EMR 10th Anniversary Booklet

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IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students Associations


The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-partisan organization representing associations of medical students internationally. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 108 National Member organizations from more than 100 countries across six continents with over 1,2 million students represented worldwide. IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and as well, it is a student chapter of the World Medical Association. For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed to bring together the global medical students community at the local, national and international level on social and health issues.

This is an IFMSA publication

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This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

Imprint Editor in Chief - Design/Layout Ibrahim Kandeel, Egypt Content Editor/ Proofreading Nowrus Emad, Egypt Publisher International Federation ofMedical Students’ Associations General Secretariat: IFMSA c/o WMA B.P. 63 01212 Ferney-Voltaire, France Phone: +33 450 404 759 Fax: +33 450 405 937 Email: gs@ifmsa.org Homepage: www.ifmsa.org Contacts publications@ifmsa.org

Notice: All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the IFMSA be liable for damages arising from its use. Some of the photos and graphics used are property of their authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights Page 2


IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

Editorial .....................................................................................4 RC Message ..............................................................................5 EMR Sunrise ...............................................................................6 EMR Cornerstones.....................................................................8

The Core & Heart of the EMR..................................................16 Moments of Glory....................................................................23 EMR Meetings .........................................................................26 EMR teams................................................................................27 EMR NMOs.............................................................................30 Page 3



International Federation of Medical Students Associations

Editorial Dear EMR family & IFMSA Friends, It’s my utmost pleasure to present you IFMSA EMR 10th Anniversary Booklet. In this booklet we’ll live together the story of the inception of our beloved region from its beginning, the story since the minute the motion of creating a new region in IFMSA was adopted, a story that has been going for 10 years.

Ibrahim Kandeel , EMR Publications &Communications Developments Assistant 2013-2014

It took a lot of hard work to get this booklet done and ready to be published. So, I’d like to thank the Former EMR Publications and Communication Developmental Assistants Ms. Pushpa Hussain (2012-2013) & Dr. Hatem Alaa (2010-2011), as well as This booklet is not only about the his- Ms. Nowrus Emad from IFMSA Pubtory of the EMR but it’s also about lications team & all the current EMR how the region has been grow- team for their help and support. ing and what the achievements of the EMR on different levels are. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this Booklet :) We started the region 10 years ago with only 6 NMOs, but now we have Happy Birthday EMR! 17 NMOs and we are still counting Happy 10th Anniversary! more NMOs and more representatives for the medical students all over the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Also in this booklet we’ll mention all the international events related to IFMSA, all the active Transnational Projects in our region, the history of

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the Training Support Division in our region as well as the NMOs Profiles.

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

RC message

RC message

Dear EMR Family, It is a very special moment for me to write these words in our booklet for the 10th Anniversary of our region in IFMSA. 10 years of motivation and inspiration, 10 years of medical students from EMR being prepared to lead global and public health. Being involved in our EMR regional work for more than 4 years, I’ve witnessed our region grow and expand to involve more and more of active, committed members who always proved that we are the future leaders of the health care systems in our countries and it is just amazing to see our predecessors are still actively involved in IFMSA and are actively contributing to the development of the EMR. This year we are meeting in Kuwait where I’m sure EMRians will surprise the whole IFMSA one more time with their creative projects and great achievements during this term. Also, I would like to thank the Organizing Committee of EMR10 for all their great efforts and hard work to

make our regional meeting of this year a very special memory for all who will attend it, not only because of the 10th anniversary surprises that they have been preparing for since 1 year, but also because of the very high quality preparations for the sessions and theme event which will be this year under the title of “Ethics in Medicine”. Finally, I cannot conclude before thanking my awesome regional team of EMR for this term for all their detection and efforts during preparing for the sessions of this meeting and still we have a lot in our agenda for this term to achieve, so our meeting in Kuwait will just be the start to many great milestones to follow this year. Let’s all keep inspiring the world with our potentials of leading the coming generation of physicians and global health advocates.

Mona M. Faramawy , Regional Coordinator for the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2013-2014

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IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students Associations

EMR Sunrise

EMR Sunrise

Dr. Amr El Saify, IFMSA EMR First Regional Coordinator 20012002 , 2004-2005 IFMSA-Egypt 2003-2004

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In the year 2001-2002, IFMSA internal affairs decided to change its strategy regarding dealing with the NMOs. They found that each NMO has been working separately without coordination with the other NMOs, without exchanging knowledge or benefits. IFMSA Vice President for internal affairs “Juan Manuel” called for establishing IFMSA regional task force. This task force included a single member from each region, and it started to act by discussion via email before MM 2002 in Kapaonik, Yugoslavia. I was lucky to be in the first IFMSA regional task force. Our first issue was how to divide the regions and how to name them. Sure, you would like to know the reason of why our region was named “Eastern Mediterranean “. In IFMSA Regional task force, some came with the idea to name the regions by continent, other suggested uniting them by common interest like language, ethnicity …etc. After thorough discussion we agreed on the idea of using the same division system used by United Nations partner organizations and NGOs like WHO and UNESCO. This would

give the region more power to cooperate with the regional offices of the NGOs and fundraise more efficiently for the regional events. In January, 2002 the regional task force report was presented to IFMSA Executive Board and IFMSA regional policy was put into act, and IFMSA EMR was officially named. I was chosen to be responsible for the regional policy in IFMSA EMR as the first regional coordinator of IFMSA EMR in 2002. My first task was to contact EMR NMOs and introduce to them the regionalization idea. We Held our first ever IFMSA EMR meeting during MM 2002 in Kapaonik, Yugoslavia. The NMOs from the region that were present in this meeting were Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Sudan, Kuwait and Palestine. Not all of them were full members in IFMSA yet (only Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia). There was much enthusiasm for the idea to work together, we created our mailing group and the region was growing since then.

