SCORA Manual 2011

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Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

SCORA Manual “The only way of fighting AIDS is through prevention. The only way of prevention is through education.”

Update: June 2011

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




What can you find in this manual? Few words from your SCORA Director


Abbreviation you should know in SCORA


History of IFMSA


History of SCORA


The structure of SCORA


How to start SCORA in your country?


SCORA projects




International Women’s Day (IWD)


Sexual Education – Peer Education


Tips and Tricks in SCORA


Some of the Topics SCORA dealing with…


Awareness Ribbons colors and meaning


Co-operating Publications


Events Calendar


International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Few words from the Director Dear friends all over the world, welcome to SCORA! SCORA, the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS, is one of the six committees within the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Through SCORA, medical students across the globe work locally, nationally and worldwide to increase awareness and health concerning reproductive health and related issues. The vision of SCORA is a worldfree of HIV/AIDS and other STIs, with complete respect for every person’s reproductive rights and choice of sexuality, and with universal gender equality. Our mission is such that, as an organization of future doctors which is not affiliated to any religious or political party, we will, through education, strive to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections whilst challenging the widespread violation of reproductive rights and gender inequality. We will also encourage respect of choice of sexuality and understanding of sexuality as a whole. We are all affected by reproductive health: women, men, children, adolescents, mothers and infants, fathers and families. From the beginning, SCORA has believed that one of the important methods of fighting AIDS is through prevention; and the only way of prevention is through education. Therefore, the main focus of this committee is on activities that emphasize already existing solutions and create new educational programmes for medical students, as well as for the general population, emphasizing teenagers as a risk group. This is done through training, awareness campaigns, local, national

and international projects, assessment and improvement of medical education. The activities of students working in SCORA concentrate on promotion of healthy sexual and reproductive behaviours and contraceptives, prevention of HIV and STIs, on fight against all forms of stigma and discrimination towards PLWHA (People Living With HIV) and LGBTQI community, prevention of unsafe abortion, on respecting gender equlaity and maternal health. The projects are a little different in each country, but mostly we have the same basis: interactive methods to get people involved and to get them thinking, we focus on talking and communication without giving long lectures and the whole session should be as much fun and interactive as possible. I hope this manual finds you well and provides you with the information you were looking for. If there is anything you are missing, anything you would like to contribute to this paper or anything that you feel should be updated, please let the SCORA-D know so we can keep this manual up to date! If you have any other questions or new ideas for SCORA please feel free to contact me under This manual shall serve as a guiding tool with which you can learn how to establish SCORA in your own countries and how to plan and follow through your Committees' growth and development. I would like to express big thank you to Federica Magne, coRA for Europe for help in editing this newest edition of the Manual and Benoit Meunier for proofreading and final design. Also, I would like to express my gratitude to all the efforts done by previous SCORA Directors and I am looking forward to get more updates and contributions for this manual to come.

Joško Miše Director on Reproductive Health including AIDS 2010 - 2011

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




SCORA-abbreviations you should know IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations SCORA Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS SCORA- D SCORA Director SCORA – LO SCORA Liaison Officer SCORA – RA SCORA Regional Assistant NORA National Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS LORA Local Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS NMO National Member Organization GA General Assembly MM March Meeting (GA) AM August Meeting (GA) STI Sexually Transmitted Infection HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HAART Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy PLWHA People Living with HIV/AIDS WAD World AIDS Day WAC World AIDS Campaign FGM Female Genital Mutilation FGC Female Genital Cutting WHO World Health Organization UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund PMNCH Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health ARV Anti RetroViral HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy DA Development Assistant IWD International Women’s Day CLM Candlelight Memorial LGBTQI Lesbians/Gays/Bisexuals/Transgenders/Queers/Intersexuals IPET International Peer Education Training

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




History of IFMSA The year was 1951. Medical students from eight countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, England, and Austria) gathered in Copenhagen to start a non-political organization for medical students. The purpose of this organization is to "study and promote the interests of medical student cooperation on a purely professional basis, and promoting activities in the field of student health and student relief". So the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) was born. Initially three committees are formed: Standing Committee on MedicalExchange (SCOME), Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), and Standing Committee on Students' Health (SCOSH). A bureau of information was set up in Geneva to establish contact between all members and international organizations. One year later the first General Assembly (GA) took place in London, 30 students participate representing 10 countries. This year, 2011, IFMSA celebrates its 60th anniversary! The original eight member countries have been joined by many more. IFMSA is the world's largest student organization representing medical students from more than 95 countries and still constantly growing. During the past 60 years the structure and functions of IFMSA have been changed several times. From the original European group, the association has grown to include members from all over the world. IFMSA principles have been further defined in the present constitution, which states that:

The federation pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, national, sexual or any other discrimination The federation promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians The federation respects the autonomy of its members.

