COMMUNICATION PROJECT RESEARCH REPORT Laura Harada. Nathalie Larsson . Sara Beyler. Nuria Pons. BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Communication. Level 5. 2017 - 2018. 5FAMK001C. CWK1. Cristina Lastra Word count: 1069
21 Buttons was founded in 2016 in Spain by Jaime FarrĂŠs and Marc Soler.
Platform that allows users to share outfits, earn money, discover new trends, combine and purchase garments directly from the application.
Available for iOS and Android. Only in Spain, Uk and Italy.
Their ambition is to positionate themselves as the leader platform worldwide in the fashion world.
Their vision is to agrupe everything that the fashion consumer needs in one app in which people can find everything related to fashion. From inspiration to direct links to purchase.
Provide latest fashion trends, help the consumers be well-dressed. Quality and supervised content.
Brand Essence
Brand Values
21 Buttons lays the foundation to keep up with the latest trends. They reach this mission by being available for everyone without putting any consumer fee for the downloading of the app.
Brand Personality
The personality of the app is young and easy, do to the fact of the young target and the style of a comfortable design and layout created.
Brand in Action
The app allows its users to look for trendy clothes that fit your personal style. 21 Buttons continues to grow and is expanding in the 3 countries its working in.
- Simple and easy to use - Have quality and verified control over the content garment reference in the app - Have shown evident results of growth through revenues - Are focused on end consumers, and cover the complete spectrum of the online shopping experience through the app
21 Buttons, a fashion app with their heart and spirit in sharing new style, fashion and young influencers. The brand is associated with a new way of discovering a personal style by the help of inspiration from fashion oriented people.
- Have a limited public - Their vision of being a worldwide leader is held back by the lack of accessibility to download the app with phones from most countries other than Spain, Italy and UK. - From the outside and general public, the app has a very feminine aspect which does not attract the male public.
Easy and informal app
be fashion forward
cool Look for trendy clothes that ďŹ t your style
many users similar styles
Keep up with trends Fashion App
Be helpful Easy
Continue expansion in the 3 countries where its working
open for everyone
Search for latest trends
21 Buttons focus mostly on their Instagram account, Instagram is the social media where they find their direct users to their app. Facebook and Twitter on the other hand has not as much focus and updates for 21 buttons.
Data from official accounts - 5 okt to 5 nov 2017 ** Twitter Account - All their post are retweeted
- Big number of followers on - Have a limited public Instagram - Their vision of being a - Updates posts on Instagram worldwide leader is held back - High engagement from followers by the lack of accessibility to on Instagram, especially in Spain download the app with phones - Easy to download the app from from most countries other than Instagram, Facebook and Twitter Spain, Italy and UK. - Many famous influencers #tag 21 - From the outside and general Buttons on their profiles and public, the app has a very femi pictures nine aspect which does not - Website available in English, Span attract the male public. ish and Italian.
- 21 Buttons website does not contain much information, their strategy is to get the consumer to download the app to find more information. - How to create an account and how to download the app. - Showcasing influencers using the app. - Small explanation of how the app works.
- The posts are mainly in Spanish and Italian, and there are reposts of articles speaking about the app in italian as well. - Post videos of their campaigns and photos albums from the 2 events they have appeared in. - Have light activity, being June/July the last time when they posted on the Facebook page.
Website -Buttons-1457875341179800/
Instagram Spain, UK and Italy /21.buttons/?hl=sv
- The posts show young, beautiful mostly women and some men. - The pictures are expressing comfort, freedom, style, self confidence and fashion. - Attracts a younger target, mostly women. - Posting pictures of many famous influencers. - The layout is designed with light colours and the text under the picture is often something inspiring. - Special use of “Get the Look� posts of inspiring outfits that you can find in the app. Used to get the followers to download the app.
- All posts are retweets of Tweets from satisfied users of the 21 Buttons app.
