Mesopotamia III Survival Kit

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www.ifmsaiq.orgMade in Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia III Survival kit

This is an IFMSA Iraq Notice +964 772 272 Hamid

IFMSA Iraq aims to connect the Iraqi medical, dental and pharmacy students to communicate, collaborate, advocate and lead initiatives that create the change we believe in, IFMSA Iraq carries the voice of its members and empowers them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences through exchanges, external representation and a variety of opportunities and projects, to carry out meaningful student’s participation role and to shape the face of healthcare and educational systems in aspects of local, national and the international levels all together.

All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA Iraq to verify the information contained in this publication However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader

Disclaimer Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations Iraq POBox: 62861 Medical post office (10049) Baghdad, Iraq Tel:

© 2020 Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided

This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA Iraq The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA Iraq in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned

8123 web: President Hayder Tariq Rasheed Secretary General Saif AlMusawi Vice-President for Internal Affairs Roaa Kaori Treasurer Mohammed

Executive Board 2021/2022


mentioning the source

Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations Iraq is a non governmental organization formed by alumni and nonalumni medical students as part of the IFMSA worldwide. It started in 2012 and became a registered NGO in Iraq in the year 2015.

C O N T E N T S Welcomemessage TNT TSRHRT Whattobring Contact information

Welcoming Welcoming message message

" The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." Tony Robbins

Every great dream begins with a dreamer, a dreamer who can embark on a journey and has the determination to complete it. Always remember that you have the strength, patience, and passion to reach for the stars and change the world within you.

On behalf of SRT organizing committee, Moamel A. Al-Kaabi | Head of OC

As a result, the OC team is working hard to provide you with an unforgettable experience with these two workshops provided by SCORA and IFMSA's backbone, the Capacity Building Division (CBD), to equip you with the skills to be amazing trainers and be a part of the change. Finally, keep in mind that the key to getting ahead is to get started.

As the organizing committee, it is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to our Mesopotamia III Sub-Regional Training (SRT).

DearIFMSAIraq DearIFMSAIraq Family Family

TrainingNewTrainers TNT

hammed Fadhil IFMSA Iraq NORP Hajer Zakaria IFMSA Iraq CBD OTA / TPAB Mustafa Layth Workshop Coordinator IFMSA CB EDA TNTTRAINERS TNTTRAINERS Ali Al-Hilali IFMSA Iraq CBDD


DAY1 DAY1 This session will be about how can we develop a successful team and how can you as individual contribute into this team actively. DAY2 DAY2 This session will dig deep into your inner core of how can you become unleash your potential of becoming the leader that everyone needs through selfleadership , self awareness, conflict resolution, and situationalleadership. TEAMBUILDING TEAMBUILDING TEAMBUILDING TEAMBUILDING

DAY2 DAY2 PRESENATIONSKILLS PRESENATIONSKILLS FACILITATIONTECHNIQUES FACILITATIONTECHNIQUES This session has always been everyone's favorite because it gets into how can we develop the content of your presentation and how can we use the proper body language to make and engaging presentation. During this hour you will be instructed by trainers how can you facilitate learning in a capacity building session through a numebr o important techniques.

DAY2 DAY2 TRAININGSESSIONSP.1(NON-FORMAL) TRAININGSESSIONSP.1(NON-FORMAL) Here where the real business begins, its when we will learn about the training cycle, adulat learning and we will make in intro to the real training world. Needs Assessment is the key to making everything efficient and meaningful by identifying the gaps that our trainees or oganization have and develop our training sessions to fill those gaps and resolve issues. NEEDSASSESSMENT NEEDSASSESSMENT

DAY3 DAY3 TRAININGSESSIONP.2(LEARNINGTHEORY) TRAININGSESSIONP.2(LEARNINGTHEORY) Here we go with the learning theories by which we ill delve into how the the trainees brain work and how can we develop the content for the trainees of our training plan. Making a session with a big impact can be life changing, but evaluation follow up provides the means by which we can evaluate our work and follow up with our partciipants to increase the impact of the learned skills and knowledge. EVALUATIONANDFOLLOWUP EVALUATIONANDFOLLOWUP

DAY3 DAY3 DEBRIEFING DEBRIEFING GRAPHICFACILITATION GRAPHICFACILITATION Here we go with the learning theories by which we ill delve into how the the trainees brain work and how can we develop the content for the trainees of our training plan. Debriefing is an essential tool for a trainer, during which the trainer uses the skills of debriefing to explore what hs been learned after any activity, game or assignement given during a training session.

DAY4 DAY4 SAFEENVIRONEMENTAND SAFEENVIRONEMENTAND DEALINGWITHDIFFICULTPAX DEALINGWITHDIFFICULTPAX BEINGATRAINER BEINGATRAINER Here we go with the learning theories by which we ill delve into how the the trainees brain work and how can we develop the content for the trainees of our training plan. During this session we will explore how can you become an active trainer and develop yourself a trainer withing the federation.

