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IeSF 2010 Retrospect

In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

......... Anything what could have disappointed us is just growing pains, necessary and unavoidable. Due to the great job you performed, there were not as much of them as could have been. I believe we all understand that. They say people remember only bad things. That's not true about the GF. It was the most well organized event I've ever seen and is remaining in my mind very positive and meaningful for RESF and, I suppose, for all the NFs who participated……… Constantine Surkont Russian e-Sport Federation General Secretary

Thank you for your kind hospitality and for hosting the IeSF 2010 Grand Final. As always it was a great pleasure to visit Korea and be amongst friends. ………the execution of IeSF 2010 Grand Final has taught us all that bringing so many countries together and create one eSports world is not an easy task. I feel honored to be part of this federation and privileged to have such good friends from all over the world. I have great confidence that we can all together accomplish in uniting eSport and making it an acknowledged Sport in the public. We all have to remember that in the IeSF we have something unique. Never in the history of eSport has so many great minds been gathered around the same table working for the same mission. We have to treasure and nurture this gift in the best way possible and keep growing in a responsible way……… I look forward to an extended cooperation in 2011 and to carry on the positive dialogue conceived at the IeSF 2010 Grand Final. Jens Christian eSport Danmark Congratulations on a well executed Grand Finals 2010 Tournament! I hope you all are well and getting some much deserved rest after this great event. Thomas Rosland General Manager e-Sport Norway


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month

From behalf of the managing board of the Bulgarian Federation of Electronic Sports and personally from me, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for all you have done or the realization of IeSF 2010 Grand Final, Daegu, South Korea. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Noha Park, Mr. Mibu Kim and Miss Hei Eun who did everything possible for the flawless organization of IeSF 2010 Grand Final. We believe that in the future with joint efforts we will work for the development and evolution of the electronic sports. Niky Slavchev Bulgarian Federation of Electronic Sports

Seasons Greetings

………I think the most important lesson of that we need to prioritize the feedback on what is the most important part and focus on achieving those goals. I recommend making an evolution report, as it can help in organizing the next event. Personally I feel the IeSF should make more use of the tools and media that are available on the web to create more buzz around the event world wide. It is like spreading the message of what the IeSF and what we stand for. That message and that story needs to be heart, we need to pack this message in a brand so everyone will know about it......... Greetings, Misha Krug International Coordinator E-Sportbond

On behalf of Mind Sports South Africa I wish to thank you for the efforts of yourself and the IeSF. However, it may be wise in future if the President’s of all the NF’s remained behind one day after the event to do a post mortem on the event while it is fresh in everyone’s minds and, if necessary, to create and/or amend regulations to ensure that the IeSF’s championships grows from strength to strength…….. Your thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Regards Colin Webster President Mind Sports South Africa


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System

We are grateful for your support and continue to share the IeSF’s vision. However, I have some points of improvement to share with you from the recent event. Rules of the tournament should be standardized based on deliberation by referee’s committee and given out to the players before the event starts……… Another point of note is that I hope that in future, the officials and players can stay together at the same hotel or at least at a hotel near theirs. This would allow us be closer to our players……… Thank you for hearing us out and we hope to work together towards improving the IeSF.

People of the Month Seasons Greetings

Regards Adrian Tang Secretary Thank you for inviting and hosting such an event. As they say; Rome was not built in a day. :) I did not come to Korea expecting everything to be perfect, but I think the event was very good and the Symposium and General Meetings were very valuable to me. I like and share your vision for the future! I also enjoyed immensely getting to know all the different people in IeSF. My suggestions for improvements for the future is as follows: 1. Minimum 3 nations represented within the referees. 2. I don’t know how, but we must make a rule that makes it impossible for players to miss their game…….. a. One thing that might help here is if we have a monitor with all the players and the time for the various matches. Just like on an airport. It should be fairly easy to make. (It can be made with an excel sheet.) Of the problems mentioned above, I think your most important challenge is to ensure that you have a good team of staff that you can work with. The rest, I’m sure we will all fix together over the next few years. With sincere respect, Bendik e-Sport Norway ………We're here together to improve the federation and learn to achieve better results. It's the responsibility of all of us. I want to express my respect to the work you and your team did over the last year and will do in the future………. Best regards Dario Swiss e-Sports Federation