EMR Sunrise

IFMSA EMR First Regional Meeting Three years after that, the regional policy was growing, new NMOs were added to our rwgion and new regional activities were in act. When I was elected again as IFMSA regional coordinator in 2004-2005 with my colleague Fatma Odaymat, my main goal was to make the dream come true of having a big, well organized regional meeting. My concept was to gather all the IFMSA EMR team in one place, as not all of them are capable of attending the IFMSA General Assemblies. My plan was to train the IFMSA staff about how to work in IFMSA and cooperate together. The fundraising for the meeting was a problem; the facilities and venue were another problem. During the WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva (May 2005), I arranged a meeting with the regional coordinator of WHO EMRO, Dr. Abd EL Razek El Gazaery In the WHO main building in Geneva. IFMSA President and I were representing the IFMSA EMR in the meeting. I discussed the idea of the regional meeting to be held in the WHO EMRO building in Cairo in August 2005 with him. They agreed to host us and give us all the facilities we need to make our meeting.

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet Three months later after hard work, the First Official IFMSA EMR meeting was held in Cairo. My plan was to make the regional meeting in the Pre AM 2005 period, this made me able to make all the IFMSA officials and committee coordinators come and train our regional members. The meeting included all NMOs from the region by that time (Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Sudan, Palestine, Kuwait, Bahrain, Algeria and Jordan). More than one hundred participants participated in the meeting. IFMSA EB and officials attended the meeting. It was a great success. Least but not last, I was lucky to participate in the rise of our region’s sun. I know that many generations followed mine and did many more things to our great region. Our region is unique by its great creativity and human resources. IFMSA EMR members are best of the best, so please; be

proud to be from the EMR.

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IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students Associations

EMR Cornerstones

EMR Cornerstones

The Standing Committees; their progress and development in our region.

“Our Education. ... Our Rules!”. At SCOME, we target medical students from all aspects in order to ensure a better future and a decent healthcare system. Medical Education should be a concern of every medical student as it shapes not only the quality of future doctors, but also the quality of healthcare. It was one of IFMSA’s first standing committees from the beginning of its foundation in 1951. The first workshop ever in SCOME was organized in 1982 by IFMSA and with the assistance of the WHO and since then, several workshops started following every year. Soon Enough , several policy statements were developed and adopted by the IFMSA that are closely related to Medical education and in 1990 two projects were initiated in SCOME : (Medical Students Teaching Basic Health in Rural Districts) and a questionnaire to work on the medical education curricula. Since then, SCOME has been actively expanding to include more countries, more projects and Page 8

more activities. In the EMR, we have 16 amazing NOMEs from 16 different NMOs collaborating actively to support Medical Education in the region. In a region where student engagement and representation in medical education process is not the best; it is amazing to see such a group work together to advocate for student engagement as well as spread awareness in the region. For the first time in the EMR, The Essential Skills on Medical Education (ESME) workshop was done as

EMR Cornerstones a pre-EMR workshop in the EMR 9 in Tunisia which focused on • Introducing students to the most important medical education topics and stimulate their engagement in educational processes through a series of short presentations and group work. This course will cover general medical education topics as well as some topics particularized for the needs of students on the individual level or as student representatives involved in decision making. • Throughout the last few years, the EMR has had a lot of ongoing projects when it comes to medical education and increasing its activity. Out of the SCOME transnational projects, several EMR NMOs are participating in “Good Medical practice” , “Dying: A human thing” , “WHO Simulations” and “Breaking The Silence” Projects • Further more; EMR SCOMEdians have been very involved in international development of medical education . The Association for Medical Education in Europe is always attended by a number of EMRians and the AMEE 2013 had 3 EMRians who through their attendance could contribute to international M.E. process as well as develop medical education in the EMR region. The EMR still has a long way to go in terms of Medical Education development, but with such motivated, active, and competent healthcare leaders, it is merely a matter of time.

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

SCOPE EMR is one of the Standing Committees that never stops to grow, embracing new members and officials year after year. Exactly 50 years ago, SCOPE EMR started as a shy SC in LeMSIC (1964) then in IFMSA-Egypt (1969). It kept on expanding until it reached 14 NMOs in 2014: Algeria (Le Souk), Bahrain (IFMSA-BH), Egypt (EMSA), Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt), Iran (IFMSA-Iran), Jordan (IFMSA-Jo), Kurdistan (IFMSA-Kurdistan), Kuwait (KuMSA), Lebanon (LeMSIC), Libya (LMSA), Morocco (IFMSA-Morocco), Oman (SQU-MSG), Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine), Tunisia (ASSOCIA-MED). Moreover; this term two NMOs will be joining the family if everything goes according to plan: United Arab Emirates (EMSS) and Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq). One of the keys of success of this SC in a region where even global tourism is failing; is the patriotism and the vision our officials have. They have never failed to show the incoming students what we really are, despite of the unrealistic image provided by the media. They have the will to move forward in a region going backwards, highlighting our hospitality and reminding us that this region was once the cradle of civilization. Despite all the odds, surviving in this region is not defined as success, the main challenge is to keep up with the international level required, providing high quality Page 9

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exchanges. Hence, constant work is required. This is why, one of our main projects in SCOPE EMR this year is “The EMRise”, which deals with two main issues: 1. Reviewing every detail concerning SCOPE in each NMO, detecting all the gaps and work on enhancing them. This includes exchange conditions, academic quality, social programs and communications between officials. 2. Marketing of the EMR with a common promotional video for the whole region. The second project we have is the “Syrian Project”, it was conceived in 2011, and this year, all SCOPE officials decided to adopt it. Its idea is to help medical students in Syria by offering exchanges in some of the NMOs within the EMR. However, this project still has to get the approval of the current EB before its implementation. SCOPE EMR has witnessed a lot of changes over the past several years, yet it has not changed at all. It was and will always be; a great example of success, showing medical students from around the world our high level of professionalism, unique culture and amazing countries.

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EMR Cornerstones The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) brings together medical students from all over the world to learn, build skills, cooperate, explore and share ideas when it comes to addressing all issues related to public health, including global health issues, health policies, health promotion and education activities. Medical students of the IFMSA formed the Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH) in 1952, driven by a strong will to take an active part in preventing and making policies concerning health problems. During the following years, the wide variety of activities led to the change of SCOSH to Standing Committee on Health (SCOH) in 1963. In 1983 the name of the Committee changed once more to Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH). Since these six decades, SCOPHeroes are implementing, maintaining and improving a wide variety of community based projects on a local, national and international level. Through these activities we are approaching our vision of a healthy society and we are developing our own potential of being a complete and skillful health professional. SCOPH in the Eastern Mediterranean Region is always proud to shine in SCOPH International not only through its representation during meetings, participation in projects and annual activities, but also through its publications! A lot has been done, with almost all the NMOs that are SCOPH active: IFMSA-Egypt, IFMSA-Jordan, Associa-Med, LMSA Lybia, MSJ-SQU, IFMSA-Iran, just to name a few. SCOPH EMR is also happy to welcome the new born IFMSA-Iraq in its Public Health Land!

