2 || September 1, 2022 Licensed & Certified in Occupational Therapy Licensed Massage Therapist Deep Muscle • Chronic Pain • Neck and Back Injuries • Arthritis • Sports Injuries Migraines • Relaxation Specializing in Medical Massage Monday - Friday By Appointment Only 610-417-9501 214 Washington St., Walnutport Nancy COTA/LSatowLMT TherapeuticNancy’sMassage 643 Main Street Slatington Pa origin,LicensedTherapeuticwww.nulton.com610-224-931118080ServicesforAdults,Children&OlderAdults.NultonDiagnostic&TreatmentCenterisaPsychiatricOutpatientClinicwithaskilledteamofPsychiatrists,Psychologists,PsychiatricNurses,SocialWorkersandTherapists.NultonDiagnosticandTreatmentCenter,PC.doesnotdiscriminateagainststaff,consumers,orfamilymembersbasedonage,race,sex,religion,ethniceconomicstatus,ordisabilityandobservesallapplicablestate&federalstatuesandlimitations.anxiety~fearanger~stress~depression You Are Not Alone 570 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton, PA 18067 Tel. #: 610-262-4566 • Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sundays and all Major Holidays Bob’s Flower ShopFall Cemetery logsNow available atMiller Supply Fun Facts about Labor Day -The first Labor Day was in September 1882 celebrated in NYC -First State to make Labor Day an official holiday was Oregon in 1887 -President Grover Cleveland signed an act in 1894 making Labor Day a Federal Holiday -Labor Day is the official end to ‘Hot Dog’ Season! The National Hot Dog Council states that between Memorial Day & Labor Day, Americans will eat 7 BILLION Hot Dogs! Oh, and if you were wondering, it really is OK to wear White after Labor Day! Miller Supply is closed on Labor Day, Mon. Sept. 5

By John Hall for Blue Mountain Town & || MARCH 21, 2019 Items must be easily (10/3/19) Vegetables,Bacon ALLTREEAMERICANSERVICE Tree Trimming • Removals Lot Clearings Shrubbery Work • Corrective Pruning Cabling • Stump Grinding • Fall Clean-up EstimatesFree 610-533-2673 Danielsville,PA097940PALicensed & Fully Insured Count on the Blue Mountain Town & 610-767-9600ClassifiedsCountryGazetteCall BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE Board Certified Family Physicians Offering Personalized Care For Your Entire Family Certified Medical Examiner for CDL-DOT Physicals
Country Gazette
September 1, 2022 || 3 Content, including text, images, ads, and online material may not be reproduced, copied, or published either in whole or in part, without the consent of the publishers. 255E South Best Ave. Walnutport, PA 18088 P 610-767-9600 F News@TownAndCountryGazette.com610-767-9612www.TownAndCountryGazette.comISSN1942-2091 The Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette is published the first and third Thursday of the month. The Gazette does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself; we cannot be responsible for typographic errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the community. Signed letters will be printed at the discretion of the editor. News items and ads should be submitted by 4 p.m. on the deadline date, located on the bottom of the front cover. Business Hours: Call for an appointment Paul and Lisa Prass - Publishers Kathy Marsh - Associate Publisher Sara Reitz - Account Executive Donna Bachman - Accounting Manager Tony Pisco - Art Director Erica Montes - Director of Creative Services BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE INSIDE THIS ISSUE Coloring Page ................................. Pg. 4 Word Search ................................. Pg. 10 Touch of Dutch .............................. Pg. 21 Pets ................................................ Pg. 28 Sudoko .......................................... Pg. 40 Home Improvement ..................... Pg. 41 Classifieds ..................................... Pg. 45 From Labor Day to Eating Out Continued on page 5
Well, it’s happened, we’re at the end of another summer. Labor Day is here, schools are opening and autumn is only a short while away. On one hand, I wish it weren’t so, but on the other hand there is so much to look forward to and we will be looking into all of it in the upcoming issues of theInGazette.thisissue we’re going to start with the very interesting history of Labor Day. That’s something I don’t think we’ve really covered before. I know when I was assembling that piece there was a lot of historical detail about the origins of Labor Day that I did not know – maybe you don’t know it either. Check out “How Labor Day Came to Be” for all the background information. We’re then going to turn to our primary issue topic: restaurants and eating out. I don’t have to tell you that our local restaurants, as well as the

4 || September 1, 2022 Coloring Page

Rt. 145 Lehigh Plaza
larger chains have really gone through some changes since the start of the pandemic. Both staff and customers stayed away or approached the restaurant experience entirely differently for a long time – if they “approached” it at all. Now the environment is changing and customers are back. But some staff members are not coming back quite so quickly and many have chosen to move on with their lives in completely different directions. Be sure and read “The Impact of ShortStaffing at Restaurants” to understand changes restaurants are making to get that plate of food in front of you. In terms of your personal “customer experience” as the restaurant industry calls it you are probably already familiar with the impact of many of those changes. Now one aspect of eating out that many have embraced is eating outside. We explore the many reasons that eating outdoors is good for us –whether at a restaurant or in our own backyards.
Open610.767.3551Daily10am-10pm Like us on Facebook! IceCakesCream OUR SPECIALITY! Pumpkin OrangeCheesecakePumpkinPie,andCreamsicleFlavors...JustMadefortheSeason Are •LoadedHere!withFlavor•FuntoEat
Read “The Benefits of Eating Out(doors)” for all theWedetails.also take a look at the newly expanded Slatington Marketplace that is now connected with the new Slatington Farmers Market. I’ve been there a couple of times already and it’s a beautiful blend of the two. We’ll give you the low-down on the eating and drinking options as part of the story called “Slatington Marketplace and Farmers Market.”Andlastly, if you’re looking for some relief from rising food costs and heating expenses, read “Getting a Little Relief from Rising Costs.” We will try to give you some good guidance to help you out. So please enjoy this issue and join us next time when we move our focus to plumbing and heating in anticipation of the cooler days (and nights) ahead. Until then! Walnutport, PA
September 1, 2022 || 5 Labor Day/Eating Out Continued from page 3

Chicken Dinner menu includes : 1/2 baked chicken, baked potato, corn or green beans, cole slaw or applesauce, roll and butter and dessert.
How Labor Day to Be
6 || September 1, 2022
Pulled pork dinner menu includes : Pulled pork, roll, baked potato, corn or green beans, cole slaw or applesauce and dessert. Both meals are $11.00 per tickets and are eat in or take out. Eat in meals will include beverages.
Saturday, September 17, 2022 • 2-6pm
Contact Information : The church office (610) 767-4572 or email to
Labor Day is a federal holiday. It honors and recognizes the American labor movement and the work and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.
Labor Day is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day weekend as we know it today also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans. The Labor Day weekend is celebrated with parties, street parades and athletic events. Why was it created? Labor Day, an annual celebration of workers and their achievements, originated during one of American Labor’s most dismal historic chapters. In the late 1800s, at the height of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to eke out a basic living. Despite restrictions in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 toiled in mills, factories and mines across the country, earning a fraction of their adult counterparts’ wages. People of all ages, particularly the very poor and recent immigrants, often faced extremely unsafe working conditions. The conditions had insufficient access to fresh air, sanitary facilities and breaks. As manufacturing increasingly grew beyond agriculture as the main source of American
St. Paul’s UCC of Indianland 787 Almond Road, Walnutport Baked Chicken or Pulled Pork Dinner
610-837-6484 2712 Mountain View Drive, Hours:www.mountainsidepizza.combathMon–Sun:11:00am–10:00pm2LargePlainPizzas$19.95+tax

Uai Brazil offers the option of rodizio service or buffet. Rodizio is all-you-can eat (priced at $39.99), with 8 to 12 meat offerings such as Picanha (rump steak), ribeye, New York Strip, pork, chicken and sausage brought to the table and sliced. The buffet (priced at $17.99) offers black beans with rice, kale, plantain, bacon, carrots, eggs, chicken salad, potato salad, tomato and lettuce, and several Brazilian offerings. Meat by the pound is extra with the buffet - $12.99 per pound for a table to share. Sandwiches and burgers are also offered for $8-$13. Lehigh PA
And that is how the national Labor Day holiday and Labor Day parades came to be. So if you didn’t know the historical facts before, now you do and you can keep them in mind when we celebrate this year’s Labor Day on Monday, September 5th.
(610)PalmertonAve,900-4783Hours:Wed.-Fri.4-9p.mSat.noon-10p.m.Sun.noon-8p.m.ClosedMondays&Tuesdays. C& E CHRIS & ELI RESTAURANTFAMILY OPEN TUESDAY TO SUNDAY 6:00 AM-8:00 PM ALL DAY BREAKFAST BREAKFASTLUNCH-DINNER DINE IN OR TAKE OUT WHERE YOU FIND A GOOD TASTE Specials Coming Soon (484)-263-0222 7115 PA ROUTE 873 SLATINGTON,
The idea of a “workingmen’s holiday,” celebrated on the first Monday in September, caught on in other industrial centers across the country, and many states passed legislation recognizing it. Congress would not legalize the holiday until 12 years later, when a watershed moment in American labor history brought workers’ rights squarely into the public’s view. On May 11, 1894, employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago went on strike to protest wage cuts and the firing of union representatives.
Workingmen’s Holiday
September 1, 2022 || 7
employment, labor unions, which had first appeared in the late 18th century, grew more prominent and vocal. They began organizing strikes and rallies to protest poor conditions and compel employers to renegotiate hours and pay. Many of these events turned violent during this period, including the infamous Haymarket Riot of 1886, in which several Chicago policemen and workers were killed. Other events gave rise to longstanding traditions: On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, holding the first Labor Day parade in U.S. history.
Uai Brazil315

