October 21, 2021
Vol 149 , NO. 45
P r o u d t o B e a Ja c k e t c h e e r c l i n i c p r e p a r e s f u t u r e Ye l l o w j a c k e t s
Photos by Richard Corral
Ve t e r a n s Diploma Project deadPg. 3
olton Yellowjackets Varsity Cheer team hosts a mini future Yellowjackets cheer clinic 'Proud to Be a Jacket' with preschool to 8th graders who practiced a couple of weeks with the Colton Yellowjackets cheer team. On Friday night all the future mini Yellowjackets came out to the Cheer, cont. on next pg.
Colton Nighthawks organizer s presented with CITY TALK Award By Dr. G (Dr Luis S González), community writer
n Thursday, October 14 Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S González) presented the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” to long time Colton travel-ball organizers John Prieto and Reuben Montaño. The Colton Nighthawks were founded in 1994 to provide a summer baseball option for young men who wanted to play after the Colton High School baseball season was over.
Local musician releases 4-track EP Pg. 4
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
D R. G
Colton Nighthawks founders Reuben Montaño, left, and John Prieto, right, continue to devote themselves to the young baseball team they created 26 years ago. Dr. G, middle, presented them with his CITY TALK award in recognition of their years of community dedication.
For 26 years, John and Reuben have devoted their time, energy and personal finances to provide a high-energy, high-profile and high-commitment program for dozens of young baseball enthusiasts, who often continue to play baseball through college, and even to the professional ranks. Nighthawks, cont. on next pg.