Currently there are six existing Standing Committees in the IFMSA: - SCOME: Standing Committee on Medical Education (contact director: - SCOPE: Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (contact director: - SCORE: Standing Committee on Research Exchange (contact director: - SCOPH: Standing Committee on Public Health (contact director: - SCORA: Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (contact director: - SCORP: Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (contact director: International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




History of SCORA In 1992 the newest working group in IFMSA was formed, namely SCOAS, the “Standing Committee on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases”. The committee was formed as the result of the concern of IFMSA on the growing number of people living with AIDS and the strong will of medical students to participate in programs for prevention of HIV and STIs. The activities in SCOAS later developed from HIV/STIs advocacy and awareness campaigns to encompass a wider range of reproductive health and related issues. This leaded to a change of focus for the committee in 1998, resulting in a new name: “The Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS”, SCORA in short. From the beginning, SCORA has believed that one of the important methods of fighting AIDS is through prevention; and the only way of prevention is through education. Therefore, the main focus of this committee is on activities that emphasize already existing solutions and create new educational programs for medical students, as well as for the general population, emphasizing teenagers as a risk group. Other activities have been directed towards promotion of healthy sexual and reproductive behaviour, prevention of HIV and STIs, prevention of abortion and appropriate use of contraceptives, reproductive rights, women's rights (gender equality), the fight against domestic violence, Female Genital Mutilation, and maternal health. A number of international workshops have been organized by SCORA throughout the years, which mirror the development of this committee. SCORA develops and promotes medical students’ empowerment and activities aiming at improving sexual and reproductive health and rights led by students for the benefit of their communities. This is primarily done through peer education and trainings, advocacy and awareness campaigns at all levels from grassroots to international.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




The structure of SCORA The SCORA Director is elected once a year in August by the National Member Organizations (NMOs) of the IFMSA during the General Assembly. The SCORA director coordinates the work done by National Officers; keeps an overview of the ongoing activities worldwide and offers support wherever needed. The SCORA-D supports local, national and international projects and promotes those to members and externals. The SCORA-D provides members with information, tools and resources to ensure the aims of SCORA: to raise awareness amongst the wide public, to spread knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and to decrease stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS as well as assure that the right messages are disseminated in the appropriate language. Not only giving out information but also collecting data to spread it within the groups as well as presenting it to partners is one of the tasks. Papers, leaflets and manuals need to be kept up to date and they need to be made accessible to members. Also the SCORA-D is responsible for planning, organizing and assuring that the SCORA meetings at the IFMSA General Assemblies in March and August go smoothly. The SCORA LO – the Liaison Officer for SCORA is responsible for external contacts. She or he represents SCORA to externals, like UNFPA, UNAIDS, and other UN Agencies and NGOs related to SCORA work. All external contacts should go through the LO. There are individual LO’s for the WHO and UNESCO within the IFMSA. The SCORA Regional Assistants(RAs) are helping the SCORA director to coordinate the work in the five regions within the IFMSA. They communicate specifically with the NORAs in the region and should attend the regional meetings to chair the SCORA sessions. They also should report back on regional activities to all SCORA members and represent their regions in a biannual GA brief. The SCORA Development Assistants (DAs)- implemented in SCORA structure in August 2008, the role of Development assistants is to assure that more SCORA people are involved in the international team in order to divide tasks and make sure positions are run by other members than the Director, the current positions are: * Training Assistant(TA) * Project Initiation and Development Assistant (PIDA) * New Technologies and Marketing Assistant (NTMA) * Publications Assistant (PA) In October 2010 there was a decision not to have DAs for the term 2010-2011. The NORA, the National Officer on Reproductive health including AIDS, is elected by his or her NMO. The task of a NORA is to coordinate and to encourage local or national activities in the respective country. The NORA is also responsible for communication with and reporting back to the SCORA Director and the Regional Assistant. NORAs are recommended to attend the IFMSA GA’s in March and August, representing International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




their country within SCORA as well as regional meetings. At these meetings, NORAs network with other NORAs, exchange ideas and attain new knowledge and motivation to bring back home to the local committees. The LORA, the Local Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS, is working at grassroots level and is in charge of activities on local level, i.e. the medical school. The LORAs should communicate with and report to the NORA (and sometimes to the RA or SCORA-D).

