prepared for Bright Sunlight When sunrise occurs later in the morning, it can also present challenges for drivers. Have a pair of sunglasses in the vehicle to wear when the sun is bright is a good strategy. If it becomes too difficult to see because of bright sunlight or glare, a good strategy is for the driver to pull over until he or she can see again. Watch Out for Ice As the temperatures drop further at night, a driver will need to spend some extra time in the morning scraping frost off his or her vehicle. Shady spots on the roadway may be home to black ice, which a driver may not be aware of until his or her car starts to skid on it.

Safety Tips for Fall Boaters According to a report from the US Coast Guard, autumn boating accidents are far more likely to be fatal than those that occur during the summer months. Although there are many more boating accidents in the summer season, boaters involved in accidents during the fall months are exposed to cold water and other weather hazards. Keep these tips in mind for safe autumn boating. Be Prepared for Changing Weather Since fall weather can change quickly, you should always be prepared for possible cold, windy, and wet weather even if the sun is shining. Stay closer to shore, so you can turn back if the weather changes. Bring appropriate clothing, such as warm coats, rain gear, and gloves. Watch for Signs of Hypothermia Small open boats combined with cold, wet weather can lead to possible hypothermia. According to the Mayo Clinic, these are a few of the signs you should know: Shivering or trembling General lack of coordination, including stumbling and dropping things Drowsiness, confusion, and apathy Mumbling and slurring of words Weak pulse and shallow breathing

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you get a free pair of RX glasses with every CL exam || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Tell Others About Your Trip Make sure you tell a friend or family member your boating plan and your expected return time. There are fewer boaters in the fall to help in the case of an accident or emergency. Always Wear Life Jackets Wearing your life jacket, while always a smart move, is even more important in the fall. If you should accidentally fall overboard, the cold water will quickly drain away your strength. Autumn Home Maintenance Safety Tips Fall is the time for yard clean-ups and readying your house for the cold winter ahead. Keep these safety tips in mind as you work. Look Up Before Pruning Trees If you have decided that your yard needs to be spruced up by trimming your trees, be sure to look up and survey the area carefully before you start. Make careful note of where power lines are located before you set up your ladder so that it is positioned away from them. Use Caution on Ladders Wearing appropriate footwear is important when using a ladder; shoes or boots may be wet, causing you to slip as you climb the ladder. The ladder should be positioned on a flat surface before use. Be sure that the tools you are using are specifically designed for this purpose and are in good condition before starting work. Clean Up Fallen Leaves Keep your driveway and walkway clear of falling leaves. Wet leaves can create a hazard for pedestrians in the fall by making sidewalks slippery. Later in the season, snow may mix with leaves to increase the risk of falling. Homeowners should mulch or rake up fallen leaves and dispose of them according to local bylaws. Safely Enjoy the Beauty of the Season By keeping these important fall safety tips in mind, you can be sure you are doing everything you can to protect yourself and your family from seasonal dangers. This will leave your mind free to enjoy the beauty of this glorious season

Kutztown Church to Celebrate Life of Professor Henry W. Sharadin St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Kutztown will celebrate dedication Sunday on Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. The church will dedicate improvements made over the past few years and gifts made by members of the congregation. St. Paul's is located at 47 South Whiteoak St., Kutztown. Speaking at the event will be Jerry Silberman, KU vice president for Administration and Finance. An open house will immediately follow the dedication. Among those items being dedicated is a newly restored mural created more than 60 years ago by the late Henry W. Sharadin. The nine-foot by 14-foot mural was originally installed in the church's former Sunday school building which has since been demolished. The mural was broken into eight pieces in order to remove it from the building. It has been restored by local artist Johnathan Bond, Kempton, and installed in the church's new Sharadin Lounge. Born in 1872, Sharadin was an 1891 graduate of Keystone State Normal School. After Keystone he received degrees in art from both the Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Arts, Philadelphia, and the Metropolitan Art School, New York City. After several years of operating a gallery in Reading, Sharadin came back to Keystone in 1907 and served on the faculty for more than 30 years, retiring in 1939 from what was then Kutztown State Teachers College. He taught art for the Allentown School District from 1916 - 1919, his only departure from KSNS during his teaching career. In 1924, Keystone State Normal School was granted authority to institute a three-year course designed to prepare and certify art supervisors. Sharadin became the first chair of what is now the Department of Art Education and Crafts. Sharadin died in April, 1966, at the age of 93. The Sharadin Arts Building on the campus of Kutztown University is named in his honor. Contact John Keiser at 610683-3130 for more information.

