KAGADA 2009 Proceedings

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IEEE UVCE Presents

KAGADA 2009 Inspiring Innovation

IEEE UVCE Presents

KAGADA 2009 Inspiring Innovation

Welcome Message

In the words of Steve Jobs, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower� and IEEE has been a leader in the field of innovation since 125 years of its inception. IEEE UVCE, a student branch under the aegis of IEEE, was revived in 2001 and has ever since played a pivotal role in developing engineering talent in UVCE. KAGADA is our Annual National level Technical Student Conference. KAGADA 2009 as a respite shall also be hosting a Project Exhibition along with the Paper and Poster Presentation contests. Every year this event witnesses a footfall of over a hundred students and several research papers pour in from all over the country. We acknowledge the support of UVCE and IEEE Bangalore Section; we also express our gratitude to the Program Organizing Committee, the reviewers and the judges for their valuable time. We would like to sincerely thank the student volunteers who were instrumental in making this conference possible. We hope our attempt to Inspire Innovation continues to be fruitful. Team IEEE UVCE

Conference Organization Branch Patron Dr. L M Patnaik Branch Advisor Dr. Venugopal K R Branch Counselor Dr. P Deepa Shenoy Branch Mentors Dr. K B Raja Smt. Thriveni J

Student Executive Committee Chairman Suhas N Vice Chairman Rahul Prabhu H Treasurer Srikanth V M General Secretary Krishna S Joint Secretary Tejas J

Women In Engineering WIE Mentor Smt. S H Manjula Chairperson Janani T Vice Chairperson Sigma Satabdhi General Secretary Sindhuja B

Student Sub-EXECOM Avishkar Srinath U S Webmaster Risi Vinayaka V Ripples Activities Gayatri George Editorial Committee Aparajitha Murali Membership In-charge Rashmi P L

Student Volunteers Ammar R J Arvind Kumar R Devavrath S Dhiraj D J Girish S Harsha Deshpande Nitin S Kattige Poornachandra V Praveen S M Rakesh R Sagar D S Sathwikh G N Srinath K S Tejus S Vishnu Prasad K Vinay J


Section I - Papers

Paper Title


FPGA Implementation of Vedic Signed Multiplier


Detecting Drowsiness while Driving


Lip Segmentation using K – Means Clustering Algorithm


Optimal Power Distribution over Fading Multiple Access Channel by Distributed Sensing with Antennas


Analysis Of Digital Evidence Using Data Mining Techniques


Design and Development of a Complete Traffic Solution at Vehicular and Junction Levels with the use of RFID


Novel Ring Resonator Based Biosensor for Cancer Detection


Design and Simulation of Robotic Actuator Controlled Omni-Directional Radar System


Section II - Projects eal and deep sense,these are the pr

that must

guide our behavior at all times.

Project Title

Pg Page No.

protocols t can guide us.In case of an unprecedented situation where these do not exist, we must use fair judgmen t in the spirit of the principles by which we abide.

Increasing the Range and Signal Strength of a Wi-Fi Access Point Using a Simple Reflector 9 our When we are in doubt about theParabolic correct thing to do in any particular situation, obligation is to actively seek the help of others, such as our immediate supervisor, ourMascott Professional Manager or a member of the leadership team. Gluck EnDevelopment Fisicas 10When we find ourselves in moments of controversy or conflict, our obligation is to do what is rightand and Obstacle not what is Detector convenient. At any time, our personal conduct Track Tracer 11must be able to stand up to the most intense public scrutiny without causing us embarrassment. This, then, constitutes our sense oft wha Integrity is.

Intelligent Irrigation


If a breach of Integrity occurs, MindTree will treat it as a black or white issue. We do

Linenot Following Robotof Integrity in shades of gray. A breach of Integrity violates 13 our look at a breach Values and people who lose their Integrity lose MindTree. It makes no difference of our existence who Technology is involved or what is at stake because this is the bedrock Hybrid 14 and the whole basis of an op en and transparent organization.

