The 28th ifva Festival Programme & Booking Brochure

Page 23

第二十八屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節

The 28th ifva Festival

經歷艱難三年 , 生活逐步走向正常 , 一切無邊的創意點子 , 以幾近瘋狂的形態 , 一觸即發 。

今屆比賽 , 五個組別收到來自不同亞洲地區及一眾本地創作人的短片 、 動畫及媒體藝術作品 ,

連同與 Meta 聯手推動的 VR 特別獎 , 以創作回應時代的各種議題 , 既有生死攸關的重 , 亦有 生活日常的輕 。

媒體藝術展 《 CINEMA 2.0 : 光域 》 展出四份作品 , 重新思考屏幕作為媒介與當下現實生活之 間的各種微妙關係 。 為期兩周的期間限定 「 VR 影院 」 將上映國際及本地 VR 獲獎佳作 ,「 We Need to Talk about VR 」 兩日對談大會 , 則邀得國際及本地創作人 , 分別探討 VR 作為新的敘事 手法的各種面向 。 第二十七屆 ifva 媒體藝術組金獎得主劉清華的個人展 , 藉由一系列新舊影 像創作 , 重新建構城市與身體的記憶 。 專為香港少數族裔青年而設的影像教育計劃 「 影像無 國界 」, 成果短片繼續以影像分享多元聲音 。

After the unsettling three years, the world is finally recovering. Dormant creative ideas are at the verge of an insane explosion, awaiting to be ignited.

Short films, animations, media artworks for five categories from different Asian countries and regions together with those from Hong Kong talents were received. Together with the VR works for the VR Special Prize empowered by Meta, finalists are responding to not only struggles of life and death, but also heart-lifting daily episodes.

Media arts exhibition "CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum" re-examines the complex relation of how the screen serves as a medium in the real world. Time-limited Pop-up VR Cinema will be presenting international and Hong Kong's award-winning VR works, "We Need to Talk about VR" Conversations will feature talks by foreign and local creatives to discuss the different aspects of VR as a new narrative method. Solo exhibition of Jess Lau, awardee of the 27th ifva Media Art Category Gold Award, reconstructs the memories of the city and moving bodies through a collection of new and old media artworks. Works by participants of "All About Us", the media education programme for ethnic minority youth will continue to celebrate diversity.

ifva 於 1995 年由香港藝術中心創辦 , 為香港及亞洲的獨立影像創作人提供一個凝聚 、 分享 和推廣的平台 , 多年來奠定了亞洲影像力量先鋒的地位 。

年度項目包括以專業性見稱的 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽及每年三月舉行的 ifva 獨立短片 及影像媒體節 , ifva 亦舉辦一系列延伸節目 , 包括從學術角度出發的「 CINEMA 2.0 」媒體藝術 展覽 、捍衛多元文化的「 影像無國界 」、旨在普及影像藝術的「 ifva Everywhere 影像嘉年華 」, 以及推廣影像教育的社區及學校巡迴放映等 , 涵蓋藝術以至普及層面 , 致力承傳影像文化及 獨立創作精神

ifva was founded by the Hong Kong Arts Centre in 1995. Over the years, ifva has established itself as Asia's pioneering force in short film, animation and media arts, by providing a unique and professional platform for Hong Kong and Asian creative talents to unite, exchange and promote their works.

With the aims to promote short film and media arts and defend independent creative spirit, every year, in addition to the professionally renowned ifva Awards and ifva Festival, ifva also organises a series of extended programmes including the followings: "CINEMA 2.0" media arts exhibition examines different subject matters at the intersection of arts, culture, technology and society; "All About Us" celebrates diversity and the creative voices of young people from the ethnic minority backgrounds; "ifva Everywhere Carnival" makes film and media arts accessible to people from all walks of life; and Community and School Tour encourages students to experience and appreciate different media art forms.

The 28th ifva Partners

ifva 合作夥伴

CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum 光域

Media Arts Exhibition 媒體藝術展

2/3 (Thu) - 19/3 (Sun) | 12nn – 8pm

包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

免費入場 Free Admission

開幕 Opening

2/3 (Thu) | 6:30pm

策展人 : 葉旭耀 Curator: Ip Yuk-yiu

屏幕與影像之間的關係很吊詭 , 既是讓觀眾能看見影像 的載體 , 但在觀影過程中其存在卻又必須被完全忽略 , 是一個 「 被透明 」 的媒介 。 屏幕為觀眾清晰劃分實體的 真實世界以及影像的 虛擬領域 , 時刻提醒他們 , 被投映 在眼前的只是一齣電影 , 一場影像狂想 。

時移世易 , 電子屏幕成為日常生活最常見的介面 , 一眾 社交平台發展出以圖像及影片為骨幹的模式 , 而屏幕則 成了展現身份認同與建構自我必要的媒介 。 及至世紀疫 症之時 , 屏幕的功能被史無前例地擴展和放大 ; 它能伸 延的領域溢出邊框 , 掩蓋了屏幕本身 。

今屆《 CINEMA 2.0 : 光域 》媒體藝術展 ,藉由四份作品 , 引令觀者重新思考屏幕作為媒介與現實生活之間的各種 微妙關係 。

The relationship between the screen and film is always paradoxical. It is a thing that enables us to see a film, but is also something that we normally do not see during the viewing experience. It is an "invisible" medium. The screen functions as a border between the two worlds, the physical / the real and the symbolic / the virtual, constantly reminding the audience what is being displayed on screen is merely a movie and a fantasy.

In the contemporary world, the electronic screens have become a universal interface for everyday life. Social media, being highly image-driven and short clips oriented, has reinforced the screens to serve as the indispensable vehicle of self-construction and selfexpression. In this era of the pandemic, the functionality of screens has extended and amplified to an extent that has overflown to conceal its physicality.

In this edition of CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum Media Arts Exhibition, with four different artworks, the complex relation of how the screen serves as a medium in the real world is re-examined.

策展人導賞 Curator's Guided Tour 11/3 (Sat) | 2pm

語言 Language : 粵語 Cantonese

免費登記 Free Registration

CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum 2光域

Hello, Shadow!

Joon Moon

作品以影子實現混合現實體驗 。 觀眾移動照明設備 , 可以觀察電腦產生 的影子形狀 , 從而瞭解嵌入在影子之中的虛擬世界 。 影子是想像與現實 的邊界 , 喚起獨特的幻想和詩意的情感 , 邀請觀眾與影子世界中的虛擬 人類進行眼神交流 。

The work implements mixed reality using a shadow. The audience moves a lighting device to observe the shadow's shapes generated by computer graphics, then get to understand the virtual world embedded in the shadows. At the boundary between imagination and reality, shadows evoke a unique fantasy and poetic emotion. The audience is allured to make eye contact with the virtual human of the shadow world.

Kiss, or Dual Monitors


作品由兩台顯示屏組成 , 它們分別同時顯示一張閉着眼睛的臉 。 當兩台 顯示屏緊貼在一起 , 影像中的人看來如同在接吻 。 作品旨在喚起對觸感 的聯想 , 在通訊設備越來越要求用家觸碰螢幕表面的當下 , 螢幕與觸感 的關係是如此密切 。

This work consists of two monitors, both showing a face with eyes closed and arranged in a way that makes them look like they are kissing. The work aims to evoke the sense of tactility, which is looming on the surface of devices in an age where information devices are becoming increasingly physical.


Akinori Goto

一束光投射到作品之上 ,展現出行走的人的影像 。當光束在圓圈上擴散 , 行走的人變得越來越多 。 在作品中 , 個體隨時間的流逝而不斷分裂 , 繼 而逐漸擴大 。 在物理和數碼空間同時存在的多個 「 自我 」 之中 , 我們該 用甚麼去介定 「 真實的自我 」, 而這個自我又出自何處 ?

A beam of light projected onto the artwork makes a walking person appear. As the beam of light spreads in a circle, the number of walking people increases. In the work, while the self splits with the passage of time, it continues toward amplification. Of the multiple selves that exist both physically and digitally at the same time, what do we use to establish the "true self" and which self would that be?

Rediscovery of Anima


作品以木和石創造出 3D 結構 , 移動的軌跡在陽光照射下活靈活現 。 作 品探索人類自古對移動影像的渴望和興趣 , 幻想某種動態畫像與當時社 會和文化的關係 。 在這個大量使用圖像的時代 , 藝術家回溯人類對移動 影像的原始感官和感覺 。

Trajectory of motion is given three-dimensional structure through wood and stone and comes to life when touched by a ray of sunlight. The work explores humankind's craving for the appearance of motion and interest in the presence of an anima, while imagining its relationship to the society and culture of the time. Then, in the present age, in which images are used heavily, the artist returns to our original sense and feeling for the appearance of motion.

媒體藝術展3 Media Arts Exhibition
2018 / 南韓 South Korea 2017 / 日本 Japan 2017 / 日本 Japan
2018 / 日本 Japan

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽


The 28th ifva Awards

Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition

A fable of a fable <Black-tailed gull>


日本 Japan

這是一個以狹縫動畫( slit-animation )進行敘事的動態裝置 。 當印有狹縫的膠片在圖畫前面駛過 , 描繪了不同時空的靜態 圖畫就會變得靈動 。 所有圖像將連成一個故事 , 那是一個黑 尾海鷗的寓言故事 , 無始也無終 。

A kinetic installation telling a narrative through slit-animation. As multiple self-driving slits slowly pass in front of the drawings, the drawings depicting various times and spaces begin to move respectively at different moments. However, all images are connected as one whole narrative, and the narrative of the black-tailed gull is told as a fable with no beginning and no end.

