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IÉSEG in figures




in the 2015 Financial Times Master in Management global Ranking

Masters of Science



International MBA


Partner universities & business schools


International accreditations AACSB & EQUIS

Executive MBA


Campuses in Lille & Paris

4 300 Students


different nationalities

2 500 Corporate partners



For 50 years, IÉSEG’s mission has been to prepare students to become complete and international managers who initiate change. In our pursuit of excellence, we have obtained two international accreditations, EQUIS and AACSB, and our Master in Management is ranked 21st in the Financial Times global ranking of the top Masters in Management programs. The School is growing quickly and continues to develop internationally. 84% of our permanent faculty members are international and we welcome 1,900 international students to the School this year. Our aspiration for the future is to continue to improve our skills in managing international talent. We believe that our multicultural teaching and learning environment is one of our biggest strengths and that our students will be a real asset to your company. Therefore, we are ready to partner with you and share our talent to help you grow your business. We can also adapt our different services to meet your needs. We look forward to working with you!

Sophie Guérin, Corporate Relations Director s.guerin@ieseg.fr +33 (0)6 59 70 99 75

Contents IÉSEG in Figures




IÉSEG programs & alumni


Our international partners


Recruit your future talent



IÉSEG programs & alumni in 1978, iéSeG was one of the very first business schools to introduce the 5-year “Grande école” program. our pioneering institution offers a combined degree program in management: that incorporates a bachelor and Master cycle. alongside this 5-year program, iéSeG proposes a wide range of international programs for students globally.

a proGraM For each Student (taught in English) proGraM



Grande école program

5 yearS

LiLLe & pariS

year 1: 1 to 3 MonthS year 2: 1 to 3 MonthS year 3: 2 to 3 MonthS MaSter: 6 MonthS

bachelor in international business

3 yearS


year 1: 1 Month year 2: 3 MonthS year 3: 3 MonthS

Master of Science in international business

3 SeMeSterS

LiLLe & pariS

4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in Fashion Management

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in business analysis & consulting

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in accounting, audit & control

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in Finance

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in investment banking & capital Markets

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in digital Marketing & crM

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in big data analytics for business

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

Master of Science in international business negotiation

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

international Mba

3 SeMeSterS


4 to 6 MonthS

part-tiMe / 18 MonthS



executive Mba

FunctionS occupied by iéSeG GraduateS consulting 4,1% purchasing, logistics 5,2% human resources 5,8%


36.6% oF our 2014 GraduateS work outSide oF France

communication 2,5%

Finance (companies and banks) 21,5%

North America 5%

Europe 70%

entrepreneurship 7,4%

Asia 13% Marketing 17,4%

other 11,5%

audit 12,4%

Africa 7% South America 5%

commercial 12,4% *survey of iÉsEg graduates from 2014 by the Conférence des grandes Écoles


Our international partners

our univerSity partnerS iĂŠSeG partners with more than 230 prestigious universities & business schools internationally to enable students to gain international experience at the best institutions worldwide. this international exposure enables them to develop cultural open-mindedness, and they discover new ways of working and can expand their network of professional contacts.

SoMe oF our acadeMic partnerS

235 partnEr univErsitiEs & businEss sChools

bi norwegian business School, norway university of ottawa, canada

Manchester business School, uk

cornell university, uSa

cbS, denmark kozminski university, poland

universita bocconi, italy

hong kong baptist university, hong kong

indian institute of Management, india iSn dakar, Senegal universidad externado de colombia, colombia

universidad catĂłlica de chile, chile

university of Stellenbosch business School, South africa

university of Queensland, australia

all our international university network: www.ieseg.fr/international-network


Recruit your future talent

taiLor-Made recruitMent SeSSionS We can select our best students for you to meet in personalized sessions according to specializations, language skills, career plan, etc.

virtuaL career FairS Organized in various fields such as marketing, communication, digital jobs, etc.

conSuLtinG proJect & Gap year

internShipS Hire our students as an intern and discover the IÉSEG way of working. For more information please contact Laura courteaudon l.courteaudon@ieseg.fr


companies participated In our fairs

a Quick overview oF our StudentS.

Mr. Jonathan brunwasser, Skill Group Manager – Insights and Data - at Capgemini, says “Capgemini has defined Big Data & Analytics as one of its key global services and created a dedicated structure called Insights & Data. Our partnership with IÉSEG allows us to pursue three streams, academic teaching and research around a fast moving technology, acquisition of new skills, and recruitment of international profiles.”

IÉSEG School of Management is a valued partner in our recruitment strategy today thanks to its international dimension and its international career paths. We constantly invest in recruitment to ensure our sustainable growth. You have an entrepreneurial spirit and you like to work in the consulting business: Join us!

We organize several fairs during the year including one specifically designed for international students, twice a year, at IÉSEG, on both campuses.

cv book

career FairS at iéSeG

Master students from the Grande École Program (Master in Management) can carry out Consulting Projects where they work as consultants for your company (either alone or in small groups). Over a period of 4 to 6 months, they analyze strategic issues in order to bring new ideas to the table that will help you move forward with your project. In addition to their compulsory studies, our students can opt to take a 6 month break during their degree. During this time, the student has the opportunity to carry out one or more internships, or a personal project. Missions can be carried out in various areas of business/management, and in different types of company/ organizational structures. The aim is to develop the student’s career/professional project and enhance their skills.