Digital Voltmeter Using 8051 Micro Controller Situations that constitute a breach of Integrity include:


Battery Charginga Using Microbial Fuel 16 z Suppressing ma terial fact that could haveCell adversely affected a person's employment. Some illustrative examples are: past criminalord/credit rec Hydrohistory/ Car an existing medical condition that is known to interfere with the17 discharge of the job a eprson is being selected for, or a contractual obligation that otherwise prevents a person from working for MindTree.

Solar Tracer


z Providing incorrect personal information before and during employment. An illustrative example is furnishing of forged data relating to past training, employment or salary details.

Section I



MindTree's business, we abide by the principles of honesty, openness and doing what is right and fair. I n a very ealr and deep sense,these are the principles that must guide our behavior at all times. In many situations, the organization lays down rules, processes , procedures and protocols that can guide us.In case of an unprecedented situation where these do not exist, we must use fair judgmen t in the spirit of the principles by which we abide. When we are in doubt about the correct thing to do in any particular situation, our obligation is to actively seek the help of others, such as our immediate supervisor, our Professional Development Manager or a member of the leadership team. When we find ourselves in moments of controversy or conflict, our obligation is to do what is right and not what is convenient. At any time, our personal conduct must be able to stand up to the most intense public scrutiny without causing us embarrassment. This, then, constitutes our sense oft wha Integrity is. If a breach of Integrity occurs, MindTree will treat it as a black or white issue. We do not look at a breach of Integrity in shades of gray. A breach of Integrity violates our Values and people who lose their Integrity lose MindTree. It makes no difference of our existence and who is involved or what is at stake because this is the bedrock the whole basis of an op en and transparent organization. Situations that constitute a breach of Integrity include: z Suppressing a ma terial fact that could have adversely affected a person's employment. Some illustrative examples are: past criminalord/credit rec history/ an existing medical condition that is known to interfere with the discharge of the job a eprson is being selected for, or a contractual obligation that otherwise prevents a person from working for MindTree. z Providing incorrect personal information before and during employment. An illustrative example is furnishing of forged data relating to past training, employment or salary details.

FPGA Implementation of Vedic Signed Multiplier Yajnesh Padiyar, Mahalinga V. Mandi, Ramesh S, Dileep D Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

In this paper a signed binary multiplication algorithm is presented based on ancient Indian Vedic mathematics. The signed multiplication algorithm is realized using verilog coding, simulated with Modelsim and implemented on Xilinx Spartan2 XC2S100-PQ208 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The paper explains 8X8 multiplication of signed binary numbers its realization and implementation, which can be extended to a NXN signed binary numbers. The Vedic signed multiplier and Booth multiplier is realized using Verilog code and the results are compared. It is found that the maximum combinational delay is less by 20ns with Vedic multiplier and the device utilization is less by 2% which is very significant in VLSI design.


Detecting Drowsiness while Driving Gayatri B, Sarojini B, Apoorva.D.M, Shirdi Sai Engineering College.

Driver Fatigue is a significant risk factor in both commercial and private transportation. Every year, hundreds of thousands of drivers, passengers and pedestrians are injured, maimed or killed in road accidents caused by driver drowsiness. It is estimated that 1,200 deaths and 76,000 injuries annually can be attributed to fatigue related truck crashes in the US alone! Drowsy driver detection systems can help reduce accidents related to drowsy driving. The main drowsiness detection methods apply physiological (mostly eye closure) and / or performance (steering, car position, speed, acceleration or breaking) measurements of the driver. This paper proposes a video based method of driver drowsiness detection using a SVM classifier. The SVM classifier uses several physiological features extracted from the video input. The features are extracted using rudimentary image processing techniques. The features consist of both instantaneous (for example, current eye opening) and statistical (for example, the variance of the eye locations in a time interval) data. An appropriate training of the classifier should result in an early warning system, which would detect drowsiness prior to the driver's falling asleep.