8 || September 1, 2022 Continued on page 11 St. John's Lutheran Church 40 Second Street, Slatington PA You can call your order into the church office at 610-767-6361; to Harrison Williams at 610-216-4284, or e-mail your orders to Harrison at Soup, Sandwich & Stuffed Shells Dinner Sale Sandwich Choice ($6.50 ea.): • Hamburger BBQ with rolls Heat-and-Eat Dinner ($10 ea.): • Baked Stuffed Shells with three-bean salad, Italian bread & apple crisp Soup Choices (quart-size; $7 ea.): • Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup, • Homestyle Cream of Mushroom Soup, • Old-Fashion Chicken Noodle Soup Pick-up is Saturday, September 24, from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. Deadline to order is Sunday, Sept. 18 TCGAUG22-B_StJohns-Lutheran.indd 1 8/11/22 2:27 PM Roosevelt Demo Club Danielsville, Lehigh Township, PA 610-767-2664 Have a Bowling Party Today! Six Lanes Available Available for Members & Non-Members We also have catering and a private bar in the hall & bowling alley! Call 610-767-2664 to Schedule Your Event Hall Available for Your Special Occasion Seating for up to 150 Guests BASKETOUTDOORRAFFLE Christ’s Church at Lowhill 4695 Lowhill Church Rd. New Tripoli | 610-842-4781 Saturday September 17 10:00am-3:00pm (if raining indoors) Need not be present to win Food and beverage available for purchase The Benefits of Eating Out(doors) sesamorestaurant.comSOURCE:(edited) Food is definitely a very important part of our lives. And when you combine it with the outdoors, the experience can be incredible. But have you ever wondered if eating outside has some other real benefits for you as well? It does. benefits, but we cannot begin with anything other than fresh air. The more you stay in the fresh air, rather than stale, recycled indoor air, the healthier you will be. Nature Soothes You If you have ever made even a small natural Whether you are visiting your favorite outdoor restaurant for lunch, or grilling something in your own backyard, outdoor eating can actually be quite rewarding for you in terms of your health and lifestyle. Here’s how. You Get to Enjoy Fresh Air Eating outdoors actually has many incredible

September 1, 2022 || 9 AntiquesLARRY’S & NewWalnutport,CollectiblesPa.PhoneNumber610-657-4125 Old Toys, Games, Photos, Postcards, Signs, Books, Advertising Items, Most Any Type of Old Paper Items Old Christmas and Old Halloween Decorations Costume Jewelry, Tins, Crocks, Military Items, Old Store Items, Household Items, Vases, Flower Pots, Kitchen Items, Glasses, Mixing Bowls, Old Dishware We also handle old business items such as: ledger, photos, and day books. Old Garden Fixtures


September 1, 2022 || 11 Eating Out(doors) Continued from page 8 Kushy Boutique No Time to Shop …. Shop at your convenience online & have it delivered locally to your door or pickup is still available because your time is important!! Many Items can be found on our website to choose from with over 80 artisans creating beautiful items www.KushyBoutique.comdaily!!4622LehighDrive,WalnutportPA18088484 934 1489 Now Accepting In store & Online !! You can register at and start shopping today instore or online at ... Fall Items Have Arrived & More Coming In!! In Store Hours: Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday 10 5pm / Wed & Thursday 10 7pm Friday 10 5 Saturday 10 6pm addition to your surroundings, such as an aquarium or a potted plant, you might have noticed that it can have an excellent effect on you. It can soothe you physically as well as psychologically. Plus, research shows that it can contribute to keeping your blood pressure and heart rate under control as well. If just that small addition has so much benefit, think how rewarding it could be to eat in an environment that’s all natural. Studies show that eating outdoors, along with keeping your heart healthy, can also decrease stress hormones in your mind and ease your muscle tension. You Eat in a Relaxed Setting
Whether sitting at a restaurant with outdoor dining or eating in own garden, eating in an outdoor setting gives you a relaxed view of things. Many outdoor dining areas at restaurants are designed to provide you with a taste of nature, often filled with plants and flowers. In your home garden the greenery surrounding you can help you feel relaxed while you prepare and enjoy a nice home-cooked meal. Body Functions You already know that everything goes better when you are free of stress. Among other things, a stress-free body is better able to digest and absorb the nutrients in your food. One of the benefits of eating outdoors is the increased level of Vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D not only helps you absorb calcium to build and keep bones strong, but keeps the levels of adrenalin, serotonin, and dopamine in control, which lifts your mood and helps you avoid depression.
Continued on page 12

12 || September 1, 2022 OPEN 7 DAYS - DINE IN Order Online Letwww.ristorantedoncorleone.comushostyournextpartyinourbanquetroom! BYOB NOWDELIVERYOFFERING A dult B ingo American Legion Post 314 314 Veterans Ave., Lehighton 18235 Friday, September 30 • 7pm Doors and Kitchen open 5 pm Raffle • Specials Draft Been and Soda included Only 150 tickets available Call 610-377-0511 for info and tickets Must be 18 to play 21 to Drink $25.00 pp • 20 games inWeekendPrize-GrandNiagaraFallsfor2 It Helps Keep You Social When you cook outdoors at home, you can take your kitchen to the grill and invite a few friends over. Food can taste even better outdoors with people who appreciate your invitation. Invite your friends to each bring something to contribute to the meal and it’s even better. Plus, when cooking and eating outside, you hardly ever have to worry if anything gets spilled. You Sleep Better And finally, dinner outdoors can help improve your sleep. With fresh air around you and the laid-back approach to your dinner, your mind and body can relax and feel rejuvenated. A relaxing and positive outdoor dining experience for yourself, your family and friends just might let you drift off to sleep with a nice, big smile on your face. So dining outdoors, as you can see, has several benefits both in terms of your health and lifestyle. If you don’t usually eat outdoors, give it a try. It could be a fun and enjoyable change to your routine. Eating Out(doors) Continued from page 11

According to a Popmenu survey of owners and operators, as well as customers, staffing challenges have been hurting business the entire summer. During the course of the pandemic, restaurants quickly adjusted to off-premise dining with curbside pick-up, delivery and a heavier emphasis on take-out. But now customers are truly back for full, on premise dining. The strain of short-staffing is Fifty-oneshowing. percent of the restaurant owners and operators surveyed said their businesses lacked the staffing to meet the needs of the increased, on premise demand. Some impacts of short-staffing include the overloading of kitchen staff, if shortstaffed, and reduced business hours. Many restaurants are now also emphasizing digital ordering to cut wait times for sit-down customers to fill gaps the in their operations. All these adjustments can be felt by customers at every table. That is if they get seated at a table
Popmenu Survey
September 1, 2022 || 13 The Impact Short-Staffingof at Restaurants Continued on page 14 St.U.C.C.John’s 15 2nd SlatingtonSt., Vince’s Cheesesteaks 2-6pm September 8 Emerald Cider Mill 3571 East Grant St., Slatington • 610-767-8304 Quality Fruits & Vegetables Opening for the Season September 8 Apples, Bartlett Pear and Concord Grapes Large Selection of Pumpkins, Gourds, Mums, Straw Bails and Corn Stalks. Local Honey and Pa Dark Maple Syrup. Apple Cider Vinegar Open 7 Days A Week 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. We Accept Pa Farmers Market Checks Fresh Appleand September-----------------CherryAppleCiderPearCider15 By John Hall for Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette
Restaurants have been among the hardest hit of all industries in terms of short-staffing due to the pandemic. Both customers and staff avoided restaurants for quite some time, but the pandemic is easing and many restaurants are now reporting increased customer demand up to and beyond pre-pandemic levels. So the customers are back, but staffing has not kept pace and the impact of short-staffing is being felt by both the owners of the restaurants and their customers.

Short-Staffing Continued from page 13
One of the biggest challenges for restaurants is managing customer expectations. In a way, managing those expectations is also the biggest challenge for the customer. No one likes a diminished experience, especially as costs rise, but we do need to understand the impact of shortstaffing, which will hopefully not last forever. One key area is the time it can take for a server to get to you, and then the time it takes for your order to get to you.
I’ve seen this situation recently: There was a bartender-manager (a good one) and two servers, except one of the servers didn’t show up. I got seated before the rush, but at one point a good
14 || September 1, 2022 More than just a pizzeria! 255 S. Best Avenue • Best Plaza Walnutport, PA 18088 610-760-2428 Monday-Thursday & Saturday 11am-9:30pm • Friday 11am-10:30pm • Sunday Noon-9pm d’Soprano’s TCG $2.00 off any large speciality pizza or a large Stromboli Pick Up Only ~ Expires 9-14-22 • Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with any other coupon. Now OnlineOfferingOrdering before they give up and walk out. Managing Customer Expectations

dozen people from three or four parties were in a holding pattern inside the front door. I could hear the manager explaining they couldn’t be seated right away because there weren’t enough people to wait on them and take their orders, etc.
Joseph Vargo
Lehigh Township Historical Society News
The good news is that restaurants have become more adaptable in light of staffing shortages. As frustrating as it can be at times when eating out, as customers we have to remember to be kind to the staff we interface with, because these are the team members who have shown up. They are the team members who will do their very best to help us have a great time once we walk in the door.
Submitted by Ruth Hall Kent Summer is almost over and our next Open House at the Historical Centre Museum will be held on Sunday, September 4th (Labor Day weekend) from 1 to 4 pm. This will be the last Sunday Open House this year, but we will also be open on Saturday, September 10th during our annual Mum Sale. (In the classified ads/events section of this Gazette you can find details about our Annual Fall Mum Sale scheduled from 9 am to 2 pm.)
If you wish to visit or drop off donations from September through April, we are open most Tuesday mornings from 9am to Noon except the second Tuesday of each month when we are closed. We are also open by appointment for both the Historical Centre and the St. Paul’s One-Room School for visitors or groups year-round. Call 610-440-0151 and leave a message to schedule. Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 9th 12-3 pm for our special Open House at the St. Paul’s One-Room Schoolhouse in Indianland. Our theme this year is “Old Fashioned School Lunches”, featuring the types of food school children took to school between 1865 and the 1950s. Come and eat lunch with us, tour the one-room school and share your stories about attending a one-room schoolhouse. More details coming soon. The program is free and open to the public. The event is sponsored by Country View Farms, Gilbert Funeral Home of Whitehall; Becky’s Drive In; Neffs National Bank and the Lehigh Township Lions Club. Please visit our website at www. for more details on our upcoming events or call the Centre at 610-440-0151 and leave a message. We hope to see you in September and October.
It was clearly frustrating for the people at the door because they could see plenty of empty tables in the bar area as well as the dining room. Since that one staff member didn’t show, the whole bar/ dining-room operation was off. Eventually two more servers did arrive and the situation eased, but not before at least four potential customers walked out. For them, the experience was memorable in the wrong way, and for the restaurant, business was lost. And who knows what the word-of-mouth was from those people who walked out.
September 1, 2022 || 15 Henry’s Service Station Inspections - Emissions - Repairs Alignments - Gas - Kerosene Texaco Trucks & Planes Retailer Monday-Friday 6:30am-7pm Saturday Preston610-767-3786Sunday-Closed6:30am-6pm&RuthannHenry4024Mt.ViewDanielsvilleDrive SchnecksvilleNotary
- Notary PENNDOT Title & Tag Service 4445 Route 309 Schnecksville PA 18078 Phone: 484-357-1442 Openschnecksvillenotary@gmail.comemail:Monday-Friday9amto5pmOthertimesbyAppointmentInstallationPumpWillbeatanyone’sprice! T. J. Uhnak Pump Installation & Repair Hot Water Heaters • Water Softeners Water Testing • UV Lights • Purifiers WELL DRILLING Fully Insured • Call 610-762-6666TerryWalnutport,PA

