Sliding with the penguins, playing hide and seek with the polar cubs, skipping and jumping with the hares or whirling on the ice with the tundra swans… These are some of the games the children of the Arctic North like to play with their animal friends.
This season, Ígló&Indí draws inspiration from the fascinating Arctic North. Its captivating colour palette includes shades of snowy white and grey. Different hues of grey are mixed in with arctic blue, navy, green and black, evoking the beautiful northern lights dancing across the sky. In addition, Ígló&Indí introduce a special print featuring their home country, Iceland, and its spectacular nature.
Ígló&Indí’s collection continues to grow every season; our range of childrenswear now includes certified organic pieces, outerwear and a special Holiday collection which is ideal for more festive occasions.
As always, each garment is designed with comfort and wearability in mind, allowing children to freely play in their own frozen fantasy