Lip Segmentation using K – Means Clustering Algorithm Pooja P Sheth University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

Lip segmentation is an important step for lip image analysis. However, most of the current techniques fail if the skin color is similar to the lip color and also they fail in the presence of mustache and beard. In this paper an algorithm has been proposed, which uses K – means clustering algorithm and Sobel edge detection algorithm. Experimental results using proposed method show that it provides good lip-background partition even for the images with complex background features. The motivation of the present work is to extract visual information for speaker's face synthesis and automatic speech recognition (ASR) under natural lighting conditions with few assumptions. It is assumed that the mouth region in the face is known and only that part of the image is considered for the algorithm proposed


Optimal Power Distribution over Fading Multiple Access Channel by Distributed Sensing with Antennas Aniketh Venkat PESIT, Bangalore

Transmission over fading multiple accesses channel in a distributed multiple sensor and multiple antenna environment is characterized by incoherent fusion of sensor transmission. Hence in such a scenario channel knowledge at the sensors is required to improve performance. However, with fading channels, an assumption of a perfect channel at the sensors is inadmissible. As a consequence, with an overall sensor power constraint, uniform power distribution over the sensors is not optimal. In this paper, we propose an optimal power distribution scheme for designing the sensor gains. We propose a random model for the channel, design the optimal sensor gains based thereon and propose a strategy to recover the data possibly corrupt due to fading. The information received by the array of antennas is fed to a fusion center (FC). We experiment by varying the false alarm (FA) and we compute the probability of detection (PD) by varying the number of sensors and antenna. For small values of FA, we demonstrate an enhancement in PD vis-a-vis (i) the number of sensors ; and (ii) the number of antennas at the FC. In practical terms, the study reported in this paper enables the choice of sensor gains to achieve a desired sensor output SNR, thus providing a handle to improve the performance over a fading channel, which is otherwise not the case for fading channels. 4

Analysis of Digital Evidence using Data Mining Techniques Abhilash R V, Beena P Rao University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

Accelerating with time we have moved into an era called the ' Digital Age '. There are multitude of systems and processes that generate digital information and technology has provided an effective way of storing it. This has also led to the commitment of crimes which are technically profound. This paper proposes a unique way of generating, storing and analyzing the data using the linchpins of data mining i.e. data selection, filtering and interpretation, from a flash drive and thus applying data mining techniques to the field of digital forensics.


Design and Development of a Complete Traffic Solution at Vehicular and Junction Levels with the use of RFIDs Prashanth S, Shruti S, Sunil Kumar N, Vasavi Bhaviri Setty M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology With the current trend indicating a steady increase of traffic density on roads, the problems faced by commuters and traffic personnel are imminent. The daily activities are delayed, and emergency vehicles find it a challenge to reach destinations. The reason, the existing traffic control system is static, without an automated response to the real time traffic load. The system intends to optimize traffic flow, regulate traffic speed and minimize the waiting time and providing faster passage for emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire-engines. The system works at 3 levels. First a Central Master Controller (CMC) supervises the complete operation of traffic system in a city. A City is divided into a number of overlapping cells, each cell controlled by a Grid Level Secondary Controller (GLSC). All the Junction Level Controllers (JLC) that come under the cell behave as nodes to the GLSC. The nodes are connected wirelessly to the GLSC, which in turn is connected to the CMC using a secure network. RFID sensors are placed at the beginning of each road. Every vehicle is to have a unique RFID tag. The load on a road is detected by the RFID sensors, considering each vehicle as an object that is differentiated by its unique RFID tag. The junctions calculate the optimum time (based on the type of vehicles, density on each road) to be given to each road based on the information sent in by the sensors and adjacent traffic signal junctions. It regulates speed by ensuring that vehicles traveling at a speed higher than the permitted level are made to wait at the next junction. In case of jams due to unprecedented situations like accidents, a signal is sent to GLSC, prompting it to initiate corrective action. 6