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




How to start SCORA in your own country? Think globally and act locally! One of the strengths of IFMSA/SCORA is that we work together locally, worldwide. Through campaigning, workshops and peer education we intend to increase the awareness among medical students, as well as in the general population, of safe sexual behavior and HIV prevention, of gender equality and women's health. Knowing that these are global issues, yet complex and multifaceted, we encourage medical students to voluntarily take active part in local campaigning for better health as a crucial aspect of our work. Step-by-step Starting up SCORA • Find out about your National Member Organization of IFMSA. Get in contact with the president, find out about the structure of the organization and introduce your ideas. • Find a few students interested in the topic. With a dedicated team, small or large, experienced or with no idea… Success is secure! • You need to research the reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, sexual behavior, etc. situation in your country. • Learn about local/national organizations involved in reproductive health. Contact them, they might provide you with valuable material, suggestions and contacts. • Collect information about already existing projects locally or nationally: What has been done so far concerning reproductive health and HIV/AIDS? Are there any peer education projects on sexual health?

• • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • •

A – no activities up till now? Consider starting locally first. Start small and let your working group grow slowly Form a small group of students interested in SCORA. Start a safe sex campaign at your medical school or any other peer education topic (e.g breast cancer awareness). Look at your medical curricula, anything missing? Look in your university for the programs concerning reproductive health and try to organize an event: lecture about sexual education, sexually transmitted infections, female genital mutilation (FGM). Arrange a discussion about women’s empowerment on International Women’s Day (March 8th). Sell ribbons for charity, give out information, leaflets and condoms on World AIDS Day (Dec 1st). Organize a training on peer education. Contact a NGO for HIV positive people and arrange for a meeting. Visit a youth clinic. Hand out condoms and information leaflets in local pubs. Start a mailing list between students in your university to exchange ideas and enthusiasm. B – If there are different programs at different universities, consider building a national network for collaboration and exchange of ideas. Suggest to your NMO to have national meetings to exchange ideas and enthusiasm. Start a national mailing list. Compile a national activities report and distribute it to each university. Get in contact with an active SCORA from another country that can share its experience, the problems faced and the success achieved (Godfathering program). Contact the international SCORA director ( who can provide you with up-to-date International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




information about current SCORA activities and subscribe you to the international SCORA mailing list for exchange of ideas with other NORAs (National Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS). Just send a blank e-mail to to join the international mailing list. Attend a regional or international IFMSA/SCORA meeting to get motivation, ideas and friends!

Now that you have a team, local connections with other organizations, a SCORA network internationally, you are ready to act locally. Now that you have an idea about “how to start SCORA in your own country”, all you need is a couple of students, enthusiasm, and dedication! Good luck! ☺

SCORA PROJECTS SCORA has currently a number of IFMSA recognized projects – Transnational (officially recognizing collaboration between two or more national member organizations of the Federation) or Endorsed (run by one national member organization), the projects are: Transnational Mr and Ms Breastestis (Viviana Radica Northern European Cooperation of Sexual Education Projects (NECSE) (Pihla Patamaa, Eva Hesmondhalgh eva.pcmd@gmail.cpm ) SCORA Twinning (Johanna Hoeper, Jelena Krizancic ) SCORA Xchange (Ezgi Ince Andrea Ardeleanu ) Workshops in Peer Education for Medical Students in Lebanon and Poland (Fadi Halabi, Katarzyna Zochowska ) First Gynecological Consultation (Mardelangel Zapata For a Homophobia Free World (Patricia Vazquez Rivas ( ) Sexperience (David Alexandre Gryesten Jensen, Faydra Lieveld Illuminaids: zero stigma and discrimination towards PLWHA (Julie Hebert, Nicolas Khattar Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): (Khalda Rana Salem ) Daphne Katarzyna Zochowska

• • • • • • • • • • •

Endorsed • •

Sexual Education For Sex Workers (Johana Calderon Galvez ) Red Party ( )

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




SCORA Exchange or SCORA X-change The SCORA EXCHANGE program aims to provide medical students with theoretical knowledge and practical work concerning HIV/AIDS. This will be achieved through lectures, laboratory work and direct contact with HIV positive children and with people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). This project was developed for the first time in Sweden and since 1999 it is being held also in Romania. Later on, Romania and Poland joined forces, and by 2002 the project was recognized as an IFMSA transnational project. After this, other countries shared in bringing up the project bigger and bigger, as Brazil, Egypt, Estonia, Hungary, Netherlands, Turkey, Serbia, Sudan and Indonesia. This big family hopes to be joined in the near future by more members who can carry out the program and maintain it.

World-AIDS-Day World AIDS Day was conceived and adopted unanimously by 140 countries meeting at the World Summit of Ministers of Health on AIDS, London in January 1988. The day was envisaged as an opportunity for governments, national AIDS programs, non-governmental and local organizations, as well as individuals everywhere, to demonstrate both the importance they attached to the fight against AIDS and their solidarity in this effort. World AIDS Day is commemorated around the globe on December 1st. It celebrates progress made in the battle against the epidemic — and brings into focus remaining challenges. Community based actions take place all over the world, media supported campaigns take place to attract people's attention and remind them that HIV/AIDS is not to be forgotten. World AIDS Day is also important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done. Each year a particular theme is chosen for World AIDS Day: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1988 - Communication, join he worldwide effort 1989 - Youth; our lives, our world – Let’s take care of each other 1990 - Women and AIDS 1991 - Sharing the Challenge 1992 - a Community Commitment 1993 - Time to Act 1994 - AIDS and the Family 1995 - Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 1996 - One World. One Hope 1997 - Children Living in a World with AIDS 1998 - Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People 1999 - Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children and Young People 2000 - AIDS: Men make a difference 2001 - I care. Do you? 2002 - Stigma and Discrimination 2003 - Stigma and Discrimination 2004 - Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS 2005 - 2008 - Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise 2009 - 2010 - Universal Access and Human Rights

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




In June 2010, UNAIDS adopted new vision strategy: zero HIV-infections, zero AIDS-related deaths, zero discrimination. It is the vision we all should work towards achieving by the year 2015, the year set by Millennium Developmental Goals. In early 1991 Visual AIDS in New York created the idea for a global symbol in the fight against AIDS. A symbol for solidarity and tolerance with those often discriminated by the public - the people living with HIV and AIDS. The Red Ribbon was born.

The Red Ribbon is: • • • •

Red like love, as a symbol of passion and tolerance towards those affected. Red like blood, representing the pain caused by the many people that died of AIDS. Red like the anger about the helplessness by which we are facing a disease for which there is still no chance for a cure. Red as a sign of warning not to carelessly ignore one of the biggest problems of our time.

On December 1st, medical students all over the world try to raise awareness through numerous activities, such as lectures, exhibitions, distribution of condoms and pamphlets, charity concerts etc. For the full information of what SCORA members have been doing on World AIDS Day and what you could do, check out the latest World AIDS Day report which is stored in the SCORA yahoogroups or ask the current SCORA-D to send it to you!

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




International Women’s Day International Women’s Day is a traditional international day that focuses on raising awareness about problems related to girls and women all across the globe. In this part of the Manual, you will have the possibility to explore the history and specific themes related to this event, as well as to get few pointers on International Women’s Day in the IFMSA. International Women’s Day (March 8th) aims at honoring the achievements of women and promoting women's rights. Recognized as a national holiday in numerous countries, it has been sponsored by the United Nations (UN) since 1975 under the name of United Nations’ Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. International Women’s Day Themes Ever since 1996 UN has selected a special theme for IWD in order to put a special focus on one aspect of empowerment of women all across the globe. THEMES Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future Women at the Peace Table Woman and Human Rights World Free of Violence against Women Women United for Peace Women and Peace: Managing Conflicts Afghan Women: Realities and Opportunities Gender Equality and MDGs Woman and HIV/AIDS Gender Equality beyond 2005 – Building a more Secure Future Women in decision making – Meeting Challenges, Creating Change Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls Investing in Women and Girls Women and men united to end violence against women and girls Equal rights, equal opportunities: progress for all Equal access to education, training and science and technology: pathway to decent work for women

