SAADA by the Numbers 2009 accomplishments for all 217 clusters
Number of benefiting households, members and non-members of the involved grassroots producer organizations (POs), combined with households reached through other agribusiness value chain development projects:
Number of grassroots POs involved in the clusters:
Number of female groups involved in the clusters:
Number of members of all grassroots POs involved in the clusters:
Number of female household heads, both members and non-members of the grassroots POs:
Total active population in the involved households:
Total active women in the involved households:
Number of villages reached:
Average increase in agricultural productivity:
84 percent
Average farm income increase:
88 percent
Volume of organic manure used: Change in volume of inorganic fertilizer applied by the members and non-members of the involved grassroots POs: Change in volume of improved seed used: Additional area of farm lands under ISFM techniques for all crops farmed by both members and non-members of the involved farmers’s POs (in hectares): Additional agricultural production of the selected commodity in metric tons (mt):
866,776 tons
2,531 percent 161 percent
210,248 ht
1,148,262 mt
Total number of local entrepreneurs (traders, processors, input dealers and banks and micro-financing institutions) involved in the cluster: