Vernacular Buildings Southern-Punjab, Pakistan Submitted by: Ifrah Asif Date: June 3, 2016
Contents Part I: Defining the field 1. What is vernacular? Problems of definition and understanding 2. Why study vernacular? Part II: Cultures and Context 3. Understanding the context
Region and Geography
Culture and traditions
Part II: Learning from Vernacular 4. Vernacular buildings in Southern Punjab
Design considerations
Architectural guidelines
Passive Systems
Building materials
Construction techniques
5. Cast Studies 6. Lessons from Vernacular 7. Future of Vernacular architecture in the twenty-first century
Introduction Keywords; Passive Systems, Vernacular Architecture, Southern Punjab, Mundane Architecture This research examines the vernacular architecture of Southern Punjab in Pakistan. The study covers the geographical, climatic and cultural aspects of this particular region of Pakistan leading to design analysis and guidelines for Architecture planning. By studying and learning from the origins and forms of vernacular architecture, we can relate architecture to the reality. The research explores design methodologies, building materials, construction techniques that enlighten the practice of mundane architecture to achieve comfortable living spaces for people.
Part I: Defining the field
1. What is Vernacular? “The term “vernacular” has different meanings, and implications depending on the context of its use. This term has been used by architects, historians, archaeologists, folklorists and others. The word derives from the Latin ‘vernaculus’, which means “native”. Given that architecture is defined as the science of building, we can simply say that the definition of vernacular architecture is the “native science of building”. (Noble 2013) It is essential to understand vernacular as a whole environment; which is a complex collection of people, culture, traditions, history, climate, geography. Rapoport in his book House, Form and Culture mentions the importance of studying vernacular as a whole system rather than just the building itself. He says, Defining the domain (its ontology) is an essential first step in research. It is not sufficient to study just buildings; one needs to study systems of settings within which systems of activities take place. Together these form cultural landscapes which comprise fixed and semi-fixed features, which make the whole of material culture the domain. Since non-fixed features (people, animals, vehicles and so on) are always present, behavior automatically becomes part of the domain. At the most abstract level, vernacular design produces particular types of environments, which can be conceptualized as organizations of space, time, meaning and communication.(Rapoport 1969)
(Asquith and Vellinga 2006)
Why Study Vernacular?
This chapter addresses the question frequently asked in the field of buildings sciences. Why study vernacular design? The brief answer is: to learn from it. The study further expands and elaborates it further by arguing that this is best done by looking at vernacular design as a model system. The first and most obvious reason for studying vernacular environments is that they comprise most of what has ever been built. Even today only about 2 per cent of buildings are designed by architects – the remaining 98 per cent cannot be ignored (Rapoport 1990a: Figs 1.1 and 1.2; 13–14) Thus vernacular environments provide an unequalled, and only possible, ‘laboratory’ with a vast range of human responses to an equally vast range of problems; cultural, technological, of resources (including materials), site, climate, ways of making a living and so on. This increases the ‘repertoire’ of both problems and successful and unsuccessful solutions, of processes and products, of ambience, and at scales from semi-fixed elements to cultural landscapes (Rapoport 1990d, 1993a, 1993b, 2002c).
Part II: Cultures and Context
3. Understanding the Context Region and Geography Pakistan is the western-most country of the South Asian subcontinent. It straddles the North-west frontier where the Indo-Gangetic plain meets the eastern edge of the Iran-Afghanistan plateau. This frontier is defined by a series of mountains from the high Karakoram and the Himalayas in the north, through the Hindu Kush and Suleiman ranges, to the Balochistan plateau and Mekran ranges along the Arabian Sea. These mountains which cover most of the land surfaces of Pakistan are arid except for the northern slopes which catch the monsoons at the end of their journey across the subcontinent.
