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Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Colb6 ET6 42pg
CATHOLIC EXPERIENCED TEACHER 6 (ET6) CHAPTER BRIEFING 10 ROUND 1 VALIDATION PANELS UPDATE REVIEW PANELS WILL MEET ALLOWANCES TO BE PAID Dear Colleagues Experienced Teacher 6 (ET6) classification provides acknowledgement of teachers whose effective teaching and learning in the school contributes to the effective implementation, development, provision and/or evaluation of the school’s educational program. The first intake of applications for Experienced Teacher 6 (ET6) status in 2011 closed on 31 March. Validation Panels Meeting Toowoomba, Rockhampton and Cairns diocese validation panels have met and applicants should be informed of the recommendation of the panel. Religious Institute (RI) and Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) panels are currently meeting and applications from teachers in Townsville diocesan schools will be considered on 31 May. Reports from panels that have met indicate a high rate of recommendation for ET6 status by the initial validation panel. Allowances to be Paid – Some Backdated Where an applicant is successful in their ET6 application in this round, and it is their first application, they will receive the ET6 allowance from 1 July 2011. Where an applicant, unsuccessful in their ET6 application in 2010, successfully reapplies in this initial 2011 round they will be back paid the allowance according to the following schedule: Catholic Education Office – Diocese of Toowoomba } Catholic Education Office – Diocese of Rockhampton } Catholic Education Office – Diocese of Townsville } Edmund Rice Education Australia } Catholic Education – Diocese of Cairns Brisbane Catholic Education
back paid to 1 July 2010
back paid to 21 January 2011 back paid to 24 January 2011.
Non Recommendation to ET6 Status The agreed Schedule for gaining ET6 classification has a number of steps in it to allow applicants to seek ET6 status. Eligible employees should utilise all these steps to ensure their applications are given every chance to be endorsed for ET6 status. Where an applicant has received notification that their application for ET6 has not been recommended by the validation panel, they have and should use the next step in the agreed process and should apply to have their ET6 application reviewed by the Review Panel. The Review Panel is an integral part of the steps set up to award ET6 classification to ensure fair process and correct outcomes. Where the Review panel makes a decision different to the Validation panel, that recommendation will stand and applicants will be back paid the ET6 allowance. Your union would encourage you to seek a review of the recommendation if your application was not recommended for ET6 by the Validation panel. Agreed Review panels Your union and the employing authority will agree to the panellists who will make up Review Panels to review applications not recommended for ET6 status by the Validation Panel. A review panel will be constituted with a jointly trained principal or nominee not from the school that employs the applicant and two other persons agreed by the employing authority and your union. A jointly trained union officer will sit on each of these panels as a person selected by IEUA-QNT and agreed by the employing authority. These panel members will fully engage in the review of applications. Your union will consult with the employing authorities to facilitate the starting of these panels as soon as possible. The inclusion of ET6 classification in the current collective agreement is an achievement of which members should be proud and we would encourage all eligible members to apply for this classification and to fully use the process to achieve this recognition.
Kind regards