7 minute read
GIFT CARD BINGO. Sunday, April 23 at Emerald Fire Co., 7748 Penn St., Slatington. Doors open at noon, bingo starts 1 p.m. $25 admission includes 20 regular games and door prize ticket. Small Chinese auction, 50/50, special games tickets extra. Kitchen open, BYOB. All proceeds benefit NL Halloween Parade. Tickets call 484-225-2714 or 610-428-6329.
Penny Party - St. John’s Lutheran Church, Slatington. Saturday, March 25, 2023. Doors open at noon, drawing starts at 1 p.m. 50/50 drawing, mini-basket social, bake sale. Kitchen open. For further information, call 610-7676361. (3/16)
"Finally Spring Basket Social" Sunday, April 16 – 12:00-3:30 pm, drawings follow. Baskets, Gift Cards, 50/50, Door Prize, premium items. Location: Blue Mtn. Fish & Game, 4190 Wood Dr, Walnutport/ Lehigh Township. Lehigh Township Historical Society fundraiser. Tickets sold at the door. FMI - call 610-4400151. (3/16)
Help Wanted
Loving Life Child Care in Cherryville is currently hiring teachers and teacher’s aides. Full-time and part-time positions are available. We are a teaching daycare; our program is faith-based. Wages are competitive and based on the candidate’s experience/ education. Call 610-767-1910 for more information, or email maryl@ bethanywes.org.(4/6)
$225/week or $675/month, call 610262-8050 or 610-392-2340 for details. (5/18)
Room For Rent: Walnutport, Furnished, WIFI and Cable, Utilities inc. Use of deck and grill, full size refrigerator, convenient parking. Clean and quiet. Laundry on premises. No pets. One person only, call 610-767-5864 after 10 a.m. Appt. only (3/16)
Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS and no smoking, W/S/G included. $700 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.
Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $150-$250/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 610-577-0898. (12/21)
Wanted to Buy For Sale
Easter Basket Fillers. Kiffles or nut tossies 7.50 dz. Candy eggs: Peanut butter, Peanut rolled peanut butter, Butter creme, Peanut Rolled, Coconut creme, Toasted coconut rolled coconut creme, Molasses coconut, Chocolate chip cookie dough or Oreo 7.50 lb. Chocolate, clear toy, Oreo or Cake pops 10.00 dz. Bunny butt cupcakes 5.00 1/2 dz. Chocolate bunnies, crosses, pretzel rods, dippy sticks, filled eggs and bunnies, vanilla minis. Call me for prices too much to list. To place an order call Mom's Kitchen 610-392-1843 Berlinsville area. (3/16)
Anet A6 3D printer. Newly assembled &tested. Works but needs update. Paid 180.00 unassembled asking 150.00 firm fully assembled. Call 610-392-1843. (3/16)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Lehigh Township, Northampton County. Township seeks full -time administrative assistant to perform a broad scope of administrative and financials duties pertaining to day to day operations of the Township, including all phases of accounts payable, payroll, perform secretarial and accounting duties in support of overall Township departmental functions, and providing effective customer service to Township residents. Applicants must be knowledgeable in Microsoft Office and have strong communication skills. Prior payroll, accounting, or municipal administration experience preferred. Please submit resume and cover letter with salary requirements to: Lehigh Township, 1069 Municipal Rd, Walnutport, PA 18088, fax to 610-767-1452 or email arehrig@ lehightownship.com.
SUMMER HELP Lehigh Twp is accepting applications for Temporary Help in the maintenance department, primarily mowing grass and maintaining Township Parks. Hrs will be 7 am to 3 pm as designated by the Director of Public Works for an average of 20 to 30 hours per week. Applicants need to be a minimum of 18 years old and have a valid PA driver’s license. Applications can be obtained at the Lehigh Twp Municipal Building, 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, Pa. 18088. Twp residents preferred. Deadline to submit is April 7, 2022.
Real Estate for Rent
Egyptian Sands Motel: Room for Rent: Private bath, maid service, all utilities included, clean, quiet, safe,
WE BUY HOUSES! Any condition. Any location. Any Price. Call or Text TODAY!
Steve Walden 610-390-3275
The Walden & Randall Team Re/Max Unlimited Real Estate 610-266-4000 (4/6)
Services Available
Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/21)
Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (3/16)
Master Electrician since 1987. No job too small. Reasonable prices Free quotes.
Todd Haring. 484-951-8624. PA#093516 (4/6)
4-H Equine Garage Sale open To the Public
On Saturday, April 15, the annual tack swap or “equine garage sale” will be held at the Northampton County 4-H Center in Nazareth. The tack swap will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; vendors will start setting up after 9 a.m. The public is invited to attend.
The Northampton County 4-H Center is located at 777 Bushkill Center Rd., 2.2 miles south of Rte. 512 from the traffic light for Bushkill Center Road or three miles north of Nazareth on Bushkill Center Road.
There will be new and used items for sale for all horse interests and disciplines. Also there will be horse crafts, Breyer model horses, clothing, and other horse related items. All indoor sale areas are pre-sold; sellers wishing an outside space, the areas are on a first-come the day of the swap. There are no consignments. No live animals are permitted; no are dogs permitted.
