Babylonia Camp III Survival Kit From 20-23 February
Made in Mesopotamia
IFMSA-Iraq Contributors Babylonia III Coordinator
Ali Ahmed Al-Hilali SMART Workshop Coordinator
Sarra Basim Hussam Riadh HRMP Workshop Coordinator
Mohammed Fadhel
International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Iraq is a non-governmental organization formed by alumni and non-alumni medical students as part of the IFMSA worldwide. It started in 2012 and became a registered NGO in Iraq in the year 2015. IFMSA-Iraq aims to connect the Iraqi medical, dental and pharmacy students to communicate, collaborate, advocate and lead initiatives that create the change we believe in, IFMSA-Iraq carries the voice of its members and empowers them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences through exchanges, external representation and a variety of opportunities and projects, to carry out meaningful student’s participation role and to shape the face of healthcare and educational systems in aspects of local, national and the international levels all together.
Layout Design Zahraa Adnan Jabur Hajer Zakeria
Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - Iraq P.O.Box: 62861 Medical post office (10049) Baghdad, Iraq Tel: +964 7714396322 web:
This is an IFMSA-Iraq Publication
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Welcoming Message
SMART Workshop SMART Workshop Trainers Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
HRMP Workshop HRMP Workshop Trainers Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 What to bring with you ? Contact Information
Welcoming Message Dear IFMSA family, " Be the change you want to see in the world " Gandhi once said raising the questions of what we want to see? and how we want it to be ? As The SRT organizing committee we are thrilled to invite you to where you begin your journey ! In Babylonia on the ancient city of Babylon we will take you on a three days journey filled with informative training sessions by day and fun social programs at nights in one of the greenest resorts in Babil city . On HRMP workshop we will focus on promoting human rights and encouraging future physios and give you the right tools to do so on smart workshop we are looking to apply the philosophy "think global act local " by giving you the proper tools , project management knowledge and skills We hope you will give us the opportunity to take care of you and share your valuable ideas by applying to the program On behalf of IFMSA Manhal Abdalkereem _ head of OC
SMART Workshop
T R T A r M a i S n t e e rs e M
Hussam Riadh
IFMSA-IRAQ VPE \ PCBDA 21\22 SMART Workshop Coordinator
Sarraa Basim
IFMSA-IRAQ PSDD 21\22 SMART Workshop Coordinator
Hayder Tariq Rasheed
Yousif Ahmed
Ahmed Sattar Albayati
IFMSA-IRAQ President 21\22
DAY 1 Presentation Skills In this session, you’ll be learning how to be a great presenter. You’ll be able to examine personal and presentation skills, and further apply the learned skils to create presentations of your own.
DAY 1 Needs Assessment This session will introduce you to why it’s important to determine the gaps between the current conditions and the “wants” of your activity, and how to perform effective activity needs assessments of your own.
Advocacy How can you get people’s attention on a certain topic? and How can you defend and voice a certain issue? We’ll dive deeper into that, and more, in the Advocacy session!
Activity managment pt 1 Activity plan, the cornerstone to a successful activity. In this session you will start learning the basics and the tools needed to build a plan that ensures your activity is heading towards the right direction, and helps you shape the impact you’ve set to achieve. Leadership & Group Dynamics This session will introduce you into how to unlock the potential of becoming the leader you aspire to be. You'll be guided through the frameworks you need to understand what leadership is, what kind of a leader you are, and the functioning of group dynamics to be able to guide groups to achieve your common goals.
DAY 2 Activity management pt 2 More on how to plan your activity in this session! You will be introduced to further/advanced tools that will help you ensure your activity plan is well structured in all aspects possible.
Monitoring & Evaluation Evaluation is a crucial step to assess your activity’s outcomes and help you imprrove it. In this session, you will get to know how to use the tools needed to conduct a thorough evaluation and monitoring of an activity.
Training Library P.1: Financial Management Finance is central for ensuring progress and development. Raising funds is not enough if they are poorly managed and pooled. In this session, you’ll get to know the basics on how to manage project finances in an organized, projectdriven, safe way.
Training Library P.2: Feedback Feedback is an essential tool in the everyday context, including our IFMSA work. In this session, you will get to know the ways on how to communicate feedback, so that you’re able to effectively use this powerful tool of yours.
DAY 2 Training Library P.3: Personal Branding "Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room". When you take control over the narrative that surrounds your persona, you can make important decisions about what you share and how people see you. Here, You will get to learn more on the powerful tool of personal branding and how it correlates with the success of your projects.
Crisis Management Improving projects’ resilience and facing uncertainty with confidence, is what crisis management revolves around. This session will introduce you into how to better manage uncertainty and potential risks facing your activities.
In this session, We’ll be exploring the amazing world of sustainable development and having an in depth look to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their correlation to your IFMSA work.
IFMSA Programs Have you ever heard of IFMSA’s Program System? Are you familiar with its significance and purpose? You’ll get to know all about IFMSA Programs, their focus, how they’re integrated in IFMSA work on the different levels, and how they try to bring the world closer to everyone’s sustainabile and equitable wellbeing.
Enrolment & Reporting Why connect your activities to IFMSA’s collective international efforts, and How to do that? In this session you’ll learn all the details of the activity enrollment and reporting processes that will help to get your activities directly contributing to the efforts IFMSA puts in to reach its mission and create sustainable impact.
