2 || September 15, 2022 Licensed & Certified in Occupational Therapy Licensed Massage Therapist Deep Muscle • Chronic Pain • Neck and Back Injuries • Arthritis • Sports Injuries Migraines • Relaxation Specializing in Medical Massage Monday - Friday By Appointment Only 610-417-9501 214 Washington St., Walnutport Nancy COTA/LSatowLMT TherapeuticNancy’sMassage Check us out on Facebook &HydroseedingHardscaping Ph. 610-767-4146 Fax 610-767-7773 Full BackhoeNewDesignLandscaping&InstallationHydroseedingLawnInstallationsInterlockingPaversWalks&Patios&SkidSteerServicePostHoleDigger(6in.,15in.,30in.holes) Free Estimates • Owner Supervised FAST DELIVERIES! ANY QUANTITY. Credit Cards accepted PA#023796 Established in 1986 1027 Pear Road Walnutport, PA 18088FirewoodforSale Monday - Friday 9 am-4 pm • Saturday 8 am-12 pm GRASS SEED Premium Mix, 25 lbs Premium Mix, 50 lbs Annual Rye, 50 lbs TOP SOIL Enriched MushroomScreenedFarmSoil GROUNDDOUBLEMULCH Red, Black, Brown HardwoodHemlockBark (for a Cedar-look) DECORATIVESTONE Delaware Blend - 3/4” Delaware Blend - 1”- 3” Goose Egg - 3/8”- 1 1/4” Goose Egg - 1”-2” Goose Egg - 3”- 4” Jersey Stone - 3/4” Jersey Stone - 3”- 4” Pocono Stone - 3/4” Pocono Stone - 1”-3” Red Stone - 1/2” Red Stone - 3/4” Red Stone - 3” & 4” Timberlite - 3/4” Timberlite - 3”- 4” White Marble Stone - 1” DRIVEWAY STONE 1/2” - 1B 3/4” - 2B 3/4” - 2A Modified RIP-RAPWeedConcreteScreenings4”SandBouldersBarrierAvailable A dult B ingo American Legion Post 314 314 Veterans Ave., Lehighton 18235 Friday, September 30 • 7pm Doors and Kitchen open 5 pm Raffle • Specials Draft Beer and Soda included Only 150 tickets available Call 610-377-0511 for info and tickets Must be 18 to play 21 to Drink $25.00 pp • 20 games inWeekendPrize-GrandNiagaraFallsfor2

Plumbing, Heating and Deer in the Headlights
In this issue however, we’re going to be a little more “nuts and bolts” as we look at preparations many of us will now focus on in the areas of plumbing (think freezing pipe opportunities ahead) and heating. We will look at several aspects of plumbing and heating for this fall season, but also, the road hazard known as deer. Have you ever hit one? I’ve hit two. We’ll give you some statistics on Pennsylvania deer-vehicle accidents in “Deer in the Headlights,” as well as tips from AAA on how to watch for deer when you’re driving and also a key thing to do if a crash with a deer is about to happen.
Then switching to the main focus of our issue, we will look at “The Benefits of a Heating System Upgrade.” We will explain why, even as we’re still experiencing end-of-summer heat, the time to think about a heating system upgrade and the benefits you might gain from it is right about now.
Summer will be over as a season within just a couple of days of this issue’s official publication date, so we are now stepping into the fall season. It is the season for beautiful fall colors, chillier
evenings bundled up on the porch or deck with the first hot ciders and chocolates, and more.
September 15, 2022 || 3 Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers. 255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 P 610-767-9600 F News@TownAndCountryGazette.com610-767-9612www.TownAndCountryGazette.comISSN1942-2091 The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover. Business Hours: Call for an appointment Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher Sara Reitz - Account Executive Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE INSIDE THIS ISSUE Coloring Page ................................. Pg. 4 Word Search ................................. Pg. 10 Touch of Dutch .............................. Pg. 15 Pets ................................................ Pg. 29 Sudoko .......................................... Pg. 38 Home Improvement ..................... Pg. 41 Classifieds ..................................... Pg. 45 Continued on page 5

By John Hall for Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette
One downside of not having your heat working properly or set at a high-enough temperature, can be a burst pipe in the basement or a crawl space. You certainly don’t want to have a pipe burst inside your wall. The worst scenario might be a burst
4 || September 15, 2022
Coloring Page

In a less extreme plumbing situation, you might just be planning to do some DIY plumbing improvements at your place this fall. If that’s the

pipe while you’re away for the day – or a few –leaving you with real damage to your house when you get home. That’s not even mentioning the potential for many thousands of dollars of repair costs such a situation could cause you. We will give you some thoughts in “Dealing with a Pipe Burst Disaster.”
Emerald Cider Mill 3571 East Grant St., Slatington • 610-767-8304 Quality Fruits & Vegetables Apples, Bartlett Pear and Concord Grapes Large Selection of Pumpkins, Gourds, Mums, Straw Bails and Corn Stalks. Local Honey and Pa Dark Maple Syrup. Apple Cider Vinegar Open 7 Days A Week 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. We Accept Pa Farmers Market Checks CherryAppleFreshCiderAppleCiderPearCider
case, let us tell you about the different kinds of plumbing pipes that are available for you to work with. We will provide you a solid overview of that information in “DIY: Know Your Plumbing Pipe Types.”
September 15, 2022 || 5
And finally, there’s always been a question in the minds of many about whether or not heat pumps can really work in cold seasons and climates. The answer appears to be that they can be effective and efficient. We did a little research at Consumer Reports and we give you highlights of the information we found in “Can Heat Pumps Work in Colder Climates?”
So that’s what we have for you. Please join us next time when we start looking into some of the great pleasures of autumn. Until then, all the best.

Plumbing, Heating and Deer in the Headlights
Continued from page 3
There are ways to prevent or reduce your risk of a deer-related crash when driving. AAA offers several tips for drivers to help limit the risk. They include:
6 || September 15, 2022 Blue Mountain Fish & Game 4190 Wood Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 Many Baskets • Light Refreshments Door prize • Yeti Cooler If interested in donating a basket-drop off at Blue Mountain Fish and Game on Friday, Sept. 30 between 7 and 9 pm Proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley Make Robin Proud - See you there! 4th Annual Robin Hall Memorial Basket Raffle 4th Annual Robin Hall Memorial Basket Raffle Saturday October 1, 2022 9am-2pm • Drawing at 2:30

Deer in
Insurance company State Farm says drivers in the Keystone State have a 1 in 54 chance of being involved in an animal-related crash, ranking fifth in the country. According to State Farm, West Virginia drivers have the highest risk.
season the time to be most careful regarding accidents with deer when driving along our roadways.Deerbecome more active in the fall ahead of their breeding season, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has said. The animals are most active at dawn and dusk.
How to Protect Yourself
Deer-related crashes are most likely in November, the insurance industry has said. October and December are the second and third most common months for animal-related crashes, making the fall

In Pennsylvania, Allegheny County saw the most crashes last year with 321. Statewide, there were 1,255 injuries and 13 deaths attributed to collisions with deer.
Fall is the Season
In Pennsylvania, where the risk of driver-animal collisions is high, there was a slight increase in deer-related crashes last year. The state Department of Transportation reported 5,726 such crashes in 2021, compared to 5,586 in 2020.
SOURCE: (edited)

September 15, 2022 || 7 484-560-2964 - We install and service ductless systems, central air, heat pumps, boilers, furnaces, gas and oil, water heaters and on demand water heaters. Call us today for all your hvac needs $250 off change out or new installation (excludes water heaters) $25 off coupon for serviceTCG TCG 8227 Hamilton Blvd Breinigsville, PA 18031 610 398-7000 You do not need to be present to win!! For additional Baskets and Gift Cards - $5 per card (26 tickets on each card) If purchased in advance - $20 for 5 cards; at door - $25 for 5 cards Specials - $5 for 6 tickets Grand Prize - $1,000 Best Buy Gift Card - $5 per ticket Bring a non-perishable food item for a chance to win a large Paper Products Basket To purchase tickets in advance contact Anita at 484 221-0445 or email 8227 Hamilton Blvd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 610 398-7000 Fall 2022 Basket Social Refreshments and Bake Sale Saturday, September 17, 2022 Ticket Prices - Cash Only Baskets and Gift Cards - $5 per card (26 tickets on each card) If purchased in advance - $20 for 5 cards; at door - $25 for 5 cards | Specials - $5 for 6 tickets Grand Prize - $1,000 Best Buy Gift Card - $5 per ticket
• When you see a deer, slow down and keep an eye out for other deer. They rarely travel alone.
• Those that result in injury or death, and
Minor crashes that don’t result in injury can be reported to police, but there is no legal requirement. Drivers involved in any crash with another vehicle must exchange license and insurance information and provide aid if needed.
The bottom line from the Gazette: Drive safely, wear your seat belt and keep your eyes on the road, because that’s where the action is.
Bring non-perishable at 221-0445
For additional Hamilton Blvd Breinigsville, PA 18031 398-7000
• Stay in your lane. Swerving can confuse the animal and leave them unsure which way to run. It could lead to a crash with oncoming traffic.
or email
There are two types of crashes in Pennsylvania
You do not need to be present to win!! For additional

that must be reported to police:

If a crash is imminent, as a driver you should take your foot off the brake. “During hard braking, the front end of a vehicle is pulled downward which can cause the animal to travel up over the hood towards the windshield,” AAA says. Staying off the brake means the animal is more likely to be pushed to the side or over the top of the vehicle.
• Those that result in a vehicle being too damaged to be driven away.

Baskets and Gift Cards - $5 per card (26 tickets on each card) If purchased in advance - $20 for 5 cards; at door - $25 for 5 cards Specials - $5 for 6 tickets Grand Prize - $1,000 Best Buy Gift Card - $5 per ticket Bring a non-perishable food item for a chance to win a large Paper Products Basket To purchase tickets in advance contact Anita at 484 221-0445 or email
food item for a chance to win a large Paper Products Basket. To purchase tickets in advance contact Anita

• Take note of road signs, especially those that are yellow and diamond-shaped with a picture of a deer. Those specifically indicate high levels of deer activity in the area.
As you should always do, wear a seat belt. The chances of being injured in a crash with an animal are higher if you are not wearing a seat belt.
Pennsylvania Crash Specs

• Scan the road in front of your vehicle looking for signs of animals.
• Use high beams when there’s no oncoming traffic. Oftentimes, the light reflecting off the deer’s eyes can be a fast indicator of their location.