Novel Ring Resonator Based Biosensor for Cancer Detection Karthika.P, Neha M, Chetna K, Matangi M Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore

Microfluidic Lab on Chip device is a promising area of application for clinical diagnostics of human physiological fluids. When a micro droplet of few nanoliters is placed on an electrically conducting material, its movement can be achieved by modifying its surface tension by applying electrical potential. Micro ring resonators are at present used for WDM and DWDM applications. But the same structure can be used for integrated optical bio sensor purposes. Optical micro cavities confine light to small volumes by resonant circulation. This entrapment of light is manipulated to detect specific antigen antibody in bio-sensor applications. In addition various noise effects which are applicable are also studied.


Design and Simulation of Robotic Actuator Controlled Omni-directional Radar System Pavan S.R, Pramod P.R, Raghavendra A, Ravi Shankar C.V, Santhosh B.S University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

RADAR systems are object detection systems that use electromagnetic waves to identify the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. For example it can be used to detect aircraft, ships, and motor vehicles and also map weather formations and terrain. Conventionally used RADAR systems have only one degree of freedom i.e. they can only rotate around a center axis and there is no provision for changing its range or orientation. Here we propose to provide a solution to this problem by mounting the RADAR system on a parallel manipulator platform consisting of 6 robotic actuators and also provide the method of control for the proposed setup. The calculations and results shown in this paper have been arrived at by finding the solutions to the inverse kinematics problem for the parallel manipulator system which is based on Stewarts Platform.


Section II



MindTree's business, we abide by the principles of honesty, openness and doing what is right and fair. I n a very ealr and deep sense,these are the principles that must guide our behavior at all times. In many situations, the organization lays down rules, processes , procedures and protocols that can guide us.In case of an unprecedented situation where these do not exist, we must use fair judgmen t in the spirit of the principles by which we abide. When we are in doubt about the correct thing to do in any particular situation, our obligation is to actively seek the help of others, such as our immediate supervisor, our Professional Development Manager or a member of the leadership team. When we find ourselves in moments of controversy or conflict, our obligation is to do what is right and not what is convenient. At any time, our personal conduct must be able to stand up to the most intense public scrutiny without causing us embarrassment. This, then, constitutes our sense oft wha Integrity is. If a breach of Integrity occurs, MindTree will treat it as a black or white issue. We do not look at a breach of Integrity in shades of gray. A breach of Integrity violates our Values and people who lose their Integrity lose MindTree. It makes no difference of our existence and who is involved or what is at stake because this is the bedrock the whole basis of an op en and transparent organization. Situations that constitute a breach of Integrity include: z Suppressing a ma terial fact that could have adversely affected a person's employment. Some illustrative examples are: past criminalord/credit rec history/ an existing medical condition that is known to interfere with the discharge of the job a eprson is being selected for, or a contractual obligation that otherwise prevents a person from working for MindTree. z Providing incorrect personal information before and during employment. An illustrative example is furnishing of forged data relating to past training, employment or salary details.

Increasing the Range and Signal Strength of a Wi-Fi Access Point using a Simple Parabolic Reflector Dileep Gagan R, Vishwas S Sri Sidhartha Istitute of Technology, Tumkur

A Typical Wi-Fi access point has a range of about 200-250 feet indoors & about 300-400feet outdoors. The signal strength, quality gets deteriorated with distance between Transmitting & Receiving end. The principle involved here in the parabolic reflector is that of radio wave reflection Depending upon the requirement Parabolic/Grid reflector is designed suitably & realized using appropriate materials, with the help of the mathematical relation, finally reflector is fixed to the Antenna of the access point. Results are very promising; the range and signal strength got an improvement by about 20-25% at higher ranges & about 28-30% at shorter ranges. This can be used for any kind/type/make of access-points. In case of outdoor access-points as it helps in covering a very large area with minimum number of access points/antennas with the signal strength/quality at its best.


