1 minute read
from Arrival Guide - August 2023
The French Health Care system (Social Security) is called la Sécurité Sociale. It reimburses part of your expenses paid out for medical care and prescriptions. All students are covered except for European students who are holders of an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card).
On your arrival in France, depending on your nationality, you must connect to the Sécurité Sociale website and provide and upload the following documents:
> your new French bank account details (IBAN)
> a copy of your passport
> a copy of your birth certificate (No need to translate it)
> a copy of your school certificate
The registration process will be explained to you during the Orientation week.
EEA students studying in France are covered by the social security system of their own country. However it is mandatory for students from other countries to register to the student social security system scheme in order to benefit from the same protection as the French students.
Please do not hesitate to check the “IÉSEG Passport” for extra details, or until October to contact:
> Lille campus: Damien LEROUGE - d.lerouge@ieseg.frInternational Relations Office (office E237).
> Paris campus: Elena DELOR - e.delor@ieseg.frInternational Relations Office (office P318)
We’ll provide you with updated data and contacts during the semester
The student social security scheme covers student healthcare: it reimburses part of the expenses paid out for medical care and prescriptions.
Is enrollment to a student social security scheme mandatory for foreign students? It depends on the student’s nationality.
> Students from an EEA country or Switzerland: who have a European health insurance card or private insurance do not need to register to the French student social security scheme.
> Other EU countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are covered by the social security system of their own country.
> Students from other countries must subscribe to the French student social security scheme
> For any questions regarding your health cover or healthcare expenses, reimbursements, etc. please contact: inscription@ieseg.fr.