Lower Monthly Heating Bills

8 || September 15, 2022 CANCELLEDCANCELLEDCANCELLED Fall Bazaar Saturday, October 1 • 9am-12pm Christ Church Little Moore UCC 913 S. Mink Rd., christchurchlittlemooreucc.comDanielsville What to Expect White elephant items, handmade crafts, homemade baked goods and canned goods and more! Free goody bag to the first 20 adult and 5 children. Kitchen will be open

We did a little research and found some significant benefits of installing an energy-efficient heating system. It’s at least worth thinking about, particularly if you’re tired of paying more and more each month for your home heating costs. Here’s what we found.
Making the switch to an energy-efficient heating system could lower your monthly heating bills by 30% or more. For most households, this will be a
With all the heat we’ve been experiencing, it may seem odd to talk about the benefits of upgrading your heating system. The reality is we are close to entering October and the time to start evaluating your heating system before the onset of winter is now. Benefits of a Heating UpgradeSystem
Smaller Carbon Footprint
Tickets: Adults – $10.00, Children (6-12) – $4.00, Children 5 and under – Free
Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $110-$150/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-3099671. (12/19)
Apartment for rent Danielsville: Half double. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $1250 per month. Includes heat, electric, water, sewer and garbage. Washer/dryer hookup. Off-street parking. In-ground swimming pool. Call 610-417-9568. (3/21)
Dressing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Vegetables, Bread & Butter, Homemade Desserts, Coffee, Tea, Iced Tea, & Water
Count on the Blue Mountain Town & 610-767-9600ClassifiedsCountryGazetteCall
If you’re concerned about your household’s energy use, one of the biggest benefits of choosing a high-efficiency heating system is its environmental friendliness. Such a system can use 30-50% less power to heat a house, using fewer fossil fuels and emitting less carbon dioxide.
Seatings at 4:00, 4:45, 5:30, 6:15, & 7:00 P.M. (Take-out orders also available)
Less Maintenance
compressor, which operates at a lower speed for a longer period of time, providing more consistent delivery of warm air into the rooms of your home.
Do you have broken A/C or dehumidifiers that you don't want to pay to have removed? If so, please call 610-737-5119 to schedule a free pick-up and removal. Items must be easily accessible. (10/3/19)
St. John's Lutheran Church
Tim's Sharpening Service: me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (4/4)
Increased Comfort
Licensed & Fully Insured
Longer System Lifespan
Menu: Baked Ham, Chopped Dandelion with Bacon
40 Second Street, Slatington
Most energy-efficient heating systems also operate at lower speeds than older systems. That puts less stress on the moving parts. As a result, the compressor, fan, and belts of energy-efficient heaters last longer.

Upgrading to an energy-efficient heating system will reduce your maintenance and repair calls. Modern furnaces and heat pumps are sealed better than heating systems from a generation ago, allowing less dust and debris into the interior components.Modernsystems also use better controls, such as an electronic ignition instead of a pilot light that can blow out. With a modern system you will generally only need to check the air filter monthly and replace it approximately every three months.
Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/19)
$20 to $50 monthly savings. Over the course of a winter you could easily save $100 to $300 and across the system’s lifespan, you’ll save thousands.
Energy-efficient furnaces with an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating of 95% or higher, use one-third the amount of natural gas of a 30-year-old furnace with an AFUE of 65%. You may also be eligible for a tax credit if you choose an energy-efficient heating system with Energy Star certification.
Heating system startup cycles cause the greatest amount of wear and tear on moving parts and electrical components. Because energy-efficient heating systems have fewer of those startup cycles, the result is less wear and tear on all critical components.
Another feature that energy-efficient furnaces can have is an energy recovery ventilator. These capture the heat from flue gases to heat fresh incoming air. They also retain moisture from the air so your home isn’t as dry during the winter months. A maintained indoor humidity level of 30-50% helps you feel more comfortable and lowers your risk of nasal, skin, throat, and eye irritations.
Egyptian Sands Motel: Room for Rent: Private bath, maid service, all utilities included, clean, quiet, safe, $195/week or $635/month, call 610-262-8050 for details. (3/21)
If possible, combine your new heater with updated ducts to cut heated-air waste by up to 35%. Consider duct repair, sealing, or replacement. Sealing small gaps and cracks around windows and door frames will further eliminate leaks. An energy-efficient heating system will also increase your property’s resale value if you plan to sell it in the next few years.
Energy-efficient heating systems typically offer one or more features that improve your home’s indoor comfort. One feature is a variable-speed
3 bedroom house for one to three adults only. No children or pets. Swamp Hollow Road, Slatington. $800 per month. Call 610-767-5454. (3/21)
Call church office at 610-767-6361fortickets. HAM
DINNERDANDELIONHAMDINNERDANDELIONANDAND ALLTREEAMERICANSERVICE Tree Trimming • Removals Lot Clearings Shrubbery Work • Corrective Pruning Cabling • Stump Grinding • Fall Clean-up EstimatesFree 610-533-2673 Danielsville,PA097940PA
ABZOLUTE ENTZ. A-Z Chimneys, built, cleaned, repaired, relined! New Stoves, etc. 570-325-5727 (4/18)

Real Estate For Rent
September 15, 2022 || 948 || MARCH 21, 2019

The 114th Northern Lehigh Halloween Parade will be held on Saturday, October 29 beginning at 6:00 (rain date is Sunday, October 30). The theme of this year's Parade is "Halloween;" registration deadline is October 7th. The committee is looking for individuals who may be interested in carrying division signs (it's a great way for students to earn volunteer hours!) or judging float entries. If you would like a registration form or are interested in volunteering, please contact Tiffany at 484-6190140.

Northern HalloweenLehighParade
September 15, 2022 || 11 K y l e ’ s K a r s$$$$$ $$$$$*Lease Buy Outs Loan Payoffs Estate Buyouts Trucks Suvs Cars Campers Houses $ $ WE BUY CARS CASH PAID 610-767-10900 $ 610-767-1090 • facebook/kylekars • 6931 PA Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 State Inspection and Emissions • Buy/Sell/Trade Financing Available • All Credit Types Welcome Owner Kyle Follweiler $ *Any modelmakeyearmileage EA Healing Touch massage therapy • Deep Tissue Massage • Pre-Natal Massage • MassageMedical/Therapeutic • Swedish Massage • Reiki Master Level • Cupping Therapy Emmanuel Avraham LMT eahealingtouch@gmail.com917-213-0664 628 Twin Ponds Rd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 PA License # MSG012514

these quick fixes as fast as possible to prevent major problems. These ideas can help to slow down the leak long enough for you to call a qualified plumber for help.
A burst pipe happens because water freezes in your pipes. This causes the volume to increase by 9 percent. Meanwhile, your pressure can go from 40 pounds per square inch to 40,000. Once this occurs, the pipes break open to release the pressure.

Continued on mixed with another
A burst pipe is one of the worst plumbing problems you can have. Replacing the pipe can be expensive, but repairing damaged walls, insulation, and flooring can be far more expensive, easily costing thousands of dollars. If you are dealing with a burst pipe, it is important to use
page 14 Lorah’s Truck and Tractor Pulls SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE Get Hooked 4739 S. Cypress Dr., Walnutport Last month of theyear for events! Good food and family fun Gates open 4 p.m. Events begin 6 p.m. $15 pp •Children 10 & under free Friday, Sept. 16- TRUCK PULL Saturday, Sept. 17- TRACTOR PULL Friday, Sept. 23- JUNK CAR RACE DID YOU KNOW? Lorah’s Farm Market is open year-round Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kuntz Hall Friday, October 7 27th Walk-In Fall Basket Social Hope Lutheran Church 4131 Lehigh Drive, Cherryville Anyone interested in donating something for this fundraiser is encouraged to drop off a theme basket, gift card (please include receipt), case of water or soda, or wrapped baked goods on the evening of October 6 from 6 - 8 or the morning of October 7 from 10 -12. Questions may be directed to the church office, 610-767-7203. Thank you! The basket committee of Hope Lutheran Church Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Ticket drawing begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $5/card or 3 cards for $10; Each card gives you 25 chances to win! Special table of items valued at $50 and up: tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Refreshments (barbecue, haluski, soups, filling/gravy) and delicious baked goods will be sold. Do you Springdifferent?tovenison,tosomewhereneedtakeyourorwanttrysomethingAtValley,we Spring Valley Meats and ContactDeerSeasoningsprocessingusat610-295-4556, or on Facebook @Springvalleymeat. offer deer cleaning along with a variety of products that include but aren’t limited to snack sticks, bologna, and sausage. We do all individual batches, so your meat is never
Turn off the Water
After the pipe bursts, any water inside of it will rush out and flood your home. The best way to

12 || September 15, 2022 Dealing with a Pipe Burst Disaster (edited)

September 15, 2022 || 13 Call today to make an appointment 4450 Mountain View Drive Walnutport PA lvspinalcare.com18088 New Patients Seen Immediately! (610) 760-8888 • ChiropracticCare • RehabilitationFacility

To prevent your pipes from bursting, insulating your pipes in crawl spaces, basements and exterior walls is a smart preventative measure. Not only will insulation protect pipes when temperatures plummet, but it will also save you money on energy costs. Insulating hot water pipes from your water heater will reduce heat loss. This will allow you to lower the temperature on your water heater.
Call for Professional Help
Sometimes, you are lucky enough only to have a pinhole leak. In this case, you only have to apply a little pressure to the opening to keep water from coming out. An easy solution is to use duct tape around the pipe. This may give you enough pressure to keep the pinhole leak closed until a plumber arrives.
In this situation, your pipes are dealing with a lot of pressure. One way to alleviate the pressure is to turn on a faucet. This will help any water left in the system escape safely.
Continued from page 12
14 || September 15, 2022

Start Removing the Water
Hopefully, you will notice the burst pipe within the first few minutes. If the leak goes unnoticed for a while, you may have to deal with hundreds or thousands of gallons of water. While you wait
deal with this is by turning off the water right away at your water main. If the pipe is located near an electrical outlet, you may need to turn off your electric as well.
Open a Faucet
Deal With Pinhole Leaks
Pipe Burst Disaster
Insulation will also prevent pipes from increasing the humidity in your home by preventing moisture condensation. Condensation can cause drips that can lead to water damage and foster the growth of harmful mold.

