iGaming AFRIKA (Issue 1) - Dec/Jan 2024

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What’s in it As we are merrily ushering in the new year, we thought of the best gift to offer to our beloved wagerers and we settled for endowing them with the launch of the iGaming AFRIKA magazine. We do this as a symbol of gratitude for the unwavering support our online subscribers have shown us throughout the year from when we were launching the iGaming AFRIKA online website. iGaming AFRIKA magazine, the first gambling magazine, will gear towards delving deep into the evolving gaming industry in the continent. In this first issue, we are inclined to have featured spirited women who have prospered in the stereotypically male-dominated industry and one of them is Maha Otu, with her story being our cover feature. The 27-year-old director at one of Nigeria’s biggest betting companies shares insights concerning the betting industry in Africa, the double taxation plight of betting companies in Nigeria, solutions and a revelation of how in just 3 years she rose from being a contact center agent to a member of the executive. Maha is not alone. We also have Lou Mari, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Eventus International and Emily Micallef , the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of SiGMA Group, sharing their journeys on breaking the boundaries, their personal experiences and the future of women in gaming. Through the connoisseurs in the gaming industry, we take on an in-depth look at Africa’s gaming evolution with the influence of technology, the challenges Africa is still facing and what the future holds. Also, we feature inspirational stories of successful gamers like Ronny Lusigi who rose from the slums to now serving as the Esports Kenya Federation president. Get to enjoy the picturesque sections of this issue as we aim to not only inform you but also leave you delighted while perusing the pages. Enjoy the Read!

Adalla Allan Editor


Adalla Editor

Kumbuka ya mhariri


Tukiwa tunapokea furaha kubwa mwaka mpya, tulifikiria zawadi bora ya kuwapa mashabiki wetu wapendwa na tukaamua kuwathamini kwa kuzindua jarida la iGaming Afrika. Tunaifanya hii kama ishara ya shukrani kwa msaada thabiti ambao wafuatiliaji wetu mtandaoni wamekuwa wakitupatia mwaka mzima tangu tulipozindua tovuti ya iGaming AFRIKA. Jarida la iGaming AFRIKA, la kwanza kabisa barani Afrika, litazingatia kuchimba kwa undani katika sekta inayoendelea ya michezo ya kamari katika bara hili. Katika toleo hili la kwanza, tunaazimia kuwapa nafasi wanawake wenye nguvu ambao wamefanikiwa katika tasnia ambayo kwa kawaida inadominiwa na wanaume na mmoja wao ni Maha Otu, ambaye hadithi yake ndiyo kauli mbiu yetu. Mkurugenzi mwenye umri wa miaka 27 katika mojawapo ya kampuni kubwa za kubashiri nchini Nigeria anashiriki ufahamu kuhusu tasnia ya kubahatisha barani Afrika, changamoto ya kodi maradufu kwa kampuni za kubashiri nchini Nigeria, suluhisho na jinsi alivyopanda kutoka kuwa mwakilishi wa kituo cha mawasiliano hadi kuwa mwanachama wa uongozi katika kipindi cha miaka 3 tu. Maha hayupo pekee yake. Tunao pia Lou Mari, Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshaji (COO) wa Eventus International na Emily Micallef, Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu (CEO) wa SiGMA Group, wanaoeleza safari zao za kuvunja mipaka, uzoefu wao binafsi, na mustakabali wa wanawake katika michezo ya kubahatisha. Kupitia wataalamu katika tasnia ya michezo ya kamari, tunachunguza kwa kina mageuzi ya michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika kwa msaada wa teknolojia, changamoto ambazo Afrika bado inakabiliana nazo, na ya kutarajia kwa siku zijazo. Pia, tunawasilisha hadithi za kuhamasisha za wachezaji mafanikio kama Ronny Lusigi ambaye alipanda kutoka mazingira magumu na sasa ni rais wa Shirikisho la Michezo ya Esports nchini Kenya (ESFK) Furahia sehemu za kupendeza katika toleo hili tunalolenga siyo tu kukujulisha lakini pia kukufurahisha unaposoma kurasa zake. Furahia Kusoma!

Adalla Allan Mhariri


T A B L EO FC O N T E N T S WhatT oExpecti n2024i Gami ngAf r i caEvent sCal endar

1 0 .Aswegearupforathrivinganddynamicyear,we diveintowhattheAfrican i gami ngbus i nes scommuni t ycanant i ci pat ei n2024byex ami ni ngt hegambl i ng event ss chedul eddur i ngt heyear . i vi ngWor kEnvi r onment :Unvei l i ngt heEs s enceofEmpl oyee 1 4 .NReulratutiroinngsaanTdhrWo r kpl aceWel l bei ng. Mer cyS har onanal yz est hei mpactofcr eat i ngawor k pl acecul t ur ewher eempl oyees f eel val ued,hear d,andmot i vat ed.

1 8 .UnveilingKenya'sGamingLandscape:New Regulations,TaxationandFuture I ndus t r yT r ends

Pet erMbugi ,t heDi r ect oroft heBet t i ngCont r ol andL i cens i ngBoar d( BCL B) di s cus s est hemoment ousgr owt hi nt hegami ngi ndus t r yi nKenya,new t ax at i on pol i ci esandf ut ur epr os pect si nt hes ect or . Bet t i ngonT axes :Unvei l i ngt heDi chot omyi nAf r i canandEur opeanGambl i ng

2 8 .Policies.

i Gami ngAF RI KAhos t edawebi narwi t hapanel ofex per t si ncl udi ng Oyi ndamol aMi chael s ,F el i xMul andi andDavi dUk ai r ot odi s cus sdi f f er ences ofgambl i ngt ax at i onl awsi nAf r i cavsEur ope. BeyondBor der s :I gni t i ngAf r i ca' sGami ngMet amor phos i swi t hPr emi erPr oj ect s

3 4 .AlexandreQader,discussesPremierProject’svisionfornurturingAfricantalents, bui l di ngs por t si nf r as t r uct ur e,andf os t er i ngcommuni t ygr owt ht hr ough i nnovat i vei ni t i at i ves . ( CoverSt or y)Rai s i ngt heSt akes :T heF emi ni neF or cei ni Gami ng

4 6 .MahaOturevealsstrategiesforsuccessinthemale-dominatedbettingindustry wei ghsi nonNi ger i a' st ax at i oni s s ues ,anddel vesi nt ot hepr os pect sf ori Gami ng i nAf r i ca' sf ut ur e. Bet t i ngondes t i nat i ons :T heUns eenI nf l uenceofT our i s m onAf r i ca’ si Gami ng

6 0 .Landscape

J as pherMechal ook satt hecol l abor at i onbet weent het our i s m andcas i noi ndus t r i es andi t si mpacti nf i el dsl i k eeventmanagement ,mar k et i ng,andcus t omers er vi ce. BeyondEnt er t ai nment :Es por t sasaCat al ys tf orAf r i ca' sDi gi t alRenai s s ance.

6 3 .Wereview awebinarhostedbyiGamingAFRIKAwithJoeAndrews,

RonnyL us i gi andMaxS evos t i anovex pl or i nges por t sasat ool f orgr owt hi nvar i ous s ect or sofAf r i ca’ seconomy.

T A B L EO FC O N T E N T S I nnovat i on&I ncl us i vi t y:Navi gat i ngSi GMA’ sAf r i canExpans i on,Di ver s i t y,

6 8 .andIndustryInnovation

Emi l yMi cal l ef ,t heNew S i GMAGr oupCEO,di s cus s eshercar eerj our ney, Women' sl eader s hi pi ni Gami ng& t hecompany’ sgl obal ex pans i onpl ans f ort hef ut ur e. af eguar di ngF ut ur es :Pr omot i ngRes pons i bl eGambl i ngi nAf r i ca 7 6 .SOy i ndamol aMi chael s ,s peak st oi Gami ngAF RI KAaboutt hees s enceofadvocat i ng f orr es pons i bl egambl i ngamongs tt heAf r i cangami ngcommuni t y r eaki ngBoundar i es :T heBol dF emal eChampi oni ngf orWomen' sSpacei nt he 8 4 .BMa l eDomi nat edGambl i ngI ndus t r y L ouMar i Bur net t tdi s cus s esherj our neywi t hEvent usI nt er nat i onal , t hei mpor t anceofwomeni nl eader s hi p,t oget herwi t ht hei rf ut ur epl ansf or t hecompany. har t i ngt heF ut ur e:Expl or i ngt heVI Pi Gami ngPot ent i ali nAf r i ca' sGambl i ng 9 4 .CMa r ket . Gal i Har t uvdes cr i best hek eypoi nt si ncr eat i ngapr emi um i Gami ng ex per i encef orS por t s bookandCas i nooper at or st hr oughcus t om VI Ppr ogr am of f er i ngs . mbl i ngT unes :Mus i c&Sl ot sMer ge 9 9 .Ga Ak i nl aj aAyof emi ,s har esi nval uabl ei ns i ght si nt ot hedynami cf us i onofmus i c &s l otgamesf ur t herunr avel i ngi t spr of oundi mpactont hegami ngi ndus t r y atl ar ge.

1 0 8 .PioneeringiGaminginAfrica-AJourneyofInnovationandAdaptation

I nt hi sex cl us i vedi s cus s i onwi t hi Gami ngAF RI KA,Ar t urs har eshi sex per i ences , i ns i ght s ,andvi s i onf ort hef ut ur eofonl i necas i nosi nAf r i ca.

1 1 1 .AI'sWager:RedefiningMarketDynamicsintheBattleofBetting

Rai sBus om di s cus s est hewi des pr eadus eofAI andi t spot ent i al i mpactont he gami ngi ndus t r y,ur gi nggami ngoper at or st oembr aces ucht echnol ogi esf or bet t ercus t omerandcompet i t ori ns i ght s .

Empower i ngT hr oughEs por t si nKenya 1 1 4 .IRnonnonvyaLtiuosnigai,ttthheePHreelsm: i dentoft heEs por t sKenyaF eder at i ons har esi ns i ght st o t heus eofes por t sasat ool f ors oci al good,byaddr es s i ngchal l engess uch asl ackofawar enes s ,acces st oequi pment ,andi nf r as t r uct ur e.

A f r i c a ’ s T o pI g a mi n g I n s i d e r www. i gami ngaf r i ka. com

CEO’s NOTE The Leading iGaming Media Platform in Africa The birth of iGaming AFRIKA in early 2023 has been a momentous milestone for the gambling industry in Africa. Our online portal igamingafrika.com, featuring news, interviews, podcasts, and other industry updates, has proven to be priceless to key players in the African gambling sector. From the very onset, we recognized the need for a platform devoted to informing the industry about the latest occurrences. Many investors and entrepreneurs interested in the African gambling landscape struggled to find reliable information. Our webinars and podcasts aimed to solve this problem by providing a space for community learning and interaction. We didn’t want our forum to be a static place for content. Instead, we created interactive platforms to foster a strong sense of community and encourage learning amongst the members. Our community continues to grow daily, and our vision is to bring together all industry players and strengthen the sector. Listening to our followers feedback has always been crucial, leading us to launch Africa’s first iGaming Magazine with exclusive interviews. Our first issue is being published in January 2024 , and we plan to release three issues yearly, further uniting the major players in the African gambling industry. While 2023 was a significant year for us, we have even bigger plans for 2024. We are revamping our online platform with additional features to cement our status as the leading iGaming media platform in Africa. We also aim to create more opportunities for young professionals in the continent, both in our digital and print magazine and our online site. In November 2024, we plan to host a physical meetup in malta to help our community understand and appreciate the potential and opportunities in the African gambling sector. We are excited to continue growing our community in 2024, helping investors learn more about the market and make informed business and investment decisions across Africa. Welcome to AFRIKA !

Jeremiah Maangi




Maangi C.E.O iGaming AFRIKA

Maelezo ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Jukwaa Kuu la Habari za Michezo ya Kubahatisha barani Afrika Kuzinduliwa kwa iGaming AFRIKA mapema mwaka 2023 kulikuwa hatua muhimu sana kwa sekta ya kamari barani Afrika. Jukwaa letu mtandaoni, lenye habari, mahojiano, vipindi vya podcast, na sasisho nyingine katika tasnia, limeonekana kuwa muhimu sana kwa wachezaji muhimu katika sekta ya kamari barani Afrika. Tangu mwanzo kabisa, tulitambua haja ya jukwaa linalojitolea kutoa taarifa kuhusu matukio ya hivi karibuni katika tasnia. Wawekezaji na wafanyabiashara waliokuwa na nia katika eneo la kamari barani Afrika walikumbana na changamoto ya kupata taarifa za kuaminika. Vipindi vyetu vya mtandaoni na podcast vililenga kutatua tatizo hili kwa kutoa nafasi ya kujifunza na kushirikiana katika jamii. Hatukutaka jukwaa letu liwe mahali pa maudhui tu. Badala yake, tulitengeneza majukwaa yanayoweza kushirikiana ili kuimarisha hisia ya jamii imara na kuhamasisha ujifunzaji miongoni mwa wanachama. Jamii yetu inaendelea kukua kila siku, na lengo letu ni kuunganisha wachezaji wote katika tasnia na kuimarisha sekta hii. Kusikiliza maoni ya wafuatiliaji wetu kumekuwa muhimu sana, na hivyo kuongoza uzinduzi wa jarida la iGaming la kwanza barani Afrika lenye mahojiano ya kipekee. Toleo letu la kwanza lilichapishwa Januari 2024, na tuna mpango wa kutoa matoleo ya baadaye kila mara tatu kila mwaka, kuwaunganisha zaidi wachezaji wakubwa katika sekta ya kamari barani Afrika. Mwaka wa 2023 ulikuwa mwaka muhimu kwetu, tuna mipango mikubwa zaidi kwa mwaka wa 2024. Tunapania kuboresha jukwaa letu mtandaoni kwa vipengele zaidi ili kuthibitisha hadhi yetu kama jukwaa kuu la habari za michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika. Pia, lengo letu ni kuunda fursa zaidi kwa wataalamu chipukizi katika bara hili, katika jarida letu la kidijitali na la magazeti pamoja na tovuti yetu mtandaoni. Novemba 2024, tunapanga kuandaa mkutano wa kimwili nchini Malta katika mji wa Valletta ili kusaidia jamii yetu kuelewa na kutambua uwezekano na fursa katika sekta ya kamari barani Afrika.Tunafurahi kuendelea kukua na jamii yetu katika mwaka 2024, kusaidia wawekezaji kujifunza zaidi kuhusu soko na kufanya maamuzi ya biashara na uwekezaji kwa maarifa barani Afrika. Karibu sana Afrika !

Jeremiah Maangi Afisa Mkuu Mtendaji iGaming AFRIKA



What to Expect in 2024’s iGaming Africa Events Calendar


Africa Gaming Expo 2024 brings together gaming and lottery innovators, operators, regulators and other gaming stakeholders across the globe to discuss and examine regulatory frameworks, emerging trends, opportunities and prospects in the Africa gaming market.

ooking towards the future, iGaming AFRIKA contemplates what lies ahead in the African iGaming industry. Various event organizers in Africa have already announced their plans for 2024, positioning the gambling events landscape for an exciting year. As we prepare for a dynamic and prosperous year, let’s delve into what awaits the igaming community in 2024. 2023 being the immediate year after the COVID-19 pandemic saw the events industry start to take shape after the adverse effects of the COVID-19 on their operations. 2024 therefore promises to be even bigger and better considering the fact that a good number of countries have removed any travel restrictions and even allowing for people to interact in large numbers, a major boost to the events industry.


he first event of the year will see popular iGaming events company SiGMA Group host the first event of the year in May 2024 in Cape Town. The highly anticipated summit is estimated to attract a total of 2,500 delegates, 750+ operators and 200+ speakers/exhibitors.

Interesting to note is that the AGE 2024 Expo will be running concurrently with the SiGMA Africa summit that will be happening in South Africa. Those intending to attend will therefore have to evaluate between the two events and select one which would seem more preferred for them to attend. AGE Lagos 2024 is set to take place from March 12th to 15th, 2024.


This will be the second edition of the SiGMA events in Africa after the company successfully organized their first African event in Nairobi, Kenya in January 2023. The SiGMA Africa - South Africa edition for 2024 is scheduled to take place between the 11th and 13th of March 2024 at the Sun Exhibits Integrated Resort that is located at GrandWest in CapeTown. The SiGMA Conference brings together the leading figures in the iGaming world and beyond for 3 days of networking, panels, workshops as well as awards for true pioneers of iGaming in the continent. Just a day after the SiGMA event kicks, another vibrant AGE Lagos Summit will be kicking off at the Eko Convention Centre in Lagos. The Expo which has been endorsed by the Lagos State Lotteries and Gaming Authority, Lagos State Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, and the Lagos State Government, in collaboration with the Association of State Gaming Regulators of Nigeria, aims to facilitate collaboration and exchange of ideas among industry experts and stakeholders within Africa and the global market. 10.

xactly 2 weeks after the SiGMA Africa Summit in South Africa and Africa Gaming Expo 2024 in Lagos, South Africa will once more host another gaming event in the African iGaming Calendar. BiG Africa Summit as it is commonly known will kick off on the 25th of March 2024 and run up until the 27th of March 2024. It clearly will be a great year for attendees from South Africa as they will have access to two events within a span of one month. This will be the 10th edition of the BiG Africa Summit, the event marking a decade since its debut on the African continent. The BiG Africa Summit the summit remains a catalyst for progress, aiming to stand as a beacon of industry excellence for years to come.


wo months after the BiG Africa Summit’s close in South Africa, East Africa will welcome the birth of edition 1 of the Gaming Tech Summit Africa which will be held in Mombasa, Kenya from the 4th to the 5th of June, 2024.The event will bring together regulators, tech innovators and other players in the industry. From Nairobi, Kenya in June, we will start the second half of the year with the 9th Annual Sports Betting East Africa+ Summit taking place from 1 - 2 July 2024 at Kabira Country Club, Kampala, Uganda. SBEA+ 2024 will build on what the events have already achieved, by having an operator-first agenda designed to empower operators through open discussion with all relevant industry stakeholders – be they operational, regulatory or market-related.

What to Expect in 2024’s iGaming Africa Events Calendar

4th-5th JUne. 2024

2024 Events 11th-13th march . 2024


Mombasa kenya


1st-2nd JULY. 2024

12th-15th march . 2024 KAMPALA UGANDA Lagos nigeria

21ST-23RD AUGUST. 2024

25th-27th march. 2024 ABUJA NIGERIA

11th november. 2024


malta europe 11.

What to Expect in 2024’s iGaming Africa Events Calendar

One month later, Eventus International, the organizers of BiG Africa Summit and SBEA+ will once again host their last event of the year on African soil in the colourful city of Abuja. This being the 9th annual edition of the renowned Sports Betting West Africa+ summit. The event will take place from 21 to 23 August 2024. SBWA+ has consistently proved to be not merely an esteemed gaming summit and exhibition, but also a vital focus for African operators, regulators and others in the gaming ecosystem. In November, the African iGaming Events calendar will conclude with two key events in the lineup. During this month, iGaming AFRIKA will host their inaugural physical event in Malta, Europe. The conference, scheduled for November 11, 2024, aims to bring together investors and industry players from Europe and beyond to gain insights into establishing and operating profitable businesses in the gambling sector in Africa. Additionally, the Western Cape Gambling Authority in South Africa is expected to host another responsible gambling summit during this month, following the success of a similar event launched earlier in 2023.












i Gami ngAF RI KA-MAL T A


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event s @i gami ngaf r i ka. com

Nurturing a Thriving Work Environment: Unveiling the Essence of Employee Relations and Workplace Wellbeing.

Nurturing a Thriving Work Environment Unveiling the Essence of Employee Relations and Workplace Wellbeing By Mercy Sharon In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, fostering a harmonious relationship between employers and employees has evolved from a mere transactional process to a cornerstone of organizational success. Employee relations, a multifaceted concept, extends beyond contractual obligations to encompass the cultivation of a workplace culture where individuals feel valued, heard, and motivated.


his paradigm shift is not just a business strategy; it’s an acknowledgment that the heartbeat of any successful enterprise is the collective well-being of its workforce.The essence of effective employee relations lies in building bridges of communication and understanding. Gone are the days when the employer-employee relationship was confined to contractual agreements.


oday, it’s about creating a dialogue where concerns are addressed, ideas are welcomed, and collaboration is not just encouraged but integral to success. A transparent and communicative workplace not only nurtures trust but serves as the bedrock for a motivated and engaged workforce. In the pursuit of organizational excellence, workplace well-being has emerged as a pivotal factor. It transcends ergonomic furniture and wellness programs, delving into the very fabric of the work environment.



rom mental health initiatives to flexible work arrangements, organizations are recognizing that the well-being of their employees directly correlates with productivity and creativity. It’s an investment in human capital that pays dividends in innovation, loyalty, and overall workplace satisfaction.

Nurturing a Thriving Work Environment: Unveiling the Essence of Employee Relations and Workplace Wellbeing.


mployee relations and workplace well-being extend beyond the confines of the office space. Companies are embracing a holistic approach to employee engagement, incorporating community outreach programs, skill development workshops, and initiatives that promote work-life balance. Recognizing the individuality of each team member, organizations are tailoring engagement strategies that resonate with diverse needs, ensuring that employees are not just cogs in a machine but valued contributors to a shared vision. A positive workplace culture, forged through robust employee relations and prioritizing wellbeing, is not just an altruistic endeavor; it’s a shrewd business decision. Organizations that invest in creating a nurturing environment witness higher employee retention, increased productivity, and a positive brand image.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the significance of employee relations and workplace well-being cannot be overstated. As organizations pivot towards creating environments that prioritize communication, engagement, and holistic well-being, they pave the way for a future where employees are not just contributors but active participants in the journey toward success.


he synergy of positive employee relations and well-being initiatives doesn’t just cultivate a thriving workplace; it shapes a culture that attracts, retains, and empowers individuals to excel both professionally and personally. In embracing this ethos, organizations position themselves not just as employers but as architects of a workplace renaissance—a space where collaboration, innovation, and well-being converge to sculpt a future of sustained success.

The return on investment extends beyond financial metrics to the intangible assets of trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to organizational success.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

Unveiling Kenya's Gaming landscape New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

Since 1966, the Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB) has been responsible for regulating gaming activities in Kenya. Since its formation more than half a century ago, there has been intense growth in the gambling scene from casinos to the gambling contests that we have including the Kenya Charity Sweepstake (KCS) owned by Tenlot Group Ltd of the United Kingdom (UK) and various lotteries we are seeing now.

Furthermore, there has been an onset of online gambling thanks to the adoption of technology. We caught up with Peter Mbugi, the Director of the BCLB to discuss more about the momentous growth in the gaming industry in Kenya with Gaming now driven by technology. Could you elaborate on the specific strategies BCLB has implemented within the existing legal framework to regulate gaming in alignment with international standards, despite the challenges posed by outdated laws in the rapidly evolving online gaming industry?


ell, gaming is no longer the major brick-and-mortar casinos we used to have, as much of it is now online. Therefore, there have been quite a number of challenges in trying to keep pace with the changing environment and changing technology. We, as the board, have been trying to ensure that within the law we have and as you know we are currently trying to repeal this law because it is old and trying to come up with a fresh law. So one of the major challenges has been keeping pace within that legal framework while trying to keep pace with the gaming industry.

That is now being addressed through the revisiting of that law. But as we do that, we have also been able to use that law, weak as it is, to ensure that we regulate gaming to keep in line with international standards, irrespective of the fact that there are shortcomings in doing so.

Tangu 1966, Bodi ya Kudhibiti na Utoaji Kamari (BCLB) imekuwa na jukumu la kudhibiti shughuli za michezo ya kubahatisha nchini Kenya. Kuanzia kuanzishwa kwake zaidi ya nusu karne iliyopita, kumekuwa na ukuaji mkubwa katika eneo la kamari kuanzia kasino hadi mashindano ya kamari tuliyonayo ikiwa ni pamoja na Kenya Charity Sweepstake (KCS) inayomilikiwa na Tenlot Group Ltd ya Uingereza na kamari mbalimbali bahati nasibu tunayoona sasa. Zaidi ya hayo, kumekuwa na kucheza kamari mtandaoni kutokana na kupitishwa kwa teknolojia. Tulizungumza na Peter Mbugi, Mkurugenzi wa BCLB ili kujadili zaidi kuhusu ukuaji mkubwa katika sekta ya michezo ya kubahatisha nchini Kenya kuanzia wakati huo, hadi sasa huku Michezo ya Kubahatisha ikizidi kuendeshwa na teknolojia.

Je, unaweza kufafanua kuhusu mikakati mahususi ambayo BCLB imetekeleza ndani ya mfumo wa kisheria uliopo ili kudhibiti michezo kwa kuzingatia viwango vya kimataifa, licha ya changamoto zinazoletwa na sheria zilizopitwa na wakati katika sekta ya michezo ya kubahatisha inayoendelea kwa kasi mtandaoni?


weli, michezo ya kubahatisha sio kasinon kuu za matofali na chokaa tulizokuwa nazo, kwani nyingi sasa ziko mkondoni. Kwa hiyo, kumekuwa na changamoto nyingi sana katika kujaribu kuendana na mabadiliko ya mazingira na mabadiliko ya teknolojia. Sisi kama bodi, tumekuwa tukijaribu kuhakikisha kuwa ndani ya sheria tunayo na kama unavyojua tunajaribu kufuta sheria hii kwa sababu ni ya zamani na inajaribu kutunga sheria mpya. Kwa hivyo moja ya changamoto kubwa imekuwa kushika kasi ndani ya mfumo huo wa kisheria wakati wa kujaribu kuendana na tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Hayo sasa yanashughulikiwa kwa kupitia upya sheria hiyo. Lakini tunapofanya hivyo, tumeweza pia kutumia sheria hiyo, dhaifu jinsi ilivyo, kuhakikisha kwamba tunasimamia michezo ya kubahatisha ili kuendana na viwango vya kimataifa, bila kujali kwamba kuna mapungufu katika kufanya hivyo.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends




Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

Could you share specific initiatives that have attracted other countries to benchmark with BCLB regarding gaming regulation? Additionally, how do you envision the proposed changes in the law will further solidify Kenya’s position as a significant regulator in the African gaming industry?


e’ve been looking around to see what other institutions are doing in other jurisdictions during meetings and forums that involve other regulators. We are also members of the Association of Gaming Regulators in Africa (AGRA), and these forums that we look towards to ensure that we keep up. It has not been easy, but we now see a layer of hope with the law we’ve tried to change from 2019, but as we speak that law is waiting for a third reading in parliament and it is our hope that it will pass. This law will give a new layer of authority that will be regulating gaming other than the board itself and keeping in tandem with other institutions that regulate similar industries in other jurisdictions.

Which are the African countries that have ever come to benchmark with BCLB in Kenya? Quite a number of countries have sought to come and benchmark with us. We’ve had Malawi, Ethiopia, Lesotho, and other countries who want to find out exactly what we are doing. Kenya comes third after South Africa and Nigeria when it comes to gaming and with more ranging laws we will be able to regulate more effectively.

Do you take the initiative to benchmark with the other countries superseding Kenya?


t has been our intention to even benchmark with other jurisdictions that are far ahead of us because we want to learn from the best. For example, we have wanted to find out how the Regulatory Commission of the UK, Canada, South Africa, and the ones within our continent do their things. But basically, what will expose us to all those experiences, will be based on the new law, which also creates a national lottery. It’s a new creation and you will realize countries like the UK and South Africa have been running lotteries for the longest time. So these are the kinds of jurisdictions that we would like to learn from, especially on how these lotteries are run alongside the other gambling activities. So, we hope to benchmark in the near future.

Je, unaweza kutueleza kuhusu mipango mahususi ambayo imevutia nchi nyingine kujilinganisha na BCLB kuhusu udhibiti wa michezo ya kubahatisha? Zaidi ya hayo, unaonaje mabadiliko yanayopendekezwa katika sheria yataimarisha zaidi nafasi ya Kenya kama mdhibiti mkuu katika sekta ya michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika?


umekuwa tukiangalia kila mahali ili kuona taasisi zingine zinafanya nini katika mamlaka zingine wakati wa mikutano na mabaraza ambayo yanahusisha wadhibiti wengine. Sisi pia ni wanachama wa Chama cha Wadhibiti wa Michezo ya Kubahatisha barani Afrika (AGRA), na mabaraza haya ambayo tunatazamia ili kuhakikisha kuwa tunaendelea. Haikuwa rahisi, lakini sasa tunaona safu ya matumaini na sheria ambayo tumejaribu kuibadilisha kutoka 2019, lakini tunapozungumza sheria hiyo ishasomwa kwa mara ya tatu bungeni na ni matumaini yetu kwamba itapita. Sheria hii itatoa safu mpya ya mamlaka ambayo itakuwa inasimamia michezo ya kubahatisha isipokuwa bodi yenyewe na kuweka sanjari na taasisi zingine zinazosimamia tasnia kama hiyo katika mamlaka zingine.

Je, ni nchi zipi za Kiafrika ambazo zimewahi kushiriki nasi ili kuweza kufikia viwango vya BCLB nchini Kenya? Nchi kadhaa zimejaribu kuja na kusoma nasi. Tumekuwa na Malawi, Ethiopia, Lesotho, na nchi nyingine zinazotaka kujua hasa tunachofanya. Kenya inashika nafasi ya tatu baada ya Afrika Kusini na Nigeria katika suala la michezo ya kubahatisha na tukiwa na sheria nyingi zaidi tutaweza kudhibiti kwa ufanisi zaidi.

Je, BCLB inachukua hatua ya kujilinganisha na nchi nyingine zinazotupita tunapozungumzia udhibiti wa kamari Kenya? Imekuwa nia yetu hata kujilinganisha na mamlaka nyingine ambazo ziko mbele yetu kwa sababu tunataka kujifunza kutoka kwa walio bora zaidi. Kwa mfano, tumetaka kujua jinsi Tume ya Udhibiti ya Uingereza, Kanada, Afrika Kusini, na zile za ndani ya bara letu zinavyofanya mambo yao.


akini kimsingi, nini kitatuweka wazi kwa uzoefu huo wote, kitatokana na sheria mpya, ambayo pia inaunda bahati nasibu ya kitaifa. Ni ubunifu mpya na utagundua nchi kama Uingereza na Afrika Kusini zimekuwa zikiendesha bahati nasibu kwa muda mrefu zaidi.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

that legal framework while trying to keep pace with the gaming industry.

moja kubwa “ Changamoto imekuwa kushika kasi ndani

ya mfumo huo wa kisheria huku ukijaribu kuendana na tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha.

major challenge has “One been keeping pace within


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

iGaming has now become technology-driven. It’s no longer just the tables and roulette as it’s now out there. How do you try and adapt to the new technological advancements within the industry? Well, as far as gaming has now become technology-driven, it also calls for change in training and capacity building of officers, who are manning the gaming environment. So I think this whole component has an implication in terms of resources, investment, and so on. It is one of the areas you will hear regulators say that operators are running faster than the regulators.


his is because every time, operators innovate and you cannot regulate what you have not seen. That is why in some instances regulations, rules, and laws don’t keep pace with the environment. But it should not be that the laws are far behind because then you will not be regulating. And this is the case we have been in Kenya for a while. Initially, online gaming was not included in the laws. But as we speak, the new laws today envisage and recognize technology. This also provides a wider avenue for the board to do anything pertaining to technology. What we are trying now, is to keep up with what is out there. We also have other institutions that are of support to us. Operators keep on innovating and the gap we have between us and them is grappling to keep up with their advancements.

