Igli Larashi Reference Letters

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Fiugplatz 2l 4,131I Dortmund Te


02 3 I /92 45 -0

Telefax: 02 3l /92 45 60 00 lnlerf et: www.eurow ngs.com Dr. Albrecht Knaui Fr edrich W helrn Weitho z (Vors tzender) Euro!v

rgs Luftverkehrs

Dr.Joachim Ken


I Nurnberg HRB 8907


Pristina Airport Civil Authorities

llandelsreg ster Nurnberg

Dortmund, June,07 2002

Letter of Notice Eurowings Flug GmbH hereby appoints: With this "Letter of Notice" we would like to inform all concemed, that Mr. Larashi has successfully completed training on below stated procedures through Eurowings Flight & Ground Operations Department, during Aprill2OO2 in Dortmund and DUsseldorf, Germany.

General Eurowings and Supervision procedures Passenger Services / Check - In / Gate procedures Lost & Found procedures Ramp Services and procedures Ground Operation procedures Flight Operation procedures General communication Therefore we would like to advise that Mr. Larashi is entitled to represent all of the Company needs at Pristina Airport, on the behalf of Eurowings Flug GmbH Operations. Signed in Dortmund, 07 of June 2002

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John Fehrens Assistant Manager Ground Operations Eurowings Flug GmbH


eurowings t -L:::":li. lgli

31 0303

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lhr Ansprechpartner: Abteilung: Unser Zeichen: Telefondurchwahl: Telefaxdurchwahl:

Hans Christ Grqund Operations CHR/sek +49 (0)40 500 501 63 +49 (0)40 500 501 11 Sita: HAMSDXH E-Mail: Hans.Christ@HAM BU RG-international. de

Letter of reference

Hamburg, 21 February 2003

We herewith certify that Mr. lgli Larashi is in charge of our supervision handling agent for Pristina airport. He is authorized to deal with all necessary authorities and suppliers on our behalf such as entry and landing permissions, traffic rights, airport and ground handling matters. We are very satisfied with his rendered services.

t'AtBUtE tr'?-) -Larashi lgli

Haos Christ Manager-Ground Operations

PRN Flight Supervisor




Hl. HNIIBURG inlernotionolLuftverkehrsgesellscholt mbH + Co. Betriebs






D-22335 Homburg


Ielelon: +49 (0) 40 - 500 501 Fox: +49 {0) 40 ' 500 501 E moi : contoct@HAMBURG-internoiicno .de Slto: HAMHHXH WEB: HAMBURG iniernoiionol.de Bonkverbindungr HomburgischeLondesbonkSwiftHALADEHH 8U20050000 EURKto.: )27282 USDKto:127282004 Nord/LB Swlfi NOIADE 2H . Bl7 250 500 00 . EUR Kro : I 0t 4Ot 255 USD Kfo.: I 8OO 709 I 52

Si.Nr: 26l'145105551 Usl idNr: DE81267 1148 HRANr: 96465Hcmburq GeschdltsfLihrungr

Norbert Grello, Klous A Sch ichtmonn, Christoph von So dern Amtsger cht Horrburg HRB 75900


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LuffrraBpon-Untemehren Gmbtl, Flrgharen Halle 8, D-'10474 Dissedod

Pristina, Kosovo AirPort Civil Aviation Regulatory Office to whom it maY concern

Your Letler from

Your Reference

LTU LufttransportUntemehmerrGmbH Phone

Our Reference

Direc't Line

+49/2'll I 9418-5812


Fax Ext-


Letter of Notice

LTU Lufttransport Unternehmen GmbH hereby appoints:

With this " Letter of Notice" we would like to inform all concerned, that Mr. lgliLarashiand Mr. Naim EjuPi has succesfully completed training on below stated procedures through LTU Flight and Ground Operations Department, during May 2003 in LTU Headquarter DUsseldorf, Germany.


General LTU and Supervision procedures Aircraft Data, Limitations and Descriptions Load and Weight Management Operationaland RamP Handling Passenger Handling Baggage Handling Cargo Handling Communication Security EmergencY

PRN will Mr Larashi and Mr Ejupi initiate all necessary actions to ensure that LTU Operations from Manual. Operations LTU Ground in procedures laid down be in compliance wit'h ihe above of the Therefore we would like to advise that Mr Larashi and Mr Ejupi are entitled to represent all Airport. PRN at needs LTU Lufttransport Unternehmen GmbH Handling .:l

With best':regards


. t,-


I .. ; i

Michael Latta n"eiionrl Mqnager LTU Lufttransport Unternehmen GmbH Phone 0049-21 1 -941 8-581 2 Fax 0049-211-9418-036 Email Michael. Latta@ltu.de Reoistered




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Dresdner BankAG

Diissok,orf Ba*





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Givil Aviation Regulatory Office



Julv 18th, 2003




This is to confirm that Mr. lgli Larashi has been duly designated by LTU Lufttransport Unternemen GmbH as their official representative in Pristina, Kosovo, to act as the company's agent for flight operations related procedures vis-d-vis the Civil Aviation Regulatory Office and Pristina lnternational Airport. l-iis assignment is not of a limited duration.