for a plumber to arrive, it is time to start cleaning up the mess. You can grab a mop to remove any water. If it is safe to use electricity in the room, a heater or fan can help dry out the floors and walls more quickly.
Preventative Pipe Insulation
If you are dealing with this issue, you need to turn off your water main and open up a faucet to let the remaining water out. Then, call a professional plumber right away to come and help. This type of repair issue can lead to significant damages if you do not fix it very quickly.
Fer was ich en Zeiding noch kaaf, wees ich net. Sie koscht heit dreimols so viel as sie sott. Sie saag mer ball nix vun bekanndi Leit;
September 15, 2022 || 15

Es macht nix aus weller Daag sie gedrucht waar; Fer lanne was aageht, waare mir entschlich devor.Mirsehne dei Pickder wann du wichdich bischt, Wer gschtarewe iss, sehnt mer im Dodes-lischt.
Die Alt Zeiding
Mit Gaul un Buggy hot mei Gremmemm die Mail gfaahre Vammiddaags– vun Bannwill fer zwansich Yaahre.Eeeensichcht Ding as hinnerscht-vedderscht waar
Unser– Zeiding waar noh vun der Daag devor.
Fer zamme-sammle in sei Eck – alles nei –Grickt yeder Schreiwer sei Zeiding frei. Denne Weg hen mir ausfunne was aageht, Unser Wart waar gedruckt in eem sei Eschdaet.
Mariyets duh ich allfatt frieh uffschteh Fer mei deeglich Laaf, gebt’s Regge adder Schnee.Bisder Zeiding-buh kummt schtarr ich rum in dieWannKich;er sich verschloft, warr ich ungeduldich.
Ich waar gemaahnt an die alde Zeit: Die Zeiding gebt uns all unser Nei-ichkeet. Sellemols waar net so viel Advertisment, Mer hot meh lese kenne vun Leit as mer kennt.
Continued on page 16
Submitted by Larry Gradwohl
Board Certified Family Physicians Offering Personalized Care For Your Entire Family Certified Medical Examiner for CDL-DOT Physicals

Wer sin die Reedle los un wer hot sie gfange?
Unser Zeiding waar net gschmisse vor die vedderscht Dier –An die Poschtaffis im Schtor hole sie mir. Mir misse doch geh mit die Millichfuhr, So hen mir die Zeiding bis baut acht Uhr.
Sellemols hen sie Nochberschaft Nei-ichkeede gedruckt:Werhot erscht Hoi gemacht un welli hen bsucht. Wer hot gschlacht un wieviel hen die Sei gewoge; Wer hot ge-arebt un wer iss gezoge.
Wer hot der Schreiner un was schafft er datt; Wieviel hot die nei Medizin der alt Hen gebatt; Wer hot en Gnoche verbroche, wem sei Geil sin darrich gange;
Who had the carpenter and what did he do? How much did the medicine help the old hen? Who broke bones and whose horses ran away? Who was over the measles and who caught them anew?Why
I still buy the newspaper, I do not know;
The Old Newspaper
I am reminded of days gone by The newspaper gave us all our news. That time there was less advertising; We could read more about the folks we knew.

Touch of Dutch
Our paper was not thrown at the front door; We got it at the post office in the store. It was necessary to deliver the milk anyway; So, by Eight O’clock we had our paper.
To gather news in his area, The correspondent received his paper free. This way we learned the news. Our worth was printed in one’s estates.
16 || September 15, 2022
I always rise early in the morning, To take my daily walk, in rain or snow. I wait in the kitchen till the paperboy comes; If he overslept, I get impatient.
Continued from page 15
Ihr Leses nemmt gewiss zu viel vun mei Zeit. -Author unknown
With horse and buggy, Grandma drove the mail For 20 years, in the forenoon from Bernville. The one thing backwards then, Was that our news was always from the day before.Itmattered
little which day it was printed; We were anxious to learn what happened. We saw your picture if you were important; Who passed away, one saw in the death list.
That time personal neighborhood news was published –Who was first to make hay and who visited whom.Who butchered and how heavy the hogs were. Who had inherited and who had moved.
September 15, 2022 || 17

Saturday, October 1 from 9-2 Theme Baskets, Raffle, bake sale and refreshments. Come for lunch and Annual Fall Basket Social at JerusalemChurchLutheran 500 Church Drive Palmerton (Trachville) try your luck. 3 baskets will have $25 hidden among the contents. For 610-681-5200.infomorecall570 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton, PA 18067 Tel. #: 610-262-4566 • Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays Check out the most popular Benjamin Moore® colors for kitchens. Visit your local Ace Hardware Store or to get started. Color accuracy is ensured only when tinted in quality Benjamin Moore® paints. Color representations may differ slightly from actual paint. ©2021 Benjamin Moore & Co. Benjamin Moore, The Signature Paint Dollop, and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owner. 1/21 Miller Supply Ace Hardware 570 Nor-Bath,BlvdPA18067262-4566|www. Color accuracy is ensured only when tinted in quality Benjamin Moore® paints. Color representations may differ slightly from actual paint. ©2021 Benjamin Moore & Co. Benjamin Moore, The Signature Paint Dollop, and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owner. 1/21

They cost three times what they should. They tell me little about familiar people; Reading them surely takes up too much of my

a friend gave me an old newspaper from June of ’42 and I noticed what I would call “gossip columns “ from several towns and villages in the area where I grew up. One from the village, Edelman, read like a trip down memory lane. Most of the people that I knew while growing up in that area were mentioned receiving visitors or visiting someone somewhere else. Even a couple from the neighboring village of Belfast, who would become neighbors of my family when we moved later, were mentioned in that column. What I did not find, however, was any mention of farming activity, but then Edelman was an area that grew around the slate industry like Slatington, except it was much smaller and the quarrying did not continue that long. So, old newspapers can give you a glimpse into daily life for a given location for a particular time period.]

18 || September 15, 2022 610-657-1090 8148 Sharon Court, Slatington Pa. 18080 Free Estimates • Fully Insured PA license # 048267 • Since 1994 •Custom Cabinetry Built-in or Free Standing •Stock cabinetry also available •Kitchen Design & Remodel •Cabinet•CounterRefacingTops LICENSED AND INSURED PA WeOfferingRegistrationContractorPA#026802610-509-6469fairpricing,honestcontracting,freeestimatesandexcellentqualitywork!bringyourhomebacktoMintcondition! ROOFING*ALUMINUM DECKS*RAILING*WINDOWS*DOORSSOFFIT/FASCIA*SEAMLESSWORKGUTTERGUTTERCLEANING We Offer Financing HOME IMPROVEMENTS DIY: Know Your Plumbing Pipe Types

If you’re going to do some DIY plumbing work around your place this fall, you might want to know more about the range of pipe types you can work with. There are five main types of plumbing pipe materials that are in use today: copper, galvanized steel, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).;(edited )

PVC pipe is by far the most commonly used pipe in residential plumbing situations. It’s affordable and available in a number of different fittings and sizes. It’s a great choice for most warm and cold

There is also chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) piping. This type has higher temperature performance and improved fire and corrosion resistance than PVC, but is not one of the main plumbing pipe types generally used.
able to be buried and can withstand high pressure. They are also resistant to rusting and corrosion.
If we compare PVC to PEX, PEX pipes remain more popular among professional plumbers because they are flexible and easy to install, but even if you’re doing a DIY project, you should know about PEX. Unlike PVC, it doesn’t require the use of glue, which can potentially leak into the water. It’s also resistant to corrosion, making it compatible with metal pipes.
PEX Advantages

Of the pipe types discussed, PEX is the newest

Note that you can also use copper plumbing pipes for underground plumbing, as they are resistant to rusting and leakage, however they are sensitive to certain soil conditions. Before beginning any project, it’s best to check your local building codes to see what is recommended.
water applications.
September 15, 2022 || 19 Continued on page 20 HARDING FUNERAL HOME, INC. David M. Supervisor/PresidentHarding Nathanael J. Horvath Funeral Director 25-27 N. Second St., Slatington, PA 18080 610-767-3011 • Serving the Northern Lehigh and Surrounding Areas for 65 years *365 days a year/24 hours a day* Call today and feel good 610-760-1700again! Michael K. Everett, D.C. Palmer Graduate 519 Willow Road, Walnutport •Prompt, professional healthcare for all ages •Successful treatment of disc herniation/bulges •Auto Accident /Workers’ Comp. •Accepting Medicare and Most Insurances Enzo Giarratana 3015 College Heights Blvd Allentown, PA. 610-437-185518104 15% off all hair first-timeserviceofcarecustomproductscareorhairproducts$10offthepurchase$100oranychemicalfortheclient15% off gift certificates of value of $100 for the startingholidaysnow

If your project involves an underground water line, both PVC and PEX can be used. They are both

PEX is accepted by all major plumbing and building codes in the United States. However, when doing a DIY job, it’s the local codes that are the law in your area. Be sure you consult them to make sure you are meeting their specific requirements or restrictions for local PEX installations.
Continued from page 19
Robin balloonsbyr@gmail.comBalloonZamadicsArtist610-509-1897 Balloons by Robin Balloons for all occasions ~ Gifts • Arches Columns • Sculptures • Balloon Twisting Like us on Facebook at Balloons by Robin Blue Mountain Fish & Game Assoc4190 Wood Dr., Walnutport Online raffles, check it out on our Facebook page Block OctoberShoot9,2022 Doors open 11 a.m. shoot starts at 12 p.m. 12 gauge shotgun only, shells provided Barrel length 36” PROGRESSIVE SHOOTERS JACKPOT Floor raffles, Kitchen open Tickets available at the door for main drawing Hall Rentals Available Call Nelson 610-767-8004 Check out our new bluemtfishgame.comwebsite: LOST BROWN DOG $1,000 REWARD CALL OR TEXT 610-393-0266 AUGUSTmissing 12 45 friendly12(SKINNY)POUNDSYEARsOLD GINGER WALNUTPORT

you can wind PEX tubing throughout the walls and floors with a continuous, uninterrupted pipe to its final connection.
Plumbing Pipe Types