(Mumtaz and Unesco 1981)
Climate Due to variation in geophysical characteristics Pakistan experiences a variety of climates in different regions. On the whole, the country’s climate tends to be hot during summer and cold during winter with a period of monsoon rains. But as the topography changes, the monsoon does not reach all parts of the country and thus leaves areas in plains and plateaus which are sandy deserts and hard rocky mountains.(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
Culture and Traditions Pakistan experiences a variety of climates such as cold winters and pleasant summers, to the scorching heat of the southern desert area and comparatively milder winters. The architecture and the settlement patterns, therefore, have responded to these bio-climatic needs in a variety of manners depending upon the regions. Yet the main driving force, after climate, in shaping the built environment is socio-cultural. Pakistan is predominantly a Muslim culture. About 97% of the population is Muslim, where privacy is of great importance. Combined effects of the bioclimatic and socio-cultural influences have led to the adaption of the courtyard house as the most acceptable form of dwelling. This courtyard type of plan is common to all architectural styles in various regions, irrespective of geophysical and other criteria. During hot dry summers, it may be desirable to use the roof for sleeping purposes, thus requiring flat roofs.(Bowen and Yannas 2013) Potwar upland region is characterized by fertile soil, moderate rain and irrigation water from rivers Indus and Jehlum. Much of the area is agricultural and rural. Architecture is shaped by simple, usually small, courtyard houses. Local conditions demand the provision of space for animals within the house. Common building materials are sun dried brick or mud and roof made of thatch supported on wooden joists and heavily insulated by mud. Burnt brick is also becoming popular but Involves more expenses. Most houses are built on a self-help basis and require periodic maintenance. Windows are, again, small and usually have wooden shutters and protective grills In rural Punjab, buildings have to withstand, apart from heat and cold, the heavy rainy season of monsoon. Most dwellings are continuously maintained if built of mud and thatch. Though it is becoming common to employ more permanent materials like brick and concrete, architecture in rural Pakistan tends to be simple, pure and true to the needs of the people. Socially and culturally, the courtyard house has been most suited, flanked with semi covered spaces like verandahs and roofs used as night sleeping areas. Due to the abundance of vegetation, shady trees are quite common features of the rural landscape and are extensively used to pacify the harshness of the hot dry summer period. (Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
Part III: Learning from Vernacular
4. Vernacular buildings in Southern Punjab Design considerations The main common characteristic of hot dry regions, affecting human comfort as well as urban and building design, is the combination of low humidity and high summer daytime temperature. The aridity is accompanied by several other characteristics of importance to human comfort, urban planning, and building design. Direct solar radiation is as intense as the radiation reflected from the light-colored and bare land. The sky is clear most of the year, promoting solar heating during the days and long wave radiant loss during the nights. Air temperature can rise in extreme cases up to 50 degrees Celsius. In many regions, the typical maximum temperature is 35-45 degree Celsius. Minimum temperatures in summers are about 25-30 degree Celsius. The ground surface temperature in summers may reach up to 70 degree Celsius. A common feature in many hot dry regions is dust storms, mainly during the afternoons. The dust storm constitutes one of the major discomfort factors. In hot dry regions, summers are the most stressful season. Therefore, the design of the buildings and neighborhoods should aim mainly to minimize indoor stress and maximize comfort during the summer period. However, some regions which are hot in summers may experience comfortable winters while others may have winters well below freezing point. In such regions, winter performance should also be considered carefully in the design of buildings and urban open spaces. (Givoni 1998)
Design objectives Indoors, the main objective is to lower significantly the air and internal surfaces’ temperatures, relative to ambient temperatures. Outdoors, the objective would be to provide shade and to ameliorate the microclimate around the buildings, in public open spaces, and in the streets. The main thermal performance characteristics of a building in hot dry region according to (Givoni 1998) should be:
Slow rate of indoor heating during summer daytime Fast rate of indoor cooling in summer evenings Minimizing dust penetration Good ventilation in summer evenings
Higher indoor temperature, relative to the outdoor, in winter.