EMR Cornerstones

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

Tunisia followed by LMSA Lybia and their famous slogan ‘Ping Pong, a game for life!’ Regarding Transnational Projects, EMR is a part of the Teddy Bear Hospital since 2010 thanks to EMSA-Egypt, IFMSA-Egypt and Associa-Med. Organ Donation Awareness Project was also joined by Associa-Med Tunisia and LMSA Lybia. Finally we are also a part of the ‘HI-Five’ Project joined by IFMSA-Egypt and IFMSA-Jordan.

SCOPH in the EMR has noticed a variety of Logos: from the crescent containing people holding their hands, to the word ‘SCOPH’ containing the globe in its letter ‘O’, and finally having this logo since a couple of years that hopefully represents the best of our Standing Committee. SCOPH Projects in the EMR: There are many Projects and events that we are keeping as tradition. First one is of course the one and only World Diabetes Day, celebrated on the 14th of November of each year where each NMO turns blue for the occasion. We also celebrate World No Tobacco Day, World Blood Donation Day, World Mental Health day and World Cancer day. Regarding special initiatives in the past, there was a highlight on SCOPH Exchange, pointing out Hepatitis B, and Renal Failure by IFMSA-Egypt, as well as a Blood Donation Campaign done by Associa-Med

Last but not least, this goes without forgetting campaigns fighting smoking, reporting eating disorders and stressful habits in our region, preventing non communicable diseases by promoting a healthier lifestyle. This kind of campaigns are the motto of many NMO activities such as IFMSA-Jo, IFMSA-Egypt, IFMSA-BH, Associa-Med Tunisia… and IFMSA-Iraq has just joined the ride with their project ‘Your Health First’ ;)

In 1992; the newest working group in IFMSA was formed. It was called SCOAS, the “Standing Committee on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases”. The committee was formed as the result of IFMSA’s concern over the growing number of people living with AIDS and the strong will of medical students to participate in the programs made for prevention of HIV and STIs. Page 11

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The activities in SCOAS later developed from HIV/ STIs advocacy and awareness campaigns to encompass a wider range of reproductive health and related issues. This leaded to a change of focus for the committee in 1998, resulting in a new name: “The Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS”, SCORA in short. Three years ago within the EMR, we only had around 5 active SCORA teams among EMR NMOs but now we have 11 NMOs that actively have SCORA! Regarding SCORA projects; the EMR has been participating in several transnational projects such as SHAPE (Sexual Education and Peer Education), Female Genital Mutilation and SCORA X-change. EMR NMOs also have held awesome World AIDS Day Campaigns and performed amazing projects on Breast Cancer Awareness, Men’s health, Violence against women and prevention of stigma and discrimination. Also EMR SCORA projects have gained multiple major successes including the projects from IFMSA-Iran, AssociaMed Tunisia, IFMSA-Egypt and LeMSIC Lebanon all of which are enlisted as previous award winning NMOs in SCORA as well as in IFMSA. Recently, EMR has implemented Peer Education Training sessions in different NMOs and first EMR-PET (EMR Peer Education Training) was held in pre-EMR9. In the field of external partnerships, SCORA in EMR is working with UNAIDS and during the upcoming regional meeting (EMR10) a workshop focusing on Maternal Health especially access to safe abortion is going to be held with the help of IPAS (a global non-governmental organization dedicated to ending preventable deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion ) Page 12

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We are constantly growing and pushing forward and each year is more successful than the previous one. We are trying hard to have a region free of HIV/AIDS and other STIs, with respect to every one’s reproductive health and rights.

The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) seeks to give medical students across the world the opportunity to gain exposure to medical training in other countries. All exchanges are initiated and coordinated entirely by medical student volunteers. Every university is represented by a Local Officer on Research Exchange (LORE), who facilitates projects at the local level and arranges for the exchange students‘ preparations such as housing and

EMR Cornerstones

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

boarding. Every exchange student is assigned to a local contact person who serves as a guide, resource, and social liaison, some thing that strengthens the intercultural communication, understanding, and unity among medical students worldwide. The mission of SCORE is to offer future physicians an opportunity to experience research work and diversity of countries all over the world. This is achieved by providing a network of locally and internationally active students that globally facilitate access to research exchange projects. Through our programming and opportunities, we aim to “develop both culturally sensitive students and skilled researchers to shape the world of science in the upcoming future.” Currently we have 67 SCORE active NMOs, of which 11 are EMR NMOs. We are also in the process of activating SCORE in 4 other EMR NMOs, which hopefully will be established by the end of this season. SCORE worldwide has 1460 research projects on the database with 154 active projects in our region, being lead by IFMSA-Egypt which currently holds 48 active projects on the database. We are expecting 2434 students worlwide to take part in research exchanges starting March 2014. Tunsia was one of the first NMOs to activate SCORE in the EMR, starting in 2006, with a evry strong history of amazing projects record in our region. Currently, they have 39 research projects on the database. They have signed more than 80 signed bilateral research contracts and around 20 unilateral ones this year, which makes it the highest number of signed contracts

EMR9 in Tunisia , Photo courtesy of Balkiss Abdelmoula

in the history of SCORE Tunisia. Tunisia is among of the few EMR NMOs that has established a national SCORE PET program. During the last EMR9, Tunisia SCORE PET has won the first place in the projects presentation, making us all proud of this hard working NMO. Lebanon has also inspired our entire region with their very active exchange program and amazing projects that they carry out every season, especially their research day which is a great platform for students to share their experience with each other. IFMSA Egypt has been leading our region with their long standing experience in holding SRTs and making us all very proud to have such an amazing NMO being part of our region. Oman, has been and will continue to be our shining star with their annual best research idea competition, which has caught the attention of many NMOs in our Page 13


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International Federation of Medical Students Associations

region and worldwide to follow their footsteps and establish such an outstanding project in their NMO. IFMSA-Bahrain, my homeland, has also managed to get on the EMR SCORE train and keep up with the race by filling the SCORE RA position 3 years in a row, and by putting a great effort in launching SCORE and SCOPE exchanges in another medical university (RCSI), increasing the number of LCs to 2 instead of 1. All the EMR NMOs have made me very proud and happy to be part of this incredibly talented family and I can’t express how amazed I am by all the hard working individuals I got to know in my journey as the SCORE RA.

