Projects Bulletin Issue 2

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International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

Projects Bulletin ISSUE 2

MARCH 2007


Message from the Editors Here is the second issue of the Projects Bulletin with more great projects in IFMSA. The idea of competition has encouraged submission to the Projects Bulletin; we have received 13 projects applications to gain the title of "best IFMSA project". The panel of experienced students in project management in IFMSA has evaluated the applications according to standard criteria and named the top 5 projects in IFMSA to date. The Projects Bulletin can be a very helpful tool in promoting your project worldwide. Also, it can be used for quality control of the projects. We hope the Projects Bulletin becomes a source of motivation for more medical students to start new projects serving our communities. The editorial board can only evaluate projects which apply for it, thus there might be better projects running within the IFMSA network that we don’t know about. The next issue would be published by next August in print and online - we are looking forward to hear about your projects!

Ahmed Magdy & Goran Mijaljica

BEST IFMSA PROJECTS Kumba Village Project page 2 Residency Database page 3 Uganda Village Project page 4 Teddy Bear Hospital page 5 Night Ambulance page 6

Idiot's Guide to Projects page 1-8

Projects Announcements page 7

Idiot's Guide to Projects Projects in IFMSA One of the main activities of the IFMSA and its member organizations are projects. According to the IFMSA Bylaws, the term Projects refers to activities in any field of interest of medical students within IFMSA principles, aims and policy statements. This includes Projects, Events, Workshops, Surveys, Networks and Campaigns. The Projects Support Division is the advisory and reference body of issues related to IFMSA Projects. We currently have 41 official projects in IFMSA, one of which has the endorsed status, two initiative projects, and the remaining projects are recognized as IFMSA transnational projects. Projects are the central activities of the IFMSA. Through projects, IFMSA members act locally, whilst the constant international cooperation allows them to keep a global level of thinking. Projects make IFMSA dynamic, active and useful for the local communities. Whether they are working in a village in Uganda, making children smile while examining their teddy bears, educating medical students about transplantation medicine, educating about the danger from HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis, or helping the inhabitants of Kumba, our projects represent the soul of a student-run organization and proves we have broken the cultural barriers to join forces to fight for a better and healthier world!

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