March Meeting 2020 l Joint Survival Kit

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IFMSA Executive Board 2019-2020 President Nebojsa Nikolic (Serbia) Vice-President for Activities Saniya Sahasrabudhe (India) Vice-President for Members Paulina Birula (Poland) Vice-President for Finance Gabriela Cipriano (Peru) Vice-President for External Affairs Tarek Ezzine (Tunisia) Vice-President for Capacity Building Hayder Noori (Iraq) Vice-President for PR & Communication Saad Chaibi (Morocco)

Editing & Design The Public Relations & Communication International Team 2019-2020


International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) International Secretariat Norre Allé 14, 2200 Kobenhavn N., Denmark

Email: Homepage: Contact Us Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains more than 135 National Member Organizations from more than 126 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization; and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.

This is an IFMSA Publication


© 2020 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source.

All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader.

Disclaimer This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.


Introduction General Agenda Joint Sessions Code of Conduct NMO Management Session

SCOME Session

SCOPE Session

SCORE Session

SCORP Session

SCORA Session

SCOPH Session

March Meeting 2020 l Rwanda


Day 0 (01/03)


Arrival day


Day 1 (02/03)

Day 2 (03/03)

Day 3 (04/03)

Day 4 (05/03)

Day 5 (06/03)






Day 6 (07/03)

8:30 9:00

Social Program (Walking Tour)

9:30 10:00

Activities Fair

SC/Presidents/NMO Management Sessions

10:30 11:00

SC/Presidents/NMO Management Sessions External Affairs: Behind the Curtain

11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30

Capacity building Disussions

Exchanges Fair


Plenary Simulation

Lunch A

NMO Hour

Lunch A

NMO Hour

Lunch A

NMO Hour

NMO Hour

Lunch B

NMO Hour

Lunch B

NMO Hour

Lunch B

16:30 17:00

Break (15)

18:30 19:00 19:30

Dinner Transportation

20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30

Regional Sessions (16:45 - 19: 00)


22:30 23:30 0:00

Presidents Session

Regional Sessions (16:15 - 19: 00)

NMO Hour

Lunch A

NMO Hour

NMO Hour

Lunch B

Lunch B SC/Presidents/NMO Management Sessions

SC/Presidents/NMO Management Sessions

Break (15) Plenary (17:15 - 19:00)






Break (30)

Social Program


Social Program (NFDP) Social Program (Cultural Night) Social Program (Fringe)

Social Program

The Joint Sessions is a session where Standing Committees will create thematic sessions together, discussing topics and issues where their two work areas intersect. In this session, we aim to create an environment of interconnectedness, and show that within the Federation, we do not merely work on self-contained areas, but also work together across Standing Committees to tackle the core issues the world is facing right now. The details of Joint Sessions can be found in the Standing Committee Survival Kit.

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Click Here to know more

Joint Sessions


NMO Hour

Break (15)

Break (15)

Plenary (16:45 - 19:00)

Lunch A

EB Debate

Rex Crossley Awards

Training Sessions (17: 00 - 19:00)

SC/Presidents/NMO Management Sessions


TO NMO Buddies Opening Ceremony

22:00 23:00

Joint Sessions


17:30 18:00

Theme Event

Break (30) Theme Event

15:00 15:30

Capacity building plenary


Closing Ceremony & Social Program

Departure Day

CODE OF CONDUCT As participants at an IFMSA General Assembly, it is important to remember you are representing your NMO and your country. In IFMSA, we care very much about the safety of our participants and the environment of the GA to ensure it is a smooth and enjoyable meeting for everyone. Therefore, IFMSA has created a Code of Conduct that describes the desired conduct or our delegates and their responsibilities as members of IFMSA. All participants must agree to the IFMSA Code of Conduct when registering for the MM20. We are all expected to treat each other with respect and consideration and foster tolerance, dignity and equality. In order to ensure productive and inclusive meetings, all participants should foster cooperation and show appreciation of each others’ contributions. Taking part in IFMSA meetings should be a meaningful, fun, and safe experience for everyone.

Click Here to read the Code of Conduct

Presidents’ Sessions Survival Kit This Survival Kit contains both specific information for the NMO Presidents and also general information on the agenda and content of our General Assembly. It will help you answer the questions that your delegation might have regarding the GA. At the end of the Survival Kit, you will also find a breakdown of the important documents that will be discussed during the President’s Sessions and the Plenary Session of this GA.

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l




l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit


Welcome Message

Think globally and act locally ! Dear IFMSA members and CB Passionate, this is the vision that we all believed in the IFMSA which means that our NMOs/LCs are the main focus area for development. We as IFMSA members are mandated to make the change in our community and this can only be done by developing ourselves, our peers and the whole society. NMO Management sessions are designed based on the needs of your organization. We aim to equip you with all the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the biggest challenges your organization is facing on the level of financial issues, public relations, External affairs and organizational development. This year we have worked hard with the Session team to give you the opportunity in attending parallel sessions based on your organization

status and need, we are also granting you the opportunity to share and attend the best experiences within our members through the Master Classes. And of course, not to forget the Hackathon and Scavengers, the two amazing and dynamic learning experiences you will have!! Always remember we are not just random Medical students, we are more than that. We are meant to be the future health care leaders in our communities. Looking forward to meeting you in Rwanda Hayder Noori IFMSA VPCB 2019-2020

Values, Mission and Vision Our underlying values are Peer Education, Growth and Knowledge. • Peer Education: Promoting the transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes between peers, members, and equals. • Growth: Promoting the growth of individuals through the process of capacity building • Knowledge: Striving for the most updated, evidence-based knowledge As such our Vision and Mission are: • Vision: We envision a federation where all of its members have the necessary skills needed to achieve the federation’s common vision in global health and youth empowerment. • Mission: To educate members through peer education, non-formal education settings and promoting the sharing and transference of knowledge and skills across generations through but not limited to in-person and remote workshops, sessions,

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l



Meet the Session Team

Hayder Noori VPCB

Lucia Aunon CB GA

Konstantinos Theocharis

Silvia Wong CB OTA

Efua Yaaba CB RA Africa

James Janani

Konstantina Papageorgiou HELMSIC-Greece

Antonio Escalante NMSA-Norway


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit


CB RA Europe

Amr Reyad



General Agenda & Sessions Time

Day 0 (01/03)


Arrival day

Day 1 (02/03)

Day 2 (03/03)





Introduction to NMO Management Sessions GTKEO

Day 3 (04/03)

Day 4 (05/03)



Day 5 (06/03)

Day 6 (07/03)



CB establishment

Break (15')

10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00

Members engagemet



Capacity building plenary

Break (15`)

Organizational Analysis and development

Strategic planning


Needs assesment

Capacity building Disussions


CB Development

Break (30)

Fundraising and finances

Intro to Public relations & Communication

IFMSA Programs



Hackathon presentation

13:00 13:30




NMO Hour

NMO Hour

NMO Hour



14:00 14:30

NMO Hour


NMO Hour

15:30 16:00

EB Debate Plenary Simulation


Break (15) Break (15)

Break (15)



Conflict Management

Training Sessions (17: 00 - 19:00)

18:00 18:30

Evaluation + Goodbyes! SWGs Management

17:00 17:30

Trainers' education in IFMSA



Break (15)

Plenary (17:45 - 19:00)

19:00 19:30







20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00

Break (30) Opening Ceremony

22:30 23:00 23:30 0:00

Social Program

Departure Day

Sessions Description Intro to NMO Management

stakeholders and help you to tackle the issues We hope you are as excited as we are to finally you are facing by developing concrete plans for start our NMO Management sessions! To kick your own organization. things off we want to break the ice by getting to know each other and make everybody feel Members Engagement at home. As there are many levels and fields in Each organization has great plans and initiatives. NMO Management we will familiarise you with But usually struggle in the ways with which we can the importance of NMO Management to our be more inclusive and motivate our members. federation and invite a few of you to show how How can our projects be more interesting ? And different NMOs can be structured. We hope this how can we motivate our members to step up will encourage you to discuss these differences and develop? Member engagement is a topic, throughout the sessions and learn from each which all NMOs need to work on. We will discuss other’s best practices. methods on how to include and expand your member capacity, but also how to keep those members motivated and going. Strategic Planning Have you ever heard about VMOSA? Or how to make an effective plan of action? If the answer is Handover no, don’t worry, this session is the right place for We are working through our terms , setting our you! We will talk about how to write our NMO’s vision, our goals and plan. We are doing amazing Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and projects through the year, but when our term is Action Plan (aka VMOSA). We will also discuss done, how can we ensure that the information several ways of Evaluation and Follow up. will be passed on successfully? How can we set long term goals and ensure that the people Organization Analysis and Development: following our term will understand them properly In this session we will analyse your organization and be able to continue our work and take it to using the Octagon, assessing the strengths the next level? Through this session we will and weaknesses, discuss your activities, discuss these methods and ways of efficient

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l


Sessions Description Handover and how to follow up.

