Final Training Calendar 2011

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International Fertilizer Development Center

2011 International Training Calendar Training Program/Workshop



Program Fee

1. Decision Support System for AgroTechnology Transfer (DSSAT Version 4.5)-Assessing Crop Production, Nutrient Management, Climatic Risk and Environmental Sustainability with Simulation Models (Joint Program with Washington State University and the University of Florida)

May 9-19

Muscle Shoals, Alabama USA


2. Phosphate Fertilizer Production Technology (with IFA)

June 20-24

Seville SPAIN


3. Fertilizer Policy and Marketing Strategies in Africa

July 4-8

Nairobi KENYA


4. Fertilizer Value Chain – Supply System Management and Servicing Farmers’ Needs

August 22-26



5. Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Technology (with IFA)

October 3-7



6. Linking Farmers to Markets

November 21-25



7. Assessing Indigenous Fertilizer Production Opportunities in Africa

December 5-9



Note: A non-refundable deposit of $200 is required with each registration. The deposit will be credited towards the program fee which is due 4 weeks before the program is scheduled. Thereafter a Late Fee will apply. The program fee, less the deposit, will be refunded for cancellations made 2 weeks before the commencement of the program; thereafter, 90% of the paid fee will be returned and 10%, in addition to the deposit, will be charged to cover administrative costs.

IFDC reserves the right to cancel any program or change the dates and/or venue of any program without liability for compensation. IFDC has held nearly 700 workshops, study tours, and training programs for nearly 10,000 participants from 150 countries since 1974. The programs have covered a wide range of subjects including integrated soil fertility management and fertilizer use efficiency, fertilizer production technology, agro-input dealership, competitive marketing, supply chain management, investment analysis, policy reforms and numerous specialized topics. Please visit our website at for additional information, updates, and registration forms for our 2011 Training Program Calendar. We welcome your participation and encourage you to share this information with others.

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