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影像無國界 2022/23 學員創意影片放映

All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film Showcase

Naughty Ghost


Abila Jerwin Ace, Ali Farwa, Daniel Joash Pesquera Cabio, Faiza Khan, Jeison Samsohang, Mirandilla Harvey Nathan H, Mohammad Hassan, Shahzadi Kinza, Taibha Younis

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 麥詠楠 Buber Mak

Jeison 想當 YouTuber , 決定跟他的同學拍一部短片放在 YouTube , 內容是關於學校一個虛構的鬼故事 。 他們一行人在 校園探險 , 一直相安無事 , 直至可怕的事發生 , 同學逐一 消失……

Jeison wants to be a YouTuber so he and his friends decide to make a short film on a fictional ghost story of their school. They explore the school, and after a horrible incident, his classmates disappear

Unknown Feelings

Bilal Shamaz, Danial Yasin, Ghalam Hassain, Habib Ul Rehman, Khan Linqat Zaman, Khan Waleed Cabrera, Nihal Ahmed, Rana Mohammad Hassan

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 黃飛鵬 Wong Fei-pang

一對兄弟 , 因膚色而被貼上標籤 , 哥哥決定無視 , 弟弟則非 常在意 , 想要用爽身粉掩蓋體味 , 希望不再被他人排擠 。 哥 哥出手阻止 , 並為他上了一課 。 ifva 為本地少數族裔青年而設的創意影像教育計劃 「 影像無國界 」, 於過去十多年間 , 在不同藝術家導師的帶領下 , 與少數族裔學員一同踏 上影像製作及演員之路 , 出產無數短片 , 以創作說自己的故事 。 這次上 映的四部作品 ,由 22/23 年度學員製作 ,既有身份認同及成長的掙扎 , 亦有天馬行空的荒誕日常 , 都是年青創作者回應這個城市的獨特視角 。 ifva 's "All About Us", a creative media education programme for ethnic minority youths, has trained up young creatives on video production and acting in the guidance of teaching artists in the past 13 years. With numerous shorts produced, stories of the city from different aspects have been told. The four short films produced by students from the 22/23 cohort depict struggles on identity and the pain of growing up, and the absurdity of everyday life with a twist, are all distinctive angles of telling the stories of this city.

Two brothers get labelled because of their skin colour. The elder brother ignores it and moves on with his day while the younger brother decides to put on baby powder so that the people who said he is smelly would play with him. This is how these brothers' lives go on every day.

香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由 , 本計劃內容並不反映本局意見 。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.

Eillie Billie

5/3 (Sun) / 1pm


Louis Koo Cinema

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 53'


With post-screening discussion and certificate presentation

免費登記 Free Registration: www.ifva.com/reg

Imran Yashaa, Khan Baddar Ali, Lam Sai Yuk Johnmar, Mohamed Noohu Mohamed Yahya, Sairuh Keara Nori Pesquera Cabio

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: Bipin Karma

高中生 Mohan 無父無母 , 意外找到巨額現金 , 卻原來是販毒黑 錢 。 在被追捕之時 , 他經歷了金錢與人際關係的掙扎 。

A fatherless high school student, Mohan, hits a jackpot upon finding stacks of cash only to find out they are drug money. In the midst of being chased down, he goes through a series of dilemma with money and relationship.

I am a Woman in My Family

Dlinawaz Saadnawaz, Gurung Selinna, Harveer Singh, Khan Muhammad Diyan Khan, Khan Shazil Rehman, Limbu Dipti, Qamar Imaan, Qamar Salikhah, Waniya Iltaf

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 陳浩倫 Chan Ho-lun Fredie

Waniya 成長在只有男性的家庭 , 身邊一直沒有女性可以為她 排解各樣心理及生理的困惑 。 她想要以影像拍下經歷卻愈拍 愈痛苦 , 最後幸得拍攝團隊中的 Salikhah 和其他朋友一直相伴 及支持 。

Growing up in a family with only men, Waniya never has a mother figure to guide her through mental and biological changes. She attempts to make a film on her struggles but it makes her even more frustrated. During such difficult moment, her crew member Salikhah and other fellows become her ultimate support.

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