IECN Staff An e v e n i n g o f g l i t z , glamor, and boundless student talent and one huge homecoming performance awaits at the Rialto Unified School District’s 17th Annual
RITZ Student Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, April 27
This year ’s RITZ Gala will be held at the majestic Wilmer A m i n a C a r t e r H i g h S c h o o l Theatre Hall from 5:30 p m to 8 p m and is poised to dazzle audiences with a star-studded l i n e u p f e a t u r i n g n o n e o t h e r than the iconic Grammy nominate hip-hop group, J J Fad, who will perform alongside DJ Arabian Prince This is a special homecoming for the talented hip-hop trio as J J Fad are proud alumni of the District, h a v i n g g r a d u a t e d f r o m

In a landmark move to combat food insecurity among college students, leaders from San Bernardino County h a v e s i g n e d a M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding aimed at expanding access to CalFresh benefits for potentially over 181,000 college students The agreement was officially signed on Friday, April 12, 2024, at the County Government Center
The partnership involves the County of S a n B e r n a r d i n o , C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), and the San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) A recent survey con-
d u c t e d b y t h e C a l i f o r n i a S t u d e n t A i d
Eisenhower High School
Tickets are selling fast, but are c u r r e n t l y o n s a l e a t www ritz rialtousd org General admission tickets are available for $35 per seat or premiere
The RITZ, cont on next pg

Commission highlighted that a shocking 66% of students experienced food insecurity during the 2022-2023 academic year, a significant rise from 39% in the 2018-2019 period
Dr Tomas Morales, President of CSUSB, addressed the critical issue of student hunger affecting learning and their families “Hungry students cannot learn, they just cannot Hungry students come from hungry families This is not just about our students, this is about their families too,” Morales said He further noted, “As an a n c h o r i n s t i t u t i o n h e r e i n t h e I n l a n d Empire, we serve the needs of our community so that we can help build its growth and sustainability ”
A n g e l R o d r i g u e z , A s s o c i a t e Vi c e Chancellor of SBCCD, highlighted the broader scope of food insecurity, “In San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, over 181,000 college students might go hungry without CalFresh Across California, that number is 750,000 Today, this shows how committed we are to changing those statistics for the better ”
The initiative is not only expected to alleviate immediate hunger but also to enhance t h e e d u c a t i o n a l o u t c o m e s a n d f u t u r e employment prospects of students Data shows that 51% of students at CSUSB come from the SBCCD, emphasizing the potential impact of this collaboration
seating for $100 Children under the age of 5 are admitted free of charge
This event promises an unforgettable showcase of the District’s most exceptional student talent while supporting a noble cause At the forefront of the Gala's lineup are the brilliant student performers from RUSD, whose talents span a myriad of disciplines, from captivating vocalists to an engaging poet and a mesmerizing gymnast and everything in between The evening will be emceed by Marcelino "Mars" Serna from San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
More than just a showcase of talent, the RITZ Gala is a celebration of community spirit and philanthropy Hosted appetizers will tantalize taste buds, creating an ambiance of conviviality and camaraderie As attendees mingle and revel in the festivities, they will have the opportunity to participate in the spectacular Ritz Silent Auction Baskets, featuring an array of enticing baskets waiting to be claimed
Behind the glitz and glamor lies a profound purpose – to support the aspirations and dreams of RUSD students and families Through the Sharing Our Love Foundation, proceeds from the Gala will directly contribute to initiatives to support students
Every ticket purchased and every bid placed in the auction is a tangible investment in the future of the RUSD community The event has raised more than $500,000 throughout its history
The members of J J Fad are set to make their return to the Rialto Unified School District where they grew up J J Fad, an iconic hip-hop group, rose to prominence in the late 1980s with their groundbreaking hit single "Supersonic " The classic track earned them a nomination for the first-ever Best Rap Performance Grammy award in 1989
Comprised of members Juana Burns (MC J B ), Dania Birks (Baby-D), and Michelle Franklin (Sassy C), J J Fad made history as one of the first all-female rap groups to achieve mainstream success Their innovative sound captivated audiences worldwide, earning them widespread acclaim "Supersonic" became a chart-topping sensation, reaching #10 on the Billboard Hot 100
in 1988 and solidifying J J Fad's status as pioneers and hometown heroes
More recently, the group has been recognized for the impact they had as pioneers in hip-hop The singer and Black Eye Peas member Fergie brought the group’s sound to a new generation while sampling “Supersonic” for her hit 2006 song “Fergalicious ” Locally, the group had a street J J Fad Way in Rialto dedicated in their honor in 2022 The honor was spearheaded by San Bernardino Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca Jr (also an Eisenhower High School graduate)