Needs Assessment

Fundraising and Finances

Fundraising is a crucial skill that all NMOs should be aware of in order to maintain the financial sustainability of the NMO. In this session we will make sure to cover all the important aspects of fundraising, including methods of fundraising, how to haunt for sponsors and when, what do sponsors look for in a collaboration/proposal as well as tricks and tips from facilitators with experience in this area.

A needs assessment is the “what” (what the organization needs) that precedes the gap analysis, which is the “how” (how to close the gap between where the organization is currently and where they want or need to be). The goal of this session is to introduce you to the concept of needs assessment, and allow you to be able to evaluate and assess the needs of your NMO and plan on how to fill the gap between its current External Affairs & Representation conditions and the desired ones. 1/ UN2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals : What is the United Nations? What are their Goals? How does this impact our work? CB Establishment Is your NMO lacking a proper CB body? Then 2/ Introduction to Advocacy and External this session is tailored for you! In this session Relations : Why are external relations important? we will discuss various ways CB systems work, How can we benefit from them? Advocacy 101. analyze the needs of our NMOs so that we can The session will explain the strategic usage of decide which one suits which NMO. We will also External Relations to advocate for Global Health learn how to develop and establish a sustainable issues. CB system which will act as a backbone for 3/ Stakeholders Mapping and PR: Gotta your NMO and help it develop and prosper catch them all : How to identify the relevant further. Moreover we will gain insights about the stakeholders to your activity? How to approach first steps to take in order to raise your NMO’s them? Welcome to the Elevator Pitch! capacity, what IFMSA events and workshops are and which one of them you should pick for your Hackathon NMO. WHAT THE FRINGE IS A HACKATHON? Is probably what you’re all thinking ! And no, it does not involve running. “Hacking” in this CB Development In Capacity Building we are always trying to reach context refers to solving technical problems in perfection, Since trying to reach perfection is a new and innovative ways. The approach of a continuous process so is development, We need hackathon is very constructive, and participants to keep on enhancing our trainers, updating our work to create a useful product during these regulations and motivating our members in order events. Throughout this session, we will all work to be in our highest quality possible so we can together in order to address issues your NMOs achieve our vision and mission of CB and IFMSA face. This will be the ultimate time when all of you all over the world. Many NMOs can’t figure out will collaborate on data analysis and research how to start tackling their weaknesses and work to come up with innovative and implementable on their strengths regarding CB. In this session solutions. The morning after the hackathon, we will guide you through the whole process of you will have to present your idea to a jury and developing the CB system from your ideas into maybe you’ll see your solution become reality! great achievements.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Sessions Description Public Relations & Communication

In 2020, It is mandatory for Non-Profits to use basic concepts in PR & Communication to leverage their interaction with Members, Partners, and Stakeholders. During this session, participants will get introduced to the importance of PRC for Non-Profits and will be guided through two streams to discover Social media management and Storytelling. Participants will also be delivered two canvas to use them in all their future local activities. 1 - Online Platforms & Social Media Management: Social media is one of the best ways to engage with members and communities. In this session, we will look into the theory behind it and how to use it to make the best out of the platforms. We will also take a look at the different uses of different platforms and how we can capitalize on these powerful tools. 2 - Storytelling for nonprofits: In this session, participants will get introduced to the power of storytelling and how to use it to create engaging and powerful blog posts.

IFMSA programs:

IFMSA programs are developed on the backbone of theory of change, in this session you will learn about the theory of change and how you can make the activities of your NMO more efficient. Further you will learn about the IFMSA programs enrollment and reporting process.


In this session you will experience one of the most amazing learning experiences, you will be divided into groups with different tasks and puzzles that will lead you to the facilitators of the following sessions: • GDPR : This magical term entered our lives the last couple of years and has changed them for good. It is tricky to understand. It is essential for all NMOs to understand the importance of the General Data Protection Regulations and how it can affect their organization and projects. • SWG Management: The ability to manage SWGs are amongst the most essential leadership skills, seeing as there are many Masterclasses activities that tackle thorny, complex issues This is the perfect opportunity for your NMOs that require a small working group (task force) to rise and shine, because here, the experts are to grease the wheels on implementation. you! In this session, you will have the chance to • Conflict Management: A hospitable working learn from other NMOs sharing experiences they environment allows individuals to perform built, issues they passed through and knowledge to their full capacity. This is where the they developed. You will have the opportunity to importance of conflict management comes in, allowing organizations to turn potentially learn and help each other to grow further. harmful situations to opportunities to build rapport and strong bonds. Archives and IFMSA Programs: This parallel is for all enthusiasts, who wish to know more about backbone of Activity Management, IFMSA programs and general Trainer’s education in IFMSA Archives of the organisation In this session we will discuss the Trainer Archives: Can be briefly sub grouped as physical Education system that we want to have in the and digital, in IFMSA systems Archives can be IFMSA, what workshops we shoulde have, what implemented and developed by NMOs to develop levels of Education should we develop, what structure of the NMOs and keep necessary outcomes are we looking for, where do we stand institutional memory. Is there a difference in comparison in other organizations, what between institutional memory and hoarding? externals we need to collaborate with !

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 11


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOME Sessions

Welcome Message

You who fight ! This is the first quote that caught my attention since the beginning of 2020. It is a casual phrase common in Brazil, said whenever someone strives to achieve simple day-to-day goals. I couldn’t help but reflect this quote on our day-to-day IFMSA life and the fights we lead for a better tomorrow: you who fight for a better teaching and learning opportunities for your peers, you who fight for representing medical students, you who fight for the quality of your education, you who fight for healthier communities, you who fight decent working conditions in healthcare, you who fight for a stronger health workforce, you who fight your fights, wherever you are: we are here to fight with you, we are here to fight together. The SCOME Sessions are the arena where all the fighters gather, so they can share their experiences, discuss common strategies and develop a united vision on students’ involvement in Medical Education locally, and globally. The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) is the global platform for medical students worldwide to join forces so as to learn, empower one another and lead actions to advocate for meaningful students’ participation in Medical Education. Since the past years, SCOME has developed many initiatives in ensuring medical students worldwide are capacitated with Medical Education knowledge and representation skills, in order to ensure they are actively taking part in the decision-making within their Medical Education Systems. The SCOME Sessions during IFMSA General Assemblies are a special occasion for medical students worldwide, since it is the largest youth gathering across the 5 regions to discuss Medical Education, exchange ideas and brainstorm a common mission to achieve together: in other words, it is the embodiment of the IFMSA motto: “thinking globally, and acting locally”, but sometimes it is relevant on the other way around, as members can think locally and act globally within the global participation opportunities IFMS offers, so as to shape and strengthen the voice of medical students all over the globe. Looking forward to joining forces with you in Rwanda, Marou

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 13

SCOME Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Marouane Amzil SCOME Director

Alaa Dafallah LME

Abdullah Al Khafagy SCOME GA

Ali Channawi SCOME DA

Landry Ouedraogo SCOME RA Africa

Bianca Quintella SCOME RA Americas

Sanjana Taneja SCOME RA Asia Pacific

Mohamed El Badry SCOME RA EMR

Eve Fouage SCOME RA Europe

Silvia Matilda PC TMS

Asmau Musa PC MES

Tomas Petras SloMSA l SP

Hanene Mankour IFMSA-Quebec l SP 14

Kudawashe Dorothy Govore l ZiMSA l ST

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Palig Balian IFMSA-Quebec l ST

Rannia Shehrish BMSS l ST

SCOME Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions Time

Day 1 (02/03/2019)

Day 2 (03/03/2019)

Day 3 (04/03/2019)

Day 4 (05/03/2019)

Day 5 (06/03/2019)






7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:30

Opening Session

Addressing the IFMSA Global Priorities through Medical Education

9:45 10:00

Will Family Medicine break the wheel of medical specialties?

Break (15min)


Break (15min)

10:30 10:45 11:00

Medical Education Systems Posters Fair

Peer-led Education and Quality Teaching The Health Workforce Debate


Break (30)

11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15

Shaping the Medical Education Advocate

Students' engagement towards a socially accountable Medical Education


IFMSA Global Priorities Sessions: How can ThetoFuture of Medical Education: Decent Working Conditions in PHC lead IFMSA's Vision for Medical Education 2040 healthier communities?

