IGBIS Weekly Newsletter. Issue 172. Week 4, November 2018

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IGB International School’s Weekly Newsletter - Issue 172. Week 4. November 2018.

Elementary School Music News ~ Pg.4 Follow us on


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Message from Head of School Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members, The 24 Hour Race is on tomorrow, Saturday November 24th! The 24 Hour Race to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking is one of the largest student-led movements to abolish modern day slavery. It combines social entrepreneurship, fundraising, organisation, awareness and personal endurance as students engage in the organisation of the event itself and in teams that always have at least one member running over the 24 hours of the race.

Over 900 people are expected to be attending the Kuala Lumpur event including teams of runners, chaperones, school staff, parents and volunteers. We are very proud to be chosen as the host for the event and even more proud of the many people in our community who have helped. A report about the race will be shared in next week’s newsletter.

Anne Fowles Head of School

News from Secondary School The final details are being put in place for the 24 Hour Race, taking place this weekend at IGBIS. This is such an amazing event, and the amount of work and organisation from the students and supporting PVO parents has been incredible. To get an idea of the magnitude of the event, one thing that stuck out for me is the number of IGBIS participants on the day of the race, so I decided to check the actual figures.

Considering that there are 113 students in these grades, this means that 69% of them are involved in the 24 Hour Race. Including the extensive involvement of our PVO parents and IGBIS staff who will also be there to support, this is truly a community event.

There will be 48 IGBIS students from grades 9 to 12 who will be the actual runners in the relay. Eight senior IGBIS students are involved in the planning and execution of the event. 22 of our students are also involved in the areas of: marshals, first aiders, photography and video. Overall, there are 78 students from grades 9 to 12 who will be at school this weekend, taking part in some fashion.

Sincerely yours,


I look forward to seeing all these participants and other members of the IGBIS community this weekend!

Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal

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News from Elementary School The increase of the mo (moustaches) around IGBIS. You may have noticed that many male staff members have started to grow a ‘mo’. I was indeed asked today by some very observant Grade 5 girls, ‘are you also growing a moustache Mr. Simon?’ With a wry smile I had to admit, I was, at least attempting to! So why? ‘Movember’ is an annual event where males start the month of November clean shaven and then they grow a mo, to raise awareness of men’s health issues, like prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide. Through this awareness it is hoped that men may consider having regular health check ups, find out their family history of cancer and adopt a healthier lifestyle. With just over one week to go, this could be your final opportunity to witness the ‘Mo Bros’ for 2018!

How are you developing independence at home? At IGB International School we believe that students need to be independent, to take responsibility and to take action themselves. We try this in many ways at school from the Early Years all the way to Grade 12. Are you developing this at home too? Could your children: • Pack their own bags for the following day? • Get out the clothes they are going to wear the next day (particularly important with the rotating timetable)? • Take their plates when they have finished a meal to the sink or put in the dishwasher? • Help pack their healthy snacks for the next day? These are just a few small things they could be doing. I am sure you can think of other ways to build independence. This week saw two Elementary students take it upon themselves to pick up some of the rubbish (plastic bottles, etc.) left on the field and dispose of them properly. They saw a need and they took action. What would be even better is if all students independently took responsibility and threw their own rubbish away, not only in school but beyond school. However, I would like to thank these two Grade 2 students for their responsibility and care of our school.

Dates for your diaries • • •

Friday 7th December: Kopitiam with the ES principal Friday 14th December: Holiday Bazaar: 9.30am Friday 14th December: Christmas Assembly 1.30pm

Simon Millward

Elementary School Principal

Igniting Minds

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Elementary School Music News Clare Demnar

group and Miss Karen, Miss Kari and Miss Nancy supporting the singers. A secondary quartet accompanied them.

Elementary Music Teacher

.................................................................................................................... It has been a busy few months in Elementary School music. The classes have been working on reinforcing beat and rhythm through playing, singing and dancing. In keeping with the tradition of Orff music, we start with an interesting rhyme, add the beat and then the rhythm. We then learn to sing the melody of the rhyme and play the melody on instruments which further reinforces these musical elements. During these last few weeks, Grades 1 to 4 have been working on dances in which they created some extra dance moves with their partner. They will now transfer this piece to instruments, creating a bordun (repeated bass line) and an ostinato (repeated melodic pattern), and working together in small ensembles to play parts of the melody. Grade 5 have also been learning to play the ukulele and developing their dramatic talents.