N & B Coal Company D. TARINE R 1356 NEC




PA State Inspection | PA State Emissions Danielsville, PA 18038 OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

For Fast Pick-up or Delivery

106 W. Laubach Avenue Northampton 610-262-4686 41

Adult Coloring Page

42 || OCTOBER 5, 2017


LCCC to Hold Fall 2017 Open House for Prospective Students on Oct. 26 submitted by DENISE M. REIFINGER

Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) will host an open house for all prospective students and their families on Thursday, Oct. 26, from 6-8 p.m. in the Lisa Scheller-Wayne Woodman Community Services Center, main campus, Schnecksville. LCCC admission and financial aid representatives, academic advisors as well as academic program coordinators will be on hand to answer your questions. The open house is an excellent opportunity for prospective students of all ages to tour the campus, learn about scholarship opportunities and learn how LCCC can pave the way for an exciting and rewarding career. • Take a campus tour • Learn about the LCCC admissions process • Attend presentations on financial aid, dual enrollment, the honors program and more

Check us out on Facebook



Ph. 610-767-4146 Fax 610-767-7773

• Meet with faculty coordinators to learn about degrees and the many programs we offer • Talk to financial aid reps about tuition scholarships and financial aid options Interested students should register at www.lccc. edu/openhouse or by calling the LCCC Admissions Office at 610-799-1575.

ears of Servic



Firewood Established in 1986 for Sale


1027 Pear Road Walnutport, PA 18088

Monday - Friday, 8:30 am. - 5 p.m. • Saturday 8:00 am-12:00 pm


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Double Ground Mulch Red, Black, Brown Hardwood Bark Hemlock(for a Cedar-look)

Decorative Stone

Delaware Blend - 3/4” Delaware Blend -1” to 3” Delaware Blend - 4” to 8” Goose Egg - 3/8” - 1 1/4 Goose Egg - 1/2” Goose Egg - 1” to 3” Goose Egg - 2” to 4” Jersey Blend - 1” Moon Rock - 3” Pocono Blend - 1” to 3” Rose Quartz - 3/4”

Red Stone - 1/2” Red Stone - 3/4” Red Stone - 3” & 4” Timberlite - 3/4” White Marble Stone - 1”

Full Landscaping Design & Installation Hydroseeding Driveway Stone New Lawn Installations 1/2” - 1B Interlocking Pavers 3/4” - 2B Walks & Patios 3/4” - 2A Modified Backhoe & Skid Steer Service RIP-RAP - 4” Post Hole Digger Screenings Concrete Sand (9 in., 15 in., 30 in. holes) Boulders Crushed Crete

Credit Cards accepted

Free Estimates • Owner Supervised OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||



LCCC Physical Therapist Assistant Students Surpass National Rate Lehigh Carbon Community College’s (LCCC) Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) graduates received a 100%, first attempt, pass rate on the National Examination for Physical Therapist Assistants. Their certification examination scores were well above the first time national passage rate of 89.2% for 2017. Graduates of LCCC’s PTA program earn an Associate in Applied Science degree that is fully

accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association through the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. They are prepared for jobs in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, outpatient physical therapy practices, pediatric centers, home care, and schools. LCCC’s PTA program director is Anthony Fragassi, PT, and clinical coordinator is Evelyn Petrash, PT.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lehigh County Farm Tour Sites Sunday, October 15 from 1-5 PM

Flint Hill Farm 1922 Flint Hill Road Coopersburg, PA 18036


his is a 26-acre nonprofit agricultural education center and dairy. There will be hay wagon rides, the pumpkin patch, pony rides, tours, food stands and horseshoe painting. Also blacksmithing and arts demonstrations. There will be performances by Dave Fry and the musicians.


