I.E.S. Antonio Gala—Palma del Río (Córdoba) / Year 2010-2011
Volume 1, Nº 1
May-June 2011
TEEN VOICES Project Leader & Editor:
Lola Ruedas
"PIN" is a different subject. It is a subject that offers you the opportunity to meet new people and learn about an aspect of a foreign language like it is conversation in English. This is our PIN.
Edition staff : Students 1º Bach. PIN: (Conversational English)
Up coming events
The first days we were a bit worried. But the time passed and we have learnt a lot of things like cooking pancakes, new vocabulary about cooking, family or travels, job interview in English,
CVs and even we were tour guides for a day! We have learnt a lot, and it's now when we can show you all that we have studied this year.
It is time to review some topics like sport or music, you also will learn something
about beauty and fashion, and our reporters show us the news of the last month. You can also measure your cultural level or read your horoscope in order to know your luck.
So come on, this magazine starts... NOW.
Pie de imagen o gráfico.
Cinema / Music
A new course year is finishing. The summer is here. The heat enters in our classrooms, exams and nerves are coming and so is our magazine .
This magazine is a school project that has a lot of people’s work in it. Everyone who works is important, because without them the magazine would be
incomplete. Each person is different. Each person shows a topic. But there is something we all have in common: the whole class has worked in order to create this magazine.
this project is perfect. So join us and enjoy reading our magazine called Teen Voices on behalf of its creators.
WE HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Our reporters have worked in all kind of issues. This magazine takes effort and time. But if you work in group,
Belén María Caro
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T h e w o r s t n i g h t m a r e o f U S A h a s f i n a l l y e n d e d
News T h e f i r s t b o d y o f t h e p l a n e c c i d e n t w h i c h h a p p e n e d i n 2 0 0 9 i n B r a z i l .
Osama Bin Laden has been murdered by the USA army. His daughter said that he was captured alive and shot moments later. He was in an unidentified area.
S u n d a y M a y 2 2 w e h a d t o v o t e f o r a m a y o r i n P a l m a
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The socialist party (PSOE) has won but it loses absolute majority. Before the voice of the polls this party has gone from 12 town councillors to 9 while the Popular Party has grown from 4 to 6 town councillors. P P ’ s p r e s i d e n t M a r i a n o R a j o y s a y s h e w a n t s t o b r i n g f o r w a r d t h e g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n s
Jose luis Rodriguez Zapatero isn't the best suited to govern because he does not generate confidence and dispels doubts of economy.PP has won 28 provincial government versus the 6 provincial government of PSOE. This shows people don’t agree with Zapatero and they want to change the situation in Spain.
They had to take out the body to the surface because it was still sat on the plane-seat. It has been 3900 mettres under the sea for two years. Next week they are going to transport the body to Paris to achieve an ADN's identification. They are going to rescue the other 228 bodys the next week.
V o l c a n i c
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e a r t h q u a k e s i n L o r c a .
At least 10 people have died this afternoon in Lorca, and also there are a lot of injured people as a consequence of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake, preceded by a seismic motion of 4.5. The government delegation says that one of the mortal victims is a child.
T w o s u i c i d e s a t t a c k P a q u i s t a n b e c a u s e o f t h e d e a t h o f L a d e n
Two suicides with bombs attack recruit soldiers who went on holyday. It has killed 80 and more than 60 injured, mostly soldiers. AlQaeda assures the attacks will continue. This attack shows again AlQaeda is very dangerous. Unites States may take action against terrorism.
a g a i n
The ash cloud from the eruption of Iceland Grimsvoetn has begun to affect the north of Europe, mainly Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany, where they have closed the airports of Bremen and Hamburg, and it is expected to close the Hannover and Berlin in the coming hours, according to the German office of aviation safety (DFS).
E E U U i s g o i n g t o d ó n a t e 2 0 . 0 0 0 m i l l i o n s d o l l a r .