- Posts Campaign videos, tutorials Youtube - Most views from campaign videos with famous influencers kR86101LxzjYxkL7NCZw/videos
Use of influencers
The majority of posts are from users with a significant following platform, which gives more visibility to the app.
Social media presence
21 Buttons is strongly connected to Instagram.
Easily to find and buy garments
When the users tag a garment, the app instantly provides information about the price and the brand and gives the option to purchase it directly.
Earning money while posting a photo
Users earn money every time another user has bought their garment directly from the 21 buttons app. This feature benefits the app in a way that encourages people to post their outfits to earn extra money.
First company doing what they do in the spanish market
- Spanish influencers have a pretty close and engaged following platform. - Instagram posts are directly connected to 21 buttons which gives the users a direct link to experiencing the app. - Part of the user experience includes a profit to the users of the app, the more you use, the more you earn. - Understand and focus on a small target (spanish girls), result in higher efficiency.
21 Buttons is a local company, pioneer in Spain for giving their unique service.
- Mainly used by Spanish influencers which makes it difficult to reach to enter and cover other international markets. - Image is girly and, since it displays a not so diverse influencer base, it restrains itself from appealing to other targets. - Lack presence and relevance in other social media platforms.
Spain: - Spain’s political situation with the Catalonia issues UK: - The brexit vote created a big deal of controversy, as well as the change of prime minister Italy: - Political situation is stable at the moment, with no major inconvenience. Spain: -Spain’s economy is the fifth in Europe and is stable currently, followed by many years of economic troubles -Due to the catalan issues, economy can be affected, specially in Barcelona, which is already losing tourists UK: -The economic growth of UK was expected to drop after the Brexit vote, but it did not have such bad consequences as were expected, and held up correctly. However, it has been affected by inflation and this affects spending power directly. Italy: - They have reached the best economic moment since 2011 and the crisis years Spain: -There are almost the same amount of females and males from 15 to 24 years old, and they constitute the 9,56% of spanish population. (male 2,400,188/female 2,243,311) UK: -Apart from the brexit vote, the british society is not having major issues -15 -24 years: 8,294,000 Italy: -Stable -15-24 years: 9.74% (male 3,026,359/female 3,012,882) For all of them: - Fashion-wise, the young people are increasingly interested in it due to social media
- Stable economic situation in the UK and cosmopolitan fashion scene shows paths for the development of the app. - The population of the three countries is very technological immersed, especially, the youth. - Those countries are centered in the fashion world, especially Italy and UK, where the major fashion weeks take place which could lead to the organisation of events to pro mote the app and reach a wider public.
Spain: - Since 2015, Spain has been one of the first countries worldwide to buy online or through apps UK: -The use of mobile phones and apps is massive within the british society Italy: No information found for italian’s use of apps but as it is an european country, they definitely use smartphones and apps regularly
- Main development of app is in Spain, and is currently in the less stable political situation. - Economical crises of the past years could lower the household incomes. - Young users who have recently emancipated would prefer spend money on other necessi ties rather than clothing.
COMPETITORS/INSPIRATIONAL COMPETITORS ANALYSIS On account of the interview with 21 Buttons management, the company doesn’t have any direct competitors. However the indirect competitors: Like to know it, ASAP 54, Where to get and The Hunt represent a similar lifestyle of the young target and fashion/trend seeking people. 21 Buttons don’t fear any of their competitors and they see themselves as a strong company in the market. A fact that makes 21 Buttons unique and different from their competitors, is that the users ‘buttoners’ can post pictures of themselves and tag the brand they are wearing. The app also provides the possibility to earn money, if users purchase a garment another user posted. In the other platforms, the users can only post a picture of the garment that they are looking for and another user helps them providing links of the providence of the piece. A possible hypothetical competitor could be Instagram since they could add a similar feature as tagging the brand and giving the chance to purchase the products through the app by adding the links as well as 21 Buttons.