LICENSED AND INSURED PA Contractor Registration PA #026802


44 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

The following PTA class of 2017 graduates passed the National PTA Examination: Front Row (Left to Right): Melissa Burroughs of Sellersville, Victoria DeLong of Hamburg, Karina Okulova of Fogelsville, Alyssa Fulmer of Pen Argyl, Tatum Trexler of Emmaus, Katlyn Tyrpak of Pennsburg, and Yata Gant of Pottstown. Second Row (Left to Right): Meghan Conrad of Bethlehem, Amy Everett of Fogelsville, Katie Nikles of Bath, Kelly Walker of Hamburg, Jessica Rutt of Easton, Christine Kotch of Allentown, Kirstin Pausinger of Allentown, and Corinne Milner of Tamaqua.

Third Row (Left to Right): Anthony Fragassi, program director, Richard Mill of Emmaus, Sean Welding of Phoenixville, Travis Miller of Tamaqua, Matthew Minnich of Walnutport, Justin Roberts of Alburtis, and Evelyn Petrash, Program clinical coordinator. Back Row (Left to Right): Jacob Siegel of Orefield, Kirk Porter of Freemansburg, William Eaton of Jamison, James Hughes of Schwenksville, Jason Merker of Bath, and Billydee Scantlebury of King of Prussia.

Ike’s Airport Garage Plows and Spreaders

We Service All Snow Plows And Spreaders

Slatington Airport

Sat., October 14 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rain Date - Sunday Oct 15 OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

Provided by EAA Chapter 855

610-867-8921 3220 Airport Road, Allentown, PA 18109


Trick or Treat Jim Thorpe - October 26 6-8 p.m. Lehighton - October 26 6-8 p.m. Lehigh Township - October 27 6-8 p.m. Catasauqua N. Catasauqua - October 27 6-8 p.m. East Allen Township - October 27 6:30-8:30 p.m. South Whitehall Township - October 27 6-8 p.m. Rain Date October 28 Heidelberg Township - October 28 6-8 p.m. Lynn Township - October 28 6-8 p.m. Palmerton - October 28 6-8 p.m. Borough of Bath - October 28 6-8 p.m. Northampton - October 31 6-8 p.m. Moore Township - October 31 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Libby’s Independent Cleaning Services Reasonable rates. I supply everything including vacuum. Discounts available for Seniors & Veterans. References & Background check available.


Elizabeth Royer 570-582-0016 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Parades Palmerton - October 15 at 4 p.m. Bath - October 17 at 7 p.m. Coplay - October 17 at 7 p.m. Catasauqua N. Catasauqua - October 18 at 7 p.m. Northampton Jack Frost - October 19 at 7 p.m. Lehighton - October 21 at 4 p.m. Jim Thorpe - October 29 at 4 p.m. Northern Lehigh - October 28 at 6 p.m.

Accepting Applications Lincoln Manor Apartments One and Two BR Apartments plus One BR Accessible Apartments Security Deposit, One year Lease, and Income Verifications required. Call or write: Lincoln Manor, 320 Oak St. Walnutport, PA 18088 610-767-9232 TDD 711

Managed by: Grosse and Quade Management Co. 215-855-8700 “This institution is an equal opportunity housing provider and employer.”