EEUU is going to donate 20.000 millions dollars between 2011 and 2013. The money will be given by Banco Mundial and Banco Europeo in the form of credit. Other countries have pledged to help economically to Egypt to help them out of the crisis and it is happening as soon as posible.
Marta Ruiz Gonzalez - Jose Miguel Ruiz Martín
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Tourism M e e t
P a l m a
Palma del Rio is a small city from Cordoba situated in the south of Spain. There are many places to see in this town, especially because of the ruins of the Muslims empire.
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If you want to stay at a good hotel you can stay at the Castillo Hotel in which you will be treated as a celebrity or at the monastery San Francisco which was transformed into a hotel and it is a beautiful place.
Here we can find a big wall which contains a medieval citadel where there were found many valuable objects which are now in a museum.
And of course you have to see the Asuncion church situated inside the wall and few meters from Santa Clara convent.
One place that you can’t miss is Santa Clara Convent, that is conserved as a museum and there are many expositions of art.
You can’t forget the fair, which is in May or in August, where people have fun and a good time too. These are some of the beautiful places you can enjoy if you visit this town. Come and meet us.
Ana María Criste
Palma del Rio is a small city from Cordoba situated in the south of Spain.
F o o d
Some typical dishes of Andalucia, Cordoba, specifically are salpicon, salmorejo, gazpacho, tortilla de patatas....
Dishes are usually prepared in the summer because they have fresh ingredients and they’re usually served cold. These dishes are very common in Andalusia, which is where the best products are grown. Some typical products are the olive oil and oranges. In Andalusia, agriculture is especially great and there are many plantations of olives, oranges, apples ... and all kinds of fruit.
Other products are Andalusian Iberian ham (which comes from pigs raised on the best acorns) cheese and wine.
You can taste these dishes in some of these restaurants: Restaurant el Caballo Rojo C/ Cardenal Herrero, 28. 14003 (Córdoba) Telf: 957 47 53 75 www.elcaballorojo.com Restaurante Puerta Sevilla Calle Postrera, 51. 14004 (Córdoba) Telf: 957 29 73 80 www.puertasevilla.com Restaurant Almudaina Pl. Campo Santo de los Mártires, 1. 14004 (Córdoba) Telf: 957 47 43 42 www.restaurantealmudaina.com
For more information see the links above.
Amparo Punzano
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F e s t i v i t i e s Some of the most important festivities in Palma del Río and Córdoba are the following:
Before Lent, in the second half of February, we celebrate Carnival. The jokes and parades come together in the streets of Cordoba and the Grand Theatre where the contest is held each presents its best compositions.
Holy Week (Easter) is celebrated full of mysticism and beauty, with its 32 processions and about 60 floats of the Virgin and Saints. These will be accompanied by thousands of penitents, the hooded penitents, creating a truly unique atmosphere.
From 5th to 12th May it is the Festival of Patios, feast of local and colourful streets and squares in the centre. During the meeting a contest is held to reward the most outstanding for its beauty. This tradition still arouses taste and interest in the decoration of the patios considered the most beautiful ones in Spain. From 25th to 28th May, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Health.
Balconies. Citizens decking participants compete with brightly colour flowers, typical bars and balconies in their homes.
Every year in early May, Montilla Wine Tasting is held in Cordoba, where more than 20 wineries are involved and people from Cordoba come to taste wines and typical tapas. Music is also enjoyed and various activities take place, among which are run by winemakers tasting for those visitors who request it.
In late May, the fair takes place in Cordoba, where people enjoy dancing and singing flamenco in their houses decorated with colourful lights and seeing typical flamenco dresses. It is an unforgettable show with his impressive night lighting and lovely cabins with the additional attraction that is of free admission.
Fair in May: It is held the weekend closest to May 20. Palma del Rio is adorned for four days with lights and flowers, enfolded with the scent of orange blossoms, coinciding with the eve of the crops harvest in Guadalquivir valley.