HRMP Workshop
P T M r R a H i n t e e rs e M
Mohammed Fadhil
IFMSA-IRAQ NORP 21\22 HRMP Workshop Coordinator
Balsam Ahmed
IFMSA-IRAQ SupCo 21\22
Ali Ahmed Al-Hilali
IFMSA-IRAQ CBDD \ TPAB 21\22 Babylonia III Coordinator
Mustafa Layth
IFMSA CB Educational Assistant 21\22
DAY 0 Team Building As a starting point for our workshop, we will begin with a training session about how can we develop an successful team and learn how to lead these teams and the people around us to work together to support people in need and ensure human rights for all.
DAY 1 What are Human Rights? Have you ever wondering about the principles of Human Rights, how have they developed with time, why do we have them and what happened if we lose them? well during this session we will discuss all these questions together as an introduction to Human Rights World.
Mechanisms of Human Rights In this session, we will go through the mechanisms of Human Rights, their special procedures and human rights buddies in order to support them and to learn their role to make human rights A REALITY.
Human Rights and Medical Ethics As Future HealthCare providers, we all need the sufficient knowledge and essential skills to ensure having a safe work environment for both healthcare providers and for patients, therefore through this session we will define the medical ethics, their principles, in addition to explain the relationship between Human Rights and Medical Ethics and how to analyze and approach the ethical dilemmas in healthcare settings.
DAY 1 The Right to Health “Health is a fundamental human right indispensable for the exercise of other human rights" in this session you will find out about the right to health, its key concepts and how to analyze the AAAQ Framework in the context of the Right to Health to define what we can do and who can involve in ensure enjoying this right for the healthcare providers and patients at the same time.
Advocacy 101 We always hear the word "Advocacy" as massive part of our work within IFMSA, as future Healthcare provide we need to educate ourselves about the advocacy skills and empower others to stand up together and advocate for what is right all, that's why in this session we will go on a journey into the world of advocacy and external affairs.
Vulnerability and Intersectionality The relationship between a person’s various social identities is more important than a single social identity when it comes to implementing social justice. Through this session, we will talk about the vulnerability, its forms and causes and in addition to that you will learn about the intersectionality and how the aspects of one’s social and political identities might combine to create unique modes of discrimination or disadvantage.
DAY 2 Norms and Discrimination in Clinical Settings In this session, we will go deep into the meaning of discrimination and its related terms and their consequences in the clinical settings in order to effectively maintain and enhance our own lives and work environment through successful interaction with others based on the ABC of Social psychology and also through discussing the possible solutions to overcome these behaviors. Your Country in Focus: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare settings
This session will be an open space discussion, in which we will give you the chance to share human rights violations and stories that happen in healthcare settings you have seen or have heard about in your communities then we will discuss the causes of these violations, how to deal with them and how to prevent their occurrence.
Debates and Debating Skills In this session, we will discover together the meaning of debating, the components of an argument and how to use different approaches to form a rebuttal during a debate in order to have an effective role in the debating that related to human rights and medical ethics.
DAY 2 Human Rights- Based Approach In order to analyse inequalities which lie at the heart of development problems and redress discriminatory practices and unjust distributions of power that impede development progress, we should have a conceptual framework based on the Human Rights and this is the HRBA, In this session you will learn about the Concept of Human Rights Based-Approach, its principles and what are the diffrences between this approach and other approaches in addition to the steps of implementing this approach.
Activitiy Management 101 Activity planning is the cornerstone of building an impactful activity that can leave a remarkable effect in the community, therefore in this session you will learn the general planning skills for activities including the identifying the problem, writing the goals and SMART Objectives for the activity and not forget the monitoring and evaluation of the activity.
DAY 3 Human Rights and Medical Ethics Debates This session will be a Debate simulation between some topics related to the Human Rights and Medical Ethics in which you will get the opportunity to practice what you have learned before and improve your skills to debate both pros and cons of the statement as well as how to moderate these debates successfully.
Activity Management 202 Have you ever thought about contributing in the IFMSA work on the international level? In this session you will discover what are IFMSA Programs and especially the ones that related to Human Rights and Peace and how we can contribute to them through the activities' enrollment. Activity ent Managem
Policy Making 101 What is Policy? Why is it important? How can we write policy documents? During this session you will explore the components of policy documents and gain the appropriate knowledge and essential tools to contribute into the policy document drafting within IFMSA and how to implement those policies into impact.
DAY 3 HealthCare in Danger When we are talking about attacks on health care, we have facts like violence against health workers, even to the patients, the resources, ambulances and the insurance system with safe access to and delivery of health care; in this session you will explore the challanges and difficuilties that anyone in the healthcare settings suffer from and especially in the time of pandemic and health emergenices, also we will discuss together the possible solutions and methods that we can use to prevent or limit the effects of these violations
Action Plan "It's not a goodbye but see you soon" This session will be the last station of our workshop in which you will share with each others your activities' plans using all the knowledge and skills you get through this journey in order to apply what you have learned, and to give and receive feedbacks on your plans and others' plans in addition to find new ideas and collaborations that are so useful for you as Human Rights Advocates.
What to bring with you ?
Vaccination Card
A souvenir
Traditional Custom
Sunblock Cream
Contact Information
Head of registration: Zainab Ali E-mail: Ph.No: 07702705605 Telegram: @itsjakson