Due to its flexibility, PEX is also easier to install. PEX tubing can be bent and can curve around structural framing and other obstacles, reducing the need for holes and notches to accommodate it. Bends in the tubing also eliminate the need for many elbows and other transition fittings. This saves both installation time and cost. Essentially
For DIY installers particularly, perhaps the best advantage of PEX is that it does not require soldered connections (like a copper pipe) or tricky threaded connections (like galvanized steel). Because it requires fewer connections and fittings overall, it helps lower costs and also decreases the chances of leaks.
20 || September 15, 2022

alternative and has advantages. Because it is made with a flexible and resilient material, PEX is more resistant to breakage caused by freezing than either copper or PVC.
PEX also conserves energy by reducing heat loss through the pipe wall. In contrast, metal pipes are particularly prone to heat loss. PEX also doesn't corrode – another advantage over metal pipe, especially galvanized steel pipe, which consistently corrodes over time. Compared to copper, PEX is more resistant to scale buildup and the resulting loss of flow through the pipe. It is also much less expensive than copper pipe.
Submitted by Sharleen Crossett
In all areas of the church’s ministries, we continue to praise God for his blessings both large and small. If you have a need, please contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450 to see if help is available.
Slatington Library News
On September 11th, Sunday school for all ages groups started at 9:30am. Worship begins at 10:30am. Communion will continue to be observed the first Sunday of the month. Starting in October we will return to cups and bread. Pre-packaged elements will be available for those who desire them.It’sFood
is library card sign-up. Join the Slatington library and have access to the holdings of 11 other local libraries. A library card is free for any Northern Lehigh resident.
“Grief Share” began a new session on September 13th. Grief Share” meets on Tuesday morning at 10am, at the Helping Hand Community Center of Slatedale, located at 4019 Main Street, Slatedale. If you are interested in participating contact Pastor Bill. The Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale, is a ministry of St. Peter’s Church.
St. Peter’s UMC Events
September 15, 2022 || 21
Our monthly clothing ministry “The Redeemers Closet” is open on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9am -Noon, at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St. Slatedale. See you on September 17th, come and check out all the new clothing. Please note that both clothing collection boxes are now open for donations of gently used clothing only NO toys,
Truck Thursday and we’re looking to share God’s blessings. At 10am you are welcome to get food. Remember to bring along your own bags and boxes, as the items are not packaged. Always keep watch on the church Facebook page for cancellations, postponements etc. The line begins at the Northern Lehigh Food Bank.
Wednesday mornings the Pastor alternates between “The Palmerton and Sacred Heart by the Creek in Northampton for a time of worship with the residents. If you would like to fellowship with the residents and have a time of worship midweek, contact Pastor Bill for the schedule and time.
submitted by Louise Bechtel
On Friday’s join Pastor Michelle with “Moments with Kids“4PM. These can be viewed on facebook. com/StPetersChurch18080.EDGEbegantheirregularmeetings on September 12th on Monday evenings from 6-7PM, for youth in 6th grade and up. For more information, please contact Kristin at 484-550-2578. The group meets at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St, Slatedale. Please note NO School means NO EDGE.
Whether you are looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check out our website:
The Library is looking to start a Teen Advisory Board. If you are a teen and wish to get involved, please call or stop in the library for more information.
Library hours are currently Mon. & Wed. 9am to 7pm, Tues. 9am to 3pm, Fri. 9am to 5pm, Sat. 8am to 2:00pm. The library is closed Thursday and Sunday.
etc. Please do not leave clothing outside of collection boxes. If clothing gets wet, we must throw it away. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Any questions concerning this information please contact Louise Bechtel at the Library at (610) 767-6461. Thank you.
The Book Club is currently reading “News of the world,” by Paulette Jiles. They will meet in person and virtually on Monday, October 3rd at 1:00pm.. There are copies of the book available at the library. If you are interested in joining the book club, please contact the library.
The Slatington Library is now back to its precovid hours. We are now open until 7:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.
There is currently an opening on the Library Board of Directors for a representative from the Borough of Slatington. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board, and would like to get involved in your community, please contact theSeptemberlibrary.
Both Monday morning and Monday evening Bible Study’s started again on September 12th. Times are 11am and 6:30PM. Thursday evening Bible Study will be on the series “Chosen 2”. This will be held at 6PM. Contact Diane Ritzenthaler to reserve a book, at 610-216-6821.
Based in Bethlehem, the Delaware Lehigh Amateur Radio Club (DLARC) has more than 100 members. It is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization. Classes are offered as a community service.Thenext session will begin on September 27. Classes will be held weekly from 7-9 p.m. at the 911 Center at 100 Gracedale Avenue in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. For details or to register, contact or call 610-419-9286.
Lunch!Inother news, we appreciate the wonderful support of our Annual Mum Sale held last weekend. More than half of our mum supply was ordered in advance! Thank you all!
in the parking area near the school at St. Paul’s UCC at Almond Road and Maple Drive in Lehigh Township. The event will be held in the church social hall if weather is inclement. Tour the oneroom school and if you attended a one-room school, reminisce and share your stories in an open small group discussion circle.
If you are interested in attending, LTHS would appreciate a head-count for food prep. Please call our office at 610-440-0151 and leave a message with your name and number of persons attending. You can also message us on Facebook or from our website contact page. You are still welcome if you forget to reserve your attendance.
Free Ham Radio Classes
Join LTHS at St. Paul’s One-Room Schoolhouse in Indianland for a lunch sampling of “Old Fashioned School Lunches”. Lunch will feature the types of food children took to one-room schools between the 1860s and the 1950s. Choose from baked potatoes, hard boiled or red-beet eggs, homemade bread with jam or butter, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, apples, carrots, cookies, cake and apple cider among other surprises.
22 || September 15, 2022
Submitted by Ruth Hall Kent
Lehigh Township Historical Society News
According to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the nationally recognized organization for ham radio operators, there are more than 750,000 amateur radio license holders in the United States and more than 3 million worldwide.
Friedens Church Announces Church & Cemetery History Presentation
submitted by Robert Stettner Slatington History Preservation Committee
Ham radio has played an important role in communications for more than 100 years and continues to do so. It is part of many emergency management plans because it can be used to communicate if landline telephone lines, cell towers and/or electric grids fail.
Mark your calendar for our special Open House
It also is a fun hobby for people who enjoy talking with amateur radio operators locally andaround the world, participating in contests and field days, and even making contact with the International Space Station.
Friedens Church in cooperation with The Slatington History Preservations Committee is sponsoring a program entitled “A Walk at Peace” to be held on Saturday, September 24 at Friedens Church, 7727 PA Route 873, just south of Slatington. Join the church as they highlight families and individuals who were influential in the founding, and history of the church. The event is part of a year-long celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the founding of Friedens Church. The program is free and open to the public and begins at 2 PM. Parking is available. The event will be held in the church sanctuary. Light refreshments and fellowship to follow the presentation. This is the fourth history presentation/speaker series on important people, places, and events in Northern Lehigh’s history. For more information call 610554-4099 or visit us on Facebook at our page Slatington History Preservation Committee.
“Old Fashioned School Lunches” is the theme of the LTHS St. Paul’s One-Room School Open House program this year on Sunday, October 9th from Noon to 3 pm.
The Delaware Lehigh Amateur Radio Club, Inc. will offer free classes this fall for people who would like to obtain an amateur radio license. The class will run for 10 weeks and will prepare students to take the Federal Communications Commission’s Amateur basic license examination.
The program is free and open to the public. The event is sponsored by Country View Farms, Gilbert Funeral Home of Whitehall; Becky’s Drive In; Neffs National Bank and the Lehigh Township Lions Club. We look forward to seeing lots of our friends and neighbors at this Open House School
September 15, 2022 || 23 Follow me on at #AimHRealty Call Amy Hillborn, Realtor Direct at: 484-272-2797 2019 Main St., Northampton PA, 18067 Office: 610-837-7900 | Fax: www.yourlehighvalleyhome.com610-440-0456134TiffanyLaneEastPennTownship(Lehighton),PA182353bedroom,2bath1,568sq ft SAVED$128,900$4,379! Nottingham Court #Lot 16 Towamensing Twp, PA 18071 Residential Lot: 1.28 acres Surveyed & Perc Approved Bring your Allentown,1512$69,900builder!ChapelAve,PA18103 4 beds 2 bath 1,384 sqft. 1945 For sale: $238,584 330 1st St. Slatington 4 beds 1 bath For sale: $145,000 Under ContractUnderContract SOLD

your home and transferring it into the home. The conventional wisdom has been that heat pumps don’t work where the temperatures drop below freezing. That’s old news.
While they’ve been most common in the warmest parts of the country for decades, plenty of today’s air-source heat pumps (we’ll just call them heat pumps) can keep your home toasty even when it is bone-chillingly cold outside. They can do this while using far less energy than other types of expert, these heat pumps can work in almost any climate. A consumer user from Minneapolis told Consumer Reportsthat after his steam boiler broke, he installed a heat pump that has kept his home warm for the past four winters, including during extreme cold snaps, when temperatures dropped as low as minus 29° F.
, the answer
According to Consumer Reports to

Air-source heat pumps are more energy-efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems. They are also emerging as an important tool for helping to battle climate change all over the country and almost always reduce a household’s carbon emissions.
The Secret of Success
the question, “can heat pumps actually work in colder climates?” is yes. Air-source heat pumps work by absorbing free heat from the air outside
With a heat pump, the secret of success is to pick
24 || September 15, 2022 Can Heat Pumps Work in Climates?Colder Tickets • 1 sheet $10 • Pre-sale at the library: buy 3, get 1 free! • Full price at the door Craft fair and Quilt Sale St. John’s UCC, 1415 Rising Sun Road CrocheteditemsQuilts EmbroideryCeramics WreathsFlorals JewelryStainedGlass Laurys Station, PA 18059 Saturday,610-262-8061October8, 2022 • 9am-3pm Free Admittance • Handicap Accessible Handmade Crafts and Quilts, Refreshments, Baked Goods, Chinese Auction and Raffle, Crafts for every occasion. Great gift ideas. Do your holiday shopping now. Crafts, Food and Fun for everyone! Bring FriendsyourandFamily! Water Wheel Farm market Located on 309 just 300 yards North of Route 100 and Route 309 in Pleasant Corners 610-767-2409 Hardy Fall Mums, Local Pumpkins,Tomatoes,Produce,Peppers,LocalHoney SOURCE: (edited)