This document has been issued at Mr. Larashi's request.


Mr. Gretar Oskarsson Head, Civil Aviation Regulatory

F"""or* GARO"

4.s a



WHP Surorr9

Postal Address: Rilindja City Conrpountl, Rooms 5, 6, 7 and 14, Ptistina. KOSOVO Tel.:-r-381 (38) 504 604 ext. 5797 ct Far: +381 (38) 504 604 ext. 4670 or +381 (38) 2l I 009 Wsb: \.vu,!v.riluttik-caro.org

Power of Attorney

Hereinafter Mr. Igli Larashi LTU Lufttransport-Unternehmen GmbH in Pristina


is assigned for working as agent for Kosovo

POC (Point of contact) numbers are Phone: ++ 381 / 38 50 20 62




/ 38 50 20 6l

E-mail : igli. larashi@eurokoha.net 1. The above-appointed person r.vill constantly remain in Pristina




The appointed person is authorized to represent LTU Lufttransport-Unternehmen GmbH as agent for flight operation related procedures vis-d-vis the governmental and administrative bodies: LINMIK, Pristina Airport Authority and Pristina Airporl. The appointed person will accept services and receive documents for proceeding them to the companies registered office in Di.isseldorf, Germany.


pil? Offrcial Stamp

(R. Schlebusch) -Director Ground Operations-

TINCA 10.08

LTU LufttEnsport-Untemehmen

GmbH, Flughafen Halle 8,






Civil Aviation Division Attn.: Mr. Haamoune Chakira P.0. Box 999 Pristina

LTU LufttransportUnternehmen GmbH Phone +49/211l941&08

Kosovo Youi Refei'ence

Yolrr Letter from

Our Reference

Direct Line

Fax Ext





08. May2003

Power of Attorney for LTU-Agent in Pristina/Kosovo (Mr. l. Larashi) Our e-mail dated March 28'n,2003 Dear Mr. Chakira, reference is made to our e-mail by Mr. M. Latta of LTU dated March 28th, 2003 on above mentioned subject. Enclosed you find the original form of the duly signed Power of Attorney for Mr. lqli Larashi to work as LTU-Agent in Pristina/Kosovo for your further attention.

For the sake of clarity please note, that the Power of Attorney for Mr. R. Demolli, proceeded to you 'yia teiefax dated January 31"1,2003 has been i-evoked an,J is nuii arrcj void. Mr. R. Demolli is no longer authorized to represent or act in the name of LTU Lufttransport-U nternehmen G mbH. Sincerely yours,

i^t LTp tuftransport-Unternehmen GmbH - l."gFt Department -

: Hoinering) ibff1r77 tll"!



General V

Registered Office

Dusseldorf HRB 16582






Chief Executive Officer Sten Daugaard Mana0ing Director JUrgen Marbach

Chaiman of the


Board Reischl

sory Hans

Dresdner Bank AG D0sseldorf Bank Code 300 800 00 Account No. 02 121 475 01

Bank of America FEnkfud Bank Code 500 109 00 Account No.41 840 206

Bank of America Frankfurt Bank code 500 10s 00 USD AccQunt No. 41 840 074


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To whom it may concern

Hereby we would like to confirm the following information required by Mr. Igli Larashi from Airpoft Pristina Authorities on date 15.02.2003.

Mr. Larashi has been officially presented in Pristina International Airport at 05.1 1.2000 by Albanian Airlines in Position of Station Supervisor and Pristina Area Representative. During this period we remained great full about his good co-operation and helpful actions that he has shown giving always a good example of high professionalism and correctly compotation. On this period also he was parl time Crossair Ltd representatives designed by a local tour operator Kosova Reisen AG showing a good ability and high professional skills dialing with company of good images like Crossair. Since July 2002Mr.Larashi presented himself as Interline & Flight Operation Manager of Eurokoha Reisen GbmH/Kosova Airlines designed to represent the following company as Eurowings Flug GbmH & German Wings and Hamburg Intemational Air Lines, Ada Air etc.

By part of Airport Prisitna Management and Staff we could declare that we consider Mr.Larashi one of the most qualified and graduated airlines staff operating here daily. It's a really satisfaction dialing and collaborating together as costumers like in this case on hope that we are investing on building step by step a solid and good future. hvusjm

Pristina 05.02.2003




cba " post{ijiir ?3

i6 :4 * 85335 t'liinchrjr-iiusiriri!{

Pristina, Kosovo Airport Civil Aviation Regulatory Office to whom it may concern

Munich, 1 B. August 2004

Dba Luftfahrtgesellschaft mbH hereby appoints:

With this " Letter of Notice" we would like to inform all concerned, that Mr. lgli Larashi and Mr. Naim Ejupi has succesfully completed training on below stated procedures through dba Training Department, during August 2004.



