3 minute read
from Arrival Guide - August 2023
Student associations at IÉSEG are a great way for students to gain experience in team projects, take on responsibilities, acquire relevant professional experience, and of course to pursue hobbies. With over 62 associations, 1036 members and 367 events per year, students have a real opportunity to flourish personally and professionally.
7,450 students
367 associative events per year
62 associations 1,036 active members
> Fédération des Étudiants - Student Federation
The Student Federation is IÉSEG’s inter-campus parent association. Its role is to represent and support the School’s students throughout their studies. The Student Federation (also called “La Fédé” in French) oversees inter-campus events and ensures that the associations run smoothly. It is also involved in the financial allocation system for the associations on both campuses and serves as an intermediary between the administration and students.
> Association des Étudiants de l’IÉSEG - IÉSEG Student Associations
AEIL (IÉSEG student association in Lille) and AEIP (IÉSEG student association in Paris) are the cornerstones of the associative life on each campus. The AEI ensures a permanent link between the associations and the administration, ensuring that resources are properly distributed between the associations on each campus, and that associative projects are planned throughout the year.
Drawing on their members’ associative experiences, the AEI provide advice and support to the different associative system members, while monitoring all the events under their umbrella. Overall, the AEI manage more than 300 events and a €500,000 budget on both campuses throughout the year. They also provide support to association members on both campuses through various training courses.
TheIÉSEGassociationsystemisthedrivingforceforstudent life. Its strength lies in the diversity of its members’ academic and personal backgrounds. Today, we are more than 1,000 students readytotakeuptheassociativechallengeofmakingtheIÉSEG experience even more dynamic and bringing students together. More than a commitment to a team, the associative life gets us prepared to overcome the challenges that we will face in the professional world. Just like the School and its students, the association system is ambitious, innovative and engaged.
As a student at IÉSEG, I was able to travel abroad, and I discovered how fulfilling it was to meet people with different cultures. When I came back to Lille, I realized how important it was for foreign students to enjoy their time abroad, so I wanted to help them have a great experience at IÉSEG. With 20 other motivated students, we organize events and travels so that the students can meet French or international people at the School. This experience has made me grow and I now have a lot of connections around the world, thanks to IÉSEG’s internationality.
International Club
International Club is an association made up of IÉSEG students who volunteer to provide all of our international students with a maximum of activities and evening events, not only during International Days but also throughout the whole semester. They propose an actionpacked events calendar; cultural visits to museums, wine-tasting, evening outings, trips to towns all over France, etc at very attractive prices.
This is the perfect opportunity for our international students to make new friends from all horizons and learn so much more about their new adopted city!
How do you find out about everything planned for you ? All the information you require about the International Club and the events, activities and trips they offer to International students will be explained during the presentation.
When & Where? During the International Club presentations (see your timetable for rooms & times) and you can also contact them.
Cultural Visits
When: an attractive program of events will be published through the different social media
What: visits, concerts, movies, evening events, trips
Price: depending on the activities
The International Club will keep you informed of the visits that may take place at a later date !
Charlotte KNOCKAERT President
of the International Club in Lille in 2022-2023
> Mail:
> internationalclub@ieseg.fr
> President: Evlyn DELANEY - evlyn.delaney@ieseg.fr
> Vice President: Gabrielle CHARVETgabrielle.charvet@ieseg.fr
> Facebook: International Club IESEG Paris
> Instagram: IESEG_IC
> Mail:
> internationalclublille@ieseg.fr
> President: Esther CHEMINEAUesther.chemineau@ieseg.fr
> Vice President: Fanny PETIT - fanny.petit@ieseg.fr
> Facebook: IÉSEG International Club - Lille
> Instagram: internationalclublille
> Punctuality
It is of outmost importance that you are ALWAYS ON TIME! A few minutes late can really cause problems for the entire program, so it is your responsibility to prevent any delays.
> Weather in France
During the Fall Semester, from September to October, the weather is usually very nice. November and December can be very cold and rainy, and it may even snow in December!
During the Spring semester, from January to the end of April, the weather can be very cold and rainy, and you need to have warm and waterproof clothing. May and June are usually sunny and warm.
> Transportation
Full details of all the options for transport will be provided during the Transport Presentation during the Orientation week
> Paris transports: RATP
> Lille transports: ILEVIA