* El Chicano 04/25/24

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In a significant move to tackle the state’s homelessness crisis, California has allocated $192 million in encampment resolution grants across 17 communities Governor Gavin Newsom and San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran, along with other state and local leaders, announced the funding in a virtual press conference today, April 18, 2024

San Bernardino will receive nearly $8 million of this grant, aimed at addressing homelessness in the city

Mayor Helen Tran expressed her gratitude for the funding, highlighting its potential impact "As you know, the city of San Bernardino has the largest homeless population in our county I’m thrilled that we will be receiving nearly $8 million in encampment funding to provide resources

to individuals in our city," said Mayor Tran

She praised the dedication of local staff a n d G o v e r n o r N e w s o m ’s l e a d e r s h i p , adding, "This is a testament to our government and a reflection of our shared commitment to compassion, resilience, and dignity I look forward to building a stronger and more resilient community for all "

Homeless Encampments cont on next pg

in 11 Year s

On Friday, April 19, 2024, the San B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e (SBVC) softball team marked a historic moment with the grand opening of its brand new softball field, located at the corner of College Drive and S K Street

This significant event brought the team back to campus for the first time in over 11 years, with a state-of-the-art facility funded by Measure CC tax dollars

The opening day was packed with excitement and community support, as stands

filled with fans of both SBVC and Victor Valley College The event featured a ribbon cutting ceremony where San Bernardino Community College District Chancellor Diana Z Rodriguez emphasized that the new field was "a promise kept" to the community "Welcome Home," she concluded, as cheers echoed from the attendees

The celebrations were heightened by the p r e s e n c e o f S a n B e r n a r d i n o C o u n t y Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr , an SBVC alumni and former baseball player at the college, who not only presented the softball team with a $1,000 check but also threw the first pitch to inaugurate the field officially

The new complex, completed thanks to funds approved by voters in Measure CC in 2018, features a standard dirt infield and an all-weather artificial turf outfield, making i t u s a b l e y e a r- r o u n d T h e f a c i l i t y i s equipped with lights, a video scoreboard, batting cages, bullpens, restrooms, and ample storage for team equipment The fully enclosed dugouts are stocked with game-day essentials, including bat and helmet racks

SBVC softball players expressed their joy and relief at having a field of their own

Vo l 6 1 , N O 2 0 E L C H I C A N o A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 2 4 I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m WWe e eekkllyy
G o v e r n o r N e w s o m a n d M a y o r T r a n A n n o u n c e $ 4 . 6 M i l l i o n i n G r a n t s t o A d d r e s s H o m e l e s s n e s s i n S a n B e r n a r d i n o
I E C N . c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ g m a i l c o m
San Ber nardino Valley College Celebrates Grand Opening of New Softball Field, Fir st Home Game
Experience the Moder n Twist of "Love's Labour's Lost" Coming to SBVC Theatre Ar ts P g 3 P g 4 SBVC Softball cont on next pg
Redlands Police Ar rest Moreno Valley Teen for Ar med Robber y in Citr us Plaza
P g 8
Mita’s Mexican Food Unveils Giant Bur rito at Grand Opening with Mayor Helen Tran in San Ber nardino PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL The new complex features a dirt infield surrounded by an all-weather artificial turf surface allowing the field to be used year-round PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL California Governor Gavin Newsom and San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran in a virtual press conference at 11:30 AM on Thursday April 18 2024 PHOTO BACA’S OFFICE Supervisor Joe Baca Jr presenting a check to the SBVC softball team before the game

Homeless Encampment

Governor Newsom reflected on the progress made since his tenure began "Four years ago, our state did not set aside a single dollar specifically for homeless encampments Today, we are allocating funds to two Continuums of Care, five counties, and 10 cities to ensure that 3,600 people receive specific services with targeted outcomes," Governor Newsom explained

He emphasized the holistic approach of the grants, adding, "It’s not just about moving encampments from one side of town to another it's about addressing the root causes and placing people into transitional and permanent housing We want to continue to target what is happening on the streets and sidewalks in our cities, we are all fed up with it People want to see these encampments removed, but removed in a compassionate way Mayor Tran, I appreciate the work you are doing in San Bernardino and keeping SB Strong "