12:45 13:00






Break (15)

Patients Involvement in Medical Education: the road towards Patients Safety


14:00 14:30 15:00 15:15

Innovation in Medical Education


Joint Sessions

15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30

Break (15)

Break (15)


Closing Session

Break (15)


SCOME International Team Updates


Break (15)

17:30 17:45 18:00

Regional Sessions (16:15 - 19:00)

Regional Sessions (16:45 - 19:00)

SCOME Plenary

18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 Dinner





Sessions Description Session


Medical Education Systems Posters Fair (90min)

Understanding how Medical Education Systems are shaped worldwide is the key to unlocking the discussion around multiple Medical Education issues and students’ engagement. During this session, you will be able to introduce your Medical Education Systems and compare it with other countries represented during the Sessions. How to prepare? - Prepare your poster according to this template (link) - Print your own poster and bring it to the SCOME Sessions - For more information, please contact us through ra.scome.emr@ and

Shaping the Medi- During this session, participants will be able to shape the ideal competency cal Education Ad- profile for a Medical Education Advocate, through reflecting on their expevocate (60min) riences in Medical Education and/or Students’ representation. Addressing the A SCOME Small Working Groups Sessions that will allow participants to IFMSA Global work on specific outcomes Priorities through How to prepare? Please read the following documents: Medical Educa- The SCOME Approach to the IFMSA Global Priorities tion (75min) - The Advocacy in Medical Curriculum Toolkit - From Idea to Impact Manual

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 15

SCOME Sessions

Sessions Description The Health Participants will be able to debate on the Global Health Workforce crisis, Workforce Debate through understanding the different policies through the lenses of the (90min) AAAQ Framework. How to prepare? Please read the following documents: - IFMSA Policy on Global Health Workforce - IFMSA Policy on Social Accountability of medical schools - IFMSA Policy on Accreditation and Quality Assurance Students engagement towards a Socially Accountability (60min)

This session will enable participants to share and exchange good practices regarding their involvement in implementing Social Accountability in their Medical Education, so as to see how medical students meaningfully participate in this process.

Patients involve- Patients are not only passive subjects, but they can play an active role in ment in Medical Medical Education. During this session, we will be able to understand this Education (75min) role and how our curricula can meaningfully engage patients in our education Will Family Medicine break the wheel of Medical Specialties? (90min)

Family physicians are at the starting point of many health systems worldwide. During this session, we will understand what impact Family Medicine creates on the accessibility of health services, achieving UHC and what is the attitude of medical students towards this specialty as a chosen career.

Peer-led Educa- During this session, participants will have a clear vision of how they can tion and Quality take an active role in the teaching process within their medical curricula, Teaching (60min) through designing quality peer educational activities. IFMSA’s vision for Students are becoming a stronger global stakeholder in Medical EducaMedical Education tion. Thus, we are invited to shape the vision of Medical Education in 2040 in 2040 (90min) to be presented during AMEE2020. Innovation in Me- It’s 2020, and thanks to globalization, Medical Education is constantdical Education ly taking new shapes, thanks to the innovations brought by all involved (60min) stakeholders in the system. Let’s learn together, inspire and get inspired by one another and Medical Education of the 21st century.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOME Sessions

Regional Sessions Description African Regional Students Involvement in Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Medical Education: Session The main question that we will be discussing during our session: - The state of play of AQA in our NMOs and what actions led by students in the African Region? - How can we, Students, contribute more to it? Americas Regio- Curricula goals regarding action towards minorities: This is a discussion to tackle many subjects, such as: nal Session - Are our medical schools really socially accountable? - Is our graduation program creating strong health advocates for everyone or only for the richer % of the population? This session is about developing critical sense in our students and open their eyes towards the big humanitarian crisis the Americas are facing Asia-Pacific Re- Students’ Involvement in Medical Education: Asia-Pacific perspective: A discussion on the incorporation of students’ perspectives within the gional Session curriculum and addressing a Socially Accountable Medical School through meaningful student Involvement, and touching upon regionally relevant issues in healthcare. EMR Regional Meaningful Students’ Involvement in the Accreditation of Medical Education: Session This session is revolving around getting to know more about the accreditation of medical education as well as dive into the details of how we, as students, can be involved. Europe Regional European Priorities from the Medical Education perspective In addition to collecting some feedback on the past months, we will Session discuss the European Priorities, namely the Health Workforce and Mental Health, and how we can address them through medical education.

Contact Information Subscribe to the SCOME server through sending an email to: ifmsa-scome-subscribe@ or Join the IFMSA SCOME Facebook Group For any query related to the SCOME Sessions, the SCOME Plenary, the IFMSA Policy Proposals or the SCOME Regional Sessions do not hesitate to contact us through: Marouane AMZIL - SCOME Director: Alaa Dafallah - IFMSA LME: Abdalla Al Khafajy - SCOME General Assistant: Ali Channawi - SCOME Development Assistant: Landry Wendpouiré Ouedraogo - SCOME RA Africa: Bianca Quintella - SCOME RA Americas: Sanjana Taneja - SCOME RA Asia-Pacific: Mohamed El Badry - SCOME RA EMR: Eve Fouarge - SCOME RA Europe:

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 17


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOPE Sessions

Welcome Message

Muraho/Hello/Bonjour/Habari ! After a TaiWanderful experience last August, we are all very excited to meet again for a Rwanda-Full experience, in the land of a thousand hills and a thousand smiles. In a country with outstanding biodiversity and a green mindset, we will be put in the best setting to work towards one common goal: improve our SCOPE exchanges. During the March Meeting 2020, SCOPE sessions will be a platform to lead fruitful discussions with your colleagues from all around the world. Whether it is your first or you sixth GA, we will make sure that you find your place during the sessions. You will go back home not only with an enthralling motivation but with an enlarged family striving to build the best exchange programs.

The Exchange Fair will be ideal to broadcast your hard work and be inspired by the dynamism of your fellow NEOs. We hope that you will share your experiences and your perspectives with huge enthusiasm during the Small Working Groups and Sharing is Caring sessions. Your unique initiatives can be presented during the NMO Exchange Glory, and you may be rewarded as part of the SCOPE Competitions! Enjoy these unforgettable days, don’t forget to get some sleep and never hesitate to come to us for any concern/question/ compliment! <3 With love, MM20 SCOPE Sessions Team

Introduction to SCOPE The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) was founded in 1951 and is one of the first standing committees within IFMSA. It started small, beginning with only 8 European countries, but since then has grown into one of the largest student-run exchange programs in the world, with around 13.000 medical students participating every year from more than 100 National Member Organizations. The SCOPE exchange program is a quality educational and cultural experience organized entirely by medical students with the help of their medical faculties. The aim of SCOPE is to promote cultural understanding and cooperation amongst medical students and all health professionals, through the facilitation of international student exchanges. SCOPE aims to give all students the opportunity to learn about global health, and attains this partly by having its exchanges accredited by medical faculties across the world.

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SCOPE Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Gabriela Macedo SCOPE Director

Elina Osi SCOPE GA

Rodrigo Almonacid SCOPE IDA

Chaitra Dinesh SCOPE EDA

Bismark Adu-Appiah SCOPE RA Africa*

Gabriel Ortez SCOPE RA Americas

Saker Rashid SCOPE RA EMR

Diogo Cruz SCOPE RA Europe

Begüm Alkur BeMSA Belgium

Carla Hidalgo IFMSA-Spain

Emine Kinaç TurkMSIC Turkey

Fatine Karkri IFMSA-Quebec

Florian Bannier ANEMF France

Omar Hegab IFMSA-Egypt

Pranav Prashanth

Philip Schwaiger bvmd Germany


SCOPE RA Asia-Pacific

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOPE Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions Time

Day 1 (02/03/2020)

Day 2 (03/03/2020)



Day 3 (04/03/2020)

Day 4 (05/03/2020)

Day 5 (06/03/2020)




09:00 - 11:00 Activities Fair

09:00 - 11:00 SCOPE/SCORE trainings

7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

09:00 - 09:30 Wake up session

09:00 - 10:00 Intro + teambuilding SCOPE IT updates

Beginners: SCOPE 101

Strategic Plan Annex introduction + Q&A

Beginners: Databasic

10:00 - 10:30 Preparations for exchanges fair

09:30 - 10:45 SWGs

10:45 - 12:00 RCP discussion

10:30 -13:00 Exchanges Fair

10:45-12:00 PDT/UAT training

12:00 - 13:00 Global health: theme framework and way forward

12:00 - 13:00 SCOPE World Cafe

Break (30)

11:30 - 13:00 Global priorities session

Beginners: Communication in SCOPE & case studies

Intermediate: How to organise a PRET

Advanced: External representation

13:00 13:30 14:00

Lunch / NMO hour

Lunch / NMO hour

Lunch / NMO hour

Theme Event

15:00 - 16:30 Joint Sessions 15:00 - 16:30 Joint Sessions (SCOPE + SCOPH) Infectious (SCOPE + SCORP) Ethics in palliative care diseases and Travelling

EB Debate

Lunch / NMO hour

Lunch / NMO hour

14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30

Break (15)

Break (15)

Break (15)

Regional Sessions (16:45 - 19:00)

Training Sessions (17:00 - 19:00)







Social Program (Fringe)

Social Program

Regional Sessions (16:15 - 19:00)

19:30 20:00

17:00 -18:00 SCOPE Plenary 18:00 - 19:00 SCOPE Initiatives

18:30 19:00

SWG outcomes 15:30 - 17:00 Sharing is caring

SCOPE Banner Outcomes + closing + photos

17:00 17:30

NMO Exchange Glory

Break (15) 17:00-19:00 Marketing and promotion


Plenary (17:45 - 19:00)


TO NMO Buddies

20:30 21:00

Break (30)


21:30 22:00 22:30


Social Program (NFDP)

23:00 23:30

Social Program (Cultural Night)


Closing Ceremony & Social Program

Sessions Description Day 1

Intro + Team Building (09:00-10:00) SCOPE IT updates (10:00-11:00)

Day 2

Welcome to the MM20 SCOPE Sessions! We will introduce you to the Sessions Team, present the agenda and do some team building. During the session we will get to know what news the SCOPE IT has through a round of Q&A with our beloved IT. Please be active and don’t hesitate to ask questions!