Active Statue

Beak Jung-ki

南韓 South Korea

雕塑以金屬製成 , 而金屬的傳導特性令它可以變成傳送無線 電波的天線 。 現場的收音機可以收聽這個金屬雕塑傳送的無 線電波 , 有一把聲音正在述說一個由 Choi Chu-young 與 Ik Soo-kaay 創作的短篇故事 。

The work is a sculpture made of metal, and the conductivity of metal makes it an active antenna for transmitting radio waves. The radio waves transmitted by the sculpture can be heard through the radio, and the sound from the radio is a voice that tells a short story created by Choi Chu-young and Ik Soo-kaay.

4第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards

媒體藝術創作媒介多元 , 從曾經常用的 FM 頻道 、 人手幾張 的記憶卡 、 大型的雕塑裝置及沉浸式錄像體驗 , 以至近年紅 極一時的 NFT 項目 , 光譜非常寬廣 。 十份來自亞洲地區及香

港的媒體藝術作品 , 各有主張 , 卻都在回應對自身及世界的 觀察 。

The spectrum for medium of creation for media artworks is remarkably huge, from old FM channels, memory cards, large-scaled sculpture installation to immersive experiences, and the one hit wonder NFT trend. Ten media artworks from Asian region and Hong Kong demonstrate distinctive observations on personal emotions and universal issues.

洞與洞之間 Between Orifices

張曉童 Cheung Hiu-tung

驅動未來 02 Dead End, 02

鍾正 Mark Chung

2/3 (Thu) – 19/3 (Sun) | 12nn – 8pm

包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

免費入場 Free Admission

開幕 Opening

2/3 (Thu) | 6:30pm

香港 Hong Kong

這個沉浸式錄像作品的靈感 , 源自性侵犯留下無法磨滅的創 傷 。 為求真誠地創作 , 我嘗試從語言的限制中解放出來 , 以 直覺的藝術實驗打開痛苦的記憶 。 沉默的嘴巴令我無法透過 正念隱藏自己 , 站在兩張奇怪的嘴巴之間 , 我慢慢承認那無 法忘懷的痛楚 。

This immersive video installation was inspired by my unfading trauma of being sexually assaulted. To seek for the most genuine approach, I freed myself from the limitation of words, and opened up my agonising memory with instinctive art experiments. The silent mouths forbid me to conceal myself with positivity. Standing between the bizarre mouths, I slowly admit the indelible agony.

香港 Hong Kong

發光二極體照出刺眼光芒 , 鏡面高樓大廈的扭曲倒影東歪西 倒 ,筆直的權威 ,是建立在無盡可接受誤差之上的假象 。權威 , 操弄身體精神意志 ,光芒 ,令整個城市沒有一點黑暗;多餘的 、 異見的 、 不漂亮的 、 真實的 , 都被推到邊緣 , 大家裝作它們不 存在 , 默不作聲 , 眼前只有完美的幻象 。 思想是負擔 !

Reflections on the mirrored buildings are mangled; this verticality of power are illusions constructed upon an infinite tolerance of error; powers disturb our body and belief; gleaming light-emitting diodes negate every trickle of darkness, marginalising every molecule of filth to our peripheral vision; our silence perpetuates; we collectively uphold the beautiful fantasies before our eyes. Thoughts are burdens.

媒體藝術組入圍作品展5 Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition

FM108,致⋯⋯ FM108, to...

陳偉森 Chan Wai-sum、梁耀華 Leung Yiu-wa、

許智生 Hui Chi-sang

未來_預報 Future_Forecast

武子楊 Wu Ziyang、Mark Ramos

香港 Hong Kong

《 FM108 , 致…… 》 是一個不存在的電台頻道 , 讓我們分享

未曾傾聽的訊息 、 逝去感情的悲傷 。 這個互動裝置外型像是 搖搖板 , 搖動平衡時便會調較無線電頻道 。 兩名觀眾各據搖 搖板一端 , 沉浸在無線電聲音之中 , 當他們合作起伏便能收 聽 FM108 的隱藏聲音 。

FM108 , to... is a non-existing radio channel for us to share unheard messages, and grief about broken relationships. Its interactive device, taking the form of a see-saw, works as a radio tuned by the balancing motion. Two visitors riding on each end are immersed in radio noises, and as they cooperate, will finally listen to the hidden messages on FM108.

Humanoid Object #3

Min Chan-wook

中國 China/ 美國 United States

《 未來 預報 》是一個包括實時模擬與共同建構世界的遊戲 、 一齣電腦合成圖像電影 、 和一些 NFT 角色的項目 。 作品透 過檢視互聯網發展帶來的網絡 , 以及預想菲律賓未來的網路 服務供應商和區塊鏈公司帶來的生態 、 地緣政治 、 社會文化 影響 , 呈現與 「 預測 」 發展中國家雲端網路社會的演化 。

Future_Forecast is a project that includes a live simulation + collective world building game, a CGI film, and NFT characters. They present and "predict" the evolution of cloud-networked societies in the developing world by looking at the effects of growing Internet-enabled networks and the ecological, geopolitical, and socio-cultural effects of a speculative future ISP and blockchain company in the Philippines.

南韓 South Korea

今日機器的角色與活動已延伸至一些以往被認為是人類獨 有的範疇 。《 Humanoid Object #3 》 是一具以人工智能自行 塗鴉創作的機器 , 亂畫的圖像表達了機器的思想與情感 。

Nowadays machines are extending their roles and activities even into areas which have been considered unique to human beings. Humanoid Object #3 is a machine that creates scribbles on its own using AI technology. The generated scribbles express the thoughts and emotions of the machine.

6第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards


用白填空 Nothing Less

馮可貝 Colbie Fung

Stochastic Camera (version 0.2)the Melting Crystal Ball

陳朗丰 Chan Long-fung

日本 Japan

《 Imagraph 》 是一個容讓兩種原始 「 態度 」 角力的媒介 : 投 射影像與封閉感官 。 參與者躺在像箱子一樣的床上 , 閉上眼 睛 。 兩個顯示器懸掛在天花 , 上面每一個像素均有光纖延伸 到參與者的眼瞼上 。 裝置單方面播放影像 , 參與者透過眼瞼 感受的血紅光影有若鬼魅 , 並且因人而異 。

Imagraph is a media apparatus that arbitrates between two primordial "attitudes": projecting the images and closing the senses. Participants lie and shut their eyes. Two displays are suspended, with optical fibres from each pixel extending to the surface of their eyelids. The video prepared in advance is unilaterally played after the spectral compensation against the "blood-red" unique to their own flesh.

香港 Hong Kong

很長一段時間 , 我四處搜尋流散到小檔口中 、 被丟棄的二手 記憶卡 , 以反覆觀看陌生人的記憶 。 我藉着重組他人記憶的 重疊 , 去還原一張小時候誤刪的合照 , 試圖填補記憶中的 白 。

Buried in piles of worn-out, used memory cards at street vendors of sorts, I found myself bearing invisible witness to memories of total strangers. I attempt to retrieve an accidentally deleted image from my childhood with memory cards that once belonged to strangers, consciously reinventing a curious compound of imagery, memory and the lack thereof as time unceasingly elapses.

香港 Hong Kong

《 Stochastic Camera (version 0.2) 》 重新檢視及反思 機器學習影像處理的演算邏輯 。 連續八天 , 藝術家記錄冰球 三小時內在黑盒及穩定光照下的融化過程 , 再編寫兩條不同 的方程式處理影像 , 分別代表總體及個體自主 。

Stochastic Camera (version 0.2) revisits and rethinks the algorithmic logic of machine learning image processing. Over the period of eight days, artist records the melting ice ball in a black box and stable light for three hours, then writes two different equations to process the imagery data, representing the overall and individual autonomy respectively.

媒體藝術組入圍作品展7 Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 公開組入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards

Open Category Finalist Showcase

節目一 Programme 1

極樂招財貓 Lucky Cat

楊光宗 Yeung Kwong-chung

日常中最微細的小事 , 往往引爆出一發不可收拾的大 事件 。 過程之中 , 是隨波逐流還是全力反擊 , 都是人 性 。「 節目一 」 的五部作品 , 以城市作佈景 , 展現生 而為人的複雜面向 。

Even a small spark could start a huge fire. To go with the flow or strike back are both valid choices in terms of human nature. The five short films of Programme One depict the complexity of urban humans.

9/3 (Thu) | 7:30pm 古天樂電影院

Louis Koo Cinema

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 119' | HK$80 / 64*

設映後討論會 With post-screening discussion

彩色 Col / 25'00"

粵語 、 普通話及上海話對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese, Putonghua and Shanghai dialect with Chinese and English subtitles

督信神佛的泊車仔阿佛有日拜神時遇到一個啞巴透露天機 。 自始阿佛馬運亨通 , 還得到意外之財 。 另一邊廂 , 骨妹菲菲 與好友阿媚本想敲詐好色的士司機阿肥……

Fut, a parking attendant who believes in gods and Buddha, meets a mute one day during worship who reveals a secret to him. From that day onwards, Ah Fo gets very lucky and wins a windfall. Meanwhile, massage girl Fei Fei and her friend Mei want to blackmail Fatty, a lustful taxi driver...