Coinciding with the contest of the Patios, people also celebrate the People Competition Grilles and
Cruces de Mayo (Crosses in May), is a colourful tradition which adorns the streets and squares with immense crosses adorned with flowers.
From June to October a large number of festivals and fairs are happening in in different parts of the city, where
Andalusian patio
you can enjoy of a good atmosphere. They bring together flamenco, tapas and wine, besides the beauty of women in Cordoba, which shows that the painter Julio Romero de Torres made no mistake in choosing them as the subject of
his paintings.
Fair in August: The Fair takes place the weekend closest to August 24. It has its roots in the fifteenth century, when John II granted Martín Fernández Portocarrero a fair to be confirmed years later by the Catholic Monarchs.
It is an unforgettable show with its impressive night lighting and lovely cabins
On the first and second weekend of September a pilgrimage takes place as the proclamation of the sanctuary, which attracts many devotees . Early on Sunday, the Rosary is prayed in the Chapel of the Dawn, then a flamenco mass is celebrated. In the afternoon, the image of Our Lady of Bethlehem, is transferred to the Parish of the Assumption. Around the feast of the Virgin, the "velá" takes place .
On 24th October we also celebrate the feast of St. Raphael the Archangel, the Custodian of Cordoba.
Virginia B. Limones
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F a i r Fair in May is the first fair of the year and the second one is celebrated in August. Fair of May is celebrated for four days, from Thursday to Sunday. During the fair you can enjoy eating in different restaurants as ―La pizzeria‖ or ―Minguez’s‖ restaurant that offer traditional and tasty food of Palma del Río. If you like dancing, you should visit the famous stalls where you can dance and drink with your friends. In the ―Paseo Blas Infante‖. There are located restaurants, stalls and colourful attractions where children have a good time driving bumper cars or riding ponies. This year the fair will be celebrated from 19th to 22nd May and Palma del Río
C r o s s e s
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On the second day, you should go to the municipal stall, in order to listen a pop music performance at 10 o’clock at night. On the third day, you ought to visit a very crowded stall where a group that is called ―Palmacompás‖ will dance the typical ―Sevillanas‖. In that stall called ―El cortijo‖, you will be able to take a part in a dance competition and you will be able to win the first
prize: a trip to London. Finally on Sunday you can say good-bye to the Fair of May with the different and nice equestrian exhibition at 10 a.m.
This year, the fair has been celebrated from 19th to 22nd of May.
M a y
Cruces de Mayo is a very nice celebration in Palma del Río and in Cordoba too.
the square or the church. They use a good illumination and they put religious sculpture next to the cross.
In Palma del Rio during the month of May beautiful ―Cruces‖ in traditional parts of the town are celebrated by people that like eating and drinking with their families and friends. They enjoy of different performances about ―Flamenco‖ that are interpreted by popular groups of that music style.
This year people will visit this town in order to enjoy during the popular
The decoration is very beautiful and very colourful because people decorate the place where the celebration takes place. The decoration is very varied as they use flowers like carnations in order to decorate the important cross located in the best place of
M a y
has prepared the traditional activities that will be celebrated those days. On the first day you should visit the Municipal Stall where you will be able to eat the famous free fried fish at night and you ought to look at the beautiful illumination that will be switched on at 10 o’clock. At 9 o’clock in the Coliseo theatre you will enjoy with a live performance about popular music that will be interpreted by 5 famous people of a programme that is called ―Se llama Copla‖.
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―Cruces de Mayo‖ that will be celebrated for two weekends. In the first weekend from 6th to 8th, you will be able to visit the San Luis Rey’s school where you will see a nice
spectacle about ―flamenco‖ that will be interpreted by a famous group called ―A nuestro compás‖ It will be fantastic because during the spectacle you will be able to have a good time eating a traditional food for free. In the second weekend from 13th to 15th, you can take part in another celebration that will be located in a small square where you will listen pop music on Friday at 10 o’clock p.m. On Saturday night you will contemplate a live performance about ―sevillanas‖ interpreted by ―Palmacompás‖ group. Later, a pop music group will perform on a stage next to the bar where you will be able to have a drink or traditional food of the town.
