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Arts Contest
Sponsored by the Woman’s Club of Slatington
Coloring contest for children (Pre-K thru Grad 2)
Coloring contest for Adults (Adults 18+)
Art contest open to both adults and students (Grades 3 thru 12)
Photo contest open to both adults and students (Grades 3 thru 12)
Fiber Art contest open to both adults and students (Grades 3 thru 12)
Entries due April 1, 2023
Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7pm
Slatington Public Library
For more information: Pick up a contest form/coloring sheet at the Slatington Public Library
Email Louise Bechtel at slatlib2@ptd.net 610-767-6461
Email Hali Kuntz at rkuntz8004@aol.com
• Full time positions available
• Looking for enthusiastic team players who are eager to learn and grow with our company
• Key characteristics for our company are strong work ethic, good attitude, punctuality, honesty, and physically able
• Pay based on skill and can vary anywhere from $15-$25 an hour
• Tasks required: manual labor, equipment operations, concrete finishing, pool installation, hardscaping labor
• Please do not inquire if you thrive on laziness, dishonesty or entitlement If
SOURCE: washingtonpost.com (edited)
With spring around the corner and hikes and even biking on trails in the woods becoming more routine, the possibility of crossing paths with a bear coming out of hibernation is more likely. Wildlife experts emphasize that bear attacks are rare, and most of us will only see a bear from a distance.
But, if you plan to be in the woods in parts of the country where either black and brown bears live – like our region – experts say you should bring bear spray, travel in groups and don’t run away if a bear spots you. They’ll catch up.
Bear Country
The term “bear country” refers to a part of a state or a park where there have been known bear encounters. Before you head out on a trail or camping trip, always ask your park ranger if there have been any recent bear sightings.

Overall, there are approximately 900,000 black bears in North America, living in at least 40 of 50 U.S. states, including Pennsylvania. Brown bears such as grizzly bears weigh as much as 1,500 pounds and live in Canada, Alaska and the western United States.
Time: 3:30 to 6:00 P.M.

Bear fur can come in a variety of shades, so to know what type of bear you’re looking at, consider the build of the bear. Brown bears have a distinctive shoulder hump and short round ears. Black bears have a round rump that’s higher than their shoulders.
One thing is certain: bears don’t like surprises. As you walk the trail, experts say you should talk, sing or clap to let bears know you’re around. If you’re getting close to a stream or a bend in the path, you might want to shout to give potential bears a friendly heads-up.
Bears in the Wild
If you see a bear, plan a route away from the bear. If a black bear notices you, it will most likely run away. Brown bears tend to hold their ground more often. But, any bear can become defensive and aggressive.
If you notice a bear continuing to appear and disappear or follow you, this is a sign that the bear is either curious – or hunting you. Experts say
District 14-K Lions Penny Party