During the street dedication ceremony, the group stated: “Rialto raised us in the most amazing way We attended elementary, junior high, and high school in Rialto, and this is where the group was formed If it weren’t for the positive influences in our lives from teachers to family to coaches, etc , this would not have been possible We are proud to hail from Rialto and are so thankful for this honor ”
DJ Arabian Prince is a trailblazing DJ, producer, a founding member of the legendary hip-hop group N W A, and helped produce J J Fad Alongside N W A , he recently earned a Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award after helping to break boundaries as he helped create the sound of the West Coast rap scene
Together, J J Fad and DJ Arabian Prince bring a wealth of talent, experience, and innovation to the stage, making them the perfect headliners for the RITZ Gala
As the curtains rise on the 17th Annual RITZ Gala, the stage is set for an evening of enchantment and inspiration
Whether you're a supporter of the arts, a champion of education, wanting to purchase beautiful Silent Auction baskets, or simply seeking an evening of entertainment, The RITZ welcomes you with open arms
Don't miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary event – purchase your tickets today and prepare to be dazzled at The RITZ Gala, where student talent shines bright and communities come together in harmony

Student Hunger
Supervisor Joe Baca Jr shared a personal anecdote to illustrate the significance of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) His father, Congressman Baca, was instrumental in renaming the federal food assistance program to SNAP from its former stigmatized label “This partnership here is not about a handout; it's about a hand up It’s about putting our kids and families in a better position to create generational wealth, so they can become more educated and garner better jobs; it’s about putting people in a better place and overall quality of life,” Baca emphasized
SBCCD Chancellor Diana Rodriguez underscored the impor-
tance of streamlined access between educational programs and county services, stating, “Last year, when we discussed what we would like to see and happen in regards to connecting our programs with county programs so that there is just one form for students to fill out, Supervisor Baca, I remember your response was, ‘Well, why don't we already do this?’ That is why we are here today, so thank you for helping move this initiative forward ”
This historic agreement marks a significant step towards addressing the urgent issue of student food insecurity exacerbated by the current economic climate, ensuring college students can focus on their education, not hunger
San Ber nardino Transf or ms
Crime-Infested Vacant Lot into Bustling City Center with 5th Str eet Gateway
By Manny SandovalOn April 11, 2024, the City of San Bernardino marked a significant transformation with the ribboncutting ceremony of the 5th Street Gateway project, a development set to rejuvenate the cityscape Local officials, including Mayor Helen Tran and Councilmembers Theodore Sanchez and Sandra Ibarra, alongside business representatives and over 200 community members, gathered at the vibrant site amidst a bustling crowd and soaring temperatures
Councilmember Theodore Sanchez reflected on the city’s journey, emphasizing the project's transformative impact "It’s been a long journey for San Bernardino to once again become the gem of the Inland Empire," Sanchez stated "This project has replaced an empty, misused lot with thriving businesses that generate revenue and offer employment, marking a significant step forward for our city "
Mayor Helen Tran lauded the project as a wake-up call for the city's potential "San Bernardino is a sleeping giant, and this project is waking up that giant," Mayor Tran commented "These new establishments are not just places to dine; they symbolize economic progress, job creation, and a commitment to exceptional experiences for both residents and visitors "
The event showcased the operational Starbucks and Del Taco, with the nearly complete 711 and Sonic, and the newly initiated construction of an Ono Hawaiian BBQ drive-thru adding to the excitement David Firedman, co-owner of Realicore Real Estate and key player in the development, shared his enthusiasm and gratitude "Today marks the first day of construction of our forthcoming Ono Hawaiian Bbq drive-thru
It's my honor to be doing this in a city I love so much Thanks to everyone's patience as I take on my first ground-up development," he said
The San Bernardino Police Department, represented by Captain Nelson Carrington, assured ongoing safety and support for the new businesses "The department is committed to ensuring the safety of guests and the longevity of the success of the business with an elevated police presence," Carrington told the crowd
Despite the celebration, the project drew criticism due to the addition of another Starbucks, following recent controversies surrounding the brand's legal actions against Workers United A local Instagram user, identified as Maravilla, voiced disappointment over the council's photo cutting the ribbon of the new business, linking it to broader geopolitical tensions "You all look too happy funding genocide This is disappointing," Maravilla commented, highlighting the community's mixed reactions to the new developments
In a lighter moment, Mayor Tran shared her personal favorites from the menus of the new establishments, revealing a penchant for snack tacos and fries from Del Taco and a tailored tall coffee with four pumps of white mocha from Starbucks, no cream or sugar
As San Bernardino stands at the crossroads of change, the 5th Street Gateway project not only promises new economic opportunities but also sparks dialogue about the values and vision of its community
4 7 A r r e s t e d a n d 7 8 C i t e d a t C i t y o f S a n
B e r n a r d i n o D U I C h e c k p o i n t
Community News
One driver was arrested for Driving Under the Influence and 78 citations were issued at a DUI Checkpoint on April 12, 2024
The DUI checkpoint was held on the 1100 block of E Highland Ave from 6:00 p m to 2:00 a m
There were 46 drivers arrested for operating a vehicle unlicensed or with a suspended/revoked license
There were 746 vehicles contacted during the checkpoint and 16 vehicles impounded DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on reported incidents of impaired driving-
related collisions The primary purpose of DUI checkpoints is to promote public safety by taking suspected impaired drivers off roads
Funding for this checkpoint was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
C o l t o n M a n A r r e s t e d f o r A t t e m p t e d
M u r d e r F o l l o w i n g D o w n t o w n R e d l a n d s A s s a u l t
Community News
Redlands Police arrested a 35-year-old Colton man for attempted murder following an assault early Sunday morning in downtown Redlands
Officers responded to a report of an assault on 5th Street north of Citrus Avenue shortly before 2 a m Sunday, April 14
Arriving officers found the victim unresponsive on the sidewalk, bleeding from his head
Witnesses reported that the suspect approached the victim from behind as he was talking with a woman and punched him unprovoked
The victim was knocked out and fell to the sidewalk, hitting his head before going into
Cecilia Ann Valera, aged 76, passed away peacefully at her home after a brief battle with cancer on April 1st, 2024 She was surrounded by loved ones
She was born on December 20, 1947 to Antonio Chavez and Ignacia Flores Chavez Cecilia dedicated her life to nursing, positively impacting countless lives with her compassionate care over the years
Cecilia is survived by her three daughters, Jo Ann, Brandi, and Belynda, along with eleven cherished grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren She was an esteemed member of the Colton community, actively involved in various activities, including Floklorico dancing, singing with her choir group, and community Bingo
seizures An ambulance crew arrived and transported the victim to the hospital
Police located Andrew P Millan nearby and witnesses positively identified him as the suspect He was arrested for assault and attempted murder
The victim remained unconscious in critical but stable condition as of Sunday evening
Millan is being held in lieu of $1 million bail at the Central Detention Center in San Bernardino
Anyone with information regarding crime or suspicious activity is asked to contact Redlands Police Dispatch at (909) 798-7681 ext 1
Certain non-emergency crimes may also be reported online using the Redlands Police
Department’s CopLogic reporting system at www cityofredlands org/report-crime
Suspicious activity and tips can be reported using the City of Redlands 311 mobile app available for Android, iPhones, and iPads
Redlands Police press releases and other information are available on the Redlands Police Department Facebook page at w w w f a c e b o o k c o m / r e d l a n dspolicedepartment or on the Department website at https://www cityofredlands org/ police
Community News
On October 1st, 2023, at approximately 12:13 AM, Colton Police Officers responded to reports of a shooting that had just occurred near 2250 West Mill Street in the city of Colton
Upon arrival, patrol officers located the victim The victim was found to have sustained severe injuries to his lower body The victim was transported to a local hospital to receive treatment for his injuries
The suspect in the shooting fled the scene prior to police arrival
Colton PD Detectives were assigned to investigate the shooting During follow up investigation, the shooter was determined to be Roberto Ruiz (28-year-old resident of Fontana)
On April 3rd, 2024, at approximately 2:20 PM, Colton Police Detectives located Roberto Ruiz in the city of Fontana
Ruiz was detained without incident and later transported to Colton PD for processing Ruiz was arrested for attempted homicide and booked into West Valley Detention Center
S B P D F o c u s e s o n t h e D a n g e r s o f D i s t r a c t e d D r i v i n g
Community News
On April 12, 2024, the San Bernardino Police Department will conduct an enforcement operation focused on drivers suspected of violating the hands-free cell phone law
Under current law, drivers are not allowed to hold a phone or electronic communications device while operating a vehicle
This includes talking, texting, or using an app Using a handheld cell phone while driving is punishable by a fine Violating the hands-free law for a second time within 36 months of a prior