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper�

Introduction of 2010 New Members 1.Italy (1) Official Name of the Federation : F.N.I.G.E - Federazione Nazionale Italiana Gioco Elettronico

(Italian Electronic Sports Federation)

Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System

(2) Foundation day : 6. July. 2009

People of the Month

(3) Webpage : www.fnige.org

Seasons Greetings

(4) Name of the President : Sebastiano Silluzio

2. Portugal (1) Official Name of the Federation : Portuguese eSports Federarion (2) Foundation day : --.--.2010 (3) Webpage : In Construction (4) Name of the President : Luis Filipe Carmo Prata

3. Israel (1) Official Name of the Federation : Israel eSport Association (Israel competitive gaming organization) (2) Foundation day : 14. July. 2010

(3) Webpage : http://www.IeSA.org.il & http://www.eSport.org.il (4) Name of the President : Nitzan Dikshtein

4. Russia (1) Official Name of the Federation : Russian e-Sport Federation (2) Foundation day : 24. March . 2000 (3) Webpage : www.resf.su (expected in September 2010), www.cybersport.ru (old version) (4) Name of the President : Gorbachenko, Alexander Fyodorovich

5. Norway (1) Official Name of the Federation : eSports Norge (2) Foundation day : 01. April. 2010 (3) Webpage : In Construction

(4) Name of the President : Bendik Stang


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month

6. Brazil (1) Official Name of the Federation : CBEC

- Confederacao Brasileira de Esportes Conectados (Brazilian e-Sports Confederation) (2) Foundation day : 13. August. 2009 (3) Webpage : www.cbecon.org.br (4) Name of the President : Waldir Comenale

Seasons Greetings

7. Malaysia (1) Official Name of the Federation : Malaysia E-Sports Federation (MESF) (2) Foundation day : 4. May. 2009 (3) Webpage : In Construction (4) Name of the President : Rinie Bin Ramli(President)

8. China (1) Official Name of the Federation : China Sport Information Center Project Department of Electronic Sports (2) Foundation day : 18. June . 2009 (3) Webpage : www. e-sports.org.cn (4) Name of the President : Yang, Ying

9. Maldives (1) Official Name of the Federation : Maldives E-Sporting Association (2) Foundation day : 24. Nov. 2008 (3) Webpage : WWW.MESA.MV (CURRENTLY UNDER MAINTAINENCE) (4) Name of the President : ISMAIL AZMEE ADNAN

* India is an Associate Member


In this Issue:

Article from “ Korea Times Newspaper”

IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

Colin Webster, chairman of South Africa’s e-sports association, talks about the transition of the e-sports industry during a “2010 International e-Sports Symposium” or IeSym at the Exhibition Convention Center (EXCO), Daegu, last week. / Courtesy of IeSF

By Kim Yoo-chul DAEGU ― The global e-sports or online gaming industry is now in transition but a few conditions should be met in order to ensure its robust and balanced growth, experts said at a forum, last week.

Efforts are being made to increase the viability of online games, riding on the

popularity of a series of real-time strategy games such as StarCraft, but the growth of Internet gaming is limited to Korea and the United States, thus requiring international alliances for global proliferation.

"The gaming industry as a whole has seen ups and downs, leaving publishers and the media confused as to what is the right business model," said Joshua LaTendresse, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley Martial Arts Program.

"Thus, standardization with regard to game selection and regulation are strongly needed."


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper” Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

LaTendresse was a guest speaker at the "2010 International e-Sports Symposium" or IeSym at the Daegu Exhibition Convention Center (EXCO), southern Seoul. The event was organized by the International e-Sports Federation (IeSF). Founded in August 2008, IeSF currently has 15 member countries. He argued for four necessities in order to guarantee the development of the game industry ― driving corporate sponsorship and support, partnering with developers and publishers, gaining the interest of gaming media and attracting top professional players. If these requirements are met, he said that a unified format will help emerging international e-sports countries see a better chance of market growth.