Manuel J. González
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B o o k
This magazine recommends you a lecture about poetry that will be explained by Rafael E.
Fair of book is celebrated every year in Palma del Río for a week of May. It’s well known by tourists as a good opportunity to enjoy reading or meeting your favourite writer in the different lectures that will take place in the town. This year the Fair of books will be celebrated in the second week of May, so you
I n t e r v i e w
F a i r should take part in the amazing activities that Palma del Río will offer to people that want to have a good time with the culture. This magazine recommends you a lecture about poetry that will be explained by Rafael E., a famous writer that was born in Palma del Río.
Rafael E., a famous writer from Palma del Río
Manuel J. González
t o
C a r o l y n -
Q: Hi Carolyn! May I make you an interview for the school magazine? A: Ok .Let´s go! Q: Where are you from?
A: I am living in Palma del Rio at the moment. Q: How long have you lived here for? A: I have lived in Palma for eight months.
Q: Why did you come here? What have you been doing? Working, studying..?
Q: What do you like doing in your free time?
A: I am working here, in the Antonio Gala High School and I’m enjoying it a lot.
A: I like running, travelling and reading.
Q: Do you like Palma, Carolyn?? A: Yes, I like it very much.
A: I am from Canada. Q: Where are you living now?
Q: What is your favourite place in this town? A: The old place like Santa Clara convent... Q: And do you like the people in Palma? A: Oh! Yes, they are VERY nice.
Q: When are you leaving? A: I will go back to Canada next Friday. Q: Really?? Oh, we’ll miss you a lot. Well, Carolyn that´s all. Thanks for your time and I wish you good luck.
I have enjoyed working in the Antonio Gala High School.
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Hello everybody! Next, you will learn the history of a great club of handball, the ARS. This section is done specially for the people who love sport. ARS was born in the year 1973, when the recreative Salesiana association (ARS) formed by a group of friends that always were playing handball in the school decided to take part in the league of Cordoba. In the first season, they obtained
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the fifth position of the province, but in only two seasons they won the first provincial juvenile championship for this club (1975/1976). They were playing only for pleasure and they were playing very good. In 1977, ARS began to create the first inferiors categories. In the two following seasons ARS won the provincial championship. In 1980, ARS played for the promotion to first division. ARS managed to win the championship of Spain that year and achieved the promotion to first division. ARS was in the first division of handball during four seasons and managed the fourth position in the season 1982/1983, obtaining the best position of this club in its history. The victories and success achieved during these years managed to increase the interest for this club and to extend the inferiors categories.
This year the season has finished and ARS obtained the ninth position. ARS has borne one more year the most important sports spectacle of our region, the handball of ―El Pandero‖. The assessment of this year is very positive. Teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and humility define the handball team of our city Palma del Río.
Alejandro Caro
A I R S O F T Airsoft is a strategy game and sport based in a military simulation. This game is very similar to paintball. This activity consists of a combat simulation using fire weapons' replicas that shoot small balls made of PVC. RULES There are some rules in airsoft and are the following: *When a ball hits you, the player is eliminated. The player is eliminated if the ball hits in one’s body or replica unless the
*When one receives the impact the player must shout ―death!‖ or ― ok!‖ and raise a hand and his replica and then leaves the game field. *You can’t shoot in short distances (5 metres or less). To eliminate to this distance we must use the silent death. If there are doubts the players are eliminated. *You can eliminate because silent deaths worth as physical contact touching with your hand. The eliminated players must go out of the game territory silently. *All players must wear protective glasses during the whole game even though the player is eliminated. *The replica must have a limit of power.