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||



(610)767-9032 767-9032 (610) ™ TM



LCCC Hosts Cyber Security Presentation submitted by DENISE M. REIFINGER

Lehigh Carbon Community College will host Lance Hawk, a certified computer security professional, who will speak on The Big Three Cyber Threats and Risks: Data Breaches, Ransomware and the “Internet of Things”, on Thursday, October 19, at 7 p.m. Hawk’s presentation will focus on discussion of the top three cyber threats and risks targeting businesses and individuals from a top computer forensics and IT security expert. The event will be held in the Technology Center, room 202, at the

college’s main campus in Schnecksville. Hawk, current president and owner of Computer Forensics and IT Security Solutions, LLC, has 25 years of service with Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. in computer forensics and investigations. He earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting and business administration, with his additional studies in information sciences, all from Muhlenberg College. In addition, the opening of LCCC’s Cyber Center, which will support the college’s expanding cyber security curriculum and community, will be celebrated. This event is free and open to the public. For more information about the event, contact Susan Miner, associate professor, Computer Science and Networking, at or 610-799-1027.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Evan Pisco - 8 on October 10 Jamie Lynn Horn - 36 on October 12 Lenny Breiner - 74 on October 13 Georgene Blose - 69 on October 13 Allison Austin - 31 on October 15

A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service

George G. Bensing Funeral Home, Inc. 2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901 A Full Service Funeral Home, offering Pre-Arrangements and the first on-site Crematory in Northampton County.

FRANCES BENSING John H. Simons Funeral Director Supervisor JOHN H. SIMONS Frances Bensing Supervisor Funeral Director

Five Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years…

“On-Site Crematory”

48 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Slatington High School Class of 1949

Slatington High School’s 68th Class Reunion was held on September 30, 2017.



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OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


How To Get Rid of Stink Bugs

Seasonal changes in temperature and day length cue stink bugs to find winter quarters. These insects naturally spend winter holed up outdoors, but they’ll also seek shelter in structures like your home. While stink bugs don’t bite, raid the pantry or munch clothing, they do have one problem: They stink. Stink bugs release a foul odor when they’re disturbed or threatened. In the wild, this smell gives predators the brush-off. In a home setting, the smell lingers long past the time the stink bug may be dead, because it clings to whatever the insect touches. Outdoors, stink bugs feast on plant material. They cause millions of dollars in economic damage by feeding on commercially produced fruit. Stink bug feeding lowers fruit value by roughly 90 percent, making it unfit for the fresh consumption market and destined for processing. KEEPING STINK BUGS OUT To prevent stink bugs from entering your home, block all points of entry. The same principles used to keep boxelder bugs from entering a home apply to stink bugs. Physical barriers provide the most

effective long-term solution. You can also apply an insecticide as a perimeter treatment outside your home. This method can block would-be insect invaders from entering your home for several days to a week. Try these methods – which have been used successfully by homeowners and entomologists – to keep stink bugs at bay: Rub screens with dryer sheets – the more pungent the better. Some homeowners have found this can reduce stink bugs entering a home by up to 80 percent. Hang a damp towel over a lawn chair or deck railing overnight. In the morning, stink bugs will blanket the towel. Dispatch bugs in a bucket of soapy water. Squish a few stink bugs outdoors. The odor warns other stink bugs to flee. INDOOR TACTICS When stink bugs appear indoors, your options vary based on how many bugs you’re facing. What can you do? Don’t touch them directly or squish them. Stink bugs move slowly enough that you can catch


139 N. Railroad Street, Walnutport, PA Foreign & Domestic, Classic & Antique, Full Service Repair Shop

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8148 Sharon Court, Slatington Pa. 18080 Free Estimates • Fully Insured PA license # 048267 • Since 1994 50 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

them and deposit them outdoors in wintry climates (where they’ll freeze) or flush them into oblivion. Grab them gently with a plastic bag to avoid touching them directly. Take an empty water bottle and use the lid to flick the bug into the bottle. Tighten the lid to contain the smell, and place the whole thing outdoors. In cold climates, the bug will freeze. Re-use the bottle for more bug-catching. Prepare a soapy solution for killing stink bugs. Choose a straight-sided 1/2- or 1-gallon container. Fill it with 2 cups hot water, 1 cup vinegar, and ½ cup dawn dish soap. When disturbed, stink bugs tend to drop downward. Knock them into the bucket from walls, draperies, screens, etc. Unable to escape, they will ultimately drown. Vacuum bugs, and empty the bag afterward. Don’t suck stink bugs into a bagless vacuum you use in your home. After vacuuming stink bugs, the vacuum will stink. Many homeowners in the worst-afflicted regions purchase small wet/dry vacs used solely for gathering stink bugs. Immediately after gathering bugs, dump the vacuum’s contents into a larger garbage bag and seal it tightly. Open the bag to add more bugs until garbage day arrives. Another technique to try is to wrap a knee-high stocking around the outside of the vacuum tube, secure it with a rubber band, and then stuff it into