梁浩倫 Riley Leung

彩色 Col / 25'24"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

內向乖巧的啟良隨迷信的媽媽搬至新居 。 對新環境感到陌生 的他 , 在女班長的引領下 , 逐漸對天堂的願景感到好奇 , 並 憧憬有日可與父親於天堂相聚 。 然而 , 他逐漸發現願景之下 的邪惡 虔誠的同學把他妖魔化以欺負他 , 滿口美好說詞 的老師對學生的信仰進行脅迫 , 種種現象令他對天主教產生 反感 。 他圖以母親信奉的宗教作反擊

Kai-leung is enrolled in a Christian school by his single mom of Buddhist faith. The prefect tells him faith conversion can reunite him with his father in heaven, but not being a Christian has progressively made him a victim of ridicule. To retaliate, Kai-leung brings an army of Chinese religious statuettes to even the odds.

8第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards

煨燼 The Rest

崔紹輝 Tsui Chiu-fai Teddy


As I Imagine My Body Moving

葉奕蕾 Elysa Wendi

彩色 Col / 29'59"

粵語及普通話對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese and Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles

娣是儲物癖拾荒長者 , 執拾紙皮變賣賺取微薄生活費 。 她在 機緣下於長生店後巷看見職員棄置祭品 , 着他們把祭品送她 並在街市擺賣 。 轉賣祭品帶來收入 , 她卻因此失去最重要的 東西 。

Di is a hoarder who scavenges trash, collecting cardboard boxes and selling them to earn meagre living. By chance, she sees the staff of a funeral home throwing away paper offerings in the back alley and asks them to let her resell in the market. Selling paper offerings brings income, but she lost the most important things eventually.

彩色 Col / 30'00"

粵語 、 英語及普通話對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese, English and Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles

曾經的舞者 , 因一次突發的意外 , 翻開了深埋於身體二十多年 的傷痕 。

A former dancer encountering a sudden health issue, unveiled a deeper scar that is concealed inside her for over 20 years.


杜震謙 To Chun-him

彩色 Col / 8'00"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

一群不良少年以 「 碰瓷 」 敲詐大叔並乘機偷取手機 , 在公園 翻看大叔的手機時發現一段情慾短片 。 喧鬧中 , 引起兩名小 孩的不滿 。 少年們並不知道原來他們正捲入一宗黑幫糾紛 。

A group of delinquent tricks a middle-aged man and steals his phone. Upon checking the phone's content, they find a short sex clip. While noisily commenting on the video, they cause the displeasure of two children, without realising they are getting involved in a gang dispute.

公開組入圍作品放映9 Open Category Finalist Showcase

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 公開組入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards

Open Category Finalist Showcase

節目二 Programme 2

漫漫 A Long Walk

葉奕蕾 Elysa Wendi、李偉盛 Lee Wai-shing

人天生是群居動物 , 害怕孤獨是人之常情 , 面對無可 避免的失去 , 那種無力感總叫人難以釋懷 。「 節目 二 」 的五部短片 , 以身體為敘事媒介 , 呈現孤獨的不

同模樣 。

Humans are not born to live alone, so we tend to find bonding with others. Therefore, we always find ourselves helpless in face of the different kinds of inevitable loss in our lives. In the five short films of Programme Two, such losses are told through various forms of narratives.

10/3 (Fri) | 7:30pm


Louis Koo Cinema

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 134' | HK$80 / 64* 設映後討論會 With post-screening discussion

彩色 Col / 15'43" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

悠長的黑夜裡 , 曲折的道路顯得更漫長 , 經過 30 多年的舞蹈 生涯 , 他又開始在這條路上狂奔 。 也許 , 這是最後一次 。

Despite the long and winding road in the long dark night, after more than 30 years of dance life, he starts racing on this path again, perhaps for the very last time.

林中無廬 Trek of an Extinct Bird

何樂怡 Ho Lok-yee Gloria

彩色 Col / 28'21" 粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

阿十一直參加迦蘭的維權運動 ,然而局勢使得阿十喘不過氣 , 他因恐懼而獨自走進森林避居 。 放低責任與身份的他一開始 過得自在 , 但在森林的時間越久 , 伴隨着的鄉愁以及孤獨感 就越重 , 亦令阿十有感危機不會隨他離開迦蘭而消失 。

Decem has been participating in Garan's human rights movement, but the situation makes him feel exhausted and scared, and so he goes into the forest to seek refuge. Leaving his responsibilities behind, he feels relieved at first, but the longer he spends in the forest, the more longing and loneliness he feels, which makes Decem realise that the crisis would not disappear even though he has left Garan.

10第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards

失去的部分 Lost a part of

陳巧真 Chan Hau-chun

四月的變奏 April's Interlude

郭頌儀 Erica Kwok

群鼠 Anatomy of Rats

譚善揚 Tam Sin-yeung Antonio、

胡天朗 Wu Tin-long Tino

彩色 Col / 30'00"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

身體的滯緩 , 趕不上現實生活的變化 。 當屬於手的記憶被反 覆召喚 , 口腔的空缺最終被人工物料填補 , 身體若有記憶 , 那該如何回應這幾年間置身此地的經驗 ? 三個人 , 各自敘述 身體無以名狀的變化 , 試圖尋找幽微的軌道 。

Stagnation in the body cannot keep up with the changes in real life. When memory of the trembling hand constantly haunts, when the cavity is filled by artificial materials - if body remembers, how should it respond with the years of traumatic past? Three of us, describing the indescribable body changes, try picking up the hints and signs.

黑白 B&W / 29'47"

粵語 、 英語及法語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese, English and French with Chinese and English subtitles


Shan is a cosmetician who runs a beauty salon business with her partner in a commercial building. When the government announces that beauty salons must be closed due to the pandemic, Shan is forced to stay at home with nothing to do and must confront a sudden onset of loneliness. Her ordinary life changes when she makes certain small connections.

彩色 Col / 30'00"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

寄宿學校裡 , 風紀隊長收山腳和副隊長煙仔表面維持秩序 , 暗地裡帶頭違規 。 原以為掌握了 「 黑白兩道 」 的校園秩序 , 未料一椿驚動校長的 「 意外 」, 撼動了兩人的勢力 。

The head prefect Jaguar and vice-head prefect Smoker of a boarding school are responsible to discipline but break rules in secret. The rule of law that governs both good and bad students is disrupted when an unexpected accident alarms the school principal and affects the power balance of the two.

公開組入圍作品放映 Open Category Finalist Showcase
, 隨着政府宣佈 美容院在疫情下必須停業 , 在家百無聊賴的菀珊面對突然來襲 的孤獨感 。 平凡的生活 , 因為一些微小的連結而產生變化 。

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽


The 28th ifva Awards

Youth Category Finalist Showcase

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 12

兩年過去 , 回歸校園 , 生活逐步回復正常 , 年輕的創作力終 可以不同形式爆發 。 青少年組的十部作品 , 以情感直白的影 像說不同故事 , 既有對身邊種種的辛辣批判 、 輕狂的追夢小 傳 , 亦有因疫情而萌生的少男心事 。

After two hectic years, young spirits are finally resuming their school lives and their creativity are all ready to be expressed in all different kinds of narratives. With the ten short films of the Youth Category, there are critical observations on the happenings around their everyday life, uplifting records of dream-chasers, and bitter-sweet love stories that are limited to the period of the pandemic.

11/3 (Sat) | 1:30pm 古天樂電影院

Louis Koo Cinema

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 96' | HK$80 / 64*

設映後討論會 With post-screening discussion

青少年組入圍作品放映 Youth Category Finalist Showcase 13

勃朗特的廚房 Bravocado Oliventure

梁敏晞 Leung Man-hei Abby、李欣頴 Li Yan-wing、

朱稚程 Chu Chi-ching、鄧寶恩 Deng Po-yan、

郭善柔 Kok Sin-yau、陳毓翹 Chan Yuk-kiu

彩色 Col / 7'55"


No dialogue and subtitles

六月是牛油果月 。 為了慶祝這個重要節期 , 整個廚房都是牛 油果的佈置 ,牛油果成了 Bronterian's Kitchen 的新超級巨星 。 另一方面 , 橄欖不顧一切想實現宏大的夢想 。 如果他們相遇 會發生甚麼事 ? 橄欖又能實現他的宏圖大志嗎 ?

June is the month of avocado. To celebrate this important date, the whole kitchen is decorated with avocados, where avocado becomes the new superstar of Bronterian's Kitchen. Olive, on the other hand, is desperate to make big dreams come true. What will happen if they meet? Can olive realise its grand ambition?

Cupid Rosewood is 14 Years Old

蔡蒨雯 Choy Sin-man Jasmine、 唐穎曈 Tong Wing-tung Ilana

彩色 Col / 12'12"

英語對白 , 中英文字幕

In English with Chinese and English subtitles

檀璦玫 , 為舞台而生 , 卻步向毀滅 。 最後的豆蔻年華為她的 人生留下了怎樣的風景 ? 還是命運早被編織成她最愛的絲絨 紅裙 ?

Cupid Rosewood! Hopelessly showbiz, the type of person who belongs to a stage – somehow she ends up dead at 14. The film follows Cupid through her last year of life; understand her better, find out how her death comes to be! Was this fate born into the red velvet mesh of her favourite dress? Was it inevitable? (You'll never know!)

