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Grey Solar Game

Grey Solar Game

對談 Conversations

4/3 (Sat) & 5/3 (Sun) / 2pm 麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio


語言 Language: 英語 English 免費登記 Free Registration www.ifva.com/reg

Day One

為期兩日的 「 We Need to Talk about VR 」 對談 , 邀得海外及本地的 VR 專家及 電影 、 動畫 、 媒體藝術及電腦程式創作人 , 談談 VR 作為新的說故事手法 ,

將會探討這些新科技牽涉的道德及情感 。 兩天節目皆引用本地作品作為例子 , 研究把電影及動畫轉化為 VR 形式之後 , 將為敘事及觀影經驗帶來何等改變

The two-day "We Need to Talk about VR" Conversations will feature international and local VR experts and creative practitioners in filmmaking, animation, media art and computer programming to talk about VR, not only as a new way of storytelling, but also the ethics and emotions involved in this newly embraced technology. For both days, the programme will be concluded by local case studies on how the storytelling and experiences of films and animations could be expanded and explored through the technology of VR.

德國導演 Max Sacker 將談談浸沉式敘事 、 跨媒界 、 照相寫實主義 , 以及一系列互動式的影像體驗 。 巴黎 Diversion Cinema 共同創辦人 Marc Lopato 會介紹 VR 電影的市場潛力 , 以及一系列 VR 電影代表作 。 楊寶文 的 《 Silili & Tree 》、 曾翠珊的 《 無舞之間 》 以及楊曉芙導演的 《 MADE VR: 在生產線的盡頭遇見她 》, 皆以 VR 的體驗令觀眾置身於動畫歷險 、 舞蹈以及紀錄式影像之中 , 她們將談談各自的創作意念 、 新科技 的運用以及作品本身 。

Filmmaker Max Sacker will talk about immersive storytelling, transmedia, photorealism and new media projects where cinema meets interactivity. Marc Lopato, co-founder of Paris-based Diversion Cinema will give an introduction on the potentials of VR film market and an overview of the wide range of VR films. Hong Kong directors Polly Yeung ( Silili & Tree ), Tsang Tsui-shan ( Chroma 11 ) and Sharon Yeung ( MADE: meet me at the end of the assembly line ) have adapted VR technology for audiences to be immersed in animated adventure, dance and documentary experiences. They will be sharing on their vision of producing their VR film projects, from creative directions, the use of new technology to the works.

Day Two

意大利藝術家及導演 Iolanda Di Bonaventura 將探討 VR 中的道德議題及引發的共感經驗 。 柏林 VR 製作人 及 《 Komez Alef O 》 導演 Ioulia Isserlis 會分享如何以 VR 技術去建構一個結集情感與科技的旅程 。 意大 利 3D 藝術家及創意技術專家 Saverio Trapasso 會逐步拆解浸沉式 VR 作為獨特的敘事形式 , 如何把主導權 交到觀者手中 。

Italian visual artist and director Iolanda Di Bonaventura will discuss the questions on the ethics and empathy developed through VR experiences. Berlin-based VR producer and director of Komez Alef O Ioulia Isserlis will be sharing on how VR could be seen as an emotional and technical journey. Italy-based 3D artist and creative technologist Saverio Trapasso will walk through the full process of creating immersive VR as an unique medium for storytelling, which allows viewer to become an active protagonist of a narrative.

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