Early Childhood Education
FACT SHEET 1 Universal Access Program – 15 hrs per week EC Colb5092md
Early Childhood Education must not be treated as an inferior education sector
As part of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education, the ‘Universal Access Program’ (UAP) is to be delivered for 15 hours per week over 40 weeks per annum.
Threat to current hours of duty No coherent plan to manage implementation and current hours of duty provisions
This causes a problem in Queensland where the current hours of duty arrangements in all collective agreements covering the sector stipulate a maximum of 27½ hours per week for the teaching of an educational program. It should be noted that the Teachers Award State (which covers State School Teachers) prescribes a maximum of 25 hours of rostered duty (same in their negotiated agreement), and the Teachers Award – Non-Governmental Schools provided for a maximum of 27½ hours of duty for a teacher in a Primary school. However, the maximum for Primary Teachers in the Catholic sector is 24 hours and 40 minutes. Our union has made a formal request to the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care (26th May, 2010) that the introduction of the mandatory 15 hours of educational program be delayed by at least 12 months. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION MUST NOT BE TREATED AS AN INFERIOR EDUCATION SECTOR:
ACTION Complete the response form attached to the latest briefing
The imposition of a requirement for 30 contact hours per week for early childhood education teachers would result in a key employment condition being inferior to that which is applicable to teachers in all other educational settings in Australia. 1. Threat to current hours of duty The majority of the models published to date by C&K to manage the implementation of the new requirements envisage teachers working additional contact hours each week. The models are available at: http://www.candk.asn.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=U2Y-YmQK84o%3d&tabid=29704 .
CONTACTS IEUA-QNT Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au
2. Significant structural problems These models do not indicate how the additional contact hours are to be achieved within the current hours of duty arrangements. 3. Cost Implications To meet all the current demands relevant to the implementation of 15 hours per week, additional staff must be employed. The consequence is increased labour costs. 4. Funding Implications Advice from members indicates that funding levels proposed from 2011 onwards will be insufficient. Our union is not aware of any component to compensate for the additional labour cost which will be required.