Limited food, courtesy of Backtrackers 4-H Horse & Pony Club, will be available during the sale hours. This is a rain/shine event being held inside non-heated buildings and outside.
The 4-H program is open to youths between the ages of 8-19 years. It offers over 150 hands-on projects, a wide variety of experiences, and builds life skills for the future. Volunteer leaders are always welcome.
The Northampton County 4-H Center is open from April through October. It hosts various 4-H events, dog training, plus the Northampton County Junior Conservation School. The 4-H Center is open for rental by the community to various events, both public and private. Anyone interested in using the facilities is asked to call for available date(s) and a contract.
Anyone wishing information concerning the tack swap or use of the 4-H Center is asked to call Janice Martin at 610-837-7294. Anyone wishing general information concerning the 4-H program in Northampton County please call the Northampton County 4-H offices, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., at 610-813-6613.
100th girls Wrestling Program Celebrated In Pa.
Submitted by
Lawmakers, advocates and stakeholders gathered in Harrisburg on Tuesday, February 21 to celebrate the creation of the 100th girls wrestling program in Pennsylvania.
Rep. Ann Flood (R-Northampton) and Sen. Scott Martin (R-Lancaster/Berks) noted that the creation of 100 programs fulfills the requirement for the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) to sanction the sport statewide.
“I was honored to be a part of this incredible achievement in women’s sports,” said Flood. “While wrestling is traditionally a male-dominated sport, the rise of girl’s high school wrestling is breaking down barriers and creating new opportunities for female athletes.
“Girl’s wrestling has grown immensely in popularity throughout the country, and it is encouraging to see the tremendous evolution in the number of programs created in every corner of the state over the past several years,” Martin said. “I am thankful that so many schools are now giving girls the opportunity to compete and have PIAA-sanctioned championship events in the near future.”
According to the National Wrestling Coaches Association, girls wrestling is one of the fastestgrowing sports in the country at the scholastic and collegiate levels. At the end of 2021, only 31 schools in Pennsylvania had established girls wrestling programs. Fifty-eight more teams were created in 2022 alone, more than doubling the previous number of schools that offered these programs.
“We have momentum. We have energy. Let’s not stop at 100 programs,” said PIAA Executive Director Robert A. Lombardi. “We need more female coaches, officials and administrators. We want this sport to continue to grow and stand the test of time.”
Flood and Martin credited the nonprofit group SanctionPA for supporting the rapid growth of girls wrestling through advocacy efforts, educational resources, promotional materials and collaboration with schools.
“SanctionPA operates under the viewpoint that if you create equitable opportunities for girls athletics, growth will follow. And growth has indeed followed,” said SanctionPA President Brooke Zumas. “We congratulate each and every school and athlete, past and present, who helped pave the pathway for the great sport of girls wrestling in Pennsylvania and we look forward to the sponsorship of this great sport by our state association.”
The news conference was attended by athletes, coaches and athletic directors from numerous Pennsylvania schools who have formed girls wrestling programs, including JP McCaskey High School, Lancaster School District, Penn Manor School District, Souderton High School, Cumberland Valley, North Allegheny, Easton, Pennridge, and more.
“The school district is proud to be the 100th school, but is more proud to stand with all schools and student athletes who can now compete in new opportunities for groundbreaking sports like this,” said Pennridge Athletic Director Scott Hegen. “The district looks forward to more opportunities where students will be able to excel with no limitations of any kind or bias of any kind.”
Friends of CCTI Fund
Continued from page 53 annuities or trusts. Donors may opt for recognition or anonymity and can arrange to make a gift now or beyond their lifetime as part of a will or estate plan.
The Friends of CCTI are busy planning the group’s first fundraiser, a Cinco de Mayo Hoedown on May 5th at Franklin Township Fire Company. Attendees will be treated to a lesson in line-dancing before enjoying the music of Gunslinger Country Band. The event will also feature a basket auction, raffles, and food and drinks for purchase. Admission is $10 and all proceeds will go to the Friends of CCTI Fund.
“We are thrilled to partner with the Friends of CCTI group to help provide extra opportunities and support for students,” said Sharon Alexander, CCCF President. “CCTI prepares its students for the future, teaching academic, technical, and realworld skills. I think there are several CCTI alumni who are working right here in Carbon County who can see the value in supporting an effort like this.”
To volunteer with Friends of CCTI, contact them at friendsofccti@gmail.com. Contact the Carbon County Community Foundation at 610-730-2526 or info@cccfoundpa.org to discuss how you can support the Friends of CCTI Fund or any other school district, organization, or charitable cause of your choice.
About the Carbon County Community Foundation
The Carbon County Community Foundation was formed in 2015 with the mission to improve the quality of life for residents of the Carbon County region, now and forever. The Foundation exists to simultaneously be a philanthropic leader, a community resource and a financial steward. Carbon County Community Foundation’s role in charitable giving is:
• to help donors realize their goals today and in the future
• to improve the capacity of nonprofits to meet vital needs through grants and workshops
• to facilitate opportunities for collaboration and innovation

• to build resources and strengthen our community, forever
Learn more about CCCF at cccfoundpa.org or by calling 1-855-545-1311.