The Hunt
Where to get
Website Android/ iOS Instagram (60,2k followers) Facebook (6,4k) Twitter (7,5k) Pinterest (58,8k) Italy:
Website Android/ iOS Instagram (20k) Facebook (15.8k) Twitter (2,7k) Pinterest
- Community in which the users help you find the items you are looking for. They cover features such as polls in which the user answer to other users. You are able to find posts browsing in with criteria like celebrities, styles and features/hashtags (leggings, Thanksgiving, netflix and chill and so on). - Covers mainly women clothes, besides a few men celebrities such as Harry Styles. - Teenage target
- The user posts picture and asks the community. - They cover fashion, beauty and interior. - More focused on women - Teenager early twenties target.
Like to know it
Website Android/ iOS Instagram (10k) Facebook (6,3k) Twitter (1,8k) Pinterest (245)
Website Android/ iOS Instagram (2,6M) Facebook (9k) Twitter (3.7k) Pinterest
-You can post pictures or links and get similar items or styles. - They cover trends and inspiration and from provides the user with a link to purchase the product that they liked. - They allow the user to look through brands. In which they cover high street to luxury brands - Focused on both men and women - Target is more mature, from early twenties to fifties.
- Has a tool that allows to buy Instagram outfits directly - The user screenshots a picture from Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest‌ and buys the products featured. - Focused on women - Any age users, mainly frequent Instagram users.
21 Buttons Target
- Currently, is based on the ages of 14 to 30, mainly girls. - Their lifestyle is very involved with technology like applications as musically or Snapchat and create a community with their friends. - They are students living off their parents or they have recently emancipated.
Demographic Profile of Spain, UK and Italy 2016
CONSUMER SEGMENTATION SWOT Strengths Weakness - Around half of the population in - 21 Buttons has the lowest enSpain, UK and Italy are active on gagement in the UK market alsocial medias. though UK has the most users of - 21 Buttons has 3,5 million users social media comparing with Spain total in Spain, UK and Italy. and Italy. - 21 Buttons has the highest en- Lack of engagement in other gagement in Spain and Italy. media platforms, a side from Instagram, leaves a gap in an omnichannel communication strategy.
Opportunities Threats - The technology is evolving dra- - Other fashion apps in the market matically every year. available that cover a wider percent - Today more than half of the world of the market, due to the lack of population uses a smartphone. availability outside of the 3 coun(, 2017) tries 21 Buttons operates in. - 50% of the world population is today using internet (wearesocial. com, 2017) - 37% of the world population are active social media users, this number is increasing every year. (, 2017)
- 37% of the world population are active - Lack presence and relevance in other social media users, this number is increassocial media platforms. ing every year. (, 2017) - Very focused on the same ‘style’ of influ- Uk- 64 million from which 38 million are encers. active social media users. - Mainly used by Spanish influencers which - The majority of posts in their social media makes it difficult to reach to enter and covaccounts are from users with a significant er other international markets. following platform, which gives more visibil- - Males, which are our desired target, do ity to the app. not feel attracted by the influencers they - The app knows its current target and are currently using. knows how to reach it but not the desired - Image is girly and, since it displays a not target. so diverse influencer base, it restrains itself - Does not have any direct competitor that from appealing to other targets. is doing the same as 21 Buttons. - They are not doing events or other activi- The 21 Buttons video campaign is very ties to attract a wider audience, only events present on spanish television. focused on young girls. - In the Spanish market, the app is seen as - Image is girly and, since it displays a not innovative and modern service. so diverse influencer base, it restrains itself from appealing to other targets. - Their advertising and promotions is mainly based on a very limited segment of their customers.
Opportunities The rise of e-commerce will help 21 buttons to develop faster. The app could be seen as a community and create interactions within the users which could help the brand loyalty. To increase loyalty, new strategies could be developed such as a point reward system.