Aside from keeping up with emerging technology, what other challenges are you facing as a board and how do you go about when it comes to tackling them?


aming is no longer what it was the other days. It was a recreational activity, something to do in your leisure time but now the attitude has changed from being a leisure activity to being a source of income. This has led to the problem of addiction to gambling. It starts with you wanting to bet to get money for school fees and experience a loss while trying to compensate for the money you lost you lose some more and it becomes a cycle. You find yourself hooked. As a board that becomes a challenge for us. Trying to convince people to game is not a source of livelihood but a recreational activity. It may not be possible to do that today or tomorrow but it will be possible through public desensitization and promotion of responsible gaming attitudes. Unemployment is also another cause and people wanting easy money makes gaming look bad.

wa hivyo hizi ni aina za mamlaka ambazo tungependa kujifunza kutoka kwao, haswa jinsi bahati nasibu hizi zinavyoendeshwa pamoja na shughuli zingine za kamari. Kwa hivyo, tunatumai kuweka alama katika siku za usoni.

Michezo ya kubahatisha sasa imekuwa inayoendeshwa na teknolojia. Sio tu michezo ya meza na roulette ju sasa ishatambulika huku nje. Je, mnajaribuje na kukabiliana na maendeleo mapya ya kiteknolojia ndani ya sekta hii?


aam, kuhusu michezo ya kubahatisha sasa kuwa inaendeshwa na teknolojia, pia inahitaji mabadiliko katika mafunzo na kujenga uwezo wa maafisa, ambao wanasimamia mazingira ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Kwa hivyo nadhani sehemu hii yote ina maana katika suala la rasilimali, uwekezaji, na kadhalika. Ni moja ya maeneo ambayo utasikia wadhibiti wakisema kuwa waendeshaji wanaendesha haraka kuliko wadhibiti. Hii ni kwa sababu kila wakati, waendeshaji huvumbua na huwezi kudhibiti kile ambacho hujaona. Ndiyo maana katika baadhi ya matukio kanuni, kanuni, na sheria haziendani na mazingira. Lakini isiwe kwamba sheria ziko nyuma sana kwa sababu basi hautakuwa unasimamia. Na hivi ndivyo tumekuwa Kenya kwa muda. Hapo awali, michezo ya kubahatisha mtandaoni haikujumuishwa kwenye sheria. Lakini tunapozungumza, sheria mpya leo zinalenga na kutambua teknolojia. Hii pia inatoa njia pana kwa bodi kufanya chochote kinachohusiana na teknolojia. Tunachojaribu sasa, ni kuendelea na kile kilichopo. Pia tuna taasisi nyingine zinazotusaidia. Waendeshaji wanaendelea kuvumbua na pengo tulilonalo kati yetu na wao linatatizika kuendelea na maendeleo yao.

Kando na uwezo wa kuendelea na teknolojia inayochipuka, ni changamoto zipi zingine mnakumbana nazo kama bodi na mnafanyaje linapokuja suala la kukabiliana nazo?


ichezo ya kubahatisha si kama ilivyokuwa siku zingine. Ilikuwa ni shughuli ya burudani, kitu cha kufanya katika muda wako wa mapumziko lakini sasa mtazamo umebadilika kutoka kuwa shughuli ya burudani na kuwa chanzo cha mapato. Hii imesababisha tatizo la uraibu wa kucheza kamari. Inaanza na wewe kutaka kuwekelea fedha ili upate pesa za ada ya shule na kupata hasara huku ukijaribu kufidia pesa ulizopoteza unapoteza zingine zaidi na inakuwa mzunguko. Unajikuta umenaswa.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

online gaming was not Hapo awali, michezo ya “ Initially, “ included in the laws. But as we kubahatisha mtandaoni speak,the new laws today envisage and recognize technology. This also provides a wider avenue for the board to do anything pertaining to technology.

nother issue we discuss as a board is wondering how gaming contributes to national development. We have been talking about corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and if we can reach out and address the problem of gambling although it has not reached extreme levels. As I aforementioned, one of the challenges we face is that the law is very weak so the penalties are very small, which makes enforcement of the law difficult and costly. Practicing illegal gambling is also a challenge because now it is no longer gambling, it becomes something else entirely. The penetration of of websites that are not licensed in Kenya presents a problem of its own. Allowing people to place bets on these platforms exposes punters to danger because if you win and don’t get paid there is no recourse. This also results in loss of government revenue and fees because they don’t pay taxes. But we are working with the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) to flag down those websites that are not licensed to work in Kenya as well as authorities from other jurisdictions to penalize companies that are not licensed here.


apacity is also a challenge that we’re facing. As technology moves, we require capacity building in terms of staff, equipment, and so on. Government resources may not be as adequate as one would want for such training. Like in gambling, you will realize we don’t have any institution in Kenya that provides this training, maybe in places like Las Vegas and others that offer technical training.

What measures is the board taking to ensure there is fair play and responsible gambling while also ensuring that you protect user interests?


haikujumuishwa kwenye sheria. Lakini tunapozungumza, sheria mpya leo zinalenga na kutambua teknolojia. Hii pia inatoa njia pana kwa bodi kufanya chochote kinachohusiana na teknolojia.

Kama bodi, hii inakuwa changamoto kwetu. Kujaribu kuwashawishi watu kucheza mchezo sio chanzo cha riziki bali ni shughuli ya burudani.


uenda isiwezekane kufanya hivyo leo au kesho lakini itawezekana kupitia uhamasishaji wa umma na kukuza mitazamo ya uwajibikaji ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Ukosefu wa ajira pia ni sababu nyingine na watu kutaka pesa rahisi na hii hufanya michezo ya kubahatisha ionekane mbaya. Jambo lingine tunalojadiliana kama bodi ni kujiuliza jinsi michezo ya kubahatisha inavyochangia maendeleo ya taifa. Tumekuwa tukizungumza kuhusu shughuli za uwajibikaji kwa jamii (CSR) na ikiwa tunaweza pia kufikia na kushughulikia tatizo la kamari ingawa halijafikia viwango vya juu zaidi. Kama nilivyotaja hapo awali, moja ya changamoto tunazokabiliana nazo ni kwamba sheria ni dhaifu sana hivyo adhabu ni ndogo sana, jambo ambalo linafanya utekelezaji wa sheria kuwa mgumu na wa gharama kubwa. Kuzoea kucheza kamari haramu pia ni changamoto kwa sababu sasa sio kucheza kamari tena, inakuwa kitu kingine kabisa.


upenya kwa tovuti ambazo hazina leseni nchini Kenya huleta tatizo lenyewe. Kuruhusu watu kuweka dau kwenye majukwaa haya huwaweka hatarini wanaoweka dau kwa sababu ukishinda na usipolipwa hakuna suluhu. Hii pia inasababisha upotevu wa mapato na ada za serikali kwa sababu hawalipi kodi. Lakini tunafanya kazi na Mamlaka ya Mawasiliano ya Kenya (CAK) kualamisha tovuti ambazo hazina leseni ya kufanya kazi nchini Kenya pamoja na mamlaka kutoka mamlaka nyingine ili kuadhibu kampuni ambazo hazina leseni hapa. Uwezo pia ni changamoto ambayo tunakabiliwa nayo. Kadiri teknolojia inavyosonga, tunahitaji kujengewa uwezo katika masuala ya wafanyakazi, vifaa, na kadhalika. Rasilimali za serikali zinaweza zisitoshe vile mtu angetaka kwa mafunzo hayo.



Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

ur strategic objective is basically to ensure that gaming is done with due propriety, to ensure it’s fair and everybody gets what they deserve. One of the things we have noticed is that companies are not very clear about the terms and conditions of the games they offer. If you do that, that means there is no backup or direction in terms of claims. If you are offering a game and you do not state the maximum winnings, the winnings will multiply to even a billion. What we are doing currently is that we are not allowing any operator to offer any games without strictly providing the terms and conditions of that game. Besides that, we’ve been very particular with complaints that have been forwarded to us because we have the mandate to inquire into complaints made by any party.


e have even opened an online complaint mechanism where people can forward their complaints on issues relating to non-payment. This year for example we have had 18 complaints, we have resolved about nine and we all ensure we solve all of them. Let any company that cannot pay genuine winnings be warned because it is our responsibility to ensure anyone gets paid what they have won or are owed. Previously such cases were taken to court which took quite some time and the court also does not have jurisdiction over the first instance. The law states you first seek an audience with the board and if the board’s decision is not satisfactory then you can take it to the high court and appeal.


he new law may also introduce a tribunal. So other than having our own internal mechanism, if you have a verdict that is not satisfactory, instead of going to court, you take it to the tribunal. But I want to assure you that we have been able to deal with the cases involving payments forwarded by punters.

Kama ilivyo katika kamari, utagundua kuwa hatuna taasisi yoyote nchini Kenya ambayo hutoa mafunzo haya, labda katika maeneo kama Las Vegas na mengine ambayo hutoa mafunzo ya kiufundi.

Je, bodi inachukua hatua gani ili kuhakikisha kuwa kuna mchezo wa haki na uchezaji kamari wa kuwajibika huku pia ikihakikisha kwamba unalinda maslahi ya watumiaji?


engo letu la kimsingi ni kuhakikisha kwamba michezo ya kubahatisha inafanywa kwa ustahiki, ili kuhakikisha kuwa ni sawa na kila mtu anapata anachostahili. Mojawapo ya mambo ambayo tumegundua ni kwamba makampuni hayako wazi sana kuhusu sheria na masharti ya michezo wanayotoa. Ukifanya hivyo, hiyo inamaanisha kuwa hakuna chelezo au mwelekeo katika suala la madai. Ikiwa unatoa mchezo na hausemi kiwango cha ushindi wa juu zaidi, ushindi utaongezeka hadi hata bilioni. Tunachofanya kwa sasa ni kwamba hatumruhusu mwendeshaji yeyote kutoa michezo yoyote bila kutoa sheria na masharti ya mchezo huo kwa ukamilifu. Kando na hayo, tumekuwa tukizingatia sana malalamiko ambayo yametumwa kwetu kwa sababu tuna jukumu la kuuliza malalamiko yanayotolewa na chama chochote. Tumefungua hata utaratibu wa malalamiko mtandaoni ambapo watu wanaweza kuwasilisha malalamiko yao kuhusu masuala yanayohusiana na kutolipa. Mwaka huu kwa mfano tumekuwa na malalamiko 18, tumetatua takriban tisa na sote tunahakikisha tunayatatua yote.


cha kampuni yoyote ambayo haiwezi kulipa ushindi wa kweli ionywe kwa sababu ni jukumu letu kuhakikisha mtu yeyote analipwa kile ambacho ameshinda au anachodaiwa. Hapo awali kesi kama hizo zilipelekwa mahakamani ambazo zilichukua muda If gambling was let loose without regulation, there mrefu na mahakama pia haina mamlaka ya kesi ya would be chaos. Looking at that scenario, I think kwanza. Sheria inasema kwanza utafute hadhira na the president, in his own wisdom, set up a task force bodi na ikiwa uamuzi wa bodi hauridhishi basi which was to look at the gaming industry in totality unaweza kuupeleka mahakama kuu na kukata and propose ways and means of regulating it, so it rufaa. becomes beneficial to the country while reducing its Sheria mpya inaweza pia kuwasilisha mahakama. Zaidi ya kuwa na utaratibu wetu wa ndani, ukiwa na negative impact. hukumu isiyoridhisha, badala ya kwenda mahakamani, unaipeleka kwenye mahakama. Out of that task force, there were creations of two Lakini ninataka kuwahakikishia kwamba tumeweza bills and a policy, the gaming policy, the gambling kushughulikia kesi zinazohusu malipo control bill, and the national lottery bill. yanayotumwa na wapiga kura. Ikiwa kamari ingeachiliwa bila udhibiti, kungekuwa na machafuko. Kwa kuangalia mazingira hayo, nadhani rais kwa busara zake alianzisha kikosi ambacho kazi ilikuwa ni kuangalia tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha kwa ujumla wake na kupendekeza njia na mbinu za kuidhibiti ili iwe na manufaa kwa nchi 24.huku ikipunguza athari yake hasi.

Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

Initially, gaming was a recreational activity, something to do in your leisure time but now the attitude has changed to it being a source of income. This has led to the problem of addiction to gambling.

Kati ya kikosi kazi hicho, kulikuwa na uundaji wa miswada miwili na sera, sera ya michezo ya kubahatisha, mswada wa kudhibiti kamari, na mswada wa kitaifa wa bahati nasibu.

awali, michezo ya “ Hapo kubahatisha ilikuwa shughuli

ya burudani, kitu cha kufanya wakati wako wa burudani lakini sasa mtazamo umebadilika na kuwa chanzo cha mapato. Hii imesababisha tatizo la uraibu wa kucheza kamari.

Will the creation of the National Gambling Authority supersede the mandate of the BCLB?

The new laws have proposed the introduction of a 1 percent gambling revenue fee and a 15 percent gambling tax. What would be the impact of these charges if the proposals are passed into law?


he essence of these charges would be to help address the gambling issues while also supporting the operations of the authority. You have created an authority without resources, how will it operate? If we say they will operate through licences, how many licences do we issue and how much is a licence? Can that truly sustain an authority? The 15 percent gambling tax on the other hand was brought forward by the Finance Bill, not the Gambling Bill. It is also not fixed in stone that it will remain at a certain percentage, it may change with government requirements.

What response do you have to the people who think that the industry in Kenya currently feels unstable due to the constantly changing legislation? In regards to the predictability of business in this country, it is very predictable. In fact, it’s stable. It’s only operators who think otherwise because when the government says to pay a certain amount, they feel like their territory is being invaded but this happens everywhere because the government has to run.

The BCLB will cease to exist. With the creation of the new authority, it will take over the responsibilities currently being undertaken by BCLB. Due to transitional clauses, BCLB will now transition to the National Gambling Authority.

Je, kuundwa kwa Mamlaka ya Kitaifa ya Kamari kutaondoa mamlaka ya BCLB? BCLB itakoma kuwepo. Kwa kuundwa kwa mamlaka mpya, itachukua majukumu yanayotekelezwa na BCLB kwa sasa. Kutokana na vifungu vya mpito, BCLB sasa itahamia Mamlaka ya Kitaifa ya Kamari.

Sheria mpya zimependekeza kuanzishwa kwa ada ya mapato ya asilimia 1 ya kamari na asilimia 15 ya ushuru wa kamari. Je, matokeo ya mashtaka haya yatakuwaje iwapo mapendekezo yatapitishwa kuwa sheria?


iini cha malipo haya kitakuwa kusaidia kushughulikia masuala ya kamari huku pia kuunga mkono shughuli za mamlaka. Umeunda mamlaka bila rasilimali, itafanyaje kazi? Tukisema watafanya kazi kupitia leseni, tunatoa leseni ngapi na leseni ni kiasi gani? Je, hilo linaweza kudumisha mamlaka kweli? Asilimia 15 ya ushuru wa kamari kwa upande mwingine ililetwa mbele na Mswada wa Sheria ya Fedha, sio Mswada wa Kamari. Pia haijawekwa kwenye jiwe kwamba itabaki kwa asilimia fulani, inaweza kubadilika na mahitaji ya serikali.

Je, una majibu gani kwa watu wanaofikiri kuwa tasnia nchini Kenya kwa sasa inahisi kutokuwa shwari kutokana na sheria inayobadilika kila mara? Kuhusiana na kutabirika kwa biashara katika nchi hii, inaweza kutabirika sana. Kwa kweli, ni thabiti. Ni waendeshaji pekee wanaofikiri vinginevyo kwa sababu serikali inaposema kulipa kiasi fulani, wanahisi kama eneo lao linavamiwa lakini hii hutokea kila mahali kwa sababu serikali inapaswa kukimbia.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

How effective has the 5 percent increase on excise duty been since it was changed?


nce the law passed, we had the Finance Bill which brought the excise duty from 7.5 percent to 12.5 percent. The excise duty has an impact on punters, not the operators because this is money that is cut before the placed bet goes through. The reason we say this is not yet the operator’s money is because of the real-time revenue collection the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) introduced. From the excise duty on winnings, the charges are collected from the source and it has been very efficient and effective. But I think the people who can positively confirm the efficacy of the excise collected and the difference it has made is the taxman.

What should we expect once the proposed Bills, that is the Gambling Control Bill and the National Lottery Bill are put into law?


cannot state the actual Bill until the final amendment is passed. I might state something that will be excluded from the final Bill. From the suggestions given by the committee and finally the approval of parliament, we’ll then be able to see what the Bill will present. Like issues for the tribunal, we did not have a tribunal within the first Bill, we had a dispute resolution committee. If you look at the operations of a committee and a tribunal, a tribunal is more complicated. There have also been talks of amending the 1 percent fee as well, which is why it is best we wait and see what the final bill will look like.

Je, kuongezewa kwa asilimia 5 la ushuru umekuwa na ufanisi kiasi gani tangu kubadilishwa?


ara tu sheria hiyo ilipopitishwa, tulikuwa na Muswada wa Sheria ya Fedha ambao ulileta ushuru wa bidhaa kutoka asilimia 7.5 hadi asilimia 12.5. Ushuru wa bidhaa una athari kwa wapiga kura, sio waendeshaji kwa sababu hizi ni pesa ambazo hukatwa kabla ya dau iliyowekwa. Sababu ya sisi kusema hizi si pesa za mhudumu ni kwa sababu ya ukusanyaji wa mapato wa wakati halisi ambao Mamlaka ya Ushuru ya Kenya (KRA) ilianzisha. Kuanzia ushuru hadi ushindi, malipo hukusanywa kutoka kwa chanzo na imekuwa na ufanisi sana. Lakini nadhani watu ambao wanaweza kuthibitisha kwa hakika ufanisi wa ushuru unaokusanywa na tofauti ambayo imefanya ni mtoza ushuru.

Tutegemee nini pindi Miswada inayopendekezwa, yaani Mswada wa Kudhibiti Kamari na Mswada wa Bahati Nasibu ya Kitaifa kuwekwa sheria?


iwezi kueleza Mswada halisi hadi marekebisho ya mwisho yapitishwe. Ninaweza kueleza jambo ambalo halitajumuishwa kwenye Mswada wa mwisho. Kutokana na mapendekezo yaliyotolewa na kamati na hatimaye kuidhinishwa na bunge, tutaweza kuona ni nini Muswada utawasilisha. Kama vile masuala ya mahakama, hatukuwa na mahakama ndani ya Muswada wa kwanza, tulikuwa na kamati ya kutatua migogoro. Ukiangalia uendeshaji wa kamati na mahakama, mahakama ni ngumu zaidi. Pia kumekuwa na mazungumzo ya kurekebisha ada ya asilimia 1 pia, ndiyo maana ni vyema tusubiri tuone muswada wa mwisho utakuwaje.

utaratibu wa “ Tumefungua malalamiko mtandaoni

have opened an online “ We complaint mechanism where

ambapo watu wanaweza kuwasilisha malalamiko yao kuhusu masuala yanayohusiana na kutolipa.

people can forward their complaints on issues relating to non-payment.

This year we have had 18 complaints, resolved about nine and are working to solve them all.

Mwaka huu tumekuwa na malalamiko 18, yaliyotatuliwa takriban tisa na kuyafanyia kazi yote.


Unveiling Kenya’s Gaming Landscape: New Regulations, Taxation and Future Industry Trends

What advice would you give to any potential investors who would want to perhaps acquire a licence?


nitially, people were scared. They would be told getting a licence is difficult. Those are brokers trying to maintain their line of operation between BCLB and investors.

However, the turn-around time for an application is a maximum of two weeks. The only thing that may delay a licence application is if you are a foreign investor, you have to register your company and go through some verification processes. This may take an unprecedented amount of time. Regardless of all that, anyone who wants to come and invest is welcome.

penetration of websites “ The that are not licenced in Kenya

Je, unaweza kutoa ushauri gani kwa wawekezaji watarajiwa ambao wangependa kupata leseni? Hapo awali, watu walikuwa na hofu. Wangeambiwa kupata leseni ni ngumu. Hao ni madalali wanaojaribu kudumisha njia yao ya kufanya kazi kati ya BCLB na wawekezaji.


ata hivyo, muda wa kurejea kwa maombi ni upeo wa wiki mbili. Kitu pekee ambacho kinaweza kuchelewesha ombi la leseni ni kama wewe ni mwekezaji wa kigeni, unapaswa kusajili kampuni yako na kupitia baadhi ya michakato ya uthibitishaji. Hii inaweza kuchukua muda usio na kifani. Bila kujali yote hayo, yeyote anayetaka kuja kuwekeza anakaribishwa.

kwa tovuti “ Kupenya ambazo hazina leseni

presents a problem for people to place bets hence exposing punters to danger because if they win and don’t get paid there is no recourse. This also results in loss of government revenue and fees because they don’t pay taxes.

nchini Kenya kunaleta tatizo kwa watu kuweka dau hivyo basi kuwaweka hatarini wanaocheza dau kwa sababu wakishinda na kutolipwa hakuna njia mbadala. Hii pia inasababisha upotevu wa mapato na ada za serikali kwa sababu hawalipi kodi.

What would you say are some of the highlights of the new organisation’s website?

Je, unaweza kusema ni nini baadhi ya he website is still a work in progress. It has not vivutio vya tovuti ya shirika jipya?


reached where we want it to be. There are some things that we have not yet put in place but we are working on it. We are also aiming for our services to be accessed through e-citizen and making our website to be even more appealing. Things will also change with the changing mandates as well.

Is the board actively collaborating with stakeholders to gather feedback and address concerns? We always have stakeholder forums and the last one was at Kenya School of Government. They are usually biannual and the next one will be in preparation for the licensing period. We meet to discuss challenges because the board is not out to punish or make life difficult for operators. With the new proposed laws, stakeholder involvement will be pivotal in terms of developing regulations.

Tovuti bado ni kazi inayoendelea. Haijafika tunapotaka iwe. Kuna mambo ambayo bado hatujayaweka lakini tunayafanyia kazi. Pia tunalenga huduma zetu zipatikane kupitia e-citizen na kufanya tovuti yetu iwe ya kuvutia zaidi. Mambo pia yatabadilika na mabadiliko ya mamlaka pia.

Je, bodi inashirikiana kikamilifu na wadau kukusanya maoni na kushughulikia matatizo?


ama bodi, tunahakikisha kuwa tuko na mabaraza ya washikadau, na ya mwisho ilikuwa katika Shule ya Serikali ya Kenya. Kawaida huwa mara mbili kwa mwaka na inayofuata itakuwa katika maandalizi ya kipindi cha leseni. Tunakutana ili kujadili changamoto kwa sababu bodi haiko tayari kuadhibu au kufanya maisha kuwa magumu kwa waendeshaji. Kwa sheria mpya zinazopendekezwa, ushiriki wa washikadau utakuwa muhimu katika suala la kuandaa kanuni.


Betting on Taxes: Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies

Betting on Taxes

Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies Governments worldwide are faced with the challenge of striking a delicate balance between fostering the gambling industry and regulating it effectively. Taxation policies play a pivotal role in this equation, serving as a powerful tool to generate revenue, curb harmful practices, and shape the future of gambling within a region. However,the fluctuation of taxation especially in many African countries has always ushered to an unending debate. iGaming Afrika hosts a webinar with a panel of experts including Oyindamola Michaels, Felix Mulandi and David Ukairo to discuss how the gambling taxation laws in Africa differ from the ones in Europe.


hile gambling has been a part of human history for centuries, the modern gambling industry has transformed into a multi-billion-dollar global phenomenon.

It is a realm where dice roll, cards shuffle, and slots spin, all under the watchful eye of governments seeking to harness its potential for economic growth and protect their citizens from its potential pitfalls. Africa and Europe represent two contrasting approaches to gambling taxation, each shaped by unique historical, cultural, and economic factors. Taxation policies are a critical determinant of the industry’s growth, regulation, and societal impact.

One striking difference between Africa and Europe lies in the diversity and maturity of their taxation policies. According to David Ukairo, the MondoGaming SRL Business Development Manager (Africa), Africa, as a continent, boasts of rich nations, each with its unique socio-economic landscape.


onsequently, he continues by saying that the gambling taxation policies across African countries exhibit significant variations and these differences stem from the diverse historical backgrounds, cultural attitudes towards gambling, and the level of economic development within each nation.


Betting on Taxes: Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies

Source of revenue “For instance, some African countries have embraced gambling as a potential revenue stream, while others view it with caution.In places like South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria, governments have recognized the economic potential of the gambling industry and have put in place relatively well-structured taxation frameworks to capture a portion of the revenue generated. In stark contrast, Europe presents a more harmonized and well-established approach to gambling taxation, ”he says. Ukairo states that the European Union (EU) has played a central role in standardizing gambling regulations and taxation across its member states. “This harmonization is driven by the EU’s commitment to ensuring a level playing field for operators and consumers across borders. Consequently, European nations tend to have more consistent and predictable taxation policies in place,” he says.

Stable markets Felix Mulandi, a gaming consultant remarks that the EU’s harmonization efforts have resulted in a stable and mature gambling market where operators can navigate taxation with greater certainty. “This stability is a stark contrast to Africa, where the lack of uniformity in gambling taxation can make it challenging for operators and consumers to engage in the market with confidence. Considering Africa is an emerging market, I’m sure in the coming future we will be able to stabilize the gambling industry,” he starts. In markets characterized by highly volatile taxation policies, such as many African countries, investors often tread cautiously. The unpredictability of tax rates and regulatory changes can create an uncertain business environment, discouraging long-term investments in the gambling industry. Investors are more inclined to favor stable markets with clear taxation frameworks, like those found in many European nations.

Challenges to players


yindamola Michaels, Country Manager Kaizen Gaming (Betano) weighs in saying, “Players, as the lifeblood of the gambling industry, are also affected by fluctuating taxation policies. When tax rates on winnings or betting activities are subject to frequent changes, it can discourage individuals from participating in gambling. You find such practices influencing players to start playing with companies overseas that don’t inflict such heavy taxes or do not tax them entirely. Uncertainty around tax implications can deter players from placing bets, impacting the overall revenue generated by the industry,” Oyindamola points out that overly aggressive taxation policies can lead to the deterioration of pre-existing investors in the gambling sector. “When taxes become excessive , established operators may find it financially unsustainable to continue their operations in certain countries. This can result in a loss of investment, jobs, and tax revenue for the government. Amidst these challenges, industry players should come together to seek solutions to taxation issues. When faced with oppressive tax policies or regulatory uncertainty, operators, industry associations, and government representatives are encouraged to engage in dialogue to find common ground.


Betting on Taxes: Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies

“When tax rates remain relatively consistent, investors are more likely to commit to long-term ventures, and players can engage with confidence, knowing the rules won’t change overnight. ” David Ukairo.


ollaborative efforts can lead to more reasonable taxation structures that benefit both governments and operators, fostering a more stable business environment,” “The impact of oppressive taxation policies extends beyond investors and operators to the broader economy. High tax rates can reduce the profitability of gambling establishments, potentially leading to downsizing and job cuts.” Oyindamola adds that when players are discouraged from participating due to excessive taxes, government revenue from gambling taxes may fall short of expectations, undermining the very purpose of taxation.

“When taxes become excessive ,established operators may find it financially unsustainable to continue their operations in certain countries. This can result in a loss of investment, jobs, and tax revenue for the government. Amidst these challenges, industry players should come together to seek solutions to taxation issues.” - Oyindamola Michaels.


Betting on Taxes: Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies

Regulators engaging with investors The implications of gambling taxation policies in Africa and Europe are far-reaching. Mulandi shares that striking the right balance between taxation and industry growth is a complex challenge but not an unachievable feat. “One of the valuable lessons comes from countries like Mozambique, which have successfully implemented initiatives where regulators engage with potential investors and players in the gambling industry. Such engagement fosters transparency, trust, and a better understanding of the needs and concerns of all stakeholders.By creating an open dialogue, governments can make informed decisions when crafting taxation policies, ensuring that they align with industry dynamics and promote growth while safeguarding against harm.” David Ukairo adds that, the essence of sitting down and talking about these issues is to learn. “Countries with stable and robust gambling taxation frameworks provide an essential lesson for African nations. Developing taxation policies that can withstand the test of time promotes stability and predictability in the industry. When tax rates remain relatively consistent, investors are more likely to commit to long-term ventures, and players can engage with confidence, knowing the rules won’t change overnight. “Collaboration among industry stakeholders, including operators, associations, and government bodies, is key to finding optimal solutions for the African gambling market. Countries with successful gambling taxation systems often involve all relevant parties in discussions and decision-making processes. These collaborative efforts help strike a balance between generating revenue for the state and ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of the industry. Countries with well-established gambling taxation frameworks offer valuable lessons for African nations seeking to optimize their own policies. These lessons can serve as a blueprint for shaping the future of gambling taxation in Africa, ensuring it contributes positively to economic growth and responsible entertainment,” he added.

Key Points “When taxes become excessive , established operators may find it financially unsustainable to continue their operations in certain countries. This can result in a loss of investment, jobs, and tax revenue for the government. Amidst these challenges, industry players should come together to seek solutions to taxation issues.” - Oyindamola Michaels. “When tax rates remain relatively consistent, investors are more likely to commit to long-term ventures, and players can engage with confidence, knowing the rules won’t change overnight.” -David Ukairo. “This stability is a stark contrast to Africa, where the lack of uniformity in gambling taxation can make it challenging for operators and consumers to engage in the market with confidence.” -Felix Mulandi


Betting on Taxes: Unveiling the Dichotomy in African and European Gambling Policies

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

Beyond Borders Igniting Africa's Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

With 18 years of experience spanning multiple African countries, Alexandre Qader, the ambassador of Premier Bet’s Premier Projects & Head of Operations at Editec in Cameroon, discusses the nuances of African players, the impact of Premier Projects in CSR, and strategic collaborations with renowned athletes like Francis Ngannou. He uncovers their vision for nurturing African talents, building sports infrastructure, and fostering community growth through innovative initiatives like Make a Wish, aiming to make dreams a reality.

Akiwa na miaka 18 ya uzoefu katika nchi kadhaa za Kiafrika, Alexander Qader, Kiongozi wa Operesheni katika Editec nchini Cameroon, anajadili nyufa za wachezaji wa Kiafrika, athari ya Mradi wa Kwanza katika CSR, na ushirikiano mkakati na wanamichezo mashuhuri kama Francis Ngannou. Anafichua azma yao ya kuendeleza vipaji vya Kiafrika, kujenga miundombinu ya michezo, na kuchochea ukuaji wa jamii kupitia mipango inayoinukia kama “Make a Wish,” ikilenga kutimiza ndoto.

Alexandre, tell us more about yourself.

Tafadhali tueleze zaidi kuhusu.

I have been working on business development in Africa since 2005. I can actually define myself as an African citizen since I spent the last 18 years of my life on the African continent. I am passionate about 3 particular areas which are: Gaming industry, African emergence & the Combat sports.