the tube. Stink bugs will be trapped in the stocking and won’t enter the vacuum filter. When you turn off the vacuum, careful remove the stocking, holding the end closed. Dump the captured stink bugs into a container of soapy water, as noted above, to kill the bugs. Do not apply insecticides indoors to control stink bugs. While insecticidal dust may kill bugs in wall voids, the carcasses can stink and attract other pests, such as carpet beetles, which can damage other things in your home. Applying an interior pesticide along baseboards won’t kill stink bugs nor will it keep them from emerging around the baseboards.

Friedens Fire Company


Filling in 2 1/2 lb. Tub | $7.50 Per Container

Last Day to Order is October 31st Pick Up Sat., Nov. 11, 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO PLACE ORDERS CALL

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Veterans Discount Oil, LLC Heating Oil & Kerosene


Lower Your Oil & Electric Bills by Installing a New High Efficiency Heating or Air Conditioning System. Call Today for a Free Estimate. Service Contracts Available. NEW m Premiu s ellet Wood P

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484-623-4888 Under New 324 Riverview Dr. Ownership Walnutport, PA 18088-9693

t af r S C h l o l w a F

Saturday, October 21, 2017 - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. UAW Local 677 2101 Mack Blvd., Allentown, PA For More Information Call 610-797-7722

Benefits Volunteers of America Children’s Center - Allentown PA

B. Biechy

Construction Co. 30th AnniversAry

Bruce Biechy - owner 41 years experience

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||

We specialize in the following: Additions • Sun Rooms In-Law Suites • Remodeling Kitchens • Bathrooms Siding • Seamless Gutter Garages • Doors Vinyl Replacement Windows Decks & Vinyl Railing Roofing 610-767-0394 PA# 001979


HOME IMPROVEMENT Accepting New Customers

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Myster Tree & Shrub Service 3830 Sycamore Drive • Northampton, PA FULLY INSURED • CONSULTATIONS (Work is Guaranteed to Your Satisfaction)




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OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612. PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.

Events Annual Fall Basket Social at Jerusalem Lutheran Church 500 Church Drive Palmerton PA (Trachsville)on Saturday October 14 from 9-2. Theme Baskets, Raffle,bake sale, fresh made chow chow and apple butter, home made soups and BBQ. (2) baskets will have $25 dollars hidden among the contents. For more info call 610-681-5200 (10/5) Basket Social: The WISH Circle of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 40 S Second Street, Slatington, will be holding their annual Basket Social on Sunday, October 8. Doors open at noon, drawing begins promptly at 1 p.m. Donation is $5.00. Refreshments served. Proceeds to benefit local community groups and church activities. FMI contact 610-767-6361. (10/5) Morgenland Church Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Sat, Nov. 4, 2017, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Menu includes Spaghetti with Homemade Meatballs, salad, Italian/garlic bread, beverages, and homemade desserts. Tickets 610-395-6885, Walk-ins Welcome. (10/5) Penny Party October 14 Heidelberg Lutheran Church 5187 Irvin Rd. Slatington, 1 p.m. doors open at 12 p.m. for lunch. FMI call 610-767-9086 (10/5)

For Sale Firewood For Sale: A pickup truck load for $45.00. Call 610767-3740 (10/5) PUPPIES FOR SALE!! AKC registered German Shorthair Pointers available Oct. 8, 2017! We have 3 males and 1 female left! Tails are docked and dew claws are removed. Asking price is $750, Contact Calista @ 610-7149595 (10/19)