追思 Recall

陳弈彤 Chan Yik-tung

彩色 Col / 5'28"


No dialogue and subtitles

本來身處自由的環境 , 因為好奇而遇上危險 , 最後受到來自 大城市的壓迫 。

The protagonist lives in a free world, but out of curiosity, she has some dangerous encounter. In the end, she is oppressed by the big city.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 14

過度專注 overwatch

趙家賢 Chiu Ka-yin、白璟泰 Pak King-tai、

李浚瑋 Li Tsun-wai、雷一鳴 Lei Yat-ming

彩色 Col / 6'03"

粵語對白 , 中文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles

監視 , 與被監視 。 在娛樂至死的新世界 , 展開一場解構真相 的旅行 。資訊科技是進步 ,還是禍害 ? 個體的界線正在消融 , 這是 《 過度專注 》, 科幻終於要成為現實 。

Watching and being watched. In a world where people are "amusing ourselves to death", we go on a journey of deconstructing truth. Is information technology a sign of progress or an instrument of harm? The boundary between individuals is being dissolved. This is overwatch , where sci-fi turns into reality.

若隱若現 Looming

A student union election sparks online bullying. The protagonist is harassed, attacked, publicly judged and even doxed by unknown forces. His victimiser plays hide and seek with the protagonist, who is about to break down when he discovers that

和你在一起的日子 THOSE DAYS

胡浩鋒 Woo Ho-fung、趙子齊 Chiu Tsz-chai、

張煒杰 Cheung Wai-kit、李鴻彬 Li Hung-pan、

葉焯恆 Ip Cheuk-hang、馮鈺琳 Fung Yuk-lam

彩色 Col / 14'51"

粵語及普通話對白 , 無字幕

In Cantonese and Putonghua with no subtitles

胡同學是一名跨境學童 , 疫情下要留在內地上網課 , 因緣際 會下到了香港 , 寄住在班主任陳老師的家 。 日久生情 , 胡同 學與陳老師之間浮現了未有預料的曖昧關係 。 這段因疫情而 發生的關係 , 會否因疫情結束而完結 ?

Woo is a cross border student who must stay home in Mainland during the pandemic and take online classes. By chance, he comes to Hong Kong and stays at the home of his teacher, Chan. As they get to know one another, certain feelings develop. Will this relationship that came about because of COVID terminate when the pandemic comes to an end?

青少年組入圍作品放映 Youth Category Finalist Showcase 15
劉梓星 David Lau 彩色 Col / 3'53" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles
、 攻擊 、 公審 , 甚至起底 。 施暴者若隱若現 , 男主角情緒崩潰 之際 , 卻發現……
一場學生會選舉觸發的網絡欺凌 。 男主角遭不明人士滋擾

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 動畫組入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards

Animation Category Finalist Showcase


周安華 Chow On-wa、廖家樂 Liu Ka-lok、

林路得 Lam Ruth

叔叔不⾏⿃ 2 Uncle Babysitter 2

木田東 tungwood

香港 Hong Kong

彩色 Col / 6'34"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

在香港狹小的環境生活 , 處處受限 , 猶如四方城般 。 也許生 活匱乏 , 被環境壓迫 , 難以改變現況 。 然而 , 邦仔卻沒有失 去小鳥在天空翱翔的想像 , 依然保持對美好事物的憧憬 。

Living in the cramped conditions in Hong Kong makes people feel confined, like being trapped in a square. People are oppressed by their environment, their lives are deprived and they feel unable to change. However, Bong has not lost his will to be free like a bird and still maintains his longing for beauty.

香港 Hong Kong

彩色 Col / 5'57"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

叔叔與姪子因爭看電視而發生爭執 , 卻意外地殺了姪子 ?!

Uncle and nephew get into an argument over watching TV, but the uncle accidentally kills the nephew?!

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 16

動畫師深信 , 有些人性 、 場景 、 情感 , 能透過一筆一劃去呈

現及昇華 。 這些心血 , 令動畫這個創作媒介擁有獨特的靈魂 。

十部來自亞洲地區及香港動畫師的作品 , 繼續以筆墨去刻劃

人間千姿百態 。

Animators believe there are emotions, visions and humanities that can be fully expressed through their brushes and strokes, and it has always been such determination that makes animation a unique narrative form of its own. In the hands of ten different animators from Asian region and Hong Kong, the numerous faces of human lives are illustrated and highlighted.

梅婆 Mui

黃榮俊 Wong Weng-chon

My Dear Son

傅詠欣 Lilian Fu

3/3 (Fri) | 7:30pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 83' | HK$80 / 64*

設映後討論會 With post-screening discussion

澳門 Macao

彩色 Col / 7'31"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

一段兩婆孫的短途旅程 , 面對喋喋不休的外婆 , 可怕回憶 一一湧現 , 往事和現在兩個時空交疊帶來的雙重折磨 。

During a short trip, a young man and his grandmother are confronted with horrible memories. Amidst grandma's usual nonstop nagging, it feels as if suffering will persist simultaneously in the past and the present.

香港 Hong Kong 彩色 Col / 8'52" 無對白及字幕

No dialogue and subtitles

生活在資本主義城市的 Rose 意外誕下一隻貓 。 嬰兒的行為 不像普通嬰兒 , Rose 努力試着愛他 , 竭盡全力改變他 , 即使 這等同改變他的本性 。她學着愛他 ,試圖找到與嬰兒的聯繫 , 結果回想起一件她已遺忘很久的事 。

In a capitalist city, Rose unexpectedly gives birth to a cat. The baby doesn't behave as an ordinary baby and Rose struggles to love him. Rose tries her best to change him, even if it means changing his true nature. To find a connection, she learns to love him for whom he is, just to remember something she has forgotten for a long time.


Animation Category Finalist Showcase

懷念的華爾滋 Lost in a Waltz

李季恬 Li Ji-tian

患者的心態 Patient's Mind

王之珩 Wang Zhiheng

Well Wishes My Love, Your Love

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 8'56"

國語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

在一棟甚麼都把握不住的房子裡 , 有一位母親在思念她的 母親 。

Returning to a house that holds nothing, a mother misses her mother.

中國 China

彩色 Col / 6'05"

無對白 , 中英文字幕

No dialogue with Chinese and English subtitles

作品以醫生與病人的關係作隱喻 ,展現主角內心自我與超我 、

當下與 「 預設未來 」 之間爭奪主體權的過程 , 並在注定失敗 的自我救贖中陷入當下與 「 預設未來 」 的無限輪迴 。

The metaphor of the doctor-patient relationship is used in the work, which shows the process of the protagonist's inner self and superego, the fight for the subject right between the present and the "preset future", and the endless cycle between the present and the "preset future" in the doomed failure of self-salvation.

馬來西亞 Malaysia

彩色 Col / 9'02"


No dialogue and subtitles

男孩剛成孤兒 ,又因同時面對龐大的失去而深受創傷 。一天 , 他借了一隻義肢給同伴 , 同伴將之暴露在混合的材料中 , 同 時記錄整個過程 。 隨着月亮離太陽越來越近 , 男孩發現水面 上的倒映並不尋常 。

Newly orphaned and freshly wounded from an immense loss, a boy lends his companion a prosthetic arm for the day. The companion would then expose the prosthetic limb to a mélange of textures and materials, whilst documenting the whole process. As the moon inches closer and closer towards the sun, the boy sees something unusual reflected on the water's surface.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards
Gabriel Gabriel Garble

在見 Everywhere

張小踏 Step C.、吳啟忠 Ng Kai-chung

香港 Hong Kong 彩色 Col / 9'25" 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

思念是一種痛 ,對逝去者的思念更加是一種不能承受的苦痛 。

本片藉着兩隻小貓的生死故事 , 以充滿喻意的畫面 , 讓觀眾 進入貓貓的世界 , 思考生與死這個大課題 , 也讓被困者得以 釋懷 。

Missing someone is a kind of pain, and missing someone who's already passed away is even more unbearable. This film uses the story of the life and death of two kittens and metaphorical images to let the audience enter the world of cats and contemplate the theme of life and death, and consequently find relief for those feeling trapped.

城堡裡的大象 Elephant in Castle

李鈺淇 Lee Yuk-ki Florence

香港 Hong Kong

彩色 Col / 4'45"


No dialogue and subtitles

這部平面數碼動畫使用逐幀手繪的方法 , 創作出幽微又抽象 的故事 。 作品於 2019 年和 2020 年這兩個奇特的年份創作 , 表達導演內心的變化 , 並描繪她對香港 , 她成長的城市的情 感 、 美學和觸感反應 。

A 2D digital animation using a hand drawn frame-by-frame process to create subtle abstract narratives. Created within the context of two strange years, 2019 and 2020, the work expresses a constant change within the director's inner world. It depicts the emotional, aesthetic, and tactile responses that she has to Hong Kong, the city where she grew up.

A Guitar in the Bucket

Kim Bo-young

南韓 South Korea

彩色 Col / 14'51"

韓語及英語對白 , 英文字幕

In Korean and English with English subtitles

在一個可以從自動販賣機租借任何東西的世界 , 女孩想成為 結他手 , 但旁人卻為她作出其他選擇 。

In a world where you can rent everything from vending machines, a girl wants to be a guitarist, but people choose otherwise for her.

動畫組入圍作品放映 Animation Category Finalist Showcase

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 亞洲新力量組 入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards

Asian New Force Category

Finalist Showcase

節目一 Programme 1

既非亦非 Neither Nor

王順德 Ong Soon-teik

Split Ends

Alireza Kazemipour

身份與國族認同的掙扎 、 不合情理的規管行為 、 隱藏 在新科技的魔鬼細節 ,「 節目一 」 的五部短片作品 , 以尖銳角度探視跨越亞洲國土的社會議題 。

Struggling identity crisis, unreasonable outfit constraints, hidden discriminative details of new technology in five short Asian films of Programme One, social issues are depicted with acute attention beyond country borders.

