Colton Courier 8 3 2017

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W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 145, NO. 33


Elsie Robles is Colton’s Volunteer of the Year

Gloria’s Corner A3

By Anthony Victoria


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lsie Robles faced an inconvenient truth when she was let go by the Colton Community Services department in 2009 due to city budget cuts. Despite not being a city employee anymore, Robles continued to volunteer to prepare hot meals at annual holiday events. Her steadfast commitment to serving others made her a requested regular in the following years. “It got to the point where they were asking me to come in,” Robles said. “It essentially fell on my lap.” Robles was selected by the and Recreation Parks Commission as the city’s Volunteer of the Year, and honored during the 130th Birthday Celebration back on July 8. The award is presented annually to an individual that has gone “above and beyond” for the city. Individuals that are selected are usually those that devote their time and talent assisting local organizations, nonprofit groups, Volunteer cont. on next page

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PHOTO/ANTHONY VICTORIA Elsie Robles, right, with her son Thomas Robles and volunteer Tierra Roman during the Thanksgiving dinner event at the Hutton Center in November 2016. Robles was announced as Coltonʼs Volunteer of the Year in May.

DHS grant to help Colton Fire replace aging equipment By Anthony Victoria



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HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: Advertising:

August 3, 2017

Aguilar to host grant workshops for nonprofits



Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds



PHOTO/COLTON FIRE DEPARTMENT A Colton Firefighter putting out a car fire. On his back is a self-contained breathing apparatus that helps clog out harmful particles.

olton’s Fire Department received approximately $276,000 from the Department of Homeland Security to replace aging equipment used by firefighters to withstand harmful air. The Assistance to Firefighters Grant, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, assists fire departments across the country to acquire necessary equipment to fend off blazes and emergency situations. As of July 28, about 1,300 agencies across the nation have benefitted from the federal award, according to the DHS website. Battalion Chief Dana DeAntonio said the grant will be used to replace 44 self-contained Fire cont. on next page

ep. Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernardino) announced that he will hold a Community Grants Workshop on Thursday, August 31st from 9:00am to 12:00pm to connect Inland Empire organizations with federal agencies to learn about federal grant opportunities. The workshop will include breakout sessions with agency representatives, a grant writing seminar, and a panel with federal agency officials that will be moderated by Rep. Aguilar. In the 114th Congress, Rep. Aguilar announced over $75 million in grant funding for California’s 31st Congressional District. Please see full event details below. Press interested in attending should rsvp to Sarah Weinstein. What: Community Grants Workshop hosted by Rep. Pete Aguilar When: Thursday, August 31st from 9:00AM to 12:00PM Where: San Bernardino Community College District Office 114 S. Del Rosa Drive San Bernardino

City talk in Español


l concejal Dr. Luis González invita a la comunidad para el café y para hablar sobre los eventos en la Ciudad de Colton. El primer evento para hispanohablantes está programado para agosto. Para más información, llame al Dr. G (909) 213-3730.

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