St. Peter’s UMC Events
The Library is looking to start a Teen Advisory Board. If you are a teen and wish to get involved, please call or stop in the library for more information.Libraryhours
16 || September 1, 2022
It’s Food Truck Thursday and we’re looking to share God’s blessings. At 10am you are welcome to get food. Remember to bring along your own bags and boxes, as the items are not packaged. Always keep watch on the church Facebook page for cancellations, postponements etc. The line begins at the Northern Lehigh Food Bank. Both Monday morning and Monday evening Bible Study’s will start up again on September 12th. Times are 11am and 6:30pm. Thursday evening Bible Study will be on the series “Chosen 2”. This will be held at 6pm. “Grief Share” will begin a new session on September 13th. Grief Share” meets on Tuesday morning at 10am, at the Helping Hand Community Center of Slatedale, located at 4019 Main Street, Slatedale. If you are interested in participating contact Pastor Bill. New program coming. “Surviving the Loss of a Spouse,” Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 10am. The Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale, is a ministry of St. Peter’s Church.Wednesday mornings the Pastor alternates between “The Palmerton and Sacred Heart by the Creek in Northampton for a time of worship with the residents. If you would like to fellowship with the residents and have a time of worship midweek, contact Pastor Bill for the schedule and time. On Friday’s join Pastor Michelle with “Moments with Kids“4pm. These can be viewed on StPetersChurch18080. EDGE is back for their regular meetings on September 12th on Monday evenings from 6-7pm. For more information, please contact Kristin at 484-550-2578. The group meets at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St, Slatedale. Please note NO School means NO EDGE. Our monthly clothing ministry “The Redeemers Closet” is open on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9am -Noon, at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St. Slatedale. See you on September 17th, come and
Submitted by Sharleen Crossett
More changes are coming to St. Peter’s. First is that we are changing our Sunday School and Worship times. Starting September 11th, Sunday school for all ages groups will begin at 9:30am. Worship will begin at 10:30am. Communion will continue to be observed the first Sunday of the month. Starting in October we will return to cups and bread. Pre-packaged elements will be available for those who desire them.
submitted by Louise Bechtel
are currently Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9am to 5pm, Tues. 9am to 3pm, Sat. 8am to 2:00pm. The library is closed Thursday and Sunday. Any questions concerning this information please contact Louise Bechtel at the Library at (610) 767-6461. Thank you.
There is currently an opening on the Library Board of Directors for a representative from the Borough of Slatington. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board, and would like to get involved in your community, please contact theSeptemberlibrary. is library card sign-up. Join the Slatington library and have access to the holdings of 11other local libraries. A library card is free for any Northern Lehigh resident.
The Book Club is currently reading “The Return,” by Nicholas Sparks. They will meet in person and virtually on Tuesday, September 6th at 1:00pm due to the labor day holiday. There are copies of the book available at the library. If you are interested in joining the book club, please contact the library.
Slatington Library News

September 1, 2022 || 17 A.F. Boyer Hardware & Guns 130 Main Street Slatington 610-767-3575 or 610-767-3162 EST. 1868 ~ 5 Generations Check our Facebook for updates! @Boyer Hardware 2022 GLOCK DAY SALES EVENT! OctoberSaturday,88am-5pm check out all the new clothing. Please note that both clothing collection boxes are now open for donations of gently used clothing only NO toys, etc. Please do not leave clothing outside of collection boxes. If clothing gets wet, we must throw it away. Your cooperation is appreciated. In all areas of the church’s ministries, we continue to praise God for his blessings both large and small. If you have a need, please contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450 to see if help is available. Whether you are looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check out our website: FOGELSVILLE, www.christmanseptic.com610-285-2563PAHIC#PA017760 Enzo Giarratana 3015 College Heights Blvd Allentown, PA. 610-437-185518104 15% off all hair first-timeserviceofcarecustomproductscareorhairproducts$10offthepurchase$100oranychemicalfortheclient15% off gift certificates of value of $100 for the startingholidaysnow || September 1, 2022 Visiting FarmersMarketplaceSlatingtonandMarket McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! ollow idelHFarm HeIn Time EggsOrderToForEaster McCUTCHEON Jams & Jellies Farm,610-767-2409Inc. FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed Retail & Wholesale m, Inc. Potatoes Barley Straw for Ponds McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! H Time EggsOrderToForEaster McCUTCHEON Jams & JelliesW hite Potatoes 50 lbs - $1 Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FAR M FR ESH EGGS Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedHay & Straw Retail & Wholesale Buy Direct From the Farm! ollow HeidelHFarm,Time EggsOrderToForEaster HoneyLocal Pumpkins,HardyFall Mums, Local Apples, Hardy Fall Mums, Pumpkins, Local Produce, Tomatoes,Peppers Jack Follweiler’s Garage C OMPLETE M ECHANCIAL W ORK Over 35 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed WE BUY USED ORAUTOSUNWANTED 6932 Jay St. Slatington, PA 18080 610–767–4414 SOURCE: Various If you’re not familiar with the Slatington Marketplace, it is a one-of-a-kind environment to go searching for antique, craft and vintage treasures. The Marketplace came into existence in 2015. Now it also has a whole range of eating and drinking options in the attached Slatington Farmers Market that was postponed about two years due to the pandemic, but is now moving ahead with gusto. The Marketplace is located in the former Keystone Lamp Factory if you know where that was, specifically at 8281 PA-873 in Washington Township at the edge of Slatington. The entire Marketplace campus is 19 acres large, including several parking lots and more than 250,000 square feet of floor space. There is alot to see and explore. You’ll find everything from toys and collectibles to tools, advertising signs, linens, furniture and a great deal more. Of course one question when planning a visit to such an extensive antiques and collectables

September 1, 2022 || 19 Continued on page 20 MEMORIALS,WOMER LLC. byMon.-Fri.Hours:9-5,Sat.9-3AfterHoursAppointment Located on Route 143 between New Tripoli and Kempton next to Leaser Lake VisaMastercard Accepted Quality Since 1954 Before Buying a Memorial See Our Huge Display Over 300 Memorials to Choose From C he C k our P ri C e and Q uality 8600 Kings Kempton,Highway,PA 610-756-6033 marketplace where you could easily spend a couple of hours is this: are there places to eat? The answer to that question is a definite “yes.” The original Marketplace now has the new Slatington Farmers Market at one end. It’s important to note that the Marketplace is open Wednesday through Sunday, while the Farmers Market is only open Friday through Sunday. The Farmers Market At the end of the complex that’s closest to Slatington, you’ll find a beautiful new parking lot with plantings and the main entrance to the new Slatington Farmers Market. You enter through a row of glass doors to all the sights and sounds of the Market. Straight ahead of you there will be a fresh produce stand and to your left, right and

20 || September 1, 2022 Accepting Applications Lincoln Manor Apartments One and Two BR Apartments plus One BR Accessible Apartments Security Deposit, One year Lease, and Income Verifications required. Call or write: Lincoln Manor, 320 Oak St. Walnutport, PA 18088 610-767-9232 TDD 711 Managed by: Grosse and Quade Management Co. “This institution is an equal opportunity housing provider and employer.” FRIEDENS UCC 7227 Route 873, Slatington Church Yard Sale & Bake Sale inside Homemade Soups Apple Fritters & Dumplings Door Prizes Take Out Available SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 th 9am–2pm Fall Festival Join Us For Food, Fun & Fellowship, Featuring... TCGAUG22_FriedensUCC.indd 1 8/15/22 8:15 AM TWO WHEELZ MENS PEDICURE Walnutport,103484.262.9992MainStreet,PA18088 Hours: M-F 6pm-8pm, Sat and Sun 10am-8pm Where the uncomfortable go to get comfortable further in, you will find a big range of food and beverage offerings. The produce stand is run by Bleiler’s Produce Patch from Breinigsville. Bleiler’s is family-owned and began its operations several decades ago. Bleiler’s uses NON-GMO and Heirloom seeds and has a passion for bringing truly nutritious fruits and vegetables to the market and the community. The family farms mostly by traditional farming Slatington Marketplace and Farmers Market Continued from page 19 Trying to Lose Weight? Hard to do on your own? Join us at “TOPS”— just pick up the phone! “TOPS” CLUB, REAL PEOPLE, REAL WEIGHT LOSS, CHAPTER #1741 No charge for your first visit, just come in and check us out and see if this is what you have been looking for! Held at Salem UMC, 4145 Forest Inn Rd., Palmerton Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 p.m. Call 610.737.1450 for more information. TCGAUG22_Tops.indd 1 8/8/22 12:28 PM