SCOPE 101 (10:00-11:00)

We will provide you with all the basics of SCOPE, what to start exchanges program with, how to set the ground,what should be read in the first place, how to follow communications guidelines and many many more.

Strategic plan annex introduction Q&A (11:00-12:00)

We will update you about the SCOPE Strategic Plan, the draft of the annex that we will propose and ask for your input on it.

Databasic (11:00-12:00)

We will provide you with all the basics of SCOPE, what to start exchanges program with, instructions is it essential to know, where you can find useful materials and what should be read in the first place, how to follow communications guidelines and many many more.

SCOPE World Cafe (12:00-13:00)

This session will be an open space discussion. Every IT member will talk about a subject based on their position and participants move around from one IT member to another.

Exchanges Fair (10:30-13:00)

This session is one of the most exciting sessions of the March Meeting. NEOs and NOREs will prepare their NMO stand before the Fair. When the Exchanges Fair start, all exchange volunteers will be able to promote their exchange program for other exchange volunteers and IT.

SCOPE/SCORE trainings (17:00-19:00)

In this session, a training on exchange-related topics will be offered to you by our new Exchange Trainers.

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SCOPE Sessions

Sessions Description Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Wake up sessions (09:00-09:30)

In this session, you will wake up and focused on the day efficiently. We will have a perfect ice breaker/energizer for you. Just be ready for getting your energy.

SWGs (09:30-10:45)

We will not only have internal SCOPE SWGs and joint SWGs with SCORE, but also joint SWGs with other SCs in order to find the best solutions for the questions that can be looked at from different sides. You will need to select 1 topic which you will be working on together with other participants of the same SWG for 1.5 hours. The outcomes of the SWGs you can find afterwards in the materials folder which we will share with you.

RCP discussions (10:45-12:00)

We will discuss the most important change proposals for the SCOPE Regulations. We will not be voting on anything here, as the purpose is to raise concerns to the proposers and come up with a possible way forward for the voting session on Day 3 (e.g. amendments, alternative motions). !The session is very short, we will discuss only the final essentials! Make sure to discuss RCPs beforehand! We will create the opportunity for it!

PDT/UAT (10:45-12:00)

PDT and UAT are really important parts of the academic quality of our exchange programs. In this session, you will be able to learn more information about PDT and UAT and how to implement them into your exchange programs. Please share your ideas if you regularly organise these trainings in your NMOs.

Global Health: theme framework and way forward (12:00-13:00)

We will talk about Global Health on Exchanges and then we will share with you the future plan about global health.

Sharing is caring (15:30-17:00)

This session will be organized in a different way than before, because this time we will give the opportunity for NEOs to propose the topics they are most interested in and deliver them as well! We will send a call for the topics and volunteers to facilitate them, please, get ready and apply! This session is a good opportunity for all of the participants to share the problems and successes they have in their NMOs.

SCOPE plenary (17:00-18:00)

During this session, NEOs will vote for Regulation Change Proposals. We will discuss about Strategic Annex Plan.

SCOPE initiatives (18:00-19:00)

Exchange volunteers always have new ideas, projects and initiatives. We will talk about current initiatives of SCOPE in this session.

Marketing and promotion (17:00-19:00)

As you know, one of the most important parts of our exchange programs is promoting them. You will be able to get some tricks and keys about promoting and marketing of your exchange program in this session.

Communication in SCOPE & case studies (11:00-13:00)

This session is designed for you to give some information about communication guideline in SCOPE and give opportunity to practice it.

How to organise a PRET (11:00-13:00)

In this session, you will be able to learn organising each steps of PRET with details. If you want to find out all the procedures and steps of organising PRET, don’t miss this session!

External representation (11:00-13:00)

In this session, we will look at how to establish partnerships with organisations in order to ensure exchanges are seen not as a travel agency but as an ethical movement to build global health orientated health professionals.

NMO Exchange Glory (15:00-15:30)


During MM20, SCOPE will be having a session for NMOs to present their successes, experiences or anything they are very proud of in their NMO when it comes to their exchange program.

SWG outcomes (15:30-16:00)

SWG coordinators will introduce and present the SWGs during this session. You will be able to learn more about SCOPE SWGs and other SWGs collaborating with SCs. Also you can find the outcomes in MM20 folder which will be shared after GA with you.

SCOPE banner (16:00-16:30)

It is an amazing tradition for our lovely SCOPE banner to go and visit different countries after each GAs. However, you need to be creative to get the banner until AM 2020. Don’t forget to prepare!

Outcomes + closing + photos (16:30-17:00)

We will wrap up all the important discussions that took place in the SCOPE Sessions during the meeting. Time to close the session and take a beautiful blue picture before saying goodbye (remember that it’s never a goodbye, it’s a SEE YOU LATER!).

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOPE Sessions

Regional Sessions Description Region


Africa Day 1 (170-19:0019:00)

Introductions and Team Building 10 min

How to improve Exchanges in Africa 30 min

Capacity Building and Trainings 20 min

Open Space discussion Q&A session 20 min

Closing and group Pictures 10 min

Americas Day 3 (16:15-19:00)

Icebreaker + Introduction 10 min

Structuring the strategy built at AmRM 2020 30 min

New ideas and new commitments 10 min

FAQ 10 min

Wrap up 10 min

Asia-Pacific Day 1 (17:00-19:00)

Team Building 15 min

Interactive Capacity Building 25 min

Open Space Discussion and Q&A Session 10 min

EMR Day 3 (16:15-19:00)

Introduction and Teambuilding 10 min

Stereotypes with EMR students in exchanges 60 min

SWG on Outgoing selection criteria improvement 60 min

Wrap up and picture 10 min

Europe Day 3 (16:15-19:00)

Team building / Icebreaker 20 min

Introduction 10 min

Europe Exchanges Overview 10 min

European Needs Based SWGs 30 min

Outcomes / Feedback 20 min

Exchanges fair information: LINK


NMO Exchanges Glory

Voting Rights: Link

In order to stay SCOPE active in IFMSA and have voting rights during the SCOPE sessions, you would need to meet all the requirements stated in the SCOPE Regulations. So basically, NO Voting Rights = NO SCOPE: An immediate investigation will be launched and your NMO will face suspension, according to Regulations 2.13. Please follow the guidelines described in the NEO Voting Rights Mail sent to you through the NEO server and contact your RA in case you have more questions.

Voting procedures: Link RCPs voting : SCOPE has rules which are discussed

and sometimes changed during General Assemblies to improve our Exchange Program. You can find the SCOPE Regulations post AM19 LINK Any SCOPE Regulations change should be sent by February 1st. The GA is the moment in which you come to a conclusion, after discussing the RCPs beforehand, as you will have limited time during the SCOPE Sessions. So please read all proposals carefully before. You will find the RCPs to be voted on the March Meeting 2020 LINK

During the MM20, SCOPE will have a session for NMOs to present their successes, experiences or anything they are proud of in their NMO when it comes to their exchange program, called the “NMO Exchanges Glory”. This will be a great opportunity for all participants to acquire practices from others and take it as an example, applying it back home. This session is going to include 2 parts: - The first part of the session is going to be an online campaign before the GA, where posters, depicting the achievements, will be shared in the IFMSA Instagram account @youifmsa, and voted upon. During the voting period, you can vote by liking each post. - The second part of the session is going to take place during the GA. Participants will present their achievements during the SCOPE sessions. More information will be sent later to the NMOs through our official communication channels. Facebook group: groups/ifmsa.scope/ Join SCOPE Server: Send an email to

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l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCORE Sessions

Welcome Message

Dear SCOREans, It is that wonderful time of the year again where SCOREans from all around the world gather in one place to get to know each other, share discussions and learn new skills and tools to improve our exchange program. No matter if this is your first GA or you are an experienced veteran, there are always things to learn, ideas to share, people to meet and friends to make! The SCORE sessions are full of positive dark blue energy and March Meeting 2020 will be no exception. This Survival Kit serves as a guide to the MM20 SCORE Sessions and contains all the information you need to be well prepared. So read it, love it, live it.

there will be both beginners and advanced exchange officers, we have ensured that there will be different sessions to suit everyone’s needs and experience. On Day 2, we will also have the Exchange Fair, where you will have a chance to present your NMO Exchange Program and explore other NMOs and learn about their Exchange Programs. If things get confusing, if you have questions or just want to have a little chat, feel free to approach anyone in the SCORE Sessions Team at any time, we are here for you!