Nimekuwa nikifanya kazi katika maendeleo ya biashara barani Afrika tangu mwaka 2005. Naweza kusema mimi ni raia wa Afrika kwa kuwa nimeishi miaka 18 ya maisha yangu katika bara hili. Nina shauku kubwa katika maeneo matatu hasa: tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha, ukuaji wa Kiafrika, na michezo ya mapigano.

How has your African experience been so far?


or me Africa is much more than an experience, it is my life, I had the chance to live and work in many countries such as Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Chad, Burkina Faso and of course Cameroon where I have currently settled for 6 years. I am very excited by the African emergence that I have experienced over the last 18 years and all the great collaboration I had over this period of time.

You are an accomplished manager and executive with 18 years’ business experience, with a wide presence in African countries. Can we know why most of your career has been focused on the African continent? It all started in 2005 after my graduation from a French business school. I was offered a role in Benin whilst I didn’t know anything about Africa except what we could see on the news. Since I landed in Benin, I never returned back to Europe except for holidays. I had the chance to develop a business with 3-digit growth the first year. I fell in love with the country, the continent and the culture. I understood it was the beginning of my new life.

Je, uzoefu wako wa Kiafrika umekuwaje hadi sasa?


wangu, Afrika ni zaidi ya uzoefu, ni maisha yangu. Nimepata fursa ya kuishi na kufanya kazi katika nchi nyingi kama Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Chad, Burkina Faso na pia Cameroon ambapo nimekaa kwa miaka 6. Nimevutiwa sana na ukuaji wa Kiafrika niliouona katika miaka 18 niliyokuwa humu na ushirikiano mzuri nilioupata katika kipindi hicho.

Wewe ni meneja na kiongozi aliyejipambanua na miaka 18 ya uzoefu wa kibiashara, hasa katika nchi za Kiafrika. Je, unaweza kutueleza kwa nini sehemu kubwa ya maisha yako ya kazi imejikita katika bara la Afrika? Ilikuwa mwaka 2005 baada ya kuhitimu kutoka shule ya biashara Ufaransa. Nilipata nafasi Benin ingawa sikujua chochote kuhusu Afrika isipokuwa yale tuliyoyaona katika habari. Tangu nilipowasili Benin, sijawahi kurejea Ulaya isipokuwa kwa likizo. Nilipata fursa ya kuendeleza biashara na ukuaji wa asilimia tatu ya kwanza katika mwaka wa kwanza. Nilivutiwa sana na nchi, bara na utamaduni.


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

We built 25 facilities covering Basketball, Football, Netball, and MMA.

Tumetengeneza vituo 25 vikiwa vinajumuisha mpira wa kikapu, mpira wa miguu, netiboli, na MMA.

Kila mwaka, Premier Project inaahidi kuunda au kuboresha wastani wa vituo vya michezo 20 kote bara hilo, ambayo ni hatua muhimu ya mkakati wetu.

Every year, Premier Projects commits to creating or refurbishing an average of 20 sports facilities across the continent, which is the essential action of our strategy.


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

hen I moved from one country to another growing my experience and expertise on the African markets. I did an Executive Masters In Business Administration (MBA) at HEC Paris in 2016 before joining Editec Group that appointed me as their Chief Operations Officer ( COO) for Cameroon.

Certainly, not many will have a vast experience such as the one you have on the African continent. You have operated in most African countries, both the Commonwealth and Francophone countries at various capacities but with emphasis on gaming brands. Can you tell us what similarities and differences you have realised amongst African players?


ell, to me every country is different and has its peculiarities, I like to remind my fellow colleagues or newcomers who try to understand African Markets that. I like to say that there are less similarities between a Cameroonian and a Togolese player for instance than between a French and an English player, lol, so there is definitely not one size fits all strategy in Africa. The level of sports betting player maturity in Cameroon is very high for instance, while lottery activities are still at their early stage and that may be completely different in other countries where lottery activities have been implemented for decades and sports betting may be relatively weaker.

In your own words, “Premier Projects, the charity Division of Premier bet has transcended national boundaries and shown its genuine Pan-African dimension.” Why is Premier Projects an important feature in the African iGaming Landscape?


remier Projects is the Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) division of Premier Bet. Editec has operated it in the African continent since 2019. Since 2021, we have focused on making a difference in sports. We work in over 11 African countries and believe in the power of sports to empower, educate and inspire the young generation. The core of our strategy is to have a tangible impact on the lack of sports infrastructure on the continent. We create or refurbish new sports facilities covering the most popular sports yearly. We want to ensure that our communities play, have fun, or learn a new sport in safe environments and facilities of good quality.Every year, we commit to creating or refurbishing an average of 20 sports facilities across the continent, which is the essential action of our strategy. We built 25 facilities covering Basketball, Football, Netball, and MMA.


iligundua ilikuwa mwanzo wa maisha yangu mapya. Kisha nikaenda kutoka nchi moja hadi nyingine nikiongeza uzoefu na utaalam wangu kwenye masoko ya Kiafrika. Nilifanya Masomo Makuu katika Utawala wa Biashara(MBA) katika HEC Paris mwaka 2016 kabla ya kujiunga na Kundi la Editec ambalo liniteua kama Afisa Mkuu wa Operesheni (COO) wa Cameroon.

Hakika, si wengi wana uzoefu mkubwa kama wako barani Afrika. Umefanya kazi katika nchi nyingi za Kiafrika, kati yazo zikiwa nchi zinazozungumza Kiingereza na Kifaransa, kwa majukumu mbalimbali lakini ukihusisha sana na bidhaa za kamari. Je, unaweza kutuambia kuhusu mambo sawa na tofauti unazoziona kati ya wachezaji wa Kiafrika?


wangu, kila nchi ni tofauti na ina sifa zake, na napenda kukumbusha wenzangu au wageni wanaojaribu kuelewa Masoko ya Kiafrika. Huwa napenda kusema kwamba kuna tofauti kidogo kati ya Mcameroon na Mtogolese kwa mfano kuliko kati ya Mfaransa na Muingereza, kwa hivyo hakika hakuna mkakati mmoja wa ukubwa unaofaa kwa Afrika. Kwa mfano, kiwango cha utimamu wa mchezaji wa kubashiri michezo Cameroon ni kikubwa sana. Wakati shughuli za bahati nasibu bado zipo katika hatua za awali na hilo linaweza kuwa tofauti kabisa katika nchi nyingine ambapo shughuli za bahati nasibu zimekuwepo kwa miongo kadhaa na kubashiri michezo kunaweza kuwa dhaifu kidogo.

Kwa maneno yako mwenyewe, “Premier Projects, idara ya hisani ya Premier Bet, imevuka mipaka ya kitaifa na kuonyesha wazi vipimo vya Kiafrika halisi.” Kwa nini Premier Projects ni sehemu muhimu katika tasnia ya iGaming ya Kiafrika?


remier Projects ni sehemu ya Majukumu ya Kijamii ya Kampuni (CSR) ya Premier Bet. Editec imeendesha shughuli hii barani Afrika tangu 2019. Tangu 2021, tumejikita katika kuleta mabadiliko katika michezo. Tunafanya kazi katika zaidi ya nchi 11 za Kiafrika na tunaamini katika nguvu ya michezo kuwawezesha, kuwaelimisha na kuwaanzisha vijana. Msingi wa mkakati wetu ni kuwa na athari dhahiri kwenye ukosefu wa miundombinu ya michezo katika bara hili. Tunajenga upya na kuboresha vituo vya michezo kwa michezo maarufu kila mwaka. Tunataka kuhakikisha kwamba jamii zetu wanacheza, kujifurahisha, au kujifunza mchezo mpya katika mazingira salama na vituo vya ubora wa hali ya juu. Kila mwaka, tunaahidi kujenga au kuboresha wastani wa vituo 20 vya michezo kote bara hili, ambavyo ni hatua muhimu ya mkakati wetu. u kupitia programu ya Premier Loto Chef.


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

The ambassador of Premier Bet’s Premier Projects & Head of Operations at Editec in Cameroon

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

“Emphasis on education is crucial and that is “Kuwekeza katika elimu ni muhimu na ndio “


e call these facilities Premier Projects Arenas and are, in some cases, built in partnership with top-level African athletes (Francis Ngannou Foundation in Cameroon or Didier Drogba Foundation in Ivory Coast). We are also focused on creating new sports schools; we would like every country where we operate to have a Premier Projects Academy. In the Premier Projects Academy, we provide free coaches and regular training sessions to our members, intending to educate them on the values of sport, like team spirit and cooperation, competitiveness and resilience.We made it possible to follow life in our academies via dedicated social media pages that share the activities and stories of our members. Every country with an academy has a dedicated social media channel. Every year, we aim to create some unforgettable sports experiences for the best talents of our academies. We leverage our connections with professional teams and athletes to make this happen. These stories are the basis for a documentary called “The Dream”. The Dream is distributed in over 50 African countries to inspire and educate the younger generations. In 2022, we told the story of Sebastiao and Lucas, two young football players from our football academy in Angola who travelled to Milan to meet their idol Rafael Leao and spend some time playing and interacting with Milan AC Primavera team and legends like Daniele Massaro and Franco Baresi. In 2023, Cameroon was the time. We followed Desmond and Emilios from Cameroon to the Ivory Coast and Saudi Arabia to see them meeting their idol, Francis Ngannou, and learning from him the secrets to becoming MMA champions.


remier Projects is also promoting dedicated projects intending to enhance the awareness of the importance of food for our communities. We are working to develop the Premier Loto Gardens to assign plots of land to selected families, teaching them how to grow fruit and vegetables and supporting them with all the necessary to make it happen. We are also working with restaurant owners to create dedicated internships for African youth who dream of becoming chefs with a Premier Loto Chef program.

sababu tunajenga na kurekebisha shule nchini Cameroon ili kuboresha mazingira na kuwawezesha watoto wetu kupata madarasa salama, safi, na ya kisasa.


why we are building & renovating schools in Cameroon to improve the space and enable our children to access safe, clean and modern classrooms.

umekuja na vituo 25 vinavyojumuisha mpira wa kikapu, mpira wa miguu, netiboli, na MMA. Vituo hivi tunaviita Premier Projects Arenas na, katika hali nyingine, ushirikiano na wanariadha wa ngazi za juu wa Kiafrika (Wakfu wa Francis Ngannou nchini Cameroon au Wakfu wa Didier Drogba nchini Ivory Coast). Pia, tunalenga kuanzisha shule mpya za michezo; tunataka kila nchi ambapo tunafanya kazi kuwe na Chuo cha Premier Project. Katika Chuo cha Premier Project, tunatoa mafunzo ya bure kwa makocha na vikao vya mafunzo mara kwa mara kwa wanachama wetu, lengo likiwa kuwafundisha kuhusu maadili ya michezo kama vile roho ya timu na ushirikiano, ushindani na uvumilivu. Tumewezesha kufuatilia maisha katika vyuo vyetu kupitia kurasa maalum za mitandao ya kijamii ambazo zinashiriki shughuli na hadithi za wanachama wetu. Kila nchi yenye chuo ina kituo cha kijamii cha kipekee. Kila mwaka, tunalenga kuunda uzoefu usioweza kusahaulika kwa vipaji bora vya vyuo vyetu. Tunatumia uhusiano wetu na timu na wanamichezo wa kitaalamu ili kufanikisha hili. Hadithi hizi ndizo msingi wa filamu inayoitwa “The Dream”. The Dream inasambazwa katika nchi zaidi ya 50 za Kiafrika ili kuhamasisha na kuelimisha vizazi vijavyo.


waka wa 2022, tulielezea hadithi ya Sebastiao na Lucas, wachezaji wawili chipukizi wa mpira wa miguu kutoka kwenye chuo chetu cha mpira wa miguu Angola ambao walikwenda Milan kukutana na shujaa wao Rafael Leao na kutumia muda kucheza na kushirikiana na kikosi cha Milan AC Primavera na mashujaa kama Daniele Massaro na Franco Baresi. Mwaka wa 2023, Cameroon ulikuwa wakati wake. Tulifuata safari ya Desmond na Emilios kutoka Cameroon kwenda Ivory Coast na Saudi Arabia kuwaona wakikutana na shujaa wao, Francis Ngannou, na kujifunza kutoka kwake siri za kuwa mabingwa wa MMA. Premier Project pia inakuza miradi maalum inayolenga kuongeza ufahamu wa umuhimu wa chakula kwa jamii zetu. Tunafanya kazi kukuza Bustani za Premier Loto kwa kutoa maeneo ya ardhi kwa familia zilizochaguliwa, kuwafundisha jinsi ya kulima matunda na mboga na kuwasaidia na mahitaji yote kufanikisha hilo.


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

than 20 countries in Africa and is looking forward to covering the entire continent over the next 3 to 5 years.

What is your main role at Premier Projects? My role is basically to act as an Ambassador for Cameroon and to support its expansion across the country and beyond whenever it is possible on the model of this great synergistic collaboration that we developed with Ivory Coast including Premier Bet Ivory Coast, the MMA Federation of Ivory Coast (FIAMM) and of course our great champion Francis Ngannou and his foundation, with Iron Biby, the strongest man on the world as a special guest coming from Burkina Faso.

Is Premier Bet having any plans to reopen its doors in Kenya? What is for sure is that our Editec Chairman, Franck Attal and CEO, George Sanders have a holistic approach and a fantastic vision to develop a virtuous gaming industry on the continent; Kenya is a major market in Africa and there is a great potential to build a sustainable industry hand to hand with all the regulators and all the stakeholders.

Pia, tunashirikiana na wamiliki wa mikahawa kuanzisha mafunzo maalum kwa vijana wa Kiafrika ambao wanataka kuwa wachef.

Nini jukumu lako kuu katika Premier Projects?

Jukumu langu ni kuwa Balozi wa Cameroon na kusaidia upanuzi wake nchini kote na zaidi wakati wowote inapowezekana kwa mfano wa ushirikiano huu mkubwa wa ushirikiano ambao tuliendeleza na Ivory Coast, Chama cha MMA cha Ivory Coast (FIAMM) na bila shaka bingwa wetu mkubwa Francis Ngannou na msingi wake, na pia Iron Biby, mtu mwenye nguvu zaidi duniani kutoka Burkina Faso.

Je, Premier Bet ina mipango ya kufungua milango yake tena nchini Kenya? Jambo la uhakika ni kwamba Mwenyekiti na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wetu wa Editec wana mtazamo wa kina na maono mazuri ya kukuza tasnia ya kamari ya kudumu barani Afrika; Kenya ni soko muhimu barani Afrika na kuna uwezekano mkubwa wa kujenga tasnia endelevu bega kwa bega na watekelezaji na wadau wote.

“ Premier Bet tayari inashirikiana na zaidi


ya nchi 20 barani Afrika na inatazamia kufunika bara zima katika miaka 3 hadi 5 ijayo.

“ Premier Bet is already working with more

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

Why do you think it’s important for gaming brands across Africa to partner with like-minded artists and sportsmen like Francis Nganou to nurture talent across the continent?

Kwa nini unadhani ni muhimu kwa bidhaa za kamari barani Afrika kushirikiana na wasanii na wanamichezo kama Francis Ngannou ili kuendeleza vipaji katika bara lote?



We have developed a unique collaboration with him and his foundation working hard to reveal African talents’ potential and make sure that they can benefit progressively from the best support possible and reach the stars ideally from the African continent. An African talent should be able to reach the highest level of the African continent, that‘s the vision.

Tumekuza ushirikiano wa kipekee na yeye na msingi wake na tunafanya kazi kwa bidii kuonyesha uwezo wa vipaji vya Kiafrika na kuhakikisha kwamba wanaweza kunufaika hatua kwa hatua kutoka kwa msaada bora zaidi na kufikia nyota ideal kutoka bara la Afrika. Kwa maoni yangu, vipaji vya Kiafrika vinafaa kufikia kiwango cha juu zaidi kutoka bara la Afrika, hiyo ndiyo wazo letu.

What touches you most about Francis Ngannou’s story? Is it something you see with other young talented athletes and how are you as a brand helping to touch lives?

Ni nini kinakugusa zaidi katika hadithi ya Francis Ngannou? Je, ni kitu unachoona kwa wanariadha wengine wenye vipaji vya vijana na jinsi gani kama chapa mnasaidia kugusa maisha?

If you ask me, I think Francis is a hero of his generation. He started from the real bottom, faced the hardest challenges, and reached the top of the world in MMA and boxing despite incredible odds. Who could have bet on the fact that someone from Batié, a small village in West Cameroon, could become this lineal Combats Sports heavyweight champion of the world? If you would have bet on that 10 years ago, the odds would have made you a billionaire.

Ukiniuliza, nadhani Francis ni shujaa wa kizazi chake. Alianza kutoka chini kabisa, akakabiliana na changamoto kubwa zaidi, na akafikia kilele cha ulimwengu katika mchezo wa MMA na masumbwi licha ya vikwazo visivyoweza kufikirika. Ni nani aliyeweza kubashiri kwamba mtu kutoka Batié, kijiji kidogo katika Magharibi mwa Cameroon, angekuwa bingwa wa uzito wa dunia katika mchezo wa masumbwi? Kama ungebeti hilo miaka 10 iliyopita, fursa zingekufanya kuwa bilionea.

irst of all, I would like to thank Francis Ngannou for his commitment, to the future of Cameroon in particular and of Africa as a whole. I think that he made history and opened so many doors for African fighters and athletes in general. He made a major contribution to the African emergence and his journey has just started.

wanza kabisa, ningependa kumshukuru Francis Ngannou kwa kujitolea kwake kwa mustakabali wa Cameroon na kwa Afrika kwa ujumla. Ninaamini kwamba amefungua historia na kufungua milango mingi kwa wapiganiaji na wanamichezo wa Kiafrika kwa ujumla. Amechangia sana katika ukuaji wa Kiafrika na safari yake bado haijaanza.

“ Premier Projects is working to develop the “Premier Project inafanya kazi ya Premier Loto Gardens to assign plots of land to selected families, teaching them how to grow fruit and vegetables and supporting them with all the necessary to make it happen.

kuendeleza Bustani za Premier Loto kwa kugawa maeneo ya ardhi kwa familia zilizochaguliwa, kuwafundisha jinsi ya kulima matunda na mboga na kuwasaidia na kila kitu kinachohitajika ili hilo litimie.

What are some of the biggest achievements of Premier Projects?

Ni mafanikio makubwa gani ya Miradi ya Premier?

We built a Combats Academy & Arena in Douala (Cameroon) that we opened in July 2023. It’s dedicated to combat sports, managed in close collaboration with Francis Ngannou and his foundation where African talents can benefit from all the support, facilities and equipment to train and progress to reveal their potential and full capacity.

Tulijenga Chuo na Ukumbi wa michezo ya mapigano huko Douala (Cameroon) ambayo tulifungua mwezi Julai 2023. Unajitolea kwa michezo ya mapigano, ikisimamiwa kwa ushirikiano wa karibu na Francis Ngannou na msingi wake ambapo vipaji vya Kiafrika vinaweza kunufaika na msaada wote, vifaa, na vifaa vya mazoezi ili kukuza na kufunua uwezo wao na uwezo kamili.


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

That’s still the early stage but we already have some promising fighters training very hard on site. For the opening ceremony, we organised a fighting event where 5 talented Cameroonians faced fighters from 5 different African countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Congo, Ivory Coast).

Why are you so passionate about the Premier Projects branch of Premier Bet? That’s what makes our role so rewarding, to be among those who actively contribute to African emergence. If in 3 or 5 years I could see some of our fighters being among the top world champions, that will be enough to make me happy. I could say that I brought my contribution to that and that is what makes me proud of being an Editec collaborator.

Tell us more about your new Make a Wish campaign that is enabling players to achieve their dream project and the motivation behind it? In another vein, Make a Wish intends to support some members of our players’ community to realize their dreams. We launched this concept recently and our first winner who is a chef and always dreamt of having their own restaurant. We are currently working with them on the fulfilment of this dream. We helped the winner to find the right location in Yaoundé, negotiated and paid for the lease agreement, the fitting work, the equipment, so we actually brought our full support financially and also legally and business-wise and the winner should be ready to open it in a few weeks from now. The winner will call it “La Marmite d’Or d’Afrique” (The African Golden Kettle) and hopefully I will be there for the opening so we could celebrate and eat some great and tasty grills.

Every year, Premier Projects commits to creating or refurbishing an average of 20 sports facilities across the continent, which is the essential action of our strategy. We built 25 facilities covering Basketball, Football, Netball, and MMA. Premier Projects has a vision for the future to enable African Talents to flourish globally. Are you also supporting countries that you do not have operations in or the Premier Projects campaigns are only being implemented in countries you are active in only?

Hiyo bado ni hatua ya awali lakini tayari tuna baadhi ya wapiganaji wanaoahidi wanaofanya mazoezi kwa bidii kwenye tovuti. Kwa sherehe ya ufunguzi, tuliratibu tukio la kupigana ambapo Wacameroon 5 wenye vipaji walikabiliana na wapiganaji kutoka nchi 5 tofauti za Kiafrika (Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Congo, Ivory Coast).

Kwa nini una shauku kubwa juu ya tawi la Miradi ya Premier Bet? Hilo ndilo linalofanya jukumu letu liwe la kuridhisha sana, kuwa miongoni mwa wale wanaochangia kikamilifu katika kujitokeza kwa Afrika. Ikiwa katika miaka 3 au 5 nitaweza kuona baadhi ya wapiganaji wetu wakiwa miongoni mwa mabingwa wa dunia, hilo litatosha kunifurahisha. Ningeweza kusema kwamba nimeleta mchango wangu katika hilo na hilo ndilo linanifanya nijivunie kuwa mfanyikazi wa Editec.

Eleza zaidi kuhusu kampeni yako mpya ya Make a Wish inayowezesha wachezaji kutimiza miradi yao ya ndoto na motisha nyuma yake? Kwa upande mwingine, Make a Wish inakusudia kusaidia baadhi ya wanachama wa jamii ya wachezaji wetu kutimiza ndoto zao. Tulizindua dhana hii hivi majuzi na mshindi wetu wa kwanza ni mpishi ambaye daima alitamani kuwa na mgahawa wake mwenyewe. Tunashirikiana nao sasa katika kutimiza ndoto hii. Tumemsaidia mshindi kupata mahali sahihi huko Yaoundé, tukakubaliana na kulipa mkataba wa kukodisha, kazi za kufanya mahali hapo, vifaa, kwa hivyo tulileta msaada wetu kamili wa kifedha lakini pia kisheria na kibiashara na mshindi anapaswa kuwa tayari kuifungua baada ya wiki chache kutoka sasa. Mshindi ataliita “La Marmite d’Or d’ Afrique” (Chungwa la Dhahabu la Afrika) na natumai nitakuwepo kwa ufunguzi ili tuweze kusherehekea na kula nyama ya kuchoma tamu na nzuri.

Kila mwaka, Premier Project inaahidi kuunda au kuboresha wastani wa vituo vya michezo 20 kote bara hilo, ambayo ni hatua muhimu ya mkakati wetu. Tumetengeneza vituo 25 vikiwa vinajumuisha mpira wa kikapu, mpira wa miguu, netiboli, na MMA. Premier Projects inaona wazo la kuwezesha Talanta za Kiafrika kustawi kimataifa. Je, mnasaidia pia nchi ambazo hamna shughuli zenu au kampeni za Miradi ya Premier zinafanyika tu katika nchi mnaofanyia kazi pekee? 42.

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects


Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

ell, for instance our Combats Academy & Arena with Francis Ngannou Foundation is open and free to access for anyone from Africa, the only condition as stated by Francis is discipline, hardwork and determination, no matter where you come from. Also, if it is true that we mainly focus on implementing facilities in countries where we already operate. Editec, as a group, is expanding quickly and there are not so many countries where it is not yet implemented, so over time I guess we should be able to cover the entire continent.

Congratulations on receiving the MTN Digitalization Award a couple of months ago. What does this mean for EDITEC’s digital transformation in the near future and your growth in Africa?


igitalization is another major topic but still related to African emergence. We are happy to be a major contributor of this process and to collaborate with major stakeholders such as MTN and all other MNOs across Africa. As everyone knows the internet penetration rate is growing quickly and we must not leave anybody on the wayside. That means that we must work to educate, train and facilitate the adoption of the digital channels for our hundreds of thousands of employees, retailers, franchisees and end users across Africa. That’s also a very challenging but interesting project at Editec.

Do you think that your emphasis in supporting the community through CSR activities is a driving force behind the growth and client suport you are experiencing in the countries you are operating in? Definitely yes. I could define ourselves as a community above all; a community made of professionals, players, fans, followers, athletes, influencers & customers all sharing the same values and the same vision for the Gaming, Sports Betting & Lottery industry in Africa. These Values are the cornerstone of our relationships with our clients.

Is Premier Bet having plans to launch in more countries in Africa? If so, which are some of these countries and what timelines are we looking at? For instance, Editec is launching its activities in Gabon as we speak and is actively working on its development in both existing countries and potential new countries. The Group already works with more than 20 countries in Africa and has the ability to cover the entire continent ultimately.


izuri, kwa mfano, Chuo na Uwanja wetu wa mapigano na Msingi wa Francis Ngannou ni wazi na huru kwa yeyote kutoka Afrika, sharti pekee kama ilivyosemwa na Francis ni nidhamu, kazi na azimio, bila kujali unatoka wapi. Pia, ingawa ni kweli tunazingatia zaidi kuweka miundombinu katika nchi ambazo tayari tunaendesha shughuli zetu. Editec, kama kikundi, kinapanuka haraka na kuna nchi chache sana ambapo bado hatujafanya shughuli, hivyo kwa muda nadhani tunapaswa kuweza kufikia bara zima.

Hongera kwa kupokea Tuzo ya MTN miezi kadhaa iliyopita. Hii inamaanisha nini kwa mabadiliko ya dijitali ya EDITEC hivi karibuni na ukuaji wenu barani Afrika?


endigitali ni suala lingine kubwa lakini bado lina uhusiano na kujitokeza kwa Afrika. Tunafurahi kuwa mchango muhimu katika mchakato huu na kushirikiana na wadau muhimu kama vile MTN na MNOs zingine kote Afrika. Kama kila mtu anajua kasi ya kupenya kwa mtandao inakua haraka na hatupaswi kumwacha mtu yeyote kando ya njia. Hiyo inamaanisha kwamba lazima tufanye kazi kuelimisha, kutoa mafunzo na kurahisisha uchukuzi wa njia za kidijitali kwa mamia yetu elfu ya wafanyakazi, wauzaji, wanachama wa mikataba yetu na watumiaji mwisho kote Afrika. Hilo pia ni mradi wenye changamoto lakini wa kuvutia sana katika Editec.

Je, unaamini kwamba kuzingatia kwenu katika kusaidia jamii kupitia shughuli za CSR ni nguvu inayosukuma ukuaji na msaada kwa wateja mnayopata katika nchi mnazofanyia kazi? Bila shaka ndiyo. Ningeweza kutujulisha kama jamii kwanza; jamii iliyojengwa na wataalamu, wachezaji, mashabiki, wafuasi, wanamichezo, wabunifu wa mawazo na wateja wote wanaoshiriki thamani na maono sawa kwa Viwanda vya Michezo ya Kubahatisha, Kupiga Pesa na Bahati Nasibu barani Afrika. Thamani hizi ni msingi wa uhusiano wetu na wateja wetu.

Je, Premier Bet ina mipango ya kuzindua katika nchi zaidi barani Afrika? Ikiwa ndivyo, ni baadhi ya nchi hizo na wakati gani tunaweza kutazamia? Kwa mfano, Editec inazindua shughuli zake huko Gabon hivi tunavyozungumza na inafanya kazi kwa bidii katika maendeleo yake katika nchi zilizopo na zile mpya zinazoweza kufunguliwa. Kikundi tayari kinashirikiana na zaidi ya nchi 20 barani Afrika na ina uwezo wa kufunika bara zima hatimaye. 44.

Beyond Borders: Igniting Africa’s Gaming Metamorphosis with Premier Projects

Giving a timeline is not easy but I could say that over the next 3 to 5 years, from my perspective, Editec should be covering the vast majority of the African markets and more importantly be a leading operator in those markets.

Being the Operations manager for Editec, the tech company behind Premier Bet. How do you balance between profitability and responsible gaming? The key word is sustainability. You cannot operate on the long run if you don’t act responsibly as an operator. We strive to demonstrate sound corporate citizenship and make sure that our business benefits respectfully to our environment, to the communities around us and to the counties where we operate.

Kutaja wakati halisi ni jambo gumu lakini naweza kusema kuwa katika miaka 3 hadi 5 ijayo, kutokana na mtazamo wangu, Editec inapaswa kufunika sehemu kubwa ya masoko ya Afrika na haswa kuwa mtoa huduma mkuu katika masoko hayo.

Kama Meneja wa Operesheni wa Editec, kampuni ya teknolojia nyuma ya Premier Bet. Unawezaje kudumisha usimamizi bora kati ya faida na michezo ya kubahatisha inayowajibika? Neno muhimu ni uendelevu. Huwezi kuendesha biashara kwa muda mrefu ikiwa haujiendeshi kwa uwajibikaji kama mwendeshaji. Tunajitahidi kuonyesha uraia mzuri wa shirika na kuhakikisha kuwa biashara yetu inanufaika kwa heshima kwa mazingira yetu, kwa jamii zinazotuzunguka, na nchi ambazo tunafanya shughuli zetu.




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Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika



Director, Betwinner Nigeria

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

At just 27, Maha Otu has proven her precociousness and intrepidity as she has climbed the ladder from a contact centre agent to the director in one of Nigeria’s largest betting companies in a span of only 3 years. The bold Maha shares her personal experience in the Sports betting industry which has for years been dominated by the male gender. She also delves more on the double taxation crisis of Nigeria’s betting companies, the future of iGaming in Africa and much more.

Briefly tell us about yourself, how you started a career in Sports Betting, to climbing the ladder to top leadership and how the journey has been so far.


started my career as a contact centre agent with one of the biggest betting brands in Nigeria. Initially, I had wished to work as an industrial chemist, which was my field of study where I did it at Degree level at Kwara State University from 2012-2016, but as we all know, landing a job opportunity is never a walk in the park for most Nigerian youths.

Maha shupavu, anashiriki uzoefu wake wa kibinafsi katika tasnia ya kamari ya Michezo ambayo kwa miaka mingi imekuwa ikitawaliwa na jinsia ya kiume. Pia anaangazia zaidi mgogoro wa utozaji kodi maradufu wa kampuni za kamari za Nigeria, mustakabali wa Michezo ya mtandaoni barani Afrika na mengine mengi.

Tuambie kujihusu, jinsi ulivyoanza kazi ya Kuweka Dau kwenye Michezo na jinsi safari imekuwa hadi sasa.


ilianza kazi yangu kama wakala wa kituo cha mawasiliano na mojawapo ya chapa kubwa za kamari nchini Nigeria. Hapo awali, nilitamani kufanya kazi kama kemia wa viwandani, ambayo ilikuwa uwanja wangu wa masomo, lakini kama tunavyojua sote, kuajiriwa ni suala kuu kwa vijana wengi wa Nigeria. kwa hivyo ilinibidi kutumia vyema kila fursa ndogo ya kazi niliyopata. Ndani ya kituo cha mawasiliano, nilifanya kazi kwenye njia mbalimbali za utatuzi, na hiyo iliniweka wazi kwa changamoto mbalimbali za wachambuzi, ambazo zilinisaidia katika jukumu langu kama Kiongozi wa Timu nilipojiunga na Betwinner.

