FFP France

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IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

• In France, the profession of landscape architect is not regulated • In order to clarify the professional position, the FFP decides to write a Code of Ethics

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

2012 : Val’hor, the interbranch organisation which supports our profession, decides to work with a lawyer specialised in law of the professions.

OBJECTIVE To get a legislative decree issued by the Conseil d’Etat (Council of State)

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

• Phase 1 : Overview of the profession (study ordered by the interbranch organisation) •

Phase 2 : Writing of the Code  15 meetings with a steering committee (about 10 persons) reflecting the diversity of the profession.

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

• The Code is composed of 50 articles distributed as follows  General Principles  Relationships with the client  Relationships between landscape architects  Specific rules of the different forms of practise

• June 2013. The Code is finalised • September 2013. The Code is being validated by our members and by the interbranch organisation

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013


IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

• September 2012 : Environmental conference about the Ecological transition  Bill to implement a “Biodiversity” act with a section called “Landscape”  The ministry in charge of environment (ministère de l’Ecologie) calls the FFP for a phase of consultation. The ministry proposes to add a special paragraph on the recognition of the profession with a title “Landscape architect”

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

ďƒź In interministerial meeting, the proposal is refused (ministry of Culture); the paragraph on Recognition is deleted ďƒź The bill must be presented to the 2013 environmental conference (September 20-21), then to the French Parliament ďƒź The FFP and the interbranch organisation are actively engaged in lobbying the members of the French Parliament

IFLA Europe General Assembly - Berlin, 21st and 22nd of September 2013

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