September 15, 2022 || 25 Continued on page 26 950 Delaware Ave, Palmerton, PA 10%610-826-529618071offwiththisad F all B azaar Saturday October 1st 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Tickets $5.00 for 1 ticket-25 Chances Or 5 tickets for $20 - 125 Chances Kitchen will be open 9am to 2 pm Themed Baskets • Gifts • Cards Homemade Soup Sale Baked Goods • Food Homemade Crafts Emmanuel UCC Church 509 Hamilton St Bowmanstown610-852-2707PASeptember22,2019) ONRaffles,TroC a10’x20’space-$ (RainDateSeptember25,2022) Crafts,Vendors&FleaMarket,DJ,Raffles,Trophies,FoodMOORETWPRECREATIONCENTER–635EnglishRoad,Bath,PA18014SundaySeptember18,2022–9:00amVehicleregistration–DonationsAccepted 10’x20’space-$10.00 (OffRt946CommunityDrive)ForInformationCall610-837-0977mooretwplions@gmail.comMOORETWPLIONS&LIONESS25thAnnualCARSHOW

the correct heat pump for your home – certainly taking into account its size – and climate, make any recommended weather-sealing upgrades, and hire a reputable contractor with heat pump installation experience to install it.
There’s no official “cold climate” standard for heat pumps just yet, however the next Energy Star standard for heat pumps, launching in January 2023, will include a certification mark for coldclimate heat pumps. That certification will signify a suitable level of low-temperature performance and efficiency. It will be a major new tool to help you determine which heat pump is best for your situation.Thekey feature in a cold-climate heat pump is a variable speed compressor that can be helpful in any climate, but especially beneficial in regions with big differences between the seasons. It enables a single heat pump to work efficiently and effectively whether in the deepest freeze of winter, on the hottest summer afternoon, or any milder day
commonly come in two varieties: ducted or ductless. If your home already has good ductwork, you’ll most likely select a ducted heat

One study out of the University of California, Davis, estimates that 32 percent of households in the U.S. (including many in very cold regions) will save money by switching to a whole-home heat pump system. The biggest savers are likely to be

pump. If your home doesn’t have ductwork – for instance, you currently heat with radiators, you will more likely want a ductless system, often called a mini-split. Both types are equally capable of efficient, effective cold-weather performance.
What to Look For
Will It Save You Money?
26 || September 15, 2022 Heat Pumps Continued from page 25 Basket Social Slatedale Fire Company 3922 Main St, Slatedale, PA 18079 Friday-Sept. 23 Saturday-Sept.6pm-8pm 24 10am-2pm Tickets are $5 for 24 And we have several high value items going at Sunday-Sept.$25/ticket11am-3pm25 For more information you can visit us on facebook @vanblargansmissingpiece OPEN 7 DAYS - DINE IN Order Online Letwww.ristorantedoncorleone.comushostyournextpartyinourbanquetroom! BYOB NOWDELIVERYOFFERING 7965 PA Route 873, Slatington Ph: 610-767-4268 • Fax: www.walnutportdoor.com610-767-6651 PA #051067 DoorWalnutportCo.,LLC ServingCustomersCommercialResidential/forover40years people who currently heat with “delivered” fuels like propane and oil, as well as people who get their heat from electric furnaces or electric baseboard radiators.

For everyone who decides to go with a heat pump system, note that here in Pennsylvania you can get a rebate on an air-source heat pump all the way through 2026. Visit this site for more information: air-source-heat-pump-rebate?hsLang=en.

September 15, 2022 || 27

Fall Maze

For life jackets, camo styling hides a danger: Dark green, tan and black camo patterns are remarkable at doing exactly as designed, blending you into your surroundings. However, that’s not a benefit if you happen to be floating in the water and rescuers are searching. If possible, make their job easier and wear a life jacket with high visibility. For smaller vessels and paddlers, leaf peeping season is also a really good time to secure the life jacket to your body – that includes using buckle snaps.
Falls overboard can be deadly, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Something as simple as a rope with foothold loop, attached to cleats, can also easily function as an emergency boarding ladder.
About the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water: The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. Funded primarily by donations from the more than 800,000 members of Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), the nonprofit provides innovative educational outreach directly to boaters and anglers with the aim of reducing accidents and fatalities, increasing stewardship of
28 || September 15, 2022
Got a way back into the boat? Falls overboard may be ranked #5 on the 2021 U.S. Coast Guard’s list of the “Top Five Primary Accident Types” with 273 accidents, but they also led the most number of deaths (170 fatal), as well as more fatalities than all the other 4 top accident types combined (#1 collision with vessel-1226 accidents/31 fatal; #2 collision with fixed object- 508 accidents/43 fatal; #3 flooding/swamping-461 accidents/55 fatal; #4 grounding-308 accidents/23 fatal). Your boarding ladder should be functional and accessible as cold water can quickly sap strength. If your boat doesn’t have a built in-ladder, a compact emergency ladder or even a looped line attached to a cleat, pre-rigged with foothold loops every few inches and hung over the transom, can substitute.

Fall boating season has arrived, and with it come different types of risks that cold water and air temperatures bring. Here are three boating safety tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water just right for leaf peeping season.
A float plan is needed: A float plan is as simple as telling a responsible person where you will be going and when you’ll be back. With fewer other boats on the water (potential Good samaritans) after Labor Day, a float plan ensures rescuers will be notified if you ever fail to check back in after your outing. Additionally, leaving a note under your vehicle’s windshield wiper at the launch ramp can help trigger an alarm.
America's waterways and keeping boating safe for all. A range of safe and clean boating courses – including the nation's largest free online boating safety course – can be found at Courses.
Boating Safety Tips Just Right for Fall Boating
Having an emergency boarding ladder ready to go and easily reached from the water is important when water temperatures are cool and there are fewer other boaters on the water that could render help.


ookie is a pit mix, about 4 years old, and as sweet as her name! She adores people, knows basic commands, is crate and house trained. Cookie loves to go for car rides, and play with her toys and chew bones. She is very strong and needs an experienced owner that can continue reinforcing basic skills, and leash manners. Her ideal home is one with a fenced yard, and she would do best as the only dog. We also recommend older children due to her size and strength.

September 15, 2022 || 29 HiringNow SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 ||
Lacey is about 2 years old, hound/lab mix. She is on the timid side and needs someone who can be patient and give her experiences in a slow fashion. Building confidence would be her goal. No young children, due to her slow to warm personality. A meet with other dogs would be needed and no


you are interested in adopting please email to fill out an application and questionnaire We are open every Saturday to the public from 12-2. PLEASE NOTE: At this time we are following CDC guidelines and practicing social distancing and wearing masks in our buildings The Sanctuary at Haafsville 901 Nestle Way, Breinigsville, PA thesanctuarypa.orgdogadoptions@18031 Country Clippers Pet GroomingProfessionalAllBreedDogandCatGroomingContactStacyGoldbergorJenniferFrable610-824-2626

Sample a wide variety of wine from the vineyards of the Lehigh Valley American Viticultural Area (AVA).

Test your sense of direction at a local corn maze. How fast can you make it out?

By Alicia Quinn
Myster Tree and Shrub
Service The area’s only ISA Board Certified Master Arborist Specializing in restoring & maintaining the health, beauty & value of landscape trees • Structural, directional & maintenance pruning • Root problem diagnosis & mitigation • Pest & disease diagnosis & treatment • Hazard tree evaluations & mitigation • Consultations-new construction & existing landscape trees • Tree and stump removal Glenn A. Myster (610) 262-4150 PDO288B BOARD CERTIFIED MASTER ARBORIST
Crunchy leaves, crisp air, and pumpkin-flavored everything. Lehigh Valley shines in bright oranges and vibrant reds during the fall months. Make the most of the season by crossing off these must-do activities before the colder temperatures start to creepPickin.the perfect pumpkin at Grim's Orchard and Family Farm and carve it into a creative jack-o’lantern. Check out places to pumpkin pick.
30 || September 15, 2022 Your Lehigh Valley Autumn Bucket List SUNDAY OCTOBER 23rd, 2022 BASKET SOCIAL! DOORS OPEN 11 AM DRAWING STARTS AT 3 SCHNECKSVILLE FIRE CO. PAVILION 4550 OLD PACKHOUSE ROAD, SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078 AWESOME BASKETS & PRIZES! EXTRA RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE, $10 KITCHEN WILL BE OPEN ~ COME HUNGRY! $10 admission includes sheet of 25 tickets to use for many awesome baskets & prizes! BRING A PET FOOD DONATION TO BE ENTERED INTO A $50 VISA CARD DRAWING For tickets send a SASE + check to: SOAR | PO Box 286 | Schnecksville, PA 18078 570-386-9241 | Benefits Starting Over Animal Rescue a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Rescue

Take a scenic train ride to enjoy the fall foliage Colebrookdale Railroad.

Reach new heights as you take on the Summit
Hike to the top of Hawk Mountain to see the birds in their autumn migration as you admire the stunning fall colors.
Shop the bounty of local harvests at markets including the Easton Farmers Market, the oldest open-air market in the country.
September 15, 2022 || 31 Continued on page 32 643 Main Street Slatington Pa origin,LicensedTherapeuticwww.nulton.com610-224-931118080ServicesforAdults,Children&OlderAdults.NultonDiagnostic&TreatmentCenterisaPsychiatricOutpatientClinicwithaskilledteamofPsychiatrists,Psychologists,PsychiatricNurses,SocialWorkersandTherapists.NultonDiagnosticandTreatmentCenter,PC.doesnotdiscriminateagainststaff,consumers,orfamilymembersbasedonage,race,sex,religion,ethniceconomicstatus,ordisabilityandobservesallapplicablestate&federalstatuesandlimitations.anxiety~fearanger~stress~depression You Are Not Alone Roosevelt Demo Club Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA 610-767-2664 Have a Bowling Party Today! Six Lanes Available Available for Members & Non-Members We also have catering and a private bar in the hall & bowling alley! Call 610-767-2664 to Schedule Your Event Hall Available for Your Special Occasion Seating for up to 150 Guests C& E CHRIS & ELI RESTAURANTFAMILY OPEN TUESDAY TO SUNDAY 6:00 AM-8:00 PM ALL DAY BREAKFAST BREAKFASTLUNCH-DINNER DINE IN OR TAKE OUT WHERE YOU FIND A GOOD TASTE Specials Coming Soon (484)-263-0222 7115 PA ROUTE 873 SLATINGTON, PA www.totalbodyharmonyllc.comUsediscountcodeGazette01for15%off Boost your immune system with Sea Moss. It contains 92 out of the 102 vitamins & minerals your body needs. Visit us online for more information. Get 15% off using our discount code and get 25% off every 5th purchase.