So I had to utilize every little job opportunity that came my way. Within the contact centre, I worked on various resolution channels, and that exposed me to the various challenges punters encounter, which helped me in my role as a Team Lead when I joined Betwinner.

Kupitia bidii na uaminifu, niliteuliwa kuwa Mkurugenzi wa Betwinner Nigeria.

Through diligence and honesty, I was appointed as the Director of Betwinner Nigeria in 2021 at 25 years of age.

What motivates you in your career as the Betwinner Nigeria Director? I am grateful to the shareholders for believing in what I offer and my motivation is to ensure that the decision is not in vain. Also, being a young director and making the company successful would create a shift in giving other young females a chance within the industry.

What is your message to Investors who are closely monitoring the West African region as the best investment hub for their igaming projects?


frica is filled with so many untapped opportunities, and more opportunities keep getting unveiled as the continent grows in tech. The betting industry is still an attractive industry for investors as it is becoming more regulated, which gives investors a fair chance. My advice is for investors to make an investment now before it becomes too late.

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Akiwa na umri wa miaka 27 pekee, Maha Otu amethibitisha ujana wake na ushupavu huku akipanda ngazi kutoka kwa wakala wa kituo cha mawasiliano hadi mkurugenzi katika mojawapo ya kampuni kubwa zaidi za kamari nchini Nigeria katika kipindi cha miaka 3 pekee.

Ni nini kinakuchochea katika kazi yako kama Mkurugenzi wa Betwinner Nigeria?


awashukuru wanahisa kwa kuamini ninachotoa na msukumo wangu ni kuhakikisha kuwa uamuzi wao haukuwa bure. Pia, kuwa mkurugenzi mchanga na kuifanya kampuni kufanikiwa kunaweza kuleta mabadiliko katika kuwapa vijana wengine wa kike nafasi ndani ya tasnia. Nini ujumbe wako kwa Wawekezaji ambao wanafuatilia kwa karibu eneo la Afrika Magharibi kama kitovu bora cha uwekezaji kwa miradi yao ya michezo ya kubahatisha?


frika imejaa fursa nyingi sana ambazo hazijatumiwa, na fursa mbalimbali zinaendelea kufichuliwa kadri bara hili linavyokua katika teknolojia.

Sekta ya kamari bado ni tasnia ya kuvutia wawekezaji kwani inazidi kudhibitiwa, jambo ambalo linawapa wawekezaji nafasi nzuri. Ushauri wangu ni kwa wawekezaji kufanya uwekezaji sasa kabla haijachelewa.


Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

How does it feel to be a director of a sports betting company? Most especially at the age of 27 years and you being a lady even though this is a male-dominated field and industry?


o be honest, I feel special because this makes me different, and it feels like I am making history. Men are considered for operations positions before women.

Even new companies wanting to start in Nigeria would reach out to men with that experience rather than considering a woman as a country manager, that diversity is not there yet and this could be because we have fewer women with experience in operations roles and women who may have such experience are not really out there.

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Je, unahisije kuwa mkurugenzi wa kampuni ya kamari ya michezo? Zaidi haswa katika umri wa miaka 27 na wewe kuwa mwanamke ingawa hii ni uwanja unaotawaliwa na wanaume na tasnia?


usema kweli, ninahisi maalum kwa sababu hii inanifanya kuwa tofauti, na ninahisi kama ninaweka historia. Wanaume huzingatiwa kwa nafasi za operesheni kabla ya wanawake. Hata makampuni mapya yanayotaka kuanzisha Nigeria yangewafikia wanaume wenye uzoefu huo badala ya kumchukulia mwanamke kama meneja wa nchi, kwamba utofauti bado haupo na hii inaweza kuwa kwa sababu tuna wanawake wachache wenye uzoefu katika majukumu ya uendeshaji na wanawake ambao wanaweza.

Women should not be afraid of chasing big dreams or applying for managerial roles or operations positions. You are more than sufficient to handle it. Most importantly, always believe in yourself because what goes on in your mind determines the aura you give people, and when they perceive doubt they can leverage that.

kuwa na uzoefu kama huu si kweli huko nje. Wanawake hawapaswi kuogopa kufuata ndoto kubwa au kuomba majukumu ya usimamizi au nafasi za uendeshaji. Wewe ni zaidi ya kutosha kushughulikia. Muhimu zaidi, jiamini kila wakati kwa sababu kile kinachoendelea akilini mwako huamua aura unayowapa watu, na wanapoona shaka wanaweza kutumia hiyo.

Betwinner has been majorly focusing on online betting especially in Nigeria. Nonetheless, Nigeria has been renowned for its big retail market and most brands that have invested in that space are doing really well. Why is Betwinner not ready to take any risks and try to capture the retail market as well?

Betwinner imekuwa ikijikita zaidi katika kuweka kamari mtandaoni haswa nchini Nigeria. Walakini, sote tunajua kuwa Nigeria ni soko kubwa la rejareja na chapa nyingi mbazo zimewekeza katika nafasi hiyo zinafanya vizuri sana. Kwa nini hauko tayari kuchukua hatari yoyote na kujaribu kukamata soko la rejareja pia?

Not every company that goes retail succeeds, if we go with the majority how then are we different?



e prefer to know what our niche is in the market and focus on that for now and if we are truly convinced to go retail then it would be done.

io kila kampuni inayofanya biashara ya rejareja inafanikiwa, tukienda na wengi vipi basi tunatofautiana? Tunapendelea kujua nini niche yetu iko kwenye soko na kuzingatia hilo kwa sasa na ikiwa tunashawishika kweli kwenda rejareja basi ingefanywa. Tuna idadi inayoongezeka ya watumiaji wa mtandao na hili ndilo tunalotaka kuzingatia kwa kutumia hili.

We have a growing population of internet users and this is what we want to focus on by leveraging this.

As we are in the digital era where technology cannot be ignored, does technology also play a key role for most organizations in the sports betting industry? If it does, what role has it played at Betwinner that you believe was the game changer for the company in the region?

Ni kweli kwamba teknolojia ndiyo kichocheo kikuu kwa mashirika mengi katika tasnia ya kamari ya michezo. Tunaamini kuwa Betwinner haijaachwa nyuma katika teknolojia pia. Ulifanya nini katika teknolojia ya kampuni ambayo unaamini kuwa ndiyo iliyobadilisha kampuni katika eneo hili?

Our introduction of mobile applications and making our interface user-friendly. We keep improving our platform to suit the needs of the user.

Utangulizi wetu wa programu za simu na kufanya kiolesura chetu kiwe kirafiki. Tunaendelea kuboresha jukwaa letu ili kuendana na mahitaji ya mtumiaji. 48.

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

attractive industry for investors as it is becoming more regulated, which gives investors a fair chance.

“ Sekta ya kamari bado ni tasnia

ya kuvutia wawekezaji kwani inazidi kudhibitiwa, jambo ambalo linawapa wawekezaji nafasi nzuri.

“ The betting industry is still an

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

How can you compare the gambling industry taxation policies in Nigeria as compared to the rest of Africa? Is it Nigeria that should learn from the rest of Africa or vice versa?


urrently, we are still battling the issue of double taxation between the federal government and state regulators. There is no unified taxation structure, and this has been an issue operators have been crying for help for, but there has been no concrete resolution to that yet and we hope we get a good resolution to that this year.

Unawezaje kulinganisha sera za ushuru za sekta ya kamari nchini Nigeria ikilinganishwa na Afrika nzima? Ni Nigeria ambayo inapaswa kujifunza kutoka kwa Afrika nzima au kinyume chake?


wa sasa, bado tunapambana na suala la kutoza ushuru maradufu kati ya serikali ya shirikisho na wadhibiti wa serikali. Hakuna muundo wa umoja wa ushuru, na hili limekuwa suala ambalo waendeshaji wamekuwa wakililia msaada, lakini bado hakuna azimio thabiti kwa hilo na tunatumai tutapata azimio zuri kwa hilo mwaka huu.

Gambling in Nigeria is regulated per state unlike in most African countries where regulation is done by one national body. Based on your experience in the industry, would you prefer national or state/divisional regulation for gambling across Africa? What are some of the benefits and or demerits of state vs national regulation?

Kamari nchini Nigeria inadhibitiwa kwa kila jimbo tofauti na katika nchi nyingi za Kiafrika ambapo udhibiti hufanywa na shirika moja la kitaifa. Kulingana na uzoefu wako katika sekta hii, je, ungependelea udhibiti wa kitaifa au jimbo? Je, ni baadhi ya faida na au hasara gani za udhibiti wa serikali ya jimbo dhidi ya taifa?

Having national vs state regulation is what leads to double taxation. As a company operating strictly online you would think that getting the national license would allow me to operate freely anywhere in the country but that is not the case in Nigeria, we have to get licenses for each state we wish to carry out any activity, which can be draining.

Kuwa na udhibiti wa kitaifa dhidi ya serikali ya jimbo ndio husababisha kutozwa ushuru mara mbili. Kama kampuni inayofanya kazi kwa bidii mtandaoni unaweza kudhani kuwa kupata leseni ya kitaifa kungeniruhusu kufanya kazi kwa uhuru popote nchini lakini sivyo ilivyo nchini Nigeria, lazima tupate leseni kwa kila jimbo tunalotaka kufanya shughuli yoyote, ambayo inaweza kuwa changamoto. Kama kampuni inayofanya kazi mtandaoni kwa uangalifu, ningependelea kuwa na leseni ya kitaifa na shirika la udhibiti wa serikali kuripoti.

As a company that operates online strictly, I would prefer to have a national license and a unified state regulatory body to report to.

Why is it important for operators to always put customer needs first while at the same time designing platforms that accommodate various types of punters and their preferences?


nderstanding customers can be a very daunting task as the entire success of the business depends on how well your platform is accepted by them.

Customer satisfaction should be the core of any business, especially in this industry, the best way to scale up a gaming business in Africa is through customers’ testimonies, word of mouth and loyalty.

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Kwa nini ni muhimu kwa waendeshaji kuweka mahitaji ya wateja kwanza kila wakati huku wakibuni majukwaa ambayo yanashughulikia aina mbalimbali za watoa huduma na mapendeleo yao?


uelewa wateja kunaweza kuwa kazi ya kuogofya sana kwani mafanikio yote ya biashara yanategemea jinsi jukwaa lako linakubaliwa nao. Kuridhika kwa mteja kunapaswa kuwa kiini cha biashara yoyote, haswa katika tasnia hii, njia bora ya kukuza biashara ya michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika ni kupitia ushuhuda wa wateja, maneno ya mdomo na uaminifu. Unapolenga eneo jipya la kuingia ni muhimu kufahamu kile kinachohitajika na wateja huko na ikiwa biashara yako inaweza kuendana na mabadiliko ya mahitaji ya wateja hawa/wanunuzi na kuwa na majukwaa rahisi ambayo yanaweza kushughulikia marekebisho kwa urahisi inapohitajika.

When targeting a new region to enter it is important to be aware of what is needed by the customers there and if your business can keep up with the changing needs of these customers/punters and having flexible platforms that can easily accommodate modifications when necessary.


Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

doing over again is not considering localization.

“ Kosa moja tunaloona

makampuni yakifanya tena ni kutozingatia ujanibishaji.

“One mistake we see companies

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Which is the biggest challenge that you have encountered while doing business in Nigeria?

Ni changamoto gani kubwa ambayo umekutana nayo ukifanya biashara nchini Nigeria?

he lack of unity between the federal and state regulators, inflation, and foreign exchange. It’s a growing market with a lot of opportunities for gaming companies that can be strategic with technological innovations and marketing.

Ukosefu wa umoja kati ya wasimamizi wa shirikisho na serikali, mfumuko wa bei na fedha za kigeni. Ni soko linalokua na fursa nyingi kwa kampuni za michezo ya kubahatisha ambazo zinaweza kuwa za kimkakati na uvumbuzi wa kiteknolojia na uuzaji.


Je, mnapanga kuzindua katika nchi nyingi zaidi za Kiafrika? Ikiwa ndio, ni baadhi ya nchi zipi mnafikiria kuzindua? Ratiba zozote za matukio kama hayo, zaidi ya hayo, unaona wapi Betwinner katika miaka 5 ijayo?

Are you planning to launch in more African countries? If yes, which are some of the countries you are considering to launch in? Any timelines for the same, furthermore, where do you see Betwinner in the next 5 years? Yes, we are but I do not have the details as my only focus is Nigeria. In the next 5 years, Betwinner Nigeria will be the company people refer to when they talk about online gaming.

Ndio, tupo lakini sina maelezo kwani lengo letu pekee ni Nigeria. Katika miaka 5 ijayo, Betwinner Nigeria itakuwa kampuni ambayo watu hurejelea wanapozungumza kuhusu michezo ya kubahatisha mtandaoni.

We must congratulate you as you have recently obtained an MBA from Nexford University. It must not have been an easy experience for you as you at some point felt like giving up. Can you briefly tell us how the journey was and what this crown means for you?

Ni lazima kukupongeza kwa vile hivi karibuni umepata MBA kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Nexford. Ni lazima haikuwa uzoefu rahisi kwako kwani wakati fulani ulihisi kukata tamaa. Unaweza kutuambia kwa ufupi jinsi safari ilivyokuwa na nini maana ya taji hii kwako?


sante sana. Kusema kweli, nilikaribia kukata tamaa mwanzoni kwa sababu ilikuwa vigumu kupata usawa wangu kwani nilikuwa na historia ya sayansi na ilibidi nianze hii kutoka mwanzo.

I am grateful for the gesture. Honestly, I almost gave up at the beginning because it was difficult finding my balance as I had a science background and had to start this from scratch. I actually failed my first two assignments and just didn’t see I was going to make it through over 12 courses. if I couldn’t pass an assignment, this made me really scared.

Kwa kweli nilifeli migawo yangu miwili ya kwanza na sikuona ningemaliza zaidi ya kozi 12 ikiwa singeweza kupita mgawo na hii ilinifanya niogope sana. Lakini kitu kimoja ambacho kilinipa hamasa ya kufahamu ni mama yangu maana alizidi kuniambia huwezi kuanza hili na usilimalize, haitakuwa nzuri kwako au kazi yako na pia nachukia sana kushindwa hivyo.


ut one thing that gave me that motivation to figure it out was my mum because she kept reminding me that I can’t start this and not complete it, as it won’t be good for me or my career and I hate failing so I had no choice but to figure it out. I was so glad I made it through the first course, this made the others easier to navigate through and when I get stuck again I remember how far I have come to not give up.

Sikuwa na budi ila kufahamu. Nilifurahi sana kwamba nilifaulu kozi ya kwanza, hii ilifanya zingine ziwe rahisi kupita na ninapokwama tena nakumbuka jinsi nilivyofikia kukata tamaa.

Betwinner Nigeria imekuwa na John Obi Mikel, (Mchezaji wa zamani wa Chelsea na Timu ya Taifa ya Nigeria) akifanya kazi na wewe kwa karibu sana wakati wa matukio, hivi karibuni Back2Base (hisani iliyoanzishwa na Mikel Obi inayosaidia wanariadha wachanga). Kwa nini chapa nyingi zaidi za michezo ya kubahatisha ziwekeze katika shughuli zinazohusiana na uwajibikaji wa kijamii wa shirika (CSR) barani?

Betwinner Nigeria has had John Obi Mikel, (Former Chelsea and Nigeria National Team player) working very closely with you during events, most recently Back2Base (charity founded by Mikel Obi supporting young athletes). Why should more gaming brands invest in Corporate social responsibility (CSR) related activities on the continent?


Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

“CSR gives us the opportunity to give “ CSR inatupa fursa ya kurudisha

nyuma kwa jamii na kuthibitisha kwamba tunajali pia kuhusu kuleta matokeo chanya sio tu kwa uchumi bali watu pia.

back to the community and prove that we also care about impacting positively to not just the economy but the people as well.



During the recently concluded show at SBC Summit Barcelona, you had a round table discussion about the Nigerian gaming market with Olabimpe Akingba, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Nigerian Bookmakers. What was your takeaway message regarding what operators wanting to invest in Nigeria should be aware of ?

Wakati wa onyesho lililohitimishwa hivi majuzi katika Mkutano wa SBC Barcelona, ulikuwa ​​ na mjadala wa jedwali la pande zote kuhusu soko la michezo ya kubahatisha la Naijeria na Olabimpe Akingba, Katibu Mtendaji wa Chama cha makampuni ya kamari ya Nigeria. Je, ni ujumbe gani wako wa kuchukua kuhusu kile ambacho waendeshaji wanaotaka kuwekeza nchini Nigeria wanapaswa kufahamu?

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1 Cover Story : Igaming Afrika likuwa ni furaha kabisa kwa Betwinner kuunga t was an absolute pleasure for Betwinner to supmkono kazi nzuri ambayo Mikel Obi anafanya port the good work Mikel Obi is doing by discoverkwa kutafuta vipaji hivi na kuwapa mkono wa ing these talents and giving them a helping hand. kusaidia. Iwe tunapenda au hatupendi chapa za Whether we like it or not betting brands are mostly kamari huonekana zaidi kama tai ambao wanaseen as vultures who just care about milking money jali tu kuchukua kutoka kwa watu na kusababisha from people and causing harm. madhara. Uwajibikaji wa kijamii wa shirika (CSR) inatupa fursa ya kurudisha nyuma kwa jamii na CSR gives us the opportunity to give back to the kuthibitisha kwamba tunajali pia kuhusu kuleta community and prove that we also care about matokeo chanya sio tu kwa uchumi bali watu pia. impacting positively to not just the economy but the Kuwekeza katika kazi nyingi za jumuiya hasa barani people as well. Investing in more community work Afrika kungesaidia kubadilisha simulizi na kutoa especially in Africa would help change the narrative nafasi ya uhamasishaji zaidi wa michezo ya and give room for more sensitization of responsible kubahatisha inayowajibika. gaming.

Yes, we had a wonderful conversation in SBC about the Nigerian gaming industry. The key takeaway was that there is still a huge room for investment in the industry as it is growing rapidly with increasing technology and population.

Ndiyo, tulikuwa na mazungumzo mazuri katika SBC kuhusu sekta ya michezo ya kubahatisha ya Nigeria. Jambo kuu la kuchukua ni kwamba bado kuna nafasi kubwa ya uwekezaji katika tasnia kwani inakua kwa kasi na teknolojia inayoongezeka na idadi ya watu. Hata hivyo, wawekezaji wanahitaji kuwa na wataalam sahihi wa kuwaongoza kupitia baadhi ya changamoto kama vile kuyumba kwa uchumi kunakoathiri fedha za kigeni (FX), Ushuru n.k.


owever, investors need to have the right experts to guide them through navigating some challenges like the instability in the economy which affects the foreign exchange (FX) & Taxation.

Is Africa well primed to compete on the global scale with other nations in the field of Gaming? Based on your response above, where can we do better?

W standards.

e still have lots of lapses in regulations, taxation and responsible gambling that need to be fixed in order to have a more trusted system and meet global

We have the resources and the population where investors should have a better chance of making profits but these challenges that the regulators ignore discourages business and have affected several operators who may not find it bearable.

Je, Afrika ina nafasi nzuri ya kushindana katika kiwango cha kimataifa na mataifa mengine katika uwanja wa Michezo ya Kubahatisha? Kulingana na jibu lako hapo juu, ni wapi tunaweza kufanya vizuri zaidi?


ado tuna shida nyingi katika kanuni, kodi na uchezaji kamari unaowajibika ambao unahitaji kurekebishwa ili kuwa na mfumo unaoaminika zaidi na kufikia kiwango cha kimataifa. Tuna rasilimali na idadi ya watu ambapo wawekezaji wanapaswa kuwa na nafasi nzuri zaidi ya kupata faida lakini changamoto hizi ambazo wadhibiti hupuuza hukatisha tamaa biashara na zimeathiri waendeshaji kadhaa ambao hawawezi kuvumilia.

Uliwezaje kufanya kampuni kusalia hai katika kipindi cha Covid?

How would you evaluate the industry in terms of gender inclusion and diversity?

Kwa kweli nilijiunga na kampuni baada ya COVID, kwa hivyo sijui, Lakini kampuni ilianza kikamilifu shughuli za chini kama vile uuzaji baada ya COVID na hii imekuwa ikiendelea vizuri.

I feel there is still a lot of disparity and the industry is still very unbalanced in that aspect. 54.

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

“Customer satisfaction should be the “ Kutosheka kwa mteja kunapaswa

kuwa kiini cha biashara yoyote, hasa katika tasnia ya kamari, njia bora ya kuongeza biashara ya michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika ni kupitia ushuhuda wa wateja, maneno ya mdomo na uaminifu.

core of any business, especially in the betting industry, the best way to scale up a gaming business in Africa is through customers’ testimonies, word of mouth and loyalty.

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1 Cover Story : Igaming Afrika Je, unaweza kutathminije tasnia katika suala It would take some time but we hope to reach the point where women are considered for more la ujumuishaji wa kijinsia na utofauti? executive or operational roles when they have the Ninahisi bado kuna tofauti nyingi na tasnia bado same or more qualifications as the men. haina usawa katika kipengele hicho. Ingechukua muda lakini tunatumai kufikia hatua In 2023, you have undoubtedly experienced a ambapo wanawake wanazingatiwa kwa majukuyear filled with beauty and joy. We have mu zaidi ya utendaji au utendaji wakati wana sifa received news of your splendid wedding held sawa au zaidi kama wanaume.

in Lagos, Nigeria this past month. How does family or friendship ties contribute to maintaining mental stability and concentration at the workplace?

Mnamo 2023, bila shaka umepata mwaka uliojaa uzuri na furaha. Tumepokea habari za harusi yako nzuri iliyofanyika Lagos, Nigeria mwezi huu uliopita. Mahusiano ya kifamilia au ya kirafiki yanachangiaje kudumisha utulivu wa kiakili na umakini mahali pa kazi?


hank you very much, it was indeed a very happy year for me. My relationships have helped shape me into the woman I am.


sante sana, hakika ilikuwa siku ya furaha sana kwangu. Mahusiano yangu yamenisaidia kunitengeneza kuwa mwanamke niliye.

My husband has been an amazing support system and helped my manoeuvre this huge responsibility which can be very overwhelming at times, but when you have someone who you can offload that burden to and helps you see things in a different perspective it helps me think better as a leader and not bottle up all these feelings which may indirectly reflect on how I treat my colleagues.

Mume wangu amekuwa mfumo mzuri wa usaidizi na alinisaidia kuendesha jukumu hili kubwa ambalo linaweza kuwa ngumu sana nyakati, lakini unapokuwa na mtu ambaye unaweza kumtwika mzigo huo na kukusaidia kuona mambo kwa mtazamo tofauti inanisaidia kufikiria vizuri kama kiongozi na sio kuweka ndani hisia hizi zote ambazo zinaweza kutafakari kwa njia isiyo ya moja kwa moja jinsi ninavyowatendea wenzangu.

I love my family so much and talking to them gives me peace and just makes me happy.

Your brand strongly acknowledges the importance of and application of affiliate marketing in digital marketing campaigns. How is this modern way of advertising helping you to achieve growth for your business in Nigeria?


ffiliate marketing is a huge part of the business as this helps with ensuring direct marketing is getting to the right audience and it helps us get our own percentage in the market.

Which mistakes should igaming brands avoid when setting up in Africa or when expanding operations in more countries on the continent? One mistake we see companies doing over again is not considering localization. We can’t overemphasize this issue because the best way to get people engaged with your platform is when they can easily understand it and navigate through it without complications.

Ninaipenda familia yangu sana na kuzungumza nao hunipa amani na kunifurahisha tu.

Chapa yako inakubali kwa dhati umuhimu na matumizi ya uuzaji wa washirika katika kampeni za uuzaji wa kidijitali. Je, njia hii ya kisasa ya utangazaji inakusaidiaje kufikia ukuaji wa biashara yako nchini Nigeria?


uzaji wa washirika ni sehemu kubwa ya biashara kwani usaidizi huu wa kuhakikisha uuzaji wa moja kwa moja unafikia hadhira inayofaa na hutusaidia kupata asilimia yetu sokoni.

Ni makosa gani ambayo chapa za michezo ya kubahatisha zinapoanzishwa barani Afrika au zinapopanua shughuli katika nchi nyingi zaidi barani?

Operators need to understand that Africa is a unique market and do away with the one rule that fits all, every country has what is unique to them and that can reflect on the platform.

Kosa moja tunaloona makampuni yakifanya tena ni kutozingatia ujanibishaji. Hatuwezi kusisitiza suala hili kupita kiasi kwa sababu njia bora ya kuwafanya watu washirikiane na mfumo wako ni wakati wanaweza kulielewa kwa urahisi na kulipitia bila matatizo. 56.

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

between the federal government and state regulators remains to be the main battle as there is no unified taxation structure, and this has been an issue operators have been crying for help for.

“ Suala la utozaji ushuru maradufu

kati ya serikali ya shirikisho na wasimamizi wa serikali linasalia kuwa vita kuu kwa kuwa hakuna muundo wa umoja wa ushuru, na hili limekuwa suala ambalo waendeshaji wamekuwa wakililia msaada.

“ The issue of double taxation

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Raising the Stakes: The Feminine Force in iGaming Issue 1

Why should iGaming brands on the continent utilize the power of brand ambassadorship in their advertising campaigns?

Having a brand ambassador helps a brand to be seen and how you make use of this can be a game changer. The brand ambassador becomes the face of the brand which makes people feel safe with the brand and it solves the trust issues that would be associated with a faceless brand.

Cover Story : Igaming Afrika

Waendeshaji wanahitaji kuelewa kwamba Afrika ni soko la kipekee na kuondokana na sheria moja inayofaa yote, kila nchi ina kile ambacho ni cha kipekee kwao na ambacho kinaweza kutafakari kwenye jukwaa. Kwa nini chapa za iGaming katika bara hili zitumie uwezo wa ubalozi wa chapa katika kampeni zao za utangazaji? Kuwa na balozi wa chapa husaidia chapa kuonekana na jinsi unavyotumia hii inaweza kubadilisha mchezo. Balozi wa chapa anakuwa sura ya chapa ambayo huwafanya watu kujisikia salama na chapa hiyo na husuluhisha maswala ya uaminifu ambayo yanaweza kuhusishwa na chapa isiyo na uso.

Summary •

Did a Degree course in Industrial Chemistry at Kwara State University from 2012-2016.

After obtaining her Industrial Chemistry degree, she failed to secure a job in the field for two years and opted for a career as a contact centre agent with one of sports betting brands in Nigeria.

Joined Betwinner in August 2020 as a team lead for the call centre.

Just 8 months after joining Betwinner, she rose to the Director role while at the age of 25.

Graduated with an MBA in 2023 from Nexford University.

Muhtasari •

Alisomea Digrii ya Kemia ya Viwandani katika Chuo Kikuu cha Jimbo la Kwara kuanzia 2012-2016.

Baada ya kupata digrii yake ya Kemia ya Viwanda, alishindwa kupata kazi katika fani kwa miaka miwili na akachagua kazi kama wakala wa kituo cha mawasiliano moja ya chapa za kamari za michezo nchini Nigeria.

Alijiunga na Betwinner mnamo Agosti 2020 kama kiongozi wa timu kwa kituo cha simu.

Miezi 8 tu baada ya kujiunga na Betwinner, alipanda nafasi ya Mkurugenzi akiwa na miaka 25.

Alihitimu na MBA mnamo 2023.


Betting on Destinations: The Unseen Influence of Tourism on Africa’s iGaming Landscape

The Unseen Influence of Tourism on Africa’s iGaming Landscape By Jaspher Mecha


Betting on Destinations: The Unseen Influence of Tourism on Africa’s iGaming Landscape

s a major contributor to the gross domestic product(GDP), employment, foreign exchange, and infrastructural development, tourism has been crucial in the economic success of many African nations. Countries frequently invest in the construction of infrastructure, such as roads, airports, hotels, and recreational facilities, to meet the demands of tourists. Popular spots have recently grown in number in Africa as a result of the tourism industry, which has also influenced and fueled the rise of other prospects, such as in the gaming industry.


ver time, the impact of tourism on the African gaming industry has changed. The economic benefits that result from the combination of the tourism and gambling industries are particularly apparent in places that draw large numbers of visitors. When traveling to new places, vacationers frequently participate in a variety of recreational activities, such as casinos, esport sites, and other gaming businesses. A region can become a gaming destination through tourism. Gaming centers are developed with the help of tourists looking for entertainment, drawing in both domestic and foreign players. Certain African cities have grown to be associated with gaming tourism, demonstrating the financial advantages of carefully including gaming options into a larger travel environment.


odern technology, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which are integrated into game experiences, has boosted tourism and gaming services. This has attracted a technologically astute audience and stimulated the creation of gaming technology that have applications beyond the gaming sector. People from many cultural origins come together through tourism, resulting in a melting pot of experiences. The gaming industry promotes cross-cultural interaction among players through a variety of gaming-related events and competitions.

This fosters respect and awareness of other cultures in addition to enhancing the gaming community.


he tourism industry’s cooperation with the casino industry has raised the need for a trained labor force. Professionals in fields like event management, marketing, and customer service are becoming more and more in demand outside of casinos. This has resulted in the creation of jobs and the development of skills, especially in areas where the tourism and gambling industries are flourishing. A useful platform for promoting gaming destinations is provided by tourism. Gaming establishments can take advantage of the promotional opportunities provided by the tourism industry by forming agreements with tourism boards. Gaming experiences evolve in response to input and preferences from visitors. In order to satisfy the demands of a wide range of customers, gaming businesses can customize their programmes, which can result in the development of distinctive and culturally immersing games. The gaming industry is kept dynamic and adaptable to shifting consumer needs thanks to this ongoing innovation. The convergence of the tourist and gaming industries offers a prospect for advancing sustainable tourism methodologies and conscientious gaming. Prioritizing environmental preservation with ethical gaming enhances the long-term profitability of both sectors and enhances the perception of gaming locations. The interaction between the gambling industry and tourism offers significant and diverse prospects. This partnership has produced a range of benefits, including increased employment and economic growth, cultural interchange, and technical innovation. Here, we’ll examine a few African lounges that have jumped at the chance to capitalize on the igaming industry. To improve their entertainment options and draw in a wider clientele, a number of hotels in Africa have made investments in casinos and other gambling establishments.