conviction for the same offense will result in a point being added to a driver ’s record
If you have an important phone call or need to program directions, pull over to a safe parking spot Before driving, either silence your phone or put it somewhere you can’t reach
San Bernardino Police Department will hold another distracted driving enforcement operation on April 26, 2024
Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
A graduate of North High School in Riverside, Cecilia furthered her education at SBVC, earning a degree in Nursing
Her professional journey included roles as a Registered Nurse at SB County Medical Center and Arrowhead Regional Center, where her dedication and expertise left a lasting impact
Cecilia's commitment extended beyond her professional life as she was a devoted member of San Salvador church, serving as a lector and catechism teacher for over 30 years
Her involvement in organizations such as the Colton Women’s Club, Mary’s Mercy Center, and the World Apostolate of Fatima - Our Lady’s Blue Army, showcased her ded-
ication to serving others
Cecilia's legacy of love, kindness, and service will continue to inspire all who knew her
While her presence will be deeply missed, her reunion with her late husband, John F Valera, brings comfort as they rest peacefully together
Services will be held Monday, April 29th, 2024 at Preciado Funeral Home at 5pm with Rosary beginning at 6pm
Mass will be the following day April 30th, 2024 at San Salvador Church at 11am with burial service to follow at Hermosa Cemetery
Reception will be held following the burial at the American Legion Post

Community News
The San Bernardino Valley College Foundation has been awarded a three-year, $2 2 million grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians The grant will continue the Tribe’s long-term support of the SBVC Valley Bound Commitment program, as well as significantly expand the Foundation’s advancement capacity
"On behalf of the San Bernardino Valley College Foundation, I want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for their extraordinary generosity in awarding us a three-year $2 2 million grant,” said Michael Layne, director of the SBVC Foundation “This is a transformational investment that will enable us to implement the Foundation’s
Development Plan and cultivate relationships with donors at a much higher level, which is key to building our capacity and sustaining those efforts ”
"Every student should have an opportunity to pursue their educational dreams regardless of the hardships and challenges they might face The SBVC Valley Bound Commitment Program offers a wonderful path for students to launch their life ambitions right here in the Inland Empire," said Chairwoman Lynn Valbuena, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians "This grant is an investment to help our historically underserved community members find or create their own opportunities for a better quality of life for their families ”
The grant will fund multiple facets of the program: $1 3 million will be allocated towards hiring three new categorically funded development positions within the
SBCUSD Board of Education Honor s Outstanding Individuals

Community News
In Feb , the Board of Education presented the Outstanding Achievement Awards to students, parents and staff of Lincoln and North Park Elementary Schools, Rodriguez PREP Academy Middle School and Arroyo Valley High School (AVHS)
The Board recognizes Outstanding Stu-
dent Award winners to honor excellence in academics, athletics, fine arts, citizenship and most improvement The Board also presents the Outstanding Parent/Grandparent/Volunteer Award and Outstanding Employee Award to individuals who embody the District’s dedication to student achievement and well-being
Rodriguez Prep Academy Middle
SBVC Foundation to cultivate donor contributions and prepare for a major fundraising campaign in honor of SBVC’s upcoming 100th-anniversary celebration
Additionally, the grant includes $900,000 to sustain the Valley-Bound Commitment program over the next three years “The Tribe has supported the Valley Bound Commitment program for over 15 years We are deeply grateful for the partnership and commitment of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians in helping us fulfill our shared vision for providing our community with equitable access to higher education,” said Layne
For more information about the San Bernardino Community College Foundation and its initiatives, visit www sbvcfoundation org

School, Principal Kathy Atencio:
Eighth-grader Aalana Jackson is an Outstanding Student Jackson’s contributions to her school and community showcase her as a role model for her peers, embodying the qualities of a true scholar and citizen Jackson aspires to enroll at Howard University and pursue a career path in veterinary medicine
Blake Marquez is an eighth-grader and Outstanding Student Marquez’s efforts have not only resulted in significant academic growth but have also demonstrated responsibility, respect and integrity within the school community His positive attitude, hard work and perseverance will serve him well in his future as a computer engineer
Read more at IECN com
Inland Empir e Histor y Day at the Santa Fe Depot Celebrates the 1918 Grand Opening of the Historic San Ber nardino R ailr oad