So come experience the dark bue family, The Session Team is working hard to learn, share and most importantly, have fun! prepare interactive and productive sessions according to your needs. We will have Trainings, Small Working Groups, Regulations Changes, Big blue hugs, Supervising Board elections, and more! Since Your MM20 SCORE Sessions Team

Introduction to SCORE The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) was founded in 1991 with the objective of giving students an opportunity of improving their skills in research in other learning settings. Presently, SCORE involves more than 80 active NMOs, offering over 1500 research projects to provide over 3000 medical students worldwide the opportunity to participate in the IFMSA Research Exchange Program and learn the basic principles of medical research such as literature studies, collecting data, scientific writing, lab work, statistics and ethical aspects related to the medicine. It is important to mention that all exchanges are initiated and coordinated entirely by medical student volunteers. Mission: Our mission is to offer future physicians an opportunity to experience research and diversity in countries all over the world. This is achieved by providing a network of locally and internationally active students that globally facilitate access to research exchange projects. Through our programming and opportunities, we aim to develop both culturally sensitive students and skilled researchers intent on shaping the world of science.

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SCORE Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Matthieu Pierre SCORE Director

Veronica Moreno

Martina Miklavcic SCORE GA

Marc Margulan SCORE EDA

Natasha Bouran SCORE IDA

Sayed Rasheed SCORE RA Africa

Andrea Trejo

SCORE RA Americas

SCORE RA Asia-Pacific

Kevin Handoko

Caren Challita SCORE RA EMR

Dunja Bjelic SCORA RA Europe

SCORE SB Memeber

Caique Fernandes

Daniel Dirul

Gilang Dwi Putra

Rubén Bermejo Pérez SCORE SB Memeber

Christopher Gramsch bvmd-Germany l ST

SCORE SB Memeber

SCORE SB Memeber

Safa Ibork

IFMSA-Morocco l ST


SCORE SB Memeber

Aamash Sohail

IFMSA-Pakistan l ST

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Isidoros Karamanidis HelMSIC-Greece l ST

SCORE Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions


Day 1 (March 2nd)


(09:00-09:30) Introduction & Team Building

9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15

(09:30-10:15) SCORE IT Updates & NORE Report analysis (10:15-10:30) SCORE Strategic Plan

Day 2 (March 3rd)

Day 3 (March 4th)

Day 4 (March 5th)

Day 5 (March 6th)

9:15 9:30 9:45

(09:30-10:30) Intro to SCORE

(10:00-10:30) Exchange Fair Preparations

(09:30-10:45) Small Working Groups (with SCOPE)

(09:00-11:00) Activities Fair (including Scientific Poster Fair)

(09:00 - 11:00) Parallel Trainings (with SCOPE)

10:30 (10:45-11:00) SB Candidate Presentations

(10:30-11:30) Sharing is caring

11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00


(10:30-13:00) Exchange Fair

(11:30-13:00) Parallel Trainings




Open Science

Advocacy for Research & SCORE

Research Ethics

The 9 steps of Academic Quality in Exchanges

(11:00-12:00) Regulations Changes Proposals Discussions

(12:00-13:00) IT & World Café


Break (30')

(11:00-12:00) Problem Solving

11:30 11:45

(11:30-13:00) Theme Event (SCORE related Theme Event)

(12:00-13:00) How to find tutors and fill in a Project Form

(12:00-13:00) SCORE initiatives

Lunch/NMO hour

Lunch/NMO hour

Lunch/NMO hour Lunch/NMO hour


12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45


SCORE/SCORP The Right to Information - Open Access, Open Education, Open Data

15:45 16:00 16:15

How to write EA: Basic Scientific an abstract & Concepts in outcomes & make a Medical outcome based scientific Research exchanges poster

16:30 16:45 (16:15-19:30) Regional Sessions

(16:45-19:30) Regional Sessions

13:30 15:00

(15:30-17:00) Parallel trainings

SCORE/SCOME Basic Research Competencies Framework


13:15 13:45

(15:00-16:30) Joint Sessions




13:00 Lunch/NMO hour




10:45 (10:45-12:00) PET/UAT Training

13:00 13:30





Time 9:00

(09:00-09:30) Team Building

18:30 19:00

(15:00-16:00) Recap game of MM20 SCORE Sessions


(16:00-16:30) SWG, MM20 Outcomes & upcoming plans


(16:30 - 17:00) SCORE Picture & Banner competition


15:30 15:45

How to organize Research Educational Activities

16:15 16:45 17:00

(17:00-19:00) Regulations Changes Proposals & SB Voting

(17:00-19:00) Marketing and Promotion in Exchanges

17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

Sessions Description For a full description of all the SCORE Sessions Click Here

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 27

SCORE Sessions Region Africa Day 1 (170-19:00-19: 00)


Regional Sessions Description How to improve Exchanges in Africa 30 min

Americas Day 3 Region (16:15-19:00)

Capacity Building and Trainings Open Space discussion 20 min Q&A session 20 min

Structuring the strategy built at AmRM 2020 30 min

Asia-Pacific Africa Introductions and Team Day Day 11 Building (17:00-19:00) (170-19:00-19: 00) EMR

Interactive Capacity How to improve Building Exchanges in Africa 25 30 min min

New ideas and new commitments Sessions 10 min

FAQ 10 min

Open Space Discussion and Capacity Building and Trainings Open Space discussion Q&A20 Session min Q&A session 10 min 20 min

Stereotypes with EMR students Structuring the strategy builtinatexchanges AmRM 2020 60 30 min min

SWG on Outgoing selection criteria improvement New ideas and new 60 min commitments 10 min

Wrap up and picture 10 min FAQ 10 min

Introduction Interactive Capacity 10 min Building 25 min

Europe Exchanges Overview Open Space Discussion and 10Session min Q&A 10 min

European Needs Based SWGs 30 min

EMR Day 3 (16:15-19:00)

Stereotypes with EMR students in exchanges 60 min

SWG on Outgoing selection criteria improvement 60 min

Wrap up and picture 10 min

Europe Day 3 (16:15-19:00)

Introduction 10 min

Europe Exchanges Overview 10 min

European Needs Based SWGs 30 min

Day 3 Americas (16:15-19:00) Day 3 (16:15-19:00) Europe Asia-Pacific Day Day 31 (16:15-19:00) (17:00-19:00)

Introductions and Team Building

Closing and group Pictures 10 min

Wrap up 10 min Closing and group Pictures 10 min

Wrap up 10 min Outcomes / Feedback 20 min

Outcomes / Feedback 20 min

Preparations How to prepare for MM20 as a NORE - - - -

Obtain Voting Rights by achieving all tasks sent to the NORE Server. Bring your NORE Stamp and requested hard copy Invitation Letters. Read the SCORE Supervising Board candidatures sent over the NORE Server. Read the SCORE Regulations Change Proposals sent over the NORE Server and use the discussion sheet to ask questions and discuss the Proposals before MM20. - Read the RCP Voting Procedures here to get acquainted with how the Voting will take place on Day 4 of SCORE Sessions. - Inform the SCORE-D at if you are not attending MM20 and if someone else (= proxy) will vote on behalf of your NMO in SCORE Sessions.

How to prepare for MM20 SCORE Regulations Voting The SCORE IT has made a comprehensive manual with all the information relevant to SCORE Regulations Change Proposals Discussions and Voting here.

How to prepare for MM20 Exchange Fair On Day 2, we will host the MM20 Exchange Fair. Every NMO is required to bring a poster highlighting their Exchange Program and promotional material. More information can be found here. Only 4 people per NMO (2 for SCOPE and 2 for SCORE) will be able to enter Exchange Fair. Tickets will be distributed in SCOPE and SCORE Sessions.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Contact Information SCORE IT Position Director


Email address

Matthieu Pierre

Martina Miklavcic

External Development Assistant

Natasha Bouran Marc Margulan

RA Africa

Sayed Rasheed

Veronica Moreno

Kevin Alvaro Handoko

Caren Challita

Dunja Bjelic Andrea, Caique, Daniel, Gilang & Ruben

General Assistant Internal Development Assistant

RA Americas RA Asia-Pacific RA EMR RA Europe Supervising Board

Stay tuned! - Subscribe to the SCORE mailing list to get all the latest SCORE updates and opportunities by sending a blank email to - Join the SCORE Facebook Group here.