The grants are part of a broader state initiative called Homekey, which has created nearly 12,800 homes for individuals experiencing homelessness and distributed approximately $736 million in

SBVC Softball

Kaitlynn Lafleur shared her enthusiasm, “To have a dedicated softball field feels like home Last year we had to transfer over to Loma Linda and it was a big struggle for our team, so to have a field of our own that we can play and practice on feels like we are finally home " Lafleur, who was inspired to play softball by her father and coach until she was 14, sees the new field as a return to familiarity and comfort

Tara Walker, another SBVC player, highlighted the logistical improvements, “Having a new field to call home is great We don't have to worry about where we are going to practice or if we are even able to practice When it comes to home games, it’s going to be fun to play here, I’ve been waiting forever for this ” Walker has been in-

funding to various local entities "This funding is not only about cleaning up streets and sidewalks; it's about improving the quality of people's lives and ensuring accountability through specific outcomes and analysis," added Newsom

Secretary Tomiquia Moss, the spokesperson for the grant program, outlined the diversity and scope of the projects "It's wonderful to see the diversity in these 17 projects to resolve encampments providing services to 3,600 people and permanent housing for 2,200 people Twelve projects will resolve encampments immediately, addressing needs in both rural and urban areas across the state," said Moss "These strong plans reflect our commitment to move homeless individuals to safe and stable housing "

The announcement comes in response to growing concerns about homelessness in California, with a 2023 Point-In-Time count reporting nearly 1,500 homeless individuals in San Bernardino alone This new round of funding represents a concrete step towards alleviating this persistent issue

volved in softball since she was encouraged to play t-ball by her mother at the age of four

A plaque at the entrance to the new field acknowledges the community's role in this achievement, thanking voters for supporting Measures M & CC The message on the plaque underscores the district's commitment to fostering high aspirations and teamwork among its students

The grand opening concluded with a doubleheader against Victor Valley College, marking SBVC’s first home game since April 19, 2013, against Mt San Jacinto The home team split the games, losing the first 8-7 but winning the second 11-8, showcasing the competitive spirit rekindled by their new home base

Car ter High School Celebrates Athletic Legends at Inaugural Hall of Fame Cer emony

IECN Staff

With a roar of legacy and Lion pride, Wilmer Amina Carter High School recently celebrated the inaugural class of six outstanding inductees into the school’s Hall of Fame

The school honored Samantha Middleborn (Class of 2008), April Pate (Class of 2008), Khalid Wooten (Class of 2008), Shanice Stewart (Class of 2011), Kenny Clark, Jr , (Class of 2013), and Eric Moore (Class of 2014), with a decorated formal ceremony on April 19 the Sierra Lakes Golf Course in the City of Fontana These outstanding athletes have left quite a legacy at Carter High School Each has a story that exemplifies dedication, resilience, humility, and extraordinary talent Collectively, these athletes have risen from Carter High School to compete on big stages from major college athletics to international competitions and the NFL

The six inductees played a large role in that success and built Carter High School into the powerhouse it is today Their dedication, talent, and unwavering commitment to excellence have not only brought glory to the Lions' den but have also inspired countless students to strive for greatness both on and off the field As Carter High Athletic Director Joe Paluba proudly remarked during the ceremony, their legacy will continue to shape the future of Carter High School athletics for years to come

“As this is the 20th Anniversary of Wilmer Amina Carter High School, it was the appropriate time to hold the Carter High School Inaugural Hall of Fame Induction ceremony,” Paluba said “The accolades of these outstanding athletes are too numerous to list but rest assured the legacy and mark they have left at Carter, and beyond, will continue on forever It was a tremendous pleasure to celebrate them and their accomplishments ”

Paluba, who served as the school’s athletic director for 13 years and will be retiring from the district in July, was also hailed as a passionate champion of RUSD high school studentathletes

As the evening unfolded, retired CIF-Southern Section Commissioner Rob Wigod took to the podium as the keynote speaker, offering profound insights into the symbiotic relationship between athletics and education With a distinguished career spanning decades in overseeing interscholastic sports, in the southern section of California, Wigod's words underscored the transformative power of athletic pursuits within the broader educational context

