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DARPANA The Dawn of a Decade IEEE UVCE Souvenir 2001 - 2010

University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Bangalore University, Bangalore. K R Circle Bangalore 560 001

Prof. L M Patnaik Vice Chancellor Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Deemed University, Pune Branch Patron

Prof. Venugopal K R Principal University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Branch Advisor

Prof. P Deepa Shenoy Department of Computer Science Engineering Branch Counselor

Dr. K B Raja Department of Electronics and Communication Branch Mentor

Prof. Thriveni J Chairperson Department of Computer Science Engineering Branch Mentor

Prof. Manjula S H Department of Computer Science Engineering WIE Mentor

Editor: Aparajitha Murali

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of IEEE of UVCE. It is my pleasure to note that UVCE is bringing out its decennium Souvenir and I wish the members of the IEEE UVCE all the success in their future endeavors. I hope the members will continuously strive for professional excellence. Prof. L M Patnaik Vice Chancellor Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Deemed University, Pune Branch Patron IEEE UVCE

I am extremely delighted to know that IEEE UVCE is all set to launch the the tenth year souvenir. As always, the student chapter of IEEE UVCE has succeeded in this endeavor of bringing out the various phases of growth of this community in the Souvenir. I take this opportunity to congratulate each and every one who has contributed to the completion of these ten successful years. I wish all success for the future activities of IEEE UVCE. Dr. Venugopal K R Branch Advisor Principal UVCE

IEEE UVCE has grown tremendously for the last 10 years. It has become a way of life for UVCEians. Recently, a number of clubs








Programmers club. The main aim of this chapter is to encourage students to become better and stronger engineers. I wish them all the very best. Dr. P Deepa Shenoy Branch Counselor IEEE UVCE

Under the able guidance of Prof. Venugopal K R , the IEEE UVCE student branch has progressed enormously in the last 10 years and received several accolades and awards. I hope to see the same continue for all the years to come. Dr. K B Raja Branch Mentor, IEEE UVCE

Very happy to be a part of 10th year celebrations of IEEE UVCE. I wish all the young engineers a bright professional future. Dr. Thriveni J Branch Mentor IEEE UVCE

I am happy to know that IEEE UVCE has completed 10 years of excellence. I take this opportunity to convey my best wishes to all the participants and organisers of IMPETUS 2010 for a grand success in their endeavour. Ms. Manjula S H WiE Mentor IEEE UVCE



Annual Report - 2001-2002 As our maiden event we organized 'IMPETUS-2001', our annual technical festival, on the 29th and 30th June, 2001. This event, sponsored by prestigious industrial organization like Intel, Siemens, Honeywell, Texas Instruments and Daimler Chrysler was hoisted at the Central College and UVCE campus and comprised of an array of technical activities like the IEEE-Intel Technical Lecture Series and Paper Presentation, the Simputera and Itanium Display and other contests which were organized. The 2001 Annual General Body Meeting was held on the 5th October 2001 where the new executive committee was elected. The new annual plan of action was subsequently drafted and sent to the IEEE headquarters at New Jersey, USA. The IEEE-Bangalore Section and IEEE-UVCE Student Branch Technical colloquium was held on the 3rd of November 2001. This 4-part lecture series, which managed to cover an array of topics such as Power systems, VLSI-Design and Embedded Systems was well received by an audience of over 150 students from various colleges in Bangalore. In December, we had a talk by Prof. Howard J.Siegal, of Colorado State University on Heterogeneous Computing. We followed it up with talk on “Life After UVCE�, by Mr. Krishna Rao, UVCE Alumnus, IEEE Member and Branch mentor who is currently stationed at Nortel Networks, USA. He enlightened the students on career prospects and the various segments segments that exist in the industry today.


Impetus 2001 - All ears (eager to hear)

Impetus 2001 - Give away to the best


Impetus 2001 - Greeting the gathering

Impetus 2001 - Illuminating the world


Impetus 2001 - Busy minds at work

Impetus 2001 - Honoring the guests


Annual Report - 2002-2003 In April 2002, IEEE-UVCE organized a workshop on 'Visual Age and Java', which was conducted by IBM for the final year Computer Science students. This workshop spanned over twelve days and comprised of theoretical discussions and practical session. In the field trips category, we visited InfoCity, the Infosys Campus at Electronic City on the 4th of May 2002 and the Central Power Research Institute on the 2nd July 2002. More than seventy students participated in the CPRI field trip where demonstrations of the operations of high voltage, short circuit and other machines were conducted. These field trips provided great opportunities to go beyond the book and bridge the gap between academia and industry. The IEEE-UVCE student branch organized 'IMPETUS' 2002 on the 24th and 25th of May 2002. Prof. M S Thimmappa, Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University inaugurated the event and the keynote address was delivered by an alumni Dr. P S Goel, Director, ISRO. Other events included the HP Software Design Contest, Intel Technical Quiz, IEEE-TI Paper Presentation, Potpourri and Treasure hunt contests. IEEE, Intel, Bangalore University, Hewlett Packard and Texas Instruments sponsored the event. Another significant achievement is the launch of the IEEE-UVCE Library and Book Bank. The Book Bank is being structured from contributions from IEEE-UVCE members. We have also been designated the responsibility of housing the IEEE-CCEM journals for the benefit of IEEE members in Karnataka and UVCE students. The 2002 AGM was held on the 20th June 2002. Dr. Venugopal K R was the Branch Counsellor for the second term. Dr. P Deepa Shenoy was officially designated as the branch mentor. The event held during the period October 2001 to June 2002 was reported by the Branch Chairman. The Treasurer summarized the financial report. This was followed by the nomination of the new executive committee for the year 2002-2003. It is noteworthy to mention that our membership has grown by about 80% since May 2001.


Impetus 2002-Inaugural function

Impetus 2002-Volunteers


Impetus 2002-Keynote Address

Impetus 2002-Paper Presentation


Annual report - 2003-2004 The IEEE UVCE student branch had a very active and successful year in 2003. Not only were they able to get some serious work done, but also had a great time. The annual tech fest of the branch Impetus 2003 was held on the 30th and 31st of May at UVCE campus. Organised with smart arrangements and efficient volunteering, the event managed to attract more than 2 thousand students from UVCE and other colleges, some even as far as Orissa. The hit events were the traditional Tech-Quiz, "On the Spot Programming" and Cyber Treasure Hunt, along with other parallel activities like Gaming, Tech-Crosswords and C puzzles. The then Chairman Sharjeel Ahmed pulled off a grand success. The second semester of the year was flagged off by the talk on "Vedas in daily life" by renowned Dr.R.L.Kashyap who is currently the director of the Sri Aurobindo Kapali Shastry Institute of Vedic culture. The Internationl Conference on Optical communication Networks,was held on the 20,21 and 22nd of November, 2003 at the Taj Residency, Bangalore. The UVCE student branch helped in the organisation of the ICOCN, through the volunteers Arun Makkath, Nachiketh Karajagi, Swaroop Bhushan and Priyanka. For the second year in succession, the branch got the opportunity to host the IEEE Student branch leadership workshop.Held on the 6th December,2003 at the campus, it was attended by 32 students and faculty from 14 colleges all over Karnataka. The workshop had the regular introductory session where the participants were introduced to the working, insight,responsibilities and scenario of present student branches. The activities of various branches were cited as examples 2 extensive sessions on team building and communication skills were conducted by professionals Dr. Shylaja Shastry and Dr.Sandeep Shastry. The last event of the year was the annual Colloquium held on the 10th of December. Packed with 4 talks spread throughout the day, it was an event which was both informative and eye-opening. The day was started by a session on Power system modelling by Dr. Balasubramanium of the Power systems Division, CPRI. Then Dr. Kumar Sivarajan, Co-founder and CTO, Tejas Networks explained the applications of SDH/SONET networks. Dr. B D Patel, Retired Principal, Government Ayurvedic College then gave a wonderful talk on "Safe health through homoeopathy". The colloquium ended by the interesting "Changing trends in Software engineering", by Mr. Madhukar CG, Division Vicepresident, Hyperion Solutions, USA. The branch has increasingly been helping the college students improve their technical, general and verbal abilities by organising a regular series of aptitude tests, Puzzle contests and field trips. These have


been reflected in the increasing strength of student members which currently reads at around 80. The branch plans to spearhead many more activities like peer-group discussions, Senior guidance sessions this year and make being a part of IEEE, a great experience !


Impetus 2003 - The Technical extravaganza

Impetus 2003 - Addresses the gathering


Impetus 2003 - Testing the best

Impetus 2003 - Showing them a direction


Impetus 2003 - Inspecting new tehnology

Impetus 2003 - Hands on experience


Annual Report - 2004-2005 The Annual General Body meeting of the student branch for the year 2004 was held on 23rd July 2004. Ms. P Deepa Shenoy continued as the BRANCH MENTOR for IEEE UVCE. Brief reports of activities conducted during the year 2004 are as below. Impetus 2004, IEEE UVCE's annual All India technical extravaganza aimed at furthering the knowledge of students was held on April 16th and 17th 2004. Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Director, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) delivering the keynote address and Dr. L. M. Patnaik, Professor, Indian Institue of Science, Dr. M. S. Thimmappa, Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University, and

Dr. Anup Pujari, Registrar,

Bangalore University, graced the inauguration. A number of technical events such as OSP, IT quiz, math modeling, Mock stock, Hard talk-stress interview, gaming was conducted and saw large number of students participating in these events. Honeywell India was the title sponsors of IMPETUS 04 with IBM, ISRO, TCS, and YAHOO being the co-sponsors of the event. “Dream big! Only big dreams have the power to move your mind and spirit� IEEE UVCE's major dream of conducting a national level technical paper presentation contest as a solo event turned out to be a reality on 23rd November 2004.The event was planned for almost 2 months and posters were sent for many colleges well in advance, inviting the students to participate. The students were given nearly 25 topics to choose from. The main topics being: (i) Intelligent Systems (ii) Integrated system and architecture (iii) Security and Safety (iv) Engineering Analysis and Computing. We received nearly 60-65 entries from colleges all over the country among which nine papers were selected after a thorough scrutiny. The entire event was divided into three sessions with three papers being presented in each session, each participant had 15 minutes to present the paper and 5 minutes to answer the questions. This paper presentation contest was sponsored by Honeywell India. Dr. R L Kashyap has been the professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana in USA for past 36 years and is currently an emeritus professor. He has authored more than 350 research articles of which 220 are published in scholarly journals. Dr. Kashyap is currently the Director of the Sri Aurobindo Kapali Shastry Institute of Vedic Culture (SAKSIVC). The talk was of one hour duration of which the last 15 minutes was utilized for a Question Answer session. Dr.Kashyap spoke about the Vedas in general and traced out its history. He also spoke of how the Vedas hold significance in today's life. The talk was followed by a question answer session.


