Applications KUKA KRC 5 control cabinet (left) and KR C5 micro controller with the two new har-motion interfaces (right).
Industry 4.0 developments
controller must also be more compact in the future, as there will hardly be any space envisaged for it. In response to this situation, KUKA launched the KR C5 micro onto the market, which is tailored precisely to these application areas. Connectivity must also adapt in line with these developments. For this reason, HARTING KUKA is also providing a new solution for this new controller family in the form of the "harmotion connector", which is particularly suitable for use in compact robotics. Adapted both to the power requirements and to the space available, it can be used flexibly for transferring the lifelines of the robot. Even the larger robots, however, are also subject the miniaturization trend. This is particularly evident in the new KR C5 control system. This system offers customers the option of operating up to three machines SOURCE: KUKA
In the field of Industry 4.0 developments, both companies again worked on joint solutions at a very early stage. For example, KUKA equipped the I4.0 demonstrator, the "HAII4YOU Factory", with new LBR iiwa type sensor-based robots. The system became the stage for an integrated Industry 4.0 approach for individual and cooperative production systems all the way through to quantity. Flexibility, miniaturisation and also modularity are highly significant trends that are driving joint developments today. While around the middle of 2000 years, the robot control cabinet was as large as a control cabinet, today's solutions are no larger than a desktop PC. Especially application areas for small robotics call for solutions that are adapted to resources. In addition to the smaller robot, the
on one control cabinet in the same space as a previous control system. A performance adjustment can also be easily and flexibly accommodated by selecting different controllers. This is enabled by a completely new modular and scalable structure of the cabinet system. A docking solution was developed for this purpose, which makes adaptation to customer requirements very easy: The control systems are inserted into the cabinet like drawers. In order to enable the transfer of the so-called lifelines for such a flexible coupling, a special docking connector solution was developed in close cooperation. Following the requirements of the protection class applicable in the cabinet and the reduced space conditions, the new Han Board connector proved an optimal solution, allowing for the mechanical plugging necessary for this case. Special mechanical guides, as well as the design structure of the connector solution, ensure the necessary tolerance compensation.
Responding to megatrends, long-term partnerships characterised by mutual understanding, detailed application knowledge and a common view of holistic customer benefits will be capable of developing the necessary technologies and concrete new product solutions. The connectivity and infrastructure solutions incorporated in the new KR C5 generation of control cabinets demonstrate this to a particular degree. Han Board connector system.
Guido Selhorst, Head of Marketing Services, HARTING Technology Group. in d u s t r ial et h er ne t b o o k