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Trade Union An organisation of employees for mutual aid and protection, and for dealing with employers. Arbitration A system of administrated wage fixing where employers and employees in bargaining are compelled to bring their dispute before a third party for a judicial decision that would be binding on all parties. It serves as a social process to alleviate overt hostility between labour and capital. Conciliation The method of working out industrial disputes by attempting to bring disputing parties into voluntary agreement. Strike An organised stopping of work as a protest or in order to force an employer to give higher pay or better conditions. Work ban The prohibiting of certain tasks which union members deem to be unacceptable. Stop Work/Stoppage The temporary withdrawal of labour in order to protest or to meet to discuss industrial issues. Organiser A paid union officer who looks after the everyday needs of union members and acts on their behalf. Collective bargaining An unofficial system of reaching agreement in an industrial dispute between employers and employees, through discussions held by representatives of both sides. Log of claims An extensive list of desired outcomes/ conditions put forward by either side in a dispute or proposed agreement. Secret Ballot A written system of secret voting to decide an issue or to elect a person or persons to a particular position. Collective bargaining An unofficial system of reaching agreement in an industrial dispute between employers and employees, through discussions held by representatives of both sides. Log of claims An extensive list of desired outcomes/ conditions put forward by either side in a dispute or proposed agreement.

Secret Ballot A written system of secret voting to decide an issue or to elect a person or persons to a particular position. Salaries Payments made at fixed intervals for regular work, especially work of fairly high skill or status. Industrial Action Organised action such as a strike or go-slow, taken by a group of workers, to gain better pay and/or conditions. Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) A government body established to settle industrial disputes.

Blue Collar Belonging or relating to industrial workers (opposed to white collar). Employee Someone working for another person or a business firm for pay. Employer Someone who employs other people, especially for wages. Policy A definite course of action decided as necessary or desirable by elected union members, usually at a special conference. Federal award Wages awarded as a result of a legal decision by a federal law court or arbitrator. Executive Elected or appointed persons responsible for the administration of a trade union. Mass meeting A large meeting of union members usually to issue where direct action is required. Dispute An argument or quarrel about important issues such as wages and working conditions or entitlements. Activist A union member who actively pursues union issues and promotes union policy and member-ship. Grievance A wrong, real or imagined, considered as grounds for complaint.

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