Mr. Nachiket Karajagi, then the general secretary of IEEE UVCE and currently the Chairman, represented the Bangalore Section at the Region 10 Student congress held in Hong Kong from July 16 to July 18th of 2004. A detailed report was submitted to the Bangalore section on the proceeding of the student congress. He is the one of the three persons from Bangalore to have represented this meet and a sincere effort has been made by him to implement the ideas he gained there from the interaction with other student members. IEEE UVCE helped Nitte College of Engineering, Yelahanka to open a Student Branch. The branch will start of in the year 2005 and is awaiting approval. IEEE UVCE is looking forward to introduce IEEE to many more colleges in the future. The members of IEEE UVCE conducted placement training session for the students of Nitte college of Engineering on request from the college authorities. The placement training session included an aptitude test and interviews for students. The event received overwhelming response with more than 200 students taking the test and 50 selected students taking the interviews. IEEE UVCE has received invitations from other colleges as well to conduct similar training sessions. Ripples is the name of the set of Intra college activities conducted by IEEE UVCE. A separate committee has been formed for this cause. So far IEEE UVCE has conducted 8 aptitude tests, 2 technical tests, 2 group discussion sessions and 1 interview sessions in the college. Winners are declared for each of the events and prize money is awarded along with a certificate. The events are conducted on a regular basis.


Impetus 2004 - Inaugural function

Impetus 2004 - Math Modelling


Impetus 2004 - Stressed beyond limits

Impetus 2004 - Mathmodelling Finals


Annual Report - 2005-2006 Impetus 2005, IEEE UVCE's annual All India technical extravaganza aimed at furthering the knowledge of students was held on March 29th and 30th 2005. Dr. L. M. Patnaik, Professor, Indian Institute of Science delivering the keynote address and Dr. M. S. Thimmappa, Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University, and Mr. Ramakrishna, Student Activities chair, IEEE Bangalore section, graced the inauguration. The fest consisted of over 12 events comprising of popular events like OSP, Paper presentation and off beat events like Mock Stock. The event saw the participation of more than 2000 people from over 45 colleges all over India. Reliance Infocomm was the title sponsors of IMPETUS 05,with AMD, ThoughtWorks, Subex Systems, Celstream, SBM, Brigade Group, Honeywell being the co-sponsors. Vijay Times was the official media sponsor. IEEE UVCE's major dream of conducting a national level technical paper presentation contest as a solo event turned out to be a reality on 23rd November, 2005 when ‘Kagada’ was conducted. The students were given nearly 25 topics to choose from. The main topics being: (i) Intelligent Systems (ii) Integrated system & Architecture (iii) Security & Safety (iv) Engineering Analysis & Computing Rajkumar Buyya on 'Grid Computing' : The seminar held on 28th Aug 2005 had topics related to introduction to Grid Computing and Distributed systems, its applications, Grid Bus, next generation computing, sensor networks. The talk was of one hour duration of which the last 15 minutes was utilized for a Question Answer session. “A good beginning is half done” Field trip to Infosys on 3rd september 2005 : Truly “living up” to its standards, Infosys stands as one of the Biggies in the IT Industry. Infosys Tech. Ltd, provides consulting and IT services to clients globally

as partners conceptualize and realize

technology driven business information initiatives. Seminar by Mr. Devang from “Art Of Living”, the world's largest volunteer organization with the UN on empowering the youth with practical and powerful tools to improve concentration and confidence, along with soft skills like leadership qualities, time management and communication skills.


Impetus 2005 - Sponsorship banner

Impetus 2005 - Valedictory Function


Impetus 2005 - Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Impetus 2005 - Mocking the stocks


Impetus 2005 - A Bird’s eye view

Dr. Venugopal.K.R receiving the ‘Best Student Branch Counsellor’ award from Dr. Surendra Pal, Chairman, IEEE, Bangalore section


Annual Report - 2006-2007 The year kicked off with the Annual technical extravaganza of IEEE-UVCE called IMPETUS-2006 held on 27th,28th and 29th of March, 2007. The event was presided by Sri Ramachandre Gowda, Honorable Minister for Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka. The keynote address for the occasion was delivered by Prof. L. M. Patnaik, Professor, IISc, Bangalore..The main sponsors of the event included AMD, IBM, Subex, Airtel, Aditi, SBM, Yahoo!, TCS and Siemens with Reliance being the title sponsor. Vijay Times was the media partner. This included events like Tech-Quiz, OSP, Circuit Design and Paper Presentation on the technical side and Mock-stock, Popourie, Tech-madads, Dumb-Charades and gaming on the lighter side. The organization succeeded in organizing various field trips to industries like NTTF, ABB and Udaya T.V. studio to have an exposure to the industrial decorum. The Ripples section conducted Aptitude tests, Group Discussions and HR Interviews to help students prepare for their placements. Considering the overall development to be vital in the current world, IEEE UVCE had organized Sanskrit classes in association with “AKSHARAM�, Girinagar, Bangalore. Many seminars were held related to the field of Science and Technology.


Impetus 2006- A Bird’s eye view

Impetus 2006- Inauguration


Impetus 2006- Honoring the Chief Guest

Impetus 2006- Tech Dumb Charades


Impetus 2006-Honoring the guest

Impetus 2006-People who made it happen


Impetus 2006-Tech Mad Ads

Impetus 2006- Prize distribution


Centenary celebration of Vande Mataram

Centenary celebration of Vande Mataram


ICISIP - 2006: Release of Proceedings

ICISIP - 2006: Felicitating Dr. L M Patnaik on his 60th year


Annual Report 2007-2008 IMPETUS-IEEE UVCE Student branch's annual technical fest was held on an intercollegiate level on the 18th and 19th of March 2007.Eminent personalities attended the fest and famous companies like IBM, WIPRO, MOTOROLA, YAHOO sponsored the events. The events conducted were Tech Mad-ads, Pot Pourrie, Quiz, Mock Placement, Gaming, Cyber Treasure Hunt, Quintessential, Mock Stock and On Spot Programming. The national level paper presentation contest, KAGADA 2007 was conducted on 15th November, 2007 at the seminar hall of UVCE, Bangalore.The event was inaugurated by the branch Counselor Dr. Venugopal K.R. and presided by the branch mentors Dr. P Deepa Shenoy and Dr. K B Raja. Around 40 participants from various colleges participated in the grand extravaganza. The topics for the papers to be presented ranged from the fields of Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The sponsor of the event was WIPRO. The jury consisted of Dr. K G Srinivasa, Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, MSRIT, and Smt Triveni J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology. Mr. G.L.V.N Babu gave a seminar on Verification of Systems on 10th March 2007. He gave an insight into the verification and validation processes employed in the electronic industry. Dr. P Deepa Shenoy, Reader, Department of Electrical Engineering, UVCE, gave a talk on the topic Data Mining on November 10, 2007.Another seminar was held on Wireless Sensor Networks by Dr. Venugopal K R, Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering on September 20, 2007. Colloquiums: The IBM Tech Talk was delivered By IBM Delegates on April 19, 2007. The Talks were on a series of topics which included What Open Source Means by Bharath Duggirala, JVM by Rajeev Palanki. Dr. Venugopal K R, Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering gave an insight into “How to write a paper” and “How to present a paper”. The Annual General Meeting was held on 19th May 2007 and it marked the beginning of the activities for the next academic year. The AGM was attended by more than 100 branch members and was a huge success. The meeting was presided by our Branch Counsellor Dr. Venugopal K R, our branch mentors Dr. P. Deepa Shenoy and Dr. K.B. Raja. Ripple Activitiesincluded Mock Placement, Installation Fest,C Workshop, Puzzles and Verbal Ability Test, Mock CAT, Technical Dumb Charades, PotPouri,Math Modeling and General Quiz. Apart from the normal technical activities, IEEE UVCE also organized a blood donation camp in joint venture with the Lions Club,


Bangalore, on 20th November, 2007. To give an exposure to the standards of global education to our students, a delegation comprising of faculty and students from Davidson School of Engineering, San Jose State University, California, U.S., visited the college on 16th January 2008, as a part of their Global Technology Initiative program.

Field trips

and industrial visits constitute an integral part of IEEE UVCE's activities. In the year 2007, we had visits to IIAP on March 3rd, CDAC on March 22nd, and Bangalore Diary on September 1st respectively. These trips provided an industry-college interface for students to interact with the industry personnel and bridge gap between academics and real world applications. The research wing of IEEE UVCE along with Tech Souls organized a seminar and workshop in the field of ROBOTICS on 24th and 25th of November, 2007.The seminar helped in gaining knowledge about the technologies that have evolved in the domain of Mechatronics. The Student Branch of IEEE UVCE organized a JAVA Workshop from 15th January to 3rd February, 2007.The Workshop primarily emphasized on core JAVA, J2EE and basics of J2ME. The student branch of IEEE UVCE achieved yet another milestone in its history by releasing a souvenir titled “BIMBA� on 5th October, 2007, which is a mirror to the achievements of the organization from its birth to a full-fledged shape till date. It illustrates the accomplishments of the organization since its inception, year after year. IEEE UVCE's quarterly newsletter 'Vidyothana' has been released in the months of January, April, September and December of 2007. IEEE UVCE turns a new leaf by beginning a Research wing under its banner on 10


September, 2007. The Research Wing as named Avishkar-Think, Innovate,

Explore,the members of which are actively involved on various topics belonging the disciplines of Image processing, Data Mining, Nanotechnology and Networks. IEEE UVCE saw through the selection of Campus Ambassador for Sun Microsystems in the year 2006.