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




IWD, SCORA & SCORP One of the major focuses of the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA) is the empowerment of youth and woman to take initiative when it comes to reproductive health and rights. The Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) also focuses on the empowerment and education of the youth in human rights and peace related issues, with focus on women and their rights. During March Meeting 2011 in Jakarta, SCORA and SCORP together organized a celebration of IWD! It is of great importance to give women’s rights the momentum that is required due to the delicate existence of human nature. An attempt to truly address issues that have roots in social gender inequality and inequity, as well as special physical and pathological processes that affect girls and women should be addressed by a pallet of activities through joined efforts of medical students worldwide

Call for Action – what can you do? All above mentioned issues are an issue here and now, these are issues that affect girls and women all over the globe one way or the other. Being affected by any point stated can change the future of girls, radically shift faiths and lives of women, which inevitably affects whole families and societies as a whole. There are quite a number of activities you as a medical student can do to celebrate IWD: •

Raising Awareness

Building Knowledge and Skills

Raising Support, Funds or Materials

Promoting the Event, etc.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Sexual Education/Peer Education What is peer education? Peer education describes education programs that make use of trainers and educators who share similar background characteristics with those being taught. Our being medical students and teaching things when we meet at GA’s is peer education.

In the case of SCORA sexual education programs, the trainers are of a similar age to those being trained, and will often have come from a similar background, helping the young people relate to them. This has been shown to be especially effective when teaching sensitive topics such as sexual health education, which is why it is used so extensively throughout SCORA projects. In SCORA what we do when we go into high schools is not exactly peer education but very close to it. Young teaches young. The use of peers also means that the language and messages used are more relevant to the young people, and therefore more useful to them. Another advantage of peer education is that it is cheap, as the trainers are non-professional, and so are not paid for their work. They are, though, specially trained by others to be able to teach effectively. Peer education projects usually work in small groups and make use of interactive techniques and games, producing a comfortable and non-judgmental environment. The educators also gain from being involved in peer education – they learn new skills, personal development and leadership skills. SCORA projects also provide the educators the chance to work with young people, to learn about sexual health issues and hopefully have fun!

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Peer education has been implemented and studied all over the world, and has been shown to be very effective. Studies have shown that: • Many young people prefer to receive reproductive health information from ”peers” rather than from adults. • The involvement of peer promoters significantly increases referrals for contraceptive services at a fixed site. • Interactive training improves project outcomes. • Turnover is a common problem in peer programs but it can be partially addressed by careful selection, the use of contractual agreements, and by good support, reinforcement, compensation, or other rewards.

Overall, peer education is a valuable tool and has proved to be an effective and interesting way of teaching and learning. The emphasis is largely on making the teaching fun for the young people ensuring the lessons learnt are not forgotten. SCORA already has many successful projects running all over the world, showing that peer education can work in any environment.

How to organize a Peer Education Project in your country? Structure 1. Goals 2. Need 3. Co-partner 4. Structure of the project 5. Proposal 6. Fundraising 1. Goals Three major goals were defined some time ago within SCORA: • Peer Education - training (medical) students to become sex-educators; • Prevention – e.g. of STIs, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, prejudices towards minorities; • Practice – the peers will be trained in how to communicate with people – a skill especially needed by future doctors. 2. Needs Make sure your project is needed. To assure that, you can use different methods: • Visit the schools: meet with teachers or the principal, to inform whether a project would be needed and could be allocated; • Make a survey: get clear what the pupils already know and what has been taught, as well as what kind of education could be needed; • Potential copartners: organizations that are already working in the field of sexuality and adolescent health. 3. Copartners Look out for potential copartners. They can be helpful through cooperation, information and contacts; in short: they can save you a lot of work and energy. Copartners could for example be: • Local or national AIDS-organizations; • NGOs working in the field of sexuality and adolescent health, especially in your town; • Professors and/or officials connected to your university or faculty.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