Un nemm des Raad in Hand; No gehne mir wie en Schtraale-blitz
Die Maggie Liz, die Sally Ann, Hen madderlich gegrische Der Jim hot sei Middaag-esse Iwwer's Dashbord gschmisse; Em Jecky sei Hatz waar in seim Hals;
Submitted by Larry Gradwohl En Draam En Lied vum John Schmid seim CD, In Dutch Ich hab gedraamt die anner Nacht, Ich hett en Gas-maschien –En Automobile Touring Car; Es schpringt mit Gasoline. No saag ich zu die Mommy, Do watt's mol gange fer en Reid, No faahre mir gedichdichlich Do rum wie Gentleleit. Ich hock die Mommy hinnedruff, Sum Jecky un die Till,
Der Ikey un der Mikey, Der Sammy un der Bill, Die Maggie Liz, die Sally Ann Sin all druff uff emol Vanne waar der Fritz un Jim No waar der Waage voll. No duhn ich mol der Dricker druff
Was der henker, macht's dann aus Uff ee raad odder vier? Mit so en scientific Machien Wie ich der Engineer; ’S iss iwwer Hund un Katz un Maus Un Hinkel, Sei un Gens; Der Dreck hot ghanke iwwer all, Wie Gravy uff die Fens. No blotzt es wie iwwer en Schtee, Uff em Schteet-weg-monument Datt hot's die Tillie achtmol Schier darrich's Dach gerennt;
Der Ikey und der Mikey Der Sammy und der Fritz Hen Blod’re grickt wie Hinkel-oier Uff ihre Hossesitz.
In alle Schtrooss im Land, Iwwer Hiwwel nunner un Hiwwel nuff Un um die Ecker rum. No greischt die Mommy, "Ach, du liewer, Du schmeisscht waahrhafdich um!"
But the list goes on! You’ll find crepes, burgers and pizza, as well as nutritional smoothies and more. On the beverage side, you can enjoy a full bar at the back of the Farmers Market featuring products from Doan Distilleries out of Quakertown that was started in 2020 by owners Susan and Christopher LaBonge, as well as offerings from Stone Lake Winery. For more information on the Slatington Farmers Market visit the website at
September 1, 2022 || 21 Continued on page 22 Fully Insured Quality Work at Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES (610) 767-7119 or 703-3848, cell MACK’S TREE SERVICE • Stump Grinding • Take Downs • Corrective Pruning • Trimming • Cleanup • Hedges • Shaping • Wood Chips • Storm Work • Lot Clearing • Shrubbery • Bob Cat Service • 60’ Bucket Truck methods that include all natural fertilizers, chemical-free practices and natural compost. Definitely check out their fresh produce when you go. Additional Food Outlets Either at the start of your visit or sometime during your visit to the Marketplace and Farmers Market, you will want to enjoy some of the wellreceived food and beverage offerings – there’s a nice range of them. In addition to Bleiler’s you have everything from an ice cream stand featuring Hershey’s Ice Cream to Japanese meals at Takkii Ramen. You will also find coffee and gourmet cupcakes, Uncle Jay’s BBQ and even Mediterranean fare at True Blue Mediterranean Express Foods.

Touch of Dutch Continued from page 21
All got in together. In the front was Fritz and Jim, Then the wagon was full. Then I turned the trigger on And took the wheel in hand. And we took off like lightning bolts Over every street in the land. It went up hill, down hill, And around the corners, Then mommy screamed, “O my dear, You're going to upset for sure!” What the heck makes the difference If we're on one wheel or four? With such a scientific machine And with an engineer like me? We went over dogs and cats and mice And chickens, pigs and geese. The dirt hung on everything Like gravy on the fence. Then it bounced over a stone –On a state road monument. It knocked Tillie almost Through the roof eight times! Then Ikey and Mikey, Sammy and Fritz Had blisters like chickens-eggs On their pants seats. Maggie Liz, and Sally Ann Screamed bloody murder Jim threw his breakfast Up all over the dash board. Jakey's heart was in his throat, Mommy turned green, Jim went into convulsions Every five minutes.
Just like the rich people. I put mommy in the back, Add Jakey and Till, Ikey and Mikey, Sammy and Bill, Maggie Liz, Sally Ann
Die Mommy hot sich grie aagschickt; Der Jim hot die Gichd’re Alle fimf Minudde grickt. Nau Ich bin schunn viel getraewelt Uff die Limited Express, Mit griene Esel, wilde Geil Un anner Vieh wie des . Ich hab als schunn geridde Muhlekieh un Fenseriggel, Awwer en Gas-maschien beat alles noch Fer fliege unne Fliggel!
A song from John Schmid’s CD, In Dutch
Des waar die very best Blessier In unser Leweszeit, Fer faahre mit en Touring-kaer Wie annre Gentleleit. Es iss en End zu all Blessier Un alle Gas-machien Iss wie en Esel unne Hoi; Es schtoppt fer Gasoline. No hot en Hann geblose datt Gedichdich laut un pleen! Un waar schunn do, sin mir all Lewendich widder deheem, Un wie ich weck vun meinem Draam Un geb en gut, gross Dank Geht's Hann doch widder Es waar der Paul — er schneichst laut.
Honk! -SongwriterHonk!unknown
A Dream (About a Gas Machine)
22 || September 1, 2022
The other night I dreamed That I had a gas machine, An automobile touring car That ran with gasoline. Then I said to mommy, Now we are going for a ride, We'll drive around in high class style

September 1, 2022 || 23 Featuring Coach, Michael Kors & Vera Bradley Sunday, Sept 18 Doors open 11:30 a.m. • Bingo begins 1 p.m. Diamond Fire Hall • 110 Main St., Walnutport Pre-Sale Tickets Available $30 pp/25 games (20 reg, 5 specials) Tricky Tray • Door Prize • Bake Sale • Basket Raffle • Kitchen Open FMI/Advance Tickets: 610-703-4943 or Benefits St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Walnutport Designer Purse • Essential Oils • Russian Steam Baths • Inhalations You Are Invited HYDROTHERAPY SEMINAR Natural Treatments for Respiratory Ailments September 18 2-4 HYDROTHERAPYPM SEMINAR September 18 2-4 PM Many experiencedhavegreatresults! Now, I have traveled quite a bit On the limited express,With green mules, wildAndhorsesother beasts like that.Ihave also ridden ‘Muley’ cows (no horns) and fence rails, But a gas machine beats Flying without wings! This was the very best pleasure In our life time: To travel in a touring car Like other wealthy folks. There is an end to all pleasures And all gas machines, Just like a donkey without hay, It stopped when it ran out of gas. Then the horn blew there Real loud and plain! And it was already here, we were All thankful to be home. And as I woke from my dream And gave a hearty thanks, The horn blew again! It was Paul – he snores loud, Honk, Honk! [I don’t know who wrote this funny song or when it was written (probably early in the twentieth century.) , but John Schmid from Holmes County, Ohio recorded it on his first Dutch CD. If you are interested in that, here is a link: http://johnschmid. com/shop/ This CD is listed on page two.]

24 || September 1, 2022 We do storm damage and seamless gutters. •New Roofs •Repairs •Reroofing •Slate Repairs •Fascia and Soffit •Vinyl Siding •Roof Ventilation 610-837-7508 - Bath, PA NO STREAKING SHINGLE w/Lifetime Guarantee - Full Back-up provided by Scotchgard TED’S ROOFING PA#089829 NJ#13VH08202700 7965 PA Route 873, Slatington Ph: 610-767-4268 • Fax: www.walnutportdoor.com610-767-6651 PA #051067 DoorWalnutportCo.,LLC ServingCustomersCommercialResidential/forover40years AcceptingAcceptingNewCustomersNewCustomers September22,2019) ONRaffles,TroC a10’x20’space-$ (RainDateSeptember25,2022) Crafts,Vendors&FleaMarket,DJ,Raffles,Trophies,FoodMOORETWPRECREATIONCENTER–635EnglishRoad,Bath,PA18014SundaySeptember18,2022–9:00amVehicleregistration–DonationsAccepted 10’x20’space-$10.00 (OffRt946CommunityDrive)ForInformationCall610-837-0977mooretwplions@gmail.comMOORETWPLIONS&LIONESS25thAnnualCARSHOW

September 1, 2022 || 25 24 TOWING HOUR LIGHT DUTY | MEDIUM DUTY | HEAVY DUTY • Local & long-distance • Accident recovery • Towing recovery • Tractor trailer towing • Light, medium, & heavy-duty towing • motorcyclesTransport • Undecking service EXPERT AUTO BODY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES Complete Collision Repairs to Paintless Dent Removal Over 65 Years of LocatedExperienceinCoplay, PA www.irontonautobodyandtowing.com610-799-3251 Over 65 Years of Experience 4136 Mauch Chunk Road Coplay, PA 610-799-325118037

26 || September 1, 2022 Getting Relief from Rising Food and Heating Costs Burger King is Looking for Team Members STARTING AT $12.00/HR PLEASE COME TO 201 S. Best Avenue Walnutport, PA 2575 PA-Route 309 Orefield, PA TO APPLY IN PERSON OR Email your information to: TeamBurgerJademanagement@hotmail.comKingisLookingforMembersSTARTING AT $10.00/HR PLEASE COME TO 201 S. Best Avenue Walnutport, PA TO APPLY IN PERSON OR Email your information to: SOURCE: Various If the costs of food, heating and fuel (gas, oil, electric) are strangling your budget, here are some resources you can reach out to for relief from rising costs.Inthe area of food there are food banks and pantries generally run by non-profit organizations, churches and charity agencies. Some may also provide additional social services to the low income and qualified residents of the local community. These can include vouchers for emergency prescriptions, emergency clothing and more. Listed is information for eight food banks/ pantries in our region. In addition, we are providing the phone and website for applying for HARDING FUNERAL HOME, INC. David M. Supervisor/PresidentHarding Nathanael J. Horvath Funeral Director 25-27 N. Second St., Slatington, PA 18080 610-767-3011 • Serving the Northern Lehigh and Surrounding Areas for 65 years *365 days a year/24 hours a day*

Location: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 175 South Third Street Lehighton, PA Hours of Operation: Every Tuesday from 10:00a to 3:00pm Contact Ron & Carolyn Long or Mrs. Shirley
Northampton Area Food Bank 1601 Canal Northampton,StreetPA Phone: (610) 262-8030 Hours of Operation: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Thursday; 5:00 – 7:00pm 2nd & 3rd Saturday; 9:30am – 12:00pm Northern Lehigh Food Bank 7884 Center Street Emerald, PA Phone: (610) 767-9525 Hours of Operation: Thursdays from 4:00 – 7:00pm Palmerton Area: This food bank serves households in Palmerton, Towamensing, Lower Towamensing Townships, and the Palmerton School District including Bowmanstown.
SaintLocation:John’s Towamensing Lutheran Church 2915 Fire Line Road Palmerton, PA Hours of Operation: Fourth Friday of each month from 8:30a to 3:30p Contact Mrs. Barbara Brader Phone 610-377-4768, or Mr. Kenneth Kaiser Phone 610-826-6133
Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania 6969 Silver Crest Rd
Pennsylvania’s SNAP program (formerly known as Food Stamps). There is information at that website that can also lead you to medical assistance.
September 1, 2022 || 27 Continued on page 28
Lehighton Area: Serves households in Lehighton, Mahoning, Franklin, East Penn Townships, Weissport, and the Lehighton Area School District, including Parryville.
RadlerPhone 610-377-4303
Bath Food Pantry Lower Level: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 206 East Main Street Bath, PA Phone: 484-597-2105 Hours of Operation: 2nd Tuesday 9:30– 11:00am & 6:00 – 7:00pm Catasauqua Area Food Bank 527 Front Street Catasauqua, PA Phone: (610) 264-8366 Hours of WednesdayOperation:&Friday 3:00 – 4:00pm Christ Church of Bath* *Soup Kitchen* - (multiple locations, call for site) 109 South Chestnut Street Bath, PA Phone: (610) 837-0345 Hours of Operation: Saturday 12:00 – 1:00pm