Brand Narative 21 Buttons was founded two years ago and has already established a strong position within the social media market with loyal users. As consumer’s standards keeps on increasing 21 Buttons continues to adapt to it and building a strong brand strategy. One of their major principle is to keep up with the trends and consumer’s needs. Their tone of voice is young and cool. They understand how big influence “influencers” have in today’s society and by this we can understand their tone of voice also is innovative and trend-following. Nowadays, we want to show our social status through our clothes, and 21 Buttons is adapting after that. 21 Buttons was the first company within the social media market offering an easy way how to find what other people are wearing in a quick and efficient way. They saw an opportunity in the consumer’s behavior, that they were becoming more interested in getting inspired in how to dress. As a result 21 Buttons captured something we all want to feel, we want to feel apart of something and that we belong somewhere. What made 21 Buttons special is that what they manage to do with their customers is that they made them feel apart of their community, to be “A buttoner” and share your style with other “buttoners” within the 21 Buttons community. The brand identity and their signature elements are visually their light coral colours, the representation of young beautiful people, the button logo and the soft layout in the design of the app.
- Increase the presence of male users and internationalise the app. - Positionate themselves as the leader and referent platform in the fashion world.
App as a fashion style and community/social portal. Point reward system. With each purchase through the app the user accumulates points in order to get early access to limited edition collections or discounts on a personalised selection of brands depending on their personal profile and what brands and products they have bought in the past. (1â‚Ź=1point) Internationalize the app to make it available worldwide.
Target concept
Why did we choose this target?
Hypebeast comes from the slang languages. Someone who is a beast, that is obsessed with the hype in the fashion industry. The term sometimes is used to mock this group of people, mainly guys who are are willing to pay ridicule prices for items from brands such as Supreme, Balenciaga or Raf Simons in re-sales due to its exclusivity. - Males from the ages of 13 to 30 - Students or part-time workers. - Living with parents’ financial help - Medium to high household income - Interested in fashion, especially streetwear style. - Want to belong to a community - Very active on social media - Are willing to pay high prices for exclusive pieces or very popular and hyped items.
- In the latest years the Streetwear brands have gained a huge amount of popularity to the point that their prices have increased almost as if they were mid-high range brands. - These Streetwear brands have started to collaborate with luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton x Supreme(https://www.highsnobiety. com/2017/09/06/supreme-louis-vuitton-hysteria/) or Supreme x Comme des Garçons (https:// - The latest drop, Nike X Off-White, has been hyped about for a few months and is going to last at least a few months into 2018 - We did surveys to males in between their late teens and early twenties and we concluded that the majority of brands claimed as favourite were streetwear brands such as Supreme or Gosha Rubchinskiy - Lyst declared the hottest and most influential brands of 2017, which the majority of them are performing in the streetwear market such as Balenciaga Off-White or Vetements. (https:// - They like to belong to a community.
Opportunities we see with this target
Luxury or mid-market brands that are orientating products to this segment or the streetwear market
- Since they are very interested in limited edition and exclusive clothing, we can also provide links for re-sale websites or similar items. They like to share their outfits online, as well as, find inspiration online. 21 Buttons could be another inspirational platform for them. - They like to belong to a culture, for example the skate community or basketball, 21 could be a part of this culture as a social portal. - The ‘hypebeast’ is the one starting the trend which will be, somehow, followed by other males who are not into fashion but style want to be fashionable. In a way, they are the pioneers of those brands.