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 29


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCORP Sessions

Welcome Message

to human rights, to peace … and beyond! More than 70 years on from the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights are still undermined in various places and settings around the world. With a rapidly developing world and new technologies, challenges to human rights have increased in diversity. For around the same timespan, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations worked to empower its members in taking their vision and ideas, and making them a reality, with the aim of influencing the transnational inequalities that shape the health of our planet and eventually making an impact on the world. Today, in a such a dynamic world, the role of youth, as agents of positive change, in creating a better world is crucial. A world in which the human rights of every individual, especially young people, are realized; that ensures every human being is empowered to achieve their full potential. At the dawn of a new decade, we come together to deliver to SCORP’s ambitious, but also very direct, vision: ‘to achieve a peaceful world where all individuals are entitled to full and equal access to their human rights, where no one is left behind, where priority is given to people in greatest need and where the entire society, including medical students and health workers, unite to support vulnerable groups’. We come together to continue delivering to our mission of ‘empowering and motivating medical students to actively promote and protect human rights and peace through advocacy, capacity building, and awareness raising, as well as by supporting the students in carrying out activities and projects’. We come together to reflect on the development of SCORP over the past decade, but

also to start a new decade filled with new needs and challenges to address, new perspective to reflect on, and new goals to achieve! We come together to solidify the basis for the upcoming generations of SCORPions to build their work on and to continue the development of the Standing Committee. For that to be achieved, and as we go into the March Meeting, we aim to work together to upgrade the quality of our work, increase our impact and take our advocacy one more step forward. Over the years, huge efforts have been put on to ensure that our members are empowered and well equipped with skills; that our advocacy and participation is meaningful; and that our words are turned into impact. However, we need to build upon those efforts and live up to the present needs and challenges. We look to you to inform, influence, advocate; mobilize and leverage; showcase; and contribute to this vision, of stepping up youth’s efforts towards meaningful and impactful effect. Even more, we count on you, SCORPions, to turn the promise of SCORP into concrete actions. The world is so vulnerable, facing a wide variety of crises and human rights violation. Awareness and discussions alone may not solve deep rooted problems. But SCORPions working together, hand in hand, even if miles apart, can co-create and pave the way for change. Let us share our ideas and good practices; learn from each other; and support each other to participate meaningfully, to make an impact, to human rights, to peace … and beyond! ` Mahmood Al-Hamody SCORP Director 2019/2020

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 31

SCORP Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Mahmoud Al-Hamoudi SCORP Director

Tammy Yu LRP

Maria Krayem SCORP GA

Berkehan Erkılıç SCORP DA

Amine Youcef Ali SCORP PRCA

Madeleine Kazindu SCORP RA Africa

Ana Paula Estrella Saa SCORP RA Americas

Batara Bisuk SCORP RA Asia-Pacific

Ahmed Zayed SCORP RA EMR

Elena Scholmann SCORP RA Europe

Shaimaa Adel PC GBV

Sahiba Maniar PC EHRH

Dalia Hamza PC EDHA

Yassmine Boumzebra Support Person

Juliette Matthijsen Support Person

Zainab Elyas Support Person


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Amrish Nanhu Support Person

SCORP Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions The Standing Committee sessions during the General Assembly Meetings is the decision making body of the respective Standing Committee. It also aims to run activities with concrete plans of action, coordination and working strategies. For this March Meeting, the SCORP International Team and Sessions’ Team has been working hard on planning an agenda that would serve the needs of our members, an agenda that would boast the work of the Standing Committee. For a full description of the agenda check the concept note.

Sessions Description For a full description of all the SCORP Sessions Click Here

March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit l 33

SCORP Sessions

Regional Sessions Description Build your SCORP ! This March Meeting, and after long discussions, we are adopting a new approach to the Regional Sessions. As part of the measures to empower the regional work, and set a common ground for the work of SCORP around the world, we have reconstructed the Regional Sessions to “Build your SCORP!”, to be a platform to deliver and support in the development of the capacities of the members with an approach sensitive to the regional needs and challenges.

Important Info In this section, you can find the essential platforms and materials that are important to join, or take a look at before the start of the meeting! SCORP Regulations SCORP Email Server: subscribe at SCORP Facebook Group SCORPions Drive SCORP Activities Database The Database is the place to cherish the great ideas and enormous efforts of you, SCORPions! For any activity you conduct, you can use this form to submit your activities to the SCORP IT. g. SCORP Events Guide The SCORP Events Guide is a platform to help you navigate through all the international events that are taking place, all in one place! If you are organizing such events, there are a lot of SCORPions who are eager to attend them, so make sure to submit your event for motivated SCORPions to discover about them through [this form]. h. SCORP Insights: The SCORP Newsletter SCORP Insights is our official newsletter that is published quarterly through the e-mail server. The Newsletter was created with the aim of providing SCORPions with a space to express themselves and share their ideas.

a. b. c. d. e. f.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

i. IFMSA Global Priorities j. IFMSA Programs

k. You can contact the SCORP International Team through 1. Dalia Hamza - PC Emergencies, Disaster Risk and Humanitarian Actions: 2. Sahiba Maniar - PC Ethics and Human Rights in Health: 3. Shaimaa Adel - PC Gender-Based Violence: 4. Madeleine Kazindu - SCORP RA Africa: 5. Ana Paula Estrella Saa - SCORP RA Americas: 6. Batara Bisuk - SCORP RA Asia-Pacific: 7. Ahmed Zayed - SCORP RA EMR: 8. Elena Scholmann - SCORP RA Europe: 9. Amine Youcef Ali - SCORP PR and Communication Assistant: 10. Berkehan Erkilic - SCORP Development Assistant: 11. Maria Krayem - SCORP General Assistant: 12. Tammy Yu - LRP: 13. Mahmood Al-Hamody - SCORP Director:

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l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCORA Sessions

Welcome Message “You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” ― Angela Davis Dear SCORA participants, dear change makers family, we ensure we will be there for you for and to those who act as if it were possible to all your questions and you’ll grow your SCORA radically transform the world, wings very soon with great company. For the ones that already spread their wings and The General Assemblies are unique chances to are not new to this kind of welcome messages, we meet up, get to know what’s ongoing in other ensure you’ll engage and still learn and get ideas places around the globe, discuss, reflect, gain to develop back home as this March Meeting, new knowledge in addition to skills, get inspired it’s only the start point to more initiatives and and empowered. The Sessions Team is getting activities to come during the term in which you ready to provide you with all of those aspects all can take part! during 5 days of sessions. See you in Rwanda, where we will act as if it Overall, during the March Meeting, the SCORA were possible to radically transform the world, sessions are your space: Your space, where and then go home to actually start working on it! you feel safe to participate, where diversity is embraced, where you have a saying and where On behalf of the MM20 Sessions Team, every opinion counts. Lalu, SCORA Director 2019/20 For the new ones, welcome to the international

Introduction to SCORA Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS is a gathering of passionate individuals who are committed to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights and are arduous about creating positive change in their local communities. Vision: a world where every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination. Mission: to provide our members with the tools necessary to advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights within their respective communities in a culturally respected fashion. This has been accomplished through building the skills and knowledge about, providing trainings on Comprehensive Sexuality Education other respective reproductive health issues, exchanging ideas and projects, as well as drafting policies and working with our external partners in order to create change in local, regional and international level.

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SCORA Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Laura Lalucat SCORA Director

Eglė Janušonytė LRA

Klaudia Szymus SCORA GA

Hicham Smaali SCORA DACB

Abra Zahid SCORA DA ME

Fatima Rodríguez SCORA RA Americas

Shweta Poduval SCORA RA Asia-Pacific

Ieva Berankytė SCORA RA Europe

Shaimaa Adel PC GBV

Arsene Koumbem PC HIV&AIDS & other STIs

Erica Clemente Sessions Team

Sama Eleraki Support Person

Stephanie Hauser Sessions Team


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Mehek Cheema Support Person

SCORA Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions Time

Day 0


Day 1 (02/03/2019)

Day 2 (03/03/2019)

SCORA is having real impact

Day 3 (04/03/2019)

Day 4 (05/03/2019)

Day 5 (06/03/2019)

When the personal becomes political

SCORA is all about you!

Community empowerment: the future is intersectional!