Architectural guidelines for hot- dry regions The building design details appropriate in hot-dry regions are:
Layout of building plan Internal and attached open spaces Orientation of main rooms and windows Window size, location, and detail Shading devices The color of building envelope Vegetation near the house
Building typology The main objectives are: • Compact and massive design, mainly inward-facing buildings. • Minimize surface areas and openings exposed to the east and west sun and orient the building accordingly. • Allow heat gain and storage in winter. • Group buildings closely to each other. Especially east and west walls should be placed closely together for mutual shading. • Create thermal barriers (non-habitable rooms, such as stores, toilets etc.) on the east and especially on the west side of the building. • Promote ventilation and access to cooling winds. • Provide sufficient natural lighting (no excessively deep rooms). • Plan short internal circulation distances and avoid unnecessary stairs. • Shade roofs, walls, openings and windows and outdoor spaces. • Include small enclosed courtyards with arcades, colonnades for light and air and outside day-today activities. Courtyards provide shade, cool air pools, and protection from hot and dusty winds. • Treat the external space as carefully as the building itself to reduce glare and reflected heat radiation. Origin of vernacular
Urban forms and external spaces The following are the main design objectives: • Provide maximum shade in summer and adequate heat gain in winter. • Minimize reflection (indirect solar radiation) in streets and open spaces. • Moderate the effects of undesired winds.
• Plan narrow winding alleys and streets, which are shaded and relatively cool and break stormy winds, but allow through-ventilation and adequate natural lighting. • Design suitable building forms. • Plan close proximity of urban services and daily functions within walking distance; wide roads can thus be omitted or at least reduced. • Avoid large open spaces within the city where hot air can collect during the day and which are conducive to duststorms. • Provide ample shaded public spaces. • Select light colors for every open space. • Include green areas of plants around and within the settlement to provide shade and cool air and to stabilize the soil. • Plant and cultivate xerophytes that require little or no water.
Building’s shape in hot dry climate In summers, it is desirable to lower the rate of temperature elevation of the interior during the daytime hours. To this end the building should preferably be compact: the surface area of its external envelope be as small as possible, to minimize the heat flow into the building. However, during summer evenings the outdoor temperature in many regions drops down rapidly and reaches a level below the indoors. This situation changes the desired climatic performance of the building. The objective in summer evenings would then be to speed up as much as possible the cooling rate of the interior. This calls for a spread out building with greater exposure to the outdoor air. (Givoni 1998) It is possible to change the effective surface area of the building’s envelope by indented porches equipped with closable insulated shutters along the lines of external walls. When these shutters are closed, the porch becomes an integral part of building envelope and the envelope area is minimized.
(Givoni 1998) During the evening and night hours, with the shutters open, the envelope area increases and the porche’s area actually becomes part of the outdoors. The high mass walls between the rooms and the porches are now exposed directly to the outdoor air and thus, can more easily get rid of the heat stored in them during the daytime hours.
These shutters can be in the form of insulated doors, for example. Small windows can be incorporated in the shutters to provide daylight and views when the shutters are closed.
(Givoni 1998) To the extent that such porches face south, south-east or south-west, they can survive in winter as passive solar heating elements. To this end, they should be equipped also with operable glazing , in addition to the insulated shutters. In winter the glazing elements can be kept closed all the time, thus transforming the porches into sunspaces.
Shading of windows in hot-dry regions Because of the high intensity of solar radiation in desert regions, the problem of over-heating by solar energy, penetrating through windows or absorbed at the external surface of the wall, is of particular importance. The intense direct radiation and that diffused from the sky is augmented by solar radiation reflection and by long wave emission from surrounding ground. (Givoni 1998) Fixed shading devices The following three types of devices for windows can be discussed in terms of their relative effectiveness in different orientations, in the framework of a desert environment. The application of these shading devices is discussed in detailed in the CTTC building case study.