Impetus 2007-Inaugural ceremony

Impetus 2007-C Coding Test


Impetus 2007-Tech Quiz

Impetus 2007-Dumb Charades


Impetus 2007-Paper Presentation

Impetus 2007-Valedictory ceremony


ICIP - 2007: Inaugural of Tutorial

ICIP - 2007: Felicitating Dr. N Rudraiah


ICIP - 2007 : Cultural Program

ICIP - 2007


ICIP - 2007: Inaugural of ICIP - 2007

ICIP - 2007 : Release of Proceedings


Independence day celebration - Flag hoisting 2007


Annual Report 2008-2009 IMPETUS-2009-National level Technical Fest held on 13th & 14th March marked the dawn of the IEEE UVCE's new technical era. It witnessed many technical events like IBM-blue battle, AD-venture, OSP, mock placement and green summit mainly sponsored by IBM. GREEN SUMMIT was a very informative workshop on green technologies and waste management at a college level. IBM Tech Day in September 08, Data Structures Workshop by Mind tree, Workshop on Basics of Matlab held in June-09, are worth mentioning. IEEE's new wing WIE was inaugurated on the 2nd day of the Impetus which added a new feather to UVCE's vast accomplishments. WIE panel discussion which was attended by prominent women professionals like Dr. Sangeeta, Documentorist Women's studies Department ,Dr. Geeta Manjunath, Senior research scientist, HP research India and Ms. Veena Srigopal, Technology vertical, CTS was held to empower women in the engineering field. Our official newsletter IGNITE was released on September 15th including a Creative Writing Workshop. DC Mania, B Knights, Lingo Freak, Envisage, Imagine were the significant part of RIPPLES-Fortnightly held Student Activities. KAGADA'09, Sixth National Student Conference, Paper Presentation Contest on November 7th reflected the students' presentation skills. Paper on “Authentication of Damaged Hand Vein Patterns by Modularization” was selected to be presented in IEEE TENCON 09, Singapore. Also “A Novel Approach for Application of RDIS Technology in Mass Transport System” won the second prize in Cognizant Technology Solution's Tech fest. Many papers from IEEE UVCE's research team, 'Avishkar' have been receiving accolades. Brain-Storm sessions by Stan Skafidas on Nano-electronics and Wireless Networks by Brian Krongold, Melbourne University enriched our knowledge. Also, the institute has successfully organized field trips to IIT-M and BHEL helping the students in their academic growth.


Quiz being conducted by Mr. Arul Mani at Impetus 2008

Participants of ‘Mock Stock’


Inauguration of Impetus 2009

An enthusiastic bunch of participants


Participants enacting an advertisement during AD-Venture

IBM Blue battle


GREEN SUMMIT at its crescendo



Inauguration of the WiE affinity group and Panel Discussion

Prof. Venugopal K R addressing the gathering


Dr. M Annadurai, Project Director, Chandrayaan I & II, inaugurating Kagada 2009

Dr. Annadurai interacting with students




¦ Mr. Nachiket Karajagi represented the Bangalore Section at the Region 10 Student

congress held in Hong Kong from July 16 to July 18th of 2004. ¦ IEEE Bangalore section Volunteer award presented to Dr. Venugopal K R March

2006. ¦ Best student website award for IEEE UVCE student branch awarded to Kiran Bhat R,

2007. ¦ Best IEEE student branch counsellor award, New York, awarded to Dr. Venugopal

K.R, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering 2008. ¦ Best student paper awards in IEEE Bangalore section’s BRV Vardhan student paper

presentation contest, 2007. The first place was secured by Prasanth G Rao and Suhas N for their work on diabetes prediction. The second place was secured by Rama Murali, Sri Harsha and Supreeth for their work on MANETS. ¦ Best student paper awards (2nd place) in IEEE Bangalore section’s BRV Vardhan

student paper presentation contest, 2009 by Abhilash R V and Beena .P Rao.




2001 - 02 Srividya M - Chairman Kiran Bhasker - Vice Chairman Sajid Ahmed - Secretary Kanta K - Treasurer 2002 - 03 Sajid Ahmed - Chairman Swaroop Bhushan - Vice Chairman Arun Makkath - Secretary RN D'zouza - Treasurer 2003 - 04 Arun Makkath - Chairman Swaroop Bhushan - Vice Chairman Nachiketh K - Secretary Narasimha - Treasurer 2004 - 05 Nachiketh - Chairman Bhargav - Vice Chairman Priyanka - Secretary Sri Ram Rajagopal - Treasurer 2005 - 06 Priyanka - Chairman Suman Sunku - Vice Chairman Pradeep - Treasurer 2006 - 07 Raghunandan - Chairman Sowmya - Vice Chairman Ananth P - Secretary 2007 - 08 Jayanth - Chairman Sowmya V - Vice Chairman Prashanth G Rao - Secretary Srivardhan - Treasurer


2008 - 09 Prashanth G Rao - Chairman Rama Murali G.K - Vice Chairman Suhas N - Secretary Rahul Prabhu H - Joint Secretary Shruthi S Rao - Treasurer 2009 - 10 Suhas N - Chairman Rahul Prabhu - Vice Chairman Krishna S - Secretary Tejas J - Joint Secretary Srikanth V.M - Treasurer WIE Janani T - Chairman Sigma Shatabhdhi - Vice Chairman Sindhuja B - Secretary Editor - Aparajitha Murali


MEMBERS OF 2009-2010


Member’s Name Anoosha Viswanath Antony Ajay Bijil Philip Hrishikesh R Kumud Bhat Manohar V Rekha Babu Bindu.k Reddy Devavrath Subramanyam Dhiraj D J Girish Sainath Karan Bazaz Leena S V Nitin Kattige Praveen S M Shehnaz Khanum Shwetha V P Usha.g Murthy Abhilash RV Beena Prabhakar Rao Sheethal Potdar Sigma Satabdhi Suhas P.K. Veeraraghavan Narasimhan Vibhudendra Simha G G Vijay Kumar Vyasraj G K Yogesha Suresh Arvind Kumar R Janani T Jyothi Sridhar Kiran Bhat Prajwal Muralidhara Rahul Prabhu H Sagar D S Srinath U S Vinay J Vishnu Prasad K Amith S Bhat Anirudh Purohith Anu Aniyammal Chandrika Swamy Maheedhara S Udupa Nagadarshini K N Navyarani Angadimath Ramya Ramesh

Year 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st



Member’s Name Ranjitha P Sandeep Ganesh Sanketh S Moudgalya Shaakthi K Shreyas Joshi Shruthi Rajamohan Srinivas Channakeshava Tejashree S V Trupti Deshpande Ujwal K.S Varsha N.Shenoy Vijaya Kumar K Vivek M Gayatri George Harsha K S Harsha Deshpande Ruchit M S Tejas J Vinay KC Aparajitha Murali Divyashree C K Gireesh Hegde Krishna S Pranav P Deshpande Shreyas Bahagavath D Shreyas Vidyarthi Sindhuja Balakrishnan Vijaeendra Simha Naveen Sharma Prasant Panigrahy Srijan Verma Vijayatha G Akash Prajapati Amar Ujjani Amarnath K S Chethan P Gangadhar Vishwas Kavya Pai Manoj Bhat Munivenkata Krishna Namitha Prabhu Priyesh Kumar D R Sri Hari Iyengar Sudath Murari Arathi Ponnan Arvind Murthy Aswathi Ponnan



1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd



Member’s Name Binoy Lewis Meghana K Karen D Fernandes Prasija R Roopa M.J Sri Lakshm R S Suranjana Gupta Sushma N Vaishnavi Anantharaman Amarnath M L Risi Vinayaka V Harshith Koppalu Harshith C.K. Jitesh Malot Karthik H S Karthik M L Kashif Hamad Kiran G Naziya Rizwan Priyadarshinia Puneeth P Rajul B Shah Ranjith A V Rohit Agarwal Sana Faraz Shashank S A Srivatsa B.R Aditya Iyengar Akhila Pai Arjun Shree D A Ashika A Ashwini B Bharath G P Divya J Lokesh J N Madhukar Hebbar Maheshwari S Nagendra Y Naveen Srikanth.D Navya M H Pramod Sridhara Priyanka B Rashmi Ranjana T P Sairam Balani Thomas Mathai



3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd



Member’s Name Tejashwini C Vijaya Lakshm K P Yapamakula S Akash Prasad Anusha.Y Avani Vyas Krittika D Patil Nidhi Kataria Sathya KJ Shreeharsha T V Srinath Narasimhan Rakesh R Sathwikh G N Srikanth V M Suhas Narasimhan

Year 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 4th 4th





AVISHKAR Inspiring Innovation AVISHKAR (Sanskrit term for 'innovation'), the guiding beacon for enlightened minds is an elite research group of IEEE UVCE and it has been a palatine to encourage, inspire and innovate. In simple words, Research means re-searching a previously unknown fact and coming up with a solution to a particular problem that may improve the technological trends or a thousand lives. The research at IEEE UVCE and UVCE as a whole is enormous and on par with other research institutes.The beginning of AVISHKAR was synonymous to the beginning of IEEE UVCE. AVISHKAR began with only a few fields for research; Data Mining and Networks and now it has its scope extending to various engineering fields and the application of technology (its application) to various fields of medical sciences as well. Presently, the different areas of research include Data Mining, Networks, Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Biometrics, Digital Forensics and Image Forensics. Over the years AVISHKAR has proven helpful to students not only for their higher studies but also in one's overall personality development, perseverance, patience and consistency are a few virtues for life that they learn. It brings to light the innovation and the ideas that an engineering student thinks of. AVISHKAR has been winning laurels over the years, every year around 20 papers get presented at national and international conferences and several get published in international journals. These pose a source of inspiration for many other students to pursue research that has led to the present strength of around 70 students in AVISHKAR. A brief peek into some of the works done is presented here. A simple quote is what IEEE UVCE stands by for all the research works at AVISHKAR, which is 'Research is not fun, but its definitely fun doing research'.


WOMEN IN ENGINEERING (WiE) The Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity group of the IEEE UVCE student branch was inaugurated on the 14th of March 2009. This group aims at encouraging women in the field of technology and enhancing their participation in research and allied fields. This group currently has over 50 student members. The group was inaugurated with a panel discussion by eminent women professionals from the technical field. Dr. Sangeeta, Documentary Maker, Women's studies Department. , Dr. Geeta Manjunath, Senior research scientist, HP research India and Ms. Veena Srigopal, Technology vertical, CTS. They spoke about the challenges and triumphs faced along the way and urged the students to push their limits and achieve their highest goals. 'Women in Technology', a workshop was conducted in collaboration with IBM on the 14th November, 2009. This workshop focused on key issues like self-esteem, time management and other soft skills. A variety of games and group activities were held as a part of the event. Five students were selected for the IBM mentorship program through this workshop, based on their performance and skills. A fun competition, 'Queens of Expression' was conducted for the students of UVCE. Over 30 teams took part in this event, in which they were given a stage to unleash their histrionic skills and gain confidence on stage. Skits on topics ranging from the present day media to reality shows were enacted by the girls in their unique style. Prizes were given for Best Acting and Best Skit. As a part of the Women's' Day celebrations, a trip to HD Kote was arranged on 6th March, 2010. On this occasion, students volunteered to judge a science fair organized by Swami Vivekananda Youth Mission (SVYM) in association with IQuest. Nearly 50 students were involved in the voluntary work. It gave them a valuable opportunity to interact with children of backward areas where the dropout rate is extremely high. It was a tremendous learning experience which gave them a perspective on the lives and ambitions of these children and also appreciate their enthusiasm to learn science.