Assistance-Programs/ •
Oil Cost Relief / The Pennsylvania Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) offers financial aid to households to help pay for heating oil bills through energy assistance and crisis grants. To apply: Assistance/pages/liheap.aspx
Electric Bill Relief
PPL: Operation HELP is a PPL Electric program that provides grants to eligible families struggling with their energy bills. To find out more: Met-Ed: This site includes information on several assistance programs available from MetEd: ed.html
Gas Bill Relief / UGI Customer Assistance Program: programs/CAP/
28 || September 1, 2022 Getting Relief Continued from page 27 Nazareth, PA Phone: 484-287-4015 Hourswww.shfblv.orgofOperation: Monday through Friday 7:00am – 4:00pm Pennsylvania SNAP Program The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the new name for the Food Stamp program. These benefits are used to buy food. No matter where you are in our reading area, call this number 1-866-550-4355 or visit this webpage to directly apply for SNAP. Benefits.aspxgov/Services/Assistance/Pages/Apply-for- Heating Fuel Cost Relief No matter if you use oil, gas or electric, if your bills are strangling your budget or you are falling behind on paying them, there are places to get relief.

Cookie is a pit mix, about 4 years old, and as sweet as her name! She adores people, knows basic commands, is crate and house trained. Would do best as the only dog, and we recommend older children due to her size and strength. is a black mouth curr old. She loves to play ball, lots of hugs! She will need climbing. She would do best no cats.
Xena is about 4 years old, very personable, boxer mix, who is scared until she feels comfortable in her surroundings. She does not like to be on a leash, does best as a free roamer, she likes to check on the other rescue mates during her rounds!
BonBon is a black lab mix, about 4 years old and is a very big and strong girl. She takes treats very gently, loves to play ball and then cuddle while getting belly rubs. She knows basic commands and is crate and potty trained.
The Sanctuary at Haafsville 901 Nestle Way, Breinigsville, PA thesanctuarypa.orgdogadoptions@18031 Country Clippers Pet
GroomingProfessionalAllBreedDogandCatGroomingContactStacyGoldbergorJenniferFrable610-824-2626 PLEASE HELP US FIND THESE DOGS A HOME!!
Cookie is a pit mix, about 4 years old, and as sweet as her name! She adores people, knows basic commands, is crate and house trained. Would do best as the only dog, and we recommend older children due to her size and strength.
September 1, 2022 || 29 aRescueFriend HiringNow SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 ||
Lacey Labrador Retriever Mix Breinigsville Health: Vaccinations up to date, Prefers a home without cats, children. Lacey is about 2 years old, hound/lab mix. She is on the timid side and needs someone who can be patient and give her experiences in a slow fashion. Building confidence would be her goal. No young children, due to her slow to warm personality. A meet with other dogs would be needed and no If you are interested in adopting We are open every Saturday to the public from 12-2.
Lilo is a blue nose pit mix, found abandoned in a local park, she is about 4 years old, loves to carry her stuffed toy everywhere, but doesn't like to share them. No small children. Potty trained, knows basic commands, likes to go for walks and car rides. She does not like to be in a crate and is a fence climber. Despite all her quirks, she will hop on your lap for snuggles.
Cookie is a pit mix, about 4 years old, and as sweet as her name! She adores people, knows basic commands, is crate and house trained. Would do best as the only dog, and we recommend older children due to her size and strength. is a black mouth curr mix, about old. She loves to play ball, and then lots of hugs! She will need a high climbing. She would do best as the no cats. Ginger is about 1 year old, very loves to give hugs. She really would an only dog and no cats. She is crate trained. local park, she is about 4 years old, loves to carry her stuffed toy everywhere, but doesn't like to share them. No small children. Potty trained, knows basic commands, likes to go for walks and car rides. She does not like to be in a crate and is a fence climber. Despite all her quirks, she will hop on your lap for snuggles.
please email to fill out an application and questionnaire
Ginger is about 1 year old loves to give hugs. She really an only dog and no cats. trained.She
BonBon is a black lab mix, about 4 years old and is a very big and strong girl. She takes treats very gently, loves to play ball and then cuddle while getting belly rubs. She knows basic commands and is crate and potty trained.
PLEASE NOTE: At this time we are following CDC guidelines and practicing social distancing and wearing masks in our buildings
LiLo is a blue nose pit mix, found abandoned in a local park, she is about 4 years old, loves to carry her stuffed toy everywhere, but doesn't like to share them. No small children. Potty trained, knows basic commands, likes to go for walks and car rides. She does not like to be in a crate and is a fence climber. Despite all her quirks, she will hop on your lap for snuggles.

30 Myster Tree and Shrub Service The area’s only ISA Board Certified Master Arborist Specializing in restoring & maintaining the health, beauty & value of landscape trees • Structural, directional & maintenance pruning • Root problem diagnosis & mitigation • Pest & disease diagnosis & treatment • Hazard tree evaluations & mitigation • Consultations-new construction & existing landscape trees • Tree and stump removal Glenn A. Myster (610) 262-4150 PDO288B BOARD CERTIFIED MASTER ARBORIST O w Contact us today to get started. Score a From our family to yours! Buy Fresh, Buy Local •Turkey Hill drinks and ice cream •Kitchen Kettle Products from Lancaster •Locally grown Vegetables (seasonal) 3250 Mauch Chunk Rd., Coplay Mon.-Fri. 9-6:30•Sat. 9-5•Sun. 9-4 • 610-799-3303 We accept FMNP checks & EBT $1 off any purchase of $10 or more NEWHARD Corn Shed • 610-799-3303 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 9/30/22 TCG $3 off any purchase of $25 or more NEWHARD Corn Shed • 610-799-3303 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 9/30/22 TCG Featuring over50 specialty fooditems fresh fromLancaster county at Our Own Premium Quality Sweet Corn Robin balloonsbyr@gmail.comBalloonZamadicsArtist610-509-1897 Balloons by Robin Balloons for all occasions ~ Gifts • Arches Columns • Sculptures • Balloon Twisting Like us on Facebook at Balloons by Robin

September 1, 2022 || 31 FREE IN -STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484-656-7771WWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.COM(Productinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)FollowusonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMONPM;SUN:WELLNESS markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYNON100%ProductsWaterVGCBNightCBGoCanineCanineFelineIntimateGummiesTopicalTopicalBodyFaceUnderEdiblesFREE IN STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS) 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484 656 Follow(ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.C7771OMinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)usonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMON-SAT:10AM7PM;SUN:11AM6PMBALANCEWELLNESSBEAUTYPETS 100% ORGANIC NON-GMO markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPProductsWaterSolubleVGCloudTinctureCBNightCBGoCanineTinctureCanineTreatsFelineTinctureIntimateProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesbringwellnesstohumanstheEarthbyproducingqualityCBDon FREE IN STORE CBD SAMPLES LOCATION: WEIS PLAZA (NEAR DUNKIN DONUTS) 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE 484 656 Follow(ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.C7771OMinfo,Blogs,Articlesandmore)usonFacebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsvilleMONSAT:10AM7PM;SUN:11AM6PMBALANCEWELLNESSBEAUTYPETS 100% ORGANIC NON GMO markethighestandWeMISSIONNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPProductsWaterSolubleVGCloudTinctureCBNightCBGoCanineTinctureCanineTreatsFelineTinctureIntimateProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotionFaceCreamUnderEyeSerumEdiblesbringwellnesstohumanstheEarthbyproducingthequalityCBDontheLSVILLE 100% ORGANIC NON GMO EdiblesUnderFaceBodyTopicalTopicalGummiesIntimateFelineCanineCanineCBGoCBNightVGWaterProductsNANOTECHNOLOGYPROPRIETARYHEMPSolubleCloudTinctureTinctureTreatsTinctureProductsCreamSerumLotionCreamEyeSerumMISSIONWebringwellnesstohumansandtheEarthbyproducingthehighestqualityCBDonthemarket Water Soluble VG Cloud CanineCBNightTinctureCBGoTinctureCanineTreats Feline IntimateTinctureProductsGummiesTopicalCreamTopicalSerumBodyLotion Face Cream Under Eye EdiblesSerum MISSION We bring wellness to humans and the Earth by producing the highest quality CBD on the market. LOCATION: LEHIGH HILLS SHOPPING CENTER 7727 GLENLIVET DRIVE WEST, SUITE D, FOGELSVILLE (ProductWWW.CBDFOGELSVILLE.COM484-656-7771info,Blogs,Articlesandmore) Follow us on MON-SAT:Facebook@CBDAmericanShamanFogelsville10AM–7PM;SUN:11AM–6PMLimitonecouponperpurchase.Notvalidwithanyotheroffer.CDL/DOT Physical Exams Performed Here • Chiropractic Care • On-Site Rehabilitation • Drug & Alcohol Testing Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. • Sat by appt. only 4450 Mountain View Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 610-760-8888 • Lehigh Valley Spinal Care Center CDL/DOT Physical Exams Performed Here • Chiropractic Care • On-Site Rehabilitation • Massage Therapy • Drug & Alcohol Testing Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. • Sat by appt. only 4450 Mountain View Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 610-760-8888 • SelectDr.Congratulations!RosshasbeenrecognizedasaChiropractorin UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | 6750 PA Route 873, Slatington (2 MILES SOUTH OF TOWN) Join us for our 26th Annual Basket Social For presale tickets, call 610.767.8113 SEPTEMBER 17–18 th Saturday 9 a.m.–3 p.m. | Sunday Noon–2 p.m.* *Drawing starts Sunday at 2 p.m. Kitchen is open, selling BBQ, hot dogs, soups, baked goods & more. Take-out or eat-in; limited outdoor seating. PRESALE TICKETS: $ 20 6 SHEETS; 25 TICKETS PER SHEET DAY OF EVENT: $ 20 5 SHEETS;SHEETSADDITIONAL$5EACH

