Tobacco taxes as a tool for development
Tobacco taxes are a development polic y able to impac t:
Income inequalities
as the poorest will ultimately bene t most
Gender inequalities
as women play an essential role in intrahousehold allocation (managing funds), and have become a tobacco industr y target on expansion of tobacco consumption
A key fac tor in achieving sustainable development goals
Tobacco control is central to meeting the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, notably to end pover ty and to ensure healthy lives. While the negative health impac ts of tobacco consumption are well k nown, there is still a need to raise awareness of tobacco as a threat to development not just as a health issue.
A steep tobacco price brought about through excise taxes is the most effective and efficient way to achieve large health gains and pover ty reductions, with those in the lowest income groups benefiting most.
Regional polic y enabling poorer regions to enhance health and development through the revenues generated by higher taxes.
The projec t sought to provide local evidence (Mexico, India, Colombia) demonstrating the health improvements and pover ty reduc tion brought on by higher tobacco taxes.
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