ROBOTICS The Robotics Club was started in 2009. It is the newest club under IEEE UVCE. The formation of this club seemed inevitable since no aspect of life is untouched by automated machines in some form. The aim of the Robotics Club is to provide sufficient training to students to undertake basic to complex robotics projects. Since this club is still in its nascent stage, the students have been trained to design and construct their own simple robots like linefollowers, maze-followers etc. It aims at providing the necessary equipment, components and guidance to the interested groups. A workshop was conducted to introduce the enthusiasts to the basic challenges faced in the process. The robotics club is already showing a lot of promise and will definitely touch many milestones in the future.

nCODE Programmers Club The programmers club was started in order to enhance programming skills of students. Good programing skills can come handy in various situations and an expert programmer is always in demand. This club is for all students studying in the 1st year to the final year. The club meets up every Saturday and discusses basic programming concepts to interesting and high level challenges. At the end of the session, students are given simple problems to solve which shall be discussed in the next session. The problems are allotted according to the skill level of the students. The club aims at giving chance to the students to interact directly with people from the industry to gain more knowledge and build a strong foundation in computer programming.


Research Papers Published in Refereed International Journals and International Conferences by Students and Teachers IEEE UVCE : 2001 - 2010 1.

Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease by Using Machine Learning and Neural Methods” International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 64-73, 2010.


Siddesh G M, K G Srinivasa, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Publish / Subscribe Replication based Middleware for Web Services”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 2010.


Prashanth C R, S P Ganavi, T D Mahalakshmi, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Feature Extraction of Fragmented Iris by Differential Encoding”, accepted International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 45-56, 2009


Anita Kanavalli, Demis SScrubiri, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Time Synchronization for an Efficient Sensor Network System”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 97-106, 2009.


Veena H Bhat, Prasanth G Rao, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “simple k-means Clustering with CART to Enhance Classifier Accuracy”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 65 - 70, 2009.


S H Manjula, Nithin B K, Sarvajith M, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Optimal Scheduling for Maximizing the Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1 - 14, 2009.


Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dual Covered Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements DCN : A broadcast Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 289 - 300, December 2009.


H C Sateesh Kumar, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Automatic Image Segmentation Using Wavelets” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 305 - 313, February 2009.


Ramachandra A C, Ravi J, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Signature Verification using Graph Matching and Cross-Validation Principle” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 57 - 61, May 2009.


T H Manjula Devi, H S Manjunatha Reddy, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Detecting Original Image Using Histogram, DFT and SVM” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 367 - 371, May 2009.


C R Prashanth, Shashikumar D R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “High Security Human Recognition System using Iris Images” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 647-652, May 2009.



Shaila K, Thriveni J, Vidya Yeri, Neelavathi H N, Arjun A V, Nalini L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Preventing Misbehavior by Secure QoS- Aware Data Fusion in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal on Information Processing, vol 2, no. 4, pp. 65-79, January 2009.


Prakash G L, Thejaswini M, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Efficient Data Aggregation using Query Processing in Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol 2. no. 4, pp. 1-14 January 2009.


S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol using Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal Information Processing, vol 2, no. 1, pp. 62-78, 2008.


S H Manjula, Arjun A V, Shilpa K R A, Shwetha N, Swetha N A, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Evaluating the Lifetime of a Coverage and Connectivity Guaranteed Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 65-80, 2008.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Soft Computing for Mining XML Data” Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd Edition, Section: Soft Computing, pp. 1806 – 1809, IGI Global. 2008.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining based Query Processing using Soft Computing”, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-17, IOS Press, 2008.


K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Arpitha p, Asima Nishat, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Multiresolution Wavelet Decomposition Steganographic Model” International Journal of Information Processing, vol.2, no.1, pp. 36-46, 2008.


Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Object detection, Tracking and Counting in Video Streams for Multimedia Mining”, In IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 382-391, 2008.


Vibha L, Harsha Vardhan G M, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Spatial Data Mining Technique for Prediction of Soil Attributes”, IETECH Journal of Advanced computations, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 126 – 131, 2008.


Thriveni J, Vikas M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Reliable Delivery with Varying Data Rate in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol 2. no. 2. pp. 12-23, April 2008.


Thriveni J, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Maximizing Network Lifetime in MANET using Average Energy Flooding”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol 2. no. 1, pp. 1-12, January 2008.


Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Self-Healing AntChain for Increasing Life Span in Wireless Sensor Networks “ IETECH Journal of Communications, UK, 2008.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Dissemination of XML Documents based on Genetically Learned User Model and Support Vector Machines”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, 11(5): pp. 481–496, 2007.



Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Self Adaptive Migration Model Genetic Algorithm for Data Mining Applications”, Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier Publications, pp. 4295-4313, 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Relative Distance based Clustering for Discovering Protein Sequence Motiffs”, International Journal of Information Processing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.1-13, June 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “XML Data Mining Using Genetic Algorithms and SVM”, Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Data Mining IDEA Publishers, USA, 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Compression of non-Repetitive DNA Sequences Using Dynamic Programming”, International Journal of Computing, Inder Science, Netherlands, 2007.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Determination of Optimal Buffer Allotment in Video-on-Demand System” International Journal on Information Processing, vol.1, no. 1, pp. 90-103, January 2007.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “An Integrated Quality-ofService Model for Video-on-Demand Application” IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol.34, no. 1, pp.1-10, 2007.


Suraiya Taranaum, Aravinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol.1, no. 2, pp. 61-70, October 2007.


T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Chandrakanth N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Energy Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, Life Time Maximization of Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”. International Journal on Information Processing, vol.1., no. 2, pp. 26-39, April 2007.


Vibha Lakshmikanath, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Watershed Segmentation and Machine Learning for Mammography Classification”, International Journal on Information Processing, vol.1, no. 2, pp. 87- 102, 2007.


K B Raja, Shankara N, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis of LSB Embedding in Images using Variable Thresholding Color Pair Analysis”, in International Journal of Information Processing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-38, Feb. 2007.


Anita Kanavalli, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Pollution Monitoring using Data Dissemination in Adhoc Sensor Networks”, Special Issue of Journal on Lateral Computing, vol. 3, no. 1, ISSN 0973-208X, pp. 27-39, August 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Vinay T C, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Personalizing Google’s Search Results using Naïve Bayesian Probabilistic Model”, Special Issue in Neural Networks and Associative Memories, Research in Computing Science 21, pp. 87-96, 2006.



Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Stock Market Prediction using Fuzzy based Neuro-Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IOS Press, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 63-81, July 2006.


Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Neural Network Based CBIR System Using STI Features and Relevance Feedback”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 121-137, June 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Feature Extraction using Fuzzy c – Means Clustering for Data Mining Systems”, International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 230- 236, March 2006.


Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Heuristic Template based Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Applications”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 5, no.9, pp. 52 – 58, September 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Soft Computing Approach for Selective Dissemination of XML Documents”, International Journal on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22-29, ISSN 0973-208X, Bangalore, India, December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An XML Information Retrieval Mechanism Using Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific Publishers, Imperial College Press, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 471-493, November 2005.


K B Raja, C R Chowdary, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Secure Image Steganography on Raw Images,” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 123 - 129, 2005.


D N Sujatha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Priority Based Channel Allocation in VOD systems” International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 21-28, December 2005.


T Shiva Prakash, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Efficient Gateway Selection for Passive Clustering in MANETS”. International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 64-70, October 2005.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Subspace Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Applications", International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 125 – 136, June 2005.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Mining of Frequent Web Access Patterns to Reorganize the Web Structure”, Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 168-179, May 2005.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Soft Computing Approach for Mining Top-k Ranked webpages from WWW", Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 185-196, April 2005.



P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Association Rule Mining Using Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 439 - 453, 2005.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Subspace Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Applications", International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 125 – 136, June 2005.


Chethana Hegde, Srinath U S, Aravinda Kumar R, Rashmi D R, Satish S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Ear Pattern Recognition Using Centroid and Cross Points for Robust Authentication”, 2nd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (IHCI – 2010), January 16-18th, Allahabad, Springer Publication, 2010.


Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease by Using Machine Learning and Neural Network Methods”, 2nd International Conference on Machinery Learning and Computing (ICMLC – 2010), February 9-18th, Allahabad, Springer Publication, 2010.


Veena Bhat, Prashanth G Rao, Abhilash R V, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Novel Data Generation Approach for Digital Forensic Application in Data Mining”, 2nd International Conference on Machinery Learning and Computing (ICMLC – 2010), February 9-18th, Allahabad, Springer Publication, 2010.


Shaila K, Vidya Yeri, Arjun A V, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Adaptive Mobility and Availability of Mobile Node for Efficient Secret Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Machinery Learning and Computing (ICMLC – 2010), February 9-18th, Allahabad, Springer Publication, 2010.


Anita Kanavalli, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patanaik, “A Flat Routing Protocol in Sensor Networks" International Conference on Methods and Models JNU, New Delhi, December 14th – 16th 2009.


Veena H Bhat, Prashanth G Rao, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patanaik, “An Efficient prediction Model for Diabeties Database using Soft Computing Techniques”, 12th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2009), New Delhi, 2009.


Bharathi S, Pooja Sheth, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patanaik, “Object Oriented Segmentation for Land Cover Types Using Data Mining Techniques”, International Conference on Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 2009.


Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patanaik, “Assessing Various Stages of Dementia Using Neuropsychological Tests and Machine Learning Methods”, International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operation Research Computer Science and Allied Areas, Visakapatnam, 4 – 8th January 2010.


Thriveni J, Vikas M, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Controlled Data Rate to Reduce the Packet Loss in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of IACC, Patiala, Punjab, pp. 3532-3537, March 6-7, 2009.



Siddesh G M, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Publish/Subscribe Publication based Middleware for Web Services”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, pp. 579-584, Bangalore, 2009.


Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, Vishnu Prasad K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Authentication of Damaged Hand Vein Patterns by Modularization”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON 2009, Singapore, 23-26 November 2009.


Veena H Bhat, Prasanth G Rao, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Simple k-means Clustering with CART to Enhance Classifier Accuracy”, In Proceedings of Third Information Conference Processing, Bangalore, pp. 395-400, August 7-9, 2009.


Ramesha K, Srikanth N, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Advanced Biometric Identification on Face, Gender and Age” In Proceedings of ACEEEARTCOM, Ocober 2009.


Ravi J, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Fingerprint Recognition Using Block Filter Thinning,” In IEEE Proceedings of Seventh International conference on Information science, Technology and Management, Delhi, July 13, 2009


Chandrakant N, Swathi B N, Thejashree C, Prajwal Muralidhara, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “SKCN: Secret Key Establishment for Cluster based Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), pp. 601, 2009


Vibha L, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Robust Technique for Segmentation and Counting of Trees from Remotely Sensed Data”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advanced Computing Conference IACC, Patiala, Punjab, pp. 1437, 2009


Shaila K, S H Manjula, Aruna R, Anupama, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Resilience Key Predistribution Scheme using Asymmetric Matrices for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference(IACC’ 09), Patiala, Punjab, pp. 833, 2009


Prakash G L, Thejaswini M, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Data Processing in Sensor Networks", In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science: ICCS'09, Hong Kong, 18, 2009


T H Manjula Devi, Pooja, P. Shenoy, Swathi Saigali, Harsha Mathew, K B Raja, Venugopal K. R., L M Patnaik, “Extracting Hidden Image Using Histogram, DFT and SVM”, In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, India, 2009.