Horizontal overhang extending on both sides of the window Vertical fins extending above the window A “frame” made of horizontal projection and vertical fins, often referred to as “egg crate”
External operable shading devices The common feature to al operable devices is that they can be adjusted at will, to either exclude or admit solar radiation. Many of the operable devices can intercept solar radiation reflected from the ground, in addition to intercepting the direct and most of the diffused radiation from the sky. On the other hand, they can admit solar radiation when desirable, in winters. Operable shading devices can reduce solar heat gain through windows and other gazed areas down to about 10 to 15 percent of the radiation impinging on the wall while enabling day lighting to enter, which can even be reduced to 5 percent with insulated shutters. (Givoni 1998)
Plants around the building Plants near the house in hot regions can affect and improve the microclimate inside and around the house in several ways and fulfill several objectives. For each one of the various objectives, different plants, and different landscape designs details may be the most effective. The climatic objectives include:
Shading of the roof, walls and windows of the building Shading of the play and rest area outside the house Reducing and filtering dust in and around the house Elevating humidity levels in too-dry climates Reducing the temperature in the vicinity of the house Reducing wind speed where desired Concentrating air flow and increasing air speed where desired
Planning Characteristics Most studies of shelter and human settlements in hot dry climatic zones indicate that there are two outstanding features which characterize buildings in such regions. The first is the use of massive heavyweight materials with high heat storage capacity which possess a valuable stabilizing influence on the microclimate within a building. The second feature is the extraordinary range of open and semiopen spaces such as verandahs, terraces, roof tops and courtyards which offer important living spaces beyond enclosed rooms and which are an integral part of a typical dwelling. The importance of these spaces in a hot and dry environment is often insufficiently understood by architects and planners. (Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
Passive Systems Passive and low energy systems have a number of characteristics that have brought them to the attention of a world now acutely aware of energy scarcity and high energy prices. These attributes as mentioned by (Bowen and Yannas 2013) include the following: (1) Zero or minimal energy use. Passive systems rely entirely on the natural mechanisms of conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation. Other non-passive or hybrid systems use a minimum of external energy to run such devices as a low-pressure fan, a solar system circulating pump, or a water pump to wet evaporative cooler pads. If external energy is used, the coefficient of performance should be at least 10; that is, 10 times as much energy should be transported as input energy required. (2) Simple and reliable operation. Passive systems usually are built as an integral part of the structure using ordinary building elements such as bricks, concrete, and glass. As such they are well understood by the occupants and, if maintenance is ever required, no special skills are needed. Low energy systems tend to use simple mechanical devices; infrequent repairs can usually be done with locally available parts and skills. The incredible complexity and poor reliability of some of the early active solar systems caused a reaction in favor of passive approaches and led to an emphasis on keeping the system simple. (3) Low cost and multiple uses. These features are combined because low cost often derives from multiple uses. For example, if a sunspace provides a valuable working or connection zone, can be used as a greenhouse, and is aesthetically attractive, then most of its cost can be allocated to these functions and the energy benefits are nearly free. Perhaps the best example is a simple window which (when properly located) provides a view, daylight, ventilation, and passive solar gains at appropriate times. Low cost and simplicity are also closely related. (4) Good performance. Monitoring has shown that these systems perform well, both in terms of energy savings and thermal comfort, provided they are well designed. Most passive and low energy systems rely on designing the building to take advantage of the climate when it is advantageous and to protect the building from the climate when it is not. This results in the use of strategies which are highly dependent on the local climate and which require a greater sophistication on the part of the designer to be able to take advantage of energy-saving opportunities afforded by the climate. The already-difficult job of the designer becomes even more involved because a whole new set of issues and constraints must be considered.
