Fact Sheet Labour Day is a significant event which recognises the contributions of workers worldwide. This special Day is steeped in history and its origins date back over 130 years. Labour Day is particularly significant in Queensland as we are the only state in Australia where Labour Day involves a mass procession and celebration. Trade unions, and members of these unions, play a large part in ensuring the relevance and spirit of this celebration for workers worldwide continues well into the future.
How it all began Labour day began in the early 1860swhen a general campaign for an eight-hour working day began. Where previously workers had been expected to toil for unreasonably long hours in poor conditions, the annual processions of unionists at the time achieved the eight-hour principle which ultimately led to fairer working conditions for all. Why May Day? The American fight for an eight-hour day had gained considerable momentum by the late nineteenth century, with a May Day celebration emerging that has influenced workers worldwide. May Day became entrenched in the United States when unionists, on 1May 1886, held a demonstration about working hours. In Chicago at this time, five people were executed on trumped up charges and this incident served to strengthen the resolve of workers tonight for basic rights. Solidarity in Queensland The battle for fairer hours and conditions continued in Queensland and although by 1888, 11 unions had won significant gains, working conditions for many people had deteriorated. A greater sense of union solidarity began to emerge at this time as workers in varying industries banded together in the common struggle. This solidarity resulted in the Labour Day march being opened to all workers for the first time in 1890. The initial linking in Queensland of Labour Day with May Day occurred in the outback Queensland town of Barcaldine on 1 May 1981 when striking bush workers marched through the streets. The Brisbane celebration was moved to May in 1893 and this date was soonest aside for the annual event throughout Queensland. This year, the Day promises to be bigger than ever with workers uniting against an attack on the Australian community from the Howard government’s IR changes.