TSRHRT TrainingSRHRTrainers

TSRHRT TTRAINERS SRHRT TRAINERS ZahraaAmer Workshop Coordinator IFMSA Iraq NORA HussamRiadh IFMSA Programs CBDA BalsamAhmed IFMSA Iraq SupCo member ZainabDhurqam IFMSA Iraq NORA GA RoaaKaori IFMSA Iraq VPI


DAY D1 AY 1 Inthissession,youwilllearnhowcanyoudevelop a successful team and how can you as an individualcontributetothisteamactivelymaking youasuccessfulSRHRtrainer. TEAMBUILDING TEAMBUILDING DAY D2 AY 2 PRESENTATIONSKILLS PRESENTATIONSKILLS Inthissession,wewilldigdeepintoyourinnercore ofhowcanyouunleashyourpotentialofbecoming the leader that everyone feedthrough selfleadership, self-awareness, conflict resolution and situationalleadership.

DAY D2 AY 2 Inthissession,youwilllearnhowcanyoudevelopa successful team and how can you as an individual contribute to this team actively making you a successfulSRHRtrainer. TRAININGNEEDSASSESMENT TRAININGNEEDSASSESMENT Inthissession,wewilldigdeepintoyourinnercoreof howcanyouunleashyourpotentialofbecomingthe leaderthateveryonefeedthroughself-leadership,selfawareness, conflict resolution and situational leadership. GENDERMAINSTREAMING GENDERMAINSTREAMING LIBRARY1: LIBRARY1: Inonly2hoursyouwilltake3sessionsafterdividingyouina sub-groupconsistingofonly5members!Inthese2hoursyou willlearnhowtogiveafeedback,theimportanceofdebriefing andogcourseasfuturetrainers,whataretheessentialtraining ethics.

DAY D3 AY 3 Herewegowiththelearningtheoriesbywhichweill delveintohowthethetraineesbrainworkandhow can we develop the content for the trainees of our trainingplan. LEARNINGTHEORIES LEARNINGTHEORIES Here we go with the main techniques and skills of facilitation,whatisthedifferencebetweenatrainer, facilitator and presenter? How can you make your sessionmoreengageableandinformative. FACILITATIONTECHNIQUES FACILITATIONTECHNIQUES DEALINGWITHCONSERVATIVESOCIETY DEALINGWITHCONSERVATIVESOCIETY Thissessionisaplacewherewecancreateasimulationby which you can learn how to deal with the conservative societies to have in a training session and how can you managethemsuccessfullyandcreateasafespaceforall participantstoengagewithinthetrainingroom.

DAY D3 AY 3 Makingasessionwithabigimpactcanbelifechanging, butevaluationfollowupprovidesthemeansbywhichwe canevaluateourworkandfollowupwithourparticipants toincreasetheimpactofthelearnedskillsandknowledge. EVALUATIONANDFOLLOW-UP EVALUATIONANDFOLLOW-UP In this session we will talk more about the effect of SRHR in our lives, What is the difference between old andnewme? WHATHASBEENCHANGED? WHATHASBEENCHANGED? LIBRARY2: LIBRARY2: HerewediveintotheworldofSRHRagain,2hourslearning moreaboutthemaintopicsofSRHR,whatisEDIandhow can we contribute implementing into our society? what doesGendermean?andwhatarethemainservicesyouth needs?

DAY D4 AY 4 Hereisthetimewhereyouwillconvertallwhatyou have learned during the past 3 days into practice. HereyouwillpracticeyourfirststepasSRHRtrainer. SIMULATION SIMULATION HIVANDAIDS HIVANDAIDS Haveyoueverthoughthowitwouldfeelifyoucontracteda certaindiseasewithoutknowingit?Isitbettertoknowthe diseaseorignoreit?ThisiswhatwewilltalkaboutintheHIV Testsession Have you ever wondered about how to draw people's attentiontoacertaintopicorhowtodefendanissue?Well basically that is called advocacy and this session is an introductionintowhatadvocacyandtheworldofexternal affairs. ADVOCACY ADVOCACY

Finally, don't forget to bring your phone to capture all of the wonderful memories you'll make. national ID & Student ID souvenir Traditional customSunblock cream Internet Vaccination card

What to Wbring? hat to bring?

Moamal Ali Head of Organizing Committee ﺮﻜﺴﻌﻤﻠﻟﺔﻴﻤﻴﻈﻨﺘﻟاﺔﻨﺠﻠﻟاﺲﻴﺋر +964780 541 6258 Contact Cinformation ontact information

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