Givenchy Vetements Raf Simons Balenciaga Comme des Garçons Ralph Lauren Tommy Hilfiger Supreme Palace Yeezy Off-white Lacoste Acne Studios Fila Burberry
CREATIVE STRATEGY -INSIGHTS: - Internal sources from 21 Buttons shows that women conform an 80% of the total app user base. - UK population shows a promising potential in the male fashion segment, due to the strong presence in social media in general (38 million) and large population of males within the target age group (3.9 million). (, 2017) - Male social media users in their late teens/early twenties are interested in streetwear brands and influencers that display street-hype style. - 80% of men between 14-25 are interested and prefer buying limited edition products. (Adhoc)
-Share outfits and earn money when other users buy an item that you tagged through the app. -Combine and save items into closets which allows the user to get style inspiration and new ideas. -Interaction between the users to create an engaged and strong community. -Point reward system which will provide the users with access to limited edition clothing and discounts on selected brands. -Availability worldwide 2.Key issue For starters, 21 Buttons has a very feminine image to the general public which makes it difficult to reach the male segment. Finally, it is only available in Spain, U.K and Italy 3.Main objectives Increase the presence male of users and internationalise the app. More downloads and social media coverage. 4.The promise Social interactions, rewards, gaining money and grow your personal following platform. 5.The support Social media as the main tool (Instagram, Youtube, Twitter) Influencers Traditional media (independent magazine, flyers and banners)
6.The competition - The Hunt - Like to know it - Where to get it - ASAP54 7.Target consumer Males from the ages of 13 to 30. Student, with a part time job position or recently emancipated. 8..Desired behaviour -Consumers to give hype to the app. -Promotion through word of mouth . 9.Target net impression ‘It is useful and has a lot of features to help get behind the latest trends and get inspired with new ideas. They have the coolest people and you can buy their clothes directly and even get discounts and rewards. Plus, you have the possibility to earn money if money if you share your outfits’. 10.Mandatories Online advertising and traditional advertising. 11.Tone and manner Chill, cool and contemporary vocabulary.
COPY STRATEGY Consumer benefit: - Earn money. - Belonging to a community. - Style inspiration. - Discounts and rewards. Reason why: - Increase male users in the app. - Obtain an international brand awareness and downloads. - Set the app as the referent fashion platform. Support and evidence: - Quality and up to date content. - Trustworthy. - Features starting and new trends. - More independent and different influencers than usual, in terms of style.
Tone of voice:
- Friendly and modern vocabulary. - Close to consumers. Target: - Males in between the ages of 13 to 30.
VIDEO STORYBOARD STORY: Blondey Mccoy skates through London town using the 21 buttons app in order to construct his outfit for his appearance in the newest Supreme drop. With every button he pushes throughout the video, a new item of clothing is added to his body. His face is disguised by the button logo, only revealed in the last two scenes. Song used: “El bandido� Nicolas Jaar FRAME 1: On a Thursday morning, Blondey Mccoy leaves his home in South London with nothing but his Supreme underwear and socks, and begins skating. (At this point, his face is covered with the 21 buttons app logo that means he is currently active on the app and follows his every move)
FRAME 2: Blondey skates through the South Bank skate park near his hometown and upon finishing a maneuver pushes a button in the wall and pops up his Vetements jeans on him instantly.
FRAME 3: Now inside the London underground as he scans his oyster card, he pushes a button and a watch hat is fixed in his head.
FRAME 4: Still inside the tube, Blondey comes close to the camera and only his smile is unveiled (gold tooth in the front middle)
FRAME 5: Shot of the Big Ben and the London eye.
FRAME 6: Delivery package with another a giant button instead of a received sign form and Blondey pushes it. (Allusion to the huge resell consumerism hypebeasts engage in)
FRAME 7: Pano-shot of DHL truck and London Eye behind, and Blondey skating with his almost complete outfit, minus his shoes.
FRAME 8: Moving on to the DOVER STREET MARKET and a Balenciaga triple S Shoe in a screen window display and switch button in the wall which Blondey pushes to get the shoes.