Passive Cooling The term “Passive Cooling” was invented in the U.S.A. as the counterpart of “Passive Heating” or “Passive Solar Heating”. However unlike the single heat source of passive solar heating, the term passive cooling embraces several heat sinks and a wide variety of bioclimatic practices in building design that has had a stronger continuity of theory and application elsewhere in the world. (Bowen and Yannas 2013) Although passive cooling (sometimes referred to as natural cooling) has received much attention since about 1978, the evolution from research results to quantified performance evaluation, design tools, and appropriate products has been much slower than for passive heating. This is partly because of the nature of the problem. For natural cooling, the building is frequently open to the atmosphere, for example, to promote natural ventilation, whereas for heating it is normally closed. Thus, the problem is less tractable to simple analytical modeling because terrain, external velocity and pressure distributions, and details of building geometry become relatively much more important. A second reason is that natural cooling comprises a set of strategies which are only related in that the objective is to promote heat rejection. These are natural ventilation, radiation, earth contact, and evaporation. Nonetheless, these systems must work together. Also, it is often the case that the most important strategy is not cooling itself but the avoidance of a cooling load through strategies such as shading and light exterior colors. The need for dehumidification is often the remaining major issue when defensive strategies have been employed. Thus, the problem is highly interrelated and nonlinear. The main approach has been a brute force computer simulation, and it has proved to be difficult to categorize the results into a simple set of guidelines and analysis procedures. (Bowen and Yannas 2013) Nonetheless, passive cooling works. Radiative cooling has been the most researched probably because it is analytically the most tractable. It works best in arid climates at night when the sky temperatures are low. Earth contact has also been well studied; although cooling can be achieved through earth contact, the amounts are small. It is most appropriate to midcontinental climates with cold winters and hot summers. The primary benefit is probably buffering the building facade from the extremes of the outside climate. An unfortunate side effect is that the opportunity for natural ventilation is reduced. Natural ventilation, especially ventilation at night when outside air temperatures are low enough, is probably the most effective passive cooling strategy. It is also the least amenable to precise analysis and prediction.. (Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
Passive Cooling Sources Passive cooling sources are the natural heat sinks of the planet – those thermal transfer phenomena that generally balance the continuous energy inputs from our sun. Natural heat sinks are also the thermal dump for all active and mechanical cooling systems – so understanding their parameters is desirable for all forms of cooling. The three heat sinks are the sky, the atmosphere, and the earth.
Building Materials in Southern Punjab Traditional buildings in hot-dry regions are built of high-mass, thick walls made of heavy materials such as stone, brick, adobe and mud. Windows are usually small and protected from the Sun by the thickness of the wall in which they are placed and in many cases by wooden shutters. The thick and heavy structures of walls and the roof suppress the swing of the external temperature and stabilize the indoor temperature. Villages in Southern Punjab have two basic shelter types: Pukka cement structures and Katcha (mud and thatch). Families choose their dwelling type based upon income level. The current methods and materials employed in these shelters have a number of drawbacks in terms of climate suitability, proper ventilation, long-term durability, and cost. (2000)
Adobe shelters Adobe structures are extremely durable, and account for some of the oldest existing buildings in the world and are used extensively throughout the Middle East and Asia. The technique of sustainable use relies on the proper specification in the mixture of sand, clay and silt. In hot climates, compared with wooden buildings, adobe buildings offer significant advantages due to their greater thermal mass, providing a cool environment in the summer and warmth in the winter.
Compressed Earth Block – CEB Shelters Compressed Earth Block – CEB, is a type of manufactured construction material formed in a mechanical press that makes an appropriate mix of dirt, non-expansive clay, and an aggregate into a compressed block.
Bamboo Shelters Bamboo is one of the most underestimated materials, especially in Pakistan. It is used extensively in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and nearly all the far east countries, culminating in an extremely artistic format in Japan and China. Bamboo is an excellent replacement for the use of timber which is a depleting source in our country. It has a tensile strength greater than steel and is used from making simple baskets to major construction.
Cob Shelters Cob is an indigenous building material consisting of clay, sand, straw, water and earth, similar to adobe. Cob is fireproof, resistant to seismic activity, and inexpensive. It has been revived in recent years by the natural building and sustainability movements.
Rammed Earth This is a specific technique in using earth as a building material. It is becoming popular worldwide owing to its ability to with stand the unpredictable weather conditions and extreme climate changes that are occurring owing to Global Warming.