Gluck Mascott En Fisicas Chandan V, Gowtham N G, Shridevi B Kori, Muthamma, Poovanna P Shirdi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore

The present 21st century boasts of its tremendous advancements in its technology and the techno cracks are trying their level best to create mechanisms which can easier all the difficult tasks. One such innovation is a wheel chair that has been developed since ages and it still requires to be upgraded and updated with the resent embedded technology. Our proposal work takes in to consideration a case in which a man is totally physically hampered i.e. to say no limbs which make him static. A wheel chair is specially designed incorporating all necessary electronics powered by electrical motors which originates in to a wheel chair“FIRST OF ITS KIND” which enables a deformed man to carry out his routine tasks independently. The proposed wheel chair incorporates an electric motor operated with the battery for it's to and fro motion .since the user is limbless special embedded technology is carried in to it which can operate the remote unit with a stick in his mouth. Their is a receiver unit which records the receive the information from the remote and cause various operations like turn right ,turn left, seat up, seat down, seat rotate and Additional controls like head lights and tail lights operation. In designing this wheelchair at most care is taken to reduce the weight and is focused on eliminating the pollution in total. Hence the wheel chair can be christened as “ E-chair”.


Track Tracer and Obstacle Detector Abhiram, Govind, Navaneeth, Saurabh University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

Our goal is to create a robot or an unmanned vehicle which can trace a predefined path sketched on a computer interface and avoid obstacles on the way. We intend to provide an economically viable and efficient solution which will enable easy use of unmanned vehicles in a plethora of practical situations. Our robot will have sensors which can be used to effectively move around obstacles with ease. We are also planning to place a video camera (optional) on the robot and send the video signal to computer. We believe that ramifications of this idea can be many as the mechanical construction of the robot can be made suitably to meet any specific application. The micro-controller Atmega16 in the robot is programmed using AVR. We have used Visual Basic as the user interface software.


Intelligent Irrigation Sumanth.S.Naik, Prasad Patil, Rahul Patil, Santosh Maitri Gogte Institute of Technology,Belgaum

'Intelligent Irrigation System' senses the moisture level in soil and waters the required amt of water to plants, which maintains the required amt of moisture level in the root zones. This is a better in contrast to today's automatic irrigation systems which are costly and mostly use rain sensors. Also here there is an option to provide closed loop feedback in the proposed system that increases the efficiency. Although such systems are there but they are purely based on rain sensors. They don't address root of the problem. The system consists of a soil moisture sensor to sense the moisture level, a bridge network that converts changes in resistance to proportional voltage, amplifier, adc unit, microcontroller unit, relay and control valves. The point to be highlited here is that we ourselves have constructed the “Gypsum block soil moisture sensor�.Offcourse there are other sensors which are more efficient than the one we prepared but we chose gypsum block sensor because we could construct it at a very low cost. The gypsum block was constructed using Plaster of Paris. The principle is that the gypsum block sensor when placed in soil absorbs water till the matric potential of water and that of gypsum block become equal. The resistance of the leads in the gypsum block sensor varies in accordance with the absorbed water. This resistance can be converted to proportional voltage using a bridge network. the voltage and moisture levels can be calibrated and thus microcontroller can be programmed to control the valves. 12

Line Following Robot Vivekananda M, Shiva Kishore Singh, Md. Saif Ur Rehman University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

The purpose of this project was to design, prototype and build a fully autonomous robot capable of following pre-designated path marked on a surface. The surface is black and the lines marked on it are white. The primary objective was to build a line following robot. The Line Robot, uses two 9volts DC motors, to control rear wheels and the single front slider is free. Robot has five infrared sensors placed below the metal chassis which senses and traces tracking tape. When the sensors detected black color, output of comparator, is low logic and the other's output is high. Micro controller and HBridge driver were used to control direction and speed of motor. Plus the other stuff includes a 12volt lead acid battery which drives the motors and a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) which indicate the stations i.e., discontinuity in the line in between the track which is to be traced.The code is written using Keil software.