T H Manjula Devi, Pooja, P. Shenoy, Swathi Saigali, Harsha Mathew, K B Raja, Venugopal K. R., L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis using Histogram, DFT and SVM”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, pp. 121-125, 2009.


H S Manjunatha Reddy, K B Raja, K Suresh Babu, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Multilevel Wavelet Fusion Steganography”, In IEEE Proceedings of Seventh International conference on Information science, Technology and Management, Delhi, July 13-15, 2009.



Ramesha K, Varaprada Adiga N, Siddu D G, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik “Feature based Face Recognition using Mole Detection” In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, pp.65-70, January 2009.


C R Prashanth, S P Ganavi, T D Mahalakshmi, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Iris Feature Extraction using Directional Filter Bank for Personal Identification”, In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, January 2009.


Ramachandra A C, Pavithra K, Yashasvini K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik “Offline Signature Authentication using Cross-validated Graph Matching” In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, January 2009.


H C Sateesh Kumar, K B Raja, Chandrakala C, Fazilath Begum, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Wavelets” In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, pp.15-19, Jan 2009.


C R Prashanth, S Sindhu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Efficient and Fast Iris Recognition System using Integer Wavelet Transforms”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09), March 2009.


Ramachandra A C, Joythi Srinivas, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik "Robust Offline Signature Verification based on Global Features", In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09), March 2009.


S H Manjula, Prabhavathi M, Arjun A V, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Routing for Multistationed Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Computing Conference (IACC09) IEEE International, pp. 806-811,, Patiala, Punjab, 6-7 March 2009.


S H Manjula, Nithin B K, Sarvajith M, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Optimal Scheduling for Maximizing the Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), pp. 193-201, Bangalore, 8-10 August 2009.


Srinivasa K G, Archana, Reshma, Poornima, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Combinatorial Approach to Key Generation using Multiple Key Spaces for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Press, In IEEE Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2008, MIT, Chennai, pp. 279-284, 14-17th December 2008.


Chetana Hegde, Manu S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Secure Authentication using Image Processing and Visual Cryptography for Banking Applications”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCOM-2008), pp. 65 – 72, December 2008.


Chetana Hegde, Manu S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Authentication using Image Processing and Visual Cryptography”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP-2008), pp. 418 -423, August 2008.



S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance of AODV Routing Protocol using Group and Entity Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications (IMECS 2008), vol 2, pp. 1212-1217, Hong Kong, 19-21 March 2008.


S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Alice A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol using Group and Random Based Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference SPIT-IEEE Colloquium (2007 -08), vol 3, pp. 153-158, Mumbai, 4 -5 February 2008.


S H Manjula, Arjun A V, Shilpa K R A, Shwetha N, Swetha N A, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Maximizing Lifetime of a Coverage and Connectivity Guaranteed Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Convergence, and Broadband Networking(ICCBN), Bangalore India, 17-19 July 2008.


S H Manjula, Krupa R, Saba K, Lalithamma N, Kavitha L, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “GRADE: Energy Efficient Gradient Algorithm for Dead End in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), pp. 544-556, Bangalore, 8-10 August 2008.


S H Manjula, Krupa R, Saba K, Lalithamma N, Kavitha L, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Network Lifetime Maximizing Gradient Algorithm for Dead End in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON (2008) 10 Conference, pp. 1-6, Hyderabad India, 18-21 November 2008.


S H Manjula, Bindu Reddy E, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Base- station Controlled Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IFIP Wireless Days Conference, pp. 1-5, Dubai, 24 November 2008.


S H Manjula, Prabhavathi M, Arjun A V, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Path Routing for Multiple Base Stationed Sensor Network using MTC Algorithm”, In IEEE Proceedings of ADCOM (2008), pp. 225-233, Chennai, 14-17 December 2008.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Admission Control Strategy for Efficient Resource Management in a VoD System”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN), India, pp. 288-293, 2008.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “An Efficient Storage Mechanism to Distribute Disk Load in a VoD Server”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), India, pp. 478-483, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4904, 2008.


Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Prashanth S J, P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Identification of Dynamic Objects in Video Streams for Multimedia Mining”, In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference SPIT colloquium, vol.1, pp. 193-198, Mumbai, 4-5 Feb, 2008.


Vibha L, Venkatesh M, Prasanth G. Rao, Suhas N, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Moving Vehicle Identification using Background Registration Technique for Traffic Surveillance”, In IEEE Proceedings of the International Association of Engineers International Multiconference of Engineers Computer Scientists 2008 (IMECS 2008), pp. 572-577, Hong Kong, 2008.



Thriveni J, Alekhya V L, Deepa N, Uma B, Alice A, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “QoS Preemptive Routing with Bandwidth Estimation for Improved Performance in Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of ICIAFS, IEEE, Colombo, Srilanka, pp. 443-448, December 12-14 2008.


Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Jayashree V, Neelima S, Parinitha B M, Sneha K, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Optimized Multicast Routing for Improved Survivability of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, ICCEE, Phuket Island, Thailand, pp. 465-469, December 20-22, 2008.


Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements for Enhanced Delivery Ratio in MANET with Dual Coverage”, IFIP Wireless Days Conference 2008, pp. 15, UAE, November 24 – 27, 2008.


Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Prakash G L, Alice A, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dual Covered Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements for Enhanced Reliability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON 2008, Hyderabad, pp. 1-6, November 19-21, 2008.


Thriveni J, Alekhya V L, Deepa N, Uma B, Alice A, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Preemptive Routing with Bandwidth Estimation for Enhanced QoS in Ad Hoc Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore(ICIP 2008), pp. 446-451, August 8-10, 2008.


Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Jayashree V, Neelima S, Parinitha B M, Sneha K, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Multicasting for Optimizing Network Lifetime in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore(ICIP 2008), pp. 502-510, August 8-10, 2008.


Thriveni J, Anita Kanavalli, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Probabilistic Mean Energy Flooding to Increase the Survivability of MANET”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication System and Application, Hong Kong (IMECS 2008), March 19-21, 2008.


Thriveni J, Vikas M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Drop Reduction with Controlled Flow Rate for Reliable Delivery in MANET”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference SPIT-IEEE Colliquim 2007- 08, Mumbai, February 4-5, 2008.


Suraiya Tarannum, Srividya S, Asha D S, Padmini R, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Hierarchical Communication Paradigm for Wireless Sensor Networks : Centralized Energy Efficient Approach“ In IEEE Proceedings of ICCBN, IEEE Comp. Society, pp. 959-963, 9-12th November 2008.


Suraiya Tarannum, Divya Prakash, Sneha Susan George, Tara B V, Ushe S, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Consolidate and Advance: An Efficient QoS Management Technique in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings, Anna University, Chennai, pp. 80-85, 4-6th January 2008.


Shaila K, Thriveni J, Vidya Yeri, Neelavathi H N, Arjun A V, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure QoS-Aware Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP 2008), pp. 502-509, August 8-10, Bangalore 2008.



Prakash G L, Thejaswini M, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient In-Network Processing in Sensor Networks”, ICT 2008 "International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies" WCSET 2008: World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand December 17-19, 2008.


Anita Kanavalli, Jayashree A, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Hop by hop Congestion Control System for Adhoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON, pp. 1-4, 19-21st November 2008.


Anita Kanavalli, Udaya Ranga, Satish G, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Proactive Sliding Window Strategy for Merging Sensor Enabled Cars”, In Proceedings of ICON, pp. 1-5, 12–14th December, 2008.


Chetana Hegde, Manu S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Authentication using Image Processing and Visual Cryptography”, In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP pp.418-426, 2008.


Ramachandra A C, Pavithra K, Yashasvini K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik “Cross-Validation for Graph Matching based Offline Signature Verification” In IEEE Proceedings of IEEE-INDICON, IIT- Kanpur, pp. 17-22, December, 2008.


K B Raja, S Sindhu, T D Mahalakshmi, S Akshatha, B K Nithin, M Sarvajith, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure Image Steganography Scheme Using Condition Number”, In IEEE Proceedings of COMSWARE2008, Bangalore, pp. 614-626, 6-8th January 2008.


K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Kiran K, Chandra Shekar K.S, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik “Steganalysis to find the Stego-Tool and the Length of the Payload using One Class and Multi Class SVMs” In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, pp. 264-270, 2008.


K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Kiran Kumar K, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik “Authentification of Secrete Information using Wavelets” In IEEE Proceedings of IEEE-TENCON, University of Hyderabad, pp.1-6, November 19-21, 2008.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining Based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms”, In IEEE Proceedings of IEEE ICDM, pp. 275-282, USA, April 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Krishnaraj P M, Sriram Kashyap, Shashank Hegde, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Framework for Adaptive Data Mining Using Hybrid Model of Rough Sets and Two Phase Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, IK International Publishers, Bangalore, August 2007, pp. 513 – 522.


Srinivasa K G, Sagnik Dhar, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Statistical Analysis and Compression of DNA Sequence using Weighted Probability Approach and Modified Runlength Coding”, In Proceedings of 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1058-1070, Pune, 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Sagnik Dhar, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Querying and other proposals for less congested Gnutella Network”, In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT), pp. 203-208, Bangalore, 2007.



Srinivasa K G, Srichand P, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Genetic Algorithm with Characteristic Amplification through Multiple Geographically Isolated Populations and Varied Fitness Landscapes”, In IEEE Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 69-74, 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Srichand P, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “MGIGA: An Iterative Merge Based Genetic Algorithm for Motif Discovery in Genomic Sequences”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, IEEE Computer Society Press,pp.503509, 18-21st December, 2007.


T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Global Incremental Power Model For Life Maximization in Ad-hoc Networks” International Mobile Computing Conference (AMOC – 2007), LNCS, Springer Verlag, Kolkata, India, 2007.


T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Life time maximization of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Ad Hoc Networks”, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Bridging the Digital Divide (AACC 2007) 13-15th December, 2007.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Ganesh Jaiswal, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “ClusterBased Congestion Control Mechanism for Enhancing the Performance of VoD System”, In Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, pp. 560-569, 2007.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Rashmi B, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Load Balancing in Fault Tolerant Video Server”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL, UK, pp. 306-315, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4881, 2007.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Rajesh Srivastava, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Hypercube Architecture for Resource Management in Video on Demand System”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Australia, pp. 215-224, 2007.