Construction Techniques The addition of thermal insulation does not necessarily involve a departure from conventional construction techniques. Moderate to high values of thermal resistance can be achieved by conventional masonry or timber frame construction with an added layer of insulating material. For example, 25 mn of insulation board placed in a 50 mm cavity wall of brick construction will give a U-value of 0.6, which meets the regulations of several European countries. The same U-value can be achieved without the use of insulating material by a 100 mm brick and 125 mm block cavity construction, or by a single leaf of 215 mm blockwork with external cladding.
(Bowen and Yannas 2013)
1. CTTC Building Gujranwala, Punjab Attempts have been made to incorporate some of these passive techniques in order to alleviate the climatic stresses in the design of the Christian Technical Training Centre(CTTC) at Gujranwala, in Punjab. Among many of the considerations for this project the following are worth mentioning: Orientation Overhangs Wall construction Window positions Roof constructions Location of trees
CTTC is a courtyard building comprising classrooms, administration offices, laboratories, and workshops. Being a courtyard (roughly square) it is difficult to orientate it. In. any particular directions, with respect to the sun. That means that there is nothing like “longest wall facing south�. Here a substantial wall of the building faces south but being a courtyard a substantial part also faces west (and east as well). The Building has been constructed using prefabricated beam system with brick infilpanels and glared windows. The principle of the overhang is used on south facing walls an overhang that allows winter sun into the building but prevents entry of sun rays in summer. (Bowen and Yannas 2013)
(Bowen and Yannas 2013) These overhangs are part of the roof extended. They are not overhangs on windows. To prevent solar gains on the west walls, the smallest number and size of windows are used. The overhang over these windows becomes quite ineffective after 1400 hours. Therefore, lines of trees (deciduous) have been planted in such positions that they provide maximum shade in the afternoon period. These trees play a large part in controlling the climate of the building. Deciduous trees lined on the south and west sides of the buildings provide shade, and also cool the hot air through evapotranspiration. During the winter, these trees shed their leaves and thus allow the sunshine to heat the walls as well inside by passing through windows.Although no proper study exists of the above mentioned buildings, a simple survey done by the author at the time of the visit suggested that the design principles involved have paid out quite substantially and that the users are generally convinced of the passive cooling method during the summer. During winter, however, the building demands an auxiliary heating system. Due to large glazing areas, as well as shading of some windows by overgrown trees.
2. Earthen School Tipu Sultan Merkez, Jar Maulwi, Sheikupera District, Punjab Province, Pakistan
(Eike Roswag 2011) Site area (m²)- 950 Footprint (m²)-125
Contextual performance and impact The design is based on local building typologies which meet residents' specific needs, and it uses local materials in construction. The school is an example of modern Punjabi architecture integrated into the TSM campus. The usage of local materials and the modified building methods connect the project to the region. Modern elements like climate-adapting glassed windows or modern earthen finishes link the project to contemporary green architectural culture.
(Eike Roswag 2011)
Resource efficiency and environmental impact People in Jar Maulwi have very ecological lifestyles: they build using natural resources, grow their own food, etc. However, residents dream of having more durable concrete and brick homes, even though these are less comfortable and more expensive. This project is designed to promote the area's traditional, ecologically-friendly construction culture by keeping the benefits of the traditional methods while making buildings more durable. The system can be used to construct rooms spanning nearly 6 meters, making it suitable for many modern purposes. The land saved by building a two-storey construction can be used for village gardens. Earth and bamboo are natural, adaptable materials which can be returned to nature at the end of the building's lifespan, creating a closed natural cycle. Earth's natural humidity activity provides climate control and thus a healthy indoor environment. The use of fast-growing bamboo instead of wood counters deforestation, an important topic in this area. Economic lifecycle performance Using natural local materials is very economical and saves residents money. More durable buildings provide two advantages: they require less intensive maintenance than traditional buildings, but they last a long time with proper upkeep. Trained craftsmen can start businesses using the new system, and farmers can earn money through bamboo cultivation. Economic cycles are small and locally-based, and rural residents can generate local income by selling their products and services to the cities.