32 || September 1, 2022 DECEMBER 17, 2020 || Their Continued Support Throughout The Year & Would Like To Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas & Richard B. InsuranceRyon AUTO BUSINESS 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, Walnutport, Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager “Our Tradition is Protecting Their Continued Support Throughout The Year & Would Like To Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas & DECEMBER 17, 2020 || 51 Richard B. InsuranceRyonHOME AUTO BUSINESS 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager “Our Tradition is Protecting You” DECEMBER 17, 2020 || 51 Richard B. Ryon Insurance Would Like To Thank Their Customers For Their Continued Support Throughout The Year & Would Like To Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Richard B. InsuranceRyonHOME AUTO BUSINESS 610.767.6641 Fax: 610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive, Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager “Our Tradition is Protecting You” Richard B. Ryon Insurance Would Like To Thank Their Customers For Their Continued Support Throughout The Year & Would Like To Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. First Stop for Business610.767.6641PhoneInsuranceFax610.767.9037 499 Riverview Drive Walnutport, PA Daniel A. Lombardo Branch Manager “Our Tradition is Protecting You”

September’s Book: Midnight at the Blackbird Café—Heather Webber Other News
Saturdays, September 3 & 24, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Stitch & Chat
For Adults An Hour to Kill
For Children
Check out the end of Farmers’ Market season in Bath at the cutest little walk-through park along Monocacy Creek. You can sign up for or renew your library card, check out items from the selection available, and catch a storytime with your kids at 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30 AM while you shop fresh and local! Need a certain item? Request it with us before we come for the weekend! Check out the latest programming information on our social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all @NorthamptonAPL) and our website at
Movie Trivia Winner Angie Kuntz from Slatington knew that Jon Hamm’s Call 610-767-9600 to claim your Becky’s family pack. character in Top Gun: Maverick has the call sign of Cyclone.
Laid Back Book Club
Kid’s Craft Bags
Pick up begins Monday, September 12 Turn a few household objects into an adorable DIY gift or decoration! This craft kit includes instructions and materials to create one apple mason jar. Such a cute gift for a teacher or adorable Autumn decor! Kits are limited, so please make sure to register.
September’s topic is Medical Maniacs! You’ve heard of Doctor Death. Let’s look into other doctors, nurses, and medical professionals with a penchant for malfeasance and murder.
September 1, 2022 || 33
Apple Mason Jar Kit
The library will be CLOSED September 5 in observance of Labor Day. We hope you have a restful weekend!Thenext meeting of the Friends of Northampton Area Public Library will be held on Tuesday, September 27 at 7:00 PM. New members are always welcome!Always wonder what happens at a library Board of Trustees Meeting? Join us on Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 PM.
Tuesday, September 13, 6:00-7:00 PM
Northampton Area Public Library
Always wanted to join a book club but didn’t have the time or didn’t want to commit? This book club is for you! Skip a month, read ahead, or read behind – it’s up to you! There are no live meetings. We will connect via email, and Facebook group. Sign up on our website to start.
NAPL @ Bath Farmers’ Market
New craft every other week: September 6 & 19
For Teens DIY Fall Scents Gel Air Freshener
Join us on Zoom for our monthly True Crime discussion. Murders, forensics, & serial killers, oh my! This group is not for the faint of heart.
Join us with your needlework, cross stitch, crochet, knitting, or anything else involving needles and thread! This month, we’ll be meeting at the tables in the library.
Pick up begins Monday, September 19 Create a DIY gel air freshener that will make your room smell like fall! All necessary supplies and instructions are included in each kit. Kits are limited, so registration is required. No NASD Kids emails please!
Craft bags are available for pickup! There will be a different craft every other week throughout the summer There is a limit of 2 per family. Crafts are first come, first served.
Wednesday, September 7, 6:00-7:00 PM

No End In Sight:
2. To form each cookie, drop 2 tablespoons 2 in. apart onto greased baking sheets. Bake until firm to the touch, 10-12 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool.
“We know the Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end of summer, but for many boaters, the long weekend serves as a ‘last blast’ invitation to get out on the water, and we expect increased boating activity on lakes and coastal waterways,”
3. For filling, in a small saucepan, combine flour and salt. Gradually whisk in milk until smooth; cook and stir over medium-high heat until thickened, 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate until completely cool.
With gas prices continuing to fall and the summer boating season coming to a close, more boaters are expected to take to the water this Labor Day holiday. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), the nation’s largest advocacy, services and safety group with more than 800,000 dues-paying members, is advising boaters to keep safety at the forefront of their boating activities.
According to an online survey of BoatUS members across the country, 65% of respondents plan on boating this Labor Day weekend. Almost 80% said they are welcoming lower gas prices and plan to extend their boating season into the fall.
65% Planning to Boat Labor Day Weekend, 80% Will Extend Season
For Boating Season
34 || September 1, 2022 Continued on page 40 Old-Fashioned Whoopie Pies TOTAL TIME: Prep: 35 min. + chilling Bake: 10 min./batch + cooling YIELD: 2 dozen. Who can resist soft chocolate sandwich cookies filled with a layer of fluffy white frosting? Mom has made these for years. They’re a treat that never lasts very long with me and my two brothers around. —Maria Costello, Monroe, North Carolina Ingredients 1/2 cup baking cocoa 1/2 cup hot water 1/2 cup shortening 1-1/2 cups sugar 2 large eggs, room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2-2/3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup buttermilk FILLING: 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour Dash salt 1 cup 2% milk 3/4 cup shortening 1-1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1. Preheat oven to 350°. In a small bowl, combine cocoa and water. Cool for 5 minutes. In a large bowl, cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Beat in the eggs, vanilla and cocoa mixture. Combine dry ingredients; gradually add to creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk, beating well after each addition
4. In a small bowl, cream the shortening, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Add milk mixture; beat until fluffy, about 7 minutes. Spread filling on half the cookies; top with remaining cookies. Store in the refrigerator.

September 1, 2022 || 35 Water Wheel Farm market Located on 309 just 300 yards North of Route 100 and Route 309 in Pleasant Corners 610-767-2409 Hardy Fall Mums, Local Pumpkins,Tomatoes,Produce,Peppers,LocalHoney A Step-up B&S Consignment Now in Nazareth next to Dollar General,#C4,Nazareth,PA18064 610-570-6591 $5 Off your purchase of $20 limit one per customer Monday, Sept. 5 from 5 and 8 pm Burger King will donate 20% of all sales to the NL Pool if you mention the pool. Burger King is Looking for Team Members STARTING AT $10.00/HR PLEASE COME TO 201 S. Best Avenue Walnutport, PA TO APPLY IN PERSON OR Email your information to: 201 S. Best Avenue Walnutport, PA Saturday, November 5th, 2022 American Legion 381 Bridge Street Lehighton, PA 18235 Raffles & Door Prizes Doors Open at 4pm Kitchen Open at 4:30 Bingo Starts @ 6pm TICKETS $335 (20 Games Includes 5 Specials) Call 610 379 1099 for Tickets & Info www carbonbuilders com or e mail carbbld@ptd net Hosted by Carbon Builders Association *Food & Refreshments available for purchase & provided by the Legiion Big Tool Night Saturday, November 5th, 2022 American Legion 381 Bridge Street Lehighton, PA 18235 Raffles & Door Prizes Doors Open at 4pm Kitchen Open at 4:30 Bingo Starts @ 6pm TICKETS $335 (20 Games Includes 5 Specials) Call 610 379 1099 for Tickets & Info www. or e mail Hosted by Carbon Builders Association *Food & Refreshments available for purchase & provided by the Legiion Big Tool Night Saturday, November 5th, 2022 American Legion 381 Bridge Street Lehighton, PA 18235 Raffles & Door Prizes Doors Open at 4pm Kitchen Open at 4:30 Bingo Starts @ 6pm TICKETS $35 (20 Games Includes 5 Specials) Call 610 379 1099 for Tickets & Info www carbonbuilders com or e mail carbbld@ptd net Hosted by Carbon Builders Association *Food & Refreshments available for purchase & provided by the Legiion Big Tool Night Kitchen Open at 4:30- Bingo Starts @ 6pm TICKETS $35 (20 Games—Includes 5 Specials) Call 610-379-1099 for Tickets & Info www. or e-mail Hosted by Carbon Builders Association *Food & Refreshments available for purchase & provided by the Legion Saturday, November 5th • American Legion 381 Bridge Street, Lehighton, PA 18235 Raffles & Door Prizes Doors Open at 4pm

36 || September 1, 2022 Ready to Roll When You Can’t 24 TowingHourServices Accidents, Breakdowns, Flat Tires, Battery Boost, Out of Fuel 6861 PA Route 873, Slatington PA 18080 484-263-2376 • www.a1towinglehighvalley.comRequest Us Do you want to help people and make money? Are you wanting to change your career? Get your Hypnosis Certification with the Rhodes Institute of Hypnosis Sept. 30 – Oct 3, 2022. Tuition, Certification, Materials, and IHF membership all included. Visit for more information. Brenda Allentownhypnosis.com610.737.9560RhodesCallsignandNOWup!
Slatington Class of 1972 50th Reunion Laurie J. Peters-Beers at Blue Mountain Ski Resort in the Alpine Room on Saturday, June 18, 2022. attendance in the order they appear on the attached picture: Beers, Donald Evans, Kerry Loch, Daniel Messinger, Randy Bernhard, Walter Karen (Steigerwalt) Harting, Colleen (Shoemaker) Gutierrez, Linda (Loch) Frey, Diane (Wassum) Fister, Karen Kistler, Carol Hankee, Margie (Beltz) Greene, Kim (Jones) Hankee.
The following classmates were in
Third Row: Dale Pugh, Carol (Houser) Weida, Cathy (Seidel) Smith, Laurie (Peters) Beers, Margie (Heckman) Yesik, Jane (Howey) Kunkle, Susan (Anthony) Kroninger, Hali (Hluschak) Kuntz, Suzanne (Kern) Bloomfield, Linda (Roberts) Miller, Mary (Pfeiffer) Paine, Janet (Kistler) Dorshimer.
Fourth Row: Robin Distler, Corey Kreitz, George Diehl, Karen (Snyder) Karwoski, Marie (Hittner) Hahn, Gary Papay, Craig Peischler, Dean Greenawalt, Debbie (Hankee) Romig.
submitted by
First Row: Raymond
Roland.Second Row:
The reunion was held