EQUIPMENT Glasses: are the most important part in this equipment. Gloves: are used to protect the hands. Boots: the second most important piece after the glasses Knee and elbow pads Tactical Vest: very useful for storing different accessories In Palma del Rio we have an airsoft club called ―Airdogs‖. There are 15 members in this club. We go to other towns to play with other clubs or we play alone. We plan on heading to another club. We go to Fuente Palmera, Hornachuelos, Los Rosales, etc… .Each member of the club has a different kind of replica and different equipment.
Antonio Martínez
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T h i s m o n t h , i n b e a u t y s e c t i o n , w e ´ l l h e l p y o u t o p r e p a r e y o u r s e l f f o r t h e s u m m e r …
… Are you ready? After these tips, your skin is prepared for a fantastic summer
You will have a good skin in summer if yo u follow these tip s: 1º- You must protect your skin with high protection sunscreen. 2º- You musn´t sunbathe from 13.00h to 16.00h. 3º- You must hydrate your skin after shower.
Here, in Palma del Río, you can relax in “S PA MARU”. It is a fantastic place where you can live a very good experience.
These are the latest treatments in this spa : -Sparkling treatment: for those seeking a different experience. -Geothermal Therapy: The combination of hot and cold stones is one of the largest developments in anti-stress massages and treatments
hairst ou need a new y r e m m su is Th
In Palma del Río, you can find multiple hairdressers for women or men. Here, there are some addresses :
For women: -Hairdresser Manolo, Ancha Street, 51. -Hairdresser Decuma´s, San Francisco Street,2.
For men: -Hairdresser Castro, Zuloaga Street,1. -Hairdresser José Luís, Feria Street,63.
MªBelén Hilinger
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H E R E !
Enjoy its happy colors. See the new models on t-shirts , accessories … This summer no classical colors, but quite the opposite, cheerful colors it’s what we want for summer
30,95€ 25,95€
D o w n
Cheerful colors!
Pale colors!
Cheerful Biquinis!
Old Triquinis!
Old hat!
Do your best with a few simple shorts and all colors shortneck dresses (neckline, bows and ties) . Better it’s impossible!
Tips and Tricks If you want to look cool this summer, follow our advices:
1. Long hair 2.Sunbathe this summer
3. Be on the latest fashion 4. Talk to everyone
Laur Domínguez
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Up Coming
M u s i c a Y e a r i n s p r i n g
If you like flamenco, you should go to Cordoba in order to enjoy with a live performance that will be interpreted by Pastora Galván, a famous singer of flamenco in Spain. The appointment is next 10th May in the ―Paseo Gran Capitán‖ in Cordoba at 9 o’clock at night.
If you like blues music you ought to visit Cordoba to enjoy with this type of music and the best blues singers that will be interpreting their hits in the Corredera’s square from 17th to 19th May at 10 p.m.
The entry is free.
Free entry.
“ O L D
Four up-coming events of free entry to enjoy in Palma del Río and Córdoba
“ X V I I B L U E S F e s t i v a l I n C ó r d o b a ”
“ F l a m e n c o e n C ó r d o b a ”
This year we will be able to enjoy with the music in Palma del Río. The opportunity will be on 6h and 7th May at the music school at 9 p.m. You will listen a quartet of string and a singer that is called ―Coral Eloy Viro‖. Free entry.
Pag e
If you want to see the different tools that our grandparents used in order to cultivate the land, you should visit an exposition about old tools and traditional works in the land
O L S ”
that will be celebrated from 11th to 13th May. The schedule to visit this exposition is from 7 to 9 o’clock in the evening. Free entry.
Manuel J. González
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker re-teamed in this franchise explosive speed. On this occasion, the former cop Brian O'Conner (Walker) will partner with the ex-con Dom Toretto (Diesel) on the opposite side of the law. They will join Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Gal Gadot, Matt Schulze, Tego Calderon and Don Omar for this career at risk. Now in cinemas.