Suraiya Tarannum, Arvinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Conscious Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks“ AACC, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.


Suraiya Tarannum, Aravinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Conscious Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of Asian Applied Computing Conference, Nepal, June 2007.


Suraiya Tarannum, Srividya S, Asha D S, Padmini R, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Sink Administrated Load Balanced Dynamic Hierarchical Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IASTED CSNA Beijing, China, pp. 916921, 20-22nd December, 2007.


Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari Adrakatti, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Self-Healing AntChain for Increased Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Proceedings of ICTES, Chennai, 2007.



Suraiya Tarannum, Divya Prakash, Sneha Susan George, Tara B V, Ushe S, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Conserving Relocation for Enhanced QoS in Wireless Network“ In Proceedings of ICIP, pp. 318-329, Bangalore, 2007.


Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Design and Performance of Fault-Tolerant Systems for Improved Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks” In IEEE Proceedings of ICSIT, IEEE Communications, 2007.


Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Hybrid Clustering and Classification Technique for Soil Data Mining”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES-2007), pp. 1090-1095, Chennai, 20-22 Dec MGR University, 2007.


Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Moving Object Identification using Background Elimination Technique”, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), pp. 507-513, Bangalore, 10-12, August 2007.


Vibha L, Harshavardhana G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Lesion Detection using Segmentation and Classification of Mammograms”. In Proceedings of the IASTED, pp. 311-316, Austria, February 2007.


Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Segmentation Technique for Mammography Classification”, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference (AACC 2007), Katmandu, Nepal,13-15 Dec 2007.


Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Probabilistic Average Energy Flooding to Maximize Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks, IEEE, IIIT Allahabad, pp. 65-68, December 13-15 2007.


Anita Kanavalli, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Breach Path Routing for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks” In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, 2007.


K B Raja, Siddaraju S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “High Capacity Data Embedding Using Colour Palette Decomposition”, The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications SPPRA 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 88-93, 2007.


K B Raja, Siddaraju S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure Steganography Using Colour Palette Decomposition”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking, ICSCN 2007, IEEE Press, Chennai, pp. 74 - 80, pp. 22-24 February, 2007.


K B Raja, S Sindhu, T D Mahalakshmi, S Akshatha, B K Nithin, M Sarvajith, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Robust Image Adaptive Steganography using Integer Wavelets”, In Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP 2007), pp. 100-106, August 10-12,Bangalore2007.



K B Raja, Kiran Kumar K, Satish Kumar N, Lakshmi M S, Preethi H, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Genetic Algorithm based Steganography using Wavelets”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information Systems Security(ICISS2007), LNCS, University of Delhi, pp.51-63, 16-20,December 2007.


K B Raja, Lavu Rohitha, Rekha S, Swetha P V, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “LSB Steganalysis to Detect the Embedded Message Length using Pixel Pair Threshold”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2007), IIT Gauhati, pp.765-770, 18-21st December, 2007.


K.Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Shilpa B R,Chethana A K, Radhika K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Robust Image Steganography using Decomposed Color Quantization”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP 2007), pp. 107-113, August 10-12,Bangalore 2007.


K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Uma Maheshwar Rao K, Rashmi K A, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Robust and High Capacity Image Steganography using SVD” IET-UK, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES-2007), Chennai, pp.718-723, December 2007.


K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Bhanumathi S M, Prathibha B S, Shilpa Soman, N Suresh Kumar, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Multimedia Data Hiding in Audio using Cepstral Domain” In Proceedings of ICICOT-07, Manipal, pp. 360-366, December 2007.


Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Vinay T C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “External Software Feed for Personalizing Google Search Results”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Web Engineering, LNCS Bhuvaneswar, Orissa, pp. 339-350, 23-24th December, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Prashanth S J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Exploring Structurally Similar Protein Sequence Motifs Using Relative-Distance Measures”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Bangalore, pp. 128-133, 15-18th December, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Compression of Non-Repetitive DNA Sequences Using Memorization”, In IEEE Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 569-574, Suratkal, India, 20-23 December, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Indexing XML Documents Using Self Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Better Retreival”, In Proceedings of Eighth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2005), LNCS, Springer Verlag, pp. 640 – 651, Harbin, China, January, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “XML Document Categorization using Support Vector Machines”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ICNC’06-FSKD’06, Advances in Natural Computation and Data Mining, Xidian University, LNCS, China, pp. 222-233, September 2006.



Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological Databases”, In Proceedings of workshop on Bio-Algorithms. Algorithmic Biology: Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 12-14 July 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Sweta J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological Databases”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 789-792, China, November 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Non-repetitive DNA Sequence Compression Using Memorization”, International Symposium on Biological Data Analysis and Bio Informatics, Greece, LNCS, December 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Jagirdar S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological XML Databases”, Computational intelligence and Security vol. 1, pp. 789-792, November, China, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Personalizing Google’s Search Results Using Naïve Bayesian Probabilistic Model” International Conference on Neural Applications and Associative Memories, Mexico, November 2006.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Data Sharing Strategy for Guaranteeing Quality-of-Service in VoD Application”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP), Bangalore, pp. 59-64, 15-18th December, 2006.


D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Preemption Based Buffer Allocation in Video-on-Demand Systems” In IEEE Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM), India, pp. 523-528, 20-23rd December, 2006.


D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “A Hybrid Approach for Providing Quality-of-Service in Video-on-Demand System” In Proceedings of Fourth IASTED International Conference on Communication Internet and Information Technology, (CIIT), Virgin Islands USA, pp. 19-24, 2006.


D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “A Framework for Buffer Apportioning in Video Delivery System”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), Thailand, pp. 188-193, 2006.


Suraiya Tarannum, Aravinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Suratkal, India, pp. 401-406, December 2006.


T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Efficient Energy Aware Topology Management in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 8th ICDCN, IIT, LNCS, pp. 203-215, Springer Verlag, Guwathi, India, December 2006.


T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Chandrakanth N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Energy Efficient Routing AdHoc Networks”. In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 209-216, 15-18th December, Bangalore 2006.



T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Energy Aware Topology Management in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”. In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Systems and Networks Communication, IEEE Computer Society Press Tahiti, French Polynesia, pp. 1-12, November, 2006.


Vibha L, Harshavardhan G. M., Pranaw K., P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R. and L M Patnaik, “Statistical Classification of Mammograms Using Random Forest Classifier”, In IEEE Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP)”, Bangalore, pp. 178-183, 15-18 December 2006.


Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Mammograms using Decision Trees” In IEEE Proceedings of Tenth International Database Engineering Application Symposium (IDEAS), India, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 263-266, NewDelhi, 11-14th December, 2006.


Anita Kanavalli, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Pollution Monitoring using Data Dissemination in Adhoc Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of ICEMC2, PESIT, August 4- 6, 2006.


Sandeep K S, Sharath K S, Chandramauli, Savojit D, Venugopal K R, “Modular Disk Imaging Utility”, Hewlett Packard University Conference, Bangalore, October 2006.


K B Raja, Shankara N, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis of LSB Embedding in Images using Variable Thresholding Color Pair Analysis”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, ICISIP-2006, Bangalore, pp. 11-16, 15-18th December, 2006.


K B Raja, Vikas, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “High Capacity Lossless Secure Image Steganography using Wavelets”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2006, NITK, Surathkal, India, pp. 230 - 235, 20-23rd December, 2006.


Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Optimization and Robotics”, In Proceedings of International Summit on Agility, Design and Manufacturing 2005, Bangalore, December 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Fuzzy based NeuroGenetic Algorithm for Stock Market Prediction”, In Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ISBN 0-9727412-1-6, pp. 2256 – 2274, Pune, India, December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Self Adaptive Migration Model Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Applications”, In Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ISBN 0-9727412-1-6, pp. 3303 – 3322, Pune, India, December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Hybrid System for Web Search Personalization using Query Refinement, Recommender Systems and User Profiles”, In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Advanced Computing(ADCOM - 2005), pp. 199-205, Coimbatore, Allied Publishers, December, 2005.



Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Soft Computing Approach for Selective Dissemination of XML Documents”, In Proceedings of Second World Congress on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005, ISSN 0973-208X, Bangalore, India, pp. 33-38, 14-17th December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Amrinder Gill, A O Thomas, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Generic Feature Extraction for Classification using Fuzzy c – Means Clustering”, In IEEE Proceedings of Third International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 33 – 38, Bangalore, India, December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Framework for Topic Categorization of XML Documents using Support Vector Machines”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC 2005, Nepal, Imperial College Press, UK, December 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and Lalit M Patnaik, “A Dynamic Migration Model for Self Adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 05), Springer Verlag, LNCS, Springer Verlag 3578, pp. 555 – 562, Brisbane, Australia, July 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Dissemination of XML Documents based on a Genetically Learned User Model and SVM”, 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS'05), LNAI, Springer Verlag, Xi’an, China, pp. 564 – 569, December, 2005.


Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “GAXSearch: An XML Information Retrieval Mechanism using Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, Springer Verlag, Sydney, Australia, pp. 435 – 444, December 2005.


D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Efficient Channel Allocation based on Priority of Video in VoD Systems” In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC, Nepal, Imperial College Press, UK, pp.233-237, 2005.


T Shiva Prakash, C Aravinda, A P Deepak, S Kamal, H L Mahentesh, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs”, In Proceeding of International Workshop on Distributed Computing (IWDC), LNCS3741, pp. 548-553, Springer Verlag, IIT Kharagpur, India 2005.


Prashanth S J, Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining in Agile Manufacturing Systems”, In Proceedings of International Summit on Agility, Design and Manufacturing 2005, Bangalore, December 2005.


K B Raja, C R Chowdary, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Secure Steganography using LSB, DCT and Compression Techniques on Raw Images”, In IEEE Proceedings of Third International Conference Intelligence Sensing and Information processing, Bangalore, pp.170-176, pp. 14-17th December, 2005.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Mining Top - k Ranked Webpages using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms" In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Asian Applied Computing Conference (AACC) 2004, pp. 137–144, LNCS 3285- Springer Verlag, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2004.



P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Hash Based Algorithm for Web Access Mining and Reorganization of Web Structure”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ADCOM 2004, 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications. pp. 125– 133, Ahmedabad, December 2004.


Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, "An Effective Content Based Image Retrieval System using STI Features and Relevance Feedback", KBCS-2004, Fifth International Conference On Knowledge Based Computer Systems, pp. 290–301, Hyderabad, India, December, 2004.


Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “EASOM: An Efficient Soft Computing Method for Predicting the Share Values" In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004), ISSN: 1027-2666, pp. 264-269, Austria, Innsburg, February, 2004.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Evolutionary Approach for Mining Association Rules on Dynamic Databases”, In Proceedings of 7th Pacific – Asia Conference, PAKDD 2003, Seoul, Korea, Springer LNAI 2637, pp. 325 – 336, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, May 2003.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Subspace Clustering on Very Large High – Dimensional Databases”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) 2003, Springer LNCS 2690, Springer Verlag, pp. 850 -854, Hong Kong, China, March 2003.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “HashMine: An Efficient Web Log Mining Algorithm to Discover Frequent Access Patterns”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Prospects and Challenges in the 21st Century (ITPC - 2003), Kathmandu, Nepal, vol. 1, pp. 160 – 167, May 2003.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Compress and Mine: An Efficient Graph Based Algorithm for Mining Multiple Level Frequent Itemsets”, In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCOM – 2003), Coimbatore, India, December 2003.


P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “NetMiner: A Distributed Algorithm for Mining Association Rules using Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Agile Manufacturing for Cleaner Products and Sustainability – Internet Solutions, pp. 173 – 181, Bangalore, December 2002.


P Deepa Shenoy, M Srividya, K Kavitha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Incremental Mining of Association Rules using Genetic Algorithms,” In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on High Performance Computing (Asia), pp. 549-550, Bangalore, India, December, 2002.




BIOMETRICS The word Biometrics is derived from two Greek words namely 'bio' meaning life and 'metria' meaning measurement. It is the application of statistical analysis to biological data. Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more automatically measurable intrinsic physical or behavioral trait . The various physical biometric traits in use today are finger prints, palm print, iris, retina, hand vein, palm veins, face, ear, dental records, voice, DNA, heart beat signals etc, The various behavioral traits are signature, gait, keystroke dynamics etc. To be effective and reliable, any biometric trait must possess the following characteristics: ? Universality: Each person should have the characteristic. ? ? Distinctiveness: Any two persons should be sufficiently different in terms of the

characteristic. ? ? Permanence: The characteristic should be sufficiently invariant over a period of

time. ? ? Measurability: The feature should be such that it is possible to acquire and digitize

the biometric trait. ? ? Collectability:

It should be easy to collect and process the features in an

acceptable amount of time. ? ? Performance: It is the accuracy and speed that can be achieved using the biometric

under various operational environments. ? ? Acceptability: It indicates how well the system will be accepted in the society. ? ? Circumvention: It reflects how easily the system can be fooled using fraudulent

methods. Biometrics can be applied for either identification or authentication. Identification involves matching the biometric trait of a person against all available persons' traits to find his identity. Authentication involves verifying if the person is who he claims to be. The applications of Biometrics can be broadly categorized into security applications, commercial applications and Forensics. Security: The security applications of biometrics mainly include authentication systems and surveillance systems. Authentication systems include fingerprint, face, iris, hand/palm vein recognitions systems. These are typically used for controlling access to


secured areas such as offices, vaults, military organizations. Biometrics has been used in video surveillance for military and commercial applications. It is used extensively in border crossing. Commercial: The commercial applications of biometrics include features of digital cameras like face recognition and smile recognition. In social networking sites it is applied in automatic tagging of user photos. It is applied in passports and voter registration systems. Forensics: In forensics, biometrics is used for keeping criminal records, identifying criminals, establishing the identity of dead bodies. Biometrics recognizes individuals based on who they are rather than what they possess. Biometric traits are difficult to forge and offer good reliability. It is very secure and is very hard for an imposter to fool the system. Biometrics can enable truly anonymous identification in a completely privacy enhancing way. An individual must simply match a real-time biometric reading with one that has been previously validated, processed, encrypted and stored. The main challenge facing wide spread use of biometrics is acceptability. Certain biometrics traits are invasive and may cause discomfort during acquisition. When such a biometric is implemented its success depends on the acceptability. Non-invasive biometric traits are suitable for commercial applications. Another hurdle in the wide spread use of biometrics is the fear of loss of privacy due to the public availability of biometric databases. With the advancement in technology and with hackers discovering security loopholes in all major security systems only biometrics seems to offer the highest level of security necessary for the modern world.

Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, Vishnu Prasad K 8th sem CSE


DIGITAL FORENSICS Science combined with art has given technology. Life without products of science is hard to imagine. Technology had grown exponentially over the past few decades and equally so, the crimes being committed. The present day world is feasting on crimes being committed digitally and hence this calls upon for a special avocation of forensic science called “Digital Forensics�. Digital Forensics is a branch of forensic science where a methodology is followed in order to obtain potential legal evidence from digital devices and the evidence thus obtained may support or refute a particular hypothesis. The devices used in committing the crime play an important role in classifying the branches of digital forensics. The branches are computer forensics, database forensics, network forensics, cyber forensics, mobile forensics, internet forensics etc.. Computer forensics is that branch of forensics where a computer is involved in committing the crime. In other words, it involves gathering and analysis of data retaining it in its original format and to reconstruct it or what has happened in the past on a system. One of the key challenges faced during the investigation of a computer is maintaining data integrity. Database forensics comes into play when there is database security breach. In the physical world if something is stolen it is gone and the theft becomes obvious but in case of database servers when data is stolen, only a copy of the data is taken and the original is retained thus the examiners must carefully examine the statements used in doing so. i.e the prima facie evidence appears absent. Network forensics is the capture, recording and analysis of network events in order to discover the source of security attacks. Network based forensic investigation often rely on data provided by properly configured network based devices. The logs from inter-connected devices such as routers, servers and intrusion detection system can yield important information which can be used during an investigation to piece together the events of a security incident. One of the sub-branches of network forensics is wireless forensics where information moving through a wireless network is captured and analyzed. Decrypting an encrypted key is one such problem faced by the network examiners.


Cyber forensics teams function by piecing the information together about where and when the user had been online, history of websites visited and the source and receiver destinations of the contents of an e-mail. They look into the information thus obtained and analyze it. They try to find out a pattern in their usage and thus coming to a conclusion. One of the problems faced by them is to recover time stamps of every event that has occurred. Mobile is the most widely used communication technology these days and is equally misused. Crimes committed through them are classified under mobile forensics. In this field, features like International Mobile Equipment Identification(IMEI) number, Personal Unblocking Key(PUK) code and Subscriber Identification Module(SIM) which stores COCI, Integrated Circuit Card Identifier(ICCID)etc. help tracking the origin of the mobile. The 26/11 Mumbai attack was one such instance where suspects were tracked down by using the IMEI number of the phone used. General Problems faced- Digital forensic practitioners need to be abreast with technology else they are lost. This is proving to be difficult not only due to the developments in technology itself but also in specific implementation changes between models of devices. The other problems faced by them include increasing complexity of vents, lack of proper NTFS documentation, huge storage media, data encoding in the form of encryption, steganography, meta data and etc, growing variety of systems to analyze, lack of attribution and etc. Though Digital Forensics is a relatively new field, significant work has been done and there is ample scope for further research.

Abhilash R. V -6th Sem CSE


DOWN THE MEMORY LANE Time: 03:30 A M Venue: UVCE College Entrance. Date: 16/04/04. Scene: The preparation for the fest was getting its final touches. Sachin & Swaroop helping Rishi at the reception desk. Gururaj and I working out the questions for the morning event and Bescom mercilessly enter the scene with an ominous sign. Rishi excited with anger “ I still have lot of work”. All of us perplexedly looking at each other's ghostly figure, and it triggered a déjà vu. Six hours later, Dr. Anup K Pujari advent into the college with an opulent looks and corroborates ' ……I would like to appreciate the teacher and her student team for this effort'. PDS mam was beleaguered with this comment and she tells me ' …… I am not surprised especially with the team we had and the people we have involved'. My journey with IEEE UVCE began in the beginning of 2002. I started off as apart of a revered set of juniors allured into IEEE UVCE team by the impressive dialogues with Srividya, Kavitha & KB (members of the then EXCOM). My early days were filled with memoirs of regular visit to 'TRIPTI' along with my classmates Guru, 'famous' Pandit and Prithvi to empty the booty of IEEE UVCE under the supervision of Kavitha. A year later Srividya selected me as the G.S, a reward I presumed for my hogging skills. A year down the lane, I saw myself in KB's shoes. But an ever-surprising associate of mine had different plans as he donated the mantle to me and presumed the role of the Vice Chairman for the second consecutive year. This move did please me but the mere thought of being desolate in the team created a state of panic. With these things in mind I started off year 2003-04. Running a team initially ignorant about IEEE especially with hurdles faced at UVCE, was a bonus to me since this gave a chance to utilize your fresh minds. Also the need for IEEE to grow into every student's thoughts was a major task faced by Swaroop, Narashima & me. The thought of Junior Officers (thanks to Swaroop), gave us the opportunity to study the college scenario. Making the juniors glean the history of IEEE and IEEE UVCE, helped us to search for fresh budding talents like 'enthusiastic' Suman, 'Pretty ever smiling' Priyanka and Laasya along with IT Czars Bharath & Timmy. Interestingly the other selected member never made her presence felt. I am still not sure if Nachi had different plans with her.


In my first two years at IEEE, I saw minimal participation from members and other students. So we decided to leave the doors wide open for any fresh creative minds interested in being part of this team. Thus we acquired the pillars of the future team. The entry of two tiny talented buddies who shared a lot of common interests like TT (Sharath & Bhargav) lifted the spirits of their creative ever-dreaming friend Nachi. The ambience they created helped us realize that we could achieve most of our goals. We also managed to imbibe three troublesome mischievous useful & helpful ladies (Archana, Nisha & Shilpa) along with 'Vibrant' Sriram and 'unnoticeable' Deepak. The presence of Deepak saw the emergence of a cardinal force – Murali. This is something Deepak might oppose especially after the SBM episode. The team received a global touch with the web world services of the duo Vishnu and Perumal. We were fortunate enough to be accompanied during the much-needed period by a set of openhearted volunteers led by Skanda's efficient classmates, which constituted the reception team. It would be crime on my part if I don't mention the contribution of friends who need special mention. The commitments shown by the 'Da Vinci' Rishi (an influence after reading Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It's a great book, please don't miss this), Satish, Naveen and trusted batch mates was something, which was true to their character. Also the team of organizers who savored the success of the fest with a personal touch. But during these periods I have shown my anger at many. I apologize for all those moments especially to the duo Vishnu and Perumal. We were fortunate enough to be accompanied during the much-needed period by a set of openhearted volunteers led by Skanda's efficient classmates, which constituted the reception team. It would be crime on my part if I don't mention the contribution of friends who need special mention. The commitments shown by the 'Da Vinci' Rishi (an influence after reading Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It's a great book, please don't miss this), Satish, Naveen and trusted batch mates was something, which was true to their character. Also the team of organizers who savored the success of the fest with a personal touch. But during these periods I have shown my anger at many. I apologize for all those moments especially to the duo Vishnu and Perumal. I would like to thank all of you for your favors and contribution, which have bestowed a special place in my diary.