4/3 (Sat) | 3:30pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 101' | HK$ 80 / 64*

馬來西亞 Malaysia

彩色 Col / 25'00"

英語 、 馬來語及普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In English, Malay and Putonghua with English subtitles

三名華裔中學生於馬來西亞這片土地上遊蕩 , 拍攝着聳動的 影片 ,在矛盾中尋找認同與未來 ,在沮喪的種族環境中掙扎 。 離去或留下 ? 於既非亦非的身份裡 , 尋找多年未解的答案與 源頭 。

Three Chinese students, who are about to graduate high school are filming a sensational video. They wander the land of Malaysia with rebellion and confusion. They seek validation and a future, yet they invalidate themselves. All three are torn between "leaving" and "staying," struggling in a pessimistic racial environment, searching for answers that have been unanswered for years in their "neither nor" Malaysian identity.

伊朗 Iran

彩色 Col / 14'15"

波斯語對白 , 英文字幕

In Persian with English subtitles

交通快拍的鏡頭拍到一個禿頭女人和一個長頭髮男人沒有戴 頭巾 , 他們企圖逃避罰款 。

A bald woman and a man with long hair try to get out of paying fines when traffic cameras catch them for not wearing a hijab.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 20

Grey Solar Game

Seemonta Halder

打光 The Lighting

致穎 Musquiqui Chihying


I Have No Legs, and I Must Run

李越 Li Yue

印度 India

彩色 Col / 24'44"

孟加拉語對白 , 英文字幕

In Bengali with English subtitles

一個有關三兄妹的故事 。 時代在變 , 情勢在變 , 人也在變 , 但可能沒有變得更好 。他們陷入這樣的時代 ,如不接受變化 ,

就等同活在災難當中 。

This is a story of three siblings. Changing times changes situations, along with it changes the people, which might not always be for the better. The siblings are plunged into one such time in which living, rather than accepting the change, marks catastrophe.

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 21'30"

粵語 、 法語及國語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese, French and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

The film explores the kinaesthetic notion between the body. Togolese photographers are testing devices that can compensate for insufficient exposure when shooting dark skin tones; a newly developed camera algorithm is very popular on the African continent; and in addition: the production of a Kung Fu movie with a computergenerated voice of Bruce Lee. The Lighting aims to revisit and clarify the issue of discrimination rooted in technological development and image production through an interdisciplinary exploration.

中國 China

彩色 Col / 15'06"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles

過了黃金時期的運動員被傷患所困 , 一位才華橫溢的新成員 加入他的團隊 , 在他的腦海中種下嫉妒的種子 。

An athlete who has passed his prime is struggling with his injuries. The arrival of a talented new member of his team plants the seeds of jealousy in the athlete's mind.

亞洲新力量組入圍作品放映 Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase 21
攝影師測試對深膚色無法正確曝光的攝影器材 、 非洲大陸十分 流行的相機演算法 , 以及由人工智慧合成出李小龍聲音的功夫 電影 。《 打光 》 嘗試透過跨學科的提問 , 重新釐清隱藏在技術 發展中的歧視性議題 。

The 28th ifva Awards

Asian New Force Category

Finalist Showcase

節目二 Programme 2

小黃花 Little Yellow Flower

林見坪 Lin Chien-ping

青春的回憶來襲 、 小市民的掙扎求存 、 尋找失蹤家 人的無助 ,「 節目二 」 的五部亞洲短片 , 從最微小 的日常片段 , 如鏡般折射出不同社會的文化 、 傳統 及價值觀 。

The flashback of good old memories, the struggle of ordinary citizens to make a living, the desperation of finding missing family members, the five Asian shorts of Programme 2 reflects the cultural differences of traditions and values through the mundane clips of everyday lives.

4/3 (Sat) | 7:30pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 94' | HK$ 80 / 64*

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 29'55"

台語及國語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

包着尿布 、身上爬滿螞蟻的父親 ,引出阿南年少的痛苦記憶 。 當他再一次噴殺螞蟻 , 能否融化冰封已久的父子之情 , 並讓 院子瓜棚上的黃花重新怒放 ?

Looking at his paralysed father, wrapped in diapers and ants crawling all over his body, A-nan recalls his painful childhood memories. When he sprays insecticides to kill ants again, can he unravel the long-frozen father-son relationship and restore the loving beauty of the yellow flowers that once bloomed in the courtyard?

Please Hold the Line

陳策鼎 Tan Ce-ding

馬來西亞 Malaysia

彩色 Col / 18'30"

粵語及普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Cantonese and Putonghua with English subtitles

年輕的電話欺詐騙徒面對可能出現的人生鉅變 , 陷入兩難的 道德困境 。

A young scam call operator is thrust into a moral dilemma as she navigates a life-changing situation.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 22
第二十八屆 ifva 比賽
亞洲新力量組 入圍作品放映


Nithin John

印度 India

彩色 Col / 8'15" 無對白及字幕

No dialogue and subtitles

擦鞋匠的日常 , 折射出現今社會深藏的階級制度和不平等 。 作品揭示主角為小女兒買一雙新鞋而面對的困境 。

Daily struggles of a shoe polisher mirrors the hierarchy and inequalities which are deeply rooted in the society. The film unveils his / her plight to buy a new pair of shoes for the protagonist's little girl.


Ali Daraee

伊朗 Iran 彩色 Col / 14'13" 波斯語對白 , 英文字幕

In Persian with English subtitles

年輕媽媽因疏忽令孩子去世 , 但伊朗的法例規定 , 父親必須在 場才能獲發殯葬許可 ,她努力尋找失踪的丈夫 ,但隨時間流逝 , 又捲入更嚴重的事件 。

A young mother in Iran has lost her baby due to negligence, but the presence of the father is required in order to get a burial permission. She strives to find her missing husband and by the elapse of time, she is involved in more serious issues.

大日子 Big Day

江宗傑 Chiang Chung-chieh

台灣 Taiwan

彩色 Col / 22'59" 台語及國語對白 , 英文字幕

In Taiwanese and Mandarin with English subtitles

陽光和煦的午後 , 一對結縭三十多年的老夫妻 , 沿港邊小路 漫步 。 他們從子女的生活事 , 談到兩人的感情事 。 路途上 , 偶遇的舊識說起人世的聚散無常 ; 當年相愛定情的場所 , 更 顯情感丟失後 , 無法尋回的惆悵 。 漫漫長路的終點 , 是青春 相伴的回憶與分離 。

In the afternoon, a middle-aged married couple are taking a walk by the harbour and having a fight when they meet an old acquaintance who they haven't seen for a long time. On the way, they walk past the Mazu temple where he proposed to her, which reminds them of how things used to be.

亞洲新力量組入圍作品放映 Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase 23

創意無限但入圍名額有限 , 特別推薦的十 部短片及動畫 , 都是評審各自心水之選 。

Ten short films and animations recommended by the jury each of which being a gem of one's own.

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 評審推薦節目

The 28th ifva Awards Jury Recommendation Programme

5/3 (Sun) | 4pm


Louis Koo Cinema

DCP / 159' | HK$80 / 64*


The Egret River

劉琬琳 Liu Wan-ling

動畫組 | Max Hattler 推薦

Animation Category

Recommended by Max Hattler

大樓警衛與鷺鷥共享一片藏身高樓間的秘密野地,一天野地被 毀蓋起大樓,鷺鷥逃逸無蹤,悲傷的他卻開始看見種種幻象。

Among the tall buildings of the city, the lonely guard hides a beautiful field that no one knows and meets an egret there. The expansion of the city never stops, and when one day the field is destroyed, and the egret escapes without a trace, the lonely guard begins to see mysterious illusions.

台灣 Taiwan / 彩色 Col / 19'56"


No dialogue and subtitles


Asian Extra No.1

陳英吉 Chen Ying-ji Oliver 公開組 | 羅展鳳推薦

Oepn Category | Recommended by Law Tsin-fung Angela


夢想是當演員。一天 Bryan 為一部荷李活電影試鏡,角色是「 個中國男子」。他遇上激進的中國新移民 Tiger,發現自己真 實的一面。

A black comedy of the Asian experience in America: Bryan, a 2nd generation Chinese American who dreams of acting, one day auditions for the role of "the Chinese Guy" in a Hollywood film. He encounters a radical Chinese new immigrant Tiger, and finds himself confronted of his authenticity.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 13'05"

英語及普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In English and Putonghua with English subtitles


Interview with Lo Ting: An Oral History Project

朱家誠 Chu Ka-shing

公開組 | 陳志華、麥曦茵、

羅展鳳推薦 Oepn Category | Recommended by Chan Chi-wa Ernest, Mak Hei-yan Heiward, Law Tsin-fung Angela

李善瑜要拍一部關於好友和她的失智症爺爺的紀錄片。爺爺偶 爾會向人提及自己的妻子是「盧亭」,於是李善瑜出發到塔門


Lee Sin-yu wants to make a documentary about a friend and his dementia grandfather, who would occasionally say that his wife is "Lo Ting". Lee Sin-yu set out for the fishing village of Tap Mun to begin filming, and starts to understand the dark side of Lo Ting that has been hidden in history.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 15'01"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

All the Things You Leave Behind

Chanasorn Chaikitiporn

亞洲新力量組 | 徐匡慈推薦

Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Clarence Tsui

泰國的戰略地位和政治取向,使其成為美國在越戰期間的理想 盟友。作品把當代和歷史檔案影像以出人意表的方式拼湊,精 準地批判去解構現代歷史鮮為人知的一頁,揭示當代權力遊戲 和戰事。

Thailand's strategic position and political orientation made it the ideal ally for the United States during the Vietnam war. Through an astonishing mix of contemporary and archival images, the film deploys precise criticism to analyse a littleknown page of modern history, emblematic of contemporary power games and warfare.