September 1, 2022 || 37 Check us out on Facebook &HydroseedingHardscaping Ph. 610-767-4146 Fax 610-767-7773 Full BackhoeNewDesignLandscaping&InstallationHydroseedingLawnInstallationsInterlockingPaversWalks&Patios&SkidSteerServicePostHoleDigger(6in.,15in.,30in.holes) Free Estimates • Owner Supervised FAST DELIVERIES! ANY QUANTITY. Credit Cards accepted PA#023796 Established in 1986 1027 Pear Road Walnutport, PA 18088FirewoodforSale Monday - Friday 9 am-4 pm • Saturday 8 am-12 pm GRASS SEED Premium Mix, 25 lbs Premium Mix, 50 lbs Annual Rye, 50 lbs TOP SOIL Enriched MushroomScreenedFarmSoil GROUNDDOUBLEMULCH Red, Black, Brown HardwoodHemlockBark (for a Cedar-look) DECORATIVESTONE Delaware Blend - 3/4” Delaware Blend - 1”- 3” Goose Egg - 3/8”- 1 1/4” Goose Egg - 1”-2” Goose Egg - 3”- 4” Jersey Stone - 3/4” Jersey Stone - 3”- 4” Pocono Stone - 3/4” Pocono Stone - 1”-3” Red Stone - 1/2” Red Stone - 3/4” Red Stone - 3” & 4” Timberlite - 3/4” Timberlite - 3”- 4” White Marble Stone - 1” DRIVEWAY STONE 1/2” - 1B 3/4” - 2B 3/4” - 2A Modified RIP-RAPWeedConcreteScreenings4”SandBouldersBarrierAvailable LICENSED AND INSURED PA WeOfferingRegistrationContractorPA#026802610-509-6469fairpricing,honestcontracting,freeestimatesandexcellentqualitywork!bringyourhomebacktoMintcondition! ROOFING*ALUMINUM DECKS*RAILING*WINDOWS*DOORSSOFFIT/FASCIA*SEAMLESSWORKGUTTERGUTTERCLEANING We Offer Financing HOME IMPROVEMENTS

38 || September 1, 2022 610-657-1090 8148 Sharon Court, Slatington Pa. 18080 Free Estimates • Fully Insured PA license # 048267 • Since 1994 •Custom Cabinetry Built-in or Free Standing •Stock cabinetry also available •Kitchen Design & Remodel •Cabinet•CounterRefacingTops Charles J Breidinger Broker Benjamin Real Estate 2254 Skyline Dr. Slatington, PA 18080 Office 610-767-1293 Cell 484-951-2468 Fax Text:www.bhhsbre.comcjbreidinger@gmail.com610-767-9488bhhscjbto:87778Amemberofthefranchisesystem of BHH Affiliates, LLC. EA Healing Touch massage therapy • Deep Tissue Massage • Pre-Natal Massage • MassageMedical/Therapeutic • Swedish Massage • Reiki Master Level • Cupping Therapy Emmanuel Avraham LMT eahealingtouch@gmail.com917-213-0664 628 Twin Ponds Rd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 PA License # MSG012514 OFF$10.00 Your next septic system service with this AD Amey’s Clean Rite Septic Cleaning Phone • 610-767-4313George,Linda&Tyler We’ll Beat Any Competitor’s Price •HoldingTanks •RestaurantGreaseTanks TCG

Optional: Minced fresh parsley or basil, optional Directions
2 tablespoons olive oil
September 1, 2022 || 39 One person will be randomly chosen to win a FREE Birthday Cake from Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company, Walnutport. Call the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette office for info on how to receive free cake. BIRTHDAY COUPON Name DateAgeHometown_______________________________________________onBirthday_________________ofBirthMail to the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette, BLUE MOUNTAIN GAZETTE P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 Please Print Legibly! Five-Cheese Ziti al Forno TOTAL TIME: Prep: 20 min. Bake: 30 min. + standing YIELD: 12 servings. After having the five-cheese ziti at Olive Garden, I tried to make my own version of it—and I think I got pretty close. I always double this when I'm making it and freeze the second one for another meal. —Keri Whitney, Castro Valley, California Ingredients 1-1/2 pounds (about 7-1/2 cups) uncooked ziti or small tube pasta 2 jars (24 ounces each) marinara sauce 1 jar (15 ounces) Alfredo sauce 2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, divided 1/2 cup reduced-fat ricotta cheese 1/2 cup shredded provolone cheese 1/2 cup grated Romano cheese TOPPING: 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 3 garlic cloves, minced
1. Preheat oven to 350°. Cook the pasta according to the package directions for al dente; drain.
3. In a small bowl, stir together Parmesan, bread crumbs, garlic and olive oil; sprinkle over the pasta.4.Bake, uncovered, until mixture is bubbly and topping is golden brown, 30-40 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh parsley or basil if desired.
2. Meanwhile, in a large Dutch oven, combine the marinara sauce, Alfredo sauce, 1 cup mozzarella and the ricotta, provolone and Romano. Cook over medium heat until sauce begins to simmer and cheeses are melted. Stir in cooked pasta; pour mixture into a greased 13x9-in. baking dish. Top with remaining 1 cup mozzarella cheese.

BoatUS typically receives more than 90,000 calls annually with the major boating holidays –Memorial Day, July Fourth and Labor Day –driving the most calls for assistance from members and non-members. The most common requests for on-water assistance from recreational boaters include some type of engine or mechanical breakdown, running aground in a shallow area, needing a jumpstart, running out of fuel, and needing a tow. A range of boating safety topics which can be customized to include on your own checklist are available at the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. For more information on towing services, visit Towing, or call 800-888-4869.
40 || September 1, 2022 Boating Season Continued from page 34 BLUE MOUNTAIN TOWN & GAZETTECOUNTRY Sudoku puzzle 1 6 6 3 4 21 3 6 1 2 1 4 3 6 5 2 2 642 4 1sudoku.comn° B167 - Level Easy
Page 1/2 - Check the solutions, print more sudoku puzzles said John Condon, vice president of towing services for BoatUS. “Our survey also indicated that there’s no end in sight for a lot of boaters as they are starting to take advantage of lower gas prices and extend their season into the fall. However, this is a great opportunity to get boaters to think about finishing their season with safety and preparedness in mind.”

September 1, 2022 || 41 HOME IMPROVEMENT Neff’s Masonry brian BRICK610-392-7400neff•BLOCK•STONE•CHIMNEYSFullyInsuredFREEESTIMATES JMY ConstruCtion JMYConstruction86@gmail.comHardscaping/LandscapingSmallExcavationExteriorCleaning&PowerwashingSnowRemovalandMore610-442-9591Slatington,PA18080 CONSTRUCTION 484-725-3296 • Anthony Kutzler Check us out on Facebook: 3 Daughters Construction LLC Fully Insured and Licensed www.greatmetalrecycling.comWalnutport,324484-623-4888RiverviewDr.PA18088-9693 Luxury & Affordable! DLargest Selection in the area DQuality Modular & Manufactured Homes DEnergy Efficient DResales Available DKnowledge able Sales Staff Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. 12HomesModelNew Luxury & Affordable! DLargest Selection in the area DQuality Modular & Manufactured Homes DEnergy Efficient DResales Available DKnowledge able Sales Staff Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. 12HomesModelNew Luxury & Affordable! *Largest Selection in the area *Quality Modular & Manufactured Homes *Energy Efficient *Resales Available *Knowledgeable Sales Staff 12HomesModelNew Rt. 145 Walnutport • 610-767-5248 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 • Tues. & Wed. 9-5 Fri. 9-4:30 • Closed Sat. & Sun. MOWING • TRIMMING • AERATING DETHATCHING • SPRING/FALL CLEAN-UP SMALL LOADER/BACKHOE SERVICE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY REPAIR/GRADING SHRUB TRIMMING • SNOW REMOVAL 484-239-8035 E-mail: Owner: Eric Swanson Fully Insured

42 A Family Tradition of Courteous, Dignified Service George G Bensing Funeral Home, LLC Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years Six Generations Thoughtfully Dedicated to Those We Serve For Over 100 Years Full-service funeral home offering affordable traditional and cremation services to families of all faiths. Frances Bensing Funeral Director 2165 Community Dr. (Moorestown) Bath, PA 18014 · (610) 759-3901 John H. SupervisorSimons A Family Tradition Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Yard/Bake Sale Friday, September 9 • 8-4 Saturday, September 10 • 8-2 4118 Main St., Slatedale RainorShine Home-madeSoup Hosted By: Events By Jennifer Lynn & Company www.eventsbyjenniferlynncompany.comLLC (484)507-2750 SeptemberSaturday 10th 11 am to 3 pm FireSchnecksville&FallSchnecksvilleCraftVendorShowCompany SeptemberSunday 25th 11 am to 4 pm Fall CommunityNorthamptonBazaarCenter Vendors still beingaccepted AREA’S MOST BEAUTIFUL MEMORIALS MANUFACTURED ON SITE ELIMINATE THE MIDDLEMAN AND SAVE Our Quality is EtchEd in stOnE MEMOrials25th Annual Slatington Library Basket Social Saturday, October 1st Advance incentivesaleuntil 9/17 6 tickets for $20.00 For more info. call the Drawing610-767-6461librarybegins at 2:15pm. At the Citizens Fire Co. #1 (Slatedale) 3922 Main St., Slatedale, PA Limited seating, you are invited to stay for the drawing Food will be served. Eat In/Takeout. Check our website Tickets 1 ticket/$5.00 5 tickets/$20.0011a.m. - 2 p.m.