Go apple picking at one of Lehigh Valley's orchards. Be sure to pick up some apple cider to takeWalk,home!run, or bike along the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, complete with stunning canal-side views lined with vibrant foliage.

Aerial Park at Blue Mountain Resort. Treat yourself to fireside beverages after you complete the course.
For white wine fans, Vynecrest Autumn Gold is a must to wet your whistle after a day of adventure.

Jump into a pile of freshly-raked leaves.
32 || September 15, 2022 Autumn Bucket List Continued from page 31 We do storm damage and seamless gutters. •New Roofs •Repairs •Reroofing •Slate Repairs •Fascia and Soffit •Vinyl Siding •Roof Ventilation 610-837-7508 - Bath, PA NO STREAKING SHINGLE w/Lifetime Guarantee - Full Back-up provided TED’S ROOFING 601 W. Market Street, Suite Phone: 215-257-1500 AD PROOF SHEET DATE: ________________________________________ _____________________________________ Your Advertisement Will Appear On The NEWSLETTER For: Lehigh Township 2/21/19Ellen,Art Dept. Ivan ivan@ivanwitmer.comWitmer COMMUNITY BUSINESS NETWORK 601 W. Market Street, Suite 100 • Perkasie, PA 18944 Phone: 215-257-1500 • Fax: 215-257-0800 AD PROOF SHEET FROM:DATE: Your Advertisement Will Appear On The NEWSLETTER For: Lehigh Township 2/21/19Ellen,Art Dept.ivan@ivanwitmer.comWitmer Ivan Witmer, Agent 2672 Eberhart Road Whitehall-Coplay, PA 18052 Bus:Ivanwitmer.com610-264-9600 With competitive rates andpersonal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trustState Farm® Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. 1001142.1

While you’re out exploring all the stunning fall scenery in Lehigh Valley, be sure to tag your photos using #LVMadePossible. Ready for even more fall fun? Check out more things to see & do this
St. John's Lutheran Church
Enjoy a fresh-baked apple dumpling topped with homemade vanilla ice cream from the Bethlehem Dairy Store.
You can call your order into the church office at 610-767-6361; to Harrison Williams at 610-216-4284, or e-mail your orders to Harrison at
Savor the flavors of fall with a warm beverage from LIT Coffee Shop & Bakery, or one of the region’s other charming coffee shops.
camera and go on a photo tour of the Lehigh Valley Covered Bridge Tour. As you make the 50-mile drive, you’ll see seven historic bridges. The reds of the bridge blend perfectly with the colors on the trees.
Deadline to order is Sunday, October 16
State Farm Mutual Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL

Enjoy fresh-baked strudel at Oktoberfest at SteelStacks.Grabyour
40 Second Street, Slatington PA Soup & Sandwich Sale
Soup & Sandwich Sale
Pick-up is Saturday, October 22, from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M.
Sign up for a glass blowing glass at the Banana Factory where you can make your own pumpkin

Soup choices (quart-size - $7.00 each) are: Ham & Navy Bean Soup, Old-Fashion Chicken Rice Soup, and PA Dutch Pepper Pot Soup. Sandwich choices ($6.50 each): Chicken Salad & Cheese Wrap and New England Style Lobster Roll.

Allentown’s Theatre District comes together to celebrate the city’s diverse cultural community at the West End World of Food Festival. This block party is filled with finger-lickin’ food, electric musical acts, varieties of beer & wine, and crafts for children. Come explore the food and stay for a great time!
Say hello to fall with an apple-packed weekend at Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites’ 7th
By Mary Coryell
19th St., Allentown's Theatre District, 18105
1461 Schoenersville Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18018
Must-See Lehigh Valley Events in September
Fall SeptemberFestival10
317 Hamilton St., Easton, PA 18042
Listen to the arresting sounds and see the eyepopping stage presences of DakhaBrakha at Lafayette College's William Center for the Arts. Tracing their roots to the hub of Kyiv's underground theatre movement, DakhaBrakha took a deep dive into traditional Eastern European music and reshaped it with punk-pop, indie, hip-hop, and rock influences. Their sub-mersive musical synthesis is fresh, spirited, urgent, and something you won't want to miss!
As the summer comes to a close, September brings crisp air and a fresh beginning in Lehigh Valley. Be sure to mark your calendars for all of these events taking place this month! From weekly farmers markets, to blooming sunflower fields, movies at the drive-in, IronPigs baseball games, and much more. Get in the fall mood by visiting local pick-your-own farms to stock up on all the fresh fruits and vegetables!
through October 30, 2022
September 15, 2022 || 33 Continued on page 34 Fully Insured Quality Work at Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES (610) 767-7119 or 703-3848, cell MACK’S TREE SERVICE • Stump Grinding • Take Downs • Corrective Pruning • Trimming • Cleanup • Hedges • Shaping • Wood Chips • Storm Work • Lot Clearing • Shrubbery • Bob Cat Service • 60’ Bucket Truck

9875 Schantz Rd., Breinigsville, PA 18031
Apple SeptemberDays 17-20, 2022
From hayrides to apple cider slushies, Fall Festival has something for everyone! Spend a whole day at Grim’s Orchard & Family Farms finding your way through their four-acre corn maze, picking your pumpkins and/or apples, trying delicious eats, more. And a trip to Grim's wouldn't be complete without a hayride on the beautiful countryside!
West End World of Food Festival

SeptemberDakhaBrakha15, 2022
September 17, 2022
Dorney Park Halloween Haunt & Great Pumpkin SeptemberFest16

through October 29, 2022
Annual Apple Days (September 17-18) & Market to Go (September 19-20). Hosted on the grounds of Burnside Plantation, Apple Days features apple bobbing, kids crafts and activities, cooking and colonial demonstrations, barn and house tours, live music, culinary contests, doughnut-eating contests, and everything apple. Bring the whole family to celebrate the season's favorite fruit!
Annual Lehigh Valley Polo
34 || September 15, 2022

Continued from page 33
‘Tis the season to break out your kilts for the Celtic Classic Highland Games & Festival. This annual festival celebrates the region’s Celtic culture and heritage with five stages of continuous entertainment featuring international, national, and regional Celtic artists, pipe bands, Irish dancers, a diverse marketplace of authentic Celtic merchandise and collectibles, good eats, and more! Be sure to get a good viewing spot for the Highlands Games where athletes showcase spectacular feats of strength and agility as they compete to be for the title of U.S. Champion.
Valley! Equi-librium hosts their Fourth Annual Lehigh Valley Polo match to support horse-related therapies for individuals with special needs. Watch an exhibition polo match, stomp the divots at halftime, tailgate, and enjoy delicious food all while supporting a great cause.
September 18, 2022
4000 Dorney Park Rd., Allentown, PA 18104
A season of spooks kicks off at Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom! On select nights in September and October, the park is transformed into a land of HAUNTs, ghouls, and goblins hiding around every corner. Make your way through a number of haunted mazes in between rides on the park’s most treasured attractions. If haunts aren’t for you, check out the Great Pumpkin Fest during daytime hours featuring the PEANUTS gang. Perfect for little ones, daytime events include trick-or-treating, interactive shows, and more.Stairs filled with jacko-lanterns at Dorney Park in Allentown Celtic Classic Highland Games & Festival September 23-25, 2022 Colonial Industrial Quarter, Conestoga St., Bethlehem, PA 18018
Must See Events
3800 Sullivan Trail, Easton, PA 18040
Experience a polo match right here in Lehigh
September 15, 2022 || 35 Richard B. InsuranceRyonHOME AUTO BUSINESS 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, P.O. BOX R, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager “Our Tradition is Protecting You” 25th Annual Slatington Library Basket Social Saturday, October 1st Advance incentivesaleuntil 9/17 6 tickets for $20.00 For more info. call the Drawing610-767-6461librarybegins at 2:15pm. At the Citizens Fire Co. #1 (Slatedale) 3922 Main St., Slatedale, PA Limited seating, you are invited to stay for the drawing Food will be served. Eat In/Takeout. Check our website Tickets 1 ticket/$5.00 5 tickets/$20.0011a.m. - 2 p.m. TWO WHEELZ MENS PEDICURE Walnutport,103484.262.9992MainStreet,PA18088 Hours: M-F 6pm-8pm, Sat and Sun 10am-8pm Where the uncomfortable go to get comfortable Wednesday UnWine’d @ the Trail July 13th: Eliza Rush / Sleepy Cat Urban Winery July 27th: Mike Pilgermayer / Blue Mountain Vineyards August 10th: Erin Kelly / Wine & More on 1st Enjoy dinner with Trail Friendly businesses Diggity Dogs & More and Sal’s Pizza! D & L Trailhead 89 Main St., Slatington 6 PM Presented by A-1 Towing Service August 24th: Payne Shelton / Sleepy Cat Urban Winery Sept. 14th: Mike Peters / Blue Mountain Vineyards Sept. 28th: Jeni Hackett / Wine & More on 1st Contact NLRA for more information at 484 633 0093 / September 28th: Jeni Hackett/ Wine & More in 1st September 14th: Mike Peters/ Blue Mountain Vineyards Enjoy dinner with Trail Friendly businesses Diggity Dogs and Sal’s Pizza! Contact NLRA for more information 484-633-0093/nlrecauthority@gmail.comat

36 || September 15, 2022 Fall Pet Care Continued on page 39 McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! ollow idelHFarm HeIn Time EggsOrderToForEaster McCUTCHEON Jams & Jellies Farm,610-767-2409Inc. FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed Retail & Wholesale m, Inc. Potatoes Barley Straw for Ponds McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! H Time EggsOrderToForEaster McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! ollow HeidelHFarm,Time EggsOrderToForEaster

Ticks: Although tick nymphs peak in the spring months, the number of adult deer ticks is higher in the fall than it is during any other part of the year. Deer ticks are the ticks that are responsible for spreading Lyme disease—which can be just as much of a danger for you as it is for your pet. If you're worried you might have a tick problem, there are several things you can do to help. A tick and flea preventative will help keep the bugs away,
HoneyLocal Mums, Local Apples,
Fall is on the horizon and dog owners who live anywhere but in the middle of the concrete jungle are probably concerned they might have a dog tick problem. Ticks—deer ticks, dog ticks, and other varieties—can spread disease to both you and your pet. But what are the other animal health concerns you need to worry about in the fall? Here
are some important things to consider when thinking about fall pet safety:

Hardy Fall Mums, Pumpkins, Local Produce, Tomatoes,Peppers
Autumn Is Tick, Tick, Ticking Closer
Lincoln Manor Apartments
“This institution is an equal opportunity housing provider and employer.” Start OvernightCity Stops End City Limerick Kildare ON-FERGUSNEWMARKETDingle DUBLIN Cliffs MoherofKILLARNEYBlarneyGalwayShannon Barefoot Excursions, LLC presents a Special Group Departure to Ireland Best of Ireland JulySouth713, 2023 7 Days / 6 Nights / 11 Meals Depart for Dublin overnight July 6th –tour begins July 7th $1,945 LAND ONLY per person based on double occupancy Single Room Supplement $335 Optional Travel Protection Insurance $259 Tour Highlights: • Blarney Castle • Dingle Peninsula • Teeling Whiskey Distillery • Sheepdog Demonstration • Muckross Schoolhouse • Jaunting Car Ride in Killarney • Medieval Castle Banquet This Fully Inclusive Guided Vacation Features: • 6 nights in hotels listed • 6 daily hot breakfasts (B) • 5 dinners (D) including a traditional Irish dinner and entertainment at Muckross Schoolhouse, and a Medieval Castle Banquet. • Step back in time at Muckross Schoolhouse, showing the experience of schoolchildren of the past. Learn your cúpla focal (few words) in a fun Irish-language lesson before enjoying a private dinner with entertainment. • See some of the world’s finest racehorses at the Irish National Stud, then stroll the grounds to see the beautiful Japanese Gardens. All CIE Tours Guided Vacations Include: • Sightseeing by luxury coach • Professional tour director • All on-tour transportation including shuttles and ferries • Welcome get-together drink with your group • Free Wi-Fi on coaches so you can stay connected along the way Call or text: 484.934.1350 | | BAREFOOT EXCURSIONS, LLC PRESENTS A SPECIAL GROUP DEPARTURE TO IRELAND Best of SouthIreland JULY 7 – 13, 2023 7 DAYS / 6 NIGHTS / 11 MEALS DEPART FOR DUBLIN OVERNIGHT JULY 6TH –TOUR BEGINS JULY 7TH $1,945 LAND ONLY per person BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY SINGLE ROOM SUPPLEMENT $335 OPTIONAL TRAVEL PROTECTION INSURANCE $259 TOUR HIGHLIGHTS: • BLARNEY CASTLE • DINGLE PENINSULA • TEELING WHISKEY DISTILLERY • SHEEPDOG DEMONSTRATION • MUCKROSS SCHOOLHOUSE • JAUNTING CAR RIDE IN KILLARNEY • MEDIEVAL CASTLE BANQUET BAREFOOT EXCURSIONS, LLC PRESENTS A SPECIAL GROUP DEPARTURE TO ICELAND Northern Lights Quest of Iceland OCTOBER 8 – 13, 2023 6 DAYS / 5 NIGHTS / 10 MEALS DEPART THE U.S. FOR REYKJAVIK OVERNIGHT OCTOBER 7TH – TOUR BEGINS OCTOBER 8TH. $2,595 LAND ONLY per person BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY SINGLE ROOM SUPPLEMENT $760 OPTIONAL TRAVEL PROTECTION INSURANCE $259 TOUR HIGHLIGHTS: • DIAMOND BEACH • BLUE LAGOON DINNER • FRIDHEIMAR TOMATO FARM LUNCH • JÖKULSÁRLÓN GLACIER LAGOON • LAVA CENTER • NORTHERN LIGHTS QUEST • SECRET LAGOON • SKÓGAFOSS WATERFALL • STROKKUR GEYSER • THINGVELLIR NATIONAL PARK BOOK OCTOBERBY5,2022SAVE5%

Security required.
Call or write: Lincoln Manor, 320 Oak St. Walnutport, PA 18088 610-767-9232 TDD 711

and Two BR Apartments plus One BR Accessible Apartments
Accepting Applications
September 15, 2022 || 37 LAUGH OUT LOUD

Managed by: Grosse and Quade Management Co.
Deposit, One year Lease, and Income Verifications

38 || September 15, 2022 FREE IN -STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484-656-7771WWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.COM(Productinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)FollowusonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMONPM;SUN:WELLNESS 100% ORGANIC NON GMO markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesbringwellnesstohumanstheEarthbyproducingthequalityCBDonthe.FREE IN STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS) 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484 656 Follow(ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.C7771OMinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)usonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMON-SAT:10AM7PM;SUN:11AM6PMBALANCEWELLNESSBEAUTYPETS 100% ORGANIC NON-GMO markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPProductsWaterSolubleVGCloudTinctureCBNightCBGoCanineTinctureCanineTreatsFelineTinctureIntimateProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesbringwellnesstohumanstheEarthbyproducingthequalityCBDonthe FREE IN STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS) 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484 656 Follow(ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.C7771OMinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)usonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMONSAT:10AM7PM;SUN:11AM6PMBALANCEWELLNESSBEAUTYPETS 100% ORGANIC NON GMO markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPProductsWaterSolubleVGCloudTinctureCBNightCBGoCanineTinctureCanineTreatsFelineTinctureIntimateProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesbringwellnesstohumanstheEarthbyproducingthequalityCBDonthe@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleDONUTS)LSVILLE6PMPETS 100% ORGANIC NON GMO ProductsNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPWaterSolubleVGCloudTinctureCBNightCBGoCanineTinctureCanineTreatsFelineTinctureIntimateProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesMISSIONWebringwellnesstohumansandtheEarthbyproducingthehighestqualityCBDonthemarket Water Soluble VG Cloud CanineCBNightTinctureCBGoTinctureCanineTreats Feline IntimateTinctureProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotion Face Cream Under Eye EdiblesSerum MISSION We bring wellness to humans and the Earth by producing the highest quality CBD on the market. LOCATION: LEHIGH HILLS SHOPPING CENTER 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE (ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.COM484-656-7771info,Blogs,Articlesandmore) Follow us on MON-SAT:Facebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsville10AM–7PM;SUN:11AM–6PMLimitonecouponperpurchase.Notvalidwithanyotheroffer. Ready to Roll When You Can’t 24 TowingHourServices Accidents, Breakdowns, Flat Tires, Battery Boost, Out of Fuel 6861 PA Route 873, Slatington PA 18080 484-263-2376 • www.a1towinglehighvalley.comRequest Us BLUE MOUNTAIN TOWN & GAZETTECOUNTRY Sudoku puzzle 4982 E Valley Dr Walnutport, PA 18088-9114 (610) 767-7110 • SHOP HOURS Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm Saturday: 8am-12pm • Sunday: Closed Service and Integrity you can count on! Schedule appointmentantoday! 6 2 3 5 4 5 3 6 5 1 2 1 4 6 4 6 5 1 4 1 6 3 4 5 1 5 6 6 6 3 2 1 1 3 5 1sudoku.comB167 - Level Easy n° B118 - Level Easy n° B112 - Level Easy solutions, print more sudoku puzzles for free and play online at:

Grooming: Finally, fall is a good time to remember that keeping your pet's coat in good shape isn't just a matter of vanity; it's also a matter of health. Some good dog grooming tips include regularly brushing your pet to avoid matting and always making certain your pet is completely dry after a bath. These and other tips can help your pet avoid "hot spots" and other skin irritations that can contribute to poor health.
Quick Tip: If you have a long-haired dog or cat, it's important to brush them regularly to avoid serious matting, which can cause your furry friend real discomfort and negatively affect their health. If you cannot commit to regular coat care, then talk to your veterinarian or groomer about whether or not it might be a good idea to keep Fluffy shaved. He won't be fluffy anymore but it could improve both his temperament and his well-being.
September 15, 2022 || 39
Pet Care Continued from page 36 One person will be randomly chosen to win a FREE Birthday Cake from Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company, Walnutport. Call the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette office for info on how to receive free cake.

Temperature: Fall is a tough time for pet care because the temperature is so variable. Depending on where you live, you may need to worry about anything from heatstroke to frostbite. In particular, you'll always want to make certain that your dog or cat has enough water. Just because the weather has gotten cooler doesn't mean that your pet doesn't still need a lot to drink.
but if you don't choose to use them, consider paying more attention to your lawn care. Ticks prefer to live in long grass, so giving your lawn a good manicure, and keeping your pets confined, can help keep your tick problem under control.
COUPON Name DateAgeHometown_______________________________________________onBirthdayofBirthMail to the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette, BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 Please Print Legibly!
Halloween: Halloween time can be fun time for both you and your pets, but you'll also want to plan ahead and take some safety precautions. Chocolate, which is found so plentifully at Halloween, can be extremely toxic for both your dogs and your cats. Also, candies containing xylitol are among the harmful foods you should keep away from your pet. Pet Halloween costumes can be cute, but you'll want to be certain that they
don't have small parts which pose a choking hazard or impair your pets' breathing or hearing. If you have a black cat, plan to keep it indoors around Halloween time. People have been known to play some nasty tricks on "witch's cats" around the holiday, and you'll want to keep your kitty safe.

Woman’s Club of Slatington 2022
Whipped cream, optional
1/4 cup orange juice
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts
cup butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar
1 package (17.9 ounces) snickerdoodle cookie
1. Preheat oven to 350°. Toss apples with sugars and fruit juices; spread into a greased 11x7-in. baking dish.
The Woman’s Club of Slatington will meet for the initial meeting of the new club year on Monday night September 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Victory Park pavilion, Slatington. Returning members as well as women interested in learning more about the club, are invited to join us for pizza and refreshments. For more information call Slatington Public Library at 610767- 6461. Now in its 84th consecutive year, the club meets on the third Monday of each month during the school year, September to May in person or via zoom. Woman’s Club has a rich history of providing interesting programs to our members and projects to benefit the community. Membership is open to any woman age 18 and over. We commit our time, talents, and funds to support and uplift the Northern Lehigh community. Our contributions support many local programs such as the Historical Society, animal shelters, Walnutport Canal Association, NL Food Bank, Lehigh Gap Nature Center, Springside Sportsman Club, Library Art Show, NLSD scholarship, plantings at the town welcome signs and trailhead, and the Slatington Public Library. One of our most important functions is the care, support, health, knowledge, fun, and friendship of our members… Our most valuable asset. New members are always welcome so we hope to see you at the park!

