Plastic pirates
Topics: Climate Change, Children’s Rights Age: all ages Group size: any group size Duration: 1-3 hours
Materials needed: Gloves, plastic bags, trash pickers Materials for drawing
Introduction The world produces more than 400 million tons of plastic every year and the vast majority of plastic products are not recyclable. The United Nations published a report estimating that 79% of plastic waste is thrown in landfills, dumps or the environment, while about 12% is incinerated and only 9% recycled. Plastic damages our environment and planet, so the world needs saviours! This is a great activity to engage smaller kids in climate action and to introduce topics such as climate change and pollution. This workshop idea is a combination of two projects from Saaed Altahami (Fram Fylkingen) in Norway and Loukmanou Toure (Pionniers du Mali) in Mali. Both were part of Resist! The Global Climate Divide, a project supported by the European Youth Foundation and the Council of Europe.
Step by step instructions:
1. Energizer and/or getting to know each other. (10 mins) 41