The event was a stirring tribute to the collective legacy of these extraordinary individuals Each athlete received a special pin and a lifetime pass to any future ath-

letic events at the school, commemorating their induction into the Hall of Fame The athletes in team sports will each have their jersey number retired and each athlete signed a jersey that will be on display at the school

“As the principal of Carter High School, I’m elated to celebrate not only the 20th year of Academic Excellence of the school but also the phenomenal student-athletes who once called Carter home ” Carter High School Principal Dr Robin McMillon stated “The inaugural induction of six CHS exceptional student-athletes has set the tone for future student leaders ”

Speakers shared stories about each athlete and what their legacy meant to Carter High School Middleborn's journey extended all the way from the volleyball courts of Carter High to the international stage She left her mark at Carter High as the first athlete to earn an athletic scholarship Her stellar career at California State University of San Bernardino and subsequent success as a professional volleyball player internationally served as a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence

Pate's spirit and perseverance in track and field were celebrated She was the first athlete in Carter High history to earn a CIF championship and the first four-time CIF Medalist before achieving glory at the University of Nevada Reno

Wooten's versatility and determination were lauded with his athletic prowess transcending football, boy’s volleyball, and track in high school Wooten starred in football at the University of Nevada Reno, where he helped the Wolfpack earn the Kraft Bowl championship He also played in four professional football leagues, including spending time with the Tennessee Titans in the NFL and

Stewart had a remarkable career in track and field She is a three-time CIF State medalist, won two long jump state championships at San Bernardino Valley College, and continued to dominate at Texas Tech University, where she earned Division 1 All-American status in the long jump in 2014

Clark Jr 's dominance on the football field, as well as the wrestling mat, was celebrated with fervor by attendees As a star defensive lineman in the NFL, Clark continues to represent Rialto on one of the biggest stages in professional athletics His journey from Carter High to UCLA and the NFL as a threetime Pro Bowler with the Green Bay Packers is a testament to his unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence His achievements continue to serve as a source of pride for the entire community

Read more at IECN com

Page A2 • April 25, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano Yo u r A d H e r e : C a l l ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 o r e m a i l e d i t o r @ i e c n . c o m f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n a d v e r t i s i n g

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and a time to put safety in the driver ’s seat The Rialto Police Department will be actively looking for drivers throughout the month who are in violation of the state’s handsfree cell phone law

"In today's fast-paced life, it is common to lose focus while driving,” Chief Mark P Kling said “Distracted Driving Awareness Month is a crucial reminder that even a moment of inattention or a quick glance at the phone can lead to serious consequences Let’s get off our apps and keep our eyes on the road Before starting the car, silence your phone or put it in the glove box, trunk or back seat Anywhere you can’t reach "

According to the 2023 Cali-

Community News

On April, 11, 2024, at approximately 8:19 p m officers responded to the area of Riverside Ave , and Santa Ana Ave , for an unknown injury traffic collision involving a vehicle and pedestrian Officers arrived on scene at approximately 8:25 p m

The Rialto Fire Department arrived minutes later and located the pedestrian suffering from life-threatening injuries The pedestrian, later identified as 50-year-old David Gloudeman of Fontana, was pro-

Community News

Afornia Statewide Public Opinion Survey, more than 74% of drivers surveyed said that distracted driving because of texting was their biggest safety concern In 2021, there were at least 140 people killed in distracted driving traffic crashes in California The numbers are likely underreported because law enforcement officers may not always be able to tell that distraction was a factor in a crash

Under current law, drivers are not allowed to hold a phone or electronic communications device while operating a vehicle, even when stopped at a red light This includes talking, texting or using an app Using a handheld cell phone while driving is punishable by a fine, additionally, violating the hands-free law for a second time within 36 months of a prior conviction for the same

nounced deceased at the scene

An adult male, who did not sustain any injuries during the collision was found to be the driver and sole occupant of a gold Chevrolet Trailblazer

Preliminary investigation indicates Gloudeman was walking south along the west sidewalk of Riverside Ave For unknown reasons, Gloudeman attempted to cross Riverside Ave in an eastern direction The adult male driving the Trailblazer was southbound on Riverside Ave in the #1 lane approaching Santa Ana Gloudeman ran into lanes of traffic and the driver of the Trailblazer collided with

bill creating a pilot program in the state Department of Justice granting three Northern California tribes at the epicenter of the state’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) cases was unanimously approved today by the Assembly Committee on Public Safety Assemblymember James C Ramos (D-San Bernardino) introduced AB 2138 earlier this year as an additional means to battle the MMIP crisis in California