Phoenix Tweeters, Theatre Club and Art Club Junior come together in an exciting opportunity to be part of the IGB Elementary School Production at the end of March. Students can be involved in making props and set design, singing or acting. They can even do all three if they want. To have a lead speaking or singing role in the production, students need to sign up for this activity. Some extra rehearsals may occur closer to the show. So tell your children to bring their creative talents along and come and join us!

Early Years and Kindergarten students are preparing for a performance at the Christmas Assembly, and Kindergarten will also be playing and singing at their assembly next week, so come along and see your children performing. Well done to the Phoenix Tweeters who performed at the Deepavali Assembly with Miss Hadewych conducting the


Igniting Minds

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ia, Grade 3

On the 14th of November Grade 3 went to Muzium Negara. They went there because recently they began a unit about ancient artifacts and the past. They saw old coin in very peculiar shapes. Armour that knights actually wore, And caveman tools such as stone knives carving materials and much, much more. n Muzium Negara, there were four rooms. The first room was filled with items that caveman used or needed in their daily lives such as coffins, stone tools, And a few skeletons all from appro imately seven thousand years ago. .

also a big model of the ruins of a castle and we could go inside it and see the war through a window. The last room had plenty of artifacts of Malaysia today like, hinese new year dresses, And fun facts about Malaysia.

Grade 3 students field trip to Muzium Negara The second room included ob ects from Malaysia a long time ago like king and queen thrones crowns royalty dresses or gowns and

and a lot more. The ne t room had galores of guns, real swords, And models of ships. There was


By Sierra, Grade 3

On the 14th of November Grade 3H and Grade 3B went over to Muzium Negara, When Grade 3 got there we ate snack and looked at one of the first cars ever made. Then after that G3 went inside. There were 4 rooms. The first one was artifacts from almost 75,000 years ago, then the second room we went to was the cultural things from maybe 100 years ago and the 3rd room was the wars against Portugal, then the 4th room is Malaysia today then G3 went outside, ate more food, then G3 went back to school.

Grade 3 students field trip to Muzium Negara By Landen, Grade 3

On the 14th of November Grade 3 whent to Muzium Negara to look at the artifacts in the muzium.

Igniting Minds

about skull bones and caveman and then we went to the 2nd room and that one was all about the kings and queens way back in time. The 3rd room is all about the British and some other cultures. Room 4 is about where we are now how we live now. Then we split into 4 groups and took photos of the artifacts we like most. After that we got back on the bus and went back to the school.

When we got off the bus we ate are fruit break and then we got in to the museum we went to 4 rooms. The first 1 we went to is all

Impacting Lives


The number 24 Shireen Blakeway Grade 3 Teacher

.................................................................................................................... After the 24 minute run Grade 3 students did some thinking around the number 24. It is a fascinating number! We had to think of all the different ways we could make a sum where the answer would be 24. We also thought about any other facts we could think of about the number 24‌. There are 24 hours in a day. 24 is an even number. 24 has two tens and 4 ones. We love the number 24 and send good wishes to all people participating in the 24 hour run this weekend.


Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

Focus on Inclusion Part of the IGBIS School Mission is “To provide an inclusive learning community, embracing diversity‌â€? But what exactly does it mean to be inclusive? On Friday morning, our Elementary Learning Support Teacher, Ms Lizzie, gave an informative talk to parents and community members about what it means to be an inclusive school. She talked about how being an inclusive school means more than just accepting students with different learning needs, it means recognising, appreciating and actively including all students. It means making sure that our school is a safe place for all students regardless of gender, race, nationality or ability. She shared some of the research that shows that having students with a range of needs and abilities in a classroom benefits all students both socially and academically. She gave specific examples about how our learning environment at IGBIS was set up to accommodate the many different learning

Igniting Minds

styles we all have, and showed how students, when in an inclusive classroom, are willing and able to help each other and to learn from each other. It was encouraging to see so many people from our community participating in such an important discussion, and moreso, to see them leave with greater awareness of inclusion and how it benefits the whole school community. As a follow up to this, IGBIS Elementary will be participating in Inclusive Schools Week from December 3 to 7. This is an annual international event and is a time designated to acknowledging the hard work and commitment of teachers, administrators, students, and parents in making their schools more inclusive and, thereby, significantly contributing to the development of a more inclusive society. We will share more information about how IGBIS will be involved in Inclusive Schools week next week.

Impacting Lives



Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

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