Help Wanted TAKING APPLICATIONS: First Student is taking applications for School Bus Drivers/monitors in the Northampton School District. Part-time 20-25 hours per week. We provide free training to obtain CDL. Apply online today at https:// vacancy/902/description or call 484-271-6514 for questions. (10/19) Looking for a concrete finisher experienced/will train. Call Dave 610-972-2783. (10/5)

Personals SWM, 52, clean, healthy, and financially secure seeks romantic female 35-50 for dating, friendship, companionship. Any race OK. Call Joe at 484-719-0704 24/7, leave message, will return call. (10/19)

Take a Bite Out of the Town & Country Gazette classfieds! 56

Real Estate For Rent Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS, W/S/G included. $590 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691. (12/21/17) Commercial Warehouse Available: 18 Seventh St. Slatington. 10,400 sq ft with inside and outside loading docks. Ideal for manufacturing, warehouse, and automotive. Triple Net lease rate: $1975 per month. Sale price: $297,000. Owner financing available to qualified applicants. Call Malcolm at 610-909-6348 (11/2) Share My House, $350/month, No cable everything else included. Call 570-810-9196 (10/5) Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $90-$120/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. HBO. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-309-9671. (12/21/17) Egyptian Sands Motel: Room for Rent: Private bath, maid service, all utilities included, clean, quiet, safe, $195/week or $620/month, call 610-262-8050 for details. (10/19)

Other Free 300+ black walnuts, half on ground, still in green husk. Half on trees still in green husk. Call Dale 610-767-1963, 538 Ironwood Road, Walnutport. (10/5) || OCTOBER 5, 2017

Real Estate For Sale 4 acre lot - Lehigh Township $95,000. Includes approvals to build 2,800 S.F. home. Call 610-9720174. (10/5)

Services Available ABZOLUTE ENTZ. A-Z Chimneys, built, cleaned, repaired, relined! New Stoves, etc. 570-325-5727 (3/1/18) Beautiful Custom Slipcovers: Looks like upholstery. Removes for cleaning. Your Fabric. 484-6194085 or email me: colbysmimi201@ (11/2) Cleaning done in your home. Lots of experience. Excellent references. I supply all cleaning products. To get a quote, call Sue @610-217-7075 (10/5) Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd.



Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/21/17) Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (10/19)

Wanted Buying Guitars, Accordions, Violins, Old Amplifiers, Saxophones, Drums, Horns, Violins, Most Older Musical Instruments. Local Pick-up. Call Mike 330-3677100. (10/5) Do you have broken A/C or dehumidifiers that you don't want to pay to have removed? If so, please call 610-730-1089 to schedule a free pick-up and removal. Items must be easily accessible. (10/4/18)

The Home News Ph: 610-923-0382 Fax: 610-923-0383 Email: AskUs@

Mailing Address:

255E South Best Avenue, Walnutport, PA 18088

“Your Community News Since 1942”

Richard B. Ryon Insurance 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, P.O. BOX R, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager

“Our Tradition is Protecting You” BUSINESS

OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


ADVERTISER’S INDEX All Air Solutions........................... 26 All-American Tree Service........... 54 Amey’s Clean Rite........................ 54 Amey’s Garage, Inc........................ 2 AOK Heating, AC & Elec............. 23 Avon............................................. 52 B. Biechy Construction................ 53 Bad Bones BBQ............................ 15 Barry Hausman, Jr........................ 50 Bechtel’s Pharmacy...................... 28 Becker Homes.............................. 55 Beers Siding & Gutter, Inc...............49 Bethany Wesleyan.......................4, 44 Blue Mountain Construction.........55 Blue Mountain Evergreen............ 43 Blue Mountain Pet Grooming.......34 Brosky Insurance.......................... 51 Charles H. Mantz......................... 46 Citizens Fire Co............................ 24 Clean Sweep.................... 23, 47, 59 Country Clippers Pet Grooming.................... 34 Crystal Vision Center................... 40 David Hess Concrete.................... 55 Diggity Dogs & More.................... 8 Donna’s Homecare & Cleaning... 16 Dr. Glenn Clearie......................... 22 Dumpsters.................................... 24 EAA Young Eagles....................... 45 Emerald Fire Co........................... 27 Family Practice............................. 20 Flint Hill Farm.............................. 44 Freedom Tattoo Co..................... 27 Frey & Co...................................... 48 Friedens Fire Co...............................51 Furry Feet.........................................39 George Bensing Funeral Home.... 48 Germansville Fire Co................... 53 Good Shepherd UCC................... 29 Great Metal Recycling................. 53 Halls of Horror............................... 9 Harding Funeral Home............... 14 Heidel Hollow........................ 11, 23 Henry’s Service Station................ 29 Home Helpers.............................. 60 Ike’s Airport Garage.................... 45 Jack Follweiler’s........................... 52 Jerusalem U.C.C........................... 14 K-Rock Electric............................. 55 KCL’s............................................. 16 Kmart............................................. 7 Kuhns Chiropractic...................... 47 Kyle’s Kars.................................... 17 Larry’s Antiques........................... 19 Legend Auto Works.................... 50 Lehigh Twp. Lions Eye Exams..... 37 Lehigh Valley Spinal............32 & 33 Libby’s Independent Cleaning Service................ 46 Lighthouse Baptist Church............ 3 Lincoln Manor............................. 47 Loch’s Tree Service....................... 54 LV Dental Solutions..................... 38 M&M Paving................................ 55 Mel Fritz....................................... 55


Miller Supply.................................. 2 Mint Home Improvement........... 44 Mobile Home Parts Center......... 55 Myster Tree & Shrub Service................................ 54 N & B Coal Company.......................41 Nancy's Therapeutic Massage................................ 2 NAPL.................................................12 Nazareth Moravian.........................28 North Catasauqua Autumnfest.......5 Northampton Assembly of God... 20 Northampton Exchange Club..... 29 Phil Long Construction................ 55 Rena Garrity................................. 13 Richard B. Ryon .......................... 57 Ron’s Handyman.......................... 54 Roosevelt Democratic Club........... 6 Roscoe P. Snyder Insurance......... 26 Schisler Funeral............................ 60 Shari Noctor................................... 5 Silfies Fuel.................................... 54

Slatedale Fire Co. Halloween...... 12 Slatington Lions Club Car Show... 21 St. Peter’s UCC............................. 27 St. Peter’s UCC Bingo..................... 6 Steckel & Stopp........................... 22 Stress Relief Center..................... 38 Sule’s Collision Center................. 46 Susan C. Schneck........................... 3 Thao Beauty Salon...................... 25 The Old Jail Museum..................... 3 TJ Uhnak...................................... 54 TMC Auto Sales..... 4, 15, 26, 43, 51 Tri-Boro Fencing.......................... 33 UAW Fall Craft Show.................. 53 Veterans Discount Oil................. 52 Vigilant Fire Co............................ 29 W. Neff Auto............................... 41 Walnutport American Legion..... 16 Walnutport Fam. Eye Care.......... 38 Water Wheel............................... 33 Women of the Moose................. 10 Zephyr/Eagle Apartments........... 48

Good Eye answer: Applesauce Last issue’s Sudoko answers

FREE Ice Cream Cake



Jamie Lynn Horn of Slatington. Call the TCG office at 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! Cake courtesy of Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company. || OCTOBER 5, 2017 - Inspections & Cleanings - Stainless Steel Relining - Top Mount Dampers - Repairs Caps - Dampers - Duct Cleaning Safety Education - Fireplace Accessories

Local: 610-767-9032 Allentown: 610-433-9550 Bethlehem: 610-867-2631 Easton: 610-258-9929

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We do jobs that others can’t or won’t do!

For Complete Information OCTOBER 5, 2017 ||


60 || OCTOBER 5, 2017

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