"By laying the groundwork with clear guidelines for content developers, the IeSF could further be a trustable marketing partner for publishers," he said. A senior executive at Neowiz Games, Korea's second-biggest gaming company, said setting up global standards over key rules means better profitmaking, and will increase the healthiness of the industry. "We need breakthroughs," added Jeon Kyoung-hoon, the executive from Neowiz. It’s unknown how much the e-sport business sector is worth right now, though quite a few professional gamers are earning up to $300,000 to $400,000 each year in sponsorships outside of tournament prizes. With the rise of leagues like Major League Gaming, the United States has begun catching up with foreign competitors. In Korea, for example, a public channel called MBC Game broadcasts e-sports games. "E-sports represent the most technically advanced way of doing sport. It still has its roots in the military as does the older sports, while combining elements of competition and personal skill," said Colin Webster, the president of Mind Sports in South Africa. With advances in the ability of game machines to read and interpret a user's body movements and hand gestures, and even facial expressions, e-sports industry has broadened its appeal to a wider audience, as well as to advertisers. Not only are more people playing the games, but they are spending more time and money on them, according to experts.


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper� Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System On June 2010, IeSF has started implementing the player registration management system as a part of introducing e-Sports standardization to the world, and will open the system on December 2010. The player registration management system was implemented as an automated system in which official ranking is calculated by having the IeSF and the administrator of the association in each country host competitions and reflect its results. It ensures the stability of data by introducing a certification system for each phase. This system supports the administrator of the association of each country to host and run competitions, and is designed to reflect relevant results to the official ranking by the certification of IeSF administrators. Furthermore, the administrator of each country can register and manage players of a relevant country. It also includes an online system that can submit the entry of a registered player and allow them to participate in a competition hosted by the Federation or other member nations. Through this system, e-Sports players all over the world can be efficiently managed by country, and it is designed to be capable of processing rankings by titles, individual players, and teams. The system function can be summarized by units as follows. 1. System Management Member country registration & country administrator account authority management Code management of player grade, competition type & size, title, and age 2. Player Management Player registration & management by country Competition entry submission & management 3. Title Management Registration and management of official & demonstration titles 4. Competition Management Registration & operation of competition (Different calculation of points applied to ranking through competition size and classification) Registration and management of official and exhibition titles Registration & management of competing players Registration of competition results


In this Issue: IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members

5. Ranking System Automatic calculation of ranking by each title based on results registered on the system The standards applied to the ranking introduces a certified ranking calculation method by applying IeSF standards which is based on PGA ranking standards

Article from “Korea Times Newspaper� Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

As a project providing the foundation of player registration management system, the first system in 2010 will be implemented as an official system which has the capability to run competitions online and distribute its results in real time all over the world through game result automatic link system and expansion of competition operation & management system by interfacing in real-time with game services of future title developers.


In this Issue:

People of the Month

IeSF 2010 Retrospect

Song, Sok-Rok/ Kyungdong University

Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper�

Prof. Dr. der Sportwissenschaft E-Sports is cultural contents that overcomes barrier between generations and

Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System

countries and pursues a goal of peace and harmony. Especially, this e-Sports has

People of the Month

a wide range of industrial uses related to internet, game, IT etc. In this respect

Seasons Greetings

cultural contents will be utilized as a new growth engine. It is International e-Sports federation's duty and responsibility to solidify eSports bodies leading the future and to promote e-Sports globally. The Competition Committee promotes efficient competition operation and decides operation standard of game, system of game, standardization of international competition. It's duties will include bidding, process methods and fair play in any of hosted or managed international level competition by IeSF's acception or approval.

The Certification Committee deliberates and decides the regulation and standardized certification - procedure for its membership, competition, facilities, equipment, etc. The Committee pursues a fair operation and technical improvement in competition hosted or managed by IeSF. The certifications for the stadium, facilities, equipment, competition and bidding are required in International level competition. However, generally, Committee's decision must be reported to General Assembly and approved. Committee consists of IeSF's member and e-Sports expert. Also, professionalism and independence of Committee in the activities should be secured. This is to derive fair decision. Hopefully, the activities by the various committee members contribute to strength of capacity, standardization and globalization of e-Sports. Finally, as is naturally expected, every National e-sports Association and IeSF need to solidarize to pursues the vision of e-Sports.


In this Issue:

Seasons Greetings

IeSF 2010 Retrospect Introduction of 2010 New Members Article from “Korea Times Newspaper� Implementation of IeSF Player Registration Management System People of the Month Seasons Greetings

[Contact] General Manager Noha, Park noha@ie-sf.org

Deputy Manager Sungchul, Byun byunsch@ie-sf.org

webpage: www.ie-sf.org


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