SCOPH Newsletter Vol. 1

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SCOPH Newsletter

Vol. 1 2020/2021

SCOPH IT 2020-2021 Mohamed Osman Omnia Elomrani Iris Bloom Mauricio J. Murillo Argueta Mohamed Mamdouh Eissa Ahmed Magdy Duaa Khaled Mohamed Kelvin E. GutiĂŠrrez Herrera Hiba Thasleem Georgio Toumieh Nuria Perez Gascon Gregory Papantoniou Agata Okulus Mohammed SaifAldeen Salman Khan Elyes Cherif

Layout Camila Luna Centeno


Message from the SCOPH-D!


Meet the IT


Monthly Reports


CB Updates


SCOPH Campaigns updates




Regional Meetings & Outcomes


SWG Updates


SCOPH Bingo!


SCOPHeroes Around the Globe!


OGA MM21 Updates


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Message from the SCOPH-D! Mohamed Osman

Dear SCOPHeroes around the world, It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the first edition of the SCOPH Newsletter: Behind the Orange Curtains of the term 2020/21. The SCOPH International Team is working very hard to ensure meaningful engagement of the SCOPHeroes in the work of the Standing Committee while acknowledging all the difficulties that prevent members from being an active agent in the decision-making process. Over the past months, we have been brainstorming on new approaches to solve this issue and make the SCOPHeroes engagement easier. and try our best to make the process as easy and smooth as possible. Transparency is a value that we uphold with all our hearts and it certainly guides our work and all the efforts we make. This newsletter was created to summarize the work of the IT in the past 4 months and give you an insight into the progress we have made. It covers the updates of the individual work of the IT members, SCOPH Capacity Building, SCOPH External Affairs, and SCOPH programs. It also aims to break the ice between you and your orange IT in an attempt to make the communication more casual. Please do read the newsletter very carefully, learn all the updates written and step up to maximize all this impact and spread it among your colleagues and fellow heroes. Happy reading, Mohamed


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Meet the IT 20-21 Mohamed Osman Fun fact about myself is that I don’t have a playlist and I’m not a big fan of music, and about my country, there are around 118 local languages in Sudan. SCOPH-D

Omnia Elomrani A fun fact about me is that I have always wanted to shift my career and become a radio presenter. The 365-day calendar that is divided into 12 months was invented in Egypt. IFMSA LPH

Iris Blom The Netherlands' highest point is 322,7 meters above sea level (Vaalserberg) and the lowest 6,76 meters below sea level (Prince Alexander Polder). I, myself, live under sea level! IFMSA LWHO

Mauricio J. Murillo Honduras has one of the biggest coral reefs in the world! (the second after the Australian one). And about myself, I almost didn’t involve in the IFMSA but my best friend convinced me to do it (best decision ever!) SCOPH GA

Mohamed Mamdouh Eissa


The shape of the Egyptian pyramids is said to have been inspired by the sun's rays. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the king's soul ascended along with the sun rays to the sun god.


SCOPH Newsletter | January Ahmed Magdy In ancient Egypt, due to cats enjoying basking in the sun, they were linked to the Sun God, Ra, and worshiped. A fun fact about myself is that I wouldn’t even touch a cat a year ago, now I have a cat, his name is Smsm (Sesame). SCOPH ME DA

Duaa Mokhtar Sudan means the land of the black in Arabic. And a fun fact about me I speak a lot when I'm in a stressful situation. SCOPH RA Africa

SCOPH RA Americas

Kelvin Gutiérrez Several hypotheses seek to explain the origin of the name "Mexico". Among the proposed etymologies are expressions in the Nahuatl language like "Place in the middle of the century plant" (Mexitli) and "Place in the Navel of the Moon" (Mēxihco). Hiba Thasleem A city in Pakistan, Sialkot, produces more than 50 percent of the world's football balls.