Ramos said, “California ranks fifth in the nation for uninvestigated, unresolved MMIP cases The devastating MMIP crisis has caused untold tragedy that continues into future generations robbing families of loved ones and too often leaving children without mothers or fathers One contributing factor to this epidemic is the confusion over law enforcement jurisdiction caused by a 1953 federal law We can reduce the number of unsolved cases by clarifying jurisdiction and permitting tribal police to pursue alleged perpetrators with the same authority as state peace officers if they meet California requirements ”

The participating tribes include Blue Lake Rancheria and the Yurok tribe, both from Humboldt County and Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians located in Mendocino County

In December 2021, the Yuroks declared an emergency declaration because of a spate of missing persons and attempted human trafficking

Yurok Tribal Chairman Joe James offered the follow-

offense will result in a point being added to a driver ’s record

If you have an important phone call, text or email, or are in a situation with other distractions, such as looking up directions, pull over to a safe parking spot to complete the task without putting yourself and others at risk Other distractions can be eating, grooming, reaching for something that fell on the floor, putting on or taking off clothing, talking with passengers, or children in the back seat

Funding for distracted driving enforcement is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Community News

Redlands Police arrested a 17-year-old Moreno Valley boy in connection with a robbery at Citrus Plaza in February

On Feb 11, RPD responded to a report of a robbery that had just occurred outside the Barnes and Noble store at Citrus Plaza, 27460 W Lugonia Ave The victim told officers he was approached from behind by two males One of the suspects grabbed the victim’s gold chain and tried to rip it off his neck The victim tried to escape but gave up the necklace when the suspect indicated that he had a gun

Redlands Police developed leads from surveillance video and witness statements and identified a juvenile suspect On Thursday, April 18, detectives served a search warrant in the 12000 block of Alona Street in Moreno Valley The teen suspect was arrested in possession

him The driver of the Trailblazer remained on the scene and fully cooperated with investigators The investigation of the collision is still ongoing Alcohol and drugs do not appear to be a factor in this collision

The Rialto Police Department requests that anyone who may have information about this incident contact Dan Smith, Traffic Sergeant at (909) 644-6025 Witnesses can also anonymously report information through WeTip at (800) 7827463, reference case #932403910

ing when asked about his tribe’s sponsorship of AB 2138, “It is our firm belief that this bill and pilot program will combat the crisis of MMIP by improving public safety in tribal communities ” Chairman James continued, “Thank you to Assemblymember Ramos for his leadership on this important issue, and we look forward to the collaborative efforts with tribal communities to ensure our safety and wellbeing ”

In 1953, Congress approved Public Law 280 (PL 280) that transferred responsibility for law enforcement and criminal justice on tribal lands to six states, including California

The law resulted in fewer resources for public safety and created jurisdictional confusion among federal, state and local law enforcement and less safety overall on reservations

In late March, the Assembly Select Committee on Native American Affairs and the Public Safety Committee conducted an informational roundtable about the impact of the law in California and how it contributes to the MMIP crisis

The roundtable hearing featured tribal leaders and police, victims and University of California, Los Angles author and distinguished research professor Carole Goldberg Goldberg is a noted researcher and writer on PL 280

Negative impacts of Public Law 280 (PL 280) include the absence of peace officer status for tribal police; the inability to arrest non-Native persons committing crimes on native lands, less support for funding and infrastructure, lack of equipment and training, and a

of the stolen gold chain Police also recovered ammunition during the search of the residence

The suspect was arrested and booked in Juvenile Hall in San Bernardino

Anyone with additional information is asked to contact Detective Nick Koahou at n k o a h o u @ r e d l a n d s p o l i c e o rg or call Redlands Police Dispatch at (909) 798-7681

Anyone with information regarding crime or suspicious activity is asked to contact Redlands Police Dispatch at (909) 798-7681 ext 1 Certain non-emergency crimes may also be reported online using the Redlands Police Department’s CopLogic reporting system at www cityofredlands org/reportcrime Suspicious activity and tips can be reported using the City of Redlands 311 mobile app available for Android, iPhones, and iPads

greater mistrust of policing

If AB 2138 is approved, the DOJ will monitor, evaluate and support the program and will not be construed to infringe on tribal sovereignty A tribal officer designated as a peace officer would have authority on the tribal lands and also on any place in the state specified the bill such as:

When an immediate danger to persons or property exists,

When making an arrest where there is probable cause to believe a public offense has occurred on tribal land and with prior consent of police or sheriff,

When an officer is in hot pursuit of a suspect in a crime committed on tribal land and

When delivering an apprehended person to the law enforcement authority or magistrate in the city or county where the offense occurred

AB 2138 will be heard next in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations The Yurok Tribe and California Indian Legal Services are sponsors Supporters include Blue Lake Rancheria, California Tribal Business Alliance, Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, Initiate Justice, Picayune Rancheria of the Chukchansi Indians, Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition, Inc and Tejon Indian Tribe

Assemblymember James C Ramos proudly represents the 45th Assembly district that includes the Cities of Fontana, Highland, Mentone, Redlands, Rialto and San Bernardino He is the first and only California Native American serving in the state’s legislature Ramos chairs the Assembly Budget Subcommittee #6 on Public Safety

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • April 25, 2024 • Page A3 P u b l i c S a f e t y We publish all community obituaries FREE of charge. Email editor@iecn.com.
y F o c u s e d , S t a y S a f e : G e t O f f Yo u r A p p s , A p r i l i s D i s t r a c t e d D r i v i n g A w a r e n e s s M o n t h Community News
t a
F a t a l R i a l t o T r a f f i c C o l l i s i o n o n R i v e r s i d e A v e n u e R e d l a n d s P o l i c e A r r e s t M o r e n o Va l l e y Te e n f o r A r m e d R o b b e r y
A s s e m b l y P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m m i t t e e A p p r o v e s M e a s u r e C r e a t i n g T r i b a l P e a c e O f f i c e r P i l o t P r o j e c t

The San Bernardino Theatre Department is proud to present "Love's Labour's Lost”, a modern interpretation of William Shakespeare's beloved comedic play Directed by Melinda Fogle, this performance of Shakespeare's classic promises an evening filled with laughter, love, and surprises See the show from April 25th through April 27th at 7 pm and April 28th at 2 pm which includes ASL interpreters at the SBVC Auditorium for an amazing theatrical experience

Set in the modern-day fictional University of Loveland, Colorado, "Love's Labour's Lost" follows the story of Ferdinand, King of Navarre, and his three scholars who embark on a three-year journey of study, with a twist –they've sworn off love However, their plans take an unexpected turn when the Princess of France and her posse arrive, leading to a hilarious series of events as the men find themselves falling head over heels despite their oath

Fogle and her team have blended the play with a contemporary flair that draws inspiration from TV shows like "The Big Bang Theory ” With a modern setting, cre-

ative costumes reminiscent of college life, and an upbeat soundtrack featuring music from video games and modern hits, this production brings Shakespeare into the 21st century while staying true to the original Shakespearean dialogue

Fogle shared that this play is known for having the longest words, longest monologue, and longest scene in any Shakespeare play This presents a significant challenge to anyone who tries to perform it; however, the SBVC theater department has risen to the occasion with dedication and passion and wants to showcase its talent

In a recent interview with Jasmyne Wade, the production's costume designer, insight was gained into the creative process behind the wardrobe choices that bring this production to life Drawing inspiration from the iconic styles of current-day sitcoms, the costumes are carefully made to reflect the personalities and journeys of the characters and create great visuals for the audience

For the male characters, specifically the scholarly figures, the costumes lean towards a "nerdy" aesthetic, while the women are dressed in a sorority-inspired getup Even the Cupids, who are portrayed by younger actors, are given a playful and nostalgic makeover

Rialto High School NJROTC to be Honor ed with the R amos Famil y Spirit of Compassion Award

Community News

Time for Change Foundation’s (TFCF) 22nd Annual Awards Gala will honor outstanding individuals and organizations that go above and beyond for our communities and continue to make a difference in the lives of others