泰國 Thailand / 黑白 B&W / 18'15"

英語及泰語對白 , 英文字幕

In English and Thai with English subtitles

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 The 28th ifva Awards 24


何芷詠 Ho Tsz-wing、

陸朗文 Luk Long-man、

潘子懷 Pun Tsz-wai

動畫組 | Max Hattler 推薦 Animation Category

Recommended by Max Hattler

以香港 M+ 博物館的建築風格為切入點,將博物館獨立視為一

件藝術品,挑戰「博物館」的定義。作品通過觀察 M+ 建築中 的幾何形狀和結構,探索物質世界的背後。

& MORE draws from the architecture of the M+ museum in Hong Kong which challenges the definition of a museum by looking at it as an object itself. Through a geometric play of shapes and forms in the M+ building, we explore what underpins our material world.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 3'11" 無對白及字幕

No dialogue and subtitles


The Silent Whistle

李映彤 Li Yingtong

亞洲新力量組 | 鍾德勝推薦 Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Simon Chung

19 歲女孩阿明獨來獨往,在一家便利店當夜班店員。臨近春節



19-year-old girl Ming is a loner who works night shift in a convenience store. One day near the spring festival, her neighbour Rui invites her for a "special" dinner, which summons up her hidden past.

中國 China / 彩色 Col / 18'15"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles


See You in...

莫嘉熙 Mok Ka-hei

公開組 | 陳志華推薦

Oepn Category | Recommended by Chan Chi-wa Ernest

廿四歲的 Jack 這幾年來一直在香港發展音樂事業,極力生活

如常,可惜往事始終纏繞着他。今天踏上道別之旅,最後一次 見證城巿裡的人和事,渴望能得到一個答覆,為他的離去賦予


Facing the demolition of his world, 24 year-old musician Jack roams his city for one final look as he prepares for their inevitable farewell, seeking an answer and meaning to his departure from this world.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 29'32"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

解鎖 A Question

李寶芝 Lee Po-chi

公開組 | 麥曦茵推薦 Oepn Category | Recommended by Mak Hei-yan Heiward



The three sisters of the Chou family reunite after a long absence at their father's funeral, and embark on a supernatural journey to unlock their family's secrets. The three of them search for the spirit of their father because the middle sister wants to ask him a pressing question.

香港 Hong Kong / 彩色 Col / 24'47"

粵語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

情書 Love Letter

魏江幸 Luk Wei、

胡長軍 Hu Changjun

亞洲新力量組 | 王劍凡推薦

Asian New Force Category

Recommended by Wong Kim-fan




Qiang, who is aphasia, has been single for many years and has been afraid to express his love for Xiao Wen, a visually impaired masseur in a small town. He can't speak, he can't tell, and doesn't know how to tell. He should not tell.

中國 China / 彩色 Col / 7'58"

普通話對白 , 英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles


Farnoosh Abedi

動畫組 | 史明輝推薦

Animation Category

Recommended by Jack Shih

在被噴射大軍佔領的土地上,任何人都無權種植,所以人民和 士兵永遠不知道如何栽種植物,也不知道植物長甚麼樣子。

名士兵發現一顆種子深埋在塵土之中,引起他的好奇,最後開 展非凡、偉大、又革命性的旅程。

In the land occupied by the sprayers army, no one has the right to grow anything, so the people and soldiers never know how to grow a plant or how one looks like. One day a soldier finds a seed buried deep down in the dust and his curiosity is just the beginning of something extraordinary, something big, something revolutionary.

伊朗 Iran / 彩色 Col / 8'34"

無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles

評審推薦節目 Jury Recommendation Programme 25

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽 VR 特別獎

The 28th ifva Awards VR Special Prize

時代不斷向前 , 觀影經驗及創作方式亦同步演變成 長 。 從菲林到錄像再到數碼影像 , 由實拍加上電腦特 技再延展至多元實境 , 創意及想像從來不應受限 。

ifva 連結 Meta , 今屆特設 VR 特別獎 , 鼓勵本地及 亞洲地區短片導演 、 動畫創作人 、 媒體藝術家 , 集各 家之創意及專門技術 , 為傳統敘事 , 帶來全新衝擊 。

VR 特別獎將於 2023 年 3 月公佈 , 得獎作品有機會於 VR 影院放映 。

The forms and ways of film watching and making have never stopped evolving. From films, videos to digital images, from on-site shooting, CG to extended reality, creativity and imagination have always remained formless and boundless.

ifva joins forces with Meta to present the first VR Special Prize this year, to encourage local and Asian filmmakers, animators and media artists to bring new lights to traditional narratives through their creative minds and specialised techniques.

VR Speical Prize will be announced in March 2023. Winning works may have the chance to be shown at Pop-up VR Cinema.

VR 影院 Pop-up VR Cinema


放映時間表及免費登記 Screening Schedule & Free Registration

舊家 Home

許智彥 Hsu Chih-yen

VR ( 虛擬實境 ) 技術的出現 , 觀眾與影像之間得以建立全新的關係 。 觀眾與 影像之間的距離不曾那麼近 , 如同置身其中 , 觀影體驗亦比一直以來的更具互 動性及私密 , 就像是和影像進行了一場單對單的深度對談 。

本年 ifva 首辦 VR 影院 , 精選多部來自不同地區的 VR 得獎佳作 , 且看不同影 像創作者 , 如何以科技創出新的敘事方法 。

With virtual reality (VR) technology, the audience can now develop a completely new relationship with moving images. The images are now so close that audiences could almost grasp them with their finger tips. The whole "watching" experience is like having a one-on-one conversation with the narrative, so interactive and intimate.

This year, ifva is presenting the first Pop-up VR Cinema in town. With the selected award-winning VR works from different regions of the world, audience will be able to experience how different image creators embrace technology to discover new ways of storytelling.

台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | VR360 | 彩色 Col | 17'39"

國語及台語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chinese and English subtitles

2020 翠貝卡電影節 Tr ibeca Film Festival

2020 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival

2020 富川國際奇幻電影節 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

2020 威尼斯影展 VR 單元 Venice Film Festiva VR Expanded

2019 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung Film Festival

夏日的午後 , 寧靜的日式老宅聚集了許久不見的家人們 。 大家圍繞在奶奶身

旁 , 吵吵鬧鬧用各自方式向奶奶表達愛意 。 人們來來去去 , 電視繼續重播 , 電 風扇持續擺頭 , 日式老宅的午後 , 奶奶靜靜的看着 。

In a summer afternoon, the family gathers in the old house. They surround beside grandma to show their love, even she's no longer able to move, react or hear clearly. As people come and go, the television keeps replaying and the fan is still running in the peaceful old house, where lives grandma and her maid.

紅尾巴 Red Tail

王登鈺 Fish Wang

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | 6dof | 彩色 Col | 20'00"

自選國語或英語對白 , 無字幕 In Mandarin or English on demand with no subtitles 2022 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容單元 Venice Film Festival Venice Immersive 2022 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung Film Festival

男孩一直在追尋紅尾巴的幻影 。 他經過一座又一座既陌生又似曾相識的奇幻城 市 , 疲累不堪地睡了過去 。 他在一個神秘房間醒來 , 一位紳士出現 。 此時 , 男 孩的身上突然流出鮮血再轉生成一條小魚 , 男孩充滿困惑 , 紳士終於道出男孩

的身體與記憶 、 情感所交織的秘密 。

A boy is always chasing a red tail. After passing through many magical cities, extremely exhausted, he finds himself waking up in a gentleman's room. It turns out that the red tail is a fish, which is formed by the boy's own blood. The red tail reminds the boy that the fish is his own sadness that he tries to break loose from. In the end, his tears revive the fish and he makes peace with his own sadness.

8/3 (Wed) – 19/3 (Sun) | 2-8pm 麥高利小劇場
VR 影院 Pop-up VR Cinema 27

Komez Alef O

德國 Germany | 2022 | VR 360 | 彩色 Col | 18'00"

英語對白 , 英文字幕 In English with English subtitles

2022 SXSW 電影節世界首映 World premiere at SXSW Festival 2022 雨舞影展 「 最有社會影響力浸沉式體驗

Nominated for Best Immersive Experience for Social Impact 2022 nextReality.Contest 時代精神獎 猶太集中營倖存者 Victor I. 通過對二戰的回憶

VR 旅程 , 經歷大屠殺 、 戰爭以及被迫離鄉別井的創傷 現代歷史中 , 最恐怖的時期中絕望和希望的呼聲 導航 , 並把他的回憶以風格化的影像重組 繼承這些記憶並與之共同成長的女兒重新想像

Holocaust survivor Victor I. takes the viewer on a deeply personal VR journey through his memories of the Second World War: The trauma of the Holocaust, the trauma of war and the trauma of being forcefully uprooted from home. His story, told in his own voice, is one of despair and hope during the most terrifying time in modern history. The experience is guided by audio recordings of Victor's testimonies and supported by stylised visualisations of his memories that are both re-created through his recollections and reimagined through his daughter who grew up with and inherited his memories.

Silili & Tree

楊寶文 Polly Yeung

香港 Hong Kong | 2021 | VR360 | 彩色 自選粵語 、 英語或國語對白 , 無字幕

In Cantonese, English or Mandarin on demand with no subtitles 2022 香港資訊及通訊科技獎 : 數碼娛樂 Awards Digital Entertainment (Interaction Design) Silver Award

的說話 ,

有時 、 結束有時 , Silili 大師會引導我們面對這一切 幻 、 思索得著 。

A mysterious island hovers in the sky. There grows the magical tree. We come to encounter Master Silili, who will guide us through the wonderful soul-searching journey. In the face of natural beauty one will fully immerse into this surrounding and be open to the wisdom taught by the Mother Nature.