FRAME 9: Detail of shoes and pants while skating on the concrete floor.
blondey mccoy
FRAME 10: Blondey arrives to the Supreme drop with his super cool outfit and uses his app to post his outfit. (face is revealed for the first time)
vetements vetements vetements vetements vetements
louis vuitton x supreme
triple s
raf simons sweater
FRAME 11: Last scene, all the trend seekers at the event get the app to tap and appear wearing Blondey´s outfit. (Company name appears on screen, with campaign hashtags below)
Instagram Ads Facebook ads
More ads for a wider audience -> focused on both genders (pictures of influencers, varied styles - classy, trendy, streetwear)
Sponsored content in magazines read by young audience (ID, Dazed, AnOther)
Sponsored content on fashion websites, specially Hypebeast, Highsnobiety that are focused on streetwear
- Description of the app - Explanation of how it works - FAQ
- Users content - Exclusive information and promotions about upcoming drops
Short previews from the exclusive content with the influencers (10-20 second clips extracted from the youtube channel content)
Information about events exclusive from 21 buttons or events where they participate (Fashion Night Out, London Fashion Week‌)
Exclusive content with influencers (interviews, lookbook, vlogs about the drops)
Use of #21buttons to communicate with buttoners - interactive relationship with followers Smart/funny tweets
Word of mouth (from users to Tweets about the app their social circle) retweet reviews from followers or tweets about it
Luka Sabbat (572k) = 40-55k = 200-450 Leo Mandella (434k) = 22k-35k = 300-500 Marc Forne (378k) = 11k-24k = 38-110 Biel Juste (190k) =19k-25k =59-75 Blanca Miro (159k) = 3700-5400 = 39-57 Ari Petrou (158k) = 17k-24k = 260-380 Blondey McCoy (146k) Monica Anoz (137k) Magnus Ronning (89k) Icy Mukof (54.4k) Iamconnorsrevenge (907k) Sabreena Diamond (fuhzz - 46.4k) Cea.ras (44.4k) Joel Kurasinski (18.7k)
Social Media
Instagram - regram users that post pictures tagging the app and using #21Buttons
The main advertising for the new campaign will be the video featuring Blondey Mccoy, which has been explained. The video will be posted on the 21Buttons youtube channel, and before it is released, there will be some small portions of the video posted to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with the #MccoyX21buttons to create excitement around the release of the new campaign. Ads are going to be posted on all their social media, specially Instagram, which allows to target the consumer better than the rest of the social networks. These advertisements will be the snippets of the video campaign and also pictures of influencers that use and promote 21 buttons.
The first event of the campaign will take place one day after the release of the video, and it will be a release party in the most important fashion cities such as London, Milan and Barcelona. In this party there will be many influencers that work with the brand and that will showcase the event in their social media. The event will be even bigger in London, since Mccoy will attend and he is the face of the campaign.
Social Marketing
Direct marketing
Sales promotions
For the app, the social marketing is done through instagram, Facebook and twitter, where users can post their outfits and their questions and the 21 buttons accounts will answer and re-post some of these. They can use the hashtag #21buttons or #JoinTheHype. This is directed towards the users to engage on a deeper level with the app and feel part of the community.
When users download the app and create an account, they are asked to join the newsletter, which will allow the brand to send any news, promotions and events that they are doing so the user can be informed at all times. Also, flyers will be handed out. Before the release of the video campaign, a contest will be announced to the users for them to attend the release party, in which they will simply have to repost the picture from the contest announcement and use #MccoyX21buttons and #JoinTheHype. 20 people from each city will be chosen to attend the parties and this will create a lot of excitement around the event and also engagement since they get to be part of it. Another contest is going to be announced after the launch of the video and the renewed app, to help users get used to the new features and the point system. This contest will be done on instagram, and users will be asked to upload a picture of an outfit, tagging @21.buttons and using the hashtag #jointhehype and #21buttons. There will be 3 winners, one from each of the countries and they will obtain a credit of 200 euros, which they will be able to spend through the app and they will also earn points when they spend it.
the calendar of the campaign 27.11.17 -
annoucing new updates in the app through all their social media platforms with posting this image
new features coming soon stay tuned
28.11.17 -
five days countdow posting a picture in every social media platform to create excitement and curiosity
5 days left ...
4 days left ...