Within our beloved region, SCORP has always played an important part in the way it represents the very values and goals that we aspire to achieve in IFMSA. The past few years in the region have witnessed numerous arising developments in its nations, including many human rights violations, such as the civil unrest and refugee situation in Syria, the unceasing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, sprees of violent attacks in Iraq, and the socio-political disruption and paralysis impacting countries as Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon, just to set a few examples. These unfortunate circumstances influence and shape our understanding of the way human rights Page 14

are perceived in this region. And through this realization, members in the EMR have become more motivated and active in SCORP than ever! Where others see fear, we see hope; where others see grief, we see comfort, but above all, we see opportunity, and a drive for change, positive change.


The EMR’s NMOs have displayed a great level of passion and dedication towards SCORP through their active projects, including advocacy based projects as “Human Rights”, “Rights of Refugees”, “Rights of Blinds”, “Child Rights” and “Student Rights”; we’ve even taken an approach towards more healthcare based initiatives, such as “Organ Donation”, “Cancer Patient Reinforcement” and “Blood Donation” national projects. EMR’s Growing SCORP Family: Some of the most active NMOs in SCORP in our region include but are not limited to: IFMSA-Egypt (Egypt) IFMSA-Iran (Iran) IFMSA-Jo (Jordan) KuMSA (Kuwait) LeMSIC (Lebanon) LMSA (Libya) ASSOCIA-MED (Tunisia) EMSS (United Arab Emirates) We’ve also been delighted to see our latest NMO in the region to activate SCORP, IFMSA-Iraq (Iraq);

EMR Cornerstones

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

welcome to our green family! All this confirms our increasingly positive impact in the region and the way great strides have been made to further our goals to influence our communities to be more involved in the advocacy and raised awareness of Human Rights and their violations. There have been future goals set to activate SCORP in the rest of the NMOs where they haven’t been initiated yet.

How To Improve SCORP Activities In The Region: Motivate cooperation between SCORP and other standing committees to form beneficial joint initiatives. Involving SCORPion alumni and older students to pass down their knowledge and experience to newer members. Forming a projects bulletin for SCORP where EMR NMOs can share their projects. Creating an EMR-SCORP Facebook page/group, as a way to facilitate communication and sharing of any and all related updates between all EMR-SCORP members, in a simple and fun atmosphere.

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International Federation of Medical Students Associations

TheCore & Heart of the EMR Projects & Publications in the EMR

Projects of The EMR During our involvement in IFMSA field work, many of us might have had someone ask them, “Why do you spend so much effort participating in such projects? You are medical student, where do you get all the time to do this community service and work?” Projects, help us answer such questions. They give us a “Clarity of the WHY!” Why do we do what we do? Every time we have worked hard in a project and made an in impact on our community, that answers why. When we realize that all our work has paid off, it gives us the drive and motivation to do what we do and work harder next time. This is why I genuinely believe “Projects” is the heart of IFMSA. The EMR has evolved tremendously in terms of project execution and innovation in the past years. Today, on the 10th anniversary of the IFMSA EMR, we have plenty of projects spanning from local, national, regional and transnational. Further more, each NMO prides at least one project dealing with relevant national health issues. Projects in the EMR are moving to make a difference within the region and we have no plans on slowing down. In this edition you will have an overview of the most active Transnational projects in the region and the contacts of their coordinators. Page 16

Breaking the Silence

“Breaking the Silence” aims to establish a better way to interact and relate in the deaf/hard of hearing patient - doctor relationship.In a context in which hearing loss in its most severe form, affects an estimated 22.5 million Europeans and 28 million Americans, the number of work-related difficulties, educational delays, social stigmas and exclusion the economic impact of hearing loss is very high.Also, the difficulty that doctors encounter when trying to obtain the history from the deaf patient is well known. If a patient is deaf from birth or before speaking, he also loses automatically the ability to speak.For this reason, Breaking the Silence was developed in many countries aiming to create and promote a common platform for teaching medical students and young doctors how to communicate with the deaf patient. Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2010

Current ProjectCoordinator Name Karol Palka Email karol.palka@yahoo.com


Dying a human thing

“Dying a human thing” is a project addressed to all medical students who are interested in working with terminally ill patients. Sometimes the most obvious questions are the most difficult ones. We want to teach future doctors how to give support to dying people. The project consists of workshops in small groups that are led by specialists who cooperate with terminally ill patients in their everyday life who teach us how to answer questions such as “How to reveal fatal diagnosis to a patient?” “How to talk to a family of a dying patient?” “How to support my patient?”

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2010 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Stephanie - Oni-Ogunbor Email ty_phanie@yahoo.com


“Go SCORP” is an exchange project within IFMSA concerned with humanitarian work. It aims to establish a database that unites all the humanitarian projects run by the various Standing Committees on Human Rights and Peace around the world. This database would be accessible to all SCORP members. Consequently, they would be able to travel to the country of their choice and participate in the projects of interest to them.