Betting on Destinations: The Unseen Influence of Tourism on Africa’s iGaming Landscape

The following hotels in Africa are well-known for their interests in casinos: 1.Sun City Resort (South Africa) Situated in the country’s North West Province, Sun City is a well-known resort complex with a number of hotels and a well-liked casino. The resort has a variety of recreational options, such as water parks, golf courses, and casino establishments. The Casino has an air of refinement and glitz. Your senses are bombarded by the dramatic backdrop and striking design elements as soon as you walk into the lobby. Fast-moving slot machines are surrounded by a jungle of lush vegetation, gushing water, and lifelike stones in the center of the casino, which has been magically transformed. 2. Montecasino (South Africa) South Africa’s Montecasino is a hotel and entertainment complex with a heavy emphasis on gaming. It is situated in Johannesburg. The complex has multiple dining options, retail stores, movie theaters, and a casino. Johannesburg’s award-winning Montecasino offers visitors a non-smoking and two smoking casinos housing over 1,700 Slot machines and 83 Tables 3. Kampala Serena Hotel (Uganda) The Kampala Serena Hotel offers its visitors a casino as one of its services. The hotel is situated in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. 4.Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa (Mombasa- Kenya) One of the resort’s many features is a casino. It is a well-liked beach getaway. Together with the resort’s waterfront location, guests can take advantage of a wide range of gambling opportunities. 5.Villa Rosa Kempinski (Nairobi-Kenya) A casino and Kempinski The Spa can be found at the opulent Villa Rosa Kempinski in Nairobi. The casino offers visitors an elegant gaming environment. 6. Federal Palace Hotel and Casino (Lagos, Nigeria) The Federal Palace Hotel and Casino is a luxurious and modern hotel located in Lagos, Nigeria. It offers a wide range of services and amenities to provide a memorable experience for its guests. When it comes to gaming, the Federal Palace Casino is a favorite among tourists and locals alike. With a vast selection of slot machines, table games such as blackjack, roulette, and poker, as well as a VIP gaming area, guests can immerse themselves in a thrilling and lively atmosphere. The casino is known for its professional and friendly staff, ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience for novices and experienced players alike. It’s crucial to remember that different African nations have different gaming laws and the casino business, which affects how often casinos are in hotels. As we conclude this exploration, the resonance of tourism’s impact on iGaming echoes with potential. From the allure of destination-based gaming experiences to the strategic alignment of promotional efforts, tourism serves as an unseen architect shaping the future of iGaming in Africa. The journey surpasses pixels and extends into the realms of real-world adventures, beckoning players and enthusiasts alike. This interplay not only enriches the iGaming experience but also transforms the very fabric of Africa’s tourism and digital entertainment landscapes, promising a future where destination gaming becomes synonymous with unparalleled excitement and adventure.

Beyond Entertainment: Esports as a Catalyst for Africa’s Digital Renaissance

Beyond Entertainment: Esports as a Catalyst for Africa’s Digital Renaissance

In the vast landscape of Africa, the untapped potential for growth in various sectors is undeniably colossal, particularly in this era of technology and gaming. ESports is one of the innovations that have grown exponentially thanks to tech, to a point where it is no longer accustomed for entertainment or as a cultural catalyst, but a tool for broader societal awareness. At a webinar hosted by iGaming AFRIKA, we brought in experts in the esport industry to discuss the potential of esports in Africa.


he African continent is a playground for innovation and digital engagement. However, amidst the promise lie hurdles that demand acknowledgment and strategic solutions. Yet, the crux of the matter resides in the accessibility dilemma, like Joe Andrews, Head of sales, Africa-SIS Limited points out. Joe displays that the potential in Africa is absolutely massive and people need to embrace it, especially considering that 60 percent of the population is below 25 years. “The problem is that there are still barriers and challenges like expensive equipment, internet speed, and power cuts. But I think the main challenge is the cost of entry and encouraging people to come out and play. Overcoming these challenges is not merely a matter of surmounting obstacles but a call to action, urging individuals to venture forth, play, and be an integral part of the unfolding digital narrative in Africa,” he says.

Digitization impacts


s the digital age continues its inexorable march, the ascent of esports stands out as a remarkable phenomenon, particularly among the younger generation. In a rapidly evolving world, where digitalization is a dominant force shaping every facet of our lives, the imperative to educate the masses, particularly the youth, takes centre stage.

Max Sevostianov, Chief Operating Officer, BetBazar remarks, “With approximately 70 percent of the world embracing digital realms, there is an undeniable need to equip individuals with essential skills, ranging from computer literacy to the dynamic world of gaming. However, the journey towards widespread digital empowerment faces hurdles, notably in regions where internet penetration remains a challenge. This underscores the critical importance for Africa to invest significantly in both infrastructure and education.” Max adds that by fostering a robust digital infrastructure and prioritising educational initiatives, the continent can unlock the full potential of its youth, paving the way for a future where every individual is not just a consumer but an active participant in the digital transformation sweeping across the globe.

ESports creating job opportunities Joe anticipates that by the year 2025, the ripple effect of esports in Africa will reach new heights, becoming a catalyst for employment opportunities. “It’s not just about the thrill of the game; it’s about fostering a generation with unparalleled digital dexterity. In the near future, esports could be the force behind one million job opportunities, opening doors to a realm where passion meets profession. The seeds of a transformative era are sown in the pixels and algorithms of today’s games, promising a future where the language of employment is spoken through the clicks of controllers and the hum of gaming consoles.” 63.

Beyond Entertainment: Esports as a Catalyst for Africa’s Digital Renaissance

Africa Gaming industry is one of the largest gaming markets in the world.

In millions of Dollars South Africa


Nigeria Ghana Kenya Ethiopia

184.6M 41.7M 38.1M 35.5M


Beyond Entertainment: Esports as a Catalyst for Africa’s Digital Renaissance

In our organization for example, we have deeply invested in the thriving realm of esports, we’ve embarked on meaningful dialogues with lawmakers to shape outcomes that extend far beyond the gaming operators’ domain.


ur mission is anchored in the belief that esports can be a transformative force for the entire ecosystem, fostering not just entertainment but a dynamic environment with vast societal and economic benefits. Through these conversations, we strive to navigate the regulatory landscape, ensuring that the potential of esports is harnessed to its fullest extent. The other objective is clear: To create a regulatory framework that not only facilitates the growth of operators but also nurtures the broader esports ecosystem, cultivating an environment where players, fans, and stakeholders can collectively contribute to a vibrant and sustainable digital future,” Joe says. Ronny Lusigi, President of the Esports Kenya Federation (EKF) concurs with Joe, as he emphasises the precedence of fostering an encouraging environment over immediate regulatory measures. “The appetite for esports participation and viewership is palpable, yet the critical gap lies in strategic investments within this burgeoning sector. To elevate esports from the confines of video game cafes and propel it onto a grand stage, there’s a pressing need for substantial financial backing, transforming casual events into mega-shows that captivate a wider audience. Beyond the thrill of the games, this investment surge creates a ripple effect, generating employment opportunities across diverse fields—be it videography, event management, or security,” added Ronny.

“The challenge is not only in recognizing the prevalent love for video games but in orchestrating a strategic shift that channels this enthusiasm into a structured ecosystem—nurturing talent, creating opportunities, and fostering a robust industry that parallels the rigour and professionalism seen in traditional athletics” - Ronny Lusigi.

Broader Societal awareness


oreover, Ronny states that the elevated visibility of esports through these mega-events not only serves as a cultural catalyst but also instigates a broader societal awareness, laying the foundation for a vibrant and sustainable esports ecosystem. He mentions that it is not just about the game but it’s about building a robust framework that fosters growth, opportunity, and widespread acknowledgment of the dynamic world of esports. “In the realm of gaming, I find resonance in drawing parallels with athleticism—a domain where enthusiasm and participation are widespread, yet the journey to professional status is reserved for a select few. Similarly, within the vibrant gaming culture of Kenya, where a multitude indulges in the world of video games, the question echoes: Can this pervasive passion be harnessed to elevate gaming from a beloved pastime to a thriving industry? Much like the disciplined path of athletes honing their skills, the potential lies in transforming the gaming landscape into a viable esports industry. The challenge is not only in recognizing the prevalent love for video games but in orchestrating a strategic shift that channels this enthusiasm into a structured ecosystem—nurturing talent, creating opportunities, and fostering a robust industry that parallels the rigour and professionalism seen in traditional athletics.It’s not merely about playing the game; it’s about envisioning a future where gaming transcends its cultural roots to become a dynamic, viable, and celebrated industry in Kenya and beyond,” Ronny explains. 65.

Beyond Entertainment: Esports as a Catalyst for Africa’s Digital Renaissance

Publishers’ role in esports


n esports, the call for increased events resonates as a strategic move to propel the sector into new heights of growth, particularly in the African context. Ronny concludes by saying that publishers play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and trajectory of esports, and by actively working to bring more events to the continent, they can unlock a wealth of potential. “Beyond the spectacle of competitions, these events serve as catalysts for industry expansion, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of players, enthusiasts, and professionals.

The impact is multi-faceted, ranging from providing a platform for local talent to shine on the global stage to stimulating economic growth through increased investment and job opportunities. The vision is clear: more events equate to more than just tournaments; they pave the way for a thriving esports culture, fostering community, innovation, and the transformation of Africa into a formidable player in the global esports arena.” In the culmination of this exploration into the esports potential in Africa, the narrative converges on a promising horizon of possibilities. From the pulsating enthusiasm of the youth to the strategic initiatives carving pathways for industry growth, it is evident that the continent stands at the precipice of a digital revolution. The latent potential for e-sports, once unlocked, transcends mere entertainment, offering a conduit for skill development, economic empowerment, and cultural transformation. As Africa steps onto the global esports stage, the synergy of passion, investment, and community engagement emerges as the driving force. It’s not merely about playing games; it’s about charting a course towards a future where Africa not only participates but thrives in the dynamic world of esports, leaving an indelible mark on the global gaming map.

“By fostering a robust digital infrastructure and prioritising educational initiatives, the continent can unlock the full potential of its youth, paving the way for a future where every individual is not just a consumer but an active participant in the digital transformation sweeping across the globe.” - Max Sevostianov.

Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

Innovation & Inclusivity Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation



Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

“Behind every man’s success, there must be a woman involved”. This adage might be the best recap of SiGMA Group, a global iGaming authority that sheds a 360-degree spotlight on the online and land-based gaming industry. Currently, SiGMA Group boasts of nurturing gender balance among its employees despite male supremacism in the gaming industry. This year in October, SiGMA appointed Emily Micallef as the Group CEO. iGaming Africa catches up with her as she takes us through her career journey, Women’s leadership in iGaming AFRIKA, SiGMA’s global expansion plans for the future and more. Can you provide a brief overview of your background and experience?


efore joining SiGMA I spent 11 years as an event planner, creating custom experiences for top tier clients visiting Malta. In 2019, I joined SiGMA as an Events Director before taking on the role of Events chief operating officer (COO). This October I was delighted to accept the position of Group chief executive officer (CEO).

Congratulations on your recent appointment as CEO of SiGMA Group! How have you been adjusting to your new role? Thank you! I’m excited to take on this new opportunity. My priority is to ensure SiGMA continues to maintain its growth trajectory whilst still retaining and improving on the quality we’ve become so well known for. I’m looking forward to being a part of this fast-changing industry and to lead the company from strength to strength.

As a woman in a predominantly male industry, what do you attribute to your success and ability to thrive?

SiGMA is known for its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. What drives the organization to prioritize these values, particularly when many other companies struggle with this issue? SiGMA’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity is driven by a profound recognition of the intrinsic value that a diverse workforce brings to the organization. Diversity isn’t just a checkbox but a catalyst for innovation, creativity, and overall organizational success - bringing a wealth of perspectives that contribute to a dynamic and thriving workplace. In an ever-evolving and competitive landscape, having a team that reflects the diversity of its audience positions the company to better understand and meet the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. This commitment not only enhances the organization’s reputation but also contributes to a positive and forward-thinking culture that attracts top talent.

“ Supportive regulatory bodies and a strong legislative framework have laid the groundwork for countries like Manila and South Africa to position themselves as hubs in the region.

It is always a pleasure to work in an environment that is supportive. SiGMA is built on the efforts of a diverse and talented team. We believe it is important to prioritize the growth and development of our workforce by providing opportunities to upskill and broaden their knowledge base.

competitive landscape, having a team that reflects the diversity of its audience positions the company to better understand and meet the needs of a broad range of stakeholders.

“ In an ever-evolving and

Joining SiGMA shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic must have presented unique challenges. What factors do you believe helped the organization weather the storm and emerge stronger?


he COVID-19 pandemic helped us realize how important a face-to-face environment really is. We learned a lot from this experience and from it came our first foray into international events - as well as the launch of our business to consumer (B2C) affiliate portal - SiGMA Play.


Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

“ In 2024, we are set to embark on an “

exciting journey across five continents with six major events.

SiGMA has expanded its presence significantly in recent years, including in Africa and SouthEast Asia. What motivated the organization to target these regions for expansion? Supportive regulatory bodies and a strong legislative framework have laid the groundwork for countries like Manila and South Africa to position themselves as hubs in the region. Tech savvy workforces and early adoption of emerging technologies make them attractive locations for frontier industries to establish entrepreneurial roots.

Can you share any details about the upcoming SiGMA Africa event in South Africa? Have you finalized a venue?

Yes, we’re excited to announce that the event will take place between the 11th and 13th of March at the Sun Exhibits at GrandWest - an Integrated Resort that is just a stone’s throw away from Cape Town’s city centre. Expect plenty of networking opportunities - from cultural tours and dinners to a glitzy awards night, startup pitch competition, and an expert-led conference agenda. We’ll be releasing more information over the coming months, so keep an eye out for some exciting new updates.

Will SiGMA Africa include the introduction of SiGMA Awards for the African market? Yes. Our Gala Awards evening takes place on the 11th of March. Nominations open in 2024.

2023 has been quite a booming year for the SiGMA group.Could you highlight some of the successes SiGMA group has achieved in 2023?


e revisited and improved upon a lot in 2023 - in addition to launching some new destinations. We were very proud to include Africa, Brazil, Manila, and Curaçao in our calendar of events and look forward to an equally exciting line-up next year.

The recent event in Malta garnered considerable attention. Can we expect a similar level of excitement and innovation at SiGMA Africa in 2024 and beyond?

We’re looking forward to welcoming 2500 delegates to the SiGMA Africa event. While the market is still a relatively young one compared to Malta, delegates should expect the same high standards and attention to detail. South Africa is certainly an exciting market to explore, with the summit attracting plenty of top tier game changers to its stage and expo floor. Attendees should expect to meet an impressive lineup of policy makers, influencers, and government officials through its many networking activities and opportunities.

How does SiGMA navigate the diverse cultural and regulatory landscapes when organizing events in different regions? How does this impact the content and structure of the conferences?


e recognise that each region has its unique cultural nuances, legal frameworks, and industry dynamics. SiGMA’s approach involves a combination of research, partnerships, customisation, compliance, multilingual communication, and cultural sensitivity to successfully navigate the diverse cultural and regulatory landscapes when organizing events in different regions. This ensures that each conference is not only relevant but also respectful of the unique characteristics of the host region. SiGMA often establishes partnerships with local organizations, industry associations, and regulatory bodies. These collaborations not only provide valuable insights into the regional landscape but also help in navigating regulatory complexities. Recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in diverse regions, SiGMA customizes the content of its conferences to address region-specific challenges, opportunities, and trends. This includes tailoring panel discussions, keynote speeches, and workshops to resonate with the interests and concerns of the local audience. Given the linguistic diversity in different regions, SiGMA adopts multilingual communication strategies. This includes providing conference materials in local languages, ensuring that speakers are proficient in the local language if necessary, and offering translation services during the event.


Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

SiGMA collaborates with various sectors, from healthcare, gaming and blockchain. Can you highlight a particularly successful collaboration that brought unexpected value to SiGMA events and the participants? Do you foresee establishing such collaborations in places like Africa as well?


s you’ve seen from 2023 with our partnerships with Brazil iGaming Summit (BIS) and Affiliate World (AW), we’re focusing heavily on strengthening the product we’re providing to the industry. Especially with the introduction of SiGMA Play, where we are providing a one stop platform for all our clients. Affiliate World will join our Dubai and Manila shows in February and June respectively, as well as our SiGMA East Europe event in September - which we’re excited to announce will take place for the first time in Budapest. All operators coming to SiGMA will now have peace of mind knowing that they will be able to connect with another 5000 super affiliates in the same city the event is taking place in.

The affiliate marketing sector for iGaming is not as developed in Africa compared to other parts of the world. How do you plan to attract African affiliates to your upcoming event in Africa? Our recent partnership with Affiliate World has made the SiGMA brand stronger than ever before. Africa has proven to be one of the most interesting up-and-coming regions and is definitely on the radar of a lot of our affiliates.


What are your future plans for SiGMA Group?

he wheels are in motion for SiGMA to become more than just an events company. Our mission is to become a global changemaker - I hope to continue to guide SiGMA down this path as we build on our vision to redefine the gambling space - creating a safe and responsible environment for the gambling industry with a single platform for education, regulation, innovation, and entertainment.


n 2024, we are set to embark on an exciting journey across five continents with six major events. Our first stop will be in Dubai in February, and this time, the UAE welcomes us with the establishment of a new gaming regulatory authority, adding to the thrill of our return. In March, our destination takes us to Africa, where we will make our mark in Cape Town. Our venue is a fantastic Integrated Resort, providing an ideal setting to engage with South Africa’s well-established gambling industry and strengthen our bonds with our global audience.


pril sees us returning to Brazil, where recent regulatory changes and the introduction of new bills create a ripe environment for our event to flourish. The remarkable success of our first visit has generated significant interest, making this a perfect moment for our second venture. Come June, we venture into Asia, dedicating a substantial portion of our Manila event to landbased partners. Our CIS and Balkans event, which achieved resounding success in Limassol this year, will now take place in the enchanting city of Budapest. Notably, Affiliate World will also join us in Dubai and Manila, adding to the excitement. To conclude the year, we have Malta Week in November, providing a fitting closure to this thrilling global journey. We’re also planning to release an amazing documentary to celebrate our decade in the sector. I don’t want to reveal too much yet, but expect to recognise some rather famous faces!

What lessons have you learned from Eman Pulis, the founder of SiGMA Group, that have helped you navigate the highly competitive events industry? Eman is one of the most energetic and relentlessly driven people I have ever had the good fortune to meet. I have learned and continue to learn a lot from him, including how to continuously improve yourself, to give back to people and, most importantly, how to never give up.

“ Attendees of our SiGMA Africa

event should expect to meet an impressive lineup of policymakers, influencers, and government officials through its many networking activities and opportunities.


Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

Ubunifu na Ujumuisho

Kupitia Upanuzi wa Kimataifa wa SiGMA, Anuwai, na Ubunifu wa Viwanda



Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

“Nyuma ya mafanikio ya kila mwanaume, lazima kuwe na mwanamke aliye husika”. Msemo huu unaweza kuwa muhtasari bora zaidi wa kikundi cha SiGMA,mamlaka ya kimataifa ya Michezo ya Kubahatisha ambayo hutoa mwangaza wa digrii 360 kwenye tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha mtandaoni na ardhini. Hivi sasa, SiGMA inajivunia kukuza usawa wa kijinsia kati ya wafanyikazi wake licha ya ukuu wa wanaume katika tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Mwaka huu mnamo Oktoba, SiGMA ilimteua Emily Micallef kama Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kundi. iGaming AFRIKA inakutana naye anapotupeleka katika safari yake ya kazi, uongozi wa Wanawake katika iGaming, mipango ya upanuzi ya kimataifa ya SiGMA kwa siku zijazo na mengine. Je, unaweza kutoa muhtasari mfupi wa historia na uzoefu wako?


abla ya kujiunga na SiGMA nilikuwa mpangaji wa hafla kwa miaka 11, nikitengeneza uzoefu maalum kwa wateja wa kiwango cha juu wanaotembelea Malta. Mnamo 2019, nilijiunga na SiGMA kama Mkurugenzi wa Matukio kabla ya kuchukua jukumu la afisa mkuu wa Uendeshaji wa Matukio (COO). Oktoba hii nilifurahi kukubali nafasi ya afisa mkuu mtendaji wa Kundi (Mkurugenzi Mtendaji).

Hongera kwa uteuzi wako wa hivi majuzi kama Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa kikundi cha SiGMA! Je, umekuwa ukijirekebisha vipi kwa jukumu lako jipya? Asante! Nimefurahi kuchukua fursa hii mpya. Kipaumbele changu ni kuhakikisha SiGMA inaendelea kudumisha mwelekeo wake wa ukuaji wakati bado inahifadhi na kuboresha ubora ambao tumejulikana nao sana. Ninatazamia kuwa sehemu ya tasnia hii inayobadilika haraka na kuongoza kampuni kutoka nguvu hadi nguvu.

“ Katika mazingira yanayoendelea kubadilika na yenye ushindani, kuwa na timu inayoakisi utofauti wa hadhira yake huweka kampuni katika kuelewa vyema na kukidhi mahitaji ya anuwai ya wadau.


aima ni furaha kufanya kazi katika mazingira ambayo yanaunga mkono. SiGMA imejengwa juu ya juhudi za timu tofauti na yenye vipaji. Tunaamini kuwa, ni muhimu kutanguliza ukuaji na maendeleo ya wafanyikazi wetu kwa kutoa fursa za kukuza ujuzi na kupanua msingi wao wa maarifa.

SiGMA inajulikana kwa kujitolea kwake kwa anuwai na ujumuishaji. Ni nini husukuma shirika lenu kutanguliza maadili haya, hasa wakati makampuni mengine mengi yanapambana na suala hili? Kujitolea kwa SiGMA kwa uanuwai na ushirikishwaji kunasukumwa na utambuzi wa kina wa thamani ya ndani ambayo, nguvu-kazi mbalimbali huleta kwa shirika. Utofauti si kisanduku cha kuteua tu, bali ni kichocheo cha uvumbuzi, ubunifu, na mafanikio ya jumla ya shirika - kuleta wingi wa mitazamo inayochangia mahali pa kazi chenye nguvu na kinachostawi. Katika mazingira yanayoendelea kubadilika na yenye ushindani, kuwa na timu inayoakisi utofauti wa hadhira yake huweka kampuni katika kuelewa vyema na kukidhi mahitaji ya anuwai ya wadau. Ahadi hii sio tu inakuza sifa ya shirika lakini pia inachangia utamaduni chanya na wa kufikiria mbele ambao huvutia talanta bora.

“ Mashirika ya usaidizi ya

udhibiti na mfumo dhabiti wa kisheria umeweka msingi kwa nchi kama Manila na Afrika Kusini kujiweka kama vitovu katika kanda.

Kama mwanamke katika tasnia yenye wanaume wengi, unahusisha nini na mafanikio yako na uwezo wako wa kustawi?


Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

Kujiunga na SiGMA muda mfupi kabla ya janga la Covid-19 lazima iwe imeleta changamoto za kipekee. Je, ni mambo gani ambayo unaamini yalisaidia shirika kustahimili dhoruba na kuwa na nguvu zaidi?


anga la COVID-19 lilitusaidia kutambua umuhimu wa mazingira ya ana kwa ana. Tulijifunza mengi kutokana na uzoefu huu na kutokana na hilo kukatokea uvamizi wetu wa kwanza katika matukio ya kimataifa - pamoja na uzinduzi wa tovuti yetu ya biashara kwa watumiaji (B2C) - SiGMA Play.

SiGMA imepanua uwepo wake kwa kiasi kikubwa kwa miaka iliyopita, tukihesabu pia humu Afrika na Kusini-Mashariki mwa Asia. Ni nini kilichochea shirika kulenga maeneo haya kwa upanuzi? Mashirika ya usaidizi ya udhibiti na mfumo dhabiti wa kisheria umeweka msingi kwa nchi kama Manila na Afrika Kusini kujiweka kama vitovu katika kanda. Wafanyakazi wenye ujuzi wa teknolojia na utumiaji wa mapema wa teknolojia zinazoibuka huwafanya kuwa maeneo ya kuvutia kwa viwanda vya mipakani ili kuanzisha mizizi ya ujasiriamali.

Je, unaweza kutupea maelezo yoyote kuhusu tukio lijalo la SiGMA Africa nchini Afrika Kusini? Je, ukumbi umekamilika?


diyo, tuna furaha kutangaza kwamba tukio litafanyika kati ya tarehe 11 na 13 Machi katika Maonyesho ya Jua huko GrandWest - Hoteli iliyojumuishwa ambayo ni karibu na jiji la Cape Town. Tarajia fursa nyingi za mtandao - kutoka kwa ziara za kitamaduni na chakula cha jioni hadi usiku wa tuzo za kupendeza, shindano la kuanzia, na ajenda ya mkutano inayoongozwa na wataalamu. Tutakuwa tukitoa maelezo zaidi katika miezi ijayo, kwa hivyo endelea kufuatilia masasisho mapya ya kusisimua.

Je, SiGMA Africa itajumuisha kuanzishwa kwa Tuzo za SiGMA kwa soko la Afrika? Ndiyo. Jioni yetu ya Tuzo za Gala itafanyika tarehe 11 Machi. Uteuzi utafunguliwa mnamo 2024.

“ Mnamo 2024, tuko tayari kuanza safari ya kusisimua katika mabara matano yenye matukio sita makuu.

2023 umekuwa mwaka mzuri sana kwa kikundi cha SiGMA. Je, unaweza kuangazia baadhi ya mafanikio ambayo kikundi cha SiGMA kimepata katika 2023? Tulipitia upya na kuboresha mengi mwaka wa 2023 - pamoja na kuzindua maeneo mapya. Tulijivunia sana kujumuisha Afrika, Brazili, Manila, na Curacao katika kalenda yetu ya matukio na tunatarajia safu ya kusisimua sawa mwaka ujao.

Tukio la hivi majuzi huko Malta lilivutia umakini mkubwa. Je, tunaweza kutarajia kiwango sawa cha msisimko na uvumbuzi katika SiGMA Africa mwaka wa 2024 na zaidi? Tunatazamia kuwakaribisha wajumbe 2500 kwenye tukio la SiGMA Africa. Ingawa soko bado ni changa ikilinganishwa na Malta, wajumbe wanapaswa kutarajia viwango sawa vya juu na umakini kwa undani. Kwa hakika Afrika Kusini ni soko la kuvutia sana, huku mkutano huo ukivutia wabadilishaji wa viwango vya juu vya mchezo kwenye jukwaa na maonyesho yake. Wanaohudhuria wanapaswa kutarajia kukutana na safu ya kuvutia ya watunga sera, washawishi, na maafisa wa serikali kupitia shughuli zake nyingi za mitandao na fursa.

Je, SiGMA hupitia vipi mandhari mbalimbali za kitamaduni na udhibiti wakati wa kuandaa matukio katika maeneo tofauti? Je, hii inaathiri vipi maudhui na muundo wa makongamano? Tunatambua kuwa kila eneo lina nuances zake za kipekee za kitamaduni, mifumo ya kisheria na mienendo ya tasnia. Mbinu ya SiGMA inahusisha mseto wa utafiti, ubia, ubinafsishaji, utiifu, mawasiliano ya lugha nyingi, na unyeti wa kitamaduni ili kuabiri kwa mafanikio mandhari mbalimbali za kitamaduni na udhibiti wakati wa kuandaa matukio katika maeneo mbalimbali. Hii inahakikisha kwamba kila mkutano sio muhimu tu bali pia unaheshimu sifa za kipekee za eneo mwenyeji.SiGMA mara nyingi pia huanzisha ushirikiano na mashirika ya ndani, vyama vya sekta, na miili ya udhibiti. Ushirikiano huu sio tu hutoa maarifa muhimu katika mazingira ya kikanda lakini pia husaidia katika kuabiri matatizo ya udhibiti.


wa kutambua kwamba mbinu ya kutoshea watu wote haifanyi kazi katika maeneo mbalimbali, SiGMA huweka mapendeleo kwenye maudhui ya mikutano yake ili kushughulikia changamoto, fursa na mitindo mahususi ya eneo. Hii ni pamoja na urekebishaji wa mijadala ya jopo, hotuba kuu, na warsha ili kuangazia maslahi na wasiwasi wa hadhira ya ndani.


Navigating SiGMA’s African Expansion, Diversity, and Industry Innovation

Kwa kuzingatia anuwai ya lugha katika maeneo tofauti, SiGMA inachukua mikakati ya mawasiliano ya lugha nyingi. Hii ni pamoja na kutoa nyenzo za mkutano katika lugha za kienyeji, kuhakikisha kwamba wazungumzaji wanafahamu lugha ya kienyeji ikiwa ni lazima, na kutoa huduma za tafsiri wakati wa tukio.

SiGMA inashirikiana na sekta mbalimbali, kutoka kwa huduma ya afya, michezo ya kubahatisha na blockchain. Je, unaweza kuangazia ushirikiano uliofaulu hasa ambao ulileta thamani isiyotarajiwa kwa matukio ya SiGMA na washiriki? Je, unaona kuanzishwa kwa ushirikiano kama huo katika maeneo kama Afrika pia?


ama ulivyoona kutoka 2023 na ushirikiano wetu na Brazili Gaming Summit (BIS) na Affiliate World (AW), tunaangazia sana kuimarisha bidhaa tunayotoa kwa sekta hii. Hasa kwa kuanzishwa kwa SiGMA Play, ambapo tunatoa jukwaa la kituo kimoja kwa wateja wetu wote. Affiliate World itajiunga na maonyesho yetu ya Dubai na Manila mnamo Februari na Juni mtawalia, na vile vile tukio letu la SiGMA la Ulaya Mashariki mnamo Septemba - ambalo tunafurahi kutangaza litafanyika kwa mara ya kwanza huko Budapest. Waendeshaji wote wanaokuja kwa SiGMA sasa watakuwa na amani ya akili wakijua kuwa wataweza kuunganishwa na washirika wengine 5000 bora katika jiji moja tukio linafanyika.

Sekta shirikishi ya uuzaji wa iGaming haijaendelea barani Afrika ikilinganishwa na sehemu zingine za ulimwengu. Unapangaje kuvutia washirika wa Kiafrika kwenye hafla yako ijayo barani Afrika? Ushirikiano wetu wa hivi majuzi na Affiliate World umefanya chapa ya SiGMA kuwa na nguvu zaidi kuliko hapo awali. Afrika imethibitika kuwa mojawapo ya maeneo yanayovutia zaidi na kwa hakika iko kwenye rada ya washirika wetu wengi.

“ Wahudhuriaji wa hafla yetu ya SiGMA Africa wanapaswa kutarajia kukutana na safu ya kuvutia ya watunga sera, washawishi, na maafisa wa serikali kupitia shughuli na fursa zake nyingi za mitandao. “

Je, ni mipango yako ya baadaye ya SiGMA Group?


hamira yetu ni kuwa mfanya mabadiliko duniani - natumai kuendelea kuiongoza SiGMA katika njia hii tunapojenga maono yetu yakufafanua upya nafasi ya kamari - kuunda mazingira salama na ya kuwajibika kwa sekta ya kamari yenye jukwaa moja la elimu, udhibiti, ubunifu, na burudani. Mnamo 2024, tuko tayari kuanza safari ya kusisimua katika mabara matano yenye matukio sita makuu. Kituo chetu cha kwanza kitakuwa Dubai mnamo Februari, na wakati huu, UAE inatukaribisha kwa kuanzishwa kwa mamlaka mpya ya udhibiti wa michezo ya kubahatisha, na kuongeza msisimko wa kurudi kwetu. Mnamo Machi, marudio yetu yanatupeleka hadi Afrika, ambapo tutafanya alama yetu huko Cape Town. Ukumbi wetu ni Hoteli ya Integrated, inayotoa mazingira bora ya kujihusisha na tasnia ya kamari iliyoimarishwa ya Afrika Kusini na kuimarisha uhusiano wetu na hadhira yetu ya kimataifa.


prili tutarejea Brazili, ambapo mabadiliko ya hivi majuzi ya udhibiti na kuanzishwa kwa bili mpya imeweka mazingira muafaka kwa tukio letu kustawi. Mafanikio ya ajabu ya ziara yetu ya kwanza yamezua shauku kubwa, na kufanya huu kuwa wakati mwafaka kwa biashara yetu ya pili. Kuja Juni, tutaingia Asia, tukitoa sehemu kubwa ya tukio letu la Manila kwa washirika wa ardhi. Tukio letu la CIS na Balkan, ambalo lilipata mafanikio makubwa huko Limassol mwaka huu, sasa litafanyika katika jiji la Budapest linalovutia. Hasa, Ulimwengu wa Washirika pia utajiunga nasi huko Dubai na Manila, na kuongeza msisimko. Kuhitimisha mwaka, tuna Wiki ya Malta mnamo Novemba, kutoa kufungwa kwa kufaa kwa safari hii ya kufurahisha ya kimataifa. Pia tunapanga kutoa filamu nzuri sana ya kusherehekea muongo wetu katika sekta hii. Sitaki kufichua mengi bado, lakini tarajia kutambua nyuso zingine maarufu!