Georgio Toumieh It is still illegal to wear shorts in public in Lebanon (even though this is not implemented anymore). Also fun fact about myself: I once almost choked after eating a banana and some nuts. SCOPH RA EMR



Nuria Pérez Gascón People in Spain are supposed to be really good dancers and have the rhythm running through their veins, but I am an authentic disappointment to my country since I am a complete mess when dancing and have no rhythm at all.

SCOPH Newsletter | January

Gregory Papantoniou There are more than 2000 islands in the Greek territory, but only 170 are populated. PC CD

Agata Okulus


Poland has the biggest castle in the world measured by land area. Malbork castle was originally constructed by Teutonic Knights and happens to be situated 5 minutes from my grandma's house! and about me: I love music - I can sing and play 3 instruments! Mohammed S. Osama Sudan is that it was the first country to have a female parliamentarian in Africa and the Middle East (1965) and a female Minister of Health (1974). A fun fact about me is that I can recite the lyrics to almost any Ariana Grande's song.


Salman Khan


There is a popular saying that depicts India’s linguistic diversity: Kos-kos badle paani, chaar kos badle baani; A fun fact about me is that I like to binge-watch soap operas and take notes and try to predict the future plotlines based on them. Elyes Cherif Tunisia is home to the northernmost point of Africa, Cape Angela (Ras Angela). A fun fact about me is that I’m a huge fan of Football but I’m the worst player ever.

PC Menta Health


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Monthly Reports

January 2021

Click on the covers to read the full report!


SCOPH Newsletter | January

CB Updates NPO Competency Module: NPOs are considered the SCOPH leaders in their NMOs. They lead the public health activities together with their teams and ensure efficient contribution to the positive change in their communities. On many occasions, many NPOs start their terms, not well-oriented about the requirements of the job, especially when it comes to the required competencies. One of the duties of the SCOPH International Team is to build the capacity of the national SCOPH leaders, by equipping them with the required knowledge and skills in order to be able to perform in the most efficient, effective, and professional manner. This is why this module is proposed in order to provide IFMSA and its NMOs with a batch of competent NPOs, able to lead SCOPH nationally, regionally, and internationally for the betterment of our committee and community. Objectives: To educate at least 70% of the NPOs of each region on at least 3 soft skills mentioned in the Need Assessment Responses by the NPOs. To educate at least 70% of the NPOs of each region on at least 3 hard skills mentioned in the Need Assessment Responses by the NPOs To educate at least 70% of the NPOs of each region on at least 3 Public Health-related topics mentioned in the Need Assessment Responses by the NPOs. To educate at least 70% of the NPOs of each region on at least 3 SCOPH related topics mentioned in the Need Assessment Responses by the NPOs. To create a standardized NPO competency module framework to be used for the upcoming terms.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Campaigns Updates UHC Campain Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has been one of the main topics that IFMSA heavily advocates for across all standing committees for the past few years. This year, in celebration of the World UHC Day, the SCOPH IT along with the SCOPE and External Affairs ITs, conducted a week-long campaign that aimed to address different aspects of UHC, while at the same time highlighting the efforts of the IFMSA and the effect of COVID-19 on the UHC progress around the world. Objectives: To increase the knowledge of IFMSA members and NMOs about UHC and UHC-related topics. To showcase and further mobilize the efforts of IFMSA NMOs within UHC Promote the integration of UHC within IFMSA’s professional exchange program. To highlight the effect of health emergencies on UHC Outcomes: Infographics, posters, and videos were shared across all IFMSA social media channels. The #SmileForUHC challenge was launched. A total of four sessions tackling different topics within UHC were held. A Webinar was hosted by IFMSA where a representative from UHC 2030 was invited to speak and answer questions. The IFMSA UHC Activities Competition was held with participants from all regions of IFMSA. The UHC Activities Map was shared with all IFMSA members.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