Rialto High School's Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program celebrates its commitment to excellence, community service, and leadership development as it marks its 31st year since commissioning in 1993

Under the guidance of retired military officers and enlisted personnel, Rialto High School's NJROTC program offers a comprehensive curriculum focusing on citizenship, leadership, and maritime heritage Through classroom instruction, cadets delve into the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation, and meteorology, preparing them for future endeavors in both military service and

civilian life

What sets Rialto High School's NJROTC apart is its unwavering commitment to community service With a mission to transform ordinary teenagers into hardworking adults with a passion for service, cadets engage in a myriad of activities throughout the year From drill competitions to physical fitness challenges, marksmanship training, and leadership academies, cadets immerse themselves in opportunities for growth and development

“As Rialto High School's NJROTC program continues to inspire and empower its cadets, it remains steadfast in its mission to shape the leaders of tomorrow and uphold the values of service and patriotism,” said Vanessa Perez, Executive Director at the Time for Change Foundation

To register for the event or to become a sponsor, visit TimeForChangeFoundation org, or contact Florence White at (909) 886-2994

Tachiana Mitchell portrays The Princess of France and describes the play as “a good mix of entertainment, a lot of twists and turns, and a kind of battle of the sexes ”

Alejandro Sotelo, who takes on the role of the king, highlights the accessibility of the comedy in this production, emphasizing the natural flow of dialogue

One of the most intriguing aspects of "Love's Labour's Lost" is the seamless blending of older Shakespearean dialogue with modern elements Sotelo and Mitchell both agree that this fusion creates a unique theatrical experience, allowing audiences to connect with the characters and storyline in a fresh and engaging way

Join the fun at the SBVC Auditorium from April 25th to April 28th for an unforgettable journey into the world of love, laughter, and Shakespearean humor Experience the magic of "Love's Labour's Lost" with the San Bernardino Valley College Theatre Department and discover why this timeless classic continues to captivate audiences around the world

Learn more here: valleycollege edu/academics/pathways/acd/theater/purchase-tickets php

Page A4 • April 25, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers E d u c a t i o n E x p e r i e n c e t h e M o d e r n T w i s t o f " L o v e ' s L a b o u r ' s L o s t " C o m i n g t o S B V C T h e a t r e A r t s
PHOTO LAVAR GODOY Students rehearsing for Love's Labour's Lost in April 2024 PHOTO LAVAR GODOY Cast members at a dress rehearsal at the SBVC Auditorium

Mita’s Mexican Food Unveils Giant Bur rito at Grand Opening with Mayor Tran in San Ber nardino

Helen Tran cutting and passing out pieces of the 3-foot long burrito

Mita's Mexican Food, a new casual dining spot known for its oversized burritos, celebrated its grand reopening with flair on Thursday, April 18th

The highlight of the event was a 3-foot long burrito, ceremonially cut by Mayor Helen Tran, at 1725 Northpark Blvd , Suite A3, directly across from Cal State San Bernardino

The festive ribbon-cutting drew

(In no particular order) Theo Portobanco, Juan Garcia, Mayor Helen Tran, Maribel Santa Cruz, and Lydie Gutfeld, among others, cutting the ribbon on Mita’s Mexican Restaurant in north San Bernardino a large crowd, including Studio D Property Manager Maribel Santa Cruz and San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Executive Director Lydie Gutfeld The event showcased the restaurant’s indoor and outdoor seating that offers picturesque views of the San Bernardino Mountains

Owner Theo Portobanco and his son, Juan Garcia, who also manages the restaurant's social media, introduced the crowd to

Mita’s signature offerings "Today we're doing a grand reopening with the Mayor of San Bernardino and we're sharing with everyone our 3-foot burrito, which along with our 6foot burrito, is the signature of our restaurant and you have the ability to add all different kinds of meat of your choice," said Portobanco

The giant burrito served at the event featured distinct sections of carne asada, chicken, and

carnitas, catering to various tastes without mixing the flavors Attendees had the chance to sample pieces of the burrito, which Portobanco explained can be fully customized, including the option to mix different meats in different sections

Mita’s Mexican Food is open Monday through Friday from 10:30 AM to 6 PM, and Saturdays from 11 AM to 5 PM Read more at IECN com

Page A8 • April 25, 2024 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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