4. Structure of the project To get clear about the structure you need to ask the following questions: • Who do I want to reach? The target group has to be clarified • How can I reach my target group? In the schools, on the street, in Youth Clubs... • Who could help me? Think again of your copartners, the university, important people you know, etc. • When do I want to start? It is important to set yourself a deadline, otherwise you won’t get anything done. 5. Proposal The proposal is one of the most important things. It is your tool to present your project to others and it will raise money. That is why you should put a lot of effort into writing it. While writing, always keep in mind: be concise and clear. One of the ways to structure your proposal could be the following: • Cover letter - doesn’t belong to the proposal. Should especially be written for the potential funder. Make sure to show the possible outcome for the prospect. • Abstract - a brief summary of your entire proposal; • Goals - see above; • Methods - the ways of carrying out the project (training workshop, games, etc.); • Qualifications - what is SCORA and IFMSA; • Evaluation - pre- and post-test; • Budget - this is to be blown up in a realistic manner. Make sure to include a Board of Recommendation (know little, have big names) as well as a Board of Advisories (know a lot, have contacts, smaller names). 6. Fundraising Money makes the world go round – and it makes your project work! Funds can be obtained from the following institutions: • University • City • State/province • Country • Funds • Others - private funds. One of the approved of strategies is: call-send-call or meet-send-meet (or variations to this). The most important thing, though, is to be enthusiastic in a submissive, but confident manner, you just have to be good! Give it a try, otherwise you will never know! Never forget to think about contacts you might have or get! They can save you money and a lot of work. Remember that nice expression: positive penetrance! You are the best and your project is the one the world needs.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Start - Peer educators and target group Providing that the proposal is finished and the funding is well on its way, the time has come to start thinking about finding our medium (the peer-educators) and approaching the target group (secondary school students). 1. promoting the project to (medical) students: • posters, leaflets, stickers, free condoms • mouth to mouth information (so talk, talk, talk!) • present yourselves to university news and student magazines • demonstrations in lectures • working acts • Safe Sex Party • promote with a certificate for the trained peer-educators 2. pre-meeting for interested people: This meeting is to explain the purpose of the project to students interested in participating. This is to be done by explaining: • the goals • methods • target groups • dates 3. training workshop: • 20-30 participants • duration: minimum a long weekend (three days) and max. 1 week • location: a hotel or hostel, to make sure all are intern (improves the bonding and the spirit) •


The workshop will be started with a pre-test evaluation. o mornings: these are mainly filled with lectures and forums on: • fact and figures of the different STIs • anatomy of the reproductive system o afternoons: they are mainly filled with practice (playing and explaining the different games that are in the programme) • ground rules, group rules • self-reflection on sexuality • pedagogy (what does a class do with you and what do you do to a class / role plays) • all different games (ABC of sex, synonyms, mental and physical development, transmission, Romeo’s accident, gender conviction) Pointing out the possible target groups: • school setting • supporting school doctors / nurses • go out on the streets • advanced education for students • PE in advanced and vocational schools Ending the workshop – there should be a post-test evaluation.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




As an example how to proceed after having trained the peers, here is an outline about what the first contact with a school could look like and what should be clear before starting the session. Always remember that you do not necessarily have to go into schools! Keep alternatives in mind and be creative. Only do what you feel comfortable with and what suits your peers and your country. The first contact could be by: - phone; - a meeting (face to face); - a questionnaire. Give a brief information about what, who and how. Avoid overloading people with information. If there is more information needed, distribute it through sending: - a leaflet with all needed information - your proposal - if wanted - an explanation of the different games with their goals and methods. After all that is done, a meeting should take place to get a background on the class and prepare the session. The following aspects should be treated: • size of the class, gender spread (boy-girl ratio); • ethnical diversion; • already existing knowledge; • has there been previous exposure to peer-education or certain games? • materials needed - to be provided by the schools • further explanation of the program • prepare a leaflet for the parents – if needed The program in class should at least last 2 - 4 hours. Good Luck and a lot of fun with your project!