無舞之間 Chroma 11

曾翠珊 Tsang Tsui-shan

香港 Hong Kong | 2022 | 6dof | 彩色 Col | 13'00"

粵語及英語對白 , 無字幕 In Cantonese & English with no subtitles 2022 威尼斯影展沉浸式內容單元 Venice Film Festival Venice Immersive

香港導演曾翠珊的虛擬實境 ( VR ) 項目 《 無舞之間 》, 是其 ifva 公開組銀獎 短片 《 》 的延續 , 作品紀錄同為舞蹈藝術家的黃天寶及郭亞福 , 在亞福人 生最後階段那細膩動人的情感交流 。《 無舞之間 》 藉由虛擬實境技術擴闊對影 像的想像 , 作品以回憶片段及運用 DepthKit 拍攝的動態立體影像捕捉技術 , 嘗試為天人永隔的靈魂 , 重構一趟游離於虛實之間的重聚 。

Chroma 11 is a virtual reality immersive experience based on the true story of lost love. As an extension of the dance documentary film Ward 11 , which documented the heart-rending last days of dance artist Aaron Khek Ah-hock and his partner Ix Wong Thien-pau. The Chroma 11 project expands the boundaries of moving images with VR technology. Through clips of rearranged memories and volumetric video captured by DepthKit, the creative team strives to reconstruct a reunion of the parted souls in the form of a duo dance after life.

一個懸浮空中的神秘小島 , 上面長了一棵奇幻大樹
VR 影院 Pop-up VR Cinema 28


對談 Conversations

4/3 (Sat) & 5/3 (Sun) / 2pm 麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio

語言 Language: 英語 English 免費登記 Free Registration

Day One

為期兩日的 「 We Need to Talk about VR 」 對談 , 邀得海外及本地的 VR 專家及 電影 、 動畫 、 媒體藝術及電腦程式創作人 , 談談 VR 作為新的說故事手法 ,

將會探討這些新科技牽涉的道德及情感 。 兩天節目皆引用本地作品作為例子 , 研究把電影及動畫轉化為 VR 形式之後 , 將為敘事及觀影經驗帶來何等改變

The two-day "We Need to Talk about VR" Conversations will feature international and local VR experts and creative practitioners in filmmaking, animation, media art and computer programming to talk about VR, not only as a new way of storytelling, but also the ethics and emotions involved in this newly embraced technology. For both days, the programme will be concluded by local case studies on how the storytelling and experiences of films and animations could be expanded and explored through the technology of VR.

德國導演 Max Sacker 將談談浸沉式敘事 、 跨媒界 、 照相寫實主義 , 以及一系列互動式的影像體驗 。 巴黎 Diversion Cinema 共同創辦人 Marc Lopato 會介紹 VR 電影的市場潛力 , 以及一系列 VR 電影代表作 。 楊寶文 的 《 Silili & Tree 》、 曾翠珊的 《 無舞之間 》 以及楊曉芙導演的 《 MADE VR: 在生產線的盡頭遇見她 》, 皆以 VR 的體驗令觀眾置身於動畫歷險 、 舞蹈以及紀錄式影像之中 , 她們將談談各自的創作意念 、 新科技 的運用以及作品本身 。

Filmmaker Max Sacker will talk about immersive storytelling, transmedia, photorealism and new media projects where cinema meets interactivity. Marc Lopato, co-founder of Paris-based Diversion Cinema will give an introduction on the potentials of VR film market and an overview of the wide range of VR films. Hong Kong directors Polly Yeung ( Silili & Tree ), Tsang Tsui-shan ( Chroma 11 ) and Sharon Yeung ( MADE: meet me at the end of the assembly line ) have adapted VR technology for audiences to be immersed in animated adventure, dance and documentary experiences. They will be sharing on their vision of producing their VR film projects, from creative directions, the use of new technology to the works.

Day Two

意大利藝術家及導演 Iolanda Di Bonaventura 將探討 VR 中的道德議題及引發的共感經驗 。 柏林 VR 製作人 及 《 Komez Alef O 》 導演 Ioulia Isserlis 會分享如何以 VR 技術去建構一個結集情感與科技的旅程 。 意大 利 3D 藝術家及創意技術專家 Saverio Trapasso 會逐步拆解浸沉式 VR 作為獨特的敘事形式 , 如何把主導權 交到觀者手中 。

Italian visual artist and director Iolanda Di Bonaventura will discuss the questions on the ethics and empathy developed through VR experiences. Berlin-based VR producer and director of Komez Alef O Ioulia Isserlis will be sharing on how VR could be seen as an emotional and technical journey. Italy-based 3D artist and creative technologist Saverio Trapasso will walk through the full process of creating immersive VR as an unique medium for storytelling, which allows viewer to become an active protagonist of a narrative.

Saverio Trapasso Max Sacker Marc Lopato 楊寶文 Polly Yeung 曾翠珊 Tsang Tsui-shan 楊曉芙 Sharon Yeung
“We Need to Talk about VR" 對談 Conversations 29
Iolanda Di Bonaventura Ioulia Isserlis

影像無國界 2022/23 學員創意影片放映

All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film Showcase

Naughty Ghost

Abila Jerwin Ace, Ali Farwa, Daniel Joash Pesquera Cabio, Faiza Khan, Jeison Samsohang, Mirandilla Harvey Nathan H, Mohammad Hassan, Shahzadi Kinza, Taibha Younis

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 麥詠楠 Buber Mak

Jeison 想當 YouTuber , 決定跟他的同學拍一部短片放在 YouTube , 內容是關於學校一個虛構的鬼故事 。 他們一行人在 校園探險 , 一直相安無事 , 直至可怕的事發生 , 同學逐一 消失……

Jeison wants to be a YouTuber so he and his friends decide to make a short film on a fictional ghost story of their school. They explore the school, and after a horrible incident, his classmates disappear

Unknown Feelings

Bilal Shamaz, Danial Yasin, Ghalam Hassain, Habib Ul Rehman, Khan Linqat Zaman, Khan Waleed Cabrera, Nihal Ahmed, Rana Mohammad Hassan

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 黃飛鵬 Wong Fei-pang

一對兄弟 , 因膚色而被貼上標籤 , 哥哥決定無視 , 弟弟則非 常在意 , 想要用爽身粉掩蓋體味 , 希望不再被他人排擠 。 哥 哥出手阻止 , 並為他上了一課 。

Two brothers get labelled because of their skin colour. The elder brother ignores it and moves on with his day while the younger brother decides to put on baby powder so that the people who said he is smelly would play with him. This is how these brothers' lives go on every day.

影像無國界 2022/23 學員創意影片放映 All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film 30

ifva 為本地少數族裔青年而設的創意影像教育計劃 「 影像無國界 」, 於過去十多年間 , 在不同藝術家導師的帶領下 , 與少數族裔學員一同踏 上影像製作及演員之路 , 出產無數短片 , 以創作說自己的故事 。 這次上 映的四部作品 ,由 22/23 年度學員製作 ,既有身份認同及成長的掙扎 , 亦有天馬行空的荒誕日常 , 都是年青創作者回應這個城市的獨特視角 。

ifva 's "All About Us", a creative media education programme for ethnic minority youths, has trained up young creatives on video production and acting in the guidance of teaching artists in the past 13 years. With numerous shorts produced, stories of the city from different aspects have been told. The four short films produced by students from the 22/23 cohort depict struggles on identity and the pain of growing up, and the absurdity of everyday life with a twist, are all distinctive angles of telling the stories of this city.

香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由 , 本計劃內容並不反映本局意見 。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.

Eillie Billie

5/3 (Sun) / 1pm


Louis Koo Cinema

香港 Hong Kong / DCP / 53'


With post-screening discussion and certificate presentation

免費登記 Free Registration:

Imran Yashaa, Khan Baddar Ali, Lam Sai Yuk Johnmar, Mohamed Noohu Mohamed Yahya, Sairuh Keara Nori Pesquera Cabio

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: Bipin Karma

高中生 Mohan 無父無母 , 意外找到巨額現金 , 卻原來是販毒黑 錢 。 在被追捕之時 , 他經歷了金錢與人際關係的掙扎 。

A fatherless high school student, Mohan, hits a jackpot upon finding stacks of cash only to find out they are drug money. In the midst of being chased down, he goes through a series of dilemma with money and relationship.

I am a Woman in My Family

Dlinawaz Saadnawaz, Gurung Selinna, Harveer Singh, Khan Muhammad Diyan Khan, Khan Shazil Rehman, Limbu Dipti, Qamar Imaan, Qamar Salikhah, Waniya Iltaf

藝術家導師 Teaching Artist: 陳浩倫 Chan Ho-lun Fredie

Waniya 成長在只有男性的家庭 , 身邊一直沒有女性可以為她 排解各樣心理及生理的困惑 。 她想要以影像拍下經歷卻愈拍 愈痛苦 , 最後幸得拍攝團隊中的 Salikhah 和其他朋友一直相伴 及支持 。

Growing up in a family with only men, Waniya never has a mother figure to guide her through mental and biological changes. She attempts to make a film on her struggles but it makes her even more frustrated. During such difficult moment, her crew member Salikhah and other fellows become her ultimate support.