IMPETUS '04 has now become history. To say it was memorable is a classic understatement. Every component that goes to make the fest a summit of student endeavor and achievement was there this time. Fierce competition, excitement, drama and confusion, we saw it all. Meanwhile we as a team ran into many cherishable moments, memoirs that I shall never forget. Experiences have been many and I have learnt a lot. Regrets for this long mail. I was unable to make it to the AGM. Looks like the minds are at work, ideas are flowing, let your valour bring success to all of you Meanwhile I make a move with memoirs I spent at PDS ma’am 's room with all my classmates. “ Success is a journey and not a destination”.


Not Me

-Arun Makkath Chairman, IEEE UVCE , 2003-04


IMAGE SEGMENTATION - AN INSIGHT Data mining (also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases - KDD) is the process of discovering meaningful patterns from data and interpreting it. Data Mining has been defined as “Extraction of interesting (non trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns from huge amount of data”. Data Mining is a multidisciplinary field, drawing work from areas including database technology, machine learning, statistics, pattern recognition, information retrieval, neural networks, knowledge – based systems, high – performance computing, artificial intelligence and data visualization. The various stages involved in data mining are as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Data Mining Stages The entire process is iterative and interactive. Among these stages, discovering patterns and extracting information is the most important step. Classification is one of the important methods of extracting information. It sorts images into predefined groups according to their similarities. There are two methods for classification, namely-supervised and unsupervised. The basic difference between the two is that the former uses user defined training classes while the latter does not. One of the preliminary tasks in classification is segmentation. Segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments. To achieve segmentation, clustering algorithms are used. Clustering is a process of grouping a set of spatial objects into clusters so that objects within a cluster have high similarity in comparison to one another, but are dissimilar to objects in other clusters. To understand it, let us consider the example of lip segmentation. Original image (Fig. 2) is preprocessed and is given as the input to the K – Means Clustering Algorithm, which is the simplest method in the unsupervised technique. Among


Fig. 2: Original image

Fig. 3: Lip Segmentation

the various clusters obtained as the output of the algorithm, one cluster will be the image shown in Fig. 3 which will be the segmented lip region. Spatial data mining and Segmentation The data related to objects that occupy space is known as spatial data. Example: traffic, bird habitats, global climate, logistics, etc. Spatial data is used in/for GIS – Geographic Information Systems, Meteorology, Astronomy and Environmental studies. Spatial data mining is the application of data mining techniques to spatial data, with the end objective to find patterns in geography, meteorology, etc. The main difference between data mining and spatial data mining is that, in the latter it has a special property called spatial autocorrelation. It means that the neighbors of a spatial object may have an influence on it and therefore have to be considered as well. Let's consider an example for segmentation in the field of spatial data mining.

Fig. 4: Original image

Fig. 5: K – means output

Fig. 6: C – means output

The study area here is Western Ghats, Karnataka (Fig. 3). The results of the K – means clustering are as shown in Fig. 4 and the output of Fuzzy C – means clustering algorithm are as shown in Fig. 5. Using the algorithm output, we can study the highly heterogeneous land cover types i.e., various features on the surface of the earth. The applications of segmentation in the area of remote sensing are: extracting information about the presence of buildings, forest areas, water resources, soil types etc. Pooja P. Sheth -6th Sem ISE


STEGANOGRAPHY: HYPE OR HALLELUJAH? Over the past couple of years, steganography has been the source of a lot of discussion. It was even suspected that the terrorists connected with the September 11th attacks might have used it for covert communications. While no such connection has been proven, the concern points out the effectiveness of steganography as a means of obscuring data. Steganography, along with encryption, is one of the fundamental ways by which data can be kept confidential. Though steganography is an ancient topic, the advent of the digital era has made it more complicated. It would be incredible if one said that 'Yours Sincerely' had everything to do with steganography, 'Sin-cere' in Latin means 'without wax' and in ancient Rome and Greece, several artists and sculptors would hide secret messages in their art beneath a layer of wax, the wax could be scraped out to reveal the message So the next time you see someone sign off with 'Yours Sincerely', there is probably no steganography involved. Cryptography, Steganography and Digital Watermarking are some of the terms we often discuss in the field of Information Security and Data Hiding. While cryptography conceals the message by encryption, steganography hides the very presence of the message whereas Digital Watermarking uses steganography for copyright protection. Technically, steganography is the art or practice of concealing a message, image or file within another image or file in such a way that the sender would be able to communicate with the intended recipient covertly. In contemporary terms, steganography has evolved into a digital strategy of hiding a file in some form of multimedia, such as an image, an audio file (like a .wav or .mp3) or even a video file. Steganalysis is the science of detecting steganography in such media. The simplest, yet amazingly covert form of steganography is through images. Hiding information within images makes it tough for any steganalyst to predict steganography as the message would be quite indistinguishable from the noise in an image, specifically with respect to JPEG images where compression of the raw images leads to a default channel noise. For instance if we need to hide 9 bits of data '101101101' in a 24-bit color image then, the least significant bit (LSB) of each pixel would be overwritten by the bit to be hidden, the amount of change will be minimal and indiscernible to the human eye. The following illustrates a 9-pixel image before and after encoding (where bits in bold have been changed):


Steganography has been adopted in aiding nefarious activities including violation of copyright, intellectual property rights and pornography. There have been rumors of terrorist groups using steganography to communicate with the group members through images found on the public domain on the internet. In contrast, steganography has been employed in useful applications like smart identity cards (wherein details of individuals are embedded in their photographs), safe circulation of confidential data within organisations; ensuring security of patients' electronic records from the Medical Imaging Systems, checksum embedding to protect the data from possible sabotage, theft, or unauthorized viewing.

Krishna .S -6th Sem, ECE


CLUSTERING We come across several situations in our day to day life wherein we intuitively make use of a concept without being aware of its larger applications. Classification of related objects in order to simplify their management is one such practice. For instance, in a food store, similar types of items eg. fruits or vegetables are kept together in the same or adjacent racks. Biologists have to organize the different species of animals before a meaningful description of the differences between them is possible. According to the modern system employed in biology, man belongs to the primates, the mammals, the amniotes, the vertebrates, and the animals. Note that in this classification, the higher the level of aggregation, the less similar are the members of the respective class i.e man has more in common with all other primates (e.g., apes) than he does with the more “distant� members of the mammals (e.g., dogs etc). In short, whatever the nature of your field is, sooner or later you will run into a clustering problem of one form or another. In fact, there are countless examples of this sort of grouping, and this concept is called Clustering. Clustering is division of data into groups of similar objects based on certain features without prior knowledge of the group definitions. Representing the data by fewer clusters necessarily loses certain finer details, but achieves simplification. Data modeling puts clustering in a historical perspective rooted in mathematics, statistics, and numerical analysis. From a machine learning perspective, clusters correspond to hidden patterns, the search for clusters is unsupervised learning, and the resulting system represents a data concept. From a practical perspective clustering plays an outstanding role in data mining applications such as scientific data exploration, information retrieval and text mining, spatial database applications, Web analysis, Customer relationship managemen t (CRM), marketing, medical diagnostics, computational biology, and many others. Clustering is the subject of active research in several fields such as statistics, pattern recognition, and machine learning. This survey focuses on clustering in data mining. Data mining adds to clustering the complications of very large datasets with very many attributes of different types. This imposes unique computational requirements on relevant clustering algorithms.

A variety of algorithms have recently emerged that meet these requirements and were successfully applied to real-life data mining problems. Some of the essential properties that make a clustering algorithm efficient are


number and type of attributes algorithm can handle, scalability to large datasets, ability to work with high dimensional data, ability to find clusters of irregular shape, ability to handle outliers, time complexity, minimal reliance on apriori knowledge and user defined parameters and ease of interpretability of results.

-Suhas.N 8th Sem, ISE


IEEE & I It was those early days in college. The days when classrooms would be filled with students rather than benches. Eager minds would wait all day long for lecturers to come. But then the lectures would seldom happen and our idle minds would always be in search of work, either mischievous or naughty. It was in those early days of my engineering that I heard about IEEE. It looked like a fun organization with a promise. It was an offer which one could not have declined and thus started my adventure in IEEE UVCE. The first year saw me as a carefree member, the one who would often be seen yawning during the smallest of talks. But attending competitions was always fun and then fighting over the solution was a greater source of amusement. I also volunteered to lift chairs and manage crowds during fests. Fests were a new thing then and they did impress all the newbies. The crowd of students, industry representatives and interesting events looked very new and interesting. More interesting was the fact that the entire organizing and event management was done by our own seniors. And they seemed to be enjoying themselves but appeared very professional at the same time. Then came along the second year. A year when all my classmates were busy proving their capabilities and skills. I never understood the reason. So I joined the club too. I would campaign all day for memberships, organize events and interact with different people with varied interests. Soon I was at the centre of a network which offered solutions to many problems. And sometimes the solution would actually work. The experiments with them started my pursuit as a researcher. Having seen my skills in people management and research, I was given an opportunity to do more as a General Secretary. It was an opportunity that inculcated professionalism in me. A committee meeting would be conducted where the Execom would come up with plans to keep the generally busy members busier. We had a membership of 150+ young minds and it was indeed a great challenge. I soon learned the fact that every person is unique but at the same time a group always has common interests and a good leader would get the better of the two. A great deal of time would often be spent allotting work and making it happen. I also learnt a valuable lesson in time management that helped me write and publish some technical papers in the meantime.


Hard work paid off and I was given the task to lead IEEE UVCE as the chairman. The task looked herculean but was never an effort thanks to the enthusiastic members. I saw great motivators and team players, who would take up responsibilities with confidence, create opportunities, plan and lead them to the logical end. The picture was much larger now and I could see IEEE UVCE as an organization with a highly productive and definitive culture. Hierarchies of responsibilities were honored but never hindered ideas and creativity. Funding such a culture would involve big companies and careful budgeting was the key in keeping the community live and moving. Business with companies not only meant money but also knowledge, making sure that the company takes interest in sharing an insight on the latest in technology with the student community back in college. Engineering is more than a four year degree program. It is a characteristic that helps every man find his way out of trouble. The right challenges only gets the best of an engineer and IEEE serves as an ideal platform for the confused and the determined alike. In my association with this esteemed organization, I have learned the small but the most important etiquettes that makes an engineer truly professional. In essence Knowledge, Community and Profession form the essential ingredients to a prefect engineering life. To put it all in Sir Henry Royce words, “Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it.�

Prasanth G. Rao Chairman , IEEE UVCE, 2008-2009


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