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Tips and tricks in SCORA CONDOMS • • • • •

• • •

Where to get them? Local and national AIDS organizations NGOs (non governmental organizations) Condoms manufacturers (like Durex and other brands) Regional UNAIDS offices might be able to help out, especially with educational material but maybe also condoms Ask Ministries in your country for money so you can buy condoms Any preferred time to ask for condoms? And how often should one ask? Try to keep in touch in between. Don’t only contact them if you need something but keep them updated of what you are doing, send them reports of your activities to show them what their condoms are used for. Give the companies time so they can work on your request. Short term notice is not appreciated when you try to get something. Have a certain project that you need things for, i.e. sexual education, World AIDS Day

MATERIALS – Where to get them? • UN-agencies have a whole lot of information which you can have a look at on their websites. And usually they are happy to send you things if you ask. Try to go trough regional offices! • Local and national organizations working in the same field as SCORA. • Your partner organizations. • Other NORAs.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Some of the topics SCORA is dealing with. HIV/AIDS? What is it all about? The global percentage of adults living with HIV has leveled off since 2000. In 2009, there were 2.6 million new HIV infections (compared to 5.4 million in 2000) and 1.8 million HIVrelated deaths (compared to 2.8 million in 2000). Globally, there were an estimated 33.4 million people living with HIV in 2009. The rate of new infections has fallen in several countries but globally these favorable trends are at least partially offset by increases in new infections in other countries. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily affected by HIV, accounting for 67 per cent of all people living with HIV (22.5 million people living with HIV) and for 75 per cent of AIDS deaths in 2009, mostly among children. However, some of the most worrisome increases in new infections are now occurring in populous countries in other regions, such as Indonesia, the Russian Federation and various high-income countries. In virtually all regions outside sub-Saharan Africa, HIV disproportionately affects injecting drug users, men having sex with men, sex workers & their clients, and prisoners. Women and girls face a range of HIV-related risk factors and vulnerabilities that men and boys do not, mainly as a result of injustice in society. Often women and girls cannot choose who to marry, who to have sex with and when or insist on condom use. Illiteracy rates among women are nearly 50% higher than among men in many countries. Only a small fraction of land is owned by women. Half of all women live on less than US $ 2 a day. Criminal laws and inheritance laws make it easy for men to take advantage of women. Girls already make up the majority of children not in school. Education is a key defense against the spread of HIV. If attending school they are often taken out when AIDS strikes the family to run the household and to take care of the sick relatives. Generally women and girls provide the biggest part of home-based care. Often girls marry men significantly older than they are, and these men are more likely to have had other partners and therefore are more likely to have been exposed to HIV. Women are much more likely to contract HIV from a single act of unprotected sex with an HIV-infected partner (male-to-female transmission during sex is about twice likely to occur as female-to-male transmission). In sub-Saharan Africa about 2 million children younger than 15 years are living with HIV. They make up almost 8% of the people living with HIV in the region. This number could be a lot lower if women were offered antiretroviral drug prophylaxis during their pregnancy to avoid mother-to-child HIV transmission. Currently only 1% of pregnant women in highly-affected countries are offered such services.

(Information taken from the annual report of UNAIDS of 2010)

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




What is Reproductive Health? Reproductive health (as defined by the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994) is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes at all stages of life. Reproductive health therefore implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. Women and men have the right to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation of fertility, which are not against the law. They also have the right of access to appropriate health-care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. Reproductive health care is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques, and services that contribute to reproductive health and well being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations, and not merely counseling and care related to reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases. In support of this aim, WHO's reproductive health program has developed four broad programmatic goals: • Experience healthy sexual development and maturation and have the capacity for equitable and responsible relationships and sexual fulfillment. • Achieve their desired number of children safely and healthily, when and if they decide to have them. • Avoid illness, disease, and disability related to sexuality and reproduction and receive appropriate care when needed. • Be free from violence and other harmful practices related to sexuality and reproduction. Reproductive Rights Reproductive rights are certain human rights that are already recognized in national laws, international human rights documents and other consensus documents. These rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. It also includes their right to make decision concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence, as expressed in human rights documents. In the exercise of this right, they should take into account the needs of their living and future children and their responsibilities towards their communities. Why are the reproductive rights not always respected and followed? Inadequate levels of knowledge about human sexuality and inappropriate or poor-quality reproductive health information and services are some of the reasons. Other explanations include the prevalence of high-risk sexual behaviour; discriminatory social practices; negative attitudes towards women and girls; and the limited power many women and girls have over their sexual and reproductive lives. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable because of their lack of information and access to relevant services in many countries. It is important to target these people before they establish their sexual and reproductive beliefs and behaviours. Equally so, older women and men have distinct reproductive and sexual health issues, which are often inadequately addressed. International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Gender What is the difference between sex and gender? Sex includes the biological and physiological characteristics of men and women while gender is socially constructed roles and behaviours. The UN has approved, as one of the Millennium Development Goals, to promote gender equality and empower women. Why is gender important? Women make up 70% of the worlds poor and only hold 6 % of seats in National Cabinets. This gives them less power to protect their rights. Women have less access to education witch is proved to be an important factor for good health. Gender issues concerns both men and women. The culture could expect men to be more risk taking and there is an expectation of men to be more violent. This leads to harm for both men and women. HIV/AIDS increases more among women today but they have less access to treatment. Gender is an aspect of life that follows us in everything we do. (WHO) What can we do then? 1. Educate ourselves. 2. Educate other medical students about gender issues related to health like: • Rape • Contraception • Rights to your own sexuality • Domestic violence • Circumcision 3. Make statements and increase the consciousness in society. Gender values are not the same in different times or places. Therefore actions on this issue have to be suited for each countries needs. But remember-it is possible to make a change! (gender department of the World Health Organization) (United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women) (UNESCO priority women, gender equality)