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General dba and Supervision procedures Aircraft Data, Limitations and Descriptions Load and Weight Management Operational and Ramp Handling Passenger Handling Baggage Handling Cargo Handling Communication Security Emergency procedures

Mr Larashi and Mr Ejupi initiate all necessary.actions to ensure that dba Operations from PRN will be in compliance with the above procedures laid down in dba Ground Operations Manual. r.;ry:r.ilirchn


Therefore we would like to advise that Mr Larashi and Mr Ejupi are entitled to represent all of the dba Luftfahrtgesellschaft mbH Handling needs at PRN Airport. With best regards ill


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itrctcf lfrrDiaiill .: r. - :.,:...6r-,-r.,.,.ir:. l::ir11:.iiri:ilf.cr

Phone 0049-89-975 91 51 0 :iiiz: i.{rn.rii, Fax 0049-89-975 91438 Email hermann. lindner@flydba.com l:lriiji';i9i9)iiri





Tirana I nternational Airport N*n6 T*r*ua

To Whom lt May Concern:

Ref: AGIRCV Date:0210412013

Subject: Letter of Reference Tirana lnternational Airport ('TlA') SHPK (former Tirana Airport Partners SHPK) is the Concession Company that manages Tirana lnternational Airport, since April 2005, in accordance with the Concession Agreement, ratified by the Law. No. 9312, dated 11.11.2004'On the ratification of the Concession Agreement entered between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and Tirana Airport Partners SHPK for the construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Tirana lnternational Airport Nene Tereza, and for conferring some special incentives to this concession company.' Mr. lgli Larashi was employed in the position of Director of Ground Handling Department for the period 01.03.2006 until 01.07.2011 and in the position of Director Cargo Department for the period 01.07.2011 until 31.03.2013. During this time Mr. Larashi reported to the TIA Chief Operation Officer and has regularly performed the following duties: a a

a a

Lead and manage the Ground Handling respectively Cargo Department; Edit, update and implement the policies, procedures and practices of the Ground Handling respectively Cargo Department; Plan, develop and implement TIA's Ground Handling strategy (including safety and security policies, operating plan, customer service standards, etc); lmplement and develop further TIA's Cargo strategy; Manage and monitor compliance with quality, customer service, safety and security standards; Establish and maintain contacts with authorities, customers and business partners in relation to ground handling and cargo services; Organize, instruct and assign staff to department's functions in order to guarantee a smooth handling of aircraft, passenger, luggage and/or cargo; Prepare budget and administer the Ground Handling respectively Cargo Department.

Mr. Larashi has succeeded in maintaining high levels of management and productivity. He was dedicated to designing and adopting the ground handling organizational structure and furtheron to increasing professional efficiency of this department as well as the Cargo Department. Mr. Larashi maintained high standards for service quality and accuracy, especially expressed in communication with customers, staff and other parties involved in operational practices. He interacts effectively with staff and is well organized.

Tirana lnternational Airport SHPK Tirana lnternational Airporl Nene Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone:00355 4 238'1 600 Fax: 00355 42381 545 f -mail : info@tirana-airport.com Website: www-tirana-airport.com


]iranllnternational Airport rueng iereza

Mr. Larashi completed his duties diligently and professionally applying a structured approach in his daily work. Throughout the period of employment he was committed that

the Ground Handling respectively Cargo Department remain effective, productive and focused. He has shown a high degree of devotion and aimed at providing assurance to the Management concerning the provision of excellent services to the customers.

We wish Mr. Larashi all the best for his future professional career and personal development. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours Sincerely, Tirana lnternational Airport SHPK



RodCasi -Vasquez oor ration Officer


Tirana lnternational Airport SHPK Tirana lnternational Airport Nene Tereza, Administration Building, Rinas, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 4 238'1 600 Fax: 00355 4 2381 545 E-mail: info@tirana-airport. com Website: www.tirana-airport. com


30 January 2008

G6rard Borel General Counsel

Mr Igli Larashi Ground Handling Director Tirana International Airport SHPK Tirana International Airport N€n€ Tereza Terminal Building Rinas ALBANIA


I undersigned

G6rard Borel, General Counsel, attest that Mr. Larashi, attended on December, 5th, 2006 at ACI EURoPE premises located 6 Square de Mee0s - B -1000 Brussels (Belgium).

the 1't AcI


This Workshop which involved airpofts, associations of disabled persons and the representative of the European Commission addressed problems related to the implementation of Regulation (EC) 1107/2006 on the rights of Disabled Persons & Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by air. Best regards, A