Umejifunza nini kutoka kwa Eman Pulis, mwanzilishi wa SiGMA Group, ambayo yamekusaidia kuabiri tasnia ya matukio yenye ushindani mkubwa?


man ni mmoja wa watu wenye juhudi na wanaoendeshwa bila kuchoka ambao nimewahi kupata bahati nzuri ya kukutana nao. Nimejifunza na ninaendelea kujifunza mengi kutoka kwake, ikiwa ni pamoja na jinsi ya kuendelea kujiboresha, kuwapa watu na, muhimu zaidi, jinsi ya kamwe kukata tamaa.

Magurudumu yanaendelea kwa SiGMA kuwa zaidi ya kampuni ya matukio. 74.

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

Safeguarding Futures Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

In a continent where gaming is flourishing, Oyindamola Michaels, the Country Manager at Betano (Kaizen Gaming) and Head of Operations at Gamble Alert, stands as a beacon for responsible gambling in Africa. Advocating tirelessly against irresponsible gambling practices, he’s spearheaded initiatives, sensitizing underage students across Nigeria about the perils of reckless betting.

Katika bara ambapo michezo ya kubahatisha inastawi, Oyindamola Michaels, Meneja wa Betano (Kaizen Gaming) nchini Nigeria na Kiongozi wa Uendeshaji wa Gamble Alert, anasimama kama mwanga wa kamari inayowajibika barani Afrika. Akipigania kwa bidii dhidi ya mazoea ya kamari isiyo na uwajibikaji, ameongoza juhudi za kuwaelimisha wanafunzi wadogo nchini Nigeria kuhusu hatari za kubashiri kiholela. Kupitia ushirikiano kati ya Chama cha Wanabashiri wa Nigeria (ANB) na Gamble Alert, kampeni hii inalenga kuokoa maisha na kukuza utamaduni salama wa kubahatisha. Lakini kwa nini kamari inayowajibika ni suala muhimu sana?

With collaborations between the Association of Nigerian Bookmarkers (ANB) and Gamble Alert, this ongoing campaign aims to save lives and promote a safer gambling culture. But why is responsible gambling such a critical issue? In this discourse, Andemola sheds light on the imperative need to prioritize player welfare in the gaming industry, drawing lessons from Europe and suggesting pivotal measures to protect players, particularly minors, while fostering a supportive gaming environment.

Katika mazungumzo haya, Oyindamola anatoa ufafanuzi kuhusu umuhimu wa kipaumbele cha ustawi wa wachezaji katika tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha, akitoa mifano kutoka Ulaya na kupendekeza hatua muhimu za kulinda wachezaji, haswa watoto wadogo, wakati pia kukuza mazingira ya kubahatisha yenye msaada.

Kindly introduce yourself? I am Oyindamola Michaels. I am the Country Manager at Betano(Kaizen Gaming) and the current Head of Operations at Gamble Alert that advocates for responsible gambling in Africa.


Tafadhali jifahamishe.

imi ni Oyindamola Michaels. Mimi ni Meneja wa Nchi wa Betano Nigeria (Kaizen Gaming) na sasa ni Kiongozi wa Uendeshaji wa Gamble Alert inayopigania kubahatisha inayowajibika huko Afrika.Nimeendeleza hili sehemu kubwa ya Nigeria kwa kuwaelimisha wanafunzi wadogo kuhusu madhara ya kubahatisha isiyo na uwajibikaji. Ni kampeni inayoendelea ambapo tunataka kuhakikisha maisha ya watu yanahifadhiwa.

I have pushed it in most parts of Nigeria by sensitizing the underage students about the harm in irresponsible gambling. It is an ongoing campaign where we want to ensure that people’s lives are saved.

The Association of Nigerian Bookmarkers(ANB) and Gamble Alert are doing a lot particularly in working together to make this awareness against irresponsible gambling campaign work. Why is it crucial to take responsible gambling matter seriously?

Ushirikiano kati ya Chama cha Wanabashiri wa Nigeria (ANB) na Gamble Alert unafanya mengi, haswa kwa kufanya kazi pamoja kuhakikisha kampeni hii dhidi ya kubahatisha isiyo na uwajibikaji inafanikiwa. Kwa nini ni muhimu kuchukulia kwa uzito suala la kubahatisha inayowajibika?


he operators here in Africa are mostly there to make money but at the same time , they need to protect the players if they want their business to continue thriving . They should show them that they care about their well-being .

Waendeshaji hapa Afrika kimsingi wanataka kufanya pesa lakini wakati huo huo, wanahitaji kulinda wachezaji ikiwa wanataka biashara yao iendelee kukua. Wanapaswa kuwaonyesha kuwa wanajali ustawi wao. Ulaya, waliacha kutumia kadi za malipo kwenye majukwaa ya kubahatisha tu kulinda wachezaji dhidi ya kubahatisha isiyo na uwajibikaji. Tunahitaji kuwaalika wachezaji kwenye semina ili kuwaelimisha kuhusu masuala ya kubahatisha inayowajibika.

For instance, in Europe they stopped debit cards from being used on gambling platforms just to protect players against irresponsible gambling. We need to invite both punters and operators to seminars to educate them on matters of responsible betting.


Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

The Country Manager, Betano (Kaizen Gaming) and Head of Operations Gamble Alert

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

Katika Ulaya, tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha imeendelea sana katika kulinda wachezaji dhidi ya kubahatisha haramu. Je, unaweza kufafanua tofauti katika sheria kati ya Ulaya na Afrika na ni mafunzo gani unadhani tunaweza kujifunza kutoka nchi za Ulaya?

In Europe the gaming industry is very developed on punters protection against illicit gambling. Can you paint us a picture on the differences in laws in Europe and Africa and what lessons do you think we can learn from European countries?


here are a lot of differences between the two continents. When you go to the gaming sites of the developed European countries, at the foot of the site, you will find a statement that advices players about responsible gambling.

Kuna tofauti nyingi kati ya mabara hayo mawili. Unapotembelea tovuti za michezo ya kubahatisha katika nchi zilizoendelea barani Ulaya, chini ya tovuti, utapata taarifa zinazoshauri wachezaji kuhusu kubahatisha inayowajibika.

There are also some phone numbers they can reach out to when they want psychological or emotional help. Punters can book with the doctors or psychologists. We need to adopt this in Nigeria and other African countries. Putting this information in the gaming websites will be of great help as it will amplify more this campaign on responsible gambling.

Pia kuna nambari za simu unazoweza kupiga kupata msaada wa kisaikolojia au kihisia. Unaweza pia kupanga mikutano na madaktari au wataalamu wa akili. Tunahitaji kuchukua hatua hii nchini Nigeria na nchi nyingine za Afrika. Kuweka habari hizi kwenye tovuti za michezo ya kubahatisha kutakuwa na msaada mkubwa kwani itaongeza kampeni hii ya kubahatisha inayowajibika zaidi.

As it might not be enough to promote responsible betting through these gaming sites, what other avenues are available to pass across this message?

Kwa kuwa huenda isiwe ya kutosha kukuza kubahatisha inayowajibika kupitia tovuti hizi za michezo ya kubahatisha, njia zipi zingine zinapatikana kusambaza ujumbe huu?


omeone who is suffering from gambling addiction will rarely call the customer service personnel of the operator to tell them what problem they are going through or to help them close their gambling accounts. Customer care personnel also are not trained on how to handle such cases.


tu anayesumbuliwa na uraibu wa kubahatisha hawezi kupiga simu kwa huduma kwa wateja kuwaambia tatizo analopitia au kuwasaidia kufunga akaunti zao za kubahatisha. Wafanyakazi wa huduma kwa wateja pia hawafundishwi jinsi ya kushughulikia kesi kama hizo. Tunahitaji kuwaelimisha jinsi wanavyopaswa kuwaelimisha, kuwaelimisha wateja. Hii inapaswa kuwa hatua ya kwanza.

We need to educate them on how they need to approach such cases whenever a client calls for help. This should be the first step.

November being a responsible gambling month, there was a responsible gambling summit held in Cape Town South Africa in that same month and this was one of the very few gambling summits held in Africa. Do you think this was the right way to go?

Kulikuwa na kongamano la hivi karibuni juu ya kubahatisha inayowajibika huko Cape Town, Afrika Kusini, na hii ilikuwa moja ya mikutano michache sana ya kubahatisha iliyofanyika barani Afrika. Je, unafikiri hii ilikuwa njia sahihi ya kwenda?


We need more of these summits but we not only need punters to participate in them but also the operators to take part so that they can be part of the ambassadors of responsible gambling to their clients .

unahitaji mikutano zaidi lakini tunahitaji waendeshaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha kuwa sehemu ya hafla hizi ili waone jinsi wanavyoweza kuwa washirika katika haya.

Kulikuwa na utafiti uliofanywa mwezi wa Oktoba na Mkenya Chinyere Mariam Agbocha na timu yake. Utafiti ulikuwa kuhusu wanafunzi wa Jimbo la Imo ambapo 507 kati yao walifanyiwa utafiti kuhusu usambazaji na sababu zao katika kubahatisha.

There was a study done in October by the Nigerian Chinyere Mariam Agbocha and her team. The study was about students of Imo State where 507 of them were examined on the matters of prevalence and determinants in gambling. 78.

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

The Country Manager, Betano (Kaizen Gaming) and Head of Operations Gamble Alert

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

like the Association of Nigerian Bookmarkers (ANB) and Gamble Alert highlight the collective effort in promoting responsible gambling practices.

“ Ushirikiano kati ya mashirika kama

Chama cha Wanabashiri wa Nigeria (ANB) na Gamble Alert unasisitiza juhudi za pamoja katika kukuza mazoea ya kubahatisha inayowajibika.

Waligundua kuwa asilimia 77 ya wale waliomo kwenye utafiti walikuwa wamebahatisha katika miezi 12 iliyopita. Hivyo hii ilionyesha jinsi watoto wadogo wanavyoshiriki sana katika kubashiri, ambayo ni jambo la kutisha. Kulingana na maoni yako binafsi, ni hatua zipi zinahitajika kuchukuliwa ili kupunguza kubahatisha kwa watoto wadogo?

The study found out that 77 per cent of the students had gambled in the last 12 months. So this showed how minors are highly involved in betting which is a scary matter. As per your personal view, what are the measures that need to be put in place to reduce underage gambling?


ne thing that has proven to be very difficult for operators to control is the age of the punters while they are gambling online. An underage person might be using their parents or older siblings credentials to register on betting sites.

So in Nigeria, the only way to help counter this has been at that time of withdrawing the money when they are asked about the Know Your Customer(KYC) which is a process in Nigeria that all businesses are required to carry out to be able to identify the customers they are doing business with. We have been touring schools in Nigeria to sensitize learners on dangers of underage betting. Basically, education on vices of underage betting needs to be addressed.

Ni jambo gumu sana kudhibiti umri wa mtu wakati wanabashiri mtandaoni. Mtu anaweza kutumia vyeti vya wazazi wao au ndugu wakubwa kujiandikisha kwenye tovuti za kubahatisha. Kwa hivyo njia pekee ya kusaidia kusitisha hili imekuwa wakati wa kutoa pesa wanapoulizwa kuhusu Kujua Mteja wao (KYC) ambayo ni mchakato nchini Nigeria ambao biashara zote zinatakiwa kufanya ili kuweza kutambua wateja wanafanya biashara nao.


wa hivyo tumekuwa tukizuru shule kuwaelimishajuu ya hatari za kubahatisha kwa watoto wadogo. Kimsingi, elimu juu ya maovu ya kubashiri kwa watoto wadogo inahitaji kushughulikiwa.

Je, unaweza kuelezea jinsi tunavyoweza kutumia teknolojia kutambua masuala ya kubahatisha kwa watoto wadogo na kubahatisha isiyo na uwajibikaji?

Can you highlight on how we can use technology to identify issues of underage gambling and irresponsible gambling?

Matumizi ya KYC yamekuwa ya msaada mkubwa. Kuna maendeleo mengi ya kiteknolojia kama vile mienendo ya kubeti na kujiondoa kwa mtu binafsi na kadhalika.

The use of KYC has been of great help. Further, there are a lot of advances such as self-exclusion and the likes. Also, operators need to block them once they realize that they are minors and get excluded from other betting platforms too.

Pia, waendeshaji wanaweza kuwafungia pia mara wanapotambua kuwa ni watoto wadogo na kujiondoa kwenye majukwaa mengine ya kubashi-

This will only work when operators liaise with telcos so that once someone gets blocked by one op-

“ Emphasizing the importance of player welfare, Andemola underscores the necessity for gaming operators to prioritize the well-being of their customers alongside their business goals.

“ Collaborations between organizations

“ Kuzingatia umuhimu wa ustawi wa

wachezaji, Andemola anasisitiza umuhimu wa waendeshaji wa michezo ya kubahatisha kuweka kipaumbele kwa ustawi wa wateja wao pamoja na malengo yao ya biashara.


Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

The Country Manager, Betano (Kaizen Gaming) and Head of Operations Gamble Alert

Safeguarding Futures: Promoting Responsible Gambling in Africa

Do you think that the regulators across various gaming countries are adequately supported in their mission to aid individuals who are in distress of their gambling partners?

Je, unafikiri wasimamizi katika nchi mbalimbali za michezo ya kubahatisha wanapata msaada wa kutosha katika jitihada zao za kusaidia watu ambao wako katika dhiki na washirika wao wa kubahatisha?

I don’t know about the regulator but the gaming brands support some of these organizations through corporate social responsibility (CSR) or giving them equipment or funding them to facilitate their projects.

Bila shaka ndiyo. Sijui kuhusu msimamizi lakini chapa za michezo ya kubahatisha zinatoa msaada kwa baadhi ya mashirika haya kupitia dhima ya kijamii ya kampuni (CSR) au kutoa vifaa au kufadhili miradi yao.

However, they need support from everyone including the governments, not only monetary support.

Hata hivyo, wanahitaji msaada kutoka kwa kila mtu, siyo msaada wa pesa tu.

How can we help individuals overcome difficult economic times while at the same time address their gambling habits?

Tunaweza jinsi gani kusaidia watu kushinda nyakati ngumu kiuchumi wakati huo huo tukishughulikia tabia zao za kubahatisha?

The financial challenge in Africa has always been constant. You can only help them by giving them a platform to reach out to.

Changamoto ya kifedha huko Afrika imekuwa ya kudumu. Unaweza tu kuwasaidia kwa kuwapa jukwaa la kuwasiliana nalo.

Lastly, what is your advice to the African regulators and operators to help promote responsible gambling practices and create a safer gambling environment?

Hatimaye, una ushauri gani kwa wasimamizi na waendeshaji wa Kiafrika ili kusaidia kukuza mazoea ya kubahatisha inayowajibika na kuunda mazingira salama ya kubahatisha?

Regulators should partner with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to help them echo the sensitization on responsible betting.

educate customer care personnel and sensitize clients play a crucial role in fostering responsible gambling.

“ Mbali na maonyo kwenye tovuti, juhudi

za kuwaelimisha wafanyakazi wa huduma kwa wateja na kuwaelimisha wateja zina jukumu muhimu katika kuendeleza kubahatisha inayowajibika.

“ Beyond website advisories, efforts to

Wasimamizi wanapaswa kushirikiana na Mashirika Yasiyo ya Kiserikali (NGOs) ili kuwasaidia kueneza uhamasishaji juu ya kubahatisha inayowajibika.


Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

lou mari


Chief Operating Officer

Eventus International

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry Katika miaka ya hivi majuzi, tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika imepata ukuaji mkubwa, huku wachezaji wapya wakiingia sokoni na waliopo wakipanua shughuli zao. Ukuaji huu umeambatana na ongezeko la mahitaji ya matukio ambayo yanakidhi mahitaji ya tasnia.

In recent years, the iGaming scene in Africa has encountered substantial growth thanks to new players who have joined the market while the existing ones are expanding their operations. As a result, there has been a massive growth leading to an increased demand for events that cater to the needs of the industry.

Eventus International imeibuka kama mchezaji anayeongoza katika nafasi hii, ikiandaa matukio yenye mafanikio yanayoleta pamoja wataalamu na wadau wa sekta hiyo.

Eventus International, a summit and exhibition company is one of the key players that have filled this gap by hosting successful events that bring together the industry experts and stakeholders.

Tuliketi na Lou-Mari Burnett, Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshaji katika kampuni hiyo, ili kujifunza zaidi kuhusu safari yake na Eventus, nafasi ya wanawake katika uongozi, mipango yao ya siku zijazo na kuchunguza safari yao ya mafanikio. Mahojiano hayo yaligusia zaidi mafunzo kutoka kwa uzoefu na mipango ya siku za nyuma za matukio yajayo ya Eventus International barani Afrika na kwingineko.

iGaming AFRIKA had a chit-chat with Lou-Mari Burnett, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at the company, to learn more about her interesting journey with Eventus, her say on the role of women in leadership, the company’s plans for the future and also to explore on their First, tell us who is Lou- Mari, a brief history about your upbringing, and how you landed at Eventus International.

Tafadhali tuambie zaidi kukuhusu


ell, I am a proudly South African “small-towner” who grew up on the Western Coast of South Africa. While I travel the globe from event to event during the year, I will always call South Africa my true home. I first started my journey with Eventus International back in 2016 and have since assisted in creating 15 brand-new event platforms. I hope to double this in the coming years.

alipoanza safari yake na Eventus “ Tangu International mwaka wa 2016


alisaidia katika kuunda majukwaa 15 ya matukio mapya na anatarajia kuongeza hii maradufu katika miaka ijayo.

Since she started her journey with Eventus International back in 2016 she assisted in creating 15 brand-new event platforms and hopes to double this in the coming years.

Mimi najivunia kuwa wa “mji mdogo” wa Afrika Kusini na kulelewa Pwani ya Magharibi ya Afrika Kusini. Na ingawa nasafiri ulimwenguni kutoka tukio hadi tukio wakati wowote wa mwaka, bado naita Afrika Kusini makazi yangu ya kweli. Nilianza safari yangu na Eventus International mwaka wa 2016 na tangu wakati huo nimesaidia kuunda majukwaa 15 mapya ya matukio. Natumai kuongeza hii mara mbili katika miaka ijayo.

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Over the last years, Eventus International has increased its overall number of female employees up to 80 percent as a way to promote gender equality in the male-dominated industry.

Katika miaka iliyopita, Eventus International imeongeza idadi yake ya jumla ya wafanyakazi wa kike hadi asilimia 80 kama njia ya kukuza usawa wa kijinsia katika sekta inayotawaliwa na wanaume.

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Congratulations on your recent appointment for the COO role at Eventus International. It must have been a long journey as you have spent 7 years at Eventus climbing the ladder to that top position. Did you see this coming and also how are you finding the new role? I am extremely grateful and proud to step into the role of COO at Eventus International. Honestly, I never saw it coming as I have always been passionate to deliver first as I always believe that this is the key to succeeding. Since I joined the company back in 2016, the gaming industry has significantly grown for the better, encouraging inclusion and diversity on a global scale. I am proud to say that Eventus International aspires to celebrate inclusion by breaking boundaries to move theindustry forward. The new role challenges me in a positive way daily and I am honored to lead our international and proudly diverse team.

It is apparent that senior executive positions in most organizations are male-dominated, not just in the gaming industry but also in other industries. Considering your case, why do you think this trend should change and more women be empowered to also hold senior executive positions in organizations?


agree that the male gender is still considered in top positions than the female counterparts. The underrepresentation of women in senior executive positions is a complex issue that extends beyond the gaming industry and affects various sectors. Women bring unique perspectives and valuable experiences to leadership roles. Talent and leadership potential are not gender-specific, and companies should tap into the full spectrum of available talent. A diverse leadership team is better equipped to understand and respond to the needs of an equally diverse customer base. This can lead to more effective marketing strategies, enhanced product development, and improved customer relations.

Hongera kwa uteuzi wako wa hivi majuzi wa jukumu la Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshaji katika Eventus International. Je, unauonaje jukumu lako jipya?


inashukuru sana na ninajivunia kuingia katika jukumu kama Afisa Mkuu wa Uendeshajikatika Eventus International. Tangu nijiunge na kampuni hii mnamo 2016, tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha imekua kwa kiwango kikubwa na kuwa bora zaidi, ikihimiza ujumuishaji na utofauti katika kiwango cha kimataifa. Ninajivunia kusema kwamba Eventus International inatamani kusherehekea kujumuishwa kwa kuzidi mipaka ili kuendeleza tasnia hiyo mbele. Jukumu langu jipya linanipa changamoto kwa njia chanya kila siku na nina shukrani ya kuongoza timu yetu ya kimataifa na inayojivunia kuwa na anuwai.

Nafasi za watendaji wakuu katika mashirika mengi zinatawaliwa na wanaume, sio tu katika tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha ila katika tasnia zingine pia. Kwa kuzingatia kesi yako, unadhani kwa nini hali hii inapaswa kubadilika na wanawake wengi zaidi wapewe nafasi za juu katika mashirika?


wakilishi mdogo wa wanawake katika nyadhifa za watendaji wakuu ni suala tata ambalo linaenea zaidi ya tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha na kuathiri sekta mbalimbali. Wanawake huleta mitazamo ya kipekee na uzoefu muhimu kwa majukumu ya uongozi. Vipaji na uwezo wa uongozi sio mahususi wa kijinsia, na kampuni zinapaswa kujumuisha wigo kamili wa talanta zinazopatikana.Timu ya uongozi tofauti ina vifaa vyema vya kuelewa na kujibu mahitaji ya msingi wa wateja tofauti. Hii inaweza kusababisha mikakati madhubuti zaidi ya uuzaji, ukuzaji wa bidhaa ulioimarishwa, na kuboresha uhusiano wa wateja.

Ni changamoto gani imekuwa ngumu zaidi ambayo umekumbana nayo kama mwanamke anayefanya kazi katika tasnia ya matukio?

On that same note, as a woman in the events industry which is dominated by men, can you recall the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your line of work?

I wouldn’t call it a challenge anymore, as I believe it is something we have overcome. As with any other industry, I believe a woman has to work twice as hard to prove herself in the workplace. Catering to a male-dominated industry specifically (events in the iGaming sector), we had to stand our ground but couldn’t be too dominating. We had to be confident, but not too stern. We had to be respectable but not unapproachable. We had to network like men but still behave like ladies. We had to be the man but in a woman’s body.

Siwezi kuliita changamoto tena, kwani naamini ni jambo ambalo tumeshinda. Kama ilivyo kwa tasnia nyingine yoyote, ninaamini kuwa mwanamke lazima afanye bidii zaidi ili kujidhihirisha mahali pa kazi. Kuhudumia tasnia inayotawaliwa na wanaume haswa (matukio katika sekta ya michezo ya kubahatisha), ilitubidi kushikilia msimamo wetu lakini hatukuweza kutawala kwa fujo sana. Ilibidi tujiamini, lakini tusiwe wakali sana. Ilitubidi tuheshimike lakini isiwe hatuzungumziki. 86.

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Ilitubidi tuwe na mtandao kama wanaume lakini bado tudumishe tabia kama wanawake. Ilibidi tuwe wanaume, lakini katika mwili wa mwanamke. Sasa, ninaamini imekuwa kawaida kukubalika kwa mwanamke kuwa yeye mwenyewe kabisa katika nafasi ya madaraka, na kutoa maoni yake bila kubadili mienendo yake.

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

I believe it has become more naturally acceptable for a woman to be completely herself in a position of power, and voice her opinion without having to defend it. And, I am proud to be a part of pushing this narrative.

Na, ninajivunia kuwa kati ya sehemu ya kusukuma simulizi hili.

Briefly, take us through the journey of Eventus International since its inception, the growth, and what has been the secret behind all these company achievements.


Eventus International was founded in 2010 by our Founder and CEO, Mr. Yudi Soetjiptadi.

Unaweza kutupa muhtasari wa ukuaji wa Eventus International tangu kuanzishwa kwake?

ventus International ilianzishwa mwaka wa 2010 na Mwanzilishi na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wetu, Bw. Yudi Soetjiptadi. Tangu wakati huo kampuni imekuwa na ukuaji mkubwa na imejiinua yenyewe kama moja ya waandaji wakuu wa hafla ya michezo za kamari katika tasnia ya kimataifa. Sasa tunakaribisha matukio zaidi ya 19 kila mwaka ambapo tunashughulikia mabara manne na nchi zaidi 19. Na, kuhusu mipango yetu ya siku za usoni kuhusu kalenda yetu ya matukio, tumetambua masoko na maeneo ya ziada ambapo tutaunda majukwaa mapya ya matukio ili kuendelea kufanya kile tunachofanya vyema zaidi, na hiyo ni kuunganisha viongozi na viongozi wengine kote ulimwenguni.

Since then the company has undergone significant growth and has leveraged itself as one of the top iGaming event hosts in the global industry. We now host 19+ events each year where we cover 4 continents and 19+ countries. And, as for our plans regarding our events calendar, we have identified additional markets and regions where we will create brand new event platforms to continue doing what we do best, and that’s connecting leaders with leaders all around the world.

International ilianzishwa “ Eventus nchini Afrika Kusini miaka 13 iliyopita

na sasa inaandaa matukio zaidi ya 19 kila mwaka yanayojumuisha mabara 4 na nchi 19+.

“Eventus International was founded in

South Africa 13 years ago and now hosts 19+ events each year covering 4 continents and 19+ countries.

Eventus International primarily serves as a bridge between different industry players. What are some of the significant triumphs that have helped the organization establish its footing in the sector today, and what are the major push factors that have contributed to the growth?


ard work and dedication have been some of the most important building blocks for the company, with a team committed to excellence and sustainability, Eventus International has proven that the sky’s the limit. At Eventus International our unwavering commitment is to deliver excellence in every aspect of our events. Recognizing that we work with a very diverse range of markets, we place significant emphasis on presenting our platforms to our target audience. We integrate the unique cultural and demographic aspects of each country into the events we host. By truly knowing our customers, we can find the best methods to provide them with the most effective and engaging experience possible. Additionally, Eventus International offers.

Eventus International ni shirika linaloheshimika ambalo hutumika kama daraja kati ya wachezaji wa tasnia tofauti. Je, ni baadhi ya mafanikio gani muhimu ambayo yamesaidia shirika kuanzisha msingi wake katika sekta hii leo, na ni mambo gani makuu ya kusukuma ambayo yamechangia ukuaji huo?


ufanya kazi kwa bidii na kujitolea kumekuwa baadhi ya vitalu muhimu vya ujenzi kwa kampuni, na kuwa timu iliyojitolea kwa ubora na uendelevu, Eventus International imethibitisha kwamba anga kweli ni kikomo. Katika Eventus International dhamira yetu isiyoyumba ni kutoa ubora katika kila kipengele cha matukio yetu. Kwa kutambua kwamba tunafanya kazi na aina mbalimbali za masoko, tunaweka mkazo mkubwa katika kuwasilisha majukwaa yetu kwa hadhira yetu inayolengwa. Tunajumuisha vipengele vya kipekee vya kitamaduni na idadi ya watu wa kila nchi katika matukio tunayoandaa. Kwa kuwajua wateja wetu kikweli, tunaweza kupata mbinu bora zaidi za kuwapa utumizi bora zaidi na unaovutia iwezekanavyo. Zaidi ya hayo, Eventus International hutoa huduma zinazozingatia wateja, ambapo washiriki wa timu yetu wanapatikana wakati wowote ili kujibu maswali yoyote. Tunalenga kuwapa wateja wetu muda wa majibu kwa haraka iwezekanavyo.


Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Eventus International

was founded in South Africa

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Tangu nijiunge na Eventus International, je utofauti na usawa umebadilika ndani ya kampuni? Na ikiwa ndio, vipi?

customer-centric services, where our team members are available 24/7 to answer any inquiries. We aim to offer our customers the fastest response time possible.

Eventus International daima imejitolea kutoa mazingira tofauti na sawa, sio tu kwa wahudhuriaji wetu lakini ndani ya kampuni yenyewe. Kama kampuni, Eventus International inatambua utendaji na kujitolea kwa mtu binafsi licha ya jinsia. Zaidi ya hayo, katika mwaka jana tumeongeza wafanyikazi wetu wa kike kwa jumla hadi 80%, ambayo ni ya kipekee kabisa katika tasnia.

Since joining Eventus International, has diversity and equality changed within the company? And if yes, how?


ventus International has always been committed to providing a diverse and equal environment, not only for our attendees but within the company itself. As a company, Eventus International recognizes individual performance and commitment despite gender. Additionally, during the last year, we have increased our overall female employees up to 80 per cent, which is unique within the industry.

Pia tumewapandisha vyeo wafanyakazi wa kike hadi nafasi za uongozi katika idara zetu nyingi. Mahojiano ya Kimataifa ya Lou-Mari Burnett Eventus

Tukizungumzia Matukio yako makuu matatu barani Afrika, ambayo ni Mkutano wa Big Africa, Sports Betting East Africa, na Sports Betting Afrika Magharibi, ni nini kilisukuma shirika kuanzisha matukio hayo, na ni nini malengo ya hafla hizo tatu, haswa barani Afrika. ?

We have also promoted female employees to leadership positions in the majority of our departments.

Speaking of your three main Events in Africa, namely the BiG Africa Summit, Sports Betting East Africa, and Sports Betting West Africa, what prompted the organization to initiate the events, and what are the objectives for the three events, particularly in Africa?

Tukio kuu la Eventus International, The Big Africa Summit, lilizinduliwa mwaka wa 2012 wakati, Mwanzilishi & Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wetu, Bw. Yudi Soetjiptadi, alitambua uwezo wa soko la michezo ya kubahatisha la Afrika Kusini na kuunda jukwaa la wataalamu wa sekta hiyo kukutana. kijua kuwa bara la Afrika lina aina nyingi sana na kwamba mataifa yote hayawezi kuvuka mipaka kwa urahisi kila wakati, kwa sababu ya kizuizi cha visa, gharama za kusafiri na vifaa, aliunda Mkutano wa kilele wa Michezo ya Kamari wa Afrika Mashariki (ili kujumuisha eneo la Mashariki) na Mkutano wa Kamari wa Michezo Afrika Magharibi. (ili kufunika eneo la Magharibi). Sasa kwa mtiririko huo, tunatoa majukwaa 3 ya matukio kila mwaka ili kurahisisha mataifa yote barani Afrika kufikia mojawapo ya matukio haya ili kuungana na wataalamu wenye mawazo kama hayo.