Hybrid Technology Manan Bakshi Kammavari Institute of Technology, Bangalore

The present energy crisis situation is leading us to put more potential in the field of non-conventional energy resources. Considering to cost and availability, we have kept our eyes on solar energy or use of direct electricity as fuel sources to replace petrol, diesel etc. Owing to sporadic and low solar constant value, solar energy and many limitations in the use of electricity, they are not providing good runners in energy sector. In the current situation, use of water or hydrogen as fuels can provide good substitutes. Thus, Hybrid Technology can be a savior. A hybrid vehicle combines a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion system with an electric propulsion system. The presence of the electric power train is intended to achieve either better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle, or better performance. Hybrids are much cleaner cars than normal vehicles with lesser CO and other greenhouse gas emissions. Hybrids provide a better mileage. The future for hybrids looks bright with rapid developments in hybrid technology to improve engine efficiency. Hybrids help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which directly affects fuel prices. These cars can provide an efficiency of 45-60%, which is almost impossible to achieve with the conventional technology.


Digital Voltmeter using 8051 Micro Controller Poonam S. Kanthi, Gourika urf Sneha S. Pai, Preeti Madiwal BVBCET, Hubli

This is a micro controller based Digital voltmeter,which is used to measure voltages. This includes Analog to Digital Converter, LCD device and 8051 micro controller. 8051 is interfaced with LCD and ADC. The codes are implemented using Ride and Flash magic software. Analog inputs are applied to ADC0804 analog to digital converter, which works with +5 volts and has a resolution of 8 bits. The conversion time of ADC0804 is 110 micro seconds. Then the digital output from ADC is given to 8051. This digital information is stored in look-up table form. The values stored in look-up table are compared with measured input, then it is displayed on LCD. It can measure even the low voltages which is required for sensors. As it does not use Digital to analog converter, the measuring speed increases also reduces the circuit complexity and it is cost effective. Hence, as compared to conventional voltmeter it is more advantageous.


Battery Charging using Microbial Fuel Cell S.Hariprashadh, Pravin Kumar, H.M.Ramani Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore.

Can you believe that the water that flushes out of your toilets, bathrooms and kitchens can generate electricity while it was being purified as H2O. Here we have designed a two chamber “Microbial Fuel Cell� which uses E-coli bacterium that can decompose the complex organic compounds in the waste water and thus generating electron, hydrogen ion and carbon-di-oxide. C12H22O11 + 13H2O -------> 12CO2 + 48H+ + 48e- (at anode) 48H+ + 48e-+24O2-------> 24H2O (at cathode) The fuel cell consists of an anode chamber, a cathode chamber and a semi permeable membrane. The anode chamber consists of the waste water and bacterium. The cathode chamber consists of an electrolyte solution (Phosphate Buffer Saline). The semi permeable membrane is constructed with the help of Agar and is a salt bridge between the anode and the cathode. Graphite rods are used as the electrodes. The electron flows through the external circuit and the hydrogen ion flows through the semi permeable membrane. Here we have connected five MFC's in series to develop a voltage to charge a 5V mobile phone battery i.e, introducing the cell in our day-to-day life to charge a battery and convert the waste water into pure distilled water which can be used for gardening purpose, etc,. We can charge our mobile phone battery independent of other external supply. 16

Solar Tracer Sri Ganesh N, K S Shashi Kiran BMSCE, Bangalore

This project is about tracing the sun using IR sensors that can detect the movement of the sun. A Microcontroller is used for processing the thus received data from the IR sensors. Employing this method increases the trapping of solar energy by 75%. This trapped solar energy is stored in a battery that can be used for other purposes.