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Awareness ribbons colors & meanings Red Ribbon : • Meaning: Most commonly associated with the fight against AIDS and HIV White Ribbon : • Meaning: This color is a symbol of violence against women, peace Blue Ribbon : • Meaning: Child abuse Pink Ribbon : • Meaning: Most commonly associated with breast cancer awareness, Purple Ribbon : • Meaning: This color is a symbol of domestic violence Rainbow Ribbon: • Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol of gay pride and support for the LBGTQI community and their quest for equal rights.

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




SCORA Publications 1. "Medical Student International" on Adolescents' Reproductive Health 1998 2. "Medical Student International" on Child Health-2000 3. SCORA Information Package for Newcomers – 2011 4. SCORA Peer Education Database - games and methodologies from different peer education projects in the world are compiled 5. World AIDS Day activity report - annually released 6. SCORA Magazine - SCORAlicious: published and archived at the ifmsa-scora yahoogroup 7. IFMSA-website: then reproductive health and

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Co-operating Organizations IFMSA co-operates with several United Nations agencies and other health organizations. IFMSA has appointed Liaison Officers to several of these organizations or to standing committees. A liaison officer takes care of the contacts between the organization and IFMSA members. Any contacts made with these agencies should always go via the Liaison Officer. Here there is a list of SCORA’s partners and IFMSA’s partners: UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) UNFPA - United Nations Populations Fund Y-PEER – Youth Peer Education Network UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund WHO – World Health Organization Global Health Council And also: CSIH – Canadian Society for International Health FHC – Female Health Company FHI – Family Health International FIGO – International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics IAS – International AIDS Society IAVI – International AIDS Vaccine Initiative MTV – MTV staying alive PMNCH – Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health UICC – International Union Against Cancer UNIFEM – United Nations Development Fund for Women WAC – World AIDS Campaign

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




Other interesting sites are... Family Health International Website: Or Here you can find information on Youth Net, a global program to improve reproductive health and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among people 10 to 24 years old. of course the SCORA part on the IFMSA homepage... - Staying Alive Staying Alive was set up in 1998 to provide vital information on HIV/AIDS prevention and to campaign against discrimination. Protect yourself by learning more and find out how you can play a part in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. On the website you can find a lot of information as well as some of the award-winning Staying Alive concerts, documentaries and TV campaigns from around the world. - a page set up by SCORA members and UNFPA & UNICEF in Lebanon. - Voices of Youth, by UNICEF. IPPF: the International Planned Parenthood Federation: One of the largest voluntary organizations in the field of sexual and reproductive health, including family planning and represented in over 180 countries worldwide - the United Nations Development Fund for Women. You can find information on women’s rights, empowerment of women and violence against women. - UNDAW - United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. Information on Gender issues and the status of women around the world.

Events Calendar February 6th March 8th April 7th Third Saturday of May May 17th July 20th October 4th Monday of October November 25th December 1st December 10th

International Zero Tolerance to FGM day International Women’s Day World Health Day Candle Light Memorial International day against Homophobia and Transphobia World Youth Day Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Day International Day of Elimination of Violence against women World AIDS Day Human Rights Day

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations




International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations


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