1 tablespoon lemon juice
Recipe by Taste of Home

40 || September 15, 2022
3. Bake until golden brown and apples are tender, 35-40 minutes. Serve warm and if desired, top with whipped cream.
2. Place cookie mix in a bowl; stir in contents of cinnamon-sugar packet. Sprinkle over apples. Drizzle with butter. Top with pecans.
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 15 min. Bake: 35 min. YIELD: 10 servings.
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
6 cups sliced, peeled tart apple (about 8 medium)
September 15, 2022 || 41 HOME IMPROVEMENT Neff’s Masonry brian BRICK610-392-7400neff•BLOCK•STONE•CHIMNEYSFullyInsuredFREEESTIMATES JMY ConstruCtion JMYConstruction86@gmail.comHardscaping/LandscapingSmallExcavationExteriorCleaning&PowerwashingSnowRemovalandMore610-442-9591Slatington,PA18080 CONSTRUCTION 484-725-3296 • Anthony Kutzler Check us out on Facebook: 3 Daughters Construction LLC Fully Insured and Licensed www.greatmetalrecycling.comWalnutport,324484-623-4888RiverviewDr.PA18088-9693 Luxury & Affordable! DLargest Selection in the area DQuality Modular & Manufactured Homes DEnergy Efficient DResales Available DKnowledge able Sales Staff Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. 12HomesModelNew Luxury & Affordable! DLargest Selection in the area DQuality Modular & Manufactured Homes DEnergy Efficient DResales Available DKnowledge able Sales Staff Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. 12HomesModelNew Luxury & Affordable! *Largest Selection in the area *Quality Modular & Manufactured Homes *Energy Efficient *Resales Available *Knowledgeable Sales Staff 12HomesModelNew Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. FOGELSVILLE, www.christmanseptic.com610-285-2563PAHIC#PA017760

Allison Emanuel of Laury’s Station was crowned the 2022 Great Allentown Fair Queen on Opening Night August 31 at the Allentown170thGreatFair.
42 || September 15, 2022 Charles J Breidinger Broker Benjamin Real Estate 2254 Skyline Dr. Slatington, PA 18080 Office 610-767-1293 Cell 484-951-2468 Fax Text:www.bhhsbre.comcjbreidinger@gmail.com610-767-9488bhhscjbto:87778Amemberofthefranchisesystem of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Jack Follweiler’s Garage C OMPLETE M ECHANCIAL W ORK Over 35 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed WE BUY USED ORAUTOSUNWANTED 6932 Jay St. Slatington, PA 18080 610–767–4414 MEMORIALS,WOMER LLC. byMon.-Fri.Hours:9-5,Sat.9-3AfterHoursAppointment Located on Route 143 between New Tripoli and Kempton next to Leaser Lake VisaMastercard Accepted Quality Since 1954 Before Buying a Memorial See Our Huge Display Over 300 Memorials to Choose From C he C k our P ri C e and Q uality 8600 Kings Kempton,Highway,PA 610-756-6033 AcceptingAcceptingNewCustomersNewCustomers

Allentown Fair Queen crowned
Allison Emanuel of Laury’s Station is all smiles as she is crowned the 2022 Great Allentown Fair Queen by MacKenzie Blatt, 2021 Great Allentown Fair Queen. Photo by: Cheryl Urmy,

September 15, 2022 || 43 A&A LIMOUSINE SERVICE DRIVEN TO PLEASE 610-261-3838 • $50 off $20 off ANY SERVICE PACKAGE • 3 hours or more A&A Limousine • 610-261-3838 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. • Winery Trips • Halloween Parties • Haunted Attractions • Hay Rides • Concerts • Sporting Events • NYC Broadway Shows R/T Airport and Cruise Pier Service A&A Limousine • 610-261-3838 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. CRAIG THATCHER&FRIENDS Live at the Phoenix 515 W Mauch Chunk NazarethSt. Tickets Available Nazarethlibrary.orgat or in person at the library Food and Drink Available for Sale NOVEMBER 4 DOORS OPEN @ 5:30 MUSIC STARTS @ 7 $43 per ticket • 21+ • Event sponsored by Marshall Grezlak All Proceeds Benefit Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity Lehigh Township Recreation Board Softball LTAAOctoberTournament1st•9amFields411WillowRoadWalnutport Come out and enjoy time with neighbors, enjoy the games and some good food. Next Issue of the Publication Date: October 6, 2022 Advertising Deadline: Sept. 28, 2022 BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE

44 || September 15, 2022 A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years … Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years ... Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths. Frances Bensing Funeral Director 2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901 John H. SupervisorSimons A Family Trunk-or-Treat Eagles Nest Park 3818 Eagle Road, Slatington, PA 18080 Friday, October 21st, 5:00pm - 6:30pm Fun, frightful ghouls and other spooky stuff!! Trunk or treat for the kids! Games! Contact Northern Lehigh Rec. for more information and to enter a trunk: 484-633-0093 / Sunday, October 2, 2022 Rain date, Sunday, October 9, 2022 4548 Lehigh Drive, Walnutport, PA Car show hosted by Lehigh Township Lions Club Entertainment-The Groove Band DJ Tony & His Side Kick Breakfast • Delicious Food • Peach Cobbler Crazy K’s DJ • Tricky Tray • Hayrides • Kid Games Flea Market & Craft Show Call 610-767-2249 Proceeds benefit Dream Come True of the Blue Ridge Chapter OFF$10.00 Your next septic system service with this AD Amey’s Clean Rite Septic Cleaning Phone • 610-767-4313George,Linda&Tyler We’ll Beat Any Competitor’s Price •HoldingTanks •RestaurantGreaseTanks TCG

Blue Mountain
September 15, 2022 || 45
NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612. PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.
Firewood for Sale: $150 a pick-up load. Call Dale Schaeffer 610-7673058 (10/6)
Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS and no smoking, W/S/G included. $650 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.
Services Available
Events Help Wanted Real Estate for Rent
Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/15)

Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (9/1)
Friday, October 7, Christ UCC Church is having a bus trip to Green Dragon Farmers Market, Psalm 23 Prayer Garden and Yoders Restaurant (Yoders not included in price). $40 p/p, bus pick-up in Palmerton. Call Phyllis at 610-5335356 (9/15)
For Sale
Master Electrician since 1987. No job too small. Reasonable prices. Free quotes. Todd Haring.484-951-8624.PA#093516(12/1)
Above Ground Pool, 28’ round x 54” high. FMI call 610-262-3985 and leave message (9/15)
Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $140-$250/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 610-577-0898. (12/15)
Town & Country Gazette
Lehigh Valley Scoopers is hiring a FT Route Manger- Pet Waste Removal Technician. 4 days a week, Monday-Friday, no weekends. Valid and clean driver's license. Company truck driven during hours of work. Reliable transportation to business in Slatington. Contact & send resume to lehighvalleyscoopers.cominfo@
You are invited: Hydrotherapy Seminar, Natural treatments for Respiratory Ailments. September 18, 2-4 p.m. Free community event, no registration required. Seventhday Adventist Church 227 Willow Rd. Walnutport. FMI email alaven@ (9/15)
SALES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Do you enjoy sales? Are you a people person? Are you computer savvy? Do you possess good customer service skills? Are you passionate about preserving the written word? The Home News is seeking a Marketing and Sales Account Executive. Interested candidates, please email resume to cstroh@
Looking for short, fit, petite woman, give or take 68 years young to live with a man like same, Capt. Bob 610-767-0678 (10/6)
Werner Eyes of the Valley 37 Womer Memorials, LLC 42
Mobile Home Parts Center 41
Mountainside Construction ................ 47 Myster Tree 30
Family Practice 15
Lehigh Valley Spinal 13
All Air Solutions 14
Christ Church Little Moore ................... 8
Heidel Hollow ...................................... 36 Hope Lutheran 12
All American Tree Service 9
Lehigh Valley Scoopers ...................... 29
Kyle’s Kars 11
Miller Supply 17
JMY Construction 41
Harding Funeral Home 19
Slatington Library Basket Social 35
Memorial Library of Nazareth 43
Emmanuel UCC 25
A&A Limo 43
Lehigh Twp. Rec. Board-Softball 43
Lorah’s.................................................. 12
Neff’s Masonry 41
Paws 2 Freedom ................................. 29
Ted’s Roofing 32
NL Trunk or Treat ................................ 44
3 Daughters Construction 41
W.Neff Auto Sales 3 Walnutport Door Co. 26 Water Wheel 24 Wednesday Unwined-NLRA 35
Moore Twp. Lions & Lioness Car Show 25
Lincoln Manor...................................... 37
Car Doc 38
Nulton&DiagnosticTreatment Center 31
Corner Pocket Deli 25 Country Clippers.................................. 29
Great Metal Recycling ......................... 41
Blue Mountain Evergreen 2
Ivan Witmer - State Farm 32 J&J Coins 36
Becky’s - DCT 44
American Legion Lehighton 2 Amey’s Clean Rite 44 Amey’s Garage 48
Total Body Harmony 31
Everett Chiro 19
Liza’s House 14
George G.FuneralBensingHome, LLC 44
A-1 Towing Service 38
Chris & Eli Family Restaurant 31
BHHS Benjamin Real Estate 42
CBD American Shaman ..................... 38
Jack Follweiler’s Garage 42
Mint Home Improvement 18
European Concept Salon 19
Nancy'sMassageTherapeutic 2
Becker Homes 41
Christman’s Septic Service 41 Cruise Planners................................... 37
Mack’s Tree Service 33
Amy Hillborn ........................................ 23 Balloons by Robin 20 Barry HausmanCustomKitchens. 18
This issue’s Sudoko answers
St. John’s UCC-Laurys 24 St. Paul’s Evan. Lutheran 7 Sule’s Collision Center ........................ 44
Spring Valley Meats 12
Jerusalem Lutheran 17
NAPL- Basket Social .......................... 24
Missing Dog - Ginger 20
Perfect Balance 11
Burger King 47
Robin Hill Memorial 6 Roosevelt Demo Club 30 Silfies Fuel 42 Slatedale Fire 26
St. John’s Lutheran Slatington 32
46 || September 15, 2022
Vlossak HVAC 7
Blue Mountain Fish & Game 20 Boom Mowing 41
Emerald Cider Mill 5
Fall Fair in the Park 8
Two Wheelz Mens Pedicure 35
Don Corleone’s 26 EA Healing Touch Massage Ther. 11
Richard B. Ryon 35
Bechtel’s Pharmacy .............................. 3
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