Senior Project 2022

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Senior Project Portfolio

By Ifeoluwa Tunji-Ogunsanya

My name is Ifeoluwa Tunji-Ogunsanya, I am seventeen years old and a senior at Aloha High School. I was born in Nigeria in 2004 but moved to the US in December 2017 with my mom and my three younger siblings. I started drawing when I was seven years old. By the time I was twelve, I knew all I wanted was drawing. I draw just anything- from cartoons to animals, faces especially of celebrities, things; just anything I see. I enrolled in art classes in eighth grade to improve my skills and talent in both drawing and painting. I became interested in Architecture in 9th grade after I drew a building for my class project. My art teacher introduced me to Architecture, and my mom advised me to take the class when I was in 10th grade. In 11th grade, I took Architecture 1 and my inspiration for architecture began to grow. I fell in love with both SketchUp and AUTOCAD, I became obsessed with buildings. I participated in activities both in school and outside my school that have to do with architecture. One of the outside school activities I participated in was a youth architectural program and workshops known as ¨Your street your voice¨ which started on April 27 2021 to May 18, 2021 - It is a competition about Architectural Plans for a community. I designed a community Center Library using the SketchUp App; which consists of a computer cafe for research and other works, an Administrative office, a library that entails diverse cultural resources, a Coffee shop, and Restrooms. Twenty-five high school students participated in the competition, and I was one of the top 5.

The competition exposed me to the architectural world and the opportunity to connect with architectural companies like LEVER (August 24

2021). It also accorded me the privilege to visit the Adidas Headquarters in Portland, Oregon. I was given an invitation for a Tour after the completion of one of the buildings. I got informed on what it takes to put such a building together from start to finish - From the conception of the idea to putting the idea to plan and executing the plans - I learned a lot, the struggles, hardship, and decisions architects have to face to get such building completed; and the smiles on their faces after the building has been completed; just like the day, I had the tour. As a future Architect, these are the questions that come to my mind when I see buildings: What is the story behind the building? - Idea. What made the Architect design the building? - Vision. What are the prices they have to face to make their idea a reality? My favorite Architect/Artist once said “Education, housing and hospitals are the most important things for society.” - Zaha Hadid. This quote inspires me to continue to work harder to contribute to the development of society at large through architecture.

Here are my arts from the past years

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