ActiviTEA! This section is of, by, and for the passionate SCOPHeroes who strive to make a difference through activities. Below are some of the activities from each SCOPH Programs which you can draw inspiration from and encourage yourself to Think Global and Act Local. We also bring to you resources curated by your SCOPH PCs that can help you. Do not forget - Rock En'roll to Achieve your goal! Climate and health letter campaign | SfGH UKA Campaign and advocacy-related activity, tackling fossil fuel divestment and climate change. According to the SfGH, it is the UK's responsibility as the COP26 host to limit the non-environmentally friendly solutions. To tackle the issue, in collaboration with MedAct, they wrote a letter to the COP26 organizers and the UK government, advocating for things like canceling all the new fossil fuel extractive projects. Then they launched a campaign to promote the letter and get signatures, contacted the media, and presented a brief during the MedAct event. Overall the activity had a massive impact they collected over 1100 signatures and the government agreed to the demand mentioned above. Universal Health Coverage | IFMSA Egypt UHC is a continuous activity carried out by IFMSA Egypt. It aims to increase the knowledge of medical students about UHC and primary health care, focusing on family medicine and its importance for both issues. In addition to that, it aims to highlight how medical students can be involved in the achievement of UHC, by targeting medical students themselves, the medical educational institutions, relevant national UHC stakeholders, and the society at large.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Universal Health Coverage | IFMSA Egypt UHC is a continuous activity carried out by IFMSA Egypt. It aims to increase the knowledge of medical students about UHC and primary health care, focusing on family medicine and its importance for both issues. In addition to that, it aims to highlight how medical students can be involved in the achievement of UHC, by targeting medical students themselves, the medical educational institutions, relevant national UHC stakeholders, and the society at large. World Diabetes Day | IFMSA - Kurdistan Being a continuous activity, the one-day camp aimed to raise awareness about Diabetes and its risk factors and advise people about the importance of physical exercise and nutrition in the prevention and control of diabetes. Flyers and brochures were distributed among the general population and people were also tested for random blood sugar levels. Positive feedback was recorded from the target group as well as the volunteers of the camp. Green Couch | EMSA Ethiopia Green Couch is a continuous activity, organized by EMSA Ethiopia, that targets medical students. It aims at tackling the issues that this group faces during their education, through a number of different ways. Indeed, they are currently holding trainings and seminars on Mental Health issues that students are dealing with and working on regular campaigns to share knowledge and reach out to more people. Adding to that, they managed to create a mentor-mentee volunteer system that allows mentors to follow up on the mental status of medical students, offered the opportunity to participants to join support groups, and provided counseling sessions.

Activities Resources

IFMSA COVID-19 Response


Communicable Diseases' Resource Center


SCOPH Newsletter | January

Regional Meetings

OARM by SCOPH RA Africa (Duaa khaled Mohamed) The OARM 2020 was one of the most challenging yet impactful events in the African Region. The challenges, Lessons, and unforgettable experiences in organizing Regional meeting in an online format from A to Z were mindblowing. I'm more than happy by the impact that we made, the memories and friendships we built, and the new lessons that we gained and taught with our members, sessions team as well as for each other as RT. I'm sure that the upcoming virtual capacity building opportunities would be more impactful to keep increasing our beloved region improvement cycle and to meet our Lophiely SCOPHeores needs and expectations throughout the rest of the term. Outcomes: Parallel sessions about SCOPH basic and advanced knowledge were conducted. Thematic days about SCOPH Africa Regional priorities( NCDs and UHC) were organized. Session about IFMSA SCOPH programs was conducted by IFMSA VPA. Session about IFMSA External Affair opportunities was conducted by EA RA Africa. Forum of representation to know the African SCOPHeroes needs and issues was held.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

OAmRM by SCOPH RA Americas (Kelvin Emmanuel GutiĂŠrrez) If I could describe the Online Americas Regional Meeting in one word I would say: Amazing! During the working days of the AmRM21, we had the opportunity to learn, share experiences and gain a lot of new friends from all over the region. We had four days of SCOPH Sessions, and there we learned mainly about Health Systems, Environment & Health, and Mental Health. The attendees were really participative, and thanks to that now we have a wider perspective of the function of the health systems and its response to certain public health problems in several countries of the Americas region, but also we share possible solutions, highlighting our role as medical students in the decision making of these problems. Nonetheless, the AmRM was full of different opportunities to learn more about Public Health, we had Open Space Discussions and theme events with renamed externals. Outcomes: Follow up on possible regional collaborations for activities related to Mental Health and Environment and Health IFMSA Alumni delivered a session on Planetary Health Forum of representation to know the Americas SCOPHeroes needs and issues. A collaboration with SCOPE to conduct an UHC Simulation Coordination with other RT members to conduct a WHO Simulation.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