Eventus International’s flagship event, The BiG Africa Summit, launched back in 2012 when, our Founder & CEO, Mr. Yudi Soetjiptadi, identified the potential of the South African gaming market and created a platform for industry professionals to meet.



nowing that the African continent is incredibly diverse and that all nationalities cannot always easily cross borders, due to visa limitations, traveling costs, and logistics, he created the Sports Betting East Africa Summit (to cover the Eastern region) and the Sports Betting West Africa Summit (to cover the Western region). Now, we are offering three event platforms every year to make it easier for all nationalities across Africa to make their way to one of these events to connect with like-minded professionals.

Ni ujumbe gani ambao umesalia thabiti katika hafla zote zinazofanywa na Eventus International kuhusu eneo la Afrika kuhusu mustakabali wa tasnia ya iGaming barani Afrika?

What has been the take-home across the events held by Eventus International on African territory in terms of the future of the gaming industry in Africa?

Uendelevu na ukuaji ndani ya soko la Afrika. Tunaandaa matukio yetu ili kuwapa viongozi wa sekta hiyo jukwaa la kushirikiana, kujadili na kupata maarifa kuhusu sekta za michezo ya kamari barani Afrika. Kama timu ya Afrika Kusini tunaelewa “roho ya Afrika” na tunaamini katika mabadiliko chanya na maendeleo katika kila soko ambapo tunaleta viongozi hawa pamoja.

Sustainability and growth within the African market. We host our events to give industry leaders a platform to collaborate, discuss, and gain insights into the iGaming sectors in Africa.


Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Current financial times are proving to be difficult for a lot if not all industries globally. How does Eventus consider such matters for clients who are from countries that are taking major hits financially, considering that potential partners are avoiding collaborations? It’s important to remember that navigating difficult financial times requires agility and adaptability. At Eventus International, we adapt our strategies, demonstrate empathy and flexibility towards our clients and partners, and invest in building resilient relationships that are more likely to weather economic challenges successfully.

Nyakati za sasa za kifedha zinaonekana kuwa ngumu kwa mengi ikiwa sio tasnia zote ulimwenguni. Je, Eventus inazingatia vipi masuala kama haya kwa wateja wanaotoka nchi zinazopata mafanikio makubwa kifedha, ikizingatiwa kuwa wabia wanaotarajiwa wanaepuka ushirikiano?


i muhimu kukumbuka kuwa kuabiri nyakati ngumu za kifedha kunahitaji wepesi na kubadilika. Katika Eventus International, tunabadilisha mikakati yetu, kuonyesha huruma na kubadilika kuelekea wateja na washirika wetu, na kuwekeza katika kujenga uhusiano thabiti ambao unaweza kukabili changamoto za hali ya hewa kwa mafanikio. Zaidi ya hayo, kusalia vyema kuhusu mwelekeo wa uchumi wa kimataifa ni muhimu sana linapokuja suala la kufanya maamuzi sahihi. Pia tuna ushirikiano thabiti na washirika wa ndani katika maeneo ambayo wana uelewa wa kina wa mazingira ya kiuchumi, na hivyo kutuwezesha kukabiliana na changamoto kwa ufanisi.

Additionally, staying well-informed about global economic trends is when it comes to making informed decisions. We also have strong collaborations with local partners in regions where they possess an in-depth understanding of the economic landscape, enabling us to navigate challenges effectively. Women bring unique perspectives and

Wanawake huleta mitazamo ya kipekee na uzoefu muhimu kwa majukumu ya uongozi. Vipaji na uwezo wa uongozi sio mahususi wa kijinsia, na kampuni zinapaswa kujumuisha wigo kamili wa talanta

valuable experiences to leadership roles. Talent and leadership potential are not gender-specific, and companies should tap into the full spectrum of available talent.

Wakati Eventus International inaendelea kupiga hatua kubwa katika sekta hii, ni ipi baadhi ya mipango ya kampuni, pamoja na baadhi ya malengo unayotaka kutimiza katika miaka michache ijayo?

As Eventus International continues to make major strides in the industry, what are some of the company’s plans, as well as some of the goals you want to accomplish in the next few years?


Kufuatia mafanikio ya ajabu ya SPiCE India katika miaka michache iliyopita, Eventus International imeamua kupanua ufikiaji wake katika mazingira ya Asia. Hatua kwa hatua tumeanzisha matoleo mapya kwa mfululizo wa SPiCE, ambao ni SPiCE Sri Lanka, Spice Philippines, na sasa SPiCE International (ambayo itakuwa mwenyeji katika UAE).

ollowing the incredible success of SPiCE India over the past few years, Eventus International has decided to expand its reach in the Asia landscape.

We have gradually introduced new editions to the SPiCE series, namely SPiCE Sri Lanka, SPiCE Philippines, and now SPiCE International (which will be hosted in the UAE). We anticipate great success for this series and aspire to further expand the SPiCE brand to even more markets in the coming years. As for our other events hosted in America, Africa, and Europe, we are focusing on building our connections and our network in all of our operating countries.

Tunatarajia mafanikio makubwa kwa mfululizo huu na tunatamani kupanua zaidi chapa ya SPiCE hadi masoko zaidi katika miaka ijayo. Kuhusu matukio yetu mengine yaliyoandaliwa Amerika, Afrika, na Ulaya, tunaangazia kujenga miunganisho yetu na mtandao wetu katika nchi zetu zote zinazofanya kazi.Zaidi ya hayo, Eventus International inapanga kupanua kalenda yake ya matukio hadi Amerika Kusini, na kuongeza tukio nchini Kosta Rika na lingine nchini Mexico. Tutashughulikia mabara yote ya dunia mwaka wa 2024 isipokuwa Antaktika na Oceania… kwa sasa.

Additionally, Eventus International is planning to expand its events calendar to South America, adding an event in Costa Rica and another in Mexico. We will cover all continents of the world in 2024 except Antarctica and Oceania… for the time being. 91.

Breaking Boundaries: The Bold Female Championing for Women’s Space in the Male-Dominated Gambling Industry

Is Eventus International having any plans to come up with events in some regions in Africa and beyond that you have not yet fully exploited? If so, which are some of the regions?


es, this year we hosted the inaugural Gaming Event Francophone Africa (GEFA) in Casablanca, Morocco, creating a significant platform for meaningful discussions within the French-speaking countries of Africa. Next year, GEFA is scheduled to take place in Accra, Ghana on 23 - 24 April 2024.

Je, Eventus International ina mipango yoyote ya kuja na matukio katika baadhi ya maeneo barani Afrika na zaidi ya hayo ambayo bado hujayatumia kikamilifu? Ikiwa ni hivyo, ni baadhi ya mikoa gani?


Although Ghana is not a French-speaking country, the country is well located which will make it easier for participants to travel to.

diyo, mwaka huu tuliandaa Tukio la kwanza la Michezo ya Kubahatisha la Francophone Africa (GEFA) huko Casablanca, Morocco, na kuunda jukwaa muhimu la majadiliano ya maana ndani ya nchi zinazozungumza Kifaransa za Afrika. Mwaka huu wa 2024, GEFA imeratibiwa kufanyika mjini Accra, Ghana tarehe 23 - 24 Aprili 2024. Ingawa Ghana si nchi inayozungumza Kifaransa, nchi hiyo iko vizuri jambo ambalo litarahisisha washiriki kusafiri.

Additionally, we have new plans underway to host another gaming event in Central Africa to be hosted in DRC. We are extremely excited to witness this event expand and explore new avenues within the African market.

Zaidi ya hayo, tuna mipango mipya inayoendelea ya kuandaa tukio jingine la michezo ya kubahatisha katika Afrika ya Kati litakaloandaliwa nchini DRC. Tunafurahi sana kushuhudia tukio hili likipanuka na kuchunguza njia mpya katika soko la Afrika.

“ Catering for a male-dominated industry

“ Kuhudumia tasnia inayotawaliwa na

specifically (events in the iGaming sector), we had to stand our ground but couldn’t be too dominating. We had to be confident, but not too stern.

wanaume haswa (matukio katika sekta ya iGaming), ilitubidi kushikilia msimamo wetu lakini hatukuweza kutawala sana. Ilibidi tujiamini, lakini sio wakali sana.

We had to be respectable but not unapproachable. We had to network like men but still behave like ladies. We had to be the man but in a woman’s body.

Ilitubidi tuheshimike lakini tusikubalike. Ilitubidi tuwe na mtandao kama wanaume lakini bado tuna tabia kama wanawake. Ilibidi tuwe mwanamume lakini katika mwiliwa mwanamke.

Je, unaweza kutoa ushauri gani kwa wawekezaji wanaovutiwa na tasnia ya iGaming ya Kiafrika, haswa wale wa ukuzaji wa mchezo/jukwaa, waendeshaji wa makampuni ya kamari na kasino, na nyanja zingine zinazohusiana na michezo ya kubahatisha?

What advice would you give to investors interested in the African iGaming industry, particularly those in-game/platform development, sportsbook and casino operators, and other gaming-related fields?



he African gaming market is very different from the norm. Although there is a lot of potential in the region, many will say that the industry still has a long way to go in terms of growth and development. Our advice would be to connect with the local professionals, to build and nourish relationships in Africa. The best way to understand a market is to learn first-hand from previous failures or successes - to know Africa is to be in Africa. Africa is about being resilient, bold, and brave. The Africa iGaming industry has unlimited potential and we will continue aiming to unveil it at our conferences so potential investors can learn and explore the market with peace of mind.

oko la michezo ya kubahatisha barani Afrika ni tofauti sana na kawaida. Ingawa kuna uwezekano mkubwa katika kanda, wengi watasema kuwa sekta hiyo bado ina safari ndefu katika ukuaji na maendeleo. Ushauri wetu ungekuwa kuungana na wataalamu wa ndani, kujenga na kuboresha uhusiano barani Afrika. Njia bora ya kuelewa soko ni kujifunza moja kwa moja kutoka kwa kushindwa au mafanikio ya hapo awali - kujua Afrika ni kuwa Afrika. Afrika inahusu kuwa na ujasiri. Sekta ya Michezo ya Kiafrika ina uwezo usio na kikomo na tutaendelea kulenga kuifungua kwenye mikutano yetu ili wawekezaji watarajiwa wajifunze na kuchunguza soko wakiwa na amani.


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Charting the future: Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa’s Gambling Market

Charting the Future Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa's Gambling Market

Charting the future: Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa’s Gambling Market

Africa, a continent rich in potential and diverse cultures, is experiencing a surge in its iGaming market, poised to make a significant impact globally. At the forefront of this growth stands the VIP iGaming landscape, ready to harness Africa’s youthful demographic and embrace technological advancements.


frica boasts the youngest population globally, with an average age of just 19.6 years. This youthfulness presents a golden opportunity for operators seeking to invest in and grow their VIP foothold across the continent long-term. As this generation matures, entering prime earning years, their disposable incomes are set to rise, creating an upswing in demand for premium iGaming experiences and VIP program offerings. Mobile gaming is surging in popularity across Africa, with over 600 million mobile subscribers. This highlights the continent’s tech-savvy population and provides a significant advantage for VIP iGaming.


he widespread access to mobile technology enables operators to deliver personalized, high-value experiences directly to players on their mobile devices, creating a seamless and engaging gaming or gambling environment. With the emergence of VIP messengers and bespoke communication options becoming more and more popular, mobile communication will also become a VIP service expectation. Reviewing Africa’s iGaming landscape about numbers and growth potential, it is mind-blowing just how significant the VIP potential becomes in the long term.

Projected Market Value: The African online gambling market is expected to reach a value of $2.2 billion by 2025, showcasing a compelling compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.1 percent. This growth is fueled by increasing internet penetration, rising smartphone adoption, and the growing popularity of online gaming. High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs): The number of HNWIs in Africa is expected to reach 165,000 by 2025, representing a remarkable 38 percent increase from 2015. This growth is driven by Africa’s expanding middle class and rising disposable incomes, further fueling the demand for VIP iGaming programs and service offerings.

Mobile Gaming Penetration: Mobile is surging in popularity across Africa, with over 600 million mobile subscribers. This widespread access to mobile technology enables operators to deliver personalized, high-value online gambling experiences directly to players’ mobile devices as the audience matures and their gaming preferences move towards Sports or Casino-focused platforms.

Technological Advancements Driving VIP iGaming Growth


eyond its favorable demographics, Africa is undergoing rapid technological advancements. These advancements are shaping the continent’s overall growth and driving the expansion and transformation of its VIP iGaming sector. The surge in internet penetration and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics are providing VIP and iGaming operators with powerful tools to enhance their offerings and deliver unparalleled experiences tailored to the preferences of African players. Artificial Intelligence: AI is revolutionizing customer relationship management (CRM) systems, enabling operators to tailor VIP programs to individual player needs and preferences with unprecedented precision and speed of detection. This personalized approach is fostering deeper engagement and loyalty among VIP players. Data analytics: Data analytics, on the other hand, provides operators with deeper insights into player behavior patterns, allowing them to craft targeted and personalized promotions and rewards that resonate with African players. This data-driven approach maximizes player satisfaction and drives retention rates.


Charting the future: Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa’s Gambling Market



iGaming Expert / Consultant | VIP Idol of the year 2022 | 2x Award Finalist | iGaming Judge | Gali’s Guide Creator


Charting the future: Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa’s Gambling Market

hese technological advancements are not merely mirroring global trends; they are being specifically harnessed and adapted to address African players’ unique needs and preferences. Operators recognize African players’ cultural nuances and gaming habits and leverage technology to create truly localized and engaging VIP experiences. As Africa’s technological landscape continues to evolve, so too will the VIP iGaming sector. AI, data analytics, and other emerging technologies will continue to empower operators to deliver personalized, immersive, and rewarding experiences that cater to the discerning tastes of African VIP players.

Strategic Focal Points: While the promising VIP landscape spans the entire continent, specific regions are emerging as hotspots for growth. To highlight 4 key regions with high potential, look towards East Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. East Africa: With its rapidly growing economies and rising disposable incomes, this region is a major driver of VIP expansion. Kenya: With its tech-savvy population and high mobile penetration rate, Kenya emerges as an attractive market. Nigeria: With its large and young population, Nigeria is also expected to see significant growth in the VIP segment as its demographic matures. South Africa: With its well-established gambling industry and affluent clientele, South Africa remains a key player in the VIP African market and is currently one of the most valuable VIP segments on the continent. Navigating Regulatory Waters: Understanding the regulatory environments in Africa is pivotal. While South Africa and Kenya have fully regulated iGaming markets, creating safe environments, other countries may have partial or no regulations. This diversity creates challenges and opportunities for operators looking to venture into and expand within the African market.

Seizing the African VIP iGaming Opportunity


ith a proliferation of new and expanding operators entering and establishing themselves in Africa, the landscape is becoming saturated and increasingly competitive. Successful operators will be those who can creatively and efficiently navigate challenges, leverage technology, and tailor strategies to meet the unique preferences of their African players. With Africa’s VIP segment poised for exponential growth, fuelled by the continent’s demographic advantages, the operators who will succeed will be those who can tailor experiences and offer VIPs more than simply monetary benefits or generic VIP services. Ultimately, what will make or break operators will be how they market their VIP offerings, structure their VIP unique selling points (USPs) and the current and evolving training of their VIP specialists to manage a rapidly growing player base consistently for the long term. Strategic Innovations: Success stories include operators localizing their strategies to cater to African players and forming strategic partnerships across the continent. Current areas of underperformance include delayed VIP program establishment or advancements, low VIP program uniqueness across operators, and a lack of VIP best practice training across Africa.


mindset of one-size-fits-all is widespread and problematic in this increasingly competitive African landscape. By adopting a generic and automated offering, as opposed to tailoring a bespoke and strategically designed VIP program, there is nothing that distinguishes you from your competitors. This means very little persuades or encourages players to leave their current operator and consider an alternative provider. Without a unique selling point (USP), operators don’t only blend into the background; they tend to overspend and overcompensate in an attempt to win and retain players, often cutting deeply into the bottom line, with no guarantees of successful acquisition or retention.


Charting the future: Exploring the VIP iGaming Potential in Africa’s Gambling Market

Furthermore, overcompensated acquisition and retention strategies are not sustainable in the long term and do not work on VIP players, as loyalty cannot be bought. To overcome being just another operator and to avoid isolating or repelling the growing VIP demographic across Africa, consider revising your VIP program, strategy, audit, and offerings critically and consistently under the guidance of VIP professionals with an understanding of best practices applied to this unique market.



n conclusion, Africa’s VIP iGaming market is vibrant and evolving and stands on the precipice of an unprecedented boom. This is being fueled by rapidly growing youth demographics, disposable incomes, and technological advancements. Operators who can skillfully navigate the challenges, embrace technological innovations, and tailor strategies to meet the unique preferences of African players will be the ones to reap the bountiful rewards of this fertile and promising market. In this increasingly competitive landscape, generic approaches will no longer suffice. Operators should adapt to African player preferences, crafting personalized and engaging VIP experiences that set them apart from the crowd. Tailored VIP programs, rewards, and experiences, together with strategic partnerships and a deep understanding of local nuances, will be the keys to unlocking this market’s full VIP potential.


s Africa’s VIP iGaming market continues to evolve, the question remains of who will emerge as the true titans of this diverse and expanding space. The answer lies in those operators who dare to innovate, adapt, and prioritize player satisfaction and exceed expectations while presenting their unique appeal. For those who can rise to the challenge, the rewards will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

Gambling Tunes Music & Slots Merge

Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

From iconic melodies to legendary artists, the evolution of music-themed slot games has transformed the realm of online gambling, creating an engaging and interactive experience that resonates with players on a deeply emotional level. To understand the importance of merging music and gaming, we delve into an exclusive interview with Akinlaja Ayofemi, the visionary Co-founder of Shacks Evolution and a trailblazing game designer as he shares invaluable insights into the dynamic fusion of music & slot games.

Kuanzia miondoko ya kitambo hadi wasanii mashuhuri, mageuzi ya michezo ya kamari yenye mada ya muziki yamebadilisha nyanja ya kamari mtandaoni, na kuunda hali ya kushirikisha na shirikishi ambayo inawahusu wachezaji walio katika kiwango cha hisia. Ili kuelewa umuhimu wa kuunganisha muziki na michezo ya kubahatisha, tunaangazia mahojiano ya kipekee na Akinlaja Ayofemi, mwanzilishi mwenza wa Shacks Evolution na mbunifu mahiri wa mchezo anaposhiriki maarifa muhimu katika mchanganyiko wa muziki na AkinlajaAyofemi michezo ya yanayopangwa.

He further unravels its profound impact on the gaming industry at large.

Anafafanua zaidi athari zake kubwa kwenye tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha kwa ujumla.

How would you describe the intersection of music and gambling entertainment?

Unaweza kuelezeaje makutano ya muziki na burudani ya kamari?


usic plays a pivotal role in shaping the gaming experience, functioning as a powerful mood-setter that significantly influences the overall atmosphere and emotional tone of the gaming environment. In the realm of slot games, the incorporation of music serves to elevate the player’s engagement by adding an extra layer of excitement.


uziki una jukumu muhimu katika kuchagiza hali ya uchezaji, ukifanya kazi kama mpangilio wa hali ya juu ambao huathiri kwa kiasi kikubwa hali ya jumla na sauti ya kihisia ya mazingira ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Katika uwanja wa michezo ya yanayopangwa, ujumuishaji wa muziki hutumika kuinua ushiriki wa mchezaji kwa kuongeza safu ya ziada ya msisimko.

This dynamic synergy between music and gameplay not only enhances the entertainment value but also contributes to creating a more immersive and memorable gaming package.

Ushirikiano huu wa nguvu kati ya muziki na uchezaji sio tu kwamba huongeza thamani ya burudani lakini pia huchangia kuunda kifurushi cha michezo cha kubahatisha zaidi na cha kukumbukwa.

The carefully curated soundscapes not only complement the visual elements but also serve as a catalyst for heightened anticipation and enjoyment, making the gaming experience a multifaceted and sensory-rich journey for players.

Miundo ya sauti iliyoratibiwa kwa uangalifu haiambatanishi tu na vipengele vya kuona bali pia hutumika kama kichocheo cha kutarajia na kufurahishwa zaidi, na kufanya uzoefu wa michezo kuwa safari yenye vipengele vingi na yenye hisia nyingi kwa wachezaji.

From a psychological perspective, how does the integration of music enhance player engagement and immersion?

Kwa mtazamo wa kisaikolojia, jinsi gani ujumuishaji wa muziki huongeza ushiriki wa mchezaji na kuzamishwa?

The integration of music into slot games represents a strategic and impactful approach to enhancing player engagement, fundamentally transforming the gaming experience into a more enjoyable and immersive journey.

Kuunganishwa kwa muziki katika michezo ya yanayopangwa kunawakilisha mbinu ya kimkakati na yenye athari ya kuimarisha ushiriki wa wachezaji, kubadilisha hali ya uchezaji kuwa safari ya kufurahisha zaidi na ya kina.

The careful selection and incorporation of the right music not only serves as an auditory backdrop but also wields the ability to evoke specific emotions within players. This synchronization between music and slot games goes beyond mere auditory accompaniment; it becomes a dynamic force that actively contributes to shaping the player’s emotional response and connection to the gaming environment.

Uteuzi wa makini na ujumuishaji wa muziki unaofaa hautumiki tu kama mandhari ya kusikilizwa bali pia hutumia uwezo wa kuibua hisia mahususi ndani ya wachezaji.


Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

Akinlaja Ayofemi


Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

In essence, the integration of music in slot games transcends the traditional boundaries of entertainment, fostering a multisensory engagement that elevates the overall enjoyment and impact of the gaming experience.

Usawazishaji huu kati ya muziki na michezo ya yanayopangwa huenda zaidi ya usindikizaji tu wa kusikia; inakuwa nguvu inayobadilika ambayo inachangia kikamilifu kuunda mwitikio wa kihisia wa mchezaji na muunganisho wa mazingira ya michezo ya kubahatisha.

How do developers gauge and respond to changing player preferences in terms of Kwa hakika, ujumuishaji wa muziki katika michezo ya yanayopangwa huvuka mipaka ya kitamaduni ya music themes and gameplay? burudani, na hivyo kukuza ushirikiano wa hisia nyingi


t the core of our game development strategy lies a commitment to data-driven decision-making and exhaustive research. We prioritize understanding user experience and actively seek and analyze player feedback as indispensable tools for gauging the evolving landscape of gaming preferences. This proactive approach enables us not only to comprehend current player inclinations but also to anticipate and adapt to the dynamic shifts in their expectations. By scrutinizing user feedback, we gain invaluable insights into emerging trends and evolving preferences, serving as a compass for strategic decision-making. In response to these insights, we seamlessly incorporate updates, and expansions, or even craft entirely new games that align with the ever-changing tapestry of player preferences.

What challenges do developers face when creating music-themed slot games, considering licensing, player demographics, and cultural differences?


ecause these games are served to multiple regions irrespective of culture or demographics, it can be challenging. What can be done is creating themed games for each region. This could be in the form of localized content just as we do at Shacks Evolution Studios. One can create these sounds from scratch with the help of music theme producers to match the type of game created as licensing existing music themes sold online may be too expensive or challenging to acquire. Also integrating music seamlessly into games without compromising performance can be challenging.

With the rise of online and mobile gaming, how has the experience of music-themed slot games adapted to different platforms? The evolution of music-themed slot games in response to the growing demand in the African market represents a dynamic and transformative journey.

ambao huinua furaha na athari ya jumla ya uzoefu wa michezo ya kubahatisha.

Je, watengenezaji hupima na kujibu vipi mabadiliko ya mapendeleo ya wachezaji kulingana na mandhari ya muziki na uchezaji wa michezo?


singi wa mkakati wetu wa ukuzaji mchezo ni kujitolea katika kufanya maamuzi yanayotokana na data na utafiti wa kina. Tunatanguliza uelewa wa uzoefu wa mtumiaji na kutafuta na kuchambua kikamilifu maoni ya wachezaji kama zana muhimu za kupima mazingira yanayobadilika ya mapendeleo ya michezo ya kubahatisha. Mbinu hii makini inatuwezesha sio tu kuelewa mielekeo ya wachezaji wa sasa lakini pia kutazamia na kukabiliana na mabadiliko yanayobadilika katika matarajio yao. Kwa kuchunguza maoni ya watumiaji, tunapata maarifa muhimu kuhusu mitindo ibuka na mapendeleo yanayoendelea, yakitumika kama dira ya kufanya maamuzi ya kimkakati. Kwa kujibu maarifa haya, tunajumuisha masasisho na upanuzi kwa urahisi, au hata kuunda michezo mipya kabisa ambayo inalingana na mabadiliko ya kila mara ya mapendeleo ya wachezaji.

Ni changamoto zipi ambazo wasanidi programu hukabiliana nazo wakati wa kuunda michezo ya yanayopangwa yenye mada ya muziki, kwa kuzingatia leseni, idadi ya wachezaji na tofauti za kitamaduni? Kwa sababu michezo hii inatolewa kwa maeneo mengi bila kujali tamaduni au idadi ya watu, inaweza kuwa changamoto. Kinachoweza kufanywa ni kuunda michezo yenye mada kwa kila mkoa. Hii inaweza kuwa katika mfumo wa maudhui yaliyojanibishwa kama tunavyofanya katika Studio za Shacks Evolution. Mtu anaweza kuunda sauti hizi kutoka mwanzo kwa usaidizi wa watayarishaji wa mandhari ya muziki ili kuendana na aina ya mchezo iliyoundwa kwani kutoa leseni kwa mada zilizopo za muziki zinazouzwa mtandaoni kunaweza kuwa ghali sana au changamoto kupata.


Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge


s developers, we tirelessly strive to meet the changing landscape of technology, their emphasis on adapting these games to online and mobile platforms has been pivotal. This journey has seen a concerted effort to optimize the gaming experience for an array of devices, ensuring not only seamless gameplay but also incorporating captivating soundtracks that resonate with the diverse musical tastes of audiences throughout the African continent. In this adaptation process, as developers, we have gone above and beyond to create games that transcend cultural boundaries and appeal to a wide range of players. The strategic focus on mobile accessibility has played a central role in expanding the reach of these music-themed slot games. By making them readily available on mobile devices, we have successfully tapped into the preferences of players from various corners of Africa, providing an inclusive and immersive gaming experience.

Beyond the gaming industry, do you see influences from the music industry impacting the design and marketing of music-themed slot games?


bsolutely, the profound influence of the music industry extends far beyond the confines of the gaming realm, permeating the very fabric of the design and marketing strategies employed for music-themed games tailored to the African market. In a strategic symbiosis, developers have actively sought collaborations with local artists, weaving a tapestry of creativity that seamlessly blends the worlds of gaming and music. This collaborative effort not only serves as a testament to the rich culturaldiversity across the continent but also infuses a distinct authenticity into the gaming experience. In essence, the integration of music industry influences in the design and marketing of music-themed games for the African market goes beyond surface-level enhancements. It is a nuanced approach that recognizes the power of music as a cultural force, leveraging it to create an enriched and deeply engaging gaming experience that transcends traditional boundaries.

Pia kuunganisha muziki kwa urahisi katika michezo bila kuathiri utendaji kunaweza kuwa changamoto.

Kutokana na kuongezeka kwa michezo ya kubahatisha mtandaoni na ya simu, je, uzoefu wa michezo ya yanayopangwa yenye mandhari ya muziki umebadilishwa vipi kwa majukwaa tofauti?


ageuzi ya michezo ya yanayopangwa yenye mada za muziki ili kukabiliana na hitaji linaloongezeka katika soko la Afrika inawakilisha safari yenye nguvu na mageuzi. Kama wasanidi programu, tunajitahidi bila kuchoka kukidhi mabadiliko ya mazingira ya teknolojia, msisitizo wao wa kurekebisha michezo hii kwa mifumo ya mtandaoni na ya simu umekuwa muhimu. Safari hii imeona jitihada za pamoja za kuboresha hali ya uchezaji kwa safu ya vifaa, kuhakikisha sio tu uchezaji usio na mfumo bali pia kujumuisha nyimbo za kuvutia zinazoambatana na ladha mbalimbali za muziki za hadhira katika bara zima la Afrika. Katika mchakato huu wa urekebishaji, kama wasanidi programu, tumeenda juu na zaidi ili kuunda michezo inayovuka mipaka ya kitamaduni na kuvutia wachezaji mbalimbali. Mtazamo wa kimkakati wa ufikivu wa vifaa vya mkononi umekuwa na jukumu kuu katika kupanua ufikiaji wa michezo hii ya yanayopangwa yenye mada ya muziki. Kwa kuzifanya zipatikane kwa urahisi kwenye vifaa vya rununu, tumefaulu kugusa mapendeleo ya wachezaji kutoka pembe mbalimbali za Afrika, na kutoa uzoefu unaojumuisha na wa kina wa michezo ya kubahatisha.

Zaidi ya tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha, unaona athari kutoka kwa tasnia ya muziki inayoathiri muundo na uuzaji wa michezo ya kupangwa yenye mada ya muziki?


akika, ushawishi wa kina wa tasnia ya muziki unaenea zaidi ya mipaka ya ulimwengu wa michezo ya kubahatisha, ukipitia muundo halisi na mikakati ya uuzaji inayotumika kwa michezo yenye mada za muziki iliyoundwa kulingana na soko la Afrika.

the realm of slot games, the “ In incorporation of music serves to

uwanja wa michezo ya “ Katika yanayopangwa, ujumuishaji wa

elevate the player’s engagement by adding an extra layer of excitement.

muziki hutumika kuinua ushiriki wa mchezaji kwa kuongeza safu ya ziada ya msisimko.


Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

adapting themes to align with popular genres.

wanahitaji kukaa “ Wasanidi kulingana na mapendeleo ya

muziki ya sasa, kurekebisha mandhari ili kupatana na aina maarufu.

need to stay attuned “ Developers to current music preferences,

Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

How might external factors, such as the evolution of music trends or changes in the gaming industry, shape the future trajectory of these games?


Katika ulinganifu wa kimkakati, wasanidi programu wametafuta kwa dhati ushirikiano na wasanii wa ndani, wakisuka ubunifu unaochanganya kwa ukamilifu ulimwengu wa michezo ya kubahatisha na muziki. Jitihada hii ya ushirikiano haitumiki tu kama ushuhuda wa anuwai ya tamaduni nyingi barani kote lakini pia inasisitiza uhalisi tofauti katika uzoefu wa michezo ya kubahatisha.

xternal factors, such as the evolution of music trends and changes in the gaming industry, play a pivotal role in shaping the future trajectory of music-themed games.

Kimsingi, ujumuishaji wa tasnia ya muziki huathiri muundo na uuzaji wa michezo yenye mada za muziki kwa soko la Afrika huenda zaidi ya uboreshaji wa kiwango cha juu.

Developers need to stay attuned to current music preferences, adapting themes to align with popular genres. Additionally, advancements in technology and gaming trends will influence the incorporation of innovative features to keep the gaming experience fresh and exciting for players.