September 1, 2022 || 43 K y l e ’ s K a r s$$$$$ $$$$$*Lease Buy Outs Loan Payoffs Estate Buyouts Trucks Suvs Cars Campers Houses $ $ WE BUY CARS CASH PAID 610-767-10900 $ 610-767-1090 • facebook/kylekars • 6931 PA Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 State Inspection and Emissions • Buy/Sell/Trade Financing Available • All Credit Types Welcome Owner Kyle Follweiler $ *Any modelmakeyearmileage Bechtel's Pharmacy Inc. 302 Main Street • Slatington, PA M 9am–8pm, T–F 9am–6pm, Sat. 9am–2pm, Sun. CLOSED (610) 767-4121 For NeighborsOur Don’t Let The Flu Bug You! Flu Shots Now Available Call For An Appointment FREE to Medicare Part B patients and most other insurances. Like us on Facebook Saturday, Sept. 17 @ 5:30pm Slatington Moose Lodge #1375 $25 for tickets in advance $30 for tickets at the door Limited number of tickets available Price includes 20 games, 5 Specials Additional cards available to purchase $1 for regular and $2 for special Doors open at 4pm Food Truck on premises starting at 3pm First 50 tickets will receive a free beer or soda DOOR PRIZES AND 50/50 Rock Revival will be taking the stage at 9pm. Free for all Bingo players and Moose members. $5 entrance fee at the door for all other guests For tickets purchase directly at the bar or through http://www.eventbrite.Eventbritecom/e/388388920717 A portion of the proceeds to be donated to the Northern Lehigh food bank

44 || September 1, 2022 LOST BROWN DOG $1,000 REWARD CALL OR TEXT 610-393-0266 missing AUGUST 12 45 POUNDS (SKINNY) 12 YEARs friendlyOLD GINGER WALNUTPORT

Looking for help with weekly cleaning, also looking for a person to do odd jobs inside and outside. Call 610-262-7451 (9/1) Lehigh Valley Scoopers is hiring a FT Route Manager- Pet Waste Removal Technician. 4 days a week, Monday-Friday, no weekends. Valid and clean driver’s license. Company truck driven during hours of work. Reliable transportation to business in Slatington. Contact & send resume to lehighvalleyscoopers.cominfo@ SALES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Do you enjoy sales? Are you a people person? Are you computer savvy? Do you possess good customer service skills? Are you passionate about preserving the written word? The Home News is seeking a Marketing and Sales Account Executive. Interested candidates, please email resume to cstroh@ Events Help Wanted Real Estate for Rent Services Available Next PublicationIssueDate:Sept.15,2022AdvertisingDeadline:Sept.7,2022 You are invited: Hydrotherapy Seminar, Natural treatments for Respiratory Ailments. September 18, 2-4 p.m. Free community event, no registration required. Seventhday Adventist Church 227 Willow Rd. Walnutport. FMI email alaven@ (9/15) Chicken BBQ September 10. 4 to 7 pm at St. John’s UCC, Laurys Station. (1 mile west off Route 145 on Rising Sun Road) First 300 served, eat in or take out. Call church office for tickets, 610/2628061. Adult $10 (1/2 chicken, baked potato, corn on cob, lettuce w/ bacon dressing, beverage,
Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/15) Tim’s Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (9/1) Master Electrician since 1987. No job too small. Reasonable prices. Free quotes. Todd Haring.484-951-8624.PA#093516(9/1) dessert). Kids $5 (2 drumsticks, macNcheese, applesauce, cookie, beverage). (9/1)
Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS and no smoking, W/S/G included. $650 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691. Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $140-$250/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 610-577-0898. (12/15) Apartment for rent, Slatington 1 bedroom, 2nd floor, dishwasher, all utilities included, washer and dryer in building. Large eat in kitchen, off street parking, walk-in closet. Starting at $900, no cats, no smoking, available now, 1st and last month, plus security. Call 484-3578242 (9/1)
PRICING: $10 for first 25 words; $15 for 26-45 words; $20 for 46-65 words; $25 for 66-85 words; $30 for 86-105 words; $35 for 106-125 words. NOTICE: There will be no refunds after a classified advertisement is placed and paid. If an ad runs erroneously at the fault of the paper, we will offer a complimentary ad in the next edition of the publication.
Saturday, September 10, 9 am–2:00 pm. Rain or Shine. On the porch @Lehigh Township Historical Society. 3811 Lehigh Dr., Northampton, Rt. 248 by Indian Trail Park. Colors: white, red, yellow, orange, purple: $8 each, 3 for $22. (9/1) Designer Purse Bingo Sat. Oct. 1st, 2022. Mahoning Valley Ambulance Lehighton, PA Refreshments/Food /Tricky Tray/ Raffles 20 Games of Bingo Authentic Michael Kors, Coach & Kate Spade Purses Tickets $35 Carbonbuilders. com Call 610-379-1099 for info and tickets (9/1) Annual Fall Basket Social @ Jerusalem Lutheran Church 500 Church Drive Palmerton (Trachsville) on Sat. October 1 from 9-2. Theme Baskets, Raffle, bake sale and refreshments. Come for lunch and try your luck. 3 baskets will have $25 hidden among the contents. For more info call 610-681-5200. (9/1)
Quota USA Club of Northampton, community yard sale. Saturday October 1, 8 a.m.12 p.m., Northampton Fire Co. Vendors and Crafters Wanted! Proceeds benefit local charities. Call 610-984-5187 (9/1)
September 1, 2022 || 45 CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS: ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PUBLICATION. This means you must send your payment with your ad when placed by mail, pay for your ad when placed in person at the office, or mail your payment to reach our office before we go to print if your ad was faxed or called in. If payment is not received BEFORE press time, your ad will NOT be included in that edition of the Gazette. HOW TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION: Mail your ads, with a check for $10 per ad (up to 25 words), to T&C Gazette, 255E S. Best Ave., Walnutport, PA 18088, or call in your ad to 610-767-9600 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR fax anytime to 610-767-9612.
46 || September 1, 2022 ADVERTISER INDEX This issue’s Sudoko answers 3 Daughters Construction 41 A-1 Towing Service 36 AF Boyer 17 All Air Solutions 35 All American Tree Service 3 American Legion Lehighton 12 Amey’s Clean Rite 38 Amey’s Garage 48 Balloons by Robin ............................... 29 Barry HausmanCustomKitchens. .................... 38 Bechtel’s Pharmacy 33, 43 Becker Homes ..................................... 41 BHHS Benjamin Real Estate 38 Big Tool Night 35 Blue Mountain Evergreen 37 Boom Mowing 41 Brenda Rhodes 36 Burger King 26 Burger King - NL Pool 35 CBD American Shaman 30 Chris & Eli Family Restaurant ............. 7 Christ Church at Lowhill 8 Christman’s Septic Service ................ 17 Country Clippers 28 d’Soprano’s .......................................... 14 Don Corleone’s 12 EA Healing Touch Massage Ther. ..... 38 Emerald Cider Mill 13 European Concept Salon 17 Fairy Moon Yoga 37 Fall Fair in the Park 19 Family Practice 3 Friedens UCC 20 George G.FuneralBensingHome, LLC 42 Good Shepherd .................................... 24 Great Metal Recycling 41 Grief Share ........................................... 18 Harding Funeral Home 26 Heidel Hollow ...................................... 18 Henry’s Service Station 15 Holy Trinity Lutheran 42 Ironton Auto Body 25 Jack Follweiler’s Garage 18 Jennifer Lynn 42 JMY Construction 41 Kushy Boutique 11 Kyle’s Kars 43 Larry’s Antiques .................................... 9 Lehigh Valley Granite 42 Lehigh Valley Scoopers ...................... 28 Lehigh Valley Spinal 30 Lincoln Manor...................................... 20 Liza’s House 14 LT Lions - Eye Exams 47 Mack’s Tree Service 21 Miller Supply 2 Mint Home Improvement 37 Missing Dog - Ginger 44 Mobile Home Parts Center 41 Moore Twp. Lions & Lioness Car Show ................................. 24 Mountainside Construction 47 Mountainside Pizza ............................... 6 Movie Trivia Winner 33 Myster Tree .......................................... 29 Nancy'sMassageTherapeutic....................................... 2 Neff’s Masonry 41 Neffs National Bank 29 Newhard Corn Shed............................ 29 Nulton&DiagnosticTreatment Center .................... 2 Perfect Balance 38 Richard B. Ryon .................................. 32 Roosevelt Demo Club 8 Salem UMC - TOPS ............................. 20 Seventh-Day Adventist 23 Schnecksville Notary 15 Scoopendorf’s 5 Silfies Fuel 24 Slatington Library Basket Social 42 Slatington Moose Lodge 43 St. John’s Lutheran Slatington 8 St. John’s UCC - Vince’s 13 St. Nicholas 23 St. Paul’s UCC Indianland ..................... 6 Step Up 35 Sule’s Collision Center ........................ 38 Swanson’s Lawn Care 41 Ted’s Roofing ........................................ 24 TJ Uhnak 15 Two Wheelz Mens Pedicure 20 Uai Brazil 7 United Presbyterian Church 30 W.Neff Auto Sales 16 Walnutport Door Co. 24 Water Wheel 35 Werner Eyes of the Valley 11 Womer Memorials, LLC ..................... 19 FREE Ice Cream fromDarrylWINNERCakeWilston60onSept.7Walnutport Call the TCG office at 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! Cake courtesy of Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Co.. Note: Moving forward only the winner’s birthday will be published. 2 5 1 6 3 4 3 6 5 1 4 2 1 2 4 3 5 6 5 3 6 4 2 1 4 1 2 5 6 3 5 1 6 5 1 4 3 6 4 2 1sudoku.comn° B163 - Level Easy 5 2 1 3 6 4 6 3 4 1 5 2 1 5 6 2 4 3 3 4 2 6 1 5 2 1 5 4 3 6 4 6 3 5 2 1 1 2 4 6 5 1 6 3 2 5 3 4 1sudoku.comn° B167 - Level Easy Page 2/2 - Check the solutions, print more sudoku puzzles

September 1, 2022 || 47 484-547-9625610-767-3355 • Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Additions • Garages • Basements • Custom Bars • Maintenance Free Decks • Patio Rooms • Financing Available • 30 Years Experience • Dump Trailer Rentals Available We Deliver, Pick Up, and Empty. Call for Pricing Check out our www.mountainsideconstructioninc.comwebsite: LEHIGH TOWNSHIP LIONS OFFER FREE EYE EXAMS FOR LEHIGH TWP RESIDENTS The LEHIGH TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB is offering a FREE eye exam to residents of Lehigh Township, regardless of age, who are not covered by Eye Care Insurance. The eye exam will be performed by Walnutport Family Eye Care. To take advantage of this important and FREE opportunity, which ends Dec. 31, 2022, please contact Wayne A. Benninger, Community Action Chairman for the Lehigh Township Lions Club, at 610-349-3596 or any other Lehigh Township Lions Club member. As part of a public service project, the eye exam fees will be paid by the Lehigh Township Lions Club..... serving Lehigh Township since I951. This offer is limited to the first 200 qualified respondents.