3 days left ...
2 days left ...
1 day left ...
1.01.18 -
launch of the video on youtube, instragram, facebook, twitter and in the app blondey mccoy promotes the video since he is the protagonist newsletter annoucing the update banners on social media and promotional paid posts on instagram
2.02.18 -
more influencers start posting about the app on their platforms and create their personal account on the app 21 buttons instagram account reposts picture of selected influencers promoting the app
following days and weeks -
giving flyers outside stores such as dover street market in london and different stores in the other main european fashion cities like berlin, barcelona, london and milan vloggers feature the app in their videos appereance in indepent magazines such as Dazed, ID or Another Man
EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION In order to develop an evaluation of the advertising campaign soft and hard metrics of evaluation will be kept into account Our evaluation criteria will focus more on social media activities. Starting with the hard metrics which includes the number of people the ad has been reaching through cookies and the clicks given through our own website or via cookies. In addition, the clicks through banners will be count as well, depending if there has been any kind interaction with the site or just the user left the webpage. Following with the number of downloads and signups it has obtained after the launched of the campaign. If those new downloads create a profile and start immediately sharing pictures or just enjoy the other features of the app. In the soft metrics, we take into consideration the level of brand awareness and how much it has increased in terms of searches by name, also the comments and shares in social media. Moreover, it will be needed to evaluate if the purchased through the app have increased notably.
Personal Interview to a 21 Buttons user. Brais Garcia is a student who was born in 1998 and lives in Barcelona. 1.How did you find out about 21 buttons and what made you start using it? Found it on Instagram and I decided to use it when I started my blog 2.Did you know before starting to use it that you could earn money? No 3.Do you still use? How often, daily, weekly? Yes, weekly 4.Have you ever purchased something directly from the app? No 5.What do you think of their aesthetics and visuals? They should improve them a lot, with colours, aesthetics and quality of pictures and that staff 6.Did you see the campaigns videos they did? No 7.Have you ever been to any of their events, if so what did you think? 7. Yes, nothing special, they use the typical meet and greet event style 8 .What do you think could be improved about the app? Better personalisation and improvement of recommendations and staff (they recommend influencer girls and clothing all the time even if you’re a boy)
Backround Digital in, 2017 (Online) Available at: Market Analysis Become a BoF professional, 2017 (Online) Available at: Copy Strategy: map to success, 2011 (Online) Available at: Digital in 2017 Global owerview, 2017 (Online) Available at: Does advertising even work any more?, 2016 (Online) Available at: Forecast of social network users in UK, 2017 (Online) Available at: Forecast of social network users in Italy, 2017 (Online) Available at: Forecast of Social network users in Spain, 2017 (Online) Available at: Global Revenue from Social Media, 2017 (Online) Available at: How streetwear restyled the world – from hip-hop to Supreme and Palace, 2017 (Online) Available at: How luxury brands are co-opting the streetwear market, 2017 (Online) Available at: Hypebeast Annual report 2016-2017 (Online) Available at: Italy Demographics Profile, 2017 (Online) Available at: Number of social media users worldwide, 2017 (Online) Available at: Spain Demographics Profile, 2017 (Online) Available at: Streetwear brings steady growth to global luxury market, 2017 (Online) Available at: Top definition Hybebeast, 2005 (Online) Available at: United Kingdom Demographics Profile, 2017 (Online) Available at: Where the runway meets the street, 2017 (Online) Available at:
Further readings: Does Advertising even work any more?, 2016 (Online) Available at: How to write a six second ad, 2017 (Online) Available at: (monday november 6 15:39) How Luxury Came to Love Streetwear Sites, 2017 (Online), Available at: How streetwear restyled the world – from hip-hop to Supreme and Palace, 2017 (Online), Available at: Streetwear Bringing Steady Growth to Global Luxury Market, 2017 (Online), Available at: Top Definition Hypebeast, 2005, (Online), Available at:
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