Ni mbinu iliyochanganuliwa ambayo inatambua nguvu ya muziki kama nguvu ya kitamaduni, kuitumia kuunda uzoefu wa michezo ya kubahatisha ulioboreshwa na unaovutia sana ambao unavuka mipaka ya kitamaduni.

Are there ethical considerations or responsible gaming aspects that developers need to address when integrating music elements?

Je, vipengele vya nje, kama vile mabadiliko ya mitindo ya muziki au mabadiliko katika tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha, vinawezaje kuunda mwelekeo wa siku zijazo wa michezo hii?

Ethical considerations and responsible gaming are crucial aspects developers must address when integrating music elements. We always need to ensure that the use of music does not exploit or encourage irresponsible gaming behavior.


This includes avoiding themes that may promote addictive behavior and incorporating features that encourage responsible gaming practices, such as setting limits on playtime and spending.

ambo ya nje, kama vile mabadiliko ya mitindo ya muziki na mabadiliko katika tasnia ya michezo ya kubahatisha, huchukua jukumu muhimu katika kuunda mwelekeo wa siku zijazo wa michezo yenye mada ya muziki. Wasanidi wanahitaji kukaa kulingana na mapendeleo ya muziki ya sasa, kurekebisha mandhari ili kupatana na aina maarufu.

What propelled you towards or what appeals to you when it comes to game design? The appeal of game design for the African market lies in its ability to blend innovation with cultural relevance. I am drawn towards designs that authentically represent diverse cultures, embrace local music influences, and offer a gaming experience that resonates with the rich tapestry of African communities.

Zaidi ya hayo, maendeleo katika teknolojia na mitindo ya michezo yataathiri ujumuishaji wa vipengele vya ubunifu ili kuweka hali ya uchezaji kuwa mpya na ya kusisimua kwa wachezaji.

It’s about creating games that feel like a celebration of identity and shared experiences.

programu hutanguliza “ Wasanidi uelewa wa uzoefu wa mtumiaji na kutafuta na kuchambua kikamilifu maoni ya wachezaji kama zana muhimu za kupima mazingira yanayoendelea ya mapendeleo ya michezo ya kubahatisha.

prioritize “ Developers understanding user experience

and actively seek and analyze player feedback as indispensable tools for gauging the evolving landscape of gaming preferences.


Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

Gambling Tunes: Music & Slots Merge

Can you tell us some of the attributes you think game designers should have or fundamentals they should take into consideration when tackling music-themed games? Game designers tackling music-themed games for the African market should possess a deep understanding of cultural nuances and diverse musical preferences. Fundamentals should include thorough research into local music trends, collaboration with artists to create authentic soundtracks, and a commitment to cultural sensitivity. Additionally, ensuring the games are inclusive and representative of the diversity within the African continent is essential for a successful and resonant gaming experience.

Je, kuna mambo ya kimaadili au vipengele vya uwajibikaji vya michezo ya kubahatisha ambavyo wasanidi programu wanahitaji kushughulikia wakati wa kuunganisha vipengele vya muziki? Mazingatio ya kimaadili na uchezaji wa uwajibikaji ni vipengele muhimu ambavyo wasanidi programu wanapaswa kushughulikia wakati wa kuunganisha vipengele vya muziki. Daima tunahitaji kuhakikisha kuwa matumizi ya muziki hayatumiki vibaya au kuhimiza tabia ya uchezaji isiyowajibika. Hii ni pamoja na kuepuka mandhari ambayo yanaweza kukuza tabia ya uraibu na kujumuisha vipengele vinavyohimiza mazoea ya uwajibikaji ya michezo, kama vile kuweka vikomo vya muda wa kucheza na matumizi.

Ni nini kilikusukuma kuelekea au nini kinakuvutia linapokuja suala la kubuni mchezo?

culture or demographics, it can be challenging.

Uvutio wa muundo wa mchezo kwa soko la Afrika upo katika uwezo wake wa kuchanganya uvumbuzi na umuhimu wa kitamaduni. Ninavutiwa kuelekea miundo ambayo kwa hakika inawakilisha tamaduni mbalimbali, kukumbatia mvuto wa muziki wa ndani, na kutoa uzoefu wa michezo ya kubahatisha ambayo inaangazia kanda nyingi za jumuiya za Kiafrika. Ni kuhusu kuunda michezo ambayo inahisi kama sherehe ya utambulisho na uzoefu wa pamoja.

sababu michezo hii “ Kwa inatolewa kwa maeneo mengi bila kujali tamaduni au demografia, inaweza kuwa changamoto.

these games are served “ Because to multiple regions irrespective of


Unlocking the iGaming Potential in Africa

unlocking the iGaming Potential in Africa

Unlocking the iGaming Potential in Africa

Pioneering iGaming in Africa

Moreover, Artur’s forward-thinking approach extends to a groundbreaking feature in development.

A Journey of Innovation and Adaptation

In the ever-evolving world of online gaming, one name that stands out is Artur Harutyunyan. As the CEO of SlotPesa and BetFounders, he has been at the forefront of the iGaming industry, with a focus on the African market. In this exclusive discussion with iGaming AFRIKA, Artur shares his experiences, insights, and vision for the future of online casinos in Africa.

He reveals that they are actively working on a feature that will allow users to access certain games even in the absence of a data connection. “This innovation is set to revolutionize accessibility and inclusivity within the iGaming sphere. Artur’s emphasis on mobile app development aligns seamlessly with his overarching commitment to providing a seamless user experience.


rtur Harutyunyan’s journey into the world of iGaming in Africa has been an intriguing one. He emphasizes the importance of understanding user behavior and providing services tailored to the iGaming community. Artur starts by disclosing that creating trust between their brands and the community has been a top priority. “Extensive market research has enabled our company to grasp the unique needs of African users. Continuously adapting our products to the market has been key to establishing successful services that resonate with our target audience”. he starts.

“In a world where user expectations are continually evolving, the ability to offer a convenient, user-friendly interface is non-negotiable. Mobile apps, with their intuitive designs and streamlined functionality, are ideally suited to meet these expectations. They enable users to navigate platforms with ease, access games effortlessly, and enjoy a level of convenience that has become synonymous with modern iGaming.”


he Armenian—born iGaming expert reveals why he chose to focus on Africa as their primary market for his brand. Artur, says that Africa’s iGaming industry, though still relatively young, offers a wealth of potential. “Navigating the market in Africa is somewhat simpler compared to more mature markets,”Artur remarks. “Tanzania is a good example.

Player Education


rtur emphasizes the importance of tailoring platforms to the specific market they serve. “You have to understand what is favored by your target market,” he advises.

It is a small country but well experienced with iGaming. The African market’s promise and growth potential have motivated our team to invest our efforts and resources in the region,” he added.

The Power of Mobile Apps

“In Africa, where mobile money transfers are common, we focus on promotional SMS instead of email marketing. The platform design prioritizes user behavior and offers a diverse range of features, ultimately enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

While discussing the importance of mobile apps, Artur points out that one of the key advantages of mobile apps is their inherent efficiency.

Player education is also a key focus for our companies as educating players about the games we offer increases their chances of winning.

He elaborates on this point by emphasizing the data-saving nature of mobile apps compared to their web-based counterparts.

This commitment to transparency and education underscores our dedication to providing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.”

“Mobile apps are more efficient as they require less data compared to web-based platforms. In a continent where internet access can vary significantly from region to region, this efficiency is paramount. Mobile apps empower users to access their favorite iGaming platforms and games without consuming excessive data, a critical factor in areas where data costs may be prohibitive.” he says. 108.

Unlocking the iGaming Potential in Africa

In a landscape that is rapidly evolving, characterized by diverse cultural, economic, and regulatory factors across African countries, it's essential for investors to begin with a modest scale of operations.

artur Harutyunyan CEO of SlotPesa

Unlocking the iGaming Potential in Africa

Furthermore, Artur states that starting small facilitates the establishment of a strong foundation built on trust. He emphasizes the importance of building trust with the initial customer base.

The integration of cryptocurrency into iGaming is likely to gain popularity, reflecting the industry’s evolving landscape.


ddressing the challenge of data usage, Artur explains the need for light products that retain all functionalities and features while minimizing data requirements. This approach allows users to access their platforms and games efficiently, even in regions with limited data access. Artur discusses the sudden surge in popularity of crash games, emphasizing their user-friendly nature and risk-free appeal. He adds that continuous innovation and unique features contribute to making crash games engaging for players.


“In a market where iGaming might be a relatively novel concept to some users, trust becomes a critical factor for success.


frican countries possess their own unique dynamics and regulations, making a onesize-fits-all approach ineffective. Thus, initiating operations on a smaller scale provides the flexibility needed to adapt and tailor strategies to individual markets.”

The Building Trust Value


urthermore, Artur states that starting small facilitates the establishment of a strong foundation built on trust. He emphasizes the importance of building trust with the initial customer base.

or investors looking to enter the African iGaming market, Artur offers valuable advice. “In a market where iGaming might be a He emphasizes the significance of starting small. relatively novel concept to some users, trust becomes a critical factor for success. “In a landscape that is rapidly evolving, characterized by diverse cultural, economic, and regulatory By focusing on a smaller customer base initially, factors across African countries, it’s essential for investors can devote more attention to providing investors to begin with a modest scale of operations. exemplary customer service, ensuring fair play, and addressing any concerns promptly.” This approach serves multiple purposes,” he says. “By commencing on a smaller scale, investors can more dditionally, Artur advises potential investors effectively manage their resources and navigate to avoid countries without regulatory bodthe complexities of the market. ies, calling attention to the importance of operating in regulated markets. It allows for a deeper understanding of the intricacies that might not be immediately apparent. He mentions countries like Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa as established markets with intense competiAfrican countries possess their own unique dynamics tion. For those with smaller budgets, starting in counand regulations, making a one-size-fits-all approach tries with smaller markets can be a wise initial step. ineffective. In conclusion, Artur Harutyunyan shares his vision for Thus, initiating operations on a smaller scale provides the future of online casinos in Africa. He predicts that the flexibility needed to adapt and tailor strategies new solutions will bring forth more innovative games to individual markets.” and features.


Player education is also a key focus for our companies as educating players about the games we offer increases their chances of winning.

“The integration of cryptocurrency into iGaming is likely to gain popularity, reflecting the industry’s evolving landscape.”


Battle of Betting Issue 1 AI’s Wager: Redefining Market Dynamics in the Artificial Inteligence: Igaming Afrika

Rais Busom Consultant in the Gaming Industry, Author of Books on Management, and organizer of the Gaming Tech Africa Summit.

AI’s Wager: Redefining Market Dynamics in the Battle of Betting


ince the launch of the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer commonly referred to as ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, its popularity has spread like bushfire. As this situation has resulted in a massive transformation in different industries, the Gaming scene is reported to be amongst the few industries that have largely ignored this phenomenon. The consequences of ignoring data and technology can be catastrophic as it may result in missing out on valuable insights into customers, the market, and the competitors, but this seems to be the last thing to worry for the gaming operators as they tend to be very conservative when implementing new technologies. Until their positive impact on profits is demonstrated, they are not even considered. Typically, innovations are driven by business-to-business (B2B) companies. There are many cases such as in the customer relationship management (CRM) segment, where there are products that have begun to give excellent results with algorithms based on Reinforcement Machine Learning.


here are also timid applications of artificial intelligence (AI) to sports betting that offer better odds, greater personalization, better risk management, or more successful fraud detection. Nonetheless, the challenge today comes - just as it has happened with the stock market- from many platforms that make sports predictions for players based on AI such as Sports AI, Deep Betting, Leans AI, Unanimous AI, or Reggie The Bot among many others. Developing AI technology is technically speaking a child’s play. Anyone can use open-source libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras to program and train an Artificial Neural Network in Python with optimal predictive results. The most important thing to be successful is to have a long and relevant data series; otherwise, the magic will never happen. This gap between the ease of development versus the delay in adopting these kinds of algorithms shows that the industry is far behind events. The YouTube influencer and AI expert Siraj Rival developed a successful AI sports betting system using an Artificial Neural Network. Mr. Rival’s bot, based on Chat GPT for NBA betting, is available on GitHub and appears to be making money for its users.



AI’s Wager: Redefining Market Dynamics in the Battle of Betting

Issue 1 ortunately, there are still a minority of players who use these tools, but if we look at the widespread use of Chat GPT, it’s a matter of time before we start to have problems in the industry and reduce margins. In any case, the conclusion is obvious. We have to start testing what AI can do for us. We must distinguish, from a business point of view, two large universes of AI. Traditional AI/Machine Learning and New AI/Generative. The first serves to have better analytics, and predictions and help with decision-making. The second is especially used for managing content including processes. Both are necessary for betting operators.

The rapid development of players using AI requires an urgent update to the operators. That’s the only way for the market to reach a new equilibrium in the betting battle for the AI advantage.


he first thing to consider is that AI must be on the CEO’s agenda. It can no longer be a topic for experts. The revolution has to be understood and executed from the top. The growth of the AI ​​tools business is estimated at an astonishing 66 percent in five years. My recommendation is to start evaluating use cases where AI can have a positive impact on the operator and start training employees in the use of generative AI. In other industries, the usefulness has been quickly proven. For example, in software development, the use of code copilots has increased productivity by almost 100 percent.

The three axes where organizationally successful companies usually focus on AI are: Seek strategic advantage: We must look for use cases that provide us with a greater advantage in the long term. To do this, you have to rule out many possible uses that do not add value and focus on one or two that are key. Generative AI is especially suited to managing innovation. It is important to choose manageable projects at the investment level and with rapid results to achieve the desired competitive advantage. Some people also talk about the convenience of having a Chief AI Officer if you want to carry out a radical transformation of the company.


Artificial Inteligence: Igaming Afrika ou have to test and choose the most appropriate tools create new company procedures and train employees. The benefits will be a dramatic increase in productivity, greater creativity in final solutions and services, and greater efficiency. Here it is very important that the Human Resources department is involved and that the change management is transparent, due to the panic that exists about losing jobs due to AI. However, this approach will give more power and autonomy to employees. Protect the business: You have to keep in mind that AI has its risks and you have to be prepared for it. You have to plan the transformation, you have to create clear usage rules, and you have to opt for your technology to avoid being copied into the cloud. It is advisable to have a “Red Team” as it occurs in the field of cybersecurity so that they try to make the AI models ​​ and algorithms fail in all possible ways and can be reviewed. It is also advisable to use human supervision such as RLHF or (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback). However, biases can never be completely avoided, but we must try to be as impartial as possible. There are three decisive factors for success.


n appropriate investment (small and short return), recruiting the right talent in AI businesses (not just technologists), and the right infrastructure (software, databases, suppliers). Both AI/ML and AI/G are revolutionizing the organization of companies in depth, but not in that fatalistic scenario in which humans are replaced by machines, but by collaborating with them. More than automation, it is an enhancement of human capabilities. It is a great growth opportunity for any company. One last piece of advice to finish, the best time to get on board with the AI revolution ​​ is today

Choosing a good LLM (Large Language Models) provider is also key. Prepare the teams: AI/G changes all areas of the company from finance to marketing. It involves a change in culture and the development of new procedures based on generative tools. 112.

A f r i c a ’ s T o pI g a mi n g I n s i d e r www. i gami ngaf r i ka. com

The Soundtrack of Gaming: How Music and Audio Design Influence the Online Gaming Experience

The Soundtrack of Gaming

How Music and Audio Design Influence the Online Gaming Experience By Mercy Sharon


n the immersive realm of online gaming, the power of sound is often underestimated. While stunning graphics and engaging gameplay mechanics rightfully grab the spotlight, the role of music and audio design in shaping the gaming experience is nothing short of pivotal.

From setting the mood to enhancing the overall atmosphere, the synergy between audio elements and gameplay intricacies can profoundly influence a player’s emotional engagement and immersion within a virtual world.

The Soundtrack of Gaming: How Music and Audio Design Influence the Online Gaming Experience

The Mood-Setting Symphony In the world of gaming, music acts as the emotional medium that connects players to the virtual narrative. The carefully curated soundtracks and ambient compositions have the remarkable ability to evoke a spectrum of emotions, ranging from intense exhilaration to spine-tingling suspense.


or instance, the triumphant orchestral swells accompanying a heroic conquest can instill a sense of accomplishment, driving players to push their limits further. On the contrary, a haunting melody or eerie sound effects can create an atmosphere of tension, amplifying the thrill of a suspenseful quest or battle. Moreover, the adaptive nature of modern gaming soundtracks, dynamically adjusting in response to in-game events and player actions, further heightens the immersive experience. The seamless integration of music with gameplay triggers and narrative progression elevates the overall engagement, allowing players to forge a deeper connection with the virtual environment and characters.

Innovation in Audio Design

Interactive Engagement and Emotional Resonance


he impact of music and audio design in the gaming realm transcends mere technical gameplay mechanics, delving into the realm of emotional engagement and psychological resonance. These immersive soundscapes possess a remarkable ability to transcend the digital screen, forging an intimate and profound emotional connection between players and the virtual universe. Through a carefully orchestrated blend of evocative soundscapes and emotive musical compositions, players are seamlessly transported into the heart of the game’s narrative, fostering a profound sense of empathy and emotional investment in the fates of in-game characters. The melodic interplay of a compelling soundtrack has the power to evoke a spectrum of emotions, from nostalgic longing and eager anticipation to spine-tingling suspense and thrilling excitement. These emotional cues serve as a conduit, drawing players deeper into the immersive gaming experience, heightening their emotional stakes, and fostering a lasting bond with their favorite gaming moments. Take for example a game like MK, also known as Mortal Kombat which has been around for decades.



These subtle auditory details not only add authenticity to the virtual world but also contribute to the player’s spatial awareness, guiding their decisions and actions within the game.

The artful fusion of music and audio design not only enhances the gameplay experience but also acts as a catalyst for the creation of enduring memories, forging an indelible connection that lingers long after the gaming session has ended.

eyond the melodic landscapes, the intricacies of sound design play a vital role in enhancing the gaming experience. The meticulous crafting of in-game sound effects, encompassing everything from the rustle of leaves to the thunderous roar of an approaching army, serves as the backbone of immersive gameplay.

Furthermore, advancements in audio technology, such as spatial audio and realistic 3D sound simulations, have revolutionized the way players perceive and interact with virtual environments. The integration of these cutting-edge audio techniques enables gamers to pinpoint the source and direction of in-game sounds accurately, adding a layer of realism that enhances the overall gameplay experience.

very player is so immersed in the virtual world living as their champions, waiting for the peak moment. The catch phrase “Flawless Victory” accompanied by sound effects of triumph at the end of each match is definitely something gamers live for.

The Soundtrack of Gaming: How Music and Audio Design Influence the Online Gaming Experience

The Power of Collaborative Creation The seamless integration of music and audio design in online gaming is the result of a collaborative effort between a diverse array of creative professionals, including game developers, composers, and sound engineers. This dynamic synergy between these creative forces is pivotal in crafting an immersive gaming environment that not only engages players on a cognitive level but also resonates with them on a profoundly emotional level. The collaborative process is a delicate dance, intertwining the intricate thematic elements and nuanced narrative arcs of the game with a meticulously tailored auditory experience.


very note, beat, and sound effect is meticulously curated to not just accompany but elevate the gameplay and storytelling, heightening the emotional stakes and immersive quality of the gaming experience. The intricate interplay between the developers’ visionary design, the composers’ emotive musical compositions, and the engineers’ technical prowess ensures that the auditory landscape seamlessly weaves into the fabric of the gaming world, enveloping players in an evocative and captivating sonic tapestry that enriches every aspect of their gameplay journey.

The Future of Gaming Soundscapes


s the gaming industry continues to evolve, the role of music and audio design is poised to undergo further transformation. The advent of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies opens up new frontiers for immersive audio experiences, promising to transport players into fully realized virtual worlds where the boundary between reality and fiction blurs seamlessly. Furthermore, the integration of personalized soundtracks and interactive audio elements tailored to individual player experiences holds the potential to revolutionize the way players engage with and perceive online gaming. In the multifaceted realm of online gaming, the transformative power of music and audio design serves as a cornerstone in shaping unforgettable gaming experiences. From setting the mood to guiding player actions and evoking deep emotional connections, the synergy between sound and gameplay is instrumental in creating immersive virtual worlds that captivate and enthrall players. As technology continues to advance and creative boundaries are pushed, the future of gaming soundscapes is primed to redefine the boundaries of interactive entertainment, promising to transport players into a realm where every note, melody, and sound effect contributes to an unforgettable gaming journey.

Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya

Innovation at the Helm Empowering Through Esports in Kenya


Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya

hen life serves you lemons, make lemonade out of it. Ronny Lusigi is a true definition of this as the 28-year-old graduate of Bachelors of Education in Physical Education and Sport from University of University rose from the impoverished life of the slum to now being the president of the Esports Kenya Federation. Born and raised in a destitute household in Kibra, Africa’s largest urban slum based in Nairobi, Ronny shares how his passion for football and video gaming kept him away from the dark side of ghetto life. Since many parents live a hand-to-mouth lifestyle in the ghetto, they can barely afford to provide fees for their children’s formal education and this leaves most of them to drop out of school and remain with a few options to make ends meet.


or the lasses, they end up in early marriages or harlotry while for lads, it’s either they get into football, crime or drug peddling.However, Ronny chose football and video gaming. To date, he is still a video gaming buff which pushed him to start his own Esports Kenya Federation, IndexG Esports in 2020. On the inspiration behind him running for the position of president of the E-sports Federation of Kenya, he says that his experience as a leader of a private esports organization opened his eyes to the numerous opportunities in esports and how it has the potential to impact people and transform lives. “I am inspired by how well esport connects with people and I intend to use it mainly as a tool for social good. Additionally, there were things that I felt needed to be addressed in the esports space and only a national federation would be able to do,” he begins. Ronny has also served as a digital media manager for Football Kenya Federation (FKF) and Kariobangi Sharks FC (a professional Kenyan football team).

Four Key Pillars As the newly elected president of Esports Kenya Federation, Ronny mentions the primary goals and objectives of the national executive committee. The four key pillars include: Instilling good governance, integrity, transparency,accountability, and inclusivity as the backbone of our federation at all levels of operations. The second pillar is on athlete welfare, where we intend to put the athlete first and give them the best possible support to thrive. We also aim at using esports as a tool for social good by making esports an avenue where societal challenges like drug abuse, crime, climate change, and mental health are tackled.


astly, we are aiming at Instilling esports in social institutions. We want to take esports to social institutions like being a co-curricular activity in schools, being a consideration in army/security recruitment like other sports and contributing to the ICT ministry digital transformation drive,” he says.

Collaborations for Esport Development


onny envisions a united esports community, with a functioning ecosystem where the federation will enable all sectors and contributors to esports to function to their best of abilities. On his plans to collaborate with other federations, both within Africa and on the global stage for the realization of growth and development of the sport in Africa, he says. “There is an African proverb that says a single bracelet does not jingle. Collaboration is very important towards the realization of our targets. Esports with its digital nature is teaching us everyday that the world is increasingly becoming one village. So we plan to collaborate with other federations in Africa and the world in the main areas such as bringing servers to Africa, having a common standardization of the esports support staff qualifications, spreading esports awareness, training esports talents and hosting esports events.”


onny further states that they are striving to form partnerships with government bodies, private organizations, and educational institutions to support esports development. “It is very important that we partner with these key pillars of our society. It is through them that we shall take esports to every corner of the nation. Furthermore, we shall seek to contribute especially in the area of policy making to ensure esports is factored in. We intend to involve and engage young players at the grassroots level in Kenya, especially the school. We shall dedicate ourselves to making esports gain official acceptance in the school system. Outside school, we intend to use the video gaming shops in the communities as that is where most of them spend their time.” With the poor infrastructure and facilities experienced in most parts of Africa, Ronny mentions the initiatives he has in mind to help solve this mind-boggling puzzle. “We are in talks with both the county and national government for them to allocate some space for us and tie us together to institutions like Kenya Academy of Sports, and Sports Kenya who are responsible for sports infrastructure. We are also seeking strategic partnership with schools to have some training spaces within their computer labs.


Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya

The drawbacks facing the esports industry in Kenya are society’s lack of awareness of esport, access to equipment, inadequate infrastructure and lack of a proper talent development structure.

RONNY Lusigi President of the Esports Kenya Federation

Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya


ut as a country, we are not in a bad position as far as esport facilities are concerened. We have a major national esports tournament, first of its kind coming up in 2024. We also have the university esports league set to continue. Then we also have a big African competition that we shall host in collaboration with the ministry of sports.”

The Gender-Balance Factor As a means to promote gender inclusivity in esports, Ronny remarks that Inclusivity on all spheres is important and promises that they will engage the few female gamers Kenya has in order to include them in planning where they can advise on how best to make the esports space attractive for female gamers. They shall also utilize digital media to showcase the few shining female gamers so that we inspire many more to join.

“We are offering training to athletes on how to brand themselves on social media in a proper way and we are engaging the traditional media to include us in their menu.

here are aspects related to esports like robotics and coding that are being taught in our schools which is a very good thing. As much as we are eager for this, we are cognizant of the fact that it is a process. So what we shall do is just engage the Ministry of Education through the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and see how we can test and introduce this gradually.

On the skills development side, they intend to roll out virtual training sessions and curriculum that any interested person can access and use.

We are offering training to athletes on how to brand themselves on social media in a proper way and we are engaging the traditional media to include us in their menu.

Ronny says that they shall also seek to expand their network with tournament organizers across the world so that they get as many opportunities as possible to send local athletes abroad. As the president of the federation, Ronny aims to leave a decorated legacy behind hoping to leave behind, a properly functional Esports Kenya Federation that has united the esports community to move forward in one direction.

“How can igaming businesses that are targeting punters in Africa help in the growth and development of the sport in Africa?” We asked him again and he passionately and swiftly responded“They can come in using three avenues; sponsorship of equipment and infrastructure, sponsoring tournaments, and supporting capacity-building initiatives.”

We have also integrated esports into educational curricula and promote the development of skills related to the industry.

We shall also engage partners in nations that have done this successfully for them to offer their expertise,” Ronny adds that they shall be putting up esports hubs and training centres where users shall access at subsidized costs or for free, depending on how much support they shall have received from partners.


o ensure that Kenya is well-represented in international esports competitions, Ronny advises that the most important thing on this is to maintain good standing in the global esports community and demonstrate Kenya as a serious esports nation.

“How will you measure the success of your tenure in advancing the esports sector in the country?” We asked him. “The success of my tenure is best measured by the esports community which I serve,” he replies.

In an attempt to increase the visibility of esports in the media and attract a broader audience, Ronny clarifies that they are working with tournament organizers to make their events more visible.


Leaving a Legacy

Open for Building More Partnerships


onny says that they have not worked with betting companies yet but they are open to working with them where the conditions and publisher regulations allow. He also reveals that running this institution has not been a walk in the park as he points out a number of drawbacks facing the esports industry in Kenya including society awareness of esport, access to equipment, inadequate infrastructure and lack of a proper talent development structure. “We intend to address these challenges in various ways. We expect to have numerous awareness drives using both traditional and digital media platforms,plus being part of social events and spreading the message. We intend to have strategic partnerships with government, corporate and social institutions to offer access to equipment and develop infrastructure. We plan to have capacity building initiatives to facilitate the growth of our esports team. On the preparation side, we shall offer our athletes the best support possible for them to take part in these international competitions,” he says.


Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya

We intend to involve and engage young players at the grassroots level in Kenya, especially the school. We shall dedicate ourselves to making esports gain official acceptance in the school system. Outside school, we intend to use the video gaming shops in the communities as that is where most of them spend their time.

Innovation at the Helm: Empowering Through Esports in Kenya

About Ronny Lusigi • Born and raised in a poor household in Kibra, Africa’s largest urban slum based in Nairobi, Ronny’s passion for football and video gaming kept him away from the dark side of ghetto life. • At 28, Ronny was elected the president of Esports Kenya Federation in September 2023. • Being a gaming enthusiast pushed Ronny to start his own Esport company IndexG Esports in 2020. • Ronny has served as a digital media manager for FKF and Kariobangi Sharks FC between 2018-2021.



ences in regulatory framework, economic conditions, ion “The Taxing environment can vary due to the differ industry. It is very important to learn that thelandstaxat with and cultural attitudes towards the gamblingeach cape atory regul se diver a has a Afric nent. atory policies vary from country to country within acrossconti regul sive rehen countries. Some nations have comp different approaches to gambling regulators regulators at all. In Africa, we have South Africa and no or frameworks while others have limited k and equally Nigeria. Keny a whic h have a good regulatory frameworfram k that can compete, if not fully but partially They're one of the countries that have a good ewor David Ukairo with the European markets.” Business Development Manager (Africa) -Mondo Gaming S.R.L


“Finding a new market is challenging for a business and as a business, you should look at many different aspects. From development to licensing of the game, through acquisition, conversion and retention of players, these are crucial things to consider when wanting to start a business as an operator or provider.” Lyubomira Lazarova Founder Amploa brand marketing agency


igaming business is also for them and we have “There is a lack of information for women that. this nt, From the marketing department, IT departme different skills that are basic in these companies e. volum in big are anies comp al since these sales department and HR department these are cruci en can be involved and get into this business.” wom how of s term in ation There is a lack of inform Africa. ion of online casino games gaining popularity intrust . “In the last few years, we have seen the evolut on based were on, opini my ty of those in First there were live sports events and the populari win. d woul who to down came t i when People watc hed matc hes and then trusted theirseeguts evolution of virtual games and the most the could we hen T . place to bets easy These were t reward and short breaks between rounds. important factor here was that there was instan Now you can observe that crash games are on the rise” Danuta Janicka-M ierzwa Deputy Head of Sales TVBET


n it right in Africa in terms of our “It is plunging and appalling that we've still not gotte to conferences and webinars to discuss regulations or our taxations. We come every time meeting up with European standards but about how Africa needs to get it right in terms of to understand is that the the industry, what our government or our regulators have failed business sector for the economy in terms the betting industry in Africa, is a money generating nments keeps trying to increase tax to of job employment boosting and all that but our gover local investments out of the countries.’’ push away the companies or push away foreign or Oyindamola Michael for their audience.” Country Manager Betano (Kaizen Gaming)Nigeria


“Crash games are here and are not going anywhere. We should expect more improvement and development in the future. The future of crash games lies in their ability to diversify and adapt. To prevent monotony, developers must consider incorporating additional features and gameplay elements that keep players engaged and excited. The promise of crash games in iGaming remains strong as long as they strike the right balance between player-sustainability, engagement, and entertainment. Achieving this equilibrium is the key to ensuring that crash games continue to captivate players and thrive within the dynamic iGaming landscape, offering both familiar enjoyment and new experiences for their audience.” Samuel Ogechi Sales Manager PlaylogiQ


t pay the industry, I think we need to have a transparen “In battling the pay gap challenges we have in we our for iating negot to be confident while structure. The other thing is that as women and need iences. This is why having a transparent pay s exper set skill our in pays as well as being confident s to payment negotiations.” tructure will boost women’s confidence when it come encouraging young women who would want to “Having the option to work flexibly could be keyone,in am a great example of this, since I have the pursue a career in the gaming industry. I, forhis helps put one’s mind at ease because it establishes privilege of working remotely for Betpawa. Tamong other aspects.” a sense of balance between work and family Borah Omary Country Marketing Manager betPawa

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