Hydro Car A Gokul Kannan M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

Fuel cells are one of the most promising means of producing energy in the future as they do not consume fossil fuels they are considered environmentally friendly. The electricity, required to activate electrolysis is created with a large solar cell. During electrolysis, water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen and the resulting energy is stored as a gas. When needed, the gas is fed into the fuel cell, which then serves as the power source for the electric motor. Thus, we aim to build an eco-friendly model car which actually runs on water. This whole concept of using solar power to split H2 and O2 from H2O and using the gasses to fuel the fuel cell which in turn powers the electric motor is new. Though there are cars running on solar power and also cars running on fuel cell, but as far as my knowledge goes, there is no car that uses solar power and fuel cell in the way mentioned above. Some of the advantages of this project are that it uses renewable sources of energy to power the wheels, Stores energy and hence can work even at nights, well suited for operation in sunny climate (Tropical Regions), increased safety against explosion, as water tank is placed around the fuel tank. However, care is to be taken in positioning the storage tanks for Hydrogen and only distilled water shall be used to feed the electrolytic cell.


UVCE University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, one of the oldest in the country, was started in the year 1917 MINDTREE’S INTEGRITY POLICY by Bharatha Rathna Sir M Visvesvaraiah. Ever since its inception it has been imparting the best MindTree'seducation business, we by the principles of honesty, opennessof and doing technical toabide thousands in the various disciplines what is right andover fair. I nthe a very eal r and deep sense , theseAlumni are the principles that must engineering decades. UVCE occupy guide our behavior at all times. important positions all around the globe. In many situations, the organization lays down rules, processes , procedures and protocols that can guide us.IEEE In case ofUVCE an unprecedented situation where these do not exist, we must use fair judgmen t in the spirit of the principles by which we abide.

IEEE UVCE student branch, revived in 2001 is a titan in its own When Its we are in doubt about the correct thing to do of in any particular the situation, our right. astute commitment to the cause furthering obligation is to actively seek the helpisofreflected others, such our immediate dissemination of knowledge byasthe gamut ofsupervisor, our Professional Development Manager or a member of the leadership team. When activities organized. Symposiums, Guest lectures, the we find ourselves in moments of controversy or conflict, our obligation is to do Technical Fest - IMPETUS and the National Student what is right and not what is convenient. At any time, our personal conduct must Conference - KAGADA aremost some of the events held annually. be able to stand up to the intense public scrutiny without causing us Testimony to the fact that we have been incessantly embarrassment. This, then, constitutes our sense oft wha Integrity working is. for the student community, we have won several awards at If a breach occurs, MindTreeEvery will treat it asAVISHKAR, a black or white the IEEE,of Integrity Bangalore Section. year ourissue. We do not look at a breach of Integrity in shades of gray. A breach of Integrity violates our research team publishes several papers worldwide. Values and people who lose their Integrity lose MindTree. It makes no difference of our existence and who is involved or what is at stake because this is the bedrock the whole basis of an op en andKAGADA transparent organization.

KAGADA and encourages students to gain experience Situationsinspires that constitute a breach of Integrity include: in Paper Presentation. Over the years, it has provided a z Suppressing a ma terial that could adversely affected aand person's conducive platform tofact sharpen thehave technical intellect the employment. Some illustrative examples are: past criminal ord/credit rec presentation skills of the contestants. This technical history/ anaims existing medical condition is known toof interfere with and the symposium at augmenting thethat knowledge students discharge of the job a eprson is being selected for, or a contractual obligation making them better engineers. Participants will be given a that otherwise prevents a person from working for MindTree. chance to showcase their ideas in form of presentation, poster and projects. This Conference aims before to bring young An z Providing incorrect personal information and together during employment. innovators and engineers who work on various disciplines of illustrative example is furnishing of forged data relating to past training, employment or salary details. Engineering.

University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, K R Circle, Bangalore

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