影像無國界 2022/23 學員創意影片放映 All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film Showcase 31

未知的行進 Wend a Way

劉清華媒體藝術展 Media Arts Exhibition by Lau Ching-wa Jess

10/2 (Fri) - 11/3 (Sat)

11am - 8pm (Mon) / 10am - 8pm (Tue - Fri) / 9:30am - 6pm (Sat)


Goethe-Gallery & Black Box Studio, Goethe-Institut Hongkong

免費入場 Free Admission

開幕 Opening 11/2 (Sat) 3pm

「 記憶是不動的 ,它們越是牢牢地固定在空間之中 ,它們就越是穩固 。」加斯東 巴舍拉 ,《 空間詩學 》

ifva 每年與香港歌德學院聯手為媒體藝術組本地得獎者舉辦個人展 。 今年為上 屆金獎得主劉清華舉辦 「 未知的行進 」 媒體藝術展 , 透過一系列新舊影像作品 , 重新建構城市與身體的記憶 。


Lau Ching-wa Jess

1991 年 生於香港 , 2014 年獲得香港城 市大學創意媒體文學士 ( 榮譽 ) 學位 。

她以片段式的影像探索敘事的可能及以 身體的記憶為創作題材 , 着眼於不同媒 介本身的獨特性及其質感之可塑性 。

2020 年進駐大館藝術家工作室 , 2022 年為台灣南瀛獎得主 。 現居花蓮 , 於東 華大學華文系創作所研修 。

Born in Hong Kong in 1991, Jess gained her BA in Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong in 2014. Jess' work applies themes such as narrative fragments, body memory and focus on iterative manual processes and the aggregation of time. Jess' work involves a wide range of media and explores the uniqueness and the malleability of each. Jess was the selected artist of Tai Kwun Contemporary Artists' Studio Residency 2020 and awarded the Nanying Prize from Taiwan 2022. Jess is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing from the department of Sinophone Literatures, NDHU.

劉清華藉由單一而重複的動作去建構影像 , 強調影像與身體勞動之間的關係 。 故 事發生過的場所 ,都會是記憶依存之地 ,它可以是一條河 、一條大街 、一個身體 , 甚或一幅白牆 。 觀者從流動的影像 , 重新切入記憶的交纏與混沌 , 會發現記憶 正以一種未知的姿態行進 , 一呼一吸 , 不斷重組和形塑 , 並與想像進行連結

"Memories are motionless, and the more securely they are fixed in space, the sounder they are." Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

ifva partners with Goethe-Institut Hongkong to present solo exhibitions for Media Art Category local awardees. This year the two parties will present the solo media arts exhibition "Wend a Way" of Jess Lau, the Gold Awardee of the 27th ifva Media Art Category, which reconstructs the memories of the city and moving bodies through a collection of new and old media artworks.

Jess Lau creates moving images through monotonous and repetitive motions to emphasise the relationship between moving images and the motions of bodies. Memories rest in places where stories are unfolded, be it a river, an avenue, a body or even a white wall. Viewers revisit the twisting and chaotic memories through the flowing of images to realise memories are now wending in an unfamiliar gesture, which reshape and reform to connect with the imagined.

Wend a Way 32劉清華媒體藝術展 Media Arts Exhibition by Jess Lau

第二十八 屆 ifv a 比賽頒獎典禮

將於 3 月 11 日下午 7 時於古天樂電影院舉行

The 28th ifva Awards Presentation Ceremony

will be held at 7pm on 11 March at Louis Koo Cinema

第二十八屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節購票須知

The 28th ifva Festival Ticketing Information

門票將於 2 月 1 日起於城市售票網發售。

Tickets available at URBTIX from 1 February onwards.

放映節目票價 Tickets for screening programmes: HK$80 / $64*

* 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、

殘疾人士及其看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人票價 (全日制學生及綜援受惠人優惠票數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止)

* Concession tickets are only available to full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Concession tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

城市售票網購票方法 Ticket Sale at URBTIX

網上訂票服務 Internet Booking:

電話購票 Telephone Booking: 3166 1288

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2824 5329 / ifva @

流動購票應用程式 Mobile App: URBTIX(Android & iPhone/iPad)

票務查詢及客戶服務 Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service: 3166 1100

免費節目登記 Free Programme Registration 免費節目將於 2 月 1 日起開放網上登記。 Registration for free programmes opens on 1 February.

影片評級及退票 Film Classification and Refund 本小冊子付印時,部分影片仍未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有節目被檢定為第三級者,未滿十八歲的持票人士可由通 知日起至 3 月 31 日前親臨香港藝術中心售票處辦理退票手續。

At the time this brochure goes to print, some films/videos have not been reviewed by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film/video is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old from the date of announcement till 31 March at the box office of Hong Kong Arts Centre.

換領《第二十八屆 ifva 特刊》Redemption of the 28th ifva House Programme

* 購買四張正價門票,憑票尾即可換領《第二十八屆 ifva 特刊》一本。

Purchasing four standard tickets will entitle you to a copy of the 28th ifva House Programme for free!

* 所有曾報名參加第二十八屆 ifva 比賽並成功交件之創作人,只要出示報名編號即可換領《第二十八屆 ifva 特刊》一本。

All applicants of the 28th ifva Awards who successfully submitted their work will be entitled to a copy of the 28th ifva House Programme by presenting their entry number.

*《第二十八屆 ifva 特刊》原價 HK$80,可於香港藝術中心放映場次及展覽現場購買。

The 28th ifva House Programme is available for sale (HK$80) at screenings and the exhibition held at Hong Kong Arts Centre.

有關以上優惠詳情、影片評級及退票、換領《第二十八屆 ifva 特刊》事宜等,請參閱相關之條款及細則

For details of the above offers, film classification and refund as well as the redemption of the 28th ifva House Programme, please refer to the relevant terms and conditions:


Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. Programme content does not reflect the view of the presenter.

因應疫情發展,節目放映場地及活動形式或將有所調整。詳情請留意 ifva 網頁及社交媒體平台公佈。

In view of the latest situation of the pandemic, ifva may adjust the arrangements of its screenings and events. Please refer to ifva website and social media platform for updated arrangements.

憑柬入場 By Invitation

第二十八屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節活動時間表

The 28th ifva Festival Event Schedule

日期 Date 時間 Time

節目 Event


"Wend a Way" Media Arts Exhibition by Lau Ching-wa Jess


Hong Kong Arts Centre

灣仔港灣道 2 號

2 Harbour Road, Wanchai

「CINEMA 2.0 : 光域」媒體藝術展 暨 第二十八屆 ifva 比賽媒體藝術組入圍作品展

"CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum" Media Arts Exhibition

cum The 28th ifva Awards - Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition

媒體藝術組獎項及 VR 特別獎將於 2/3 6:30pm 展覽開幕禮上公佈及頒發 Awards Presentation for Media Art Category & VR Special Prize at Exhibition Opening at 6:30pm on 2/3

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽動畫組入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards - Animation Category Finalist Showcase

"We Need to Talk about VR" 對談 Conversations

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組入圍作品放映 - 節目一

The 28th ifva Awards - Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase Programme 1

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組入圍作品放映 - 節目二

The 28th ifva Awards - Asian New Force Category Finalist Showcase Programme 2

影像無國界 2022/23 學員創意影片放映

All About Us 2022/23 Student Creative Film Showcase

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽評審推薦節目

The 28th ifva Awards - Jury Recommendation Programme

VR 影院 Pop-up VR Cinema

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映 - 節目一

The 28th ifva Awards - Open Category Finalist Showcase Programme 1

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映 - 節目二

The 28th ifva Awards - Open Category Finalist Showcase Programme 2

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽青少年組入圍作品放映

The 28th ifva Awards - Youth Category Finalist Showcase

「CINEMA 2.0 : 光域」媒體藝術展策展人導賞

"CINEMA 2.0: Illuminating Vacuum" Curator's Guided Tour

第二十八屆 ifva 比賽頒獎典禮

The 28th ifva Awards Presentation Ceremony

設討論環節 ● With Discussion ● 場地 Venue 頁數 Page

票價 Ticketing

免費入場 Free Admission

免費入場 Free Admission


免費登記 Free Registration

HK$80/64* HK$80/64*

免費登記 Free Registration


免費登記 Free Registration




免費登記 Free Registration

憑柬入場 By Invitation

LKC 古天樂電影院 UB, Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre

PAO 四至五樓包氏畫廊 4-5/F, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre

GIHK 香港歌德學院歌德藝廊及黑盒子 14/F, Goethe-Gallery; Black Box Studio, Goethe-Institut Hongkong

McA 低層地庫麥高利小劇場 LB, McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre

* 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人票價(全日制學生及綜援受惠人特惠門票數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止)

* Concession is only available to full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and their accompanying minder, and CSSA recipients (Concession tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis.)

10/2 (Fri)11/3 (Sat) 3/3 (Fri) 4/3 (Sat)5/3 (Sun) 8/3 (Wed)19/3 (Sun) 11/3 (Sat) 9/3 (Thu) 10/3 (Fri) 5/3 (Sun) 4/3 (Sat) 2/3 (Thu)19/3 (Sun) GIHK LKC McA McA LKC PAO LKC LKC LKC LKC LKC LKC LKC PAO 32 16 ● 29 27 12 ● 2 33 8 ● 10 ● 30 ● 24 20 22 2 11am - 8pm (Mon) 10am - 8pm (Tue - Fri) 9:30am - 6pm (Sat) 7:30pm 2pm 2-8pm 1:30pm 2pm 7pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 1pm 4pm 3:30pm 7:30pm 12nn - 8pm

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