10 minute read

Grey Solar Game

Seemonta Halder


打光 The Lighting

致穎 Musquiqui Chihying


I Have No Legs, and I Must Run

李越 Li Yue

印度 India

彩色 Col / 24'44"

孟加拉語對白 , 英文字幕

In Bengali with English subtitles

一個有關三兄妹的故事 。 時代在變 , 情勢在變 , 人也在變 , 但可能沒有變得更好 。他們陷入這樣的時代 ,如不接受變化 ,

就等同活在災難當中 。

This is a story of three siblings. Changing times changes situations, along with it changes the people, which might not always be for the better. The siblings are plunged into one such time in which living, rather than accepting the change, marks catastrophe.

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 21'30"

粵語 、 法語及國語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese, French and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

The film explores the kinaesthetic notion between the body. Togolese photographers are testing devices that can compensate for insufficient exposure when shooting dark skin tones; a newly developed camera algorithm is very popular on the African continent; and in addition: the production of a Kung Fu movie with a computergenerated voice of Bruce Lee. The Lighting aims to revisit and clarify the issue of discrimination rooted in technological development and image production through an interdisciplinary exploration.

中國 China

彩色 Col / 15'06"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles

過了黃金時期的運動員被傷患所困 , 一位才華橫溢的新成員 加入他的團隊 , 在他的腦海中種下嫉妒的種子 。

An athlete who has passed his prime is struggling with his injuries. The arrival of a talented new member of his team plants the seeds of jealousy in the athlete's mind.

The 28th ifva Awards

Asian New Force Category

Finalist Showcase

節目二 Programme 2

小黃花 Little Yellow Flower

林見坪 Lin Chien-ping

青春的回憶來襲 、 小市民的掙扎求存 、 尋找失蹤家 人的無助 ,「 節目二 」 的五部亞洲短片 , 從最微小 的日常片段 , 如鏡般折射出不同社會的文化 、 傳統 及價值觀 。

The flashback of good old memories, the struggle of ordinary citizens to make a living, the desperation of finding missing family members, the five Asian shorts of Programme 2 reflects the cultural differences of traditions and values through the mundane clips of everyday lives.

4/3 (Sat) | 7:30pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 94' | HK$ 80 / 64*

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 29'55"

台語及國語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

包着尿布 、身上爬滿螞蟻的父親 ,引出阿南年少的痛苦記憶 。 當他再一次噴殺螞蟻 , 能否融化冰封已久的父子之情 , 並讓 院子瓜棚上的黃花重新怒放 ?

Looking at his paralysed father, wrapped in diapers and ants crawling all over his body, A-nan recalls his painful childhood memories. When he sprays insecticides to kill ants again, can he unravel the long-frozen father-son relationship and restore the loving beauty of the yellow flowers that once bloomed in the courtyard?

Please Hold the Line

陳策鼎 Tan Ce-ding

馬來西亞 Malaysia

彩色 Col / 18'30"

粵語及普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Cantonese and Putonghua with English subtitles

年輕的電話欺詐騙徒面對可能出現的人生鉅變 , 陷入兩難的 道德困境 。

A young scam call operator is thrust into a moral dilemma as she navigates a life-changing situation.


Nithin John

印度 India

彩色 Col / 8'15" 無對白及字幕

No dialogue and subtitles

擦鞋匠的日常 , 折射出現今社會深藏的階級制度和不平等 。 作品揭示主角為小女兒買一雙新鞋而面對的困境 。

Daily struggles of a shoe polisher mirrors the hierarchy and inequalities which are deeply rooted in the society. The film unveils his / her plight to buy a new pair of shoes for the protagonist's little girl.


Ali Daraee

伊朗 Iran 彩色 Col / 14'13" 波斯語對白 , 英文字幕

In Persian with English subtitles

年輕媽媽因疏忽令孩子去世 , 但伊朗的法例規定 , 父親必須在 場才能獲發殯葬許可 ,她努力尋找失踪的丈夫 ,但隨時間流逝 , 又捲入更嚴重的事件 。

A young mother in Iran has lost her baby due to negligence, but the presence of the father is required in order to get a burial permission. She strives to find her missing husband and by the elapse of time, she is involved in more serious issues.

大日子 Big Day

江宗傑 Chiang Chung-chieh

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 22'59" 台語及國語對白 , 英文字幕

In Taiwanese and Mandarin with English subtitles

陽光和煦的午後 , 一對結縭三十多年的老夫妻 , 沿港邊小路 漫步 。 他們從子女的生活事 , 談到兩人的感情事 。 路途上 , 偶遇的舊識說起人世的聚散無常 ; 當年相愛定情的場所 , 更 顯情感丟失後 , 無法尋回的惆悵 。 漫漫長路的終點 , 是青春 相伴的回憶與分離 。

In the afternoon, a middle-aged married couple are taking a walk by the harbour and having a fight when they meet an old acquaintance who they haven't seen for a long time. On the way, they walk past the Mazu temple where he proposed to her, which reminds them of how things used to be.