SWG Updates PHLT-T Online Course Reform SWG The PHLT-T has been one of the main and oldest SCOPH capacity-building initiatives. It is the online course responsible for providing IFMSA with trainers, who are well equipped to deliver PHLTs, in their full capacity all around the world. Lately, the PHLT-T has been recognized to require reform in order to be well prepared for building the capacity of IFMSA members, in terms of knowledge, skills, and competencies to become the PHLT trainers that this federation needs. Therefore this SWG was proposed to reform the online course, with the aim of its development and betterment. Objectives of the SWG: Gather and Analyse Feedback from PHLT trainers. Evaluate and Analyse the existing curriculum for the PHLT-T. Develop the curriculum for the PHLT-T. Develop the evaluation plan for the PHLT-T. Create updated regulations, if necessary, for the PHLT-T. NCDs Week Campaign SWG NCDs was one of the IFMSA global priorities last year and it’s still a SCOPH regional priority for three regions in IFMSA. Therefore we developed the idea of compiling NCDs under one campaign to maximize the effectiveness and save resources. That being said, we are opening a call for a SWG to create content for the NCDs week campaign, therefore, increasing SCOPH members’ engagement with the work of the IT and improving the members’ capacities regarding NCDs. Objectives of the SWG: Creating the concept note of the NCDs campaign. Raising knowledge of NCDs and its various aspects through the campaign. Encouraging NMOs to implement activities on NCDs. Promoting IFMSA actions and external work on NCDs.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

SCOPH Bingo! The only instruction is to try to complete a column, row, or diagonal line. Remember to share and challenge your fellow SCOPHeroes!

Subscribed to the SCOPH Server.

Part of the IFMSA SCOPH Facebbok Group.

Organized a Public Health activity before.

Have a friend in the IT.

Know abouth Public Health, UHC and SDGs.

Attended a SCOPH Session.

Read a SCOPH Policy Document.

Enrolled an activity under a SCOPH Program.

Said LoPH before.


SCOPH Newsletter | January

SCOPHeroes around the globe!

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Aya (Egypt)

Saif (Iraq)

Joan (Cata


Kiendrebeogo (Burkina Faso)

Sawadogo (Burkina Faso)


Tiendrebeogo (Burkina Faso)






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Rachid (Burkina Faso)

Yara (Palestine)

Sasha (Ecuador) )


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SCOPH Newsletter | January

MM21 Updates

GA MM21 MM21 by SCOPH GA (Mauricio J. Murillo) Dear SCOPHeroes around the globe the Online General Assembly March Meeting 2021 (OGA MM21) is coming and we can not wait to meet you all at the SCOPH Sessions. The preparations for the OGA started early in December discussing the general timeline for the sessions, selecting the number of participants per NMO, the general discussion about the NPO Plenary, and opening the call for the SCOPH Regulations' Change Proposals; after that, the call for Sessions' Team (ST) and Support Persons (SP) was shared and we have a lot of amazing applications but unfortunately we had to make the selection based on the motivation, experience, regional representation, and the overall impression. With the appointment of the ST and SP we get to work together first establishing the ground rules for the team, started brainstorming about the topics for the SCOPH Sessions and its preliminary structure, the facilitators for each session were selected and the description for each one was created. We shared the ST on the Facebook group and very soon we will share everything you need to know to be prepared for the sessions in the Survival Kit and we will have a preparatory webinar so you can feel confident to be an active part of the sessions and the NPO Plenary. Finally, we encourage you to reach out to the ST if you have any doubts prior to the sessions and share the LoPH around the globe!.


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