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/4/2010 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Alina Calmuc Email alina.calmuc@gmail.com

Hand Hygiene Campaign

The “Hand Hygiene Campaign” is a campaign with the vision of improving hand care and hand cleansing through the focused work of a group of dedicated trained students and specialists targeting the most vulnerable to infections. These include health care workers in health care institutes, medical and nursing schools as they are the future of health care and they will insure the continuity of the campaign, pre-school and school age children as well as young adults and the food services constitutes our third target group.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2011 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Mohamed Taber Email mohdtaber92@gmail.com

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International Federation of Medical Students Associations


Through peer-education, advocacy, input to medical curricula, and international collaboration, the project aims at decreasing the marginalization, discrimination, and inappropriate treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS encounter in the health-care settings. The “IlluminAIDS” project has been active since March 2011 and so far, has established a lot of progress at the national levels and the international one.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2011 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Ziad Ghazzawi Email ghazzawiziad@gmail.com

Mr and Mrs BreasTestis

“Mr and Mrs BreasTestis” is a SCORA project that involves the interaction of medical students with the patients, as well as general population and high school students through peer education while promoting prevention and early detection of these reproductive neoplasms (breast, cervix, testis and prostate). It is a reproductive neoplasms prevention project that aims to educate medical students and assess the public knowledge on Reproductive Neoplasms, and to foster interdisciplinary and multi-sector approach to prevention / health promotion, in order to develop a coherent response to current global cancer burden Page 18

Type Transnational Project Project Email Address: breast.testis@gmail.com Current ProjectCoordinator Name Ljiljana Lukic Email lukic.ljilja@gmail.com

Organ Donation Awareness

The main goal of the “Organ Donation Awareness” project is to educate medical students about the process of organ donation and organ transplantation. Medical students which receive some education on this issue are more likely to have a positive approach to the organ donation process, and will be capable of providing their parents, friends and communities with all the information needed while deciding to become organ donors. The duration of the project on the transnational level (since 2005) gives us confirmation that we’re doing the right activities in the right places (lectures, workshops, public oriented campaign, promotion within the students) and hope that it will continue.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2005 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Hülya Sahin Email hulyasahinn@yahoo.com.tr


Research Workshop

The “Research Workshop” is a course designed to teach medical students how to become GOOD consumers and producers of research. To achieve its purpose, the Research Workshop was designed to be an interactive course, and thus can only accommodate a maximum of 25 highly motivated students. The research workshops are crafted for students who are interested in research activities. It provides them with the basis for correctly conducting his/her research in the future. It is a great way to learn the research process starting by formulating a research question and culminating in writing a research paper.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2011 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Diyana Belezhanska Email diana_belejanska@abv.bg

Good Medical Practice

Medical ethics is a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. As a part of a doctor’s medical education, the topic of medical ethics and its application should be an integral part of his curricula and his professional life later on . However, the problem lies in that teaching human rights is viewed to be “political,” confrontational, or “unnecessary to professional practice,” leading to the

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

stigmatization of such learning. In the mean time, Clinical practice shows a large and horrifying percentage of unethical conduct, professional lapses, and patient abuse. This project aims to revive the importance of teaching medical ethics through awareness campaigns aiming at medical students for all components of Good Medical Practice as well as advocating for its integration into medical curricula.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2013 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Ahmed Khadrawy Email ahmed.khadrawy@gmail.com


SmileX is a Transnational Project of IFMSA aiming at developing the doctor-patient relationship as well as implementing the culture of taking good care of the patients through drawing a simple smile on their faces. The aim is to develop a different culture of taking care of patients among medical students, to make the doctor-patient relationship closer and more humane and to improve the patients’ life quality and recovery during hospitalization through the use of clown techniques.

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International Federation of Medical Students Associations

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2006 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Juan René Delgado Cornejo Email juanre.delgadocornejo@gmail.com

Female Genital Mutilation

“Female Genital Mutilation” (FGM) awareness project is founded to fight against harmful practices that lead to serious damage and complications to mutilated females. This project is working in most of the poor developing countries due to religious and cultural beliefs. The aim of the project is to see a world free from Female Genital Mutilation, to prevent further mutilations and to protect all the girls all over the world from this inhuman act, while respecting their reproductive and human rights. Through improving the knowledge about FGM among medical students and staff and community and changing the mistaken ideas about FGM in the community and the world.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2010 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Basant El.Banna Email basant.elbanna23@gmail.com

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WHO Simulations

The “World Health Organization (WHO) Simulations” Transnational Project aims to foster interest in global health and health policy, which are areas often neglected in the health education curriculum. Our team aims to help students appreciate the impact of health policy on the health of populations and individuals, in a world where health care delivery and health inequities has proven repeatedly as one of the most contentious political issues worldwide. With this in mind, our International Committee provides support to NMOs to establish simulations of the World Health Assembly of the WHO. These simulations provide participants an engaging, enjoyable way for students and young professionals to appreciate the sociopolitical factors that influence health outcomes. 
At a WHO simulation, participants act as delegates from designated UN Member States or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to discuss health issues in regional and plenary sessions. Delegates eventually vote on resolutions to devise a consensus document.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2011 Project Email Address: ifmsawhosim@gmail.com Current ProjectCoordinator Name David Benrimoh Email benrimoh@gmail.com



Creating awareness amongst teenagers worldwide about their choices on the subject of sexuality, relationships and puberty; as well as to reduce the frequency of STI’s and unwanted pregnancies. The aims of SHAPE (Sexual Health and Peer Education) is to: Make teenagers aware of their choices with respect to sexuality, love and puberty. Make the previously mentioned subjects discussible with teenagers Decrease the frequency of STI’s by promoting safe sex and correct usage of condoms. Decrease the frequency of unwanted pregnancies by giving information on available contraceptive methods. Create and further develop teaching abilities and the competence in the field of sexology in future doctors.

Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/10/2010 Current ProjectCoordinator Name Rania Rabah Email raniaa.rabah@gmail.com

Teddy Bear Hospital

Everybody will once have to cope with the problem of examining children or to take a child to the doctor’s office. The little patients are suddenly in the unfamiliar environment of a hospital. This is often inconvenient for them or is sometimes even associated with some

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

unpleasant examinations and treatments. The “Teddy Bear Hospital” (TBH) is a Public Health project for 3-6 year old children. The aim is to take children’s fear of physicians and hospitals. In this case the children are the parents of their teddy bear or doll. The project tries to familiarize children in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere with the situation in a hospital or pediatrician’s office. Now the children are the adults who have to take care of the teddy bear patients. Trained medical students act as teddy doctors and do the examinations and treatments. Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2003

Current ProjectCoordinator Name Pilar Foncillas Barrón Email pilarfbarron@gmail.com

SCORA X-change

“SCORA X-change” is a 3 – 4 week long unilateral exchange program for medical students, focused on sexuality , reproductive health and rights related issues, and provides opportunities to get informed about the medical services of the hosting country’s healthcare system and civil society related mainly to HIV/AIDS , as well as the country’s prospective about HIV/AIDS global epidemic. This program offers a chance for medical students to learn, gain experience and expand their knowledge, build practical skills and share ideas with local students and healthcare Page 21

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professionals, in the areas of HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health as well as other SCORA related issues. Type Transnational Project Start Date 01/04/2000

Current ProjectCoordinator Name Luiza Oleksiewicz Email luiza.oleksiewicz@gmail.com

EMR Publications

EMR Publications is the official way to communicate with the other IFMSA Regions and NMOs . Through the last 10 years the main publications of the EMR were: • EMR Newsletter : The first Newsletter was in the EMR 6 at Bahrin and the theme of this newsletter was “It Should Be Safe To Be A Child“since then we have been working every year on IFMSA EMR newletter . The Main target of this newsletter is to exchange the ideas between the different NMOs of the EMR and also promoting the new ideas to the different IFMSA NMOs. • EMR Project Bulletin : The Idea aims at promoting projects around the EMR , providing the different NMOs with ideas of the projects around them , and developing the channels of communication between the different NMOs in regards to project support divisions.

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Moment of glory

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

Moments of glory

10th Anniversary Booklet

IFMSA Leaders & IFMSA General Assemblies held in the EMR •1972/1973 RVP Africa: Ismael Salah El Dine (Egypt) •1976/1977 SCOPA: Mohamed Kamel Mohamed (Egypt) •1977/1978 RVP Africa: Mohamed Abdul Mawhoud (Egypt) •1978/1979 SCOE: Scif Mokhtar (Egypt) •1979/1980 29th General Assembly, 58th EOM: Cairo (Egypt) -

Photo courtesy of Dr. Amani Ashour & Dr.Hatem Alaa

•August 1980 SCOPA: T.Sherif, Sameh Tawfik – (Egypt) •1980/1981 SCOPA: Omar Hilal Khatob (Egypt)

•1982/1983 RVP Africa: Hamza Amiva (Libya) •1983/1984 65th EOM: Alexandria (Egypt) March 1984 RVP Africa: Aladin El Assal (Egypt) •1984/1985 SCOR: Kamal Al shoumer (Kuwait) •1986/1987 SCORP: Faisal Thuwaig (Kuwait) •1987/1988 SCOR: Ibrahim Al Essa (Kuwait) •1989/1990 SCOR: Wasmi Al Fadhli – (Kuwait) •1990/1991 SCOR: Wasmi Al Fadhli – (Kuwait) •1993/1994 MSI: Michel Torbey (Lebanon) •1995/1996 MSI editor: Michel Torbey (Lebanon) • 1997/1998 47th General Assembly: Hurghada (Egypt) – August 1998 ( SCOPE: Hazem Wafa – Egypt ) •1998/1999 PR & Marketing: Hazem Wafa (Egypt) •1999/2000 SCORP: Amer Karam (Lebanon) Projects committee: Tamer Refaat (Egypt) Page 23

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Photo courtesy of Dr. Amani Ashour & Dr.Hatem Alaa

•2000/2001 Projects committee: Tamer Refaat (Egypt) •2002/2003 SCORA: Alia Skhiri (Tunisia) RC EMR: Zied Mhrisi (Tunisia) •2003/2004 RC EMR: Zied Mhrisi (Tunisia) LO for sexual & reproductive health issues including AIDS: Alia Skhiri (Tunisia) •2004/2005 54th August General Assembly: Hurghada (Egypt) 2005 , theme MDGs SCOPH: Ahmed Ibrahim (Egypt) RC EMR: Fatma Odaymat (Lebanon) Projects SD Director: Hesham Hamoda (Kuwait) • 2005/2006 SCORA: Ahmed Khamis (Egypt) RC EMR: Omar Zakaria (Egypt) LO for public health issues Ahmed Ibrahim (Egypt) Page 24

Moment of glory Publications SD Director Ahmed Magdy Kassem (Egypt) • 2006/2007 Sec. Gen. : Ahmed Khamis (Egypt) SCOPE: Adham Hendy (Egypt) SCOPH: Jade Khalifa (Lebanon) RC EMR: Yasmine Bentoumi (Algeria) – Omar Zakaria (Egypt) Alumni Relations SD Director: Anas Eid (Palestine) Publications SD Director: Ahmed Magdy Kassem (Egypt) Supervising Counsil: Ahmed Nagla (Egypt) • 2007/2008 VP for external affairs: Zied Khediri (Tunisia) SCORA: Samer Abi chaker (Lebanon) RC EMR: Melhim Bou Alwan (Lebanon) Yasmine Bentousmi (Algeria) removed from office during MM 2008 Supervising Counsil: Ahmed Khamis (Egypt) •2008/2009 58th March general assembly – Hammamet Tunisia – 2009; theme: conflicts & health President: Melhim Bou Alwan (Lebanon) SCOPE: Sleiman Haddad (Lebanon) SCORA: Imene Ben Ameur (Tunisia) RC EMR: Ahmed Ali Al-Rabi (Kuwait) LO to UNESCO: Zied Khediri (Tunisia) •2009/2010 EMR Regional Meeting – Bahrain – January 2010 – RC EMR: Manel Hafsi (Tunisia) LO for reproductive health & AIDS: Imene Ben Ameur (Tunisia)

Moment of glory

58th GA -Tunisia , Photo Courtesy of Alessandro Mereu

• 2010/2011 RC EMR: Ahmed Youned (Lebanon) Training SD director: Katia Khoury (Lebanon) Supervising council: Melhim Bou Alwan (Lebanon) • 2011/2012 RC EMR: Lujain Al-Qodmani (Kuwait) Director for the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace: Fares Al-fares (Bahrain) Liaison Officer to UNESCO: Lamia Jouini (Tunisia) Publications SD director: Omar Safa (Egypt) Supervising Council member: Melhim Bou Alwan (Lebanon) • 2012/2013 Vice President for Internal Affairs - Lujain Al-Qodmani (Kuwait) RC EMR: Mona M. Faramawy (UAE) Director for the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace: Fares Al-fares (Bahrain) Projects SD director: Karim Abu Zaid (Egypt)

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

• 2013/2014 RC EMR: Mona M. Faramawy (UAE) Director on Reproductive Health incl. AIDS: Joe Cherabie (Lebanon) Director on Reproductive Health incl. AIDS Training SD director: Ahmed Reda (Egypt) Projects SD director: Karim Abu Zaid (Egypt) New Technologies SD director: Omar Cherkaoui (Morocco)

EMR5 in Egypt , Photo courtesy of Dr.Hatem Alaa

EMR7 in Dubai , Photo courtesy of Dr.Hatem Alaa

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EMR Meetings

International Federation of Medical Students Associations

History of EMR meetings 1. 1st EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: IFMSA-Egypt Hurgahada Egypt August 2005 2. 2nd EMR Regional Meeting : Hosting NMO: IFMSA-BH Bahrain 2006 3. 3rd EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: Associa-Med Head of the OC : Zied khedhiri Tunisia January 2007 4. 4th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: KuMSA-Kuwait Theme Event : Adolescent’s health Kuwait January 2008 5. 5th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: IFMSA-Egypt Hurgahada Egypt January 2009

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EMR5 in Egypt , Photo courtesy of Dr.Hatem Alaa


6th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: IFMSA-BH Theme Event: Child health Bahrain 2010 7. 7th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: EMSS Dubai , AUE 2011 8. 8th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: IFMSA-Jordan Head of OC: Wa’ed Sweilmeyeen Amman , Jordan January 2012 9. 9th EMR Regional Meeting: Hosting NMO: Associa-Med Head of the OC : Marwa Ben Salah Sousse, Tunisia January 2013

EMR Teams

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

EMR Teams 2009/2010 VPE Regional Assistants Co-RAs VPE Rania Jebri (Associa-Med, Tunesia) Shiblu Shamsudeen (EMSS, UAE) Newsletter & Web Co-Newsletter and Website Coordinator Lujain Al-Qodmani (KuMSA, Kuwait) Iheb Souli (Associa-Med, Tunesia) Standing Committees Regional Assistants RA SCOME Lamia Jouini (Associa-Med, Tunesia) RA SCOPH Ahmad Younes (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCORE Nabil Mohy (IFMSA-Egypt) RA SCORP Khairat Al-Habbal (LeMSIC, Lebanon) Co-RAs SCOPE Caline Mattar (LeMSIC, Lebanon) Amine Ardhaoui(Associa-Med, Tunesia) Co-RA SCORA Iman A. H. Ewais(IFMSA-Egypt) Karim Richard Masri (LeMSIC, Lebanon)

VPE Regional Assistants RA VPE Omar Safa (IFMSA-Egypt) Development Assistants EMR DA for Publiations Hatem Alaa (IFMSA-Egypt) EMR DA for Projects Marwan Atallah (LeMSIC, Lebanon) Standing Committees Regional Assistants RA SCOME Wajiha Jurdi Kheir (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCOPH Lujain Al Qodmani (KuMSA, Kuwait) RA SCORE Karine Al Feghali (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCORP Khairat Al-Habbal (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCOPE Elie Al Kazzi (LeMSIC, Lebanon) Co-RA SCORA Talal Maarouf (IFMSA-Egypt) Nicolas Khattar (LeMSIC, Lebanon)


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2012/2013 VPE Regional Assistants Skander Zouari (ASSOCIA-MED, Tunisia) Development Assistants EMR DA for Publiations Pushpa Hossain (IFMSA-Egypt) EMR DA for New Technologies Ahmed Shehata (IFMSA-Egypt) Nadir Al-Azri (SQU-MSG, Oman) EMR DA for Projects Mohamed Zarrami (ASSOCIA-Med, Tunisia)

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Standing Committees Regional Assistants RA SCOME Mohamed Meshref (IFMSA-Egypt) RA SCOPH Fekry El-Bagory (IFMSA-Egypt) RA SCORE Ahmad Mohannad Alkhateeb (IFMSA-BH, Bahrain) RA SCORP Sana Saboui (ASSOCIA-MED, Tunisia) Melika Hanifiha (IFMSA-Iran) RA SCOPE Carl Joe (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCORA Joe Cherabie (LeMSIC, Lebanon)

EMR Teams

Development Assistants EMR DA for Publiations & New Tech. Becher Alhalabi (KuMSA- Kuwait) EMR DA for Projects Omar Abu-Zaydeh (IFMSA-PS, Palastine) Standing Committees Regional Assistants RA SCOME Wajiha Jurdi Kheir (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCOPH Esra’ H. Al Zaid (IFMSA-SA, Saudi Arabia) RA SCORE Maysah Almulla (IFMSA-BH, Bahrain) RA SCORP Omar Mukhtar (IFMSA-Egypt, Egypt) RA SCOPE Reem Aoun (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCORA Fatima Salah (LeMSIC, Lebanon)


EMR Teams

2013/2014 Development Assistants EMR Publiations & Communication DA Ibrahim Kandeel (IFMSA-Egypt) EMR NMOs Support DA Fuad Habash (IFMSA-Jordan) EMR DA for Projects Karim El Sayed (IFMSA-Egypt) Standing Committees Regional Assistants RA SCOME Ahmed Badr (IFMSA-Egypt) RA SCOPH Skander Essafi (Associa-Med Tunisia) RA SCORE Maysah Almulla (IFMSA-BH, Bahrain) RA SCORP Mai Sabra (IFMSA-Egypt) RA SCOPE Anthony Ballan (LeMSIC, Lebanon) RA SCORA Sanam Seyedian (IFMSA-Iran)

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

Speaking of the EMR, we cannot forget to mention the EMR team of 2013 – 2014, who have made great contributions to this publication. Without their tremendous effort, this booklet wouldn’t have come to life so

thank you very much EMR team, you made this perfect

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EMR NMOs Country : Algeria NMO Name : LeSouk-Algeria IFMSA Member since: 2005 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : lesouk-algeria@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.lesouk.org

Country : Iran NMO Name : IFMSA-Iran IFMSA Member since: 2009 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-iran@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-iran.ir

Country : Bahrain NMO Name : IFMSA-BH IFMSA Member since: 2005 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-bahrain@ifmsa.org Online Representation : Twitter : @Ifmsa_bahrain

Country : Iraq NMO Name : IFMSA-Iraq IFMSA Member since: 2013 IFMSA Membership status : Candidate Member Official Email : ifmsa-iraq@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-iraq.org

Country : Egypt NMO Name : EMSA-Egypt IFMSA Member since: 2011 IFMSA Membership status : Candidate Member Official Email : emsa-egypt@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.emsa.org.eg

Country : Jordan NMO Name : IFMSA-Jordan IFMSA Member since: 2006 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-jordan@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-jo.org

Country : Egypt NMO Name : IFMSA-Egypt IFMSA Member since: 1969 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-egypt@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-eg.org

Country : Iraq NMO Name : IFMSA-Kurdistan IFMSA Member since: 2010 IFMSA Membership status : Associate Member Official Email : ifmsa-iraq-kurdistan@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsakurdistan.org

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EMR NMOs Country : Kuwait NMO Name : KuMSA-Kuwait IFMSA Member since: 2010 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : kumsa-kuwait@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.kumsa-md.com Country : Lebanon NMO Name : LeMSIC-Lebanon IFMSA Member since: 1968 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : lemsic-lebanon@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.lemsic.org Country : Libya NMO Name : LMSA-Libya IFMSA Member since: 2008 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : lmsa-libya@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.lmsa-libya.org Country : Morrocco NMO Name : IFMSA-Morrocco IFMSA Member since: 2012 IFMSA Membership status : Candidate Member Official Email : ifmsa-morocco@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-morocco.org Country : Oman NMO Name : SQU-MSG IFMSA Member since: 2008 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : squ-msg-oman@ifmsa.org Online Representation : Twitter : @SQU_MSG

IFMSA - Eastern Mediterranean Region‘s

10th Anniversary Booklet

Country : Palestine NMO Name : IFMSA-Palestine IFMSA Member since: 2010 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-palestine@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa.atspace.org/IFMSA-PS.htm Country : Saudi Arabia NMO Name : IFMSA-SA IFMSA Member since: 2010 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : ifmsa-saudi-arabia@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.ifmsa-sa.org Country : Tunisia NMO Name : Associa-Med IFMSA Member since: 1999 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : associamed-tunisia@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.associamed.org Country : UAE NMO Name : EMSS-UAE IFMSA Member since: 2012 IFMSA Membership status : Full Member Official Email : emss-uae@ifmsa.org Online Representation : www.emss.ae

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IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students Associations

IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students Associations

Albania (OMA) Algeria (Le Souk) Argentina (IFMSA-Argentina) Armenia (AMSP) Australia (AMSA) Austria (AMSA) Azerbaijan (AzerMDS) Bahrain (IFMSA-BH) Bangladesh (BMSS) Belgium (BeMSA) Bolivia (IFMSA Bolivia) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BoHeMSA) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Rep. of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM) Brazil (IFMSA Brazil) Bulgaria (AMSB) Burkina Faso (AEM) Burundi (ABEM) Canada (CFMS) Canada-Quebec (IFMSA-Quebec) Catalonia - Spain (AECS) Chile (IFMSA-Chile) China (IFMSA-China) Colombia (ASCEMCOL) Costa Rica (ACEM) Croatia (CroMSIC) Czech Republic (IFMSA CZ) Denmark (IMCC) Dominican Republic (ODEM) Ecuador (IFMSA-Ecuador) Egypt (EMSA) Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) El Salvador (IFMSA El Salvador) Estonia (EstMSA) Ethiopia (EMSA) Finland (FiMSIC) France (ANEMF) Georgia (GYMU) Germany (BVMD) Ghana (FGMSA) Greece (HelMSIC) Grenada (IFMSA-Grenada) Guatemala (ASOCEM) Haiti (AHEM) Hong Kong (AMSAHK) Hungary (HuMSIRC) Iceland (IMSIC) India (MSAI) Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI) Iran (IFMSA-Iran) Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq) Israel (FIMS) Italy (SISM) Jamaica (JAMSA) Japan (IFMSA-Japan) Jordan (IFMSA-Jo) Kenya (MSAKE) Korea (KMSA) Kurdistan - Iraq (IFMSA-Kurdistan/Iraq)

Kuwait (KuMSA) Kyrgyzstan (MSPA Kyrgyzstan) Latvia (LaMSA Latvia) Lebanon (LeMSIC) Libya (LMSA) Lithuania (LiMSA) Luxembourg (ALEM) Malaysia (SMAMMS) Mali (APS) Malta (MMSA) Mexico (IFMSA-Mexico) Montenegro (MoMSIC Montenegro) Morocco (IFMSA-Morocco) Mozambique (IFMSA-Mozambique) Namibia (MESANA) Nepal (NMSS) New Zealand (NZMSA) Nigeria (NiMSA) Norway (NMSA) Oman (SQU-MSG) Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan) Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine) Panama (IFMSA-Panama) Paraguay (IFMSA-Paraguay) Peru (APEMH) Peru (IFMSA Peru) Philippines (AMSA-Philippines) Poland (IFMSA-Poland) Portugal (PorMSIC) Romania (FASMR) Russian Federation (HCCM) Rwanda (MEDSAR) Saudi Arabia (IFMSA-Saudi Arabia) Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia) Sierra Leone (SLEMSA) Slovakia (SloMSA) Slovenia (SloMSIC) South Africa (SAMSA) Spain (IFMSA-Spain) Sri Lanka (SLMSA) St. Kitts and Nevis (IFMSA-SKN) Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden) Switzerland (SwiMSA) Taiwan (IFMSA-Taiwan) Tanzania (TAMSA) Tatarstan-Russia (TaMSA-Tatarstan) Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand) The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA-Macedonia) The Netherlands (IFMSA-The Netherlands) Tunisia (ASSOCIA-MED) Turkey (TurkMSIC) Uganda (FUMSA) United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Medsin-UK) United States of America (AMSA-USA) Venezuela (FEVESOCEM) Zambia (ZAMSA)

www.ifmsa.org medical students worldwide

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