創意無限但入圍名額有限 , 特別推薦的十 部短片及動畫 , 都是評審各自心水之選 。

Ten short films and animations recommended by the jury each of which being a gem of one's own.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 評審推薦節目

The 28th ifva Awards Jury Recommendation Programme

5/3 (Sun) | 4pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 159' | HK$80 / 64*


The Egret River

劉琬琳 Liu Wan-ling

動畫組 | Max Hattler 推薦

Animation Category

Recommended by Max Hattler

大樓警衛與鷺鷥共享一片藏身高樓間的秘密野地,一天野地被 毀蓋起大樓,鷺鷥逃逸無蹤,悲傷的他卻開始看見種種幻象。

Among the tall buildings of the city, the lonely guard hides a beautiful field that no one knows and meets an egret there. The expansion of the city never stops, and when one day the field is destroyed, and the egret escapes without a trace, the lonely guard begins to see mysterious illusions.

台灣 Taiwan / 彩色 Col / 19'56"


No dialogue and subtitles


Asian Extra No.1

陳英吉 Chen Ying-ji Oliver 公開組 | 羅展鳳推薦

Oepn Category | Recommended by Law Tsin-fung Angela


夢想是當演員。一天 Bryan 為一部荷李活電影試鏡,角色是「 個中國男子」。他遇上激進的中國新移民 Tiger,發現自己真 實的一面。

A black comedy of the Asian experience in America: Bryan, a 2nd generation Chinese American who dreams of acting, one day auditions for the role of "the Chinese Guy" in a Hollywood film. He encounters a radical Chinese new immigrant Tiger, and finds himself confronted of his authenticity.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 13'05"

英語及普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In English and Putonghua with English subtitles


Interview with Lo Ting: An Oral History Project

朱家誠 Chu Ka-shing

公開組 | 陳志華、麥曦茵、

羅展鳳推薦 Oepn Category | Recommended by Chan Chi-wa Ernest, Mak Hei-yan Heiward, Law Tsin-fung Angela

李善瑜要拍一部關於好友和她的失智症爺爺的紀錄片。爺爺偶 爾會向人提及自己的妻子是「盧亭」,於是李善瑜出發到塔門


Lee Sin-yu wants to make a documentary about a friend and his dementia grandfather, who would occasionally say that his wife is "Lo Ting". Lee Sin-yu set out for the fishing village of Tap Mun to begin filming, and starts to understand the dark side of Lo Ting that has been hidden in history.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 15'01"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

All the Things You Leave Behind

Chanasorn Chaikitiporn

亞洲新力量組 | 徐匡慈推薦

Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Clarence Tsui

泰國的戰略地位和政治取向,使其成為美國在越戰期間的理想 盟友。作品把當代和歷史檔案影像以出人意表的方式拼湊,精 準地批判去解構現代歷史鮮為人知的一頁,揭示當代權力遊戲 和戰事。

Thailand's strategic position and political orientation made it the ideal ally for the United States during the Vietnam war. Through an astonishing mix of contemporary and archival images, the film deploys precise criticism to analyse a littleknown page of modern history, emblematic of contemporary power games and warfare.

泰國 Thailand / 黑白 B&W / 18'15"

英語及泰語對白 , 英文字幕

In English and Thai with English subtitles


何芷詠 Ho Tsz-wing、

陸朗文 Luk Long-man、

潘子懷 Pun Tsz-wai

動畫組 | Max Hattler 推薦 Animation Category

Recommended by Max Hattler

以香港 M+ 博物館的建築風格為切入點,將博物館獨立視為一

件藝術品,挑戰「博物館」的定義。作品通過觀察 M+ 建築中 的幾何形狀和結構,探索物質世界的背後。

& MORE draws from the architecture of the M+ museum in Hong Kong which challenges the definition of a museum by looking at it as an object itself. Through a geometric play of shapes and forms in the M+ building, we explore what underpins our material world.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 3'11" 無對白及字幕

No dialogue and subtitles


The Silent Whistle

李映彤 Li Yingtong

亞洲新力量組 | 鍾德勝推薦 Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Simon Chung

19 歲女孩阿明獨來獨往,在一家便利店當夜班店員。臨近春節



19-year-old girl Ming is a loner who works night shift in a convenience store. One day near the spring festival, her neighbour Rui invites her for a "special" dinner, which summons up her hidden past.

中國 China / 彩色 Col / 18'15"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles


See You in...

莫嘉熙 Mok Ka-hei

公開組 | 陳志華推薦

Oepn Category | Recommended by Chan Chi-wa Ernest

廿四歲的 Jack 這幾年來一直在香港發展音樂事業,極力生活

如常,可惜往事始終纏繞着他。今天踏上道別之旅,最後一次 見證城巿裡的人和事,渴望能得到一個答覆,為他的離去賦予


Facing the demolition of his world, 24 year-old musician Jack roams his city for one final look as he prepares for their inevitable farewell, seeking an answer and meaning to his departure from this world.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 29'32"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

解鎖 A Question

李寶芝 Lee Po-chi

公開組 | 麥曦茵推薦 Oepn Category | Recommended by Mak Hei-yan Heiward



The three sisters of the Chou family reunite after a long absence at their father's funeral, and embark on a supernatural journey to unlock their family's secrets. The three of them search for the spirit of their father because the middle sister wants to ask him a pressing question.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 24'47"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

情書 Love Letter

魏江幸 Luk Wei、

胡長軍 Hu Changjun

亞洲新力量組 | 王劍凡推薦

Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Wong Kim-fan




Qiang, who is aphasia, has been single for many years and has been afraid to express his love for Xiao Wen, a visually impaired masseur in a small town. He can't speak, he can't tell, and doesn't know how to tell. He should not tell.

中國 China / 彩色 Col / 7'58"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles


Farnoosh Abedi

動畫組 | 史明輝推薦

Animation Category

Recommended by Jack Shih

在被噴射大軍佔領的土地上,任何人都無權種植,所以人民和 士兵永遠不知道如何栽種植物,也不知道植物長甚麼樣子。

名士兵發現一顆種子深埋在塵土之中,引起他的好奇,最後開 展非凡、偉大、又革命性的旅程。

In the land occupied by the sprayers army, no one has the right to grow anything, so the people and soldiers never know how to grow a plant or how one looks like. One day a soldier finds a seed buried deep down in the dust and his curiosity is just the beginning of something extraordinary, something big, something revolutionary.

伊朗 Iran / 彩色 Col / 8'34"

無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 VR 特別獎

The 28th ifva Awards VR Special Prize

時代不斷向前 , 觀影經驗及創作方式亦同步演變成 長 。 從菲林到錄像再到數碼影像 , 由實拍加上電腦特 技再延展至多元實境 , 創意及想像從來不應受限 。 ifva 連結 Meta , 今屆特設 VR 特別獎 , 鼓勵本地及 亞洲地區短片導演 、 動畫創作人 、 媒體藝術家 , 集各 家之創意及專門技術 , 為傳統敘事 , 帶來全新衝擊 。

VR 特別獎將於 2023 年 3 月公佈 , 得獎作品有機會於 VR 影院放映 。 ifva joins forces with Meta to present the first VR Special Prize this year, to encourage local and Asian filmmakers, animators and media artists to bring new lights to traditional narratives through their creative minds and specialised techniques.

The forms and ways of film watching and making have never stopped evolving. From films, videos to digital images, from on-site shooting, CG to extended reality, creativity and imagination have always remained formless and boundless.

VR Speical Prize will be announced in March 2023. Winning works may have the chance to be shown at Pop-up VR Cinema.

VR 影院 Pop-up VR Cinema


放映時間表及免費登記 Screening Schedule & Free Registration www.ifva.com/reg

舊家 Home

許智彥 Hsu Chih-yen

VR ( 虛擬實境 ) 技術的出現 , 觀眾與影像之間得以建立全新的關係 。 觀眾與 影像之間的距離不曾那麼近 , 如同置身其中 , 觀影體驗亦比一直以來的更具互 動性及私密 , 就像是和影像進行了一場單對單的深度對談 。

本年 ifva 首辦 VR 影院 , 精選多部來自不同地區的 VR 得獎佳作 , 且看不同影 像創作者 , 如何以科技創出新的敘事方法 。

With virtual reality (VR) technology, the audience can now develop a completely new relationship with moving images. The images are now so close that audiences could almost grasp them with their finger tips. The whole "watching" experience is like having a one-on-one conversation with the narrative, so interactive and intimate.

This year, ifva is presenting the first Pop-up VR Cinema in town. With the selected award-winning VR works from different regions of the world, audience will be able to experience how different image creators embrace technology to discover new ways of storytelling.

台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | VR360 | 彩色 Col | 17'39"

國語及台語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chinese and English subtitles

2020 翠貝卡電影節 Tr ibeca Film Festival

2020 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival

2020 富川國際奇幻電影節 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

2020 威尼斯影展 VR 單元 Venice Film Festiva VR Expanded

2019 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung Film Festival

夏日的午後 , 寧靜的日式老宅聚集了許久不見的家人們 。 大家圍繞在奶奶身

旁 , 吵吵鬧鬧用各自方式向奶奶表達愛意 。 人們來來去去 , 電視繼續重播 , 電 風扇持續擺頭 , 日式老宅的午後 , 奶奶靜靜的看着 。

In a summer afternoon, the family gathers in the old house. They surround beside grandma to show their love, even she's no longer able to move, react or hear clearly. As people come and go, the television keeps replaying and the fan is still running in the peaceful old house, where lives grandma and her maid.