EnF,{}R"il'5 C{} {i}jCl.{,

INi Tr,in ii:




Airports Council International - European Region 6 square de Mee0s, 1000 Brussels, Belgium - tel:+32 (O)2 552 0980 - fax:+32 (0)2 502 5637 e-mail: gerard.borel@aci-europe.org - www.aci-europe'org - TVA: BE 431.887.748






Acr EURoPE PRM workshop Brussels, 24 January 2OO8 ATTENDANCE LIST

PRESENT 1. Mrs. Dhersin 2. M. Roche 3. M. Lefevre 4. Annik Ludmann 5. Laurence Quentin 6. Oktay Cetintas

A6roports de Paris A6roports de Paris A6roports de Paris A6roport de Strasbourg 46roport Nantes Atlantique EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg

7. Claire Longden 8. Liz Freeman 9. Simon Whitby

Manchester Airport East Midlands Airport East Midlands Airport

10. Claire Dale 11. Louise Boulden

Kent International Airport Kent Internatlonal Airport

12. Christophe O'Brlen 13. Carmel Kilcoyne

Dublin Airport Authority Ireland West Airport

14. Anthony P. Gibson 15. Evan Mulvey 16. Michael Connolly 17, Eibhlin Mc Grath 18. John Fielding 19. Paul Hennesy

Airport Airport Airport Airport Shannon Airport Shannon Airport Galway Galway Galway Cork

20. Frank Mumme 21, Michaela Gralka 22. Stefan Soucek 23. Giosud Cammareri 24, F. Mariotti 25. S. Berlenghi 26. Marcella Mantovani 27. Paolo Sordi



Munich Airport Salzburger Flughafen


Aeroporti di Roma Aeroporti di Roma Aeroporti di Roma Bologna Airport SEA Aeroporti di Milano

28. Jean-Luc Proveniers 29. Pierre Halleux 30. Emmanuelle Rousseau 31. Karl van de Gaer

The Brussels Airport Company Charleroi Airport

32. Minna Schalin 33. Jari Pusa

Finavia Helsinki-Vantaa Airport Finavia Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

Lidge Airport Lidge Airport

34. lgli Larashi

Tirana International Airport

35. Stamatis Varsamos 36. Vassills Lerapetritis

Athens International Airport Athens International Airport




37. Kamila Dqbek 38. Artur Amirowicz 39. Jolanta Rokosz 40. Annelie Lonn 41, Ali Parsa

42. Cristina Montero Alonso 43, Manuel Norte 44, Aija Veisa 45. Mark Keulers 46. Cristian Alexe 47. Reidar Meland 48. Line Hansen-Just 49. Fred Andreas Wister 50. Thierry Nossent 51. Ariane de Morsier 52, Jens Jahn 53. Jurate Sakiene

54. Romualdas Chaninovicius 55. Sophie Marangou 56. Antonis Vassiliades

International Airport Cracow International Airport Cracow International Airport Cracow LFV Group (Swedish Airports) LFV Group (Swedish Airports) AENA

ANA (Aeroporto de Lisboa) Riga International Airport

Maastricht Aachen Airport Bucharest "Henri Coa nda " International Airport

Avinor/ Oslo Airport Avinor/ Oslo Airport Avinor/ Oslo Airport Geneva International Airport Geneva International Airport

Unique Zirich Airport Vilnius International Airport Vilnius International Airport Hermes (Cyprus) Airports Hermes (Cyprus) Airports

Also in attendance: 57. Christophe Dussart 58. Maria Nyman 59. Vanessa Holve

European Commission (DG TREN)

European Disability Forum (EDF) ACI EUROPE




30 January 2008

G6rard Borel General Counsel

Mr Igli Larashi Ground Handling Director Ti rana International Ai rport SHPK Ti rana International Ai rport Ndnd Tereza Terminal Building Rinas ALBANIA


I undersigned



G6rard Borel, General Counsel, attest that Mr. Larashi, attended ACI EUROPE PRM Workshop on January,24'h,2008 at ACI EUROPE

premises located 6 Square de Mee0s B-1000 Brussels (Belgium).

This Workshop was dedicated to the current situation regarding

the implementation of Regulation (EC) 1107/2006 on the rights of Disabled Persons & Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by air, especially regarding the tender procedures, the criteria and the transfer of data from airlines and travel agencies to the airport operator.


6 square de Meeus The \bice of Europe's Airports




Associaiion Internationale

i. Eut


Airports Council Internataonal - European Region 6 square de Mee0s, 1000 Brussels, Belgium - tel:+32 (0)2 552 0980 - fax +32 (0)2 502 5637 e-mail: gerard.borel@aci-europe.org - www.aci-europe.org - TVA: BE 431.887.748

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