(Eike Roswag 2011)
6. Lessons from Vernacular If the vernacular makes up 90 per cent of the world’s buildings and consists of approximately 800 million dwellings (Oliver 2003), it arguably cannot be ignored within the context of future housing research. Despite this statistic, the vernacular is often ignored in both architectural education and from within the architectural profession. Lessons from the vernacular are often used primarily to record and document building traditions and typological changes through history. This is especially true of vernacular architecture groups in the UK and the US. Surveys, plans, and measured drawings are all used to record changes in plan type and houses are reduced to purely typological significance. The significance of the building to its occupants and how they feel about the interior of the dwelling, the spaces they use and the reasons why are rarely examined. Henry Glassie (2000: 67) concludes: ‘If the intimate ordering of common life mattered in history as much as it does in reality, then the interior would matter, families would matter, communities would matter and women would be in the story.’ (Asquith and Vellinga 2006) Research into housing should in the future document how the house is used, by incorporating data that signifies actual space use, which can then be used to assess the changing needs of its occupants through time. Once the vernacular is seen not as a static building form, but as constantly evolving, reacting to changes in the communities that shaped its form, it will become higher on the agenda in architectural education and more considered in the world of the practitioner concerned with conservation and the sustainability of the built environment. Many studies have contributed a great deal to our knowledge of vernacular traditions across many countries and numerous cultures (Rapoport 1969; Low and Chambers 1989; Kent 1990; Turan 1990; Arias 1993; Oliver 1997a and 2003; Cierrad 1999; Amerlinck 2001), but the use and application of this knowledge are less discussed and has not been applied to housing research and theory, nor contributed to new methodological approaches until recently (Asquith 2003).
7. Future of Vernacular in the Twenty-first Century
Pakistan possesses an illustrious past in the use of material and mental resources towards achieving a built environment worthy of the name and a pride to be mentioned. There are innumerous buildings belonging to the immediate and distant past which speak for themselves of the quality of life their inhabitants would have enjoyed. But the most magnificent of all the periods, with particular reference to architectural innovation, was that of great Mughals. They utilized the local material to create masterpieces, be it a palace, a fort, a small dwelling, a monument or a tomb. They handled almost all the important climatic elements most innovatively, whether it was sun, wind, daylight, rain etc. Their landscape treatment of open spaces and gardens are exemplary and even today they offer a real treat to the visitors. There is ample work being done in the field of energy but it is rather disjointed. Being an agrarian economy Pakistan consumes proportionately, very high amount of energy in its residential sector. There is, therefore, enough reason on the part of policy makers to provide directions with respect to utilization of energy at all stages (design, construction, and occupancy....). Architectural education should be thoroughly reviewed in light of the current energy problems and designers must be taught the innovativeness of the traditional as well as vernacular architecture with respect to the physical environment. There is urgent need that this is done on a national basis rather than on regional or local. Curricula should be re-directed in appropriate directions. Research in this field, which is being done by individuals, should be coordinated at the national level. In this regard holding of conferences can create awareness, both in users as well as designers A research project, originating at the federal level, is immediately needed to collect and analyze data and other information in the field of Passive Solar Architecture as well as Passive Low Energy Architecture. At the moment, information is scanty and not easily available, though work is being done by individuals and individual organizations.
(2000). "Indus Earth Trust." from http://indusearthtrust.org/. Asquith, L. and M. Vellinga (2006). Vernacular Architecture in the Twenty-first Century: Theory, Education and Practice, Taylor & Francis. Bowen, A. and S. Yannas (2013). Passive and Low Energy Ecotechniques: Proceedings of the Third International PLEA Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 6–11 August 1984, Elsevier Science. Eike Roswag, R. A. (2011). "Sustainable by Design 2050." from http://www.sbd2050.org/. Givoni, B. (1998). Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design, Wiley. Mumtaz, K. K. and Unesco (1981). Traditional Forms of Rural Habitat in Pakistan, Unesco. Noble, A. (2013). Vernacular Buildings: A Global Survey, I.B.Tauris. Rapoport, A. (1969). House Form and Culture, Prentice-Hall.