Rétro facebook 2012-2013

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IÉSEG 2012-2013 A look at the most memorable events on Social Media

I t i s t h i s t i m e o f t h e ye a r a g a i n – a n e w a c a d e m i c ye a r i s a b o u t to s ta r t a t I É S E G , w h i c h w i l l d e f i n i t i ve l y b e f u l l o f e v e n t s a n d s u rp ri s e s . A s yo u a re a b o u t to g o b a c k to S c h o o l , l e t ’s h a v e a l o o k a t t h e 1 5 e v e n t s t h a t yo u m o s t l i ke d o n t h e S o c i a l M e d i a t h i s ye a r.

October 2012

IÉSEG’s international network. We are proud to now have partnerhips with over 200 universities in more than 50 countries.

November 2012 IÉSEG in the rankings this year: Magazine L’ÉTUDIANT / L’EXPRESS - Academic Excellence in French Business Schools IÉSEG ranked 6th after HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, EM LYON, EDHEC. Educpros.fr 2013 - Research at French Business Schools IÉSEG ranked 2nd in France after HEC in publications (by CRNS stars); 1st in number of publications by permanent professors; 3rd in number of professors who have obtained their Ph. D from prestigious universities. LE FIGARO ETUDIANT - Business Schools Recruiting Students from High School IÉSEG ranked #1 in France.

November 2012

Conference of Eric Woerth, former French Minister, organised by La Tribune IÉSEG. First Live-Tweet of IÉSEG as well!

January 2013

February 2013

Internal communication campaign to encourage the staff and students to join IÉSEG Community on its social media.

March 2013

Opening of our new representative office in Shanghai!

March 2013 IÉSEG School of Management is the 1st French “postbaccalauréat” School to obtain the prestigious AACSB accreditation!

March 2013

Graduating ceremony - congratulations to our new alumni!

March 2013

First day of the written ACCES exam for French students!

May 2013

Congrats to the IÉSEG Rugby team who won the Ovale U University Championship !

May 2013

IÉSEG Voile on the EDHEC Sailing Cup: 1st of its category and 3rd for the overall ranking

June 2013

Written exam and Oral tests for the future Grande Ecole students.

June 2013

Enactus IÉSEG : second of the national competition Enactus - France.

June 2013

60,000 new members to the IÉSEG Community. Welcome to our IÉSEG bees!

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