Mathieu doMinGueZ, KLB Group associate

30 000 internship offers


international recruitment sessions


Develop your employer brand and train your future managers conFerence/preSentationS We can arrange a short conference to present your company or your profession to our students, which can be given a variety of formats (in a lecture theatre/classroom or online.). This enables you to discuss with them and inform them about developments and key opportunities.

corporate taLkS 3-5 speakers from the corporate world come to talk to our students about their company, sector of activity or profession. date: on tuesday nights place: Lille and paris campuses tailor-made format: round-table, conferences, workshops, online, etc…

adMiSSion eXaMS Company representatives can participate in the admission panels for the oral entrance exams at the School. This enables companies to contribute to the selection of students who may play a key role in the future development of their company. The admission panels also provide an opportunity to exchange with our professors and meet different actors of the business world.

SponSor a GraduatinG cLaSS Build a special relationship with a class of students by supporting their graduation. Class sponsors are able to raise awareness of their brand with students and IÉSEG’s alumni network.

FundraiSinG Contribute to our future development by participating in our fundraising campaign. Planned over a period of 5 years, this campaign will enable IÉSEG to accelerate its development, for example by contributing to the creation of innovative new learning resources or the construction of a new building in Paris - La Défense.

conSuLtinG Experts from our applied research centers can provide consulting support for your different projects and business problems.

SponSor an auditoriuM/ Lecture theatre Increase your visibility with the entire IÉSEG community by sponsoring an auditorium. Your company’s name will feature prominently at the auditorium’s entrance.

eXecutive education Customized training programs for business executives and managers, ranging from intensive short modules to extended courses lasting several months and tailor-made learning trips in France or internationally. IÉSEG also offers you a part-time Executive MBA at Paris-La Défense. This program offers a strategic opportunity for your personal and professional growth, for the growth of your team, and for the growth of your company. It focuses on developing your leadership skills, enabling you to manage teams who can transform your organization’s vision into reality.

hope proJect deveLoped For decathLon one of our key achievements is the hope project which is run in partnership with decathlon. since 2011, iÉsEg welcomes groups of young international collaborators from decathlon. over several months, the participants from all over the world follow a customized training program developed jointly by iÉsEg and decathlon. this enables them to work on strategic topics and to further explore careers and the company vision, through an intensive and cross-cutting training course. during the “hope project”, they also visit companies from different sectors in France and abroad in the framework of their international “learning trips”

they truSt uS 3M, aCCEnturE, aCCor, adECCo, adidas, air liQuidE, air FranCE, allianZ, aMEriCan EXprEss, aMundi, arCElor Mittal, arMÉE, arval, arvato, atos, auChan, aXa, banQuE aCCord, banQuE populairE, bMW, bnp paribas, bollorE transport logistiCs, boulangEr, bouYguEs ConstruCtion, bpi FranCE FinanCEMEnt, bridgEstonE, CapgEMini, Cahors, CaissE d’EpargnE, CalZEdonia, CaMaÏEu, CarMignaC gEstion, CarrEFour, ChanEl, CiC, Cgi, CitY onE, Club MEd, CoCa Cola, CrEdit agriColE, CrEdit suissE, Crit, danonE, dECathlon, dEloittE, dhl intErnational, dior, EdMond dE rothsChild, EtaM, EulEr hErMEs, EY, Fast rEtailing, FErrEro, galEriEs laFaYEttE, grand Frais, grant thornton, gras savoYE, groupE 3si, groupE roChEr, groupon, gsK, happYChiC, hEinEKEn, hEnKEl, hErMEs, hilti, hsbC, hYatt Corporation, JaCadi, KEolis, Kiabi, Kiloutou, KpMg, la hallE, l’orEal, laCostE, laCtalis, lEroY MErlin, longChaMp, lvMh, ManpoWEr, MaZars, MondElEZ, natiXis, niKE, nEstlE, noCibE, norauto, orangE, phoEniX pharMa, piErrE & vaCanCEs, pWC, printEMps, proMod, publiCis, rEdCats, rEnault, roChE, roQuEttE, sanoFi, sap, sas, sECuritas, sElogEr. CoM, sEphora, shoWrooMprivE.CoM, soCiEtE gEnEralE, sodEXo, soloCal group, sopra stEria, tErEos, total, tulEtt prEbon, unilEvEr, unitEd tEChnologY Corporation, vivEndi….

Mésopotamie : 03 28 52 00 59 - Crédits photo : Karin Crona, barbara grossmann - CEti - mai 2016


Laura courteaudon, international students Career Coordinator l.courteaudon@ieseg.fr

lille : 3 rue de la digue – F-59000 lille paris : socle de la grande arche – 1 parvis de la défense F-92044 paris – la défense cedex switchboard: +33 (0)3 20 54 58 92 / +33 (0)1 55 91 10 10 www.ieseg.fr

iÉsEg school of Management iÉsEg Channel @iEsEg iÉsEg school of Management

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