Rialto Record 01 28 21

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Januar y 28, 2 021

Vol 1 9, NO. 20

Local businessman thanks Rialto Police on ar rest of incident involving a minor


uring the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is no surprise that along with the celebration, criminal behavior escalates. Last month one incident became personal for a local business leader. This week, he took time to thank the Rialto Police Department, and specifically, one officer, for assisting a young family member in need during a shopping incident at a local store.


Superbowl p r e v i e w, predictions Pg. 4

“My niece experienced a disturbing event where a man approached her, followed her around a store and publicly touched himself while in her face stating phrases as, “This is America, I can do what I want,” replied Frank Montes, owner of Inland Body and Paint, bordering the cities of Rialto and Colton. Montes added, “She is young, and he invaded her personal PHOTO RPD   space, and her sense of security Rialto Police Officer Rondo Garcia responded to a sensitive and safety. As anyone can imagincident with compassion and concern, conduct that business ine, my niece was immediately owner Frank Montes wants to commend.

traumatized and overwhelmed with fear. At the time, Rialto police told us that the man was not arrested, and was not facing any consequences for his actions. Dealing with our emotions, we were enraged not only at the behavior of this suspect, but at Rialto Police Department. We felt that they were insensitive and did not do their job in this case.” Nevertheless, by communicating with Rialto police, Montes and his family were offered full transparency. Police shared surveillance footage, body cam audio and the evidence. “Thankfully,” Montes said, “Captain Mark Adams and Police Chief Mark Kling of the Rialto Police Department offered their full transparency and shared surveillance footage, body camera audio, and all the evidence they could share. After carefully reviewing the surveillance, I realGarcia, cont. on next pg.

Teamsters Local 1932 facilitates over 5,000 COVID tests, strengthening worker protection By Manny B. Sandoval


s of January 19, labor union organization Teamsters Local 1932 had facilitated well over 5,000 COVID tests to its members, a majority who have been crucial public service employees throughout the pandemic.

Gover nor lifts stay-at-home orders for all counties Pg. 4

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com

In August 2020, the labor union partnered with Transcend Healthcare and has since been administering COVID tests every Monday throughout the County of San Bernardino, from Ontario to Apple Valley and everywhere in between to assist in stopping the spread of the virus. “It’s paramount to ensure our members are healthy and able to perform their job as it allows the community to continue operating, and receive services and benefits that are needed throughout the entire region,” said Randy Teamsters, cont. on next pg.



Testing staff from Transcend Healthcare, Teamsters Local 1932 and former San Bernardino County Supervisor Josie Gonzales and County Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman leading the initiative to mitigate COVID-19 in the community by testing thousands of labor union members.

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