紅尾巴 Red Tail

王登鈺 Fish Wang

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | 6dof | 彩色 Col | 20'00"

自選國語或英語對白 , 無字幕 In Mandarin or English on demand with no subtitles 2022 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容單元 Venice Film Festival Venice Immersive 2022 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung Film Festival

男孩一直在追尋紅尾巴的幻影 。 他經過一座又一座既陌生又似曾相識的奇幻城 市 , 疲累不堪地睡了過去 。 他在一個神秘房間醒來 , 一位紳士出現 。 此時 , 男 孩的身上突然流出鮮血再轉生成一條小魚 , 男孩充滿困惑 , 紳士終於道出男孩

的身體與記憶 、 情感所交織的秘密 。

A boy is always chasing a red tail. After passing through many magical cities, extremely exhausted, he finds himself waking up in a gentleman's room. It turns out that the red tail is a fish, which is formed by the boy's own blood. The red tail reminds the boy that the fish is his own sadness that he tries to break loose from. In the end, his tears revive the fish and he makes peace with his own sadness.

Komez Alef O

Ioulia Isserlis

德國 Germany | 2022 | VR 360 | 彩色 Col | 18'00"

英語對白 , 英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

2022 SXSW 電影節世界首映 World premiere at SXSW Festival 2022 雨舞影展 「 最有社會影響力浸沉式體驗

Nominated for Best Immersive Experience for Social Impact 2022 nextReality.Contest 時代精神獎 猶太集中營倖存者 Victor I. 通過對二戰的回憶

VR 旅程 , 經歷大屠殺 、 戰爭以及被迫離鄉別井的創傷 現代歷史中 , 最恐怖的時期中絕望和希望的呼聲 導航 , 並把他的回憶以風格化的影像重組 繼承這些記憶並與之共同成長的女兒重新想像

Holocaust survivor Victor I. takes the viewer on a deeply personal VR journey through his memories of the Second World War: The trauma of the Holocaust, the trauma of war and the trauma of being forcefully uprooted from home. His story, told in his own voice, is one of despair and hope during the most terrifying time in modern history. The experience is guided by audio recordings of Victor's testimonies and supported by stylised visualisations of his memories that are both re-created through his recollections and reimagined through his daughter who grew up with and inherited his memories.

Silili & Tree

楊寶文 Polly Yeung

香港 Hong Kong | 2021 | VR360 | 彩色 自選粵語 、 英語或國語對白 , 無字幕

In Cantonese, English or Mandarin on demand with no subtitles 2022 香港資訊及通訊科技獎 : 數碼娛樂 Awards Digital Entertainment (Interaction Design) Silver Award

的說話 ,

有時 、 結束有時 , Silili 大師會引導我們面對這一切 幻 、 思索得著 。

A mysterious island hovers in the sky. There grows the magical tree. We come to encounter Master Silili, who will guide us through the wonderful soul-searching journey. In the face of natural beauty one will fully immerse into this surrounding and be open to the wisdom taught by the Mother Nature.

無舞之間 Chroma 11

曾翠珊 Tsang Tsui-shan

香港 Hong Kong | 2022 | 6dof | 彩色 Col | 13'00"

粵語及英語對白 , 無字幕 In Cantonese & English with no subtitles 2022 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容單元 Venice Film Festival Venice Immersive

香港導演曾翠珊的虛擬實境 ( VR ) 項目 《 無舞之間 》, 是其 ifva 公開組銀獎 短片 《 》 的延續 , 作品紀錄同為舞蹈藝術家的黃天寶及郭亞福 , 在亞福人 生最後階段那細膩動人的情感交流 。《 無舞之間 》 藉由虛擬實境技術擴闊對影 像的想像 , 作品以回憶片段及運用 DepthKit 拍攝的動態立體影像捕捉技術 , 嘗試為天人永隔的靈魂 , 重構一趟游離於虛實之間的重聚 。

Chroma 11 is a virtual reality immersive experience based on the true story of lost love. As an extension of the dance documentary film Ward 11 , which documented the heart-rending last days of dance artist Aaron Khek Ah-hock and his partner Ix Wong Thien-pau. The Chroma 11 project expands the boundaries of moving images with VR technology. Through clips of rearranged memories and volumetric video captured by DepthKit, the creative team strives to reconstruct a reunion of the parted souls in the form of a duo dance after life.

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