Pie de imagen o gráfico.
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c i n e m a One of the movies that will be coming in film is ''Pirate of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides''. In this action-packed story where the truth lies, treachery, youth and death, Captain Jack Sparrow comes across a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz) and not sure if what is happening now between them is love or if she is a ruthless impostor who is using him to find the famous Fountain of Youth.
When this woman forces him address the Queen Annes Revenge, the terrible pirate Blackbeard's ship (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself in an unexpected adventure as they do not know who to fear more: If Blackbeard or the woman from his past. This movie will be in cinemas on 20th May.
María José Ruiz
m u s i c
Palma del Río has a music school called
Maestros Morales
People in Palma del Rio listen to different music . It is home of young artists brought to Spain to act This town has a music school called "maestros morales‖ and it is specialised in teaching musical instruments of classical origin. In this music school, people learn to draw
Marcos Caro de la Barrera
the titration of elemental music and then they can have an access to a professional academy in Cordoba.
Location: Caballerizas Reales - Cardenal Portocarrero St.14700 - Palma del Río
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Q U I Z Z .1.Who was the first man who went to the moon? A) Yuri Gagarin B) Neil Armstrong
6.Who is Belén Esteban’s husband? A) Fran Alvarez
11.How much tea does an English person drink a day? A) 2 cups
B) Jesulin de Ubrique
B) 5 cups
C) Óscar Lozano
C) Jose Hernandez
C) 8 cups 7.Where is “Nantes”?
2.Who is Prince Felipe’s wife? A) Leticia Ruiz B) Leticia Ortiz
12.Who discovered America?
A) Spain
A) Hernando de Soto
B) France
B) Cristobal Colon
C) England
C) Leticia Fernandez
C) Americo Vespucio 8.How many people were “The Beatles”?
3.How many children does Prince Felipe have? A) 2 B) 1
13.How much meat does a tiger eat every day?
A) 2 B) 4
A) 30 kilos
C) 3
B) 100 kilos
C) 3
C) 45 kilos 9.How much food do elephants eat every day?
4.Who discovered the bulb? A) Thomas Alba Edison B) Michael Faraday
B) 100 kilos
14.How many stomachs have cows got?
C) 150 kilos
A) 2
A) 50 kilos
C) Albert Einstein
A) Javier Bardem B) Antonio Banderas
4 to 8 correct answers You know some things, but it is not enough =( 9 to 11 correct answers You have a common level of knowledge =) 12 to 14 correct answers You have a magnificent knowledge =D
B) 3 10.How many legs have spiders got?
5.Who is Penelope Cruz’s husband?
RESULTS: 0 to 3 correct answers You are a little rough =’(
C) 1
A) 6 B) 8
1-b/ 2-b / 3-a/ 4-a/ 5-a/ 6-a/ 7-b/ 8-b/ 9-c / 10-b/ 11-c/ 12-b/ 13-c/ 14-a
C) 10
C) Tom Cruise
Silvia Lopera
Count how many letters ―F‖ are in the following text. No sweeping it over the text. DO IT FAST!
This calculation should be done mentally and quickly without a calculator, paper or pencil. Be honest and do the calculations mentally. -You have 1000, you’ve to add 40. Add in 1000 more.
-Add 30 and again 1000. -Throw in 20. Add in 1000 and add 10
How many did you count? Nooo…!! There are SIX! The brain gets very liard to process the word ―of‖ .
What is the total? 5000?
Irene Gámiz
The correct answer is 4100!
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Marta Porras
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All publicity by:
Elena Carmona
! ! e e m m i i t t r r u u o o y y r Thanks ffoor Volumen 1, nº 1
I.E.S ANTONIO GALA — Palma del Río (CÓRDOBA) SUBJECT: Conversational English TEACHER: Lola Ruedas GROUP: 1º Bachillerato YEAR: 2010– 2011
Fecha del boletín
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