Day 6

7:30 8:00 8:30





Grow your Spread your wings Setwings up your Step up your CSE programme: CSE project: how to tackle one step SOGI forward ExRep Update - 25 years of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30


Beyond the infection: HIV and politics

Social Program (Walking Tour)

ExRep training

Capacity building Disussions

Living library: SRHR criminalisation around the globe Exchanges Fair

Capacity building plenary

Institutional violence: Obstetric violence Activities Fair Break (30)

Privilege and SOGIESC through history coming out for SOGIESC GBV: intersectionalit y approaches and prevention GBV: from victim to survivor strategies Toxic masculinity

Round table: Health, Access, Rights

New Theme event session / GP sesson Lunch

13:00 13:30




NMO Hour

NMO Hour

NMO Hour


14:00 14:30 15:00

NMO Hour

15:30 16:00

Theme Event


Arrival day


Plenary Simulation


NMO Hour


Break (15)

Presidents Session

Rex Crossley Awards

EB Debate Break (15)

Your Point of View Skills and tools for SRHR

Break (15)

See you soon: way forward, closing and picture Activities Fair

Regional Sessions (16:45 - 19: 00)


Joint Sessions

Plenary (16:45 - 19:00)

Training Sessions (17: 00 - 19:00)

Regional Sessions (16:15 - 19: 00)

SCORA Plenary

Break (15) Sexual Rights and people living with disabilities

Plenary (17:45 - 19:00)

19:00 19:30







20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00

TO NMO Buddies Opening Ceremony & Dinner

Break (30) Plenary



23:00 23:30 0:00

Social Program

Social Program (NFDP)



Social Program (Fringe)

Social Program

Social Program (Cultural Night))

Closing Ceremony & Social Program

Departure Day

Sessions Description The SCORA Agenda is divided into theme days in order to provide a comprehensive approach and tackle topics with a certain flow and easy to follow the structure:

Day 1: SCORA is having real impact Grow your wings

New to SCORA? First international event? This session is for you: to help you navigate the packed agenda, understand the basics and make the most of it!

Spread your wings

If you’ve been in SCORA for a while and you are already familiar with the structure: we will dive into how to implement your policies at a national level.

Set up your CSE programme: how to tackle SOGI

If you don’t have a Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programme back home, here you will see how to set the basis and how to include sexual orientation and gender identity through different methods and how to deal with the different obstacles you could face.

Step up your CSE project: one step forward

For the ones who already are involved in a CSE project, we will explore how to step up your in classroom expertise and your out of classroom skills in order to implement CSE based initiatives in other environments and settings.

ExRep Update - 25 years of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

What has been going on outside IFMSA in the SRHR arena? Apart from an overall update, you’ll get familiar with the 25th anniversary of the ICPD Programme of Action, the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as how to apply those documents to support your work.

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SCORA Sessions

Sessions Description Day 3: When the personal becomes political Beyond the infection: HIV and politics

HIV criminalization is still prevalent worldwide: you’ll get to discover it’s origins and the strategies to tackle them at different levels in addition to exploring SRHR and HIV linkages within the human rights framework.

When helpers hurt: Tackling Obstetric Violence

An often normalised and disregarded form of violence in healthcare settings: how can we identify it, respond to it and generate change in the long run?

Living library: SRHR criminalisation around the globe

We’ll go through the highlights of diverse SRHR criminalisation cases around the globe in the hopes of creating empathy towards these cases of SRHR criminalisation amongst participants.

Round table: Health, Access, Rights

Come join us in an interactive session led by our external partner! We will delve into methods of values clarification and attitude transformation in context of criminalisation and access to safe abortion as a direct follow up from the Living Library.

Day 4: SCORA is all about you! Skills and tools for SRHR

The opportunity to gain useful skills to develop your SRHR activities in your NMO: you’ll pick a topic and join a small working group to focus on it. Topics will include public speaking, how to make an annual working plan, how to work social media to your advantage, fundraising and much more!

Activities Fair

A chance to share, network and get inspired by other members initiatives. Bring a poster or any other material to present your activity to the world!

Sexual Rights and people living with disabilities

An often neglected connexion: you’ll get to understand the barriers to sexuality for people with disabilities, explore your own perceptions on the topic and discover how healthcare providers can shift this paradigm.

SCORA Plenary

We will go through the amendments to SCORA Regulations, SCORA X-Change Regulations and brand new SCORA Capacity Building Regulations. Questions? Contact

Day 5: Community empowerment: the future is intersectional! SOGIESC throughout history

Get ready for a human-sized board game that will take you through history, pop culture, terminology and many more facts related to LGBT+ community.

Toxic masculinity

Aiming to deconstruct the notion of toxic masculinity and get to its roots, we will be analysing its effects and identifying ways to debunk it in our societies.

Privilege and coming out for SOGIESC

GBV: from victim to survivor GBV: intersectionality approaches and prevention strategies


Most of our daily life would sometimes get bored or feel like a routine, but some small actions and rights we practice could be part of a whole list of privileges that we are not aware of. We will explore those privileges that are taken for granted while discussing which groups have limited access to them. We will also tackle the notion of coming out when it comes to the dos and the don’ts. In this session, we will be focusing on the ABCs of GBV as we will determine the right terminology to use. Then we will escalate from there to discuss the actual notion of GBV and its types. Prepare yourself to have mind-blowing discussions and rethink our perspectives when you think about GBV. We’ll discuss multiple axes of discrimination and how they play a role when it comes to prevention.

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Your Point of View

What worries, angers or pushes you to keep going? During this session a row of speeches showcasing unique experiences or opinions answering the previous questions surrounding the topic of SOGIESC. A call for speakers will be out!

Regional SC Sessions Agenda:

During Regional Sessions, Regional Assistants prepared different formats to tackle topics that concern the region in addition to updating you on what will happen the rest of the term. Region Africa Americas Asia Pacific EMR Europe

Session content It’s time for Africa! Ready to discuss the next plans for the Region? The Regional Priorities will be tackled: let’s see them from a SCORA perspective! From an open discussion on patriarchy and oppression of women in the region to addressing topics such as gender inequity and gender-based violence, you’ll build the way forward with regional initiatives on the matter. What’s coming next? From regional campaigns to other initiatives, you have a saying! BDSM: are you familiar with the acronym? Get to break out the facts around it, discuss media stereotypes and expand your knowledge to new horizons.

What to Bring ? Important Info Promo Material: during the SCORA Activities fair, every member is invited to put up a poster that describes the activities in a few words and photos. You can bring leaflets, brochures or other promotional materials (like a short video presentation) to share your initiatives with the rest of the SCORA participants. Energizers: Working together for a lot of hours can bring down the energy a bit! Please, don’t forget to bring with you the best energizers possible to keep the SCORA spirit up throughout the whole event. Condoms: Bring condoms from your country, we will even host a competition you’ll learn more about it soon! Red Clothes: As you know SCORA’s colour is red, we advise you to pack at least a rec piece of clothing for group picture purposes. Also, keep in mind that for the sessions one needs to wear comfortable clothes and footwear. Computer/Tablet/Notebook or Something to write on! Get organized! We don’t want you to miss any important information, so take notes and share them with your NMO.

An open mind and loads of motivation: Gathering all this new information might be very confusing at first. Don’t be afraid to ask us any of your inquiries and stay open to challenge your intern perceptions. Safe space: SCORA sessions are your safe space, a place intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations. It’s where you can fully express yourself without fear of judgement. You can escape being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of your opinion or identity (biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, cultural background, age and physical or mental ability).The space is not isolating and promotes healthy learning, listening and gratitude where physical and psychological safety is ensured. Keep this into account anytime during the overall sessions, it’s our responsibility to keep this environment!

Keep yourself Updated ! Click Here !

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l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

SCOPH Sessions

Welcome Message Dear SCOPHeroes around the globe, I can’t believe that we are already creating our first survival kit for the term! Time really does fly. I welcome you all to the March Meeting, and more so, the SCOPH Sessions. IFMSA General Assemblies are a very unique opportunity for medical students from all over the world to meet and discuss global health issues. I invite you to attend the meeting with lots of energy and enthusiasm to learn and interact with other individuals interested in public health. Be prepared to delve deeper into public health than you would inside the classroom. Be openminded to receive knowledge, attitudes and practices from different parts of the world. The knowledge and skills that you acquire ultimately depends on your own motivation to learn. Seize this opportunity!

I hope that you will make the most of the assembly in Rwanda. Meet people and network with future health leaders. Grow your appreciation for global health. Have fun. Enjoy every bit-sessions, theme event, plenaries, social programs etc. See you soon in Kigali, Sarah Maitho

Introduction to SCOPH Vision Medical Students attain the optimal skills and knowledge to contribute to their full potential towards the making of healthier communities in their capacity as medical students and as future healthcare providers. Mission The Standing Committee on Public Health promotes the development of medical students worldwide regarding Public Health issues through an international sharing knowledge network, projects management, community-based learning, capacity building, advocacy, exchanges placements and access to external learning opportunities. Find out more about us (Click here)

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SCOPH Sessions

Meet the Session Team

Sarah Maitho SCOPH Director

Omnia El Omrani LPH

Mohammad Mamdouh IFMSA-Egypt

Mohamad Osman MedSIN-Sudan

Ahmad Magdy IFMSA-Egypt

Ritika Mishra MSAI-India

Eun Byul Jung KMSA-Korea


Blanca Paniello Castillo AECS-Catalonia

Roxanne Sr-Pierre-Alaine IFMSA-Quebec

Lotta Velin IFMSA-Sweden

Haidar Alani IFMSA-Iraq

Asad Haydar LeMSIC-Lebanon

Taur Lillestik EstMSA-Estonia

Olayinka Fakorede NiMSA-Nigeria

Basheer Almashgari NAMS-Yemen

Mohammed SaifAldeen Dagmawit Workagegnehu MedSIN-Sudan EMSA-Ethiopia

Mohamed Abdel Aziz IFMSA-Egypt

l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

Randa Eltamih MedSIN-Sudan

SCOPH Sessions

General Agenda & Sessions

Sessions Description DAY 1 Welcome session & Introduction

Welcome to the orange world! In this session, we will briefly present the agenda for the meeting, mention if there are any modifications, introduce the Sessions Team and get energized for the GA ahead of us!


First time at an IFMSA meeting? Have you only just started in SCOPH and you want to learn more about our SCOPH world, our orange structure and our orange work? Then get ready for awesome interactive activities, where we will be challenging you to build and solidify the knowledge and understanding you have of our Standing Committee. In this session, we won’t hide any secret! A session that will definitely make your world even more orange.


Have you already worked in SCOPH but you still want to know how the deepest structures work? Do you know the most innate and inherent knowledge of the orange committee? We challenge you to discover the skeleton of SCOPH and to be a professional SCOPHero!

Get to Know Each Other

Amongst all the hard work and intense sessions, there will also be some time to have fun and meet other SCOPHeroes from around the world. Your Sessions Team has prepared an awesome team building activity for you and we are already looking forward to it!

Behind the Scenes (IT Updates)

During this open space the SCOPH International Team will be updating you about all the efforts put into practice during these last months (SWGs, meetings, events…). Moreover, you will get to know the future steps of the Standing Committee! Come and ask us!!!


Ready to be Inspired? What do all the other SCOPHeroes do around the world? SCOPH talks will give you an insight into new SCOPH-related ideas and projects. We will have motivational speeches on personal stories and SCOPHistories from several different speakers. Hear yourself out on the SCOPH Talks, and bring all the SCOPH-inspiration home!

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SCOPH Sessions

Sessions Description SCOPH Fair

Activities are but not limited to projects, campaigns, workshops, exchanges. Activities or Projects are the heart of IFMSA. During SCOPH fair, you get to experience various impactful activities carried out by SCOPHeroes all over the World. It is a perfect opportunity to get exposed to various SCOPH other project ideas that you can implement back home.

DAY 3 SWG Time

This time is set aside for you to brainstorm on various areas of work within the orange committee. This is a chance for you to share with us your brilliant ideas which we will implement after the GA.

The Beginning: Story of Gaea and Asclepius

According to the Lancet, climate change is now the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The health impacts of climate change are accelerating as our ecosystem is shifting. We are here to take you through the multiple links between climate change and health.

The Next Chapter: Terra vs Salus

Climate Change is an opportunity to improve global health. It is our duty as the health workforce of tomorrow to become climate advocates and protect the health of our current and future generations. Here’s how the policy-making of the climate agenda works.

Eco Anxiety: The Pandemic of 21st Century

Mental health conditions are the leading cause of disability and ill-health in youth, and ‘eco-anxiety’ has been on the rise. The climate crisis is increasingly impacting both our physical and mental health. We need the necessary knowledge and skills to empower and treat those who suffer from the mental health consequences of climate change.

From Farm to Fork, Does That Still Work?

Addressing our food systems is imminent to both human and planetary health. Recognising that a transition to sustainable food systems will have a direct impact on health through increased food security, provision of adequate nutrition and cessation of hunger, and hence promote health for all.

DAY 4 SCOPH Capacity Building

Brief capacity building training sessions will be held and participants can choose which to attend. You will also learn how to set up SCOPH capacity building back home.

External Opp! Action for Alcohol Prevention

Don’t miss the unique opportunity with Mr.Isaah Ali from the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance. He will take you through the policy-making strategies for alcohol reduction and prevention, in addition to giving insight into how to address the influences of the alcohol industry on such policies.

The Umbrella of Health = The Umbrella of Life?

The first thing that comes to our mind whenever we think about umbrella and health is Universal coverage, one of the most interesting public health topics. In this session we will be discussing how can we implement UHC within our health systems and what needs to be fixed in order to achieve UHC.

The Wallet of Health

When we talk of UHC, we inevitably discuss health financing. Is health care accessible financially? We’ll learn more about the cost that healthcare places on our wallets.

Operation: The World

5 billion people in the world don’t have access to surgical care when needed. This affects women who need c-sections, youth in road traffic accidents and children with congenital malformations.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

DAY 5 NPO Plenary

During this session, the National Public Health Officers will meet and discuss the way forward on different aspects of current SCOPH work. The SCOPH Regulations and Annexes will be reviewed and amended, based on your input. Other participants may observe the NPO Plenary Come prepared! For NPOs especially: please re-read the SCOPH Regulations and Annexes, read the submitted Regulation Change Proposals, prepare your short statements explaining any motions or amendments you have possibly submitted in the Call for RCPs, and swiftly review the SCOPH page for any necessary changes.

SCOPH Hackathon on Mental Health

At SCOPH Hackathon, you will be given tasks which requires group efforts to solve the proposed problem and real world Public Health Challenges. Prior knowledge about public health topics and experiences will be put to test here.The goal is to have dynamic dialogues and discussion around the topic and design an innovative solution to the problem.

IT Roast

Are you curious about a certain IT member’s work? This session provides an avenue for you to ask them any questions.

Living Library (mini-sessions)

Global health is vast, and we can only discuss so much during one GA. To provide a bigger menu of topics to learn about, we will have the sessions’ team serve you with knowledge on other global health issues. Are you curious about the topics we will talk about?

Forum of Representation

The forum of representation is a session made for members by the members. Every participant is invited to share the challenges they are facing at home when it comes to SCOPH and present the ideas or solutions they have for the SCOPH IT to work on.

Regional Standing Committee Sessions Region

Session Description


The regional meetings and IFMSA general assemblies are golden opportunities for us as African SCOPHeroes to gather up in order to discuss our issues, come up with new solutions and plan the way forward. In the session, the regional priorities will be discussed in addition to any other issues presented by the SCOPHeroes.


Americas’ SCOPHeroes! Feel very welcome from the beginning, this is your home. Join us in our regional session, to discuss about the outcomes after the Americas Regional Meeting, to analyse our progress around our regional priorities as SCOPH and as Americas, including our topic for the year: Humanitarian action and Peace Building.


The Regional Sessions are the perfect chance to strengthen the bonding of SCOPHeros around the region. Extensive discussion about our progress towards goals regarding regional priorities and readjustments with a little more focus on SCOPH exchanges, will be discussed. Join us for brainstorming together about our Regional Priorities AMR and NCD and getting to know what’s going on in SCOPH Asia-Pacific!


How can we contribute to our SCOPH regional priorities? How can w work on tackling public health issues in our countries? How can our region lead the impact in the global and public health fields? All this and more will be discussed in our regional sessions for this MM. Wait for unforgettable regional sessions, where you will gain so much experience and knowledge that will help you become the SCOPHero you always dreamt of becoming.


European SCOPHeroes! Regional Sessions are the perfect chance to meet numerous highly motivated SCOPHeroes, exchange ideas, establish new collaborations and make new friends! Join us and let’s get to know each other, brainstorm about activities and projects we could tackle together regionally!

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SCOPH Sessions

Where to find us ? We will use a Facebook and WhatsApp group to communicate with you about the SCOPH during MM20. In these groups, we will publish daily updates, resources and even presentations and other materials you might be interested in. We will create the groups and send the links to joIn via our main communication channels below. Please join the groups! Members of the Sessions’ Team will also be contacting the participating SCOPHeroes personally, either through Facebook or by email, so look forward to receiving a message from us - your SCOPH Buddies!

SCOPH General Communication Channels:

SCOPH Yahoo Server: Subscribe to ifmsa-scoph mailing list by sending a blank email to SCOPH Facebook Group: HERE

Reach the International Team:

RA for Africa (Mohamad): RA for Americas (Catalina): RA for Asia-Pacific (Sajib): RA for Eastern Mediterranean Region (Mohamad): RAs for Europe (Ilulia and Taur): DA for SCOPH (Blanca): GA for SCOPH (Asad): LPH (Omnia): SCOPH Director (Sarah): To learn more about what the International team does, read our task descriptions in the SCOPH Regulations